
I.K.E.M.E.N. General Netplay Explanation (Read 880768 times)

Started by MellyInChains, September 12, 2013, 04:53:15 pm
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Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#21  September 15, 2013, 04:42:14 am
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It's not consistent, but it usually happens in the second round about halfway through.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#22  September 15, 2013, 04:51:06 am
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okay yeah just got knocked down by armaggon as dio and entered an endless loop of falling down over and over again. i'm gonna make a list of characters incompatible with this then
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#23  September 15, 2013, 07:20:45 am
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Add Rajaa's Warachia to this list. When he uses his claw related moves. The GFX get stuck to him when he uses some moves. And his claw moves have a SUPER small hit box.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#24  September 15, 2013, 08:46:55 am
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Played again today.  I don't know if it's just Joy2Key being stubborn or not but it gives me a really hard time with this thing.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#25  September 15, 2013, 07:33:01 pm
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Add Rajaa's Warachia to this list. When he uses his claw related moves. The GFX get stuck to him when he uses some moves. And his claw moves have a SUPER small hit box.

do i add that to minor or major? might as well add it to major for now

also homura's remy has a weird glitch where his medium sonic boom won't come out but the rest do. that seems like an easy patch though. maybe if i can figure some of this stuff out i can start uploading patches to add to the list
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#26  September 15, 2013, 07:46:27 pm
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It's not as bad as Dio.

The GFX staying isn't so bad... Until you make a lot stick, then it causes lag.

And the hit box issue REALLY messes with some combos. But you can still hit with the move itself.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#27  September 15, 2013, 07:47:39 pm
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Infinite's Deadpool (and possibly his other characters) cannot dash/run, they will just end up jumping instead.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#28  September 16, 2013, 06:03:20 pm
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Oh boy, I have another... Heheheh, HUGE glitch to report.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
So yeah... I guess you can add Alcott to your major glitches list.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#29  September 18, 2013, 05:38:52 am
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Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#30  September 18, 2013, 11:48:42 pm
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That thread isn't stick-worthy anymore, imo. It isn't even all that informative about running mugen in videogame consoles.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#31  September 19, 2013, 04:55:12 pm
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Minor Glitches:
Kira Yoshikage by Amarimono
qcb+heavy makes him enter his crouching turn animation for some reason and the tank crawls across the ground rather than in the air
Uhm...that also happens on my MUGEN 1.0, so I think that's actually Amarimono's fault and not IKEMEN's fault...
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Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#32  September 19, 2013, 06:41:32 pm
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Happens on 1.1 too.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#33  October 05, 2013, 05:14:05 am
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Hey for anyone who wants to know if this or hamachi works, then let me confirm that it works 100% i been playin with my friend for like 2 months now iev been learning alot of stuff bout it on my own an whatever but my question to every 1 is that i tired to add the tagged patched charcters but when i try to control my 2nd char i have no control but this works perfect of mugen does any 1 know how to get it workin on Ikemen? thx
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#34  October 05, 2013, 06:59:25 am
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I don't know if I'm willing to try this yet based on the replys. I'll come back to it though for sure.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#35  January 12, 2014, 11:55:45 pm
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I want to revive this to say Ikemen was updated last Wednesday.
PotS said:
That they don't just restrict themselves to my style.

Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#36  January 18, 2014, 03:48:00 am
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errr completely missed this, any word on what's been updated?
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#37  January 18, 2014, 04:22:00 am
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Well, apparently, there's a better support of gfx, since stages don't look THAT laggy like it was with the august release, for starters. I've played with a couple people, and there's some lag spikes, but, still more playable than last version, if it allows the use of stages with some animations.
PotS said:
That they don't just restrict themselves to my style.

Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#38  January 19, 2014, 10:41:36 pm
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Ikemen just got updated today.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#39  January 22, 2014, 07:25:28 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
Is there a log to let us know what's updated? Maybe we should start posting our lan bridger addresses.

Spoiler: Off topic question (click to see content)
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#40  January 29, 2014, 05:43:16 am
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I believe there is a log, but it's in Japanese. I'd help translate if I wasn't so busy.