
Evolving MUGEN: artistropeadope (Read 500950 times)

Started by artistropeadope, November 29, 2014, 09:51:34 pm
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#61  December 15, 2014, 05:06:47 am
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Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 07:23:48 pm by artistropeadope
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#62  December 15, 2014, 05:10:17 am
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I always wanted cutscenes between fights in arcade mode. I just thought it would be interesting to have a "story mode" in a Mugen fullgame or something.

awesome idea. I think broly has a primitive version of in-bout cutscenes. ill look into it.thnx
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#63  December 15, 2014, 05:13:24 am
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Easy, have stages have randomized events, multiple portraits like in Knuckle Fighter, environmental hazards/things that can affect players, cinematics in the middle of Arcade, like in Fighter Maker, a score system like in KF, and a universal tag system. Oh, and a stat/save/replay system. Lastly, we need Suave Guy by Elecbyte.

multiple portraits? that snds cool. environmental hazards has to be possible but I haven't seen it yet.good stuff
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#64  December 15, 2014, 05:31:48 am
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Also, sprites should be at least on par with guilty gear before being considered serious.
That's just Stupid. What, are Stuff Like CVS2 and MVC2, KOF not "serious"? Hell, you Probably you consider SF3 Sprites (even though SF3 sprites are better done then GG, but I digress) not good enough cause they aren't "Hi-Res" or whatever.

On that note... What the hell do you mean by "Serious"? what does that even mean?

CVS, MVC, SF, KOF, & GG are serious. 8bit, chibi, rpg & snes are not serious. its not rocket science nice guy. Maybe my opinion isn't stupid, you just aren't tracking.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#65  December 15, 2014, 05:35:50 am
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Personally, I think the asymmetrical programming from Gill of SF3 should've been the standard for modern day mugen chars since his release.

Why? Most characters aren't asymmetrical. Why would you waste time making something standard that's only going to apply to a few characters?

a few chars? I have an entire roster of self-made asymmetrical chars. this is like saying why did reuben kee waste time creating dragonclaw? chill
#66  December 15, 2014, 05:37:28 am
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Re: Evolving MUGEN
#67  December 15, 2014, 05:37:54 am
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duh, online mode, and cinematic like the others said and so that your opponents victory screen shows (i didn't make all those fucking quotes in my bosses for nothing) hm what else.... i guess that tag system(i prefer 3 on 3 like mvc and kof) while still keeping simul

also online mode would be this

each match, the character who you pick will be uploaded temp so then after the match it deletes itself(same would go for stages/music i guess, why not)
oh and all you people who complain " nu dis guy is juest uzin retardad orochi editz"

well its simple, how do you find another match? by fucking looking for one.

oh yeah for tag mode, it should be a separate mode, and chars without the tag option should not be selectable.

agreed. good stuff. thnx
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#68  December 15, 2014, 05:44:00 am
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Don't make multiple posts, if you want to quote multiple people then use the insert quote feature in the advanced posting window. I placed your posts in the first one you made.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#69  December 15, 2014, 05:46:50 am
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Mid-fight cutscenes is a god awful idea, but something like SVC/KOF13 pre fight conversations would be great.  You can already do them but only in the form of being coded like actual intros.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#70  December 15, 2014, 05:47:27 am
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being considered serious. Let me know what you guys think.

I secound that line cuz i don't even know wat the heck that's supposed meaning. :c

serious means compatible with difficult to draw chars like ryu,terry & sol badguy.  Akuma vs 8bit megaman is not serious because its a smooth drawing vs pixels. hope this helpzzz

sprites should be at least on par with guilty gear before being considered serious.

Are you going to sprite everyone's characters? Update what's done? Who are you? :/

no stranger. im going to release good future work. Flurryjo, search it. that's all you need to know.
Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 09:41:28 pm by Lith
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#71  December 15, 2014, 05:51:24 am
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Re: Evolving MUGEN
#72  December 15, 2014, 05:53:10 am
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serious means compatible with difficult to draw chars like ryu,terry & sol badguy.  Akuma vs 8bit megaman is not serious because its a smooth drawing vs pixels. hope this helpzzz

I don't think MUGEN was meant to be "compatible" in the sense you're mentioning it, even when you fight "serious" chars against other "serious" chars you're gonna have a sprite discrepancy, which would disrupt the "seriousness".


Don't make multiple posts, if you want to quote multiple people then use the insert quote feature in the advanced posting window. I placed your posts in the first one you made.
Yeaaaah im shootign ducks wiht the paino
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#73  December 15, 2014, 06:03:04 am
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but he didn't progress about those ones.
In other words, he couldn't make it, but he still expects everyone else to do it, not thinking that maybe everyone else has the same problem as he did.

no, negative one. still making it. if any1 has a clue how hard it is to produce chars, its me. they're close to completion & advanced. if there was a problem I wouldn't suggest this. my only problem now is negative comments clogging up this forum preventing me from listening to the good ideas.

I'd like better handling of pushboxes. Either make them a new type of CLSN that is defined with every frame of animation (that's basically what commercial games do) or give us a height SCTRL that acts like the width one but for the top and bottom of the box. Get rid of the hardcoded feature where vulnerability boxes factor into the pushbox equation. Make it solely about the pushboxes.

More control over ground-based hit reels would be nice too. Be able to specify your own friction or deceleration parameter, much like how you can specify a gravity parameter (yaccel) for midair hit reels.

RootVarSet and RootVarAdd SCTRLs. More control over the juggle point feature, such as triggers that check the current value and SCTRLs that can change the value.

holy shi! I might need you to code some of my chars. hahaha

they should start by ADDING A PAUSE BUTTON WHERE YOU CAN GET TO THE CHARACTERS MOVE LIST.That should have been In Mugen day one as almost every fighter has it.I mean i have over 800+ characters in my roster and do you really think I have time to remember all of my fav character's controls.if I don't I have to stop the game and open up the text file when it should have been a simple pause and click

YES! agreed. working on it
Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 09:41:57 pm by Lith
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#74  December 15, 2014, 06:06:28 am
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I'd like better handling of pushboxes. Either make them a new type of CLSN that is defined with every frame of animation (that's basically what commercial games do) or give us a height SCTRL that acts like the width one but for the top and bottom of the box. Get rid of the hardcoded feature where vulnerability boxes factor into the pushbox equation. Make it solely about the pushboxes.

More control over ground-based hit reels would be nice too. Be able to specify your own friction or deceleration parameter, much like how you can specify a gravity parameter (yaccel) for midair hit reels.

RootVarSet and RootVarAdd SCTRLs. More control over the juggle point feature, such as triggers that check the current value and SCTRLs that can change the value.

holy shi! I might need you to code some of my chars. hahaha
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#75  December 15, 2014, 06:08:10 am
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they should start by ADDING A PAUSE BUTTON WHERE YOU CAN GET TO THE CHARACTERS MOVE LIST.That should have been In Mugen day one as almost every fighter has it.I mean i have over 800+ characters in my roster and do you really think I have time to remember all of my fav character's controls.if I don't I have to stop the game and open up the text file when it should have been a simple pause and click

YES! agreed. working on it
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#76  December 15, 2014, 06:09:33 am
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If you're smart enough to code then I think you should be smart enough to not to double triple post... twice.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#77  December 15, 2014, 06:10:14 am
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Don't make multiple posts, if you want to quote multiple people then use the insert quote feature in the advanced posting window. I placed your posts in the first one you made.

Re: Evolving MUGEN
#78  December 15, 2014, 06:10:27 am
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I'd say that usually it isn't hard to remember commands at all, but considering that Mugen has like a million alternate versions of every character yeah.  In fact that could be a perimeter set by the creator, like win quotes are.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#79  December 15, 2014, 06:14:07 am
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Re: Evolving MUGEN
#80  December 15, 2014, 06:23:31 am
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well, aren't your answers negative & useless. its proven through coding of individual characters that mugen possibilities are endless. do you choose to ignore reuben kee's revolutionary AI work on evil ken&ryu? or his amazing slowmo coding for dragon claw? do you acknowledge broly's self-sustained cutscenes during battle? are you aware that no one uses asymmetrical programming even though its right in front of us? have you seen mugen sidescrolling? Duckhunt?Tag teaming? Electobyte isn't responsible for any of that. Large sprites aren't retarded either nice guy. as time passes, sprites grow. playing mugen with 8bit sprites is "retarded" if anything. I am creating an entire roster of serious asymmetrical, MVC styled, GG sized chars as I type to you. I also planned to integrate every feasible idea the mugen community feeds me. my work is on youtube. sure, these things "can already be done." but are they being promoted &/or consistently utilized? instead of shutting down these talented creators' ideas (including mine), give positive feedback so we can properly move MUGEN forward.

how droll. 8bit style sprites are "non-serious" or "retarded" because of the art style? what backwards ass rock did you pull that notion from under and how can we put it back?

the fact that all these incredible things are feasible means they are implemented, which means mUGEN has already moved forward to the point that you want it to go. after that it comes down to preference. nobody is obligated to do the shit reu, pots or whoever else you are praising did. everyone works to their preferences and innovates in their own way. theres no set standard for innovation, and good things can come from 8 bit/whatever the fuck style spritework.

MUGEN will never "move forward" if people like you with closeminded purviews of what people should be playing are allowed to take the reigns. and congrats on all these accomplishments and goals you have, but until we see final work most will probably take it with a grain of salt. with your attitude, i dont fault them for it