
I'm Looking for Beta Testers! (Read 49639 times)

Started by Sean Altly, September 22, 2021, 12:05:03 am
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I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#1  September 22, 2021, 12:05:03 am
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Hey guys, I recently finished implementing the offense and defense system into each character in the game (huge thanks to KarmaChameleon for coding the defense system for me and helping me implement it). I've been doing some self testing for bugs and issues, but I need some fresh eyes on what's done so far.

I need 5-10 beta testers who really understand Mugen in the code department, and fighting games in the balance department. I need feedback on not just bugs and fixes, but character movesets and balance. I also would like notes and feedback on the Offense/Defense system.

If you're interested respond here. If more than 5 to 10 people volunteer I will have to choose who gets it, please don't take it personally, just don't want it too widely distributed.

The version of the game I send will have all 10 characters, but only one or two stages since I'm still working on those.

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#2  September 22, 2021, 12:12:45 am
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I may lack the time to do so, but I can surely try it out for ya' and express the odd thought on it.
I can definitely judge movesets, but balance could be a lil' harder because it requires a lotta analysis.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 12:16:17 am by RagingRowen
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#3  September 22, 2021, 12:39:07 am
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I have all the time, and the fighting game experience to beta test your game! Not to mention I would be honored.
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#4  September 23, 2021, 12:31:10 am
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I'm have interest in test this.

PS: I don't have much experience in code, bur, I can look the balance os the chars in gameplay.
Last Edit: September 23, 2021, 12:34:19 am by Akito
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#5  September 23, 2021, 06:00:51 am
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Do you all think a better use of a single stock of the defense bar would be an Alpha Counter/Guard Cancel Attack, or a Guard Cancel Dash/Roll?

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#6  September 23, 2021, 02:01:22 pm
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Guard Cancel Dash
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#7  September 28, 2021, 03:50:46 am
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If I included both, and one were worth a whole bar, and one was worth half a bar (out of two total bars), which would be worth more?

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#8  September 28, 2021, 09:16:15 am
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GCD should be worth less than Alpha Counter. Definitely.
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#9  October 07, 2021, 02:55:17 pm
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I'd like to take a look at it. Curious to see where things are going with this game, as opposed to having played all of the "Shades of Manhattan" games.

If anything, I hope this works out. It looks quite promising.
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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#10  October 07, 2021, 10:28:30 pm
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Alright cool, I'm glad people are interested! I'm very badly hung up on stages stuff right now, I may send out a beta with simple placeholder stages in it though.

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#11  October 08, 2021, 03:57:23 pm
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Alright cool, I'm glad people are interested! I'm very badly hung up on stages stuff right now, I may send out a beta with simple placeholder stages in it though.

Food for thought, rather than doing stages that are based on where these people are from (which is often the norm in fighting games), why not do stages based on what their fighting style is. (i.e. wrestling ring, MMA cage, etc)... or is there something else you might have in mind?
♪ This is Major Tom to Ground Control ♪
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#12  October 21, 2021, 02:26:29 am
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im down to beta test for you! i actually helped other ikemen devs test their game before but im not to familiar with coding but as a fighting game player i think im pretty good
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#13  November 10, 2021, 08:48:52 pm
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Alright cool, I'm glad people are interested! I'm very badly hung up on stages stuff right now, I may send out a beta with simple placeholder stages in it though.

Food for thought, rather than doing stages that are based on where these people are from (which is often the norm in fighting games), why not do stages based on what their fighting style is. (i.e. wrestling ring, MMA cage, etc)... or is there something else you might have in mind?

So I ended up running with an idea based on what you said here. Rather than have stages strictly represent their country, and continuing with the idea I originally had of the stages being simulated since tehy're all supposed to be fighting in one place in a tournament, I imagined that each competitor would be asked what their stage should be. So each stage reflects where each fighter would feel most at home in a fight, which led to stuff like Bryce's stage being on a bridge over a peaceful forest river, Tristan's being his own family's mansion garden even though he's been cut off by them, Siege's being a cold steel platform in cloudy gray weather, and so on. Some represent their country, some represent where they are most comfortable in competition.

Here's a new Arcade video with Bryce, where you can see most of the stages.

I'm putting the final touches on some stuff and will be sending the beta out soon.

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#14  November 10, 2021, 09:43:45 pm
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May I ask if the bottom left corner of the select screen is gonna be used for anything besides the Training char?

Presentation is definitely a rise up from the SHADES series. Good shit. Can I assume that the statue in Illian's statue is yet to be changed to him?

Have you considered IKEMEN by any chance? That would definitely raise ongoing interest because of the online stuff.

I'll wait patiently for the beta as I just feel teased by the vid.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#15  November 17, 2021, 06:02:02 pm
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The bottom two spots will just be random select. When I send the Beta out, the training character will be included for testing purposes. The statue has had the hair edited to look like Illian and some other stuff removed, I think it does the job as is.

And yeah I am very strongly considering moving this to Ikemen just for the in-game movelists alone, but also for the unlockable character feature, dizzy points and all that. I just haven't tried porting the stuff yet (though I'm told it's easy) and I'm a bit short on cash to pay Mordecool to port it for me.

Also the beta will be sent out very soon, possibly today. No intro or endings, just the characters, basic AI, stages, and the training tool to practice with.

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#16  November 17, 2021, 08:03:56 pm
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The bottom two spots will just be random select. When I send the Beta out, the training character will be included for testing purposes. The statue has had the hair edited to look like Illian and some other stuff removed, I think it does the job as is.

And yeah I am very strongly considering moving this to Ikemen just for the in-game movelists alone, but also for the unlockable character feature, dizzy points and all that. I just haven't tried porting the stuff yet (though I'm told it's easy) and I'm a bit short on cash to pay Mordecool to port it for me.

Also the beta will be sent out very soon, possibly today. No intro or endings, just the characters, basic AI, stages, and the training tool to practice with.

Very cool, this looks like it'll be quite the game to play once it is fully realized.

Yeah, as far as I know, porting characters to IKEMEN is quite easy, but I'm not so sure about crossplay between MUGEN and IKEMEN, as I do believe, a lot of the IKEMEN features do not exist within MUGEN, so once you do port your characters, they will no longer function on 1.0/1.1 (as far as I remember).

So there's a good chance a large number of people that review characters and even betting groups like SaltyBet and SpriteClub would then no longer be able to review, test, or even give their thoughts on them when against the large grand scheme of MUGEN as a whole.
♪ This is Major Tom to Ground Control ♪
Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#17  November 19, 2021, 04:55:50 am
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Sent the Beta out, check your PMs!

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#18  January 06, 2022, 10:59:39 pm
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So the game is basically done from a gameplay perspective. It's been beta tested in two stages and had lots of bug fixes and balance changes. I'm just creatively blocked on the game's endings and I still need to make those, plus the game's intro. I may just release what I have so far so people can play it. When I finish the creative/story stuff I'll update it.

I'm also working on a bonus character, a sort of Akuma to Sasuke and Quavon if you think of them as the game's Ryu and Ken. I may hold off on including him to incentivize people downloading the update for the story stuff.

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Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#19  January 10, 2022, 05:23:56 pm
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So the game is basically done from a gameplay perspective. It's been beta tested in two stages and had lots of bug fixes and balance changes. I'm just creatively blocked on the game's endings and I still need to make those, plus the game's intro. I may just release what I have so far so people can play it. When I finish the creative/story stuff I'll update it.
NO!! Don't do that! The game will feel incomplete if you go down that route! :mwhoa:

I'm also working on a bonus character, a sort of Akuma to Sasuke and Quavon if you think of them as the game's Ryu and Ken. I may hold off on including him to incentivize people downloading the update for the story stuff.

 :mwhoa: Bonus content planned ahead?!

Re: I'm Looking for Beta Testers!
#20  January 24, 2022, 08:40:34 pm
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I was playing Waku Waku 7 for the first time recently and I really liked the mechanic in that game where you could get up attacking (kinda like Tekken), and I decided I want to make it a function of this game, but I can't decide if it should be an Offense Meter thing or Defense Meter. I would think Defense right? Any thoughts?

Also, if I add that I feel like I need one more feature for the other bar to even it out. Right now the meter functions are:


Offense Drive - Full Bar
EX Move - 1/3 Bar
Guard Crush - 1/4 Bar


Defense Drive - Full Bar
Guard Cancel Attack - Half Bar
Guard Cancel Dash - 1/4 Bar

So I'm thinking the Wake Up Attack could be 1/3 Defense bar, and whatever I come up for Offense could be a Half bar, so then each meter has a function for 1/4,1/3,Half and Full bar. Maybe something like a Roman Cancel? Or maybe Offense Arts could have two levels? Ideas and thoughts are welcome!

EDIT: I was also thinking about making it so that Defense Drives can be done during the wakeup state (5120)

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Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 08:47:10 pm by Sean Altly