
Death Battle (And sprite fight animations) (Read 26762430 times)

Started by Long John Killer, April 09, 2015, 03:59:16 am
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Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1761  March 28, 2018, 11:15:08 pm
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Have a boy.

Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1762  March 29, 2018, 12:28:21 am
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Yeah, seeing this is going their regular route of combining all the versions into one, there's just no way Crash has a chance in hell against Legends Spyro.  If it were original trilogies for both, it would still likely be Spyro's win, but it's a harder won fight than Legends Spyro pulling the Earth back together after being split.  That's Hulk-levels of strength.  Plus even the stupider Spyros are all smarter than Crash, Legends is going to make him a genius on top of that.

And I know we just had an episode covering how time manipulation isn't everything, but....Spyro's got time powers.

Really, the only surprise I can see for poor Crash is that mind control ability with Aku Aku, and Sparx can fight off Aku Aku, never mind just break him with energy blasts if he's attached onto Spyro and busy focusing on that.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1763  March 31, 2018, 07:37:03 pm
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A DBX that features Blades and Hell
Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 07:44:01 pm by Knuckles8864
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1764  April 04, 2018, 11:25:02 pm
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Spike the Dragon

Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1765  April 04, 2018, 11:25:02 pm
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Spyro's preview's out. Whoops, Person Man beat me to posting it.

Ok, so yeah, Legends Spyro.  This is no longer even a match, it's Quicksilver versus Flash.  And, uh...also, that's odd of them.  They've done composites of practically everyone so far, why stop now?  Just because Legends mostly does what the others do, doesn't mean he does everything.  And I still feel this would have been better if it was Spyro classic versus Crash classic, but whatever.
Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 11:41:50 pm by Long John Killer
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1766  April 05, 2018, 12:07:06 am
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I totally agree, this is more one sided than a lion going against a baby. Might as well see what kind of battle it will be.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1767  April 10, 2018, 01:27:54 pm
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Preview of the next fight in their latest cast episode.

That's...not how I would have used Sparx.  And Aku Aku not being flammable?  I...they did play Spyro 3, yeah? :mwhy:

Whatever though.  Should still be a straight-forward outcome.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1768  April 11, 2018, 07:32:45 pm
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This was kinda unexpected.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1769  April 12, 2018, 12:13:42 am
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I don't really have anything more to add to this match, other than they did a good job with the animation.  But that next fight?

Spoiler: Oh boy (click to see content)
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1770  April 12, 2018, 01:27:52 am
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Sora's got a lot more flashy stuff that Pit does, but on the other hand Pit takes down gods on the reg.  Hades, Medusa, Thanatos;  Pit overpowers actual deities all the time while Sora's strongest opponents could charitably be referred to as personified sadness.  As far as DB's power scaling usually works, Pit might have the advantage there.  Plus, he's got literal divine protection from Palutena that could work in his favor too. I could see this one going either way.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1771  April 12, 2018, 01:41:09 am
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Palutena would be outside help, no?  Unless we're throwing Donald, Goofy and King Mickey giving Sora a free life into the mix.  But even giving Pit that without the help for Sora, as I recall, doesn't he need to request and be granted clearance for each item, at her own discretion?  Sora's power is all his, minus the Keyblade which is, well, tied to him and not something Pit would be trying to unbind so yeah, still all his.

And I recall the gods of Kid Icarus being more on the lower end of the power scaling for gods, your typical Greek gods with pretty low end super strength and mild terraforming skills.  Shouldn't Sora beating the Chernabog (At least twice, if my memory isn't failing me he was in DDD?) place him at that point on Pit's highest feat tier, never mind the more powerful foes with Ansem, the Organization and such.  And on top of that, DDD has him so powerful even after restarting without his accumulated skills from the past games that he could solo Xemnas. (apparently somewhat easy if he was at his max, though at that point he was getting his mind warped)  And surely, the information we know of about KHIII at this point already shows he gets those discarded powers back on top of his Keyblade almost-mastery.

Look, Pit's impressive, but Sora's just stupidly more impressive.  Speed alone, he's gotta be above light speed, which should leave Pit in the dust.  And we didn't even talk transformations, which while gameplay requires additional help, in lore it does not, as we see him perform the initial transformation into Valor without sacrificing Goofy.  And if you want to be nit-picky, he can also be in any form outside Anti-form in any cutscene as well, implying it's not necessary as well.

It just occurred to me, are we getting two 3D matches in a row?  Sora has sprites, fairly well edited ones from Chain of Memories to look like his KHII attire too, but Pit is left with his stiff NES sprites, which don't match up at all.  I mean, they did that too with Beast and Goliath, but that was also one of their shorter episodes and I can't imagine they'd want to make this match a short one.
Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 08:30:02 pm by Long John Killer
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1772  April 13, 2018, 03:20:53 am
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Did they actually, seriously try to imply Crash had autism?
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1773  April 13, 2018, 03:59:23 am
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Among the things they've implied, I'm not so sure that's too far off, if you want to be needlessly technical.  Which is the heart of this series.  I guess it's another counter-point to Spyro with him having A.D.D. if you want to look at it like that.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1774  April 13, 2018, 06:57:06 am
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Shouldn't Sora beating the Chernabog (At least twice, if my memory isn't failing me he was in DDD?)
He was but Riku fought him instead as Sora fought a Heartless in the same level.

Does Final Form Sora have any feats that makes vs Pit a breeze?  A plethora of magic isn't enough but Sora's feats during Armored Xemnas second fight is worth noticing with the strengh of his base Keyblade.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1775  April 13, 2018, 01:16:33 pm
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Ah, wrong guy then.  Whoops.  Still, he beat him once early into his career then at least.

The forms don't really come into play in the story, since everything can also be done in his base form, so it's hard to say.  They're just multipliers to take into consideration to place on top of all the things he's been shown capable of in base.  Annoyingly, the various wikis online don't seem to actually show the stat increases each form gives to do the math on how much of a power boost it grants, just flavor text and describing what it does.  Which still helps to some degree, we know in Final Form he gains effortless continuous flight, the additional keyblade that comes with most forms and that both of them act with a mind of their own.

The second armored Xemnas fight, though?  It was dramatic, but beyond throwing skyscrapers (Which he does similar things since being a lion against that huge Heartless) and resisting being pulled into a black hole, I thought the final fight was the more important fight for feats.  Countering at least half of every single of Xemnas' light-speed laser cage blasts.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1776  April 13, 2018, 01:36:57 pm
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To be fair, the only form that's worth mentioning is the Limit Form, since Sora's other forms do require Donald and Goofy (or other party members) to let it out.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1777  April 13, 2018, 01:39:10 pm
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And we didn't even talk transformations, which while gameplay requires additional help, in lore it does not, as we see him perform the initial transformation into Valor without sacrificing Goofy.  And if you want to be nit-picky, he can also be in any form outside Anti-form in any cutscene as well, implying it's not necessary as well.
Unless they take the approach of gameplay over in-world intention, in which case Second Chance could save Sora from, like, disintegration.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1778  April 14, 2018, 07:15:56 pm
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Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1779  April 14, 2018, 11:21:09 pm
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I know this is DBX, so ignoring how they went about it for a second.  But something that always bugged me about this match-up is what is Mr. Fantastic's default equipment, anyways?  He always works with his team with some sort of transportation with the tools and chemicals he needs to....uh, super-science.  And things like the last Death Battle sometimes make exceptions as to what a character would always carry on them, like Crash getting his mech suit.

I've always felt that while Luffy had the better powers, Reeds could just, like, watch him for a minute and deduce a formula to mix real quick to counteract the devil fruit or something.  But then that's kinda getting into "Batman wins with prep" territory.  That match up really boils down to what they feel like giving Mr. Fantastic to work with.

Also it's always amusing when they use those custom sprites with stiffer animations against something smoother, like Captain Marvel vs 18.
Re: Death Battle/One Minute Melee
#1780  April 15, 2018, 07:50:44 pm
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Riot Rumble

Edit: Yop, animators are so obsessed with  Luffy that we ended up with two videos in a row with him fighting another character