
score tally module (Read 3710 times)

Started by jay_ts, January 06, 2025, 06:47:55 am
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score tally module
#1  January 06, 2025, 06:47:55 am
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    • USA

just a quick fun little module that's actually a conversion of an existing feature in my upcoming game Battle Dudes where you get a tally of your score after the round based on vitality and time, just like all the old arcade games.

installation is easy as it is a zss file however you do have to add your own "score add" sound to the common.snd file, instructions are included in the zss file along with lengthy customization options. a sample score add sound is provided in case you don't want to grab your own.

download here:
Re: score tally module
#2  January 09, 2025, 05:49:28 pm
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    • Italy
should I add scoretally.zss in config.json?
Re: score tally module
#3  January 09, 2025, 06:20:36 pm
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    • USA
So at this part:

"if !IsHelper && !AILevel && Alive && !NumHelper(57484610) && GameMode = "arcade" && RoundState = 4 {
      helpertype: normal;
      id: 57484610;
      name: "Score Tally by jay_ts";
      stateno: 57484610;
      pos: 100000, 0;
      postype: back;
      keyctrl: 0;
      supermovetime: 9999;
      pausemovetime: 9999;

I found out I can change the modes the tally will trigger. is there a way to have it trigger in multiple modes?
Re: score tally module
#4  January 09, 2025, 06:57:57 pm
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  • The other Indian
    • India
I'm having this odd issue of my player being able to jump even after the round ends (before the tally happens). the round ends with a victory pose in the air or sometimes it doesn't end at all without tally appearing. Using the latest nightly but it also happened with a couple of versions before.

Last Edit: January 09, 2025, 07:12:46 pm by YugaCurry
Re: score tally module
#5  January 10, 2025, 03:08:47 am
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    • Chile
This work on  v0.98.2? Or Higher versions only?
Re: score tally module
#6  January 10, 2025, 12:49:09 pm
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    • Italy
is there a way to activate the score in watch mode or playing in watch mode?
Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 06:38:51 pm by Emiliux81
Re: score tally module
#7  January 21, 2025, 07:29:14 am
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    • Mexico
Hi, do you have any tutorial on how to configure the score?