I took the time to test IKEMEN (Kathos' fork - 0.5) a bit more and here is some feedback:
; As of MUGEN 1.0, the default motif is defined in data/mugen1/system.def.
; You can also edit mugen.cfg to select the "big" motif.
- This message needs to be edited, because by default the system.def that is used is in the path "data" and not "data / mugen1".
And there is no more MUGEN.CFG.
- The font cursor in the menu does not work properly at any resolution other than 320,240.
- The text in the blue bar in the menu seems to be misaligned ("cropped") by default, apparently a little lower than it should be, at different resolutions it can get messy (320x180), at higher resolutions like 640x360, it doesn't appear on the screen.
The intros/endings resolution is fixed at 320x240. So you will have problems using 640x480 intros even though the screenpack is at 640x480.
- If you press "ESC" in Arcade Mode, you go to the continue screen. In MUGEN 1.0 you go back to menu, in MUGEN 1.1 you go back to select in Arcade Mode, imo, this is better).
- In Arcade Mode, if player 1 taunts the enemy, the message "Here comes a new challenger" appears and we go to the Team Versus selection screen which can suffer a kind of palfx on the screen if the interruption is in the middle of an attack that uses some FX/palfx.
If you press ESC, we return to Arcade selection mode to face the enemy we were facing before the interruption, maybe this part is intentional though.
- If you do the following steps:
Arcade mode, "Here comes a new challenger", press esc to skip the challenge and return to the menu, then return to arcade mode and select a character, the following error appears:

- The victory screen is enabled for Arcade and Team Arcade modes only.
- The black background on the options screen does not cover the text properly in 1280x720.
In the 3rd fight in Arcade mode, on the Versus screen, following a specific order of enemies, I am having the following error:

I just set it up for a character as a test, and I don't know if there's something wrong, but here it is, my select config:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Kenshin, stages/A.def, order =3, 1={Jinei, stages/C.def}, 2={Aoshi, stages/G.def}, 3={Okita, stages/VILLAGE.def}, 4={Saitou, stages/BBBGarden.def}, 5={Soujiro, stages/H.def}, 6={Shishio, stages/I.def}, 7={Enishi, stages/J.def}
Sanosuke, stages/market.def, order=2
Saito, stages/BBBGarden.def, order =3
Kaoru,stages/A.def , order=1
Yahiko,stages/A.def , order=1; add you char here
Misao,stages/B.def , order=1; add you char here
Jinei, stages/C.def, order =2
Aoshi, stages/G.def, order =3
Hiko, stages/Hokuto_toki_stage.def, order=9; add you char here
Anji, , order=3; add you char here
Soujiro, stages/H.def, order=5
Shishio, stages/I.def, order=6
Enishi, stages/J.def, order=4
Otowa, stages/D.def, order=1; add you char here
Gein, stages/D.def, order=3; add you char here
Okita,stages/VILLAGE.def, order=4 ; stage select area
Shin_Saito, stages/VILLAGE.def, order=4
Battousai, stages/D.def, order=4
arcade.maxmatches = 1,1,3,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 ;1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;
Well, I don't know if it was already mentioned, but would it be possible to add "CPU" to lifebar when fighting AI?