
Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun (Read 208230 times)

Started by Iced, June 18, 2009, 02:07:21 pm
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#41  August 31, 2009, 02:52:18 pm
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  • Does this look like the face of mercy?
... Isn't this thrad in the Found Releases section? (unless it was moved from "Your Releases").
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#42  August 31, 2009, 03:13:04 pm
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for the millionth time, its not about feedback. its about him treating me like crap for months. maybe he had legitimate feedback, but after putting up with his crap for too damn long, its like the straw that broke the camel's back.



Seriously, you've said the exact same FUCKING thing in every single post in this topic, it's fucking annoying, and it's time for you to realize: NO ONE CARES. God damn, please, STFU. If you're butthurt about OrochiGill giving you harsh feedback over a couple months, grow the hell up. It's like you're in elementary school complaining about the bully picking on you.

                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#43  August 31, 2009, 03:17:44 pm
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then dont download him and dont try and determine other peoples thoughts either. its your opinion.

if the creator chooses to work in that style, its his choice. if he wanted to make him covered in pink and purple polka dots, its his choice. people make characters how they want to make them as its their opinion that matters the most.
You can complain about Gill's opinion all you like (seriously, reporting his post over that?) but I can assure you that the general consensus regarding the sprite cutting and palette choices will pretty much match what he said. The sprites look poorly ripped and there are stray pixels all over the place. Also there are remnants of pink BG. You know how DOS MUGEN characters look all malformed when brought into WinMUGEN? well it kind of looks a lot like that. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but all the sprites NEED to be redone. At the moment it just seems like you have a lazily made place holder over a bunch of code.

HEY, guys can't we all just get along. ??? Look, I know the sprites are crappy but not as crappy as the other Guyvers drifting in Mugen community limbo. I like the sprites and thats all I care about. These Sprites were hand drawn by Nadjib "Jeeb" Assani and then converted for mugen, the first gif shown that Volzilla posted of him walking is a gif I made just to show him off and one of the many palettes I made for this character to clean his sprites a bit. The second image that was shown here with this reply is blown up and any none hi-res character that you blown up will first look like crap and second this is the original palette that was made by Jeeb as he tried to make a good palette but had no success. I could care less about the feedback of those who want to slam me, I made this for me first of all and I made him for those like me who love Guyver and like the sprites but didn't like the fact the the first rendition was unfinished so I got permission to finish where he left off. I gave him credit for this and I made it so people who do not like strong AI characters had more AI options. I made him a Rare Akuma slayer as I love Rare Akuma and POTS and I love strong characters, thats evident if you have ever tried my Ultimate Gogeta. If anyone doesn't like it thats ok with me cause thats your prerogative, the least anyone could do is look at the fact that first of all the character is more complete, second I have included different palettes and finally I have coded him to kick the dog snot out of most mugen characters, and even if you don't care to mentin that and only want to mention on old facts about this character then thats cool you can do that too. Like its been said don't DL it then. ;P As far as Volzilla goes he meant well enough to post my work here but you guys don't have to pick on him. I take responsibility for his actions as he was defending me so if you want to hate on someone then hate on me. Leave V out of this from here on out. Look I love the character I created/edited and so will many others, thank you for all of the constructive criticism, But next time before you critic maybe you should at least try it before you let your fingering do the talking. Beeaches. Now please stop on all the back and forth BS. That kind of crap is what gives the Mugen community a bad name. Please stop trying to antagonize people, we all are in this for the same reason.....for the love of gaming. With that, say what you want but I made what I made and some will not like and others will. Peace and God bless all.

Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#44  August 31, 2009, 03:20:23 pm
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I said the same thing because no one would listen, they think its all about i'm mad at orochi's feedback.

And what he did before for months wasn't give harsh feedback on creations, it was him being a douche bag to me just because he could.

This topic was started in the found releases section even though this post by me was addressing the feedback to give to youngdragun later.
I'd personally love nothing more than to just talk about ultimate guyver...although i think everything has been said.
-it's an edit
-people don't like the sprites
-many people don't like the overpowered AI he was given
-same people are overlooking the other two weaker levels
-youngdragun will do more and take the sprite feedback into account, as he's a big fan in general of the guyver

Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#45  August 31, 2009, 03:29:47 pm
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  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
- Even if you like strong characters, what's the point of a character who can beat 99.9% of all Mugen chars with just one or two moves ? It offers no challenge when you control him, and gives you no chance when you fight him.

- Why does Ultimate Gogeta have so many bugs ? Apart from the obvious cheapness, many sprite clones of Gogeta appear during many of his moves. Come on, it shouldn't hard to fix.

- Press Enter when you write please, you post is barely readable as it is. --;
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#46  August 31, 2009, 03:31:51 pm
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                  ~*The Last Quincy*~         ~Sig by [TempesT]
My MUGEN shit:
MvC2 Tron Bonne, MvC Kim Kaphwan, Barns (Destruction Desire),
and Burai Yamamoto (Arranged)
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#47  August 31, 2009, 03:32:46 pm
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- Even if you like strong characters, what's the point of a character who can beat 99.9% of all Mugen chars with just one or two moves ? It offers no challenge when you control him, and gives you no chance when you fight him.

- Why does Ultimate Gogeta have so many bugs ? Apart from the obvious cheapness, many sprite clones of Gogeta appear during many of his moves. Come on, it shouldn't hard to fix.

- Press Enter when you write please, you post is barely readable as it is. --;

If you want to talk about my other character then we can do that else where or on a PM, this thread is about GUYVER not GOGETA. Thanks you.  ;D
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#48  August 31, 2009, 03:47:38 pm
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can someone please delete this thread as I did not want my creation posted here to begin with it was posted here by mistake by Volzilla and this has been nothing more than a slap-fest anyway. Thank you for your attention.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#49  August 31, 2009, 03:49:39 pm
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  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
Please mods don't, I have to answer this PM to him in front of everybody. I'm just taking my time :
- Even if you like strong characters, what's the point of a character who can beat 99.9% of all Mugen chars with just one or two moves ? It offers no challenge when you control him, and gives you no chance when you fight him.

If you have played the character, other than in watch mode you would see that he is very playable if you can't play him then your gaming skill is poor.

- Why does Ultimate Gogeta have so many bugs ? Apart from the obvious cheapness, many sprite clones of Gogeta appear during many of his moves. Come on, it shouldn't hard to fix.

Must be you mugen setup cause on my mugen he wrks fine but he does have a code implemented that will let you know if he has been KO'd by a cheap attack, if you know coding then you would have know this.

- Press Enter when you write please, you post is barely readable as it is.

If you can't read my posts then maybe you should see an EYE DOCTOR.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#50  August 31, 2009, 03:51:30 pm
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  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
PMs. I hope this is enough to prove the guy's mindset. The fun side: watch me lose my patience over this guy. The sad side: I've taught whole classes of six year olds and never lost my temper that much. This whole part was with Volzilla. Guess who is who in each post. :D

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Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#51  August 31, 2009, 03:53:38 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
can someone please delete this thread as I did not want my creation posted here to begin with it was posted here by mistake by Volzilla and this has been nothing more than a slap-fest anyway. Thank you for your attention.

What. No Vollzilla has been responsible for the promotion of your website for a while, his sttuborness with Orochi gill is something he needs to start get over with as Gill has done nothing wrong on his posts lately and was censored by the mods when he did in the past. There isnt a "slap fest" going on, people are providing feedback, ya know, something essential to exist as a community.

Like making your post readable or not insulting people without any good reason.

Heres my feedback too, while your efforts might be in the right place, you would do good in thinking about giving something gameplay instead of simply making them able to defeat everything, if your character can defeat rare akuma that easily there is certainly something iffy going on with it. Dont you agree?
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#52  August 31, 2009, 04:04:52 pm
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can someone please delete this thread as I did not want my creation posted here to begin with it was posted here by mistake by Volzilla and this has been nothing more than a slap-fest anyway. Thank you for your attention.

What. No Vollzilla has been responsible for the promotion of your website for a while, his sttuborness with Orochi gill is something he needs to start get over with as Gill has done nothing wrong on his posts lately and was censored by the mods when he did in the past. There isnt a "slap fest" going on, people are providing feedback, ya know, something essential to exist as a community.

Volzilla may speak or promote the CVG forum but he does not speak for nor promote work that is not his own without permission.

Like making your post readable or not insulting people without any good reason.

I have not insulted anyone. I have simply stated my opinion as others have stated theirs.

Heres my feedback too, while your efforts might be in the right place, you would do good in thinking about giving something gameplay instead of simply making them able to defeat everything, if your character can defeat rare akuma that easily there is certainly something iffy going on with it. Dont you agree?

He is playable, If you took the time to read the "YoungDragun Read Me" you would see that the mode he is released in is his cheap mode. There are two other modes but you guys are too thick skulled to either read or understand that all you seem to want to do is critic and start back and forth immature conversations. This thread should not have gotten as out of control as it has. Partly the fault of Volzilla and this Orochi Gill's hate fest on each other. Simple fact i did not post this here nor did I ask it to be, It was meant for where I choose to post it and that is that, or is the guild changing policies now?
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#53  August 31, 2009, 04:14:25 pm
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  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
If you have played the character, other than in watch mode you would see that he is very playable if you can't play him then your gaming skill is poor.
- Controlling him is easy, I can kill anybody by pressing some buttons. I have no interest in such characters.
- Fighting him is not interesting, he's not beatable unless I use another shitty character.
- I won't even take badly a comment about gaming skills coming from a guy who has never played KOF or SF in his life.
- Also, you suck at making CLSN boxes. Also, nice debug flood here :

If you can't read my posts then maybe you should see an EYE DOCTOR.
Sorry, but your post is not readable :

Must be you mugen setup cause on my mugen he wrks fine but he does have a code implemented that will let you know if he has been KO'd by a cheap attack, if you know coding then you would have know this.

Oh my god I can see two Gogeta !!! Yeah, you suck at coding throws.

Is this some kind of Ultimate Blowjob (as Ultimate as Gogeta). yeah, you suck at coding custom states.

I love how Triple Kamehameha is written !!! Yeah, you suck at mirroring animations for P2.

I love how the hitsparks are on Gogeta's feet. Yeah, you suck at placing hitsparks.

I love how you can hit the opponent while the superBG is still here. Yeah, you suck at using RemoveExplod.

I love the debugflood, it makes my screen nicer ! And I like the cropped FX too. Yeah, you suck at coding characters properly.

I love the quality of the video !!! :D Yeah, you suck at using dithering and converting images without colorloss.

youngdragun said:
If you know coding then you would have know this.
Yeah, and if you know about coding, your characters wouldn't be the pile of shit they are, with you being full of yourself.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#54  August 31, 2009, 04:16:26 pm
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Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#55  August 31, 2009, 04:19:12 pm
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I guess I was overzealous on showing off something, so I apologize YD.

And since this thread is basically useless due to a multitude of reasons, I'm locking it.
Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 04:36:55 pm by volzzilla
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#56  August 31, 2009, 04:22:19 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Now that others are arguing over things?
That would be a waste now wouldnt it?
I take a bit of offense of being said that comic lovers do not exist here, but meh..

Also, Youngdragun, anyone is free to post whatever at the guild as long as within the guidelines, the guild has changed policy YEARS ago and no one can lay claim on what others are to do with their announcements as if they have to follow specified rules in order to be worthy to discuss their material.
The only thing required is for them to be at least polite to one another and not bash without a reason.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#57  August 31, 2009, 04:29:45 pm
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If you have played the character, other than in watch mode you would see that he is very playable if you can't play him then your gaming skill is poor.
- Controlling him is easy, I can kill anybody by pressing some buttons. I have no interest in such characters.
- Fighting him is not interesting, he's not beatable unless I use another shitty character.
- I won't even take badly a comment about gaming skills coming from a guy who has never played KOF or SF in his life.
- Also, you suck at making CLSN boxes. Also, nice debug flood here :

If you can't read my posts then maybe you should see an EYE DOCTOR.
Sorry, but your post is not readable :

Must be you mugen setup cause on my mugen he wrks fine but he does have a code implemented that will let you know if he has been KO'd by a cheap attack, if you know coding then you would have know this.

Oh my god I can see two Gogeta !!! Yeah, you suck at coding throws.

Is this some kind of Ultimate Blowjob (as Ultimate as Gogeta). yeah, you suck at coding custom states.

I love how Triple Kamehameha is written !!! Yeah, you suck at mirroring animations for P2.

I love how the hitsparks are on Gogeta's feet. Yeah, you suck at placing hitsparks.

I love how you can hit the opponent while the superBG is still here. Yeah, you suck at using RemoveExplod.

I love the debugflood, it makes my screen nicer ! And I like the cropped FX too. Yeah, you suck at coding characters properly.

I love the quality of the video !!! :D Yeah, you suck at using dithering and converting images without colorloss.

youngdragun said:
If you know coding then you would have know this.
Yeah, and if you know about coding, your characters wouldn't be the pile of shit they are, with you being full of yourself.

your not worth the time. Get a life.  :laugh4:
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#58  August 31, 2009, 04:33:26 pm
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Now that others are arguing over things?
That would be a waste now wouldnt it?
I take a bit of offense of being said that comic lovers do not exist here, but meh..

Also, Youngdragun, anyone is free to post whatever at the guild as long as within the guidelines, the guild has changed policy YEARS ago and no one can lay claim on what others are to do with their announcements as if they have to follow specified rules in order to be worthy to discuss their material.
The only thing required is for them to be at least polite to one another and not bash without a reason.

Well since you don't respect the wishes of creators then do as you know how to do best. I don't care about harsh feedback, I can handle that, I just never meant to post my stuff here. But I guess you speak for the guild so it is what it is then.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#59  August 31, 2009, 04:34:05 pm
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  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
So you're being full of yourself again, instead of seeing that my feedback is indeed true feedback, and that your Ultimate Gogeta has obvious bugs you should be fixing.

Well, not a problem for me, you can continue creating overpowered shitty characters with shitty sprites and shitty gameplay, and be happy with your work, since it's true that the essential point : making yourself happy. Be happy with your mediocrity, you're not worth my time either. :)

PS : even alexlexus listens to feedback better than you, you should take example on him. :yes:

PS2 : use the edit button instead of double posting, unless you suck at using forums too.
Re: Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun
#60  August 31, 2009, 04:48:06 pm
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  • I got a PM.
volzzilla shut the fuck up.

I don't care if gill doesn't like you or not. He is giving feedback which is why you post a release here. To get fucking feedback and help. Your goal is mostly advertising and it is fucking annoying. I would prefer that you do not defend a found release from feedback. Maybe you should just post it and shut the fuck up.

As I told you in my PM, I would prefer if the creator came here so he can receive feedback for his creation. It is obvious to me that you do not know the difference between feedback and flaming. That is a problem, because that means you are not sharing the feedback with the creator. Which makes these threads completely fucking useless. Your team would be better off if you were replaced as spokesman.

Please step down, you don't have the stuff for a pseudo creator.