
ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!) (Read 7016418 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, April 16, 2010, 04:25:09 pm
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Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#461  January 31, 2025, 08:08:26 pm
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And here's another preview!!
Yes, I'm reworking on Klaymen as a ClayFighter. I just fixed him a bit and added all his voices from The Neverhood and Skullmonkeys. He has all basics, included punches and kicks, as well few basic moves like Overhead Attack and Launcher. I hope to continue him ASAP with his specials and supers based on Skullmonkeys attacks like Energy Ball and Phoenix Hand (too bad the sprites for Universe Enema arenĀ“t ripped yet). Enjoy the video ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#462  January 31, 2025, 09:29:43 pm
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Ok, that is great! I love it!
You could go Skullapeshit with it.

Skullmonkeys Stampede as a super? ...or...
Some Gun Hockey super attack?
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#463  February 22, 2025, 05:22:04 pm
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I was focusing more on Klaymen's specials from Skullmonkeys as his specials and supers... but maybe I could get some references in his Claytalities, that will be seen ;D

Also, I want to show you this:
Slyck is going faster that I think!!
Yes, apart of getting all basics and his punches and kicks, also I put him all his 3 specials from CF2... and contrary of what I thought, he won't use any of Blob's specials... it's just like Butch, this clone has enough attacks to use only the ones Interplay made for him already. Also he has a super (copycat of EWJ's Super Fire Shoot) and probably I'll add a couple more as well the 63 1/3 combo system and Claytalities (got some in mind I want to see).

So yeah... there's a chance I can finish him before February ends, so stay tuned!! :bjugoi:
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#464  March 04, 2025, 03:03:51 am
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  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
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OK, it wasn't faster than I thought XD

Yeah, I couldn't finish him for February, but he's almost ready:
- Added all his sprites, so I could add the FX and his big portrait, and that mean he's on final stages
- Making the combo system, mostly the linkers and finishers... and later to the Insane Combos
- Seeing which will be his Claytalities, got some ideas... he'll probably have 4 of them
- Has intros vs. Blob from every version and I got his winquotes (2 from CF2 and some other originals)

So yeah, definitively Slyck will be released during March... and also I've to finish T-Hoppy adding the rest of his Insane Combos and Claytalities, and maybe I can finish some other chars that need Claytalities left like Taffy and Sumo Santa :bjugoi:

With this... I was thinking of make my own 63 1/3 Blob instead of using SneezeTHPS' one (I still got the modified version I edited for Infinite Clayfare) now that I got some experience with Slyck and CF1 Blob, maybe I can work on it after completing a couple of CF WIPs I got like Lady Liberty and both versions of Ickybod Clay, let's see during these months ;)