
Re: News (Version 1.1 Release Date Announced!) (Read 51685 times)

Started by Zero-Sennin, March 05, 2013, 02:52:05 am
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Re: News (Version 1.1 Release Date Announced!)
#1  March 05, 2013, 02:52:05 am
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
This topic is for updates about this sub-forum or the game in general only. If you have a question about a character, or the screenpack, direct it to the appropriate thread, please. Thank you.


So, it's been about two years and change since this project died.

I am here to announce today that it's back to life again.

I've started from (mostly) scratch: the stages and screenpack are the same, but I threw out my old character code, the color separation, all of that--we're starting fresh. Everyone has new movelists and we've moved from six-button play to four-button play, with the other two being reserved for the system stuff.

The first demo will be out at some point, with 4 characters: Kaneda, Xia, Hiko, and Tatsuki. The Juke System will probably be added by then, but for now I'm concentrating on getting the characters done.

Stay tuned for more information later on.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 09:45:23 pm by Zero-Sennin
Re: Re: News (Rise from the Ashes! The Return of Project LENSMAN)
#2  March 11, 2013, 09:42:23 pm
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Welcome back, sir.
Re: Re: News (Rise from the Ashes! The Return of Project LENSMAN)
#3  March 12, 2013, 02:20:59 am
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Sweet, definitely gonna follow this.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: Re: News (Rise from the Ashes! The Return of Project LENSMAN)
#4  March 12, 2013, 05:54:01 am
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Anyways, hah! Nice to see your old ideas growing new legs and walking. Can't wait to see what you'll bring to the table, preferrably nothing involving mapping the start button as a gimmick. Also, when this is all said and done, I genuinely hope to eat my words about anything I made fun of in this project ;3.

But are there truly grown men in this world?!
Re: Re: News (Rise from the Ashes! The Return of Project LENSMAN)
#5  March 12, 2013, 04:25:26 pm
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
Homer: 4 attack buttons, with the other two reserved specifically for system gimmick stuff. Right now, though, my main focus is on getting the characters for the beta ready to go.

speaking of which here's today's news announcement, a-hey

March 12, 2013

As you can see I've pretty much thrown out all of the old shitty threads and started clean. The character threads for the beta characters will be going up slowly over the next week or two while I iron out the rest of their bugs. I'm amenable to the idea of an open beta, but at the moment I cannot promise that there will be one.

If you have questions about the characters in terms of play style, damage, etc., direct them to that character's thread. After the threads go up, I'll see what I can do about getting some footage up, possibly in the vein of KoF 13 character videos.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 06:45:48 pm by Zero-PiltoverPuncher
Re: News (Kaneda Trailer Released)
#6  May 11, 2013, 06:46:00 pm
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
May 11, 2013

Kaneda's trailer is out.

I pretty much stole inspiration from KoF 13's trailers as far as visual layout is concerned, but I like the results.

Xia, Tatsuki, and Hiko will all be getting trailers as well, though I have a better appreciation of my computer's limits now and won't crank them out as quickly as I did this one.

Once the trailers are done, I'll be sitting back and thinking about some things. I'm still ambivalent about whether or not I really want the Juke System to stay in, but I would like some sort of mechanic that uses meter so that holding all those stocks isn't completely pointless.

See ya'll soon with Xia's trailer. If you want to ask questions about Kaneda's stuff, feel free to ask in his character thread.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Xia Trailer Released)
#7  May 17, 2013, 09:03:02 pm
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
May 17, 2013

Xia's trailer is out.

I've gotten some feedback about hitsounds and the like from Kaneda's trailer. I am open to the idea of changing things around, but for now, it stays as it is because I like it that way.

Tatsuki's is coming up next. If you have questions about Xia's stuff, feel free to ask in her character thread.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Xia Trailer Released)
#8  May 18, 2013, 02:36:14 am
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  • Master Relic Tech
  • Screenpack Maker EX
Looking sweet man.
Re: News (Tatsuki Trailer Released)
#9  May 30, 2013, 12:52:51 am
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
May 29, 2013

Tatsuki's trailer is out.

This hasn't been asked about, but I'll say it here and add it to the FAQ as well. This game is staying on the 1.0 engine, and there will be no forward porting to 1.1 unless a real version of 1.1 is released and I feel that the benefits of 1.1 would make the game better.

On a side note, I've finally integrated the bar I'd like to use for the system mechanics that I want to introduce. It's called the Technical Bar, and you'll use it to perform Tech Cancels and Guard Cancels. I'll write up a post detailing how it works once I've integrated it into all of the characters that are in the demo at the moment (which won't take long, as I've been abusing the common1.cns a lot).

While I prep Hiko's trailer, I'll be switching over the characters to run off of the fight files as well, since my current templates are more about making characters with custom spark sets, as opposed to letting the full game handle a lot of the more tedious stuff.

After that, I'll be figuring out how to handle the matter of a first beta.

As usual, if you've got questions about Tatsuki's stuff, hit up her character thread.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Tatsuki Trailer Released)
#10  May 30, 2013, 06:27:08 am
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This game is staying on the 1.0 engine, and there will be no forward porting to 1.1 unless a real version of 1.1 is released and I feel that the benefits of 1.1 would make the game better.

I... I... I love you.
Re: News (Tatsuki Trailer Released)
#11  June 05, 2013, 10:44:07 pm
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
June 6, 2013

Hiko's trailer is out.

I've also written the post for the system mechanics. I could use a little talkback about them, if you're interested, but if not, that's good too.

Anyway, all the trailers are out. I'll be tightening up some things over the next couple of days, then we'll talk about what the beta looks like. Still not very enthusiastic about the idea of a public beta, so I wouldn't count on that being the primary vehicle.

If you've got questions about Hiko's stuff, check his character thread.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Beta Preparations, Kai and Ai Now Underway)
#12  July 02, 2013, 01:41:03 am
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
July 1, 2013

No new trailers, but some general news.

I think I'm ready for a beta release to go out, but in the interest of streamlining my feedback, I'm going to be making it a private beta. You all will be given an idea of what changes from beta to beta in the character threads, but only the testers will actually have a chance to mess around with the game itself. A public beta would be a bit unwieldy right now.

I've also changed some things in the T. Bar system, so feel free to drop by that thread to stay up-to-date on that.

Last, but not least, I'm happy to announce that I've started working on putting together Kai. He has taken some influences from Vanessa and Akihiko in his new movelist, and I'm very excited to try and actualize it, especially after playing the old game and seeing how...poorly put together it was there.

Kai's thread will go up once I get some actual work done on starting up his actual files. Might be a few days or so but we'll see how it turns out.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Beta Preparations, Kai and Ai Now Underway)
#13  July 03, 2013, 04:32:11 pm
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
July 3, 2013

So when I said I'd take a few days to get Kai together? I was kind of wrong.

He won't be getting a trailer until after the next build of Project LENSMAN, but here's a taste of what to expect.

It also occurred to me that I haven't written up a basic post explaining how certain mechanics work, so I did. Go check it out.

Still scouting people for the beta. I'll let you all know when it starts and when it ends.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Beta Preparations, Kai and Ai Now Underway)
#14  July 05, 2013, 09:24:05 pm
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
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    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
July 5, 2013

Ai's character thread is up.

The beta-testers got the game a few days back, and I've been doing a lot of work tightening things up. In fact, Kamekaze was so nice as to do a video derping around with some of Kaneda's invalid combos from the build as well as some more legitimate ones with most of the other cast members that were available at the time. To quote the man himself:

Note that all of kaneda's shit is no longer possible after 1 loop. Didn't stop me from having fun with it.

So, right now, here's what the future timetable looks like:

  • Version 1.1, containing fixes for bugs reported in the first release, will be going out to beta-testers by Monday at the latest. Kai was already in the initial release since I was feeling motivated, so version 1.1 is really just an update that adds Ai, bugfixes, and buffs/nerfs.
  • LENSMAN will be added into Version 1.2.
  • If I can figure out how to design a decent user interface, I will be overhauling it either before or after Version 1.2 is released. I don't see any changes coming to the rest of the visuals, though.
  • After Version 1.2's testing cycle is over and the new fight screen is ready, the public release will go live.

Do note that this plan is subject to change at my discretion.

The only other thing I will say is that I am less opposed to a MUGEN 1.1 upgrade for the game in the future than I was previously (because EnvShake is causing some trouble with my explods, amongst other things), but that my statement from before still stands. If the public beta for MUGEN 1.1 goes out and I feel that it is worth porting, I will; if not, I won't.

That's pretty much it for now. Direct any questions or comments to the appropriate places, and have a safe 4th of July weekend if you live in the USA, mmk? :V
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Beta Preparations, Kai and Ai Now Underway)
#15  July 17, 2013, 10:46:11 pm
  • ******
  • Just a butcher on a mission
Show off your new bars you jerk
Re: News (New Lifebars/Powerbars and More)
#16  July 18, 2013, 04:35:15 am
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  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
well since you asked

July 17th, 2013

I've been working on Release 1.2 for a while. The biggest change is to the lifebars, as Insanius stated. Much thanks to him and some other folks for helping me get to this point:

Testers will get 1.2 sometime soon-ish. LENSMAN himself is in and done, and I can't really think of any other balance issues at the moment; I'm just working on unifying the colors of the fight screen to sync with the bars a little better, and that'll be it.

I think the next step will probably be looking about voice actors while the testing for 1.2 is going on. I'll talk more about that when it becomes relevant.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: News (Kai Trailer Released)
#17  July 28, 2013, 04:04:04 am
  • ****
  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
July 27, 2013

Kai's trailer is out.

Next is Ai's.

The beta-testers have 1.2 right now, and are providing me with little bits of feedback. Still undecided as to how I'm approaching the voice actor issue, but I'll seriously consider it after I get finished with the next trailer. I want to definitely get a few of the old guys to reprise roles, but I'm not sure if the failure of the last iteration would discourage them from trying again.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: Re: News (Kai Trailer Released)
#18  July 28, 2013, 04:16:56 am
  • *****
  • Master Relic Tech
  • Screenpack Maker EX
Nice my man.
Re: Re: News (Ai Trailer Released)
#19  August 16, 2013, 11:06:24 pm
  • ****
  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
August 16, 2013

Ai's trailer is up. Pardon the mistake with Bayonet Twirl, I forgot to move around while using it.

I'm going to take a minute to update the movelists today. Some changes have rolled around since the first release, and it's time the threads reflected those changes.

Version 1.3 is going out to beta-testers soon. After that, I'll start investigating voice actors and actresses.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: Re: News (Ai Trailer Released)
#20  November 10, 2013, 12:46:40 am
  • ****
  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
Been a while, huh?

Well I got good news for you.

November 9th, 2013

Project LENSMAN Version 1.0 has been released!

So as it turns out, the game went into another 4 testing cycles after my last post a few months back. Between that and school I had my nose down to the grindstone, but now I've reached the point where I feel that the game is solidly playable.

Some things to take note of:
  • I did switch to the MUGEN 1.1 engine. This was mostly because I needed the custom bars to stop shaking with EnvShake and that doesn't work in MUGEN 1.0, so I upgraded it.
  • There is no voice acting, and barring some very lucky streaks, there will probably never be. I'm not really concerned about it so much as I used to be.

If you'd like to give me feedback, post in the Version 1.0 Bug Report thread. It'd be a really great help, thanks!
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.