The after image could act as a parry function. A really small window where the start of a dash could stay and parry. I don't think that would be too cheap but I don't know how it'd change his gameplay either.
I don't see it working if Piccolo is the only one to have such a feature, it'd feel super weird. He'd be the only one who could spam backdash all day and get away with it.
Gohan actually has a safe backdash, he teleports to midair as if he had jumped backwards.Where are his goddamn swords? >:C
Iced said, May 29, 2015, 06:21:04 pmGohan actually has a safe backdash, he teleports to midair as if he had jumped backwards.A teleport is less intrusive, a shield actively destroys an incoming attack (or the opponent acts as if it was blocked and stops, for a physical rush). There are a lot of systems where the backdash has an invincibility window. But a shield ? That's just weird IMO.Maybe only in emotion mode, then ? I don't reckon there's anything planned for him yet on that side ? If he's safe and highly technical or something.
I think it's better off as a visual effect rather than a gameplay mechanic, I'm not sure how an afterimage can act as a barrier, it seems really silly, IMO.
Balthazar said, May 29, 2015, 06:27:23 pmBut I said it WOULDN'T act as a shield I know, I was responding after JNP's post (he said parry) and Iced compared it to Gohan's invincible teleporting backdash.
Since you mentioned using it as a shield I thought you were looking for potential ways to work it in without being OPDon't plant the seeds if you don't want the crops to grow!!! >:-(
The only way I see a "shield" backdash afterimage not being cheap is if the afterimage only blocks weaker projectiles. like ki blasts.
XGargoyle are you talking about something like Juri's taunt attack move? The Kasatushi?Those two edits are spot on. The nitpicking aside, there's not much you'll see more than anim 0 and anim 20. Having small errors in them will show after a while. I dont think any of the critiques could hurt Balthazar's feelings. Either way 20 looks great now.
Here's a golden oldie: Sonic Kick.It might look like it's lacking a proper start-up, but for now we have it on the f,f+SK command, so it'll come out of a run.It might need a more impactful landing/recovery animation? I feel like something is lacking on this animation.It might also get an energy flame on his foot since he always had that in the Butoden games for his Sonic Kick, but maybe here he doesn't need it.
Maybe:- Here you could use the Ghost piccolo (to show the rapid kick)- Indeed some propulsion at the beginning of the animation is required, to give more strengh for this move- A frame at the end to recover of the hit (landing). Something like when you press bottom on every characters (fuck my ass english again).
Balthazar said, May 30, 2015, 08:06:59 pmHere's a golden oldie: Sonic Kick.It might look like it's lacking a proper start-up, but for now we have it on the f,f+SK command, so it'll come out of a run.It might need a more impactful landing/recovery animation? I feel like something is lacking on this animation.It might also get an energy flame on his foot since he always had that in the Butoden games for his Sonic Kick, but maybe here he doesn't need it. Cody's Ruffian KickCompared to this, It looks like he needs a start-up frame where his knee is bent just before he the kick is delivered. It would be nice to see him mirror the Ruffian kick with a Slide, Mid, and High kick variations. The only reason to add the Energy Flame (imo) would be during EX only.
He does have a start-up frame where his leg is cocked up, it just goes really fast.Also I think some people might have missed when I said this was a f,f+SK command move,so the kick will come out during a running animation, perhaps not needing more start-up frames.This also means there probably won't be an EX version.Well we're still toying around a bit, it might become QCF+K after all but for now, it's f,f+SK.Even without an EX version, we'll ofcourse try to throw in a follow-up so he slide kicks back the other way,to recreate his more common known Sonic Kick (or Sliding Retort Kick).Another reason why I haven't really giving him a big recovery animation is because I saw the kick making p2 wallbounce, so you'd want to recover fast so you can bust out your follow-up attack to juggle the wall-bounced enemy.
Two possibly improvements I see:#1: The shoe does look weird that way, he never had such shoes and you also didnt drew it that way in the beginning of that animation:so: #2: Make the anticipation of the move more exaggerated with a second tension frame:everything else looks totally awesome! + I'd love to see how an effect on the foot would look like