
Caddie was wrong (Read 44162 times)

Started by Shamrock, April 16, 2011, 09:36:46 pm
Caddie was wrong
#1  April 16, 2011, 09:36:46 pm
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Somebody tell Caddie not to edit posts.

For the record, the first one to use the phrase "you look stupid" was the loveable oaf Shamrock.

At Tempest. Shut up miss "I thought you were smarter than that"


Added back in, "I thought you were less of a retarded dog fucker than that. but I didn't call you a retarded dog fucker"

Did you really mod edit me saying, "I thought you were less of a retarded dog fucker than that. but I didn't call you a retarded dog fucker"?

That was wrong of you on many levels. First I was making a point. If you are going to edit someone saying something like that then you need to edit, I thought you were smarter than that, too or comments that can be taken as passive aggressive" Which is my entire point in saying the retarded dog fucker comment.

Let me see if I get this right.... If you are aggressive aggressive, you get an edit.... If you are passive aggressive then you can be a complete condensing asshole.

I hate to go after your modding, and especially after my PM to you, but to me this is so wrong, that if this sort of things happens again.... I would just leave the forum completely. Sorry bro, but don't edit my posts. Delete them ban me whatever, but don't modify what I said. I said what I said for a reason and I stand by the things I say and write.

Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#2  April 16, 2011, 09:52:32 pm
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I edited it so that the rest of the post can stay. I thought you would prefer that, sorry I'll just delete the whole post.

There's a bit of a difference between snarky comments and calling someone a retarded dog fucker.
Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 10:07:02 pm by Caddie
Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#3  April 16, 2011, 10:40:17 pm
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I don't think you should have edited his post just because it may have contained an insult. The option to modify posts is usually for spambots, warez, porn/child porn, and maybe fixing certain links in certain posts. It's certainly not supposed to be used just because someone posted an insult. We send people warnings and try to talk them out of their insulting posting style; if all else fails, we ban. Allow people to have some dignity when you moderate them or it just ends up like how this is about to end up.

Also, in situations like this, a post is usually only deleted if it adds nothing to the topic at hand and contains spontaneous insults. That wasn't the case here.

Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#4  April 16, 2011, 11:39:35 pm
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I still think it was appropriate to delete his post, I was wrong in editing his post. I seriously thought he would prefer I kept the rest of the relievent conversation posted instead of deleting the entire thing. Sorry, I definitely learned from this.

I don't think him calling TempesT a retarded dog fucker was relevant to the conversation and stand by my decision to remove the post, though. Which is what he said he'd rather have, but when I did it caused him to become more angry. :-\


Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#5  April 16, 2011, 11:46:14 pm
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Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#6  April 16, 2011, 11:50:20 pm
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We send people warnings and try to talk them out of their insulting posting style; if all else fails, we ban. 

Do this the next time. We should only delete posts when they derail the thread and that's only when they're not worth of a thread split, not because they get personal.
Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#7  April 17, 2011, 12:01:46 am
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Ok. I understand. I thought that blatant, over the top insulting like that was a good justification for removing that post but apparently it's not the prefered method. In fact, because of why I was appointed a g-mod for a reason specifically related to it I thought that it was a problem around here.

And I combined that with my awareness of Shamrock's posting history, and what I thought his reaction to a brand new mod issuing him a warning through a pm would have been, especially because he would consider it favoring one of his enemies, and I made a bad decision followed by what I still think is a good decision.

I want to know a general consensous. Do you really think it's appropriate to leave posts up where one member of the forum calls another member of the forum a retarded dog fucker, as a response to "I thought you were smarter than that"? Keep in mind why I was added as a mod in the first place(and yes I'm aware it was more for the projects and release section, and more for the benefit of junior members). If the answer is yes then from now on I will leave those kinds of posts and stick to strictly warning pms first.
Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 12:15:21 am by Caddie


Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#8  April 17, 2011, 12:06:21 am
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The great grey area of moderation.

I personally would have either PM'd the user specifically concerning the insult or just deleted the whole post.

Editting a post in a fight between two users is definitely an ethical taboo.
Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#9  April 17, 2011, 12:09:40 am
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Agreed, but I hope I explained myself good enough for as why I did it, and made it clear that I think it was a mistake and deleting the post instead is what I believe should have been done. I just wanted to know if yall think deleting the post was a mistake too, given what I said in my above post. :-X

Also maybe these posts should be moved to public staff talk or something.


Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#10  April 17, 2011, 12:22:56 am
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By the time you deleted the post the damage had already been done.
Sham would have taken any further action as a continuation of your original mistake.

In Sham's eyes, Tempest's passive aggressive statements were as offensive as his blatantly offensive one and just deleting/editting his post was a slap in the face.
Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#11  April 17, 2011, 12:24:02 am
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My original answer was "yes", but I changed it to "depends" when you mentioned the projects board.

Releases, project = delete, then warn.

Offtopic = warn, feel free to delete and/or ban if the user dosen't change after that unless the post is 100% personal attack and has little or nothing to do with the thread at hand.

That's a huge IMHO, if someone disagrees then post about it.
Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 01:02:37 am by Orochi Gill's fan/stalker number 2
Re: [All That\'s Left] Re: Should Weed Be Legal?
#12  April 17, 2011, 12:43:12 am
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Hmm, good point and I agree. That's how I'll handle things from now on.

Maybe this all could have been prevented simply messaging Shamrock with something like "I understand the tension between you guys but retarded dog fucker might be a bit too much". It was something I considered but in the end I thought he'd get mad at me.

Thank you for help pointing me in the right direction vet mods. I'm going to try and relax this situation now. I don't know how effective it'll be but it's worth a shot.

Gonna move these posts to staff talk btw.
Re: Caddie was wrong
#13  April 17, 2011, 01:31:14 am
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Ugh, yeah, dont edit posts to alter the narrative, it can be construed as an abuse of power, if you think they are going too far, call them out on it, dont vanish it, its a slippery slope that can lead to bad places.

Ive edited a couple posts from spammers before when they are attempting to "troll" the forum or something like that, in that case, if you felt that he was insulting her you should have called him out on that.  IF you were also arguing with him and felt biased ( in favour or otherwise) you should have just reported it and called the attention of someone else to it.
Not a good idea to neuter posts, if they live by the tongue they die by the tongue and etc.

Im sure Shamrock will recognize you are new at this and were used to a different type of mod control, and will do some mistakes at first here and there.

All in all your behaviour shouldnt be changing due to becoming a gmod, part of it includes contacting people without being afraid they will get mad.

Also, this thread was better in feedback so others could post in it.
Re: Caddie was wrong
#14  April 17, 2011, 03:33:26 am
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i don't have much more to add that hasn't been said. we avoid post editing unless it's really needed (putting a lot of images in a spoiler, editing nsfw content, removing inappropriate content). if you believe someone's posting behavior isn't right then send them a pm or post in the thread. editing someone's post to do something like removing swearing is wrong and moreso if you're involved in an argument with that user.

that being said caddie won't be demodded, he pretty much said he won't do it again and if shamrock doesn't want to post anymore then tough titties