
Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting (Read 22298 times)

Started by RajaaBoy, August 04, 2011, 12:49:52 pm
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Who do you think deserves to be noted as Character of the Month of July?

CM Punk by SeanAltly
13 (10.9%)
Sabretooth by Kamekaze
6 (5%)
Nmori by Adamlexus
6 (5%)
Zeori by Jesuszilla
4 (3.4%)
Troubleman by Drkelexo
12 (10.1%)
Nrvnqsr Chaos by Rajaa
11 (9.2%)
UMKT Shang Tsung by The_None and MelvanaInChains
14 (11.8%)
Shadow Sumou by 3ha
10 (8.4%)
Asura by buckus
12 (10.1%)
Dudley by Buckus
9 (7.6%)
Gambit by Buckus
1 (0.8%)
Sean by Buckus
4 (3.4%)
Yumizuka Satsuki by ?
4 (3.4%)
K' by Mouser
1 (0.8%)
K9999 by Black
0 (0%)
Dee Bee Kaw by The None
5 (4.2%)
Jun Kubota by NS
0 (0%)
MvC Beavis by Azperson98
4 (3.4%)
Jackie Chan by Mass
3 (2.5%)
Hanna by Dxwho
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 62

Voting closed: August 19, 2011, 12:49:52 pm

Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#41  August 21, 2011, 04:55:09 am
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You're just salty.

No, it just makes the COTM competition look bad IMO.  However Melvana is one of my best friends in the entire community so I'm happy for him that he won.
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#42  August 21, 2011, 05:00:11 am
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I do have to agree with MC2 on this, regardless nice to see Melv get the spotlight on his character... and I just realized I never voted...could have saved Punk. :<
Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 05:04:04 am by Oxe
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#43  August 21, 2011, 05:08:46 am
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Admittedly it does strike me as a bit....stupid that MFG prefers joke characters over serious, well made characters, but at least this one is by two people who know what they're doing.

Because eventually, ya get pretty bored of "serious" characters, joke characters provide WAY more entertainment :D
Gameboy Scorpion - 4%

Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#44  August 21, 2011, 05:10:32 am
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I don't even "hate" joke characters, but this month was almost 99% joke characters and it got very old very fast to me.  A good joke lasts a long time, but an ok one lasts like a week before it stops being funny.
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#45  August 21, 2011, 05:28:37 am
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Joke character, serious character, green character, purple character; they're all characters and all appeal to certain audiences. If you can't get over the fact that most of the people who voted liked a joke character, then that's your issue.

Various joke characters as candidates and a joke character winning doesn't make the whole COTM competition look bad. A joke character winning doesn't mean that joke characters are played out; it doesn't mean that other people besides you don't find entertainment or humor in the character; it just means that a joke character was preferred by most of the voters.

A joke character is nothing more or less than a compilation of thoughts and ideas, just like any other "serious" character, so a joke character definitely deserves the same respect as any 'serious" character. Your attitude is completely wrong. You are completely wrong.
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#46  August 21, 2011, 05:33:05 am
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I don't even "hate" joke characters, but this month was almost 99% joke characters and it got very old very fast to me.  A good joke lasts a long time, but an ok one lasts like a week before it stops being funny.

Well 99 is kind of an exaggeration, and i'd agree with you if these joke character were so well-made. It isn't just about the laughs, it's about how much fun a character is to play, and joke characters, when made right, are some of the most fun. Shang Tsung, regardless of the fact that he is a joke character, is one of the most well coded characters up here.
Gameboy Scorpion - 4%

Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#47  August 21, 2011, 05:36:41 am
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Admittedly it does strike me as a bit....stupid that MFG prefers joke characters over serious, well made characters, but at least this one is by two people who know what they're doing.


oh wait you're serious
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#48  August 21, 2011, 05:45:16 am
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Well 99 is kind of an exaggeration, and i'd agree with you if these joke character were so well-made. It isn't just about the laughs, it's about how much fun a character is to play, and joke characters, when made right, are some of the most fun. Shang Tsung, regardless of the fact that he is a joke character, is one of the most well coded characters up here.

Apparently "99% percent" is the new "2 chars out of 50", just like "a month or two of retirement" is the new "I'll be back tomorrow". :innocent:

Various joke characters as candidates and a joke character winning doesn't make the whole COTM competition look bad. A joke character winning doesn't mean that joke characters are played out; it doesn't mean that other people besides you don't find entertainment or humor in the character; it just means that a joke character was preferred by most of the voters.

To who would the competition look bad to anyway? IMT :???: Mugen Motherland :???: Mugen Infantry? :P

Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#49  August 21, 2011, 06:55:34 am
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Motherland is a dead forum. It recently became a bot host because no one goes there anymore (Not even the mods).
"Hey, your beard's so dumb, it sits on the TV and watches the couch. Haha! That's a good one, Jack!" -Si Robertson
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#50  August 21, 2011, 08:35:24 am
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Why do you complain?? Joke characters are the new MUGEN fashion in last months, so I didn't surprise about Shang Tsung won... or any of jokes made in this month, IMO
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#51  August 21, 2011, 08:39:16 am
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Shang Tsung? :laugh: I might expect he might won in July month as the result came out too fast. I can't believe I am the only one who vote for Mouser's K'  o_O

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#52  August 21, 2011, 11:44:29 am
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Download Last Bout now!
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#53  August 21, 2011, 11:46:58 am
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Nothing.  It's cool to hate popular things for no reason but to get hipster cred, don't you know?


Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#54  August 21, 2011, 12:01:26 pm
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At first I thought it meant that "oh he thinks joke characters can't be well made."

Then I read closer. FOR SHAME.
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#55  August 21, 2011, 12:22:41 pm
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  • what a shame
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Joke chars are the only thing that would be interesting to check even if you quit mugen and worthy to DL once you get bored of playing with it so I'll say aswell...

This is an interesting point since I only keep mugen for playing with joke characters as well.
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#56  August 21, 2011, 08:41:59 pm
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Nothing.  It's cool to hate popular things for no reason but to get hipster cred, don't you know?

troubleman and shadow sumou are overrated. by that i mean that the fact that they got close to winning is totally justified because they're fucking awesome.

but again thanks. i'mma contemplate what portrait should be used in the frame, it's gotta be waaaaaaacky

and by that i mean it's probably gonna be shang from the movie or something
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#57  August 21, 2011, 11:40:12 pm
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Hmm the Shang Tsung from the movie was pretty decent. Has to be a worse. ^^'


Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#58  August 22, 2011, 12:15:33 am
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  • OG Pallette Goon
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I recommned this as the portrait image:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#59  August 22, 2011, 12:16:22 am
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oh god that is perfect
"Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind."

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Re: Character of the Month: July 2011 - Voting
#60  August 22, 2011, 12:42:27 am
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was gonna snatch up his actual umkt portrait but....

that might work!