
entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread (Read 1506002 times)

Started by Titiln, June 18, 2011, 03:16:32 am
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Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3541  July 23, 2016, 03:41:41 am
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Have they ever done it during the comics?
It was implied (but never confirmed) in the DCAU. And the dubiously canonical sequel comics to Batman Beyond comics made it explicit, but also made it way more gross than it already inherently was.

But outside of that, never. Certainly not in The Killing Joke itself!


Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3542  July 23, 2016, 03:58:09 am
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Honestly, im not that surprised about it. Its shocking for sure but i guess ive seen more shocking stuff to be flabbergasted like you guys are lol
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3543  July 23, 2016, 12:14:39 pm
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Well I guess if DC wants to keep characterizing Batman as a total morally dubious weirdo, this is a good way to go about it.
"Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind."

"Okay, okay. So you put a Nazi on the Moon. Fuck you, Moon."
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3544  July 23, 2016, 02:08:05 pm
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I have never in my life had my excitement and anticipation for something fall so dramatically, so fast.  That's so fucking stupid and unnecessary it boggles the mind.
Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 04:09:53 pm by Person Man
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3545  July 23, 2016, 03:16:32 pm
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Yeah.. they go at it on a roof after she attacks him...
A romance was once hinted at in the Batman Beyond film... but that was separate canon.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3546  July 23, 2016, 04:57:05 pm
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I hear the scenes that set up the big climax are as awkward (read: forced) as the sex itself. Bad enough it makes Batgirl looks like a desperate teen, but now it bleeds into the actual story and makes Batman look bad too.

Great job DC, couldn't have done it any better.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3547  July 23, 2016, 05:11:42 pm
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Just... god.  By adding in a needless sexual relationship they completely change the dynamic of everything that happens in that entire story.  So now when Batman goes in for the big final confrontation at the theme park, it's not to save his friend Gordon or stop a rampaging lunatic, it's now purely to give the Joker a beating for hurting 'his woman.'  So now, in what should be one of the quintessential Batman stories of all time, we're forced to deal with a hero that is acting motivated purely by sex and revenge.

Jesus Cackling Christ, that's not even a train wreck.  It's like a train that crashed into a school bus and then was hit by a crashing plane.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3548  July 23, 2016, 05:14:20 pm
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I wish I could say I was surprised, but Bruce Timm has a huge boner for that pairing so I'm not.
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3549  July 23, 2016, 07:03:35 pm
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So now when Batman goes in for the big final confrontation at the theme park, it's not to save his friend Gordon or stop a rampaging lunatic, it's now purely to give the Joker a beating for hurting 'his woman.'  So now, in what should be one of the quintessential Batman stories of all time, we're forced to deal with a hero that is acting motivated purely by sex and revenge.
Actually not.. other than the included extended batgirl opening story sequence, the rest is straight up killing joke. its actually a real good  adaptation if you ignore the batgirl bits at the start. I will say, this was the first time I actually felt legit scared of the Joker, reading the comic I was shocked, but seeing it in motion, listening to mark Hamil probobly do his best joker yet.. fucken chills.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3550  July 23, 2016, 09:58:03 pm
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Kinda unnecessary this sex scene, but i'm not surprising at all. I remember that kind of relationship in the Animated Series.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3551  July 23, 2016, 09:59:32 pm
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Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 10:02:49 pm by Riccochet
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3552  July 23, 2016, 10:28:17 pm
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Ahhh yes, it's very empowering for Batgirl to fuck her ex's dad/her father's best friend/her mentor who's trained her extensively, and then act clingy and lovelorn, even as she tries to deny it meant anything  ("it was just sex!").

Not surprised to see that logic from Brian Azzarello, the same genius who—in the big nu52 reboot of Wonder Woman—turned the Amazons from an immortal, technologically advanced civilization into a mortal horde of barbarians who reproduce by raping and murdering passing sailors, and sell their male children off into slavery. All in the name of making things more realistic and relatable, of course.

Actually not.. other than the included extended batgirl opening story sequence, the rest is straight up killing joke.
It adds it on an implicit level: the fact that Batman and Batgirl have a sexual relationship now hangs over the entire movie and alters the dynamic of every other scene, thematically.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3553  July 23, 2016, 10:41:09 pm
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I probably phrased it wrong. Shouldve said if you ignored i.e. skipped, the batgirl bits at the start.. then its pretty much straight up killing joke.
but i guess a first time viewer unfamiliar with the graphic novel would totally see it that way
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3554  July 23, 2016, 11:16:58 pm
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I just don't understand how they got here, how they settled on having Batgirl fuck Batman as the way to expand the story to movie-length and try and offset the way she was used in the original comic. It's literally the exact worst thing they could've done.

I'm so fucking pumped for this.

So, acclaimed horror director Adam Wingard (You're Next, The Guest) has a new movie coming out this September, called The Woods. It's been kept under wraps while it was being filmed, and once it started preparing for release, the only information released about it to the public was one vague trailer.

But that all changed today. The movie isn't actually called The Woods.

It's a motherfucking BLAIR WITCH SEQUEL :flipout:


Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3555  July 24, 2016, 02:13:57 am
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DC saved the best one for last today. :D
This is looking awesome and so funny. It will be a blast.
Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

SF2NES is dead. Long live SF2NES.
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3556  July 24, 2016, 04:36:17 am
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Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3557  July 24, 2016, 08:44:15 am
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Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3558  July 24, 2016, 02:09:51 pm
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Woah, weird! It's almost like staying true to the franchise actually sells more tickets than pandering...

Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3559  July 24, 2016, 09:04:06 pm
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69's my favorite number baby
Re: entertainment news that don't deserve their own thread
#3560  July 24, 2016, 09:32:51 pm
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mad max fury road would be a better comparison. superhero movies are their own beast because they're usually profitable even if they're shit