
KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll. (Read 8535 times)

Started by UMvC3, August 02, 2012, 11:50:34 am
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KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#1  August 02, 2012, 11:50:34 am
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  • Megaman/Zero O_o lolwut?

Introducing LIGHTNING LOOPS! If you are looking for salt, there is alot of it! :D
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#2  August 09, 2012, 11:48:13 am
  • ***
cool old skool SF characters with updated gameplay and effects.are you planning on releasing any more?
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#3  August 10, 2012, 05:43:39 am
  • *
  • Megaman/Zero O_o lolwut?
Those aren't be me. :P Just by a friend. He is releasing a full game on them. He also made a Ryu, Evil Ryu, and Evil Ken. When he releases more, than I'll be sure to post them.

Introducing LIGHTNING LOOPS! If you are looking for salt, there is alot of it! :D
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#4  August 11, 2012, 04:58:25 pm
  • **
  • Mugen Char Creator
    • Mexico
Thank you UMvC3 for posting my chars.
cool old skool SF characters with updated gameplay and effects.are you planning on releasing any more?
yes steab, i almost finish my new creation, but i'ts a surprise chars SF2 style, you can download all my chars in the links below my signature
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#5  August 12, 2012, 10:40:23 am
  • *
  • Megaman/Zero O_o lolwut?
You're welcome bro. Just looking out for ya.

Introducing LIGHTNING LOOPS! If you are looking for salt, there is alot of it! :D
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#6  August 12, 2012, 11:06:51 am
  • ******
    • Netherlands
Yeah great char ;)!
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#7  August 17, 2012, 12:59:47 am
  • *
LOVE this Guy's work. I love his Evil Ryu, Evil Ken, and Shin Akuma and now he's released Vega. :D

All I need now is his Gouken which looks pretty sweet to be released.
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#8  September 22, 2012, 09:17:37 am
  • **
  • Mugen Char Creator
    • Mexico
Well, i know this topic hasn't been posted in more of 30 days, but just for inform you that i've been Released my new Character, GoukenSSF'2 Plus.
Download in "Your Releases, older Mugen" section.
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#9  September 22, 2012, 10:36:30 am
  • ******
    • Netherlands
Gonna check Gouken out :D!
Re: KaiserVega SSF2+ released by Guille_N_Roll.
#10  September 22, 2012, 05:38:24 pm
  • **
  • Mugen Char Creator
    • Mexico