
A touchy Topic (Read 80065 times)

Started by courte2, January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 am
Re: A touchy Topic
#101  January 14, 2008, 04:25:41 pm
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Fat people come in all colors.
Re: A touchy Topic
#102  January 14, 2008, 04:28:26 pm
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Re: A touchy Topic
#103  January 14, 2008, 04:29:03 pm
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you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: A touchy Topic
#104  January 14, 2008, 04:41:27 pm
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chubby chaser!
Hello guys.  I have touched children.
Re: A touchy Topic
#105  January 14, 2008, 05:04:11 pm
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reiterating my previous rant, even more unorganized (and as colorful as possible)

.....stereotypes sell. Their stature will continue because developers simply do not care about desiging and dignifying a certain race/sex/nationality justifiably in a game that cums supsended reality. That shit doesn't matter when you're talking about keeping a multi-million dollar franchise alive. Sometimes I feel the "stereotypes" that we see are just a normal staple of make-believe life that the developers create for us in the fighting games...a suspended normality that they think (and it's adoring fans) is normal in a make-believe reality.

Debating in internet forums (or wherever else) over which stereotyped fighter is stronger/sexier/cooler/etc, and (specifically speaking for the MUGEN community) making 4th/5th/6th generation cousins of these fighters that further degrades them only keeps it alive. Don't get me wrong - I love playing as Michael Max and Heavy !D. I have no problem playing as Ibuki or Sailor Moon Venus. If they're play mechanics work well in making the game fun, then I'll use them.

But, at some point, the developers need to stop getting typecast (as walt said earlier) in the degrading, physical appeal in their programming genius. Black fighters aren't the only ones suffering., yeah, I made my point somewhere in there.
Re: A touchy Topic
#106  January 14, 2008, 05:43:43 pm
  • ***
  • Not the best time to realize your claustraphobic.
SFs characters were originally stereotyped. Most of the characters were originally from movies and manga. Wiki it, or die tryin...

     What still has pissed me off is that T-Hawk is from Mexico??  There arent native americans in Mexico!! I've been mexican for the better part of my life, and still am BTW, and i have never seen giant mexicans like that.  The only fighting styles that Mexico comes close to is Lucha Libre, and Bar Room boxing.  And the only "Indians" that are even left in mexico, are those ponchos wearing Black-complected people, who dont even speak spanish, and are treated like second class citizens and who are actually descendent from aztecs and mayans. While we mexicans are descendant from spaniards, who are also descendant from Arabs.
But in retropect, if Cpcm wanted a real Mexican in SF2, they should of used that Luchador from their slam masters game. At least it wouldnt have looked Xenophobic, and he prolly would have been an even better character than Thunderfoot Hawk.

Sado/Chad from Bleach looks pretty close to Mexican though.
Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 06:04:34 pm by Leo037
Re: A touchy Topic
#107  January 14, 2008, 06:39:50 pm
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  • SNK is life
Best Mexican Fighter ever = Angel
Re: A touchy Topic
#108  January 14, 2008, 06:42:34 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Spider-man 2099 is one of my favorites.

How many Portuguese fighters can anyone recall?
Re: A touchy Topic
#109  January 14, 2008, 07:02:27 pm
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    • USA
and everyone acts as if Potemkin is the only darker skinned character in GG, you can't say cause Venom is gay for Zato that he's light skinned.

But I sure want me some of Jam's.... well, Jam.
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Re: A touchy Topic
#110  January 14, 2008, 07:03:36 pm
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There are plenty of "black" people in GG. You just gotta press the right buttons to enable the right palette swap.
Re: A touchy Topic
#111  January 14, 2008, 07:05:21 pm
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    • USA
Of course! they all are black, then. I like a cinnimon-skinned Millia... and a alabaster Baiken, if you ask me.
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Re: A touchy Topic
#112  January 14, 2008, 07:10:18 pm
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Of course! they all are black, then. I like a cinnimon-skinned Millia... and a alabaster Baiken, if you ask me.

The "black" take on Millia wasn't that bad. If she had long black or dark brown hair, she would've been the first legitimate looking black female 2D fighter...given the anime take.
Re: A touchy Topic
#113  January 14, 2008, 07:14:04 pm
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    • Mexico
reiterating my previous rant, even more unorganized (and as colorful as possible)

.....stereotypes sell. Their stature will continue because developers simply do not care about desiging and dignifying a certain race/sex/nationality justifiably in a game that cums supsended reality. That shit doesn't matter when you're talking about keeping a multi-million dollar franchise alive. Sometimes I feel the "stereotypes" that we see are just a normal staple of make-believe life that the developers create for us in the fighting games...a suspended normality that they think (and it's adoring fans) is normal in a make-believe reality.

Debating in internet forums (or wherever else) over which stereotyped fighter is stronger/sexier/cooler/etc, and (specifically speaking for the MUGEN community) making 4th/5th/6th generation cousins of these fighters that further degrades them only keeps it alive. Don't get me wrong - I love playing as Michael Max and Heavy !D. I have no problem playing as Ibuki or Sailor Moon Venus. If they're play mechanics work well in making the game fun, then I'll use them.

But, at some point, the developers need to stop getting typecast (as walt said earlier) in the degrading, physical appeal in their programming genius. Black fighters aren't the only ones suffering., yeah, I made my point somewhere in there.

maybe , just maybe, they just want to make a game and don't care about politics.
Re: A touchy Topic
#114  January 14, 2008, 07:20:09 pm
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  • I am a ghost.
    • USA
Which, I personally think they had more races in anime, it won't be an issue. Especially if there were more Women of the Race.

Racial issues seem to start with men more than women. So we need to make it so that the thread is (Which girl do you like the most) because everything between the legs of women can start peace or war.

maybe , just maybe, they just want to make a game and don't care about politics.

I, personally, believe it so, but for the sake of the topic, I'll be contradicting.

And for the record, I think we should stop calling blacks African Americans in this thread. I can't believe these 2 words can start controversy, but somehow, it does.
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Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 07:24:32 pm by (TAO)Overlord
Re: A touchy Topic
#115  January 14, 2008, 07:25:36 pm
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The only that got my Goat years ago was that all Black characters in Snk and Capcom games had Mohawks,Afro and  Black pompadors (Kushnood Butt.).
Heavy D
Birdie (Who although wsa white in sf1.)
Dee jay just had a Cooning Smile
Keep in mind that each of these fighters was Some of the toughest opponents so i can't say that they were useless.
As far as Lucky Glauber goes his last name implies he has basketball talent. He obviously seems like Homage to Kareem Abdul Jabbar in game of Death. His Moves is ill and he's one of my personal faves.
i swear, Stupid muthafokkers exist all over this board!
Nonetheless Dickriders get all of the Attention!
Go Figure.
Yes online Gaming is important........ Who Else are you gonna practice on?

Beta Kagetsura can still be found here.
Re: A touchy Topic
#116  January 14, 2008, 07:29:01 pm
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  • corner push pusher
reiterating my previous rant, even more unorganized (and as colorful as possible)

.....stereotypes sell. Their stature will continue because developers simply do not care about desiging and dignifying a certain race/sex/nationality justifiably in a game that cums supsended reality. That shit doesn't matter when you're talking about keeping a multi-million dollar franchise alive. Sometimes I feel the "stereotypes" that we see are just a normal staple of make-believe life that the developers create for us in the fighting games...a suspended normality that they think (and it's adoring fans) is normal in a make-believe reality.

Debating in internet forums (or wherever else) over which stereotyped fighter is stronger/sexier/cooler/etc, and (specifically speaking for the MUGEN community) making 4th/5th/6th generation cousins of these fighters that further degrades them only keeps it alive. Don't get me wrong - I love playing as Michael Max and Heavy !D. I have no problem playing as Ibuki or Sailor Moon Venus. If they're play mechanics work well in making the game fun, then I'll use them.

But, at some point, the developers need to stop getting typecast (as walt said earlier) in the degrading, physical appeal in their programming genius. Black fighters aren't the only ones suffering., yeah, I made my point somewhere in there.

maybe , just maybe, they just want to make a game and don't care about politics.
At some point they're gonna have to care.
Re: A touchy Topic
#117  January 14, 2008, 07:31:33 pm
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    • USA
I really believe they care causing no foul play to the making of these characters.
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Re: A touchy Topic
#118  January 14, 2008, 07:32:46 pm
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Ignorance and/or arrogance can only be tolerated for so long though...that is, if the fans of fighting games (or gaming as a whole) care enough to want a change.
Re: A touchy Topic
#119  January 14, 2008, 07:39:43 pm
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If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: A touchy Topic
#120  January 14, 2008, 07:40:06 pm
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Ignorance and/or arrogance can only be tolerated for so long though...that is, if the fans of fighting games (or gaming as a whole) care enough to want a change.

why change what was never wrong?
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