
Trying to make Pre-To/Hato's Junko Throwable (Read 125 times)

Started by Alt441, March 17, 2025, 06:54:32 am
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Trying to make Pre-To/Hato's Junko Throwable
#1  March 17, 2025, 06:54:32 am
Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask but I have no experience with developing Mugen characters and am trying to nerf a boss character called Junko from Touhou (who I found off Mugen Archive) for personal use as she's way too strong for the rest of my roster.

I have successfully changed her health, attack, defense and seemingly disabled her super armor by setting this "Trigger1 = 1" to "Trigger1 = 0" in the following code, found in Junko.cns
[State 170, 無敵]
type = NotHitBy
Trigger1 = 0 ;トリガーを何も書かず「1」にする事により、『無条件で常に実行させる命令』になる。
value = SCA
time = 1

This all seems to be working fine but she still can't be grabbed in any way. I'm way out of my element here and have no idea what I'm doing or should be looking for, any help?

TLDR: I am trying to make this boss character throwable / able to be hit by grabs.