
[Quick Question] AngleDraw/AngleSet helper binding CLSN Boxes  (Read 12749 times)

Started by Plum, September 03, 2024, 09:27:16 pm
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[Quick Question] AngleDraw/AngleSet helper binding CLSN Boxes
#1  September 03, 2024, 09:27:16 pm
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I'm starting to think it isn't possible to bind CLSN to anything that is using angledraw/set because mugen itself can't determine the exact angle of the sprite/animation. I hope I'm wrong, there is an attack that has multiple angles that activate based on var(19) = 0-2 so three in total and so far I haven't figured out how to use BindtoParent,BindtoTarget, or BindtoRoot to  get it CLSN to stick to the animations being spawned.

I tried using posset: x = helper(2030),pos x, y = helper(2030),pos y  with no luck so far. I'm just wondering if I'll have to manually create these angles in the end for mugen to let me bind a second helper/CLSN box to them.

I'm so close to being done with my first Hi-Res character! Pretty excited about it--and the community has been really helpful.~
 I just want to know if it's possible before I jump into tedious Photoshop territory.

tl;dr : Can you bind CLSN boxes to helpers with Angleset/draw?

Re: [Quick Question] AngleDraw/AngleSet helper binding CLSN Boxes
#2  September 09, 2024, 12:38:45 am
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Yes you can. But no you cant. It's just not so easy to do the figuring out especially if the sprite isn't centered on the 0,0 axis.
The angledraw will spin the sprite, but if the sprite is at 20,0 and you spin it upwards, it's now at say, 15,4 or whatever. The hitboxes do not spin with it, no.
But if you have the sprite at 0,0 the original hitboxes will still be where the sprite is on screen, Just not SPUN to the same angle.

We only get rectangular hitboxes.

One thing I did is knock up the angles on the sprite using IrfanView and pasting those images in the character. Then do the hitboxes off those images. In game they end up lining up.

Sometimes the sprites you make in irfanview end up being easily edited to look better than what mugen pumps out in game.
But if you have your sprite/animation out away from 0,0, you should be able to create the same arch with math and have the hitboxes line up better.

IF you're hell bent on not having the sprite on 0,0, and you can't figure out where the heck to place the  spun sprite after you import it spun with irfanview,

Duplicate the image in FF3. Open the sprite in the editor and hit save. Hit no on the "do you want the other sprites to use the changes"
Now you have 2 different images. Look at the animation and find out how many pixels away from the center the outsides of the image is.
Go back to the duplicated image and open it in the editor. Hit Image > Properties. Double the guess. So 147 pixels to the left, you want to ADD 290 to the current size. The image will get BIG. Save it.
Use Onion Sprite on the duplicate and look at the animation. The gray image wont line up.
Move the duplicate to around where it should be.
The gray sprite in the bg is getting closer and closer until you get it spot on.
NOW in the moved duplicated sprite, in the editor ADD a point near 0,0. Keep inching the 0,0 point in the image until it's perfect. Once it's perfect
EXPORT THAT IMAGE and spin it in irfanview.
Once you import that image back to FF3 you have the 0,0 point so place that where it's at. and BAM you know where your first image sits! Make the hitboxes for that frame of the animation using the onion skin in the background and see it lines up in game!  =]
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