
How to change Gotenks super commands (Read 84270 times)

Started by skipee, January 16, 2018, 10:05:54 pm
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How to change Gotenks super commands
#1  January 16, 2018, 10:05:54 pm
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    • USA
Hi, I've figured out on my own how to add easier command strings for the main cast in hyper dbz. However, Gotenks seems to have a different format to his code. From what I understand this format is known as the Explod buffer system and is supposed to be easy to modify. I simply want to be able to play the game casually and just dont "have the thumbs" for most of his supers. Can someone help me by explaining how to for example change his "die die missiles" (QCFx2+P) into something like down, down, light punch. I'm not looking for judgement guys, just assistance.
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#2  January 16, 2018, 10:10:00 pm
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Keep in mind that his down down LP is used for ghosts. What unused command would you like him to have? I can assist you.
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#3  January 16, 2018, 10:39:22 pm
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    • USA
You're right about the ghosts, how bout back, forward, light punch?
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#4  January 16, 2018, 10:44:19 pm
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HCF or HCB even would be ok to change it to. Im mostly just confused by the different system.
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#5  January 16, 2018, 11:09:58 pm
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And only DieDie needs changed? Or any other commands too? I should make a quick tutorial for this
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#6  January 16, 2018, 11:23:59 pm
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I basically want to switch all of his double quarter circle moves, like die die missiles, ghost bros, ssj3, galactica donut, and their ex variants into more accessible commands. there doesnt seem to be any tutorial on this that ive found so it could be a good idea.
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#7  January 17, 2018, 07:43:43 am
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While making the tutorial I noticed I had an outdated numbering system for the QCF/Bx2 notations. So I'll need to release an update before I make the tutorial and fix it. It's just some numbers but it'd confuse you if they were different than what the tutorial will show.

So for now I'll just show you what to replace.

In your .mfg
Replace this
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
with this
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Now find the states with the codes you wish to replace

For grounded QCFx2 you'll look for this
((ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = -1, Facing = 1) && (NumExplod(90030006) || NumExplod(90030003))) || (ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = 1, Facing = -1) && (NumExplod(90030101) || NumExplod(90030104))))
And replace it with this
((ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = -1, Facing = 1) && (90010406)) || (ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = 1, Facing = -1) && (90010506)))

For grounded QCBx2 you'll look for this
((ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = -1, Facing = 1) && (NumExplod(90030101) || NumExplod(90030104))) || (ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = 1, Facing = -1) && (NumExplod(90030006) || NumExplod(90030003))))
And replace it with this
((ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = -1, Facing = 1) && (90010506)) || (ifElse(P2DisT x < -12, Facing = 1, Facing = -1) && (90010406)))

Air variants are slightly different
QCFx2 in air
ifElse(Facing = 1,(NumExplod(90030006) || NumExplod(90030003)),(NumExplod(90030104) || NumExplod(90030101))) 
replace with
ifElse(Facing = 1,((90010406)),((90010506))) 

QCBx2 in air
ifElse(Facing = 1,(NumExplod(90030104) || NumExplod(90030101)),(NumExplod(90030006) || NumExplod(90030003))) 
replace with
ifElse(Facing = 1,((90010506)),((90010406))) 

I hope this makes sense! I'll get an update and a tutorial explaining it all out soon!
Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 05:44:16 am by Just No Point
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#8  January 18, 2018, 03:43:36 am
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    • USA
Thank you dude I really appreciate it
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#9  January 18, 2018, 03:57:33 am
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    • USA
im actually unable to find the last three lines
Re: How to change Gotenks super commands
#10  January 18, 2018, 05:43:40 am
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The in air ones? Oh I noticed I said qcfx2 on both air ones. Anyway there isn't qcbx2 commands in air so telling you to replace those was kinda meaningless anyway