
Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene? (Read 4330 times)

Started by MDI, January 17, 2010, 09:18:39 am
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Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#1  January 17, 2010, 09:18:39 am
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I remember a time where there weren't so many obsessive fighting game players that spent hours upon hours trying to find every single possible way to exploit every character's cheapness and potential for stuff such as infinites, juggles, and whatever else. I remember when the term "tier" wasn't used in fighting games.

Back when everyone just picked who they were good with, and if they won..they won. If they lost? Oh well, its just a fun game.

Does anyone actually prefer what this has become? I mean I'm passionate about fighting games..always have been, but people either LOVE a certain fighting game and will defend it to the death because anybody who hates that particular game IZ A NEWB AND BASTARD  >:( >:( or HATE it because ITS ONLY FOR FAGZ BUTTON MASHERS AND FANBOYSSS  >:( >:(

Why can't we all just play to have fun anymore? (Aside from tournaments where winning will actually get you money. Go ahead and be a douche there.)

Ask someone about the Vs. Series back in the 90s. What do they most likely say? "Oh, those cool games where Marvel comics characters fight Capcom characters." or "They're ok, but I prefer the more classic fighting games like the original Street Fighter II."

Ask someone about the Vs. Series now? "Omg those games are so broken and have a ton of infinites and are totally lame because they're so cheap fuckin button mashers!!" or "I LOVE PWNING NOOBS IN MVC2!!! SENTINEL STORM AND MAGNETO BABY <333"

Is anyone else...annoyed? Haha.

I'm not trying to say we have to have a movement or some shit. I'm not saying we should do anything about it, because God knows gaming in general is becoming this way. (Example, people either love Halo or think its pure trash.)

But..I'd like to know that I am not the only one who personally misses when the fighting game scene wasn't something to be ashamed of. A time where every goddamn fighting game wasn't over-analyzed to death. :)
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#2  January 17, 2010, 09:33:47 am
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I'd hate to compare real life to fighting games in this type of situation, but with most things in life, no matter how petty it seems at first (a kid with an idea for a business, an intern learning something for the first time), people will always strive for the best they can be. Playing fighting games for fun is great and alll, but there was definitely people in this magical 90s scene that took it a bit more serious than everyone else, maybe they didn't boast about their knowledge that they had or even shared it, but they were definitely out there. Competitive play is really what keeps games like fighters alive, when you throw them into an environment where people are constantly learning new things, and adapting to different situations, picking up different characters, playing different games then that game tends to have a lot to offer in terms of playerbase.

Really, I remember when playing Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2 on the SNES in the 90s as a kid and tween "for fun" without analyzing it. But, you get to enjoy games on a whole different level after learning everything you can, picking up those different characters, learning those different combos, knowing what beats what in what situations, etc. It's a different type of enjoyment, but the enjoyment is there nonetheless.

Apologies for rambling etc, I usually have serious discussions like this in IMs or ventrilo nowadays :(
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.


Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#3  January 17, 2010, 09:40:50 am
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I know, playing competitively is definitely a must to fully enjoy any multiplayer game.

But..I think my whole point also has to do with a complete lack of sportsmanship. I mean even for competitive gaming back in the day, at least people tried being respectful and mature about it.

Being competitive is one thing, but thinking you're basically God everytime you win and being a total ass about it, or being a total sore loser and whining about it when you lose is pretty much what causes what I define as the modern fighting game player.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#4  January 17, 2010, 09:55:03 am
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You honestly think no one was like that back then too? :p
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#5  January 17, 2010, 10:00:53 am
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In all honesty, I play mostly for fun and wouldn't care what tiers or tourney stats say. If I lose, I lose, try to be better than before. that's all I can say. I've played fighting games for a long time now and usually just for fun and on an every now and then basis ever since I left my console at home and started attending college. The closest thing I can play to a fighting game is MUGEN, Blazblue and Tekken or whatever I can find downloaded in a pinch. Besides, my friends may be hardcore Tekken players but they jsut play for fun whether it be arcade or on a console.

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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#6  January 17, 2010, 10:05:09 am
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You honestly think no one was like that back then too? :p

Definitely a lot less people like that then today. But no, theres always someone like that. I ain't denying such a thing. ^_^

In all honesty, I play mostly for fun and wouldn't care what tiers or tourney stats say. If I lose, I lose, try to be better than before. that's all I can say. I've played fighting games for a long time now and usually just for fun and on an every now and then basis ever since I left my console at home and started attending college. The closest thing I can play to a fighting game is MUGEN, Blazblue and Tekken or whatever I can find downloaded in a pinch. Besides, my friends may be hardcore Tekken players but they jsut play for fun whether it be arcade or on a console.

One thing I love about Mugen is that anyone who truly loves it is living proof that some people can have fun playing fighting games and not take it so damn seriously.

I have several Mugen games. Some very balanced (IMO) such as my Cvs2-ish Mugen, my KOF/NGBC/SVC Mugen, and I also have a ton of unbalanced as Hell ones like a Fatal Fury/SF2/FHD Mugen. But...they're all fun to me!

Only people like us can truly appreciate every aspect of fighting games, rather then what makes someone "totally pro" at it.
Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 10:08:37 am by MDI
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#7  January 17, 2010, 10:10:06 am
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Well some people have this all of a sudden change is because they didn't know anything differently back then. When we get new/better games, we tend to look for the fault of the past to see why the new one is better.

Its like school. You may consider 3+5X8-2 to be hard back then but now you consider that easy. Or a new type of material that holds 200lbs back then and the new one holds 800lbs.

Get what I'am saying?

Sportsmanship? What is this sportsmanship do you speak of? Is it a sport with men in a ship:P
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#8  January 17, 2010, 12:22:23 pm
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The most common mistake people make about fighting games is assuming getting better at them isn't fun. Like you can only have fun with them when you're just pressing buttons, because outsmarting other people is so boring.

Not that people who play to win against a newbie, or people who ride tiers aren't annoying.
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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#9  January 17, 2010, 12:23:28 pm
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I remember a time where there weren't so many obsessive fighting game players that spent hours upon hours trying to find every single possible way to exploit every character's cheapness and potential for stuff such as infinites, juggles, and whatever else. I remember when the term "tier" wasn't used in fighting games.
I don't. Really.
A huge part of my childhood was spent at arcades and everyone people spent time finding exploits, bugs and all that stuff in games like KI, Mortal Kombat, KOF, Samurai Shodown (And even obscure stuff like Kabuki Fighter)

The only difference is that nowadays the internet makes all that info more accessible and you more resources like detailed video tutorials and frame data.
Being competitive is one thing, but thinking you're basically God everytime you win and being a total ass about it, or being a total sore loser and whining about it when you lose is pretty much what causes what I define as the modern fighting game player.
Yeah well, back then you were standing next to the guy. Nowadays you're behind a screen and miles away from your rival, it's easier to be a douchebag, to trash talk... To be a bad winner, etc.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#10  January 17, 2010, 12:54:50 pm
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The only difference between then and now is the fact that the internet is so huge!

Of course there used to be idiots back then, its just the circle of people you hang with ain't like that. Now because of the internet you can talk to all different kinds of player and if you think about it logically, obviously obsessive fight fans will be drawn to fighting games so when you play fighting games your more likely to run into them...

I still play a lot of people who ain't as into fighting games as me and we have fun. The fact that I try and figure out the best way to use a character doesn't seem to take away anything for me or the person I'm playin. Although I think the fact that I'm not a kid anymore has taken some of the lights away from the game. I remember MKII being awesome, KI (we all know why that was awesome  ;)) etc but I really don't think I could enjoy a game like that anymore maybe because I expect more from my fighting games.

Although I also hate VF and that's supposed to be as technical as you can get, so I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.

I always shine!
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#11  January 17, 2010, 01:15:07 pm
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I'd like to just re-state what a lot of people in here have. The main thing that's changed is access to information, there was all this shiz back then, but you needed to get lucky and fight that one guy at the arcade who knew how to do Guile's standing fierce into flash kick off a jump in and play him until you figured out how he was doing it. Most of the time people were super shady about sharing too, and wouldn't tell you how to do something at all.

I remember days where I would go to Barnes and Nobel to look at the electronic magazines to figure out how to play as secret characters in MSH vs SF or combos even farther back in SFII:CE.

The migration from arcades to home consoles mitigated that sportsmanship change you're noticing, modern culture just is far less respectful in general, often fostered by online play/non face to face interactions. Some people are respectful and nice IE John Choi, while others will talk shit like there's no tomorrow IE Filipino Champ. It's a different style and each of them is just a different facet of gaming.

Also look at any vids of Tomo's cocky face and you'll be reminded that not everything's gotten worse as far as the scene goes. :D

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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#12  January 17, 2010, 08:31:36 pm
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I definitely see what you guys are saying, and I agree. The downfall of arcades & rise of internet has truly added to all of this.

My brother told me of a time when he was really little and he had been playing the newly released Mortal Kombat II in arcades. Apparently some random shady gangbanger looking dude (yes, Chicago has some degenerates) just put in a coin and joined in.

My brother beat this guy twice..and of course the guy and his little "posse" of friends got all pissed off at my brother, so he just let them take over for him, and left the machine.

The point of that story is that my brother knew his place and didn't have a retarded amount of pointless pride in a silly little video game. He was a small child, they were big creepy teenagers. If that same scenario was played out today..but via netplay.. the little kid would probably start cursing and/or randomly shouting out the n-word.

Don't get me wrong, I don't approve of thugs. But personally I think living in a world where a little kid and/or cocky bastard can talk as much trash as we wants to someone who could potentially tear him limb from limb is pretty sad. Haha.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#13  January 17, 2010, 09:41:31 pm
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I remember the first time I was slaughtering a great player on a Streetfighter VS Xmen arcade. The guy was getting truly pissed off.

He even tried whipping out roll. I didn't even know you could play as roll at the time. He was pissed, but even if he beat me I would have had a good time.

I mean playing someone that is good enough to put up a fight is what I want out of a game.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#14  January 17, 2010, 10:03:54 pm
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"I’m never gonna grab anything by its balls, especially life. especially if life shows up in the incarnation where it would have testicles. if life showed up and had balls, the last thing I would do is grab those balls" - kyle kinane
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#15  January 17, 2010, 10:14:56 pm
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I'm completely naked right now.
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#16  January 17, 2010, 10:52:30 pm
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I remember a time where there weren't so many obsessive fighting game players that spent hours upon hours trying to find every single possible way to exploit every character's cheapness and potential for stuff such as infinites, juggles, and whatever else. I remember when the term "tier" wasn't used in fighting games.
I don't. Really.
A huge part of my childhood was spent at arcades and everyone people spent time finding exploits, bugs and all that stuff in games like KI, Mortal Kombat, KOF, Samurai Shodown (And even obscure stuff like Kabuki Fighter)

The only difference is that nowadays the internet makes all that info more accessible and you more resources like detailed video tutorials and frame data.
Being competitive is one thing, but thinking you're basically God everytime you win and being a total ass about it, or being a total sore loser and whining about it when you lose is pretty much what causes what I define as the modern fighting game player.
Yeah well, back then you were standing next to the guy. Nowadays you're behind a screen and miles away from your rival, it's easier to be a douchebag, to trash talk... To be a bad winner, etc.

agreed, I even remember several fist fights breaking up on the arcades.


Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#17  January 17, 2010, 10:53:36 pm
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On a related note. The arcade I went to as a child, Diversions, was known for being the main arcade where the creators of Mortal Kombat first released beta versions of their games (Brother met Ed Boon a few times there hahaha). Also I remember Tattoo Assassins being there.



Its a fucking Chinese Buffet now. UGH.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#18  January 18, 2010, 04:54:54 am
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in bolivia it was all about finding glitches and being the best in arcades. They had the same arcade machines so that the not so great players could play on one and the pros can play on an other. In tekken tag i remember people doing these crazy combos making the announcer guy come out of nowhere(forgot what he says) which is super rare to see nowadays..
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#19  January 18, 2010, 05:31:19 am
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I think what's happened now was kind of inevitable. With people wanting to improve, they'd really pay close attention to the little touches, and discover all kinds of exploits, and then pass on the knowledge. People would see that the guys getting all in-depth were the best and want to be like them, and learn how to do what they were doing. That part was inevitable.

As for the "LOL THAT GAME IS A FAGGY BUTTON-MASHER OLOLOLOLOL" part, I don't think that was quite as inevitable, but it definitely does suck.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#20  January 18, 2010, 05:42:34 am
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The scene never changed.
It just got even more assholes than it had before.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#21  January 18, 2010, 10:23:56 am
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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#22  January 18, 2010, 04:22:33 pm
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in bolivia it was all about finding glitches and being the best in arcades. They had the same arcade machines so that the not so great players could play on one and the pros can play on an other. In tekken tag i remember people doing these crazy combos making the announcer guy come out of nowhere(forgot what he says) which is super rare to see nowadays..

tekken tag is not a 90's game.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#23  January 19, 2010, 02:45:10 am
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It came out in '99... so yeah, it is.  ::)

BTW, Luis, the few arcades nowadays are still the same, two or three KOF02, two or three Tekken TAG, same old, same old.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
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Until I saw the holes
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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#24  January 19, 2010, 03:40:46 am
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fighting Games I usually see in Arcades now...

The newer ones have:
Tekken 6, Tekken 5, Tekken Tag, Street Fighter IV, VS series games (more recent ones like MVC and MVC2), GG

Older Aracades can have:
Tekken Tag, Tekken 5, Tekken 6, VS series games (including CotA and Marvel Heroes), Sam Sho series, KOF series up to 2003, CVS and SVC.

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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#25  January 19, 2010, 04:30:57 pm
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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#26  January 19, 2010, 06:10:36 pm
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I miss all the awesome fighting games of the ninetys


like Shaq Fu

or.... Rise of the Robots

Clayfighter anyone?

oh...and that Primal Rage.....

awesome. Just awesome.

I never played fighting games online except a few KOF rounds via Mame. I saw my friend playing online..i saw the stupid comments...and i thought.. go to hell online gaming.

I still play a lot fighing games with friends..offline..and its the same as ever..except maybe that we mostly play games made in 1998-2008

somhow i dislike just every! fighting game on the currentconsolegeneration

From the  - in my opinion - 3D version of SF2 with more characters but without the charme and innovation of SF2
to Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur 4 where its more and more focussed on tits and asses , to the good looking KOF 12 with its very lacking roster and gameplay..lets not speak about the missing endboss and story even. to the re-hash or re-invention of BlazBlue.

Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#27  January 19, 2010, 06:21:41 pm
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As a long time Tekken fan, Tekken 6 is the most fun Tekken game I've played in a long time. I've been loving playing as Alisa, she's so amusing to use. Zafina's quite fun to use as well. I just wish they'd do TTT2 next. They've done 3 games again so it should make sense. That way they'd have to bring back Kunimitsu and Jun again.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#28  January 19, 2010, 06:35:38 pm
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Didn't Jun die in cannon? then again Tekken Tag was something like a dream match thing like what they did to KoF 98 and 2002.

I made this sig. :ninja:

Props to a friend for my avvie
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#29  January 19, 2010, 06:38:37 pm
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While I was in elementary school during the 90's, I do remember playing lots of Street Fighter with my dad on the sega Genesis *nostalgic sigh*
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#30  January 19, 2010, 06:45:05 pm
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Didn't Jun die in cannon? then again Tekken Tag was something like a dream match thing like what they did to KoF 98 and 2002.

It was never really stated. There are many implications that she either died or live and is just giving her presence. With a Tag game they'd have no excuse to exclude any character dead or not.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#31  January 19, 2010, 09:23:47 pm
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In that case I want to see Jinpachi make a comeback.
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#32  February 02, 2010, 11:40:55 pm
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I grew up during the 90's fighting game scene, and I still hold to my beliefs from that era. I still am as good as I was at fighting games back then, and that contributes to me never being able to win any competition I enter. I remember last decade I entered a local SSBM competition thinking I was pretty good, and I got Pwned by guys who utilized juggles and cheap moves to win. Since then I really haven't entered much contests of that sort, but I've always envied those who use infinite juggles and cheap tactics to win. What has happened to the ideology that competitors used to have in the 90's? It used to be that everyone just picked who they were best as and did their best. Now, everyone is thinking too deeply into remembering huge combos and infinite juggles. I totally miss the 90's fighting game scene.  :(

credit to Yzan for the sig, Dfer32 for the picture
Thx Yzan!
Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#33  February 02, 2010, 11:52:35 pm
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Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#34  February 08, 2010, 07:35:55 am
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Fighting games... Boxing games... Wrestling games... DDR... Warcraft...

Seperate the list down the middle.
(a) People who play casually or often that love-a-game/devote-to-a-game for the challenge
(b) People who obsess/become-hardcore to only win

Fun isn't a factor in this equation, obsession or casual is fun to different folks, but that's how I see the gaming scene since Arcades died.

I, myself, I like to win some and lose some. I want to put on a good show


Re: Does anyone else miss the 90's fighting game scene?
#35  February 08, 2010, 08:02:35 am
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I agree, but I often hate the term "casual gamer" because it is often associated with people who are either extremely new to the gaming scene and rarely play at all, or those who would say something like "lolz Mario is kewl! I got a DS Lite for Christmas!  :sugoi:"

I grew up during the 90's fighting game scene, and I still hold to my beliefs from that era. I still am as good as I was at fighting games back then, and that contributes to me never being able to win any competition I enter. I remember last decade I entered a local SSBM competition thinking I was pretty good, and I got Pwned by guys who utilized juggles and cheap moves to win. Since then I really haven't entered much contests of that sort, but I've always envied those who use infinite juggles and cheap tactics to win. What has happened to the ideology that competitors used to have in the 90's? It used to be that everyone just picked who they were best as and did their best. Now, everyone is thinking too deeply into remembering huge combos and infinite juggles. I totally miss the 90's fighting game scene.  :(

Amen brotha.