- Menu
Font was Slightly improved
Options, Select, Versus and Winner Screens
New fonts.
New Background.
Upper and Lower bars are smoother with semitransparent gradients.
- Lifebar
New fonts for names.
New Hi-res portraits for all characters.
Portraits for both characters in simul mode; upper gauges for sidekicks, lower gauges for players.
Fixed Values of Combo font for Player 2.
- Intros: "Black bars" (horizantal and vertical) were removed.
- Select/Versus and Winner Portraits of all characters were slightly refined.
Aoshi: New palettes.
Battousai: New palettes.
Enishi: Sprites were updated, new palettes.
Kenshin: Correction in minor color separation issues and new palettes.
Misao: She was disabled, to enable her again rename her folder from "Misao-" to "Misao" (without quotes).
Okita: New Portraits. (Art base by
https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4344290 )
Saitou: New Palettes, both versions have yellow eyes now.
Shrine was flipped horizontally.
Waterfall stage was updated, mountain in the right, bell, house and elements on the floor were removed.
Soujirou stage changed back to DM Dojo.
VIDEO This major update includes the following:
This latest update features a new character in the roster, Udo Jin-e and some various look/balance changes and glitch fixes. This also includes a little surprise gift for those fans who have given support over the years. Enjoy!
UDO JIN-E!! New stages and round intros Updated Lifebar and basic user interface Updated get-hit properties (less pushback) and gameplay mechanics (requires high kenki to use basic recovery moves/able to combo break special moves) Fixed more bugs and infinites (Soujiro, Sano, Shishio, etc.) Updated movesets for Sano (jumping zanza attacks/finger flick) and Soujiro (uppercut move/new level 1 super)