
Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.45) [11/19/2024] (Read 20386 times)

Started by GarfieldfanMUGEN, September 30, 2024, 07:33:04 am
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Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.45) [11/19/2024]
#1  September 30, 2024, 07:33:04 am
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  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA

Garfield (with WlanmaniaX)

Finally, after over two years... my first MUGEN character done mainly from scratch (with some help). Well, not fully. All of his specials are done but he only has half the amount of hypers I wanted to do and he's lacking in a few other areas. Still, he's in a playable state overall, and there'll definitely be updates taking care of bugs and issues that might arise.

also don't ask why I released him on a Monday

Download the character - Download Holn's AI patch (under G)
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 11:36:12 am by GarfieldfanMUGEN
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1) Released
#2  September 30, 2024, 02:17:44 pm
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  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
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    • Poland
Just tested him out, he's pretty fun for a beta! I haven't found much issues, though I did find one:

- When you perform a combo by using the light punch - light kick - medium punch - hard punch setup when crouching and try to perform an aerial rave, Garfield won't be able to reach most opponents and hit them due to his crouching Z's cornerpush. Although it might be able to hit larger characters, for characters like Kung Fu Man or my Minion Pig, it doesn't work properly as their hurtboxes aren't that wide or large enough.

Other than that, incredible job! I'm really interested in this char so I'll be waiting for updates that will fully finish him in the future. ;D

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1) Released
#3  September 30, 2024, 06:37:56 pm
  • ******
    • Portugal
Pretty good character. Especially for a first. Here's what I got so far:

- For the intro there are better ways to fade out the bed
- You can include the movelist by default. Mugen will just ignore it
- Speaking of that the DEF file has a bugged line right before [Palette Keymap]
- Some hitboxes need work, but for your first character they're already above average
- Butt Bump is a completely useless move
- jLP could have some more active frames
- jHK hitbox is a bit much
- Most jumping attacks have misaligned hit sparks
- cMP is a really good normal. Could be upgraded to a standing command normal. In which case I'd adjust frame data and let the tip of the fly swatter actually hit
- cHP would both look and work better if you used PosAdd so the back foot doesn't slide
- Speaking of sliding, state 52 and such states should stop velocity immediately
- cMK could move forward more
- He has 6 buttons but only 3 levels of hit sounds. Normally kicks would sound different from punches
- Speaking of that, scratches could use scratch hit sounds
- If you do air fireball close to the ground he can go under ground level
- Cat Cannonball allows the enemy to use fall recovery between the first and second hits
- Cat Cannonball damage distribution could be better. The first hit does 10 damage only
- Cat Cannonball physics feel a little weird. I think he should decelerate a bit (in X axis) throughout the motion rather than accelerate in the coming down part
- Cat Pounce is unsafe on hit. It's also odd that Garfield can't hit while he's still showing his teeth
- Cornerpush is too high on last hit of Happy Day
- Remote Possibilities should be faster since you have to do it twice. Think Strider's fireball
- Remote Possibilities TV should always be drawn behind the characters

Will test him more later for sure.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.25) [10/20/2024]
#4  October 21, 2024, 02:02:40 am
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  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
Updated. Oh, dear... for the first update, this is a large one.

Gonna condense this log to showcase important stuff.
Spoiler: Beta 1.25 Changelog (click to see content)

EDIT: Jenngra505 made some fixes involving Cat Pounce having an infinite, I integrated that and another DEF patch as a hotfix for the update.
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 03:56:26 am by GarfieldfanMUGEN
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.25) [10/20/2024]
#5  October 21, 2024, 12:00:01 pm
  • ******
    • Portugal
Feels a bit more solid now. Found more things:

- If the Remote Possibilities item is hit by P2, he can still use the remote without effect
- If the alarm clock is hit by P2, he can't use Remote Possibilities anymore after it disappears
- Cat Pounce has way too much pushback
- Cat Pounce recovery has no Clsn2
- You can combo cMP into cMK and back for at least 5 hits. Comboing same strength punches into kicks and back isn't a good idea IMO
- Hairballs should be a little safer when done at poking range. Especially since they have relatively slow startup
- Chili con Flame hitbox could gradually extend like the flames instead of hitting full screen immediately
- Chili con Flame should probably knock down with all hits
- He could have an air version of at least one of his physical specials for air combos. Happy Day seeming like it has the most potential
- Hard normals should probably hurt a bit more. Mediums too but less so. Like +10 damage for mediums and +30 for hard ones maybe
- Standing kicks are kind of useless (outside of combo filler). They're inferior versions of the punch buttons
- cLK is too slow to come out
- sHK could launch. Some Marvel chars have more than one launcher. But the frame data should make both it and cHP useful if that were the case. cHP could be faster for instance
- State 500 should simply use anim 5051 if P2 has it, so that they can use 5061 when coming down
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 12:14:54 pm by PotS
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.25) [10/20/2024]
#6  October 21, 2024, 03:38:52 pm
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
Feels a bit more solid now. Found more things:

- If the Remote Possibilities item is hit by P2, he can still use the remote without effect
- If the alarm clock is hit by P2, he can't use Remote Possibilities anymore after it disappears
Just did a hotfix to fix those in particular. Actually did wake up like Garfield on a Monday finding that out.

Spoiler: ...for the size of the rest of this. (click to see content)

Thank you once again for the feedback!
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.25) [10/20/2024]
#7  November 02, 2024, 07:39:43 pm
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
Thankfully a much smaller update this time around.

Spoiler: Beta 1.3 Changelog (click to see content)

I'll be trying to figure out how to tackle some of the other feedback above for the next version.

NOTE: I should mention not to nominate him for CotM again until Beta 2 (unless he somehow wins)... whenever that'll be...
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 12:56:26 am by GarfieldfanMUGEN
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.4) [11/16/2024]
#8  November 17, 2024, 03:12:48 am
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
Last update before I begin work on Beta 2. Larger than the previous one, but nothing like Beta 1.25.

Spoiler: Beta 1.4 Changelog (click to see content)

HOTFIX: Some additional fixes for Cat Pounce by Jenngra505 have been applied, as well as some additonal chip damage tweaks for said special by me. Redownload and apply the patched Specials.cns to the folder. Replace everything if you haven't updated yet.
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 04:22:29 am by GarfieldfanMUGEN
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.45) [11/19/2024]
#9  November 19, 2024, 06:43:54 am
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
One last update, it just really involves some Cat Pounce fixes by Jenngra and me (again). Like better damage values and the move not hitting more than once (like the previous version's hotfix).

No changelog this time as it's just Cat Pounce being fixed, but I'll see you all for Beta 2, whenever I get that done.
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Last Edit: November 19, 2024, 06:47:58 am by GarfieldfanMUGEN
Re: Garfield (with WlanmaniaX; Beta 1.45) [11/19/2024]
#10  November 24, 2024, 11:41:12 am
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
Main post updated to fix a spelling error... but mainly to link to Holn's recent AI patch! I did some slight fixes to it, but I'm gonna allow Holn's patch to get some steam before I release said fixes.

Even then, the fix is something basic, so the patch for the patch is just going to include a couple files instead of repackaging the whole patch.
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions