
Fighting Game & Character Terminology (Read 864742 times)

Started by Die Giant Monster, April 23, 2003, 08:52:15 pm
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Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#21  September 30, 2004, 07:48:13 pm
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Thanks, we know that since the game release.
You have many errors in your post.

S: Charge with HK+HP.
Lower? hahaha, no.
Unlimited DM's with low life, Unlimited SDMS? you have to charge, an after using the bar, charge again, so no.

N: Ulimited DM's and SDM's? NO.
BC?'re aware that this is NOT MVS/Neogeo? (HK+HP, FYI)

K: groove is Samurai spirits..(doesn't matter which number..not only IV, that's silly)....AND Garou MotW...
Again, unlimited DM and SDM? NO.

Research before posting, avoid making useless posts.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#22  October 04, 2004, 04:01:44 am
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Research before posting, avoid making useless posts

My dear and very estimated MUG...

The Things I said Of The Grooves between Parenthesis were as they Appeared Originally, yet Thank you I've got to do several Corrections:

1.- In S Mode The SDM were Used Depleting the power bar +25% life left

2.- Thx for the K Mode


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Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#23  January 27, 2005, 09:59:15 pm
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grooves are fighting styles and special bars that are used in capcom vs snk 1 and 2.

In CvS 1, there are only two kinds of grooves: Capcom and SNK

In CvS 2, however, there are 6 kinds of grooves: C. A. P. for capcom and S. N. K. for SNK groups

C grooves: Street fighter alpha's A-ism
A grooves: mix of SFA's V-ism and SF Ex2 plus's Excel
P grooves: Street Fighter 3
S grooves: KOF 95
N grooves: KOf 98 (i think ??)
K grooves: Samurai Shodown

Errrr, excuse me, guys... about this post, let me correct it some stuff about CVS2 grooves...

C grooves: better to say "Classic Capcom Mode" (not just SFA3 A-ism), 3 power bars to use as you well...
A grooves: SFA1&2 Auto Mode, SFA3 X-ism or SSF2T Mode... only a power bar to make SuperCombo/DM but it's like a Lvl3 power (or HSDM for KOF saga) and your hits hurts more :D
P grooves: SFA3 V-ism or SFA2 Custom Combo... HK+HP = a custom combo that reemplaced SuperCombos/DM
S grooves: KOF94-96 Mode, 97&98 Extra Mode... a power bar you can charge with 2 buttons (in CVS, in KOF are 3)
N grooves: KOF97&98 Advanced Mode, KOF99 and forward... the SNK answer to C groove XD
K grooves: Samurai Shodown/Spirits Mode (all saga) => the only one correct :P
Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#24  January 27, 2005, 10:26:47 pm
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Your so called "fixing" is incorrect.
Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#25  January 28, 2005, 05:41:11 am
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Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#26  January 28, 2005, 06:17:36 am
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What you "fixed" didn't made much of a difference to what has already been said ...  --;

Just because you played CvS2 and know the grooves very well doesn't mean you know them all ...
Don't PM me. =(

( •_•)>⌐■-■

Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#27  January 28, 2005, 06:34:35 am
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When was the first time they started to use dizzy/stun?  Does anyone know this?  Or has it been around forever and I don't notice at all.
Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#28  January 28, 2005, 06:50:04 am
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Lets see:
C grooves: better to say "Classic Capcom Mode" (not just SFA3 A-ism), 3 power bars to use as you well...
"Classic"? No, that would be SF2...A or Z ism is Ok.

A grooves: SFA1&2 Auto Mode, SFA3 X-ism or SSF2T Mode... only a power bar to make SuperCombo/DM but it's like a Lvl3 power (or HSDM for KOF saga) and your hits hurts more :D
1. what the hel is auto mode?you mean V-ism or custom combo? X-ism like WHAT?
Lv3? haha, HSDM? in A groove?

P grooves: SFA3 V-ism or SFA2 Custom Combo... HK+HP = a custom combo that reemplaced SuperCombos/DM
Custom combo in P groove? replaced super combos?!
Are you sure you're playing CvS?

You give ZERO INFO about rolls, dodge, tactical recovery, run, damage ratio.

Should i review the SNK grooves as well?

Edit: Whatever!

S grooves: KOF94-96 Mode, 97&98 Extra Mode... a power bar you can charge with 2 buttons (in CVS, in KOF are 3)
How about checking other posts? Already mentioned.

N grooves: KOF97&98 Advanced Mode, KOF99 and forward... the SNK answer to C groove XD
You HAVE to be kidding me.
KoF99 with N groove? AHAHA, what about the red life in '99? 2K can't use stocks for power up, same for 2k1, 2K2... close, 2K3..NO.

K grooves: Samurai Shodown/Spirits Mode (all saga) => the only one correct
Same as S groove.
Last Edit: January 28, 2005, 07:05:11 am by Walter~Mercado
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#29  January 28, 2005, 06:52:29 am
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Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#30  January 28, 2005, 04:17:21 pm
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I originally was going to say all that but my connection broke and I lost what i typed ... =(
Don't PM me. =(

( •_•)>⌐■-■

Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#31  January 28, 2005, 05:16:56 pm
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Here is some crap from Killer Instinct.

No Mercy: Killer Instinct version of Mortal Kombats Fatality.

A Humiliation is a move which humiliates the other player by forceing them to dance to dumb music.

Last Breath:
When a char is about to have a No Mercy done to them if they mash buttons and spin the joy stick fast enuf it will give you a little bit of life back and the fight contunes. If you are hit onece by any move even if you block you will die.  It also powers you up.

Ultimite Combo: A combo ending in the chars No Mercy.

Ultra Combo: Alot like Mortal Kombats Butality. When your opponet is at low life you could finish them of with a huge combo. The things that make it diffrent the the Burtality is that you must be in a combo to do it. Insted of a long combo its done like a supper move.
Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#32  January 29, 2005, 01:41:01 am
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Errrr, excuse me, guys... about this post, let me correct it some stuff about CVS2 grooves...

In which part I said to aport extra information or something different of you said before in this post?? Or when I said I post ALL info about CVS2 grooves??

I like SOME guild people --; very spicy to say things like that able to ruin intentions of a gamer who only wants to enter in this thread...

Whatever, my post don't care to YOU because is 0 aport... let's continue the thread, I don't wanna say about this anymore... :shifty:
Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#33  January 29, 2005, 02:09:37 am
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Your so called "fixing" is incorrect.

Yes?? I want to know why... I played CVS2 and I know those grooves very well...
Very well?  I don't even own this game.  I actually know more from playing W3's characters than the actual game. :D

C grooves: better to say "Classic Capcom Mode" (not just SFA3 A-ism), 3 power bars to use as you well...
Classic?  It's more like a toned down version of MvC1 DC super canceling fit to the other modes.

A grooves: SFA1&2 Auto Mode, SFA3 X-ism or SSF2T Mode... only a power bar to make SuperCombo/DM but it's like a Lvl3 power (or HSDM for KOF saga) and your hits hurts more
A groove is V-ism without the clone + level one supers to break out of the CC mode.  I don't even know what you mean by "Auto Mode".  And it isn't even close to SF2 --;

P grooves: SFA3 V-ism or SFA2 Custom Combo... HK+HP = a custom combo that reemplaced SuperCombos/DM
Not even close.  P groove = Parry.  Parry == SF3.

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#34  January 29, 2005, 02:25:36 am
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The bit about K groove left out a mention of Just Defense - blocking an attack at the last possible moment gives you back some life and some power.
Last Edit: February 05, 2005, 04:52:52 am by Leon Belmont
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#35  January 29, 2005, 04:54:00 am
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When was the first time they started to use dizzy/stun?  Does anyone know this?  Or has it been around forever and I don't notice at all.

It first appeared in SNK's Street Smart as far as I remember... but it wasn't as visable as StreetFighter II's with the overhead spinning birds etc, etc...
Re:Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#36  January 29, 2005, 07:17:52 am
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In which part I said to aport extra information or something different of you said before in this post??
(read....waste of pace & trying to show up)

Whatever, my post don't care to YOU because is 0 aport... let's continue the thread, I don't wanna say about this anymore... :shifty:
And still, you cared about my opinion ;) thanks ;)

Your so called "fixing" is incorrect.

Yes?? I want to know why... I played CVS2 and I know those grooves very well...

Anyways, i think this is just a waste of time, we can, easily, copy and paste, whatever info from any faq, it would be better to keep submissions about unique stuff.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#37  February 26, 2005, 03:46:19 am
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Capcom (Street Fighter, X-Men, Dark Stalkers)
6 button configuration
Weak Punch
Medium Punch
Hard Punch
Weak Punch
Medium Punch
Hard Punch

no kick?  ???


Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#38  February 26, 2005, 07:36:37 am

No one caught that?  Wow, what a bunch of dumbasses... :dunce2:*  Also, it should (could?) read as follows:

punches -- Jab - Strong - Fierce
kicks -- Short - Forward - Roundhouse

*Yes, me too, even if I hardly ever look at this topic.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#39  March 15, 2005, 05:04:04 am
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Just a bunch of corrections:
(Keep in mind this is all related to Capcom, unsure about SNK)

The stuff about mashing while blocking in Capcom games to reduce damage is garbage.  Some capcom games have "pushblock", where while blocking, and in blockstun, you can press three punches and forward to push the enemy away.

Blockstun is a temporary state a character is put into after a blocked attack, where they cannot be thrown, and are generally immobile. 

Tech hits were first introduced in Super Turbo.  You input a throw command just after the opponent inputs it, and you get reduced damage from the throw, AND you do not get knocked down.  In some Capcom games, (CVS2 for example), both characters back away from each other on a succesful tech hit, and no damage is introduced on either side. 

ADDON to k49Demon's excellent post:

Crossup:  When a character jumps over the opponent with an attack, that hits the characters hitbox on the opposite side of the starting animation of the jump.  Ken's crossup jumping Forward is a good example in A3.

OTG is not "Off the ground", it's "On the ground", a common misconception.  It basically means that a character can be attacked AFTER a knockdown, while the character is still in the "lying down" animation.  Even though it IS common in the VS games,  Alpha 3 has it in the form of VC--> Command throw. (Gief, Sodom, Karin, Juni, etc.)
So does Third Strike (Ryu throws dudley, --> shin shoryuken)

Superjump: In the VS series, a much higher jump than normal, performed by pressing "d, u" rapidly.

Superjump cancels:  Where the animation of a superjump is interrupted by something else, most commonly an airdash.  Mostly used as a confusion tactic.(Eg. MVC2, Magneto Superjumps, immediately cancels into a df, airdash + hk, ie. a Triangle Jump)

Juggle:   After the opponent is knocked into the air, a followup attack can be performed.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#40  October 09, 2005, 01:53:10 am
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well can someone explain "burst" in Guilty Gear.

BTW Was command throw ever mentioned? example zangief spinning piledriver.
imputting a motion for a throw.

i swear, Stupid muthafokkers exist all over this board!
Nonetheless Dickriders get all of the Attention!
Go Figure.
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Last Edit: October 09, 2005, 01:55:35 am by Al Duece