
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle (Read 29546 times)

Started by GaziraAgain, June 08, 2024, 10:50:38 am
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Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#21  June 23, 2024, 10:18:03 am
  • ****
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#22  June 23, 2024, 02:42:43 pm
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    • USA
@GaziraAgain is the Distortion Portrait 9000, 12 x axis = 0 and y axis = 0?

Yes! You can do it finally?

Yes I finally got everything to work by leaving the fightfx scale at 2 and reducing the hitsparks by using  a calculator to get the right adjustments so they won't be big in the .air files so I don't  have to manually scale each character portrait or hitsparks individually but have a universal size for all of them.
Last Edit: June 23, 2024, 02:47:14 pm by Shadic12
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#23  June 24, 2024, 04:40:00 am
  • Uhhh.... Idk even know
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#24  August 19, 2024, 09:16:07 pm
  • ***
    • USA
@GaziraAgain are you planning to do more distortion ports for newly added characters made in OHMSBY style?
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#25  August 21, 2024, 09:14:19 pm
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    • Canada
While the distortion background works, Exceed moves always have no background
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#26  August 22, 2024, 08:59:03 pm
  • ****
@GaziraAgain are you planning to do more distortion ports for newly added characters made in OHMSBY style?

I'm working with the "classic" version of the screenpack and I don't have time to work with de distortion portraits. I have the Grandblue Fantasy Versus made it, I upload this days ok?

While the distortion background works, Exceed moves always have no background

I hadn't noticed, honestly, I have no idea how to fix it...
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#27  October 08, 2024, 03:30:30 pm
    • USA
Could you maybe add a google drive for this?
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#28  October 08, 2024, 11:27:52 pm
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Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#29  October 26, 2024, 05:42:13 pm
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    • UK
Last Edit: October 26, 2024, 09:16:37 pm by PhoenixPhantom
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#30  November 05, 2024, 07:07:20 pm
  • *
    • Philippines
What was the font you're using for this lifebar's character names? You can slightly tilt the character names just like BBTAG.
Genshin UID (Asia): 880667531
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#31  November 05, 2024, 11:16:59 pm
  • ****
What was the font you're using for this lifebar's character names? You can slightly tilt the character names just like BBTAG.

I created the font for the names myself since I couldn't find it ripping the game. I could slant the names but for that I would have to create it using the fonts one by one and then giving them the inclination with Photoshop for example. I remember that I tried to give them inclination with the parameters that the font files use and it was impossible. It's a lot of work but in the original it is done like this since depending on the name, if it is longer or shorter, the space between fonts is different to adapt. If you want the fonts just tell me and I upload them in only one image.
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#32  January 19, 2025, 10:24:37 am
  • Uhhh.... Idk even know
i seem to struggle on where to put chie distortion bg