
Does anyone know how to run Ikemen GO on the mac ? (Read 48305 times)

Started by OldGamer, February 28, 2021, 10:40:07 pm
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Does anyone know how to run Ikemen GO on the mac ?
#1  February 28, 2021, 10:40:07 pm
  • ****
  • Stages & Screen Pack
  • Mugen Creator
    • USA
like the title say
can anyone know how to run it the file dont have app to run the program can anyone give me a tutorial how to get the ikemen go run on the mac pc. I tried clicking the Ikemen_GO.command but won’t work, it says I don’t have the privileges needed to access the file
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Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 10:57:44 pm by OldGamer
Re: Does anyone know how to run Ikemen GO on the mac ?
#2  November 10, 2021, 03:16:44 pm
  • ******
  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
This is the tutorial Eternega gave me:

ok open terminal
and paste  type or paste chmod u+x
after you type chmod u+x
drag the Ikemen_GO_command into the terminal window
then hit enter
then you can now run Ikemen_GO_command normally

Keep in mind that OSX uses Retina Display (HiDPI) so the game could look like this

there's a free app on the app store call resolutionator that i use to set my mac native resolution without doubling scaling GUI

Re: Does anyone know how to run Ikemen GO on the mac ?
New #3  April 22, 2023, 04:15:10 pm
  • You gotta fight for your right to party.
    • Spain
I have a Mac (intel, Big Sur), tried same 'chmod u+x' action with the 'Ikemen_GO.command' directory.
It seems the terminal line displays the 'mode|entry file' message, but still don't work... Double-clicking in Ikemen_GO.command file or dragging again in terminal window, then pressing 'enter'. It displays again and again the "permission denied"... nothing changes.
In fact, I have no idea which file I have to open, execute or how.
I'm frustrated there's no way of playing m.u.g.e.n. in Mac whatsoever, no matter how much I tried and look for apps, versions, patches and solutions like wine bottler. The 'Fighter Factory Studio' opens and flows like a charm, but still it's impossible for a Mac noob like me to run that app in any form.
Last Edit: April 22, 2023, 09:31:39 pm by Retablez