
CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes) (Read 85627 times)

Started by Sean Altly, September 19, 2012, 11:28:45 pm
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Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#61  September 23, 2012, 12:54:57 pm
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good work Sean. looks more fluid now. I woulda said Wonderwoman is a good DC rep if yer lookin for females. I also think Deadpool woulda been a good Marvel rep and your take on him would probably been badass either way but hell yer doin awesome work with Superman. you could have a winpose where Doomsday or Bizarro comes out and attacks Superman.

or you could have Moses grapple with him since both are very strong(since Moses can now use his full strength on Superman since they'd be a match at this point.)
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#62  September 24, 2012, 01:18:04 am
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Because I like Batman Beyond but he's not Batman, know what I mean? At this point, if I EVER make Batman, I'll just sprite him myself.

Hmm, or you "could" do the unexpected and use Blackbat.

Who is Blackbat? The third Batgirl, daughter of David Cain & Lady Shiva, she was raised to be the perfect assassin until her first assassination where she realised the horrors of killing. Deprived of speech, illiterate, but a master at martial arts. She dedicates her life to protect others, and gained Bruce Wayne's and Barbara Gordon's approval to become the Bat Girl (later Blackbat) and much later, even being adopted by Bruce Wayne! She would later learn to speak, and read by Alfred and Robin (I think). While she primarily uses martial arts, she also has access to batarangs, ropes, and sometimes, even katanas. She can also read peoples bodylanguage, and is very, very swift.

This is her modern appearence:

What do you think?
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#63  September 24, 2012, 07:43:31 am
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No offense, but I have never heard of that character. Batman is incredibly iconic, and I wouldn't make a crossover game full of iconic characters, go into the Batman universe for a rep and not choose Batman. I'm sorry. And seeing as how he would need an entire sprite set, which would take a lot of time and work and would probably be a very big deal, I wouldn't say making Batman for this would be "expected."

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Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#64  September 24, 2012, 08:52:07 am
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No offense, but I have never heard of that character.
I wouldn't expect anyone who isn't pretty into comics to know about her; she's never appeared outside comics aside from an couple small cameos (and the one in JL was uncredited). Oh also I guess she was in DCUO, but I don't think that was anything substantial.

So anyways, she hasn't made any substantial appearances outside of comics; and now DC seems to have exiled her from continuity so she probably won't ever appear outside of comics anyway.
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#65  September 24, 2012, 09:19:56 am
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I'd pay to see you make a Batman spritesheet that would allow me to basically spriteswap my current Batman with your sprites, for better blending in most Mugen rosters, and obviously just better sprites. But well ... let's wait till you're finished with CvtW, shall we. :)

Superman animation is way smoother, good job. His left foot (artist right) could get one more transition frame maybe, when it switches from one position to another.
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#66  September 24, 2012, 07:24:18 pm
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Has anyone mentioned his UT yet?  Because I think his ability to fly should be set for his UT.
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#67  September 24, 2012, 08:10:48 pm
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Yeah, we discussed it on the last page. I was leaning towards flight activation, but I think I might make it his Super Breath.

The way it would work is, Just pressing UT makes him inhale, then press a either forward, up+forward, or down+forward (in the air only on the last one), and it will make him exhale in that direction and push the opponent away. Pressing down during the inhale will cancel it, and I'm thinking maybe making back do something that would cause the opponent to be pulled toward Superman. Just an idea, something like the stuff they added to Magneto and Storm in UMVC3 that allowed them to move their opponent around with their powers for better positioning.

EDIT: Also, I updated the first post. I changed the commands for a few moves and altered the L3 super.

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Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 08:14:50 pm by Sean Altly
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#68  September 24, 2012, 08:20:57 pm
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I always loved th ve he does in MK vs DC where he drags them in with his super breath and smashes them into the air and floats down in a heroic pose. you should add that one in as a throw or something.
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#69  September 25, 2012, 01:10:41 am
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So the super breath will be a damage dealing special then? or will it just push the opponent away (heck if that's they case you could make one pull the opponent in, the other pushes out and the EX could launch into a wall bounce or something) Like I said though, if you wanted to add a flight command at all, I'd say map it to the traditional MVC2 way.

 Also since you don't have a level 2 super yet, how about combining some classic superman scene like here where you could have him do that angry scream at the start, and reuse the sprites from speeding bullet (or turn speeding bullet into his super completely) and have him push the opponent off screen into the spin around the world and smashing them into a wall or something and animate something similar to that scene.

If that was also the case, if you wanted to replace the special also, you could probably give him some sort of super haymaker punch using existing sprites as well.
Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 01:13:45 am by C-G-U
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#70  September 25, 2012, 08:06:54 am
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The Super Breath would be his UT, and wouldn't deal damage, it would just be for pushing them away or pulling them in.

Also, he's not missing a Level 2 super, he's missing his second Level 1 super. I'm just clarifying because what you describe sounds like something that would be good for a L3 super. The version of Superman I got the sprites from had a TON of supers, including a "Sonic Scream" (like the one you mentioned), Super Heat Vision (aerial only though), Solar Shield (which just protects him from all damage for a short period of time), the Super Whirlwind move I previously had in that spot, a weird rapid-fire teleport punch thing, and a couple others I can't remember right now.

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Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#71  September 25, 2012, 12:45:51 pm
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Yeah, when you mentioned starting Superman I went back and tried him out because I remembered he had quite a few specials/supers, I guess that teleport punch thing was supposed to be his super speed, but the animation looked really strange for it lol.
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#72  September 28, 2012, 10:59:55 pm
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I have a question for you Sean, I remember you saying one version of the game will have Wizzy's music in it. So I want to know if you're using Superman's already made theme or are you going to have a different version replace it?
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#73  September 29, 2012, 08:26:55 am
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That's up to Wizzy. I like the theme he made for him already, but if he wants to make a new one I'm fine with that too. Also, since I haven't received any new tracks from CVSNB, right now the game will only have Wizzy's themes.


I need a VOICE ACTOR for Superman. I need someone with a strong male voice and a good quality microphone. I don't think I even need to give you any voice details, because I think we all know generally what Superman would/should sound like. Here are some demo lines. This is urgent because I had him all ready to release and realized at the last second he was still using Ryu's voice clips, and their aren't enough voice clips sounds in the version I downloaded. Here are some demo lines:

"Heat Vision!" - Attack shout, several versions please
"This looks like a job for Superman!" - Intro
"Someone needs my help! Up, up and away!" - Win pose phrase
"Take this!" - Generic attack shout
"Let's see how you handle this!" - Generic super move shout
Various attack sounds, grunts, strains, nothing too out of character, just standard fighting game attack sounds

Thank you to everyone who sends an audition.

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Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#74  September 29, 2012, 09:30:25 am
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what about game voice rips from things? wouldn't you rather have those? just asking.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#75  September 29, 2012, 09:38:46 am
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No, because the only fighting games I can think of that Superman has been in have been MK-style ones which have limited (during the fight) voice acting. Anything else is going to be too limited. Getting a new actor gives me more freedom.

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Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 08:26:42 pm by Sean Altly
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#76  September 29, 2012, 08:26:50 pm
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Double post!

A preview video of Superman is now up on Youtube. See it here!

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Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#77  September 29, 2012, 08:31:42 pm
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fantastic work sean and nice screenpack
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#78  September 29, 2012, 08:45:29 pm
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Supes looks awesome, Sean.  Only thing I'd suggest is to have a little bit more of a delay during Man Of Steel while they're traveling around the world.  It looks a bit funky to have them go off screen then reappear almost instantly on the other side.
Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 08:59:40 pm by davismaximus
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#79  September 29, 2012, 08:55:01 pm
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The throw at around a minute mark looks pretty weak. And the super at around 1:40 looks pretty meh as well :-\

also is the FX going to be changed?
Re: CvtW Superman (using Hannibal's sprites with edits and new palettes)
#80  September 29, 2012, 09:30:27 pm
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That looks "meh" to you? it's a L1 super where he flies around the world a bunch of times and slams the opponent into the wall. Seems fine to me.

And yeah, the throw is just a toss, it's not supposed to look strong.

The Heat Vision FX will change, yeah. Everything else will stay how it is in the video.

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