
Working On Hitstun and Guardstun Deterioration (Read 4990 times)

Started by darthbirdy3, February 04, 2025, 08:04:01 pm
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Working On Hitstun and Guardstun Deterioration
New #1  February 04, 2025, 08:04:01 pm
  • *
  • I feel old
  • Still using Mugen after this many years.
    • Japan
Hello, I'm back after a long mugen absence, but with more fighting game knowledge! Anyway, as the title says, I've figured out decent code for hitstun deterioration to go in the pausetime line of the hitdef of a combo heavy character.

pausetime = 5 ,floor(8*0.95**(target,gethitvar(hitcount)))

It works pretty well, and I know some would find putting it in every hitdef annoying, but that is the level of customization I am after. My issue is that this only works for successful hits but not guarded ones. Is there any equivalent to target,gethitvar(hitcount) for guarding? A browse through the docs hasn't found anything promising.

EDIT: After playing around by myself I made something that kind of works with this hitdef line:
guardtime = 5 ,floor(8*0.95**(var(12))

and these negative states:
[State -2, guard decay]
type = varadd
trigger1 = moveguarded
v = 12
value = 1

;hitstun decay counter reset
[State -2, varset]
type = varset
trigger1 = enemynear,movetype != H
var(12) = 0

My issue is that the guardstun seems to decay insanely fast compared to the hitstun with this method. Any tips on how to improve it? I'm really at a loss here.
Still using Mugen after this many years.
Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 03:05:34 pm by darthbirdy3