
Feedback to Warnings/Decisions (Read 1124449 times)

Started by Iced, February 24, 2012, 09:43:26 pm
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#61  March 07, 2012, 01:48:35 am
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Kinda funny how equality is mentioned when it will never happen anywhere. Get your facts straight people, members get banned for a different amount of things and just because both people did the same amount of shitposting doesn't mean both should get the same punishment.

We treat people in a different way depending of how much we know about them and that's why they get different consequences of their acts when it comes to banning or warnings. You may think it sets a precedence or sounds unfair but lots of unfair things already happened so whatever.

All the people walt mentioned were more disruptive than [E] in the last months, heck even I am more disruptive than him :P. We can't possibly have in mind every single user type around here when it comes to this things. I didn't know [E] was that silly when I registered yet I wasn't informed or anything, you just LEARN about this kind of things eventually, let the new users do the same.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#62  March 07, 2012, 02:54:57 am
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  • Does this look like the face of mercy?
we should ban users that make threads to mock christians
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#63  March 07, 2012, 03:00:50 am
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im glad to see that everyone is more worried about their friends being chastized than to inform me if E behaviour lately has improved.

Specially when again, no one spoke about banning E.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#64  March 07, 2012, 03:03:31 am
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  • Does this look like the face of mercy?
who the fuck is E?
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#65  March 07, 2012, 03:05:01 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#66  March 07, 2012, 03:05:27 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#67  March 07, 2012, 03:07:26 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#68  March 07, 2012, 04:30:45 am
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I'd also like to point that this post should be looked at as well.

Not to mention the fact that when I sent a PM to [E] asking how Diepod was being rude and asking what the fuck his problem was, his response was basically him telling me to fuck off.
Spare me. You and I both know that Diepod can't take a joke. Its become such common knowledge that even Walt pointed it out in the thread.

I don't know if anyone has noticed it, but Diepod has always been a hard ass, even from just users giving positive criticism and feedback. The only reason most people haven't addressed it is because we know that his type is the one to up and leave a forum just because the userbase "is telling me what to do."
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#69  March 07, 2012, 04:49:27 am
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Not to mention it would be a positively great loss. Nobody would benefit from that at all.

If any, when people see creativity around, it inspires them to make things themselves. He's part of the virtuous creative circle that has got things going well around here these days.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#70  March 07, 2012, 04:52:58 am
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I'd also like to point that this post should be looked at as well.

Not to mention the fact that when I sent a PM to [E] asking how Diepod was being rude and asking what the fuck his problem was, his response was basically him telling me to fuck off.
Spare me. You and I both know that Diepod can't take a joke. Its become such common knowledge that even Walt pointed it out in the thread.

I don't know if anyone has noticed it, but Diepod has always been a hard ass, even from just users giving positive criticism and feedback. The only reason most people haven't addressed it is because we know that his type is the one to up and leave a forum just because the userbase "is telling me what to do."
You don't know him. At all.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#71  March 07, 2012, 04:56:33 am
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^Im a fan of his work. Im not a fan of his attitude.
Not to mention it would be a positively great loss. Nobody would benefit from that at all.

If any, when people see creativity around, it inspires them to make things themselves. He's part of the virtuous creative circle that has got things going well around here these days.
Which is why I think people are hesitant to address the problem. Die, Sean, and Balth have brought a lot to this community and I think we would lose visitors and interest if we were to see them leave over some 'drama'.

Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#72  March 07, 2012, 04:57:09 am
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He's just blunt. Nothing wrong with that.

At any rate he doesn't flip his shit and start dropping f-bombs on something he perceives as a negative comment despite being legit criticism.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#73  March 07, 2012, 04:59:38 am
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For the record, unless anybody has anything else to say, I think this thread has run its course.

People bitching about people to other people, and discussing people if they were topics to be discussed over coffee is unnecessary at this point. I know for a fact that [E] has read this thread and is already acting on it, so if nobody is getting banned, we could leave this be for now.


Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#74  March 07, 2012, 05:22:04 am
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it was supposed to be a place to discuss points made in the staff thread

i'm guessing iced didn't originally anticipate people focusing so heavily on single issues as such
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#75  March 07, 2012, 05:34:07 am
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
when the question was "has E improved since the last talk" and it goes on tangents about how he shouldnt be banned because this or that? yeah, i didnt anticipate it.People are treating it as if someone made a thread just to bitch about E.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#76  March 07, 2012, 05:47:47 am
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You offered your opinion on banning E, I offered mine.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#77  March 07, 2012, 05:49:10 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#78  March 07, 2012, 06:09:38 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#79  March 07, 2012, 06:47:01 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#80  March 07, 2012, 07:39:18 am
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  • what a shame
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