
Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (All Updated 12/15) (Read 163250 times)

Started by K-Fox, July 18, 2022, 04:29:07 am
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Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (All Updated 12/15)
#1  July 18, 2022, 04:29:07 am
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  • Blue is cool.
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My Bonus Game comes to IKEMEN! I plan to update my characters for IKEMEN soon as well.


Changes (Latest Update):
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IKEMEN-Specific Changes:
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At the moment, the main change is that the bonus game now supports 3-4 players on the same team in IKEMEN's Simul mode, and you can place 3 or 4 SoR2 Bonus Games on the same Team in Simul mode to fight 4 or 5 enemies at once. I've also added some important stuff to the info file.

Looking forward to feedback! Also, the name of the folder & .def file has been changed to "SoR2IKEMEN", so be sure to remember that when adding the bonus game.

EDIT (12/15/2024): Characters updated for IKEMEN:

Changes (Latest Update):
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If the Bonus Game enemies are disappearing when hit with certain attacks by some characters such as throws, open the "SetConfig" file and look for this:
;Enemy Hit System. Set to 1 to make enemies use HitOverrides when hit instead of using the default MUGEN hit system.
;If strange things happen when you try throwing enemies or use certain attacks, such as enemies disappearing
;completely, set this to 1. It'll prevent enemies from being affected by some attacks such as throws (because of
;how MUGEN works), but it should also prevent any problems related to such attacks.
[State 5900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
v = 50
value = 0
;       ^ Change this value (Default is 0)
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0
Change the value from 0 to 1.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: December 15, 2024, 01:02:19 pm by K-Fox
Re: SoR2 Bonus Game IKEMEN Version
#2  July 21, 2022, 07:52:00 am
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  • I can take'em out with my fists
there's a Z-axis module would it be possible (given the stage parameters had enough room on a parallax floor) to make it so the characters ai had them moved around like the orinignal SOR?
Re: SoR2 Bonus Game IKEMEN Version
#3  July 21, 2022, 08:00:19 am
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Have images?
Re: SoR2 Bonus Game IKEMEN Version
#4  July 21, 2022, 09:58:11 am
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Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game IKEMEN Version
#5  July 21, 2022, 07:20:27 pm
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Nice, you converted this to Ikemen! This is one of my favorite bonus games.
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game IKEMEN Version
#6  July 25, 2022, 06:34:49 am
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  • Blue is cool.
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So a few days ago I played against my Yamato character in IKEMEN, and quickly found various bugs with it (for one thing, Yamato was KO'ing itself at the beginning of the round, after losing the previous round). Here is an update for Yamato:

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Also, for the Bonus Game, if you plan to play Simul mode against it with more than 2 players, you may want to set the "Enemy Strength" setting to a higher number (20000 is good), otherwise you'll quickly drop the enemy strength meter and only fight against 4/5 enemies for a short time.

EDIT (I didn't want to double post): Bonus Game update! (EDIT 2: Link changed. Fixed some minor things. Re-download if you already downloaded the previous version): With Sound File - Without Sound File

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IKEMEN-Specific change: Fixed some enemy throws not granting Red Life in Tag mode.

This update changes the way the enemy strength meter works. Previously, it would drop by 100 or more depending on how strong the enemy was, but this often caused the number of enemies fought before each Boss or Mini-boss to vary greatly. Now it drops by 1 for every enemy defeated regardless of strength, and the default value has been reduced to 80. This makes the number of enemies fought before each Boss/Mini-boss the same, and makes it much easier to adjust the length of the game since you know exactly how many enemies you'll take down each round (not counting Boss/Mini-boss Assists).

EDIT 3: I found another problem, but its not worth another download. Instead, open the "EStates3" file (or open the bonus game in Fighter Factory if you have it, and go to the "EStates3" tab), find State 21639 and add this to the state:
[State 11000, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = IsHelper
trigger1 = NumExplod(14620) > 0
id = 14620
This fixes a problem with Akaiho's special behavior icons not disappearing if he runs from battle because a Boss got KO'd.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: August 07, 2022, 03:21:09 pm by K-Fox
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game IKEMEN Version (Update 7/28)
#7  September 26, 2022, 04:15:27 pm
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I have updated my characters for IKEMEN! Link:

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The important changes are much better AI, the character's HUD disappearing when they tag out (now you can have 4 SoR characters on a team in Tag mode without their HUDs messing up), and the various improvements on the character's throws. I've also added another animations file you can use which makes the SoR characters actually able to hit smaller opponents.

One big thing I added was the "Ability Up". My characters are fairly simple compared to other characters, which normally isn't a problem. However, other characters often have many gimmicks in their kit that give them a massive advantage, which my characters can't keep up with. Some examples of these gimmicks are the following:
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As such, I've added the "Ability Up" Config option, which grants many bonuses to the characters in an attempt to even the playing field, which are:
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Ultra Shiva has other effects already so he doesn't have the "Ability Up" config option.

I'm sure this will make the characters much less of a pushover compared to more advanced characters (just note that its off by default).

One last thing: I'm going against what I said about the MUGEN versions of my stuff in the first post here because IKEMEN can let me do so much more with my characters and the Bonus Game; I'm no longer going to update the MUGEN version of the Bonus Game or characters. All updates will only be for IKEMEN. I'll always like MUGEN, but its just too outdated now.

By the way, for those with the latest version of the Bonus Game, I found yet another bug that is too small to make you download another file; when Fog throws a grenade from his motorcycle, it spawns on the ground instead of actually being thrown. To solve this, find State 9504 in the "EnemyStates.cns" file and add this to it:
[State 10000, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = FVar(3) != root, const(size.xscale)
fv = 3
value = root, const(size.xscale)

[State 10000, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = FVar(4) != root, const(size.yscale)
fv = 4
value = root, const(size.yscale)

This should fix that problem.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: September 26, 2022, 04:18:43 pm by K-Fox
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 7/28)
#8  October 22, 2022, 06:20:34 am
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  • I can take'em out with my fists
Sorry I'm late to upload this I made a video. I can breeze through the whole thing with Jin. I also wish that if you're knocked in the  air you could also be hit by someone else but I don't think that's SOR cannon would be a change of pace if considered ( this is just an opinion btw not stressing it). Besides that was trying to knock Mr. X silly with jin's devils dance when I found out this issue. I went back and found I could do it to any character which is kind of unfair in the long run. I wanted to try to see If I could make the characters work on a zaxis stage with four player capability  so I could have a nice little minigame but wanted to help squash some issues that I find to make the minigame you made shine more it's pretty awesome as is keep up the good work. To better my results I used the latest uploaded SoRIkemen that was posted on this page.

Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 06:31:16 am by Fauxcry
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 7/28)
#9  October 22, 2022, 05:24:17 pm
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I have this Jin character. I took a look at the code and found this in various custom states:
[State 3320, Destroy Helpers]
This bit of code is causing the enemies to disappear instantly. Its the typical code to prevent sending helpers to custom states, but the SoR enemies here were designed to not have HitOverrides by default (so you can use any attack against them), which unfortunately triggers this.

There is an option to enable HitOverrides for the SoR enemies in the Config file. Look for this:
;Enemy Hit System. Set to 1 to make enemies use HitOverrides when hit instead of using the default MUGEN hit system.
;If strange things happen when you try throwing enemies or use certain attacks, such as enemies disappearing
;completely, set this to 1. It'll prevent enemies from being affected by some attacks such as throws (because of
;how MUGEN works), but it should also prevent any problems related to such attacks.
[State 5900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
v = 50
value = 0
;       ^ Change this value (Default is 0)
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0
Set the value to 1. This will prevent the issue from occurring for the most part, but some attacks won't work properly as a result.

As for the Juggle issue, yes in the classic games once you are knocked down nothing can hit you until you get up. I kept that behavior here to prevent potentially endless juggles from the enemies (especially since you can't recover from their attacks). The only exception is Mr.X; when firing his Tommy Gun, each bullet used to have a Damage value of 100, but it would knock you down upon a hit, so you'd only be able to get hit once. But characters with HitOverrides would get hit multiple times and take tons of damage as a result. Now, each bullet deals much lower damage, but can Juggle to get about the same damage.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 11/5)
#10  November 05, 2022, 08:19:28 pm
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Got an update. Nothing really new, instead this update fixes several issues, and does some balance changes. Links (EDIT: Link changed. See message below: - With Sound File - Without Sound File

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This update fixes the two problems I mentioned above, so you don't have to fix it yourself anymore. The Jammer effect no longer looks like a glitchy "fuzz" covering the enemy lifebars, instead simply covering them with a white bar. Speed Run mode also got some major changes so that you'll really be able to speed through it now.

As always, tell me of any issues you find.

EDIT: I found some minor issues. New links have been added, re-download if you already downloaded the previous version. I don't like doing these mini-updates without something noticeable, so I added a new enemy, the Streets of Rage 2 version of Electra (called Reine in-game).

Mini-update changes:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

EDIT 2: And to complete this, find this in State 21893:
[State 21017, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) = 0
value = 301,8
channel = 1
loop = 0

[State 21017, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(3) = 0
value = 301,8
channel = 2
loop = 0

And replace it with this:
[State 21017, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) = 0
value = 301,8
channel = 1
loop = 0
persistent = 0

[State 21017, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) = 0
value = 301,8
channel = 2
loop = 0
persistent = 0
This fixes a problem with Reine's "attack voice" playing multiple times during her Jump Kick.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 08:37:49 am by K-Fox
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Mini Update 12/1)
#11  December 01, 2022, 11:09:22 am
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Got another mini-update: - With Sound File - Without Sound File

1. Fixed major issue with the Score not increasing from hitting/KOing the 4th/5th SoR enemy.
2. Fixed Big-ben going into a non-existent animation at the end of his roll attack.
3. Fixed Bosses taking too much guard damage if the Boss Life/Damage Multiplier Ratio Fix option was set to -1.

4. Reduced chance of Harakiri using his Counter Slash attack. Increased base life by 250.
5. Added cooldown to Electra's/Reine's Shock Whip attack.
6. The Rocket enemy that spawns with Jet has slightly more Life if more than 2 players exist in Simul mode.

7. Added a new "Tweak" option that grants Super-Armor to all Bosses and Mini-Bosses (except Vehelits) ONLY if they are in their Stand or Walking States (and Jumping state for Zamza), and grants them NotHitBy for a brief moment upon attacking. This was specially made for playing with more than 2 players in Simul mode, and should finally allow a way for Bosses/Mini-Bosses to have a chance at fighting back when fighting 3/4 players at once instead of spending 90% of their time onscreen getting stunlocked & combo'd.

*Known Issue: The dark flicker effect for Vehelits when it gets hit isn't working. Mr.X also doesn't flicker yellow when hit while he has Super-Armor from the new option, which is very strange since the PalFX causing that effect doesn't have any trigger on it besides "Time%3 = 0", so why it doesn't work on Mr.X only is still a mystery.
If you play against 3 or 4 Bonus Games to fight more enemies, you might notice that your score may sometimes appear to quickly increase multiple times after hitting or KO'ing the 4th/5th SoR enemy (the ones with the tiny lifebar above them). This is due to a weird workaround that I had to do to get the score to increase properly.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 12/11)
#12  December 12, 2022, 06:55:02 am
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  • Blue is cool.
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Back again with another update. This time, there isn't a "no sound file" version because I've added new sounds for a certain feature I've added.

EDIT 12/18: The mode select menu was activating again after a round was completed. Here is a fixed version; re-download if you already have the previous version.

1. Invincible time Bosses get upon attacking if the "Super Armor" Tweak is active has been reduced. Defense bonus from Super Armor effect heavily reduced.
2. All Jet-Type enemies are considered to be "Standing" when using their Flying Punch attack (for the normal Jet, excluding his Aerial Breaker vsersion). This fixes a problem where managing to hit a Jet-Type enemy during their Flying Punch wouldn't allow for a potential combo since they would almost instantly go to their special air recovery state for most attacks, which made them invincible for the duration of that state.
3. Reduced chance of Jet using his Breaker attack if the option is on. Since he is harder to pin down than most other Bosses, successful hits on him need to have a higher rate of allowing combos against him.
4. In Ranked mode, the Healing effect is no longer done by "grabbing" the players and sending them into a custom state for the heal, instead done with a "LifeAdd" state controller with IKEMEN's "RedirectID" parameter.
5. Healing after a Rank Up is no longer a full heal, instead it heals 60% of a character's MISSING Life. It was overall very easy to hit Star Rank despite the weaker healing items, so this adds some pressure while still granting a big heal upon Ranking Up.
6. Fixed problem with the Boss music still playing after defeating Jet.
7. Barbon and R.Bear are a bit smarter in deciding whether to use their anti-air attacks.
8. Can now set the "Random Enemy Life Bonus" option to -1 (Normal enemies spawn with a random amount of base life based on which enemy they are), -2 (Makes normal enemies spawn with lower life, but each time a Boss is defeated they spawn with slightly higher life), or -3 (Apllies the -1 and -2 option at the same time).
9. You can now set the "Alternate mode setting" to -1, which will allow you to choose the Bonus Game mode at the start the round. Now you don't have to keep opening the "SetConfig" when you just want to play in a different mode (Do note that all other options stay at whatever values they are set to in the SetConfig file).
A major change I've added is Change #9, which allows switching of the Bonus Game mode at the start of a match instead of having to change the config file every time you want to play a different mode. Do note that it works by pulling whoever is Player 1 into a custom state, where that player can press Left/Right to select a mode, then press Start to confirm. Afterwards that player re-appears from above and the Bonus Game starts.

Some notes about this method:
1. If the Bonus Game is unable to pull Player 1 into a custom state for 15 seconds, it will default to Normal mode to avoid a soft-lock.
2. If Player 1 is AI-controlled, the Bonus Game also defaults to Normal mode.
3. In Simul mode, if one of the teammates is "grabbed" instead of Player 1, they'll be removed from the screen and another attempt to pull Player 1 into the special state will be made. Once the mode has been set (or the 15 second fail-safe activates), the removed teammates will also jump back in from above.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 05:21:59 am by K-Fox
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Char Update 2/14)
#13  February 14, 2023, 11:00:07 pm
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Here is a minor update for characters:

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This update adds a tiny version of the HUD that can enabled so that if in Simul mode with many players, the HUD of each SoR character (hopefully) won't get in the way of other HUDs. I really like Simul mode and wanted to make sure my characters were as playable as possible in that mode, especially with IKEMEN's new 3/4 player Simul mode. This tiny HUD also is good to use if you are using lifebars that have the powerbars at the bottom of the screen.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 3/8)
#14  March 08, 2023, 07:11:27 pm
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Update time! Link: This update contains some important fixes.

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Changes (IKEMEN Specific):
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The last four of the "fixes" are particularly important:

A. Shiva's ability to block any attack for 0 damage was meant to make him tougher, but it also was rather annoying to have almost all your attacks wasted on higher difficulty levels, so I added a maximum block chance to tone that down.

B. I do have some characters with "Breaker" attacks, but they couldn't use them against the Bonus Game because of its State Number being over 3000 and thus counted as "always using a super attack", which the Breaker moves didn't work against. Those characters should now be able to use their Breaker attacks properly.

C. The damage limit was to prevent 1-hit KO's against enemies, but it affected custom state attacks incorrectly. Now no longer a problem.

D. "Percentage" damage is rare, but if it was used against the Bonus Game enemies, they would usually take a huge amount of damage.

Also, Ash has a lot more attacks and should be a much bigger threat than before. But now there seems to be a bug that is causing his battle theme to cut out early (sometimes). I'm not sure why it happens yet. Sorry about that. I'll keep checking to see if I can fix it.

EDIT: One of Ash's new attacks wasn't activating. To fix this, open the "EStates3.cns" file, and go to line 25284 to find this:
triggerall = Time >= 15
Change 15 to 18.

I also forgot to list the new attacks Bonus Game Ash can use, and how the Bonus Game Ash's attacks are different compared to the playable Ash. Here they are:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

EDIT 2: I have something for everyone: A list of all the enemies and their Stats/Attacks: Not much, but I figured some might find it useful.

I also found another issue with Ash; his laugh animation wasn't showing right. You'll need to open the "SoR2.air" file and find this starting from line 7450:
; AshLaugh
[Begin Action 10698]
Clsn2Default: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -14, -87, 11, 0
10698,0, 0,0, 7
10698,1, 0,0, 7
10698,2, 2,0, 0
Change that last line showing "10698,2, 2,0, 0" to "10698,2, 0,0, 7".
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 04:23:32 pm by K-Fox
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 3/31)
#15  April 01, 2023, 02:12:47 am
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Alright, I got something big here. Years ago I had an idea to add a new section to the Bonus Game where you'd fight all the Major Bosses again (with a different palette) after first fighting a small group of enemies, which was more or less what the final stage of Streets of Rage 2 was. I even wanted to use explods to "replace" the background so it would look like you were in Stage 8 of SoR2, although it was harder to do than I thought, so I dropped that idea.

I wanted to release it during Christmas as a "gift" of sorts, but I never got around to it. Now, years later, its FINALLY done, and here it is:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Now you'll basically "be" in Stage 8 of Streets of Rage 2 after depleting the Enemy Strength Meter in the second round (comeplete with Stage 8 music), fighting some amount of enemies, then a Sub-Boss. This is the first update in a long time that has actually has added something major to the Bonus Game; I hope you enjoy it.

I'd also like to thank everyone who took interest in this Bonus Game, whether you posted in the original topic, this one, or even made a Youtube video of this Bonus Game. Its been 8 years (I can't believe it) since I posted the original, and 46 updates later, its become an absolutely massive Bonus Game, which all started because I wanted a good "Beat-em Up" style bonus game for MUGEN, but most I found were either very simple, overly difficult, or just poorly coded.

With this ultra late Christmas preset finally complete, I also want to say that I probably won't be updating this Bonus Game much anymore outside of bug fixes. Its not that I'm tired of it, its just that I've crammed so much into it that I don't think I have anything left to add. I'm glad I was able to make something so many people found fun despite the Bonus Game taking a very long time to complete.

Thank you all once again. I tested this update lots of times to make sure the new area works correctly, although knowing me I may have overlooked something. If anyone finds a problem, please let me know.

Finally, some things about the new area some people might wonder about:

1. I know a Jet copy didn't appear in Stage 8 (probably because he appeared as a normal enemy in earlier stages in Streets of Rage 2). I included Bomber because I wanted to have all the SoR2 Bosses in the new area.

2. Non-SoR2 enemies appear here for more variety.

3. The music for the area besides the "intro" of the song is loaded with IKEMEN's new "PlayBGM" State Controller, which is why there is a brief moment of no music when the "intro" part of the song finishes playing (and it seems this also causes it to not loop perfectly). I included the main part of the Stage 8 theme this way because including it in the sound file would have added 12.9 MB to the file size, plus the song wasn't looping for some reason when played with a "PlaySnd" with "loop = 1" (maybe because the size triggered some IKEMEN bug?).

EDIT: I found some issues, here is a "Micro-Update":
Instead of the whole Bonus Game folder, this only contains the files I changed. Copy these files into the Bonus Game folder, replacing the ones already there, to apply the Update.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 11:08:40 am by K-Fox
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 3/31)
#16  April 06, 2023, 05:26:18 pm
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Boyboyz's Rugal XV char makes enemy disappear with genocide cutter and grab based moves.
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 3/31)
#17  April 06, 2023, 11:10:23 pm
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Boyboyz's Rugal XV char makes enemy disappear with genocide cutter and grab based moves.

Its an unfortunate "problem" with certain characters that remove Helpers to avoid the "character clone" glitch, but it screws up the Bonus Game as a result.

To fix this, open the "SetConfig" file and look for this:
;Enemy Hit System. Set to 1 to make enemies use HitOverrides when hit instead of using the default MUGEN hit system.
;If strange things happen when you try throwing enemies or use certain attacks, such as enemies disappearing
;completely, set this to 1. It'll prevent enemies from being affected by some attacks such as throws (because of
;how MUGEN works), but it should also prevent any problems related to such attacks.
[State 5900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
v = 50
value = 0
;       ^ Change this value (Default is 0)
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0

Change the value from 0 to 1. This will let you use the "problematic" characters against the Bonus Game at the cost of some attacks not being able to hit the enemies.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 10/9)
#18  October 10, 2023, 03:33:12 am
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Its been a while. Here is another update. I found some rather big issues with the Bonus Game, so I'm back to fix them.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

A critical bug involving Mr.X being "guard KO'd" was fixed (if using the default IKEMEN guard system, forgot to mention that in the update notes). That wasn't cool when that happened to me, and considering it takes so long to complete the bonus game, I couldn't just leave that there.

Another thing I added was the ability to change all Boss & Mini-boss life and/or damage by a percentage. I think that most Bosses have a bit too much life and not enough damage, making the fights kind of boring. You can now set these new values to your liking. Ideally, reducing their life and increasing their damage should make for more intense fights.
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version:
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 10/9)
#19  November 03, 2023, 02:53:24 am
Ahoy, not quite sure what's going on, but the latest update's mediafire link is broken.
Re: Streets of Rage 2 Bonus Game + 12 Chars IKEMEN Version (Update 10/9)
#20  November 03, 2023, 04:08:06 pm
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Ahoy, not quite sure what's going on, but the latest update's mediafire link is broken.

Well this is a double dose of problems. I was going to just upload a new version of the Bonus Game with some minor fixes to replace this link, but I'm currently on a Mobile HotSpot (true internet is down), and apparently Mediafire doesn't like the very slow upload speed; when I try to upload the file the progress keeps resetting.

So at the moment, I have another way. Here is the update, except 2 files are excluded to reduce the file size (the "SoR2" AU Format Sound file and the "SoR2FinalLevelTheme" MP3 file) so that this can actually upload properly:

Once this is downloaded, download Update 6: Then take the 2 sound files listed above from this folder and move them to the updated Bonus Game Folder with the missing sound files.

Here is the small update notes for this "patch". Do note that with this patch the newest version of IKEMEN is now needed:


1. If the "Boss Breaker" tweak was on, Jet was sometimes becoming invincible but not actually using a breaker attack.
2. If the "Idle Super Armor" and "Boss Breaker" tweaks were on, Bosses weren't affected by the Breaker attack cooldown in their Super-Armor state and as such could spam Breaker attacks.

~IKEMEN Specific Changes

A. Due to the change in how Red Life works in IKEMEN GO v0.99.0, certain enemy throws have been fixed to give the proper amount of Red Life.
B. Also due to the Red Life change, the life bar in Tag mode has been fixed to properly display Red Life.
C. The new "GlobalNoKO" AssertSpecial flag is now used to prevent players from being really KO'd and out of the fight (VERY helpful for characters that can inflict self-damage, and even more important in Simul mode for characters who can damage not only themselves but their allies as well).
Sometimes I listen to video game music more than I actually play the game.
Check out my Bonus Game & Characters!:
IKEMEN Version: