
Ikemen GO (Read 1841288 times)

Started by K4thos, May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#41  June 08, 2018, 04:59:34 am
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Where does it say? I'm asking specifically if its possible to do it similar to those games in that manner, yes the general answer of bringing them back was said.

I'm really only suggesting this for people interested in projects, not for casual use.
Yes, you showed me how to do it on the old one. I was only asking if even a note could be made as you labeled everything else.
Secondly.. ^ Most of the people commenting here are also making projects so it would get its use. Most of what you are doing is optimal for those with projects, otherwise why would you need story mode etc? This is appealing "because" it allows us to get closer to replicating commercial games. Why would we not make the most out of it.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#42  June 08, 2018, 09:43:16 am
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Where does it say?

15.- is possible both static and animated portraits for all characters involved (6) in select and versus?, it seems disabled the anim0 currently
The animated portraits, using group 0 was one of the best things added in this engine. Yes, because you no longer need to change sff of each char to customize the portraits. The Ikemen do it automatically for you. That's one of the big reasons I want Ikemen instead of Mugen 1.1.
I'm planning to work on adding animated portraits back in future. No promises though.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#43  June 08, 2018, 11:39:23 am
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That still doesn’t answer what I was asking, but I’ll just figure it out should the time come. Thanks for the response.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#44  June 08, 2018, 06:49:17 pm
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I read the post and there are very good news! I read that now lifebar have bgdef for the animations.  In mugen you have round, fight, ko, win, time over, draw and double ko. If it´s possible with all of them? The´re will be possible add more actions to the fight archive, would be great: Perfect, you lose for 1 player modes, hyper move ko and intro before round 1, it would be perfect!
Mugen it´s very limited too for create the lifebar and powerbar... You only have p1.bg0.anim, p1.bg1.anim, p1.bg2.anim, mid and front animations, the same for p2, if you need more actions then you need to use time, face, etc and it´s a little annoying... please can you add more bg actions for lifebar and powerbar sections?
About the combo counter. I like very much this part in Add004 addon because implement messages in combos. Something like 5 hits (Nice Combo), 10 hits (Great Combo) and successively.
Another messages that are nice are from info like first attack, counter, danger, etc.
And the last for portraits, name and time fonts if It would be nice to control them with animations.
Ah! you can´t use loopstart with the fight.def archive.
Wow! This project looks very good, good luck with it! See you.
Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 08:31:00 pm by GaziraAgain
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#45  June 08, 2018, 10:09:04 pm
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I read the post and there are very good news! I read that now lifebar have bgdef for the animations.  In mugen you have round, fight, ko, win, time over, draw and double ko. If it´s possible with all of them? The´re will be possible add more actions to the fight archive, would be great: Perfect, you lose for 1 player modes, hyper move ko and intro before round 1, it would be perfect!
Mugen it´s very limited too for create the lifebar and powerbar... You only have p1.bg0.anim, p1.bg1.anim, p1.bg2.anim, mid and front animations, the same for p2, if you need more actions then you need to use time, face, etc and it´s a little annoying... please can you add more bg actions for lifebar and powerbar sections?
About the combo counter. I like very much this part in Add004 addon because implement messages in combos. Something like 5 hits (Nice Combo), 10 hits (Great Combo) and successively.
Another messages that are nice are from info like first attack, counter, danger, etc.
And the last for portraits, name and time fonts if It would be nice to control them with animations.
Ah! you can´t use loopstart with the fight.def archive.
Wow! This project looks very good, good luck with it! See you.

I've finished implementing flexible bgdef parsing and rendering directly in source code (based on existing stages bgdef code), which means all bgdef, bgctrldef, bgctrl parameters and animation types are now supported via independent functions and can be implemented elsewhere without much effort. This means that the bolded requests can be fulfilled (I do think this stuff would be nice to have).

I never coded a lifebar, so please elaborate how lifebar layers works currently  and what exactly should be implemented. Extra points if you could suggest parameter names, in which section of the lifebar DEF they should be placed etc).

Regarding combo messages - isn't there already combo counter in mugen lifebars? Please elaborate what exactly you mean.

That still doesn’t answer what I was asking, but I’ll just figure it out should the time come. Thanks for the response.

If put examples for new commands better, it will be implemented all over time but in order; things like i want portraits for the scenarios, i want new features, but how?

This is not about personal complacency, it's about developing a sufficiently complete engine that works for everyone.

If you want to support with ideas and despite being open source do not know or want to program it to help, please develop the idea well, with coherent proposals of what would like and how it would be functional.

An example could be ....I want this kind of things that could work like this:

New snd file for scenarios, independent of the music for environmental sounds.

Commands (px.lifebar.bgdef = xxx) for the fight.def that defines a total control for x background of x player lifebar.

Exclusive sound number for name announcer on selection screen (like snd 9000,1).

Combo.msg.statedef = xxx, which defines in a personalized way how the combos system would be, at what level of damage or hits and with what sounds.

So please propose ideas, not just ask for it, remember, is for everyone.
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Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 10:13:30 pm by MangeX
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#46  June 08, 2018, 11:29:38 pm
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As MangeX mentioned I was hoping that you would design how it should be implemented in the lifebar code using mugen lifebar conventions. But I will try at least the easier part:

The´re will be possible add more actions to the fight archive, would be great: Perfect, you lose for 1 player modes, hyper move ko and intro before round 1, it would be perfect!
In other words you want more components under [Round] section triggered by different conditions, right? Considering there are already Finish Type conditions coded for the lifebar, but used only for icons, we could as well add them here:
- n = Win by normal
- s = Win by special
- h = Win by hyper (super)
- throw = Win by normal throw
- c = Win by cheese
- t = Win by time over
- suicide = Win by suicide
- teammate = Opponent beaten by his own teammate
- perfect = Win by perfect

So the vanilla 'win' and 'win2', 'TO', 'DKO' etc. could be left for text and all of the above ones would show up alongside them depending on the finish type.

I read that now lifebar have bgdef for the animations.  In mugen you have round, fight, ko, win, time over, draw and double ko. If it´s possible with all of them?
If I understand you correctly you want following components from the [Round] section to trigger bgdef (if existing in lifebar code)
- round
- fight
- KO
- TO
- win
- win2
- draw

And on top of that probably all the new [Round] components mentioned in the first quote.

1. This could be implemented the same way as in stages, but using those component names instead of "BG". So for example for "DKO" the declaration would look like this:
[DKO my_element_name]
[DKOCtrlDef my_controller_name]
Alternatively storyboards system where '' is used to declare bgdef could be implemented (when I now think about it maybe that would be faster to parse). Here is explanation from documentation:
Quote = bgname (string)
If this parameter is specified, you can make use of a background object. bgname is a string prepended to your background definition groups. For example, if bgname is "Scene04bg", then your background definition group must be named "Scene04bgDef", and the following background elements must begin with "Scene04bg". data/kfm/intro.def and data/kfm/credits.def are examples that use this parameter. Note that background objects are not affected by the "window" parameter. All elements of a background objects are drawn underneath all "layerX" animation objects, with the exception of elements with the "layer" parameter set at 1.
example: = somename

2. The amount of time that the bgdef should be active could be already existing 'displaytime' (in case of DKO that would be the 'DKO.displaytime'). Or we could add new one.

3. offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale elements that can be used with general components should not affect bgdef data considering all of them are available in background elements declaration.

4. original text, anim and spr elements should display alongside bgdef.

If this is what you were talking about than yes, it indeed can be implemented and seems like a nice addition.


Mugen it´s very limited too for create the lifebar and powerbar... You only have p1.bg0.anim, p1.bg1.anim, p1.bg2.anim, mid and front animations, the same for p2, if you need more actions then you need to use time, face, etc and it´s a little annoying... please can you add more bg actions for lifebar and powerbar sections?
About the combo counter. I like very much this part in Add004 addon because implement messages in combos. Something like 5 hits (Nice Combo), 10 hits (Great Combo) and successively.
Another messages that are nice are from info like first attack, counter, danger, etc.
I can add it to roadmap if you (or someone else) design how it should be coded in lifebar DEF file. I can't think about anything that wouldn't become a confusing mess. Stuff like character's power, life and combo count are easily accessible.

And the last for portraits, name and time fonts if It would be nice to control them with animations.
Considering characters are already loaded during fight displaying animations from thier SFF file should be doable. Not sure what you mean with time, though. How? Like different animations assigned to different numbers? That doesn't sound like a good idea. (unless I missed something)

Ah! you can´t use loopstart with the fight.def archive.
did you try it in Ikemen GO? I doubt the same limitation would be the case in this engine. Please check it out and let us know.


edit: it has been implemented a little differently:
Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 12:13:35 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#47  June 09, 2018, 06:40:38 am
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Mange, you may have missed the part where I explained it. Again.. Once you select a character, it uses "state 195" which is the default for taunts for most characters, I also posted an example. I didn't feel it necessary to elaborate any further than that as this was already possible in earlier versions(The announcer on select). That is something you see in full games, that is something we only could do using cursor tricks previously, over the years its a feature everyone has wanted, but was too much trouble. Numerous people have asked about that specifically not just me. It wasn't a demand, I know the work that goes into it. I was simply asking if it were possible. Indeed you should be trying to make it for everyone, but what is the point of catering to casuals with all this full game material you are trying to implement. Seeing words like "basic" "that's something for full games". That is the biggest downside of mugen, no need to replicate that as well. You said it yourself previously, if you are going to do it, why not capitalize on the full possibilities. I'm just confused by some of the word use here, I thought the goal was to get closer to something commercial.
Last Edit: June 09, 2018, 08:25:21 am by ;x
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#48  June 09, 2018, 07:43:37 am
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    • Canada
I've been lurking this thread and from what I've heard a lot of features that mugen so despratley needed are being added into this, I do have some suggestions for ikemen plus GO. Not sure if they have been said before but better to jot them down for you. I was mainly thinking upon universality and not having to code it in within a character with some of these suggestions.

Spoiler: suggestions (click to see content)
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#49  June 09, 2018, 08:54:25 am
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1-3 hmm. Isn't that already controllable? You can change that setting in the options. The whole, you lose the round ala SFXT. Everything else can already be done, but you'd basically be asking them to develop a tag system all together. Much of what you describe, is already doable see below. Let me tell you guys something about 3v3-4v4. It already works to an extent. You could already have something similar to a Vs. game. The fact of the matter with this is, no one has developed any system to work with this. Main thing being, displaying more than 4 character names at once & a life-bar that supports this. In Ikemen, Turns controls how many players will be on Tag. You can also use a different input from each player. I've played 2v2 with 3 other humans with four different input devices. Another thing, Stage intros & fx can all be done through the common universally already. It seems as though plans were already made to use add004 as a base to work from which has most of these things & fear not, you don't have to use the base bars as most think, just turn them off/build over them.

The team stuff specifically, you could easily mimic the MVC2 dual hyper combos etc already. This isn't that as I only use 2v2, but its been possible & fully functional. This is already implemented into my characters universally, I just add the triggers and Wa-la

However one wanted to do their tag system is already possible, you'd just have to configure it. I was always experimenting with them calling each others names during tag out if you listen closely.

3v3(old video) So this is already on the right track, its just those name displays. You could easily add separate triggers for partner1 partner2

MVC-esc just for proof of concept you dont need hacks or patches for 3v3 or 4v4
Last Edit: June 09, 2018, 09:02:48 am by ;x
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#50  June 09, 2018, 09:54:24 am
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1-3 hmm. Isn't that already controllable? You can change that setting in the options. The whole, you lose the round ala SFXT. Everything else can already be done, but you'd basically be asking them to develop a tag system all together. Much of what you describe, is already doable...

1. Yes it's doable (I even said uno tag in my post so I know it's doable) but I feel it would be better as a dedicated SCTRL that could be just inserted into a common1 file or even a dedicated play mode rather then having a separate piece of code which requires patching and such.

2. Um... yes you do need a hack to get 3v3 and 4v4 functionality at all. It is one byte changed in the mugen executable that causes it, it only manages to work because mugen supports 8 characters loaded in memory at a time in a regular match excluding survival, and it doesn't care how those characters are presented hence why when you do it without add4 it just puts characters wherever on the stage because it is not defined in the stage def. So having it a just a regular feature in the engine itself would be much more intuitive than having two separate exe files just to have the functionality (hence why I said official because what we have is anything but intended) 

3. In a full game sure, in a normal jumbled roster in mugen no... not without patching every single character to react to that stage the same way.

The point I was saying in my initial paragraph is it would be better to have these things universal aka have them built into the engine itself rather than having to rely on hacks and patches.
Last Edit: June 09, 2018, 10:02:26 am by Amidweiz
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#51  June 09, 2018, 11:01:59 am
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1. Tag functions built into the engine
I feel that it would benefit to just have a SCTRL of this rather than have to fiddle around with uno tag (even though it's pretty good as it is) and such. Maybe have options upon how the tag works  like is it following tekken tag rules, (when a character gets KOed the team loses the round rather than the partner coming out) are the characters jumping in or running in, can they attack while tagging, do they have to be in a specific spot to tag in (Like Kizuna Encounter, etc.

1. Yes it's doable (I even said uno tag in my post so I know it's doable) but I feel it would be better as a dedicated SCTRL that could be just inserted into a common1 file or even a dedicated play mode rather then having a separate piece of code which requires patching and such.

All of this is already implemented in latest GO build.

1. Tag mode is selectable from select screen the same way as Single, Simul and Turns (if you add new teammenu.itemname.tag parameter to screenpack DEF file) which makes all the characters in your team being controlled by player (or in case of side controlled by CPU - not, obviously) and sets value for trigger.

2. There is a new TagMode trigger that you can use in CNS files to detect if the tag mode has been selected. Example use:
I don't know why you mentioned SCTRL. What should it do? If you mean hardcoding tag behaviour in source code than I don't think it's a good idea compared to leaving details that you have mentioned to cns code. If all this tag related stuff is handled via cns than mugen authors can easily distribute different systems.

3. 2 new buttons are supported that can be assigned for example for tagging if you don't want to use buttons combinations. They don't need to be declared in character's CMD file, since the declaration exists in the below mentioned common.cmd:
name = "v"
command = v
time = 1

name = "w"
command = w
time = 1

4. There are new common files for AIR and CMD. For CNS stuff common code can be added to the already existing common1.cns

5. Patching characters like in add004 and Uno is NOT needed. Ikemen GO Plus added 3 new negative states that works the same way as -1 (Command Control), -2 (Always), and -3 (Self) with higher priority than above ones, so all you need to do is adding Tag code to common1.cns
edit: unlike mugen, in Ikemen GO Plus you can now repeat -1, -2, -3 statedef declaration in common1.cns and those states will work even if character already has negative states declared in CNS files (they will be appended on top of character ones), so all you need to do is adding Tag code to common1.cns

6. As you can see in the above screen up to 4vs4 players in Tag mode is supported by default.

If there is something missing that would make coding Tag systems easier than we can think about it - but please, be specific, I don't know much about mugen CNS files. (I never created anything for mugen)

What is missing is the actual common1.cns Tag code that could be used as a base and distributed with the engine. For now add004 system is used (as mentioned characters don't need to be patched in order to work with it in Ikemen GO Plus), but in future we're planning to distribute simpler Tag code (without all lifebar related stuff and custom systems like dizzy etc. that exists in add004). JustNoPoint kindly offered to work on the cns tag code.


I will answer other questions when I have more time.

2. Offical 3v3 and 4v4 simul support
Even though I am not a fan of this mode, plenty of people are and it would bring attraction towards this engine just becuase of that. Stages would have to have their own p3 and p4 triggers repectivly. (like p3startx = , p4startx =, etc) You could also apply this to the tag fuction above.
It's already supported by default for all team modes:

not sure if p3startx and p4startx stage parameters are needed considering they don't exists in mugen and yet 2vs2 matches (which means with p1, p2, p3 and p4 on screen) are a thing. Isn't there some other parameter that handles distance between players at the start of the match?
Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 11:54:42 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#52  June 09, 2018, 03:41:11 pm
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I think you should try it first. As was said many of these things have already been done. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going to have to “patch” somewhere or the other for things like interactivity etc. I forgot to show an example for the stage intro, 3:30. This stuff goes beyond the system at this point, it should be specific for those who want it, well you’d put the extra work in.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#53  June 09, 2018, 06:13:03 pm
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I do have a specific question though. Instead of adding a fourth mode, would it be possible to instead make scramble battle its own entity? Think SFXT. This isn’t new as you already suggested it, I am thinking it’d be better suited for something like the boss rush, a bonus mode.

Also things like this, this is just a curiosity
Last Edit: June 09, 2018, 06:26:02 pm by ;x
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#54  June 09, 2018, 08:03:48 pm
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1. Tag functions built into the engine
I feel that it would benefit to just have a SCTRL of this rather than have to fiddle around with uno tag (even though it's pretty good as it is) and such. Maybe have options upon how the tag works  like is it following tekken tag rules, (when a character gets KOed the team loses the round rather than the partner coming out) are the characters jumping in or running in, can they attack while tagging, do they have to be in a specific spot to tag in (Like Kizuna Encounter, etc.

1. Yes it's doable (I even said uno tag in my post so I know it's doable) but I feel it would be better as a dedicated SCTRL that could be just inserted into a common1 file or even a dedicated play mode rather then having a separate piece of code which requires patching and such.

All of this is already implemented in latest GO build.

1. Tag mode is selectable from select screen the same way as Single, Simul and Turns (if you add new teammenu.itemname.tag parameter to screenpack DEF file) which makes all the characters in your team being controlled by player (or in case of side controlled by CPU - not, obviously) and sets value for trigger.

Oh I didn't know this was already implemented, though looking back through this thread didn't really see any mention of it. I could only find your post about changing the team mode to include the trigger for tag mode.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#55  June 09, 2018, 08:55:47 pm
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Thank you very much for the responses, I´m happy to see that many things can be implemented in this new Ikemen Go. I try the last part with it and I ask you something. And MangeX forgive me, I take care with this points in other posts. Well see you soon.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#56  June 09, 2018, 09:07:53 pm
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Looking forward to see what you can come up with Gazira. Was that just a SP you were doing or more than that? Anywho, with this, you could take it even further.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#57  June 10, 2018, 12:13:38 am
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It is good for everyone that someone is working on an engine compatible with mugen material but with new features adapted to the new fighting games that are appearing. I love play mugen but the site is closed and it is very difficult to see any updated in the future. There are many interesting things in everything that I read in the posts related with this new engine. The truth is that I want to try all these news :megusta:
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#58  June 10, 2018, 11:51:52 pm
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anyone know if this is compatible with sdl1.2.15 ot 1.2?

@MangeX Hey man, in case you didn't saw.

Is there a way to implement DirectX to Ikemen GO, just like the vanilla Ikemen?

Ikemen Vanilla Plus use SDL2 API with OpenGL functions, that´s why it can be disabled for incompatibilities and is enabled by default.

Ikemen GO Plus does not have any SDL compatibility, it uses the GLFW API (Application Programming Interface) who work and is made with Opengl only in mind, that´s why this version of the engine has very broken incompatibility with lots of systems, like Windows for example who try to redirect an older version of simple opengl functions (1.2) is the reason for the video inconveniences.
It can be solved using wrappers for every possible configuration on each user system but is more effective the use of a more flexible and universal API (SDL)

I'm on the way to implement that Simple Direct-Media Layer (SDL) to surpass those issues, DirectX and OpenGL Can/Will be secondary alternative runtimes attached.

Is better to wait until that happen ,beacuse in fact, to make any port to whatever system or hardware you Will need to adapt the core code engine (Ram management, Proccesor calls, unique optimizations) not only the API, SDL libraries in this case (the physical interface)

The actual engine code is functional but a little chaotic in organization and needs more modular presentation for anyone to understant it.
I know that the engine was made to emulate or simulate mugen, but is a new engine itself, so can be used for more than only fight games using the intuitive file system and programming that everyone know.

this means it isnot possible to port yet or it will not work?
is there a beta version that is easier to port via sdl?(for nintendo switch)
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#59  June 11, 2018, 02:20:29 am
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I think you should try it first. As was said many of these things have already been done. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going to have to “patch” somewhere or the other for things like interactivity etc. I forgot to show an example for the stage intro, 3:30. This stuff goes beyond the system at this point, it should be specific for those who want it, well you’d put the extra work in.

You can make a stage intro since the very first mugen in 1999, you just need to use properly the "stages background or foreground controllers [BGctrl] before the round start

this means it isnot possible to port yet or it will not work?
is there a beta version that is easier to port via sdl?(for nintendo switch)

You can use the now deprecated Vanilla Plus Ikemen which uses sdl2 ,the source code is a mixure of c++, lua and suehiro ssz languaje.

If you are in a great hurry in porting it why not use Captain Dreamcast's Dolmexica Infinite engine; is another mugen iterpreter , he is a nice guy to talk and he constantly update his engine, get in touch with him so you can support each other with that. He made his engine in c++ with dreamcast in mind but made windows and web versions also; his engine is sdl compatible so you can try whit it.

Or simmply can wait unless sdl is fully implemented on Ikemen Go Plus.
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Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 04:01:42 am by MangeX
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#60  June 13, 2018, 07:36:40 am
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I think you should try it first. As was said many of these things have already been done. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going to have to “patch” somewhere or the other for things like interactivity etc. I forgot to show an example for the stage intro, 3:30. This stuff goes beyond the system at this point, it should be specific for those who want it, well you’d put the extra work in.

You can make a stage intro since the very first mugen in 1999, you just need to use properly the "stages background or foreground controllers [BGctrl] before the round start


What I was asking for this in my post about stage intros

3. Stage intros and stage fx
Now i've seen that sounds are going to be introduced but not sure if I saw mention of stage intros. Plenty of fighting games have this and one example I can think up of is any stage in KoF95, one example would be is garou stage where they jump into the foreground . Also on that stage the characters have landing dust (rather water splashing) applied to them which would be cool for stages that look better with it. Also having options whether the fx add to the ones on the character, or override the ones on the character already.

Is similar to what ;x was saying (though it looks like that's just hard coded into geese with just a superpause in the video but still) but rather then having to put the code into every single individual character with a triggerX = StageVar( = "Whatever" in a state with the coding for that stage, instead have it as a line of code inside the stagedef itself so any character will be affected by it. Maybe under the [StageInfo] sctrl in a stage def it could be something similar to this or however you could implement it.

Code: (this is just taken from training room with my own mock implementations)
zoffset = 190
autoturn = 1
resetBG = 1
localcoord = 320, 240
xscale = 1
yscale = 1
;Sets whether the stage has an intro or not
stageIntro = 1
;Sets what BGCtrl is used for the stage intro. Characters start after the BGCtrl has ended, controllers must not have a looptime trigger assigned to them.
stageIntroCtrlID = 20

Which considering your example of the stage you showed, this is how it looks in it's source game. Time code is 0:35

See how the characters don't start their intros before the stage intro has ended, this is what I was talking about with stage intros. All I really want to see is it being something I can enable in the stagedef so I don't have to program it in every character in my roster. (Because one things for sure about mugen is that people can have massive rosters, even if it's a copy paste code you still have to do that for every character)

As with the stage effects, yet again would be better as an option in the stage def then coding it into every character

Code: (another mockup)
p1startx = -70          ;Starting x coordinates
p1starty = 0            ;Starting y coordinates
p1facing = 1            ;Direction player faces: 1=right, -1=left
p2startx = 70
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
leftbound  = -1000
rightbound =  1000
; Common effects for all of the players.
; This is used if your stage benefits from having landing effects other than standard landing effects.
effectsType = replace ; none uses the characters standard effects
                      ; replace replaces the effects with the stages own
                      ; add adds the effect along with the characters own
effectsAnimation = 500 ;You can also use animations from the FightFX in the data folder
effectsSound = 2 ;You can also use sounds from the common.snd in the data folder

Not sure how you could do movement with this (sort of like the example I have in the video when I first suggested it when they jump into the foreground) but I hope this clears some things up.