
KoF XV (Read 1400228 times)

Started by Magma MK-II, December 06, 2018, 01:30:24 pm
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Re: Re: KoF XV
#61  December 04, 2020, 05:13:07 am
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Kof just became about Quantity over quality some years ago.

The only good thing SNK can do now is adding rollback netcode to KOF XIII.
Pure bullshit. If you want to play your old games, go play old games, KoF XIV was excellent and your nostalgia can't change that.
No need to respond aggressively to others opinions like "pure bullshit"

Not gonna happend for sure and yeah, people are thinking that Alba or Luise will be in, but surely they'll not.
I'm sorry, what do you know? Are you in the dev team perhaps? It's, at least, quite arrogant, to presume you know something when you have absolutely no argument to sustain that.
He is talking about probabilities, they are not so well-known characters in the franchise, it is not arrogance

About the game, glad they turn Kyo appearance more like the previous games before KOF XIV
Re: Re: KoF XV
#62  December 04, 2020, 01:20:47 pm
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digging benimaru's design. and sad there's no colour cause shun's colour theme in 14 is lame.

i'm looking forward to the ikari warriors look , i want beef cake ralf and clark back and probably a buff terry bogard like in 13.
Re: Re: KoF XV
#63  December 05, 2020, 01:37:17 pm
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Re: KoF XV
#64  December 07, 2020, 08:45:09 pm
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Two characters considered for XIV but didn't even make it to DLC were Jack Turner and John Crawley from AOF. Are they perhaps contenders for a slot in this one, given that even Hwa Jai and Richard Meyer each made a comeback before fading back into the shadows? Blame Days of Memories for attractive ladies not up-and-vanishing after a return appearance. In SNK Heroines, the only non-guests that used new models were Shermie and Jeanne, so they could easily show up in XV if they keep re-using models. A World Heroes character in KOF proper would be a game-shaker (Even KOF XI's hidden characters were all first-party SNK characters) for the series, though. And about the MI cast, even if they were kinda lame, SNK could retool them to be better.
Re: KoF XV
#65  December 08, 2020, 05:34:58 pm
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Re: KoF XV
#66  December 08, 2020, 06:08:13 pm
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the last Kof looks like from ps3 so i hope an improvement for this one
Re: KoF XV
#67  December 08, 2020, 06:37:28 pm
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The King of Fighters 15 will be a 'supreme masterpiece' for the series
No pressure or anything
Not setting anyone up for disappointment one way or another
I wonder if that means in terms of graphics, gameplay, roster, all of the above. The roster would have to beat 02UM's 60+ characters so I'm not expecting that, for starters. For graphics I'd be fine if they can copy KoF All Star's models and effects, I don't think I want something a bit stylized like SamSho for KoF, just make it straightforward semi-realistic. But dump the multicolor superflash, it was ugly in XII, it was ugly in XIV.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: December 08, 2020, 06:44:47 pm by Byakko
Re: KoF XV
#68  December 08, 2020, 06:59:02 pm
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The King of Fighters 15 will be a 'supreme masterpiece' for the series says SNK producer, rollback netcode mentioned but not confirmed:

With some already dead characters emerge from Verse, it is no surprise  ::)

Dead characters...
Just give me (normal) Shermie... and I'm in!

About the "masterpiece" stuff, for some reasons, I cannot trust them...
I just would like to avoid the kind of "realism" SFV went for, and the low/average quality models they had in 14.
Re: KoF XV
#69  December 08, 2020, 09:14:04 pm
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The masterpiece stuff is just hyping it up and it's not something you should be thinking about until the game is actually out.

Rollback being mentioned hopefully means it's going to be an actual thing or the game.will be DOA.
Re: KoF XV
#70  December 09, 2020, 03:12:49 am
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Am I the only one who doesn't want to see revived characters and the only one who doesn't want to see the new faces team losers back ever again?
Re: KoF XV
#71  December 09, 2020, 04:19:30 am
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Am I the only one who doesn't want to see revived characters and the only one who doesn't want to see the new faces team losers back ever again?

Probably yes on the latter part. I feel like if Shermie's regular and Orochi movesets were combined she would be a much better character.

I now wonder which deceased characters in the series weren't inside Verse? Heidern's wife and child, maybe? K9999? Given that even Leona's dad and Jeff Bogard were inside Verse, I wouldn't count on it. It would be interesting if Jeanne's appearance was because of Verse, not a time machine. How would they explain Love Heart, now that the people they sold her to went under?

And I agree the masterpiece stuff is PR hype.
Re: KoF XV
#72  December 09, 2020, 09:45:12 pm
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Brief Comment; I would hope it didn't end up like SamSho 7, the game was a resounding success, but they had the great idea of releasing it on Google Stadia, then releasing it to the Epic Store when people expected it more to come out on Steam.
Re: KoF XV
#73  December 23, 2020, 04:25:32 pm
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Just a confirmation that yes, we'll get an actual trailer in the 7th.

Re: KoF XV
#74  January 01, 2021, 06:58:12 pm
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All they have to do is to pull out with the presentation in they got it made and improving other things. I feel the DLC in XIV is an expansion on what they already have than just add what's missing. It will be the same for KOF XIV. As for the platforms, it will come out console (next-gen) and PC first before it comes to the arcade and you can thank the pandemic for that. I don't expect a whole lot of alternative costumes. I never feel ripped off with SNK and with their latest games.

KOF XV and Samurai Showdown season 3 news this week coming at Jan. 6 for Samuari Showdown season 3 and Jan. 7 for KOF XV.
Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 06:43:55 pm by videoman
Re: KoF XV
#75  January 05, 2021, 05:37:29 pm
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Am I the only one who doesn't want to see revived characters and the only one who doesn't want to see the new faces team losers back ever again?

Honestly I don't know what I want, like I'm 50% want it and 50% don't want them to come back.
But thinking about it, Mature and Vice are still dead and they came back anyway, probably they are doing this just as an excuse to bring old characters with this new look.
They even revived Ash who was erased from existence like wtf xD
Re: KoF XV
#76  January 05, 2021, 06:10:53 pm
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I'm open to returning characters but I want updated movelists, at least effects. I'm really not fond of bringing back old movelist absolutely identical to what they were doing before. Make better moves or just come up with new characters, don't copy-paste.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: KoF XV
#77  January 05, 2021, 08:20:01 pm
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I'm open to returning characters but I want updated movelists, at least effects. I'm really not fond of bringing back old movelist absolutely identical to what they were doing before. Make better moves or just come up with new characters, don't copy-paste.

This. I remember the hype seeing KOF'96 launched in a London arcade and everyone freaking out how different some of the characters moves were. It was a refreshing change to see differences between Ryo and Robert expanded and Kyo's moveset changed. (Not going to lie, I'm usually a Andy/King main and I LOVED the new tools).

So yeah, I hope they change things up again too. :)
Re: KoF XV
#78  January 05, 2021, 08:45:39 pm
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I'm open to returning characters but I want updated movelists, at least effects. I'm really not fond of bringing back old movelist absolutely identical to what they were doing before. Make better moves or just come up with new characters, don't copy-paste.

I feel the same!
Ok for newcomers if they are not empty characters with no soul. Like some of the previous game we all almost forgot...
Re: KoF XV
#79  January 05, 2021, 11:01:24 pm
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I'm open to returning characters but I want updated movelists, at least effects. I'm really not fond of bringing back old movelist absolutely identical to what they were doing before. Make better moves or just come up with new characters, don't copy-paste.

I feel the same!
Ok for newcomers if they are not empty characters with no soul. Like some of the previous game we all almost forgot...

The empty characters with no soul thing is a big factor with both KoF and MK nowadays, and I feel like KoF has been battling this since the Nests era with the likes of Lin, Seth, etc not really clicking with me.  To be fair, FF and AOF also had tons of characters who were brought into KoF only once if ever for understandable reasons
Re: KoF XV
#80  January 06, 2021, 04:11:21 am
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Honestly I don't know what I want, like I'm 50% want it and 50% don't want them to come back.
But thinking about it, Mature and Vice are still dead and they came back anyway, probably they are doing this just as an excuse to bring old characters with this new look.
They even revived Ash who was erased from existence like wtf xD
I'll flip if they think of reviving Rugal, cuz Rugal is badass af
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