
Characters (Read 129428 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, April 02, 2014, 10:53:23 am
Re: Characters
#81  April 15, 2014, 05:06:00 pm
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Edited the first post.
Re: Characters
#82  April 15, 2014, 06:30:03 pm
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I feel like the shirt will make him look too generic, like a thug you'd fight in Streets of Rage.
Some samples, different design choices will probably be good before we decide on it and send out money your way :P

A shirt with red pants would remind me of one of Steve Fox's designs from Tekken.

I'm surprised Iced didn't bring up Red Ghost from Final Fight Streetwise.
Re: Characters
#83  April 15, 2014, 07:44:48 pm
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I think the idea of a shirt would be cool for him but since people are feeling that's a generic look how about a hoodie with the sleeves ripped off? The hood doesn't haven't to be on of course outside of perhaps intro's and as far as a move set he could be similar to zack from doa with punishing leg kicks and kicks to the mid section while also having more kick boxer style grapple attacks. Either way if a pool starts I'd kick in for either joe, retsu, or lee in that order   8)

an idea of what I mean about the hoodie
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Re: Characters
#84  April 15, 2014, 08:46:31 pm
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I don't hate the hoodie idea. I'd just have it up during his intro and have him drop it for the fight.

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Re: Characters
#85  April 15, 2014, 09:01:25 pm
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yeah that's what I was talking about looking forward to your take on the character also does he have any voice clips? if not that could be an opportunity for someone to do an original voice over
Re: Characters
#86  April 16, 2014, 01:06:45 am
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MAYBE D.D AND ROOK WOULD BE A GOOD debut too street fighter
Re: Characters
#87  April 16, 2014, 09:37:03 am
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Joe like...this?

Sprited from KoF's Ramon. I also hate the shoes I did, I totally suck at designing those D:

CvSNB: I did sprite bases for those two long ago. I also thought a background story for the game involving them too

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Characters
#88  April 16, 2014, 11:25:24 am
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(Joe) Not too bad looking, though I HATE the sideburns in the 2nd image :P
And ofcourse him being a kickboxer, those kung-fu-ish hands won't suffice, he should probably be a 'fisted' guy.
Re: Characters
#89  April 16, 2014, 11:47:37 am
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hoodies have sortof become a design shortcut for urban, even dead or alive used it on their last "new" character.

this isnt bad at all, but he could use spikier hair and hand wrappings , like sean said.  No one else into tatoo sleeves I see. :P
Re: Characters
#90  April 16, 2014, 11:49:02 am
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Wouldn't the tattoos be difficult to sprite?
Re: Characters
#91  April 16, 2014, 06:18:27 pm
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The hooded designs looks great felo! I think tattoo's might be unnecessary for him but spriter's choice of course. Maybe a design for his pant's might work but I think he's off to a great start. I think sean's hair idea should be kept as well
Re: Characters
#92  April 16, 2014, 08:22:08 pm
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Once I posted Joe's I immediatly thought in black flames for his trousers, aside a flame or a red line in the hood.

Also, tattoos are sometimes difficult(unless being simple lines, of course)
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Characters
#93  April 16, 2014, 10:04:53 pm
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Sean did it pretty well with CmPunk. Im suggesting it because Ive seen him doing it well before. Wraps on his arms and tattoos going up would look more urban and street than a hoodie.

Re: Characters
#94  April 16, 2014, 10:14:09 pm
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I just Googled CM Punk to see what the actual tattoo was supposed to look like, and this makes a pretty convincing case that it's not possible to sprite a tattoo decently despite Sean's best efforts.
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Re: Characters
#95  April 16, 2014, 10:23:08 pm
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Yeah, tattoos are a huge pain. They just end up looking like a mess of pixels. A single tribal tattoo on the shoulder or back or something wouldn't be too difficult though. I'm working on some samples of what my Joe would look like, but I'm having trouble with the head/face.

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Re: Characters
#96  April 16, 2014, 10:41:28 pm
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I don't think he should have any sort of shirt or jacket either. Basically shirtless with red pants. Pants can have all the bling, chains with locks, fire, whatever it needs. I'm with ICED in the tattoos/urban look. Can make the tattoos simple designs.

I take it we've decided Joe over Geki? :P What kind of collective price range would this need Sean? I assume if it's something you want to make it gets a bit of a discount?
Re: Characters
#97  April 16, 2014, 10:46:36 pm
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This is what I've done. I hope Felo doesn't mind me using parts of his head, credit to him of course. Base was a non-stance Joe Higashi sprite (silhouetted and drawn over). I did use Joe's hands and Kyo's shoes, but I've done that in the past with my sprites so it shouldn't be a surprise. I'll mess with them and add some tattoos. I also wanted to note that if we went with the shirt or hoodie, there could be a design on the back.

I'd think at least $300, which depending on how many people chip in shouldn't be hard to get to. I've been getting $350 to $400 for sets lately, so that's a bit lower.

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Re: Characters
#98  April 16, 2014, 10:50:19 pm
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I think he looks pretty dope!! Hopefully he gets to be a full character
Re: Characters
#99  April 16, 2014, 10:55:54 pm
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Those look awesome. Still preferring the one without the jacket. $300 isn't bad at all!

Perhaps you should make a topic in Sprite Projects to garner more attention and potential investors. I figure more users go there than here. We can link to it from this board too. Make it TOTW.
Re: Characters
#100  April 16, 2014, 11:02:02 pm
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Tbh I think he looks pretty rad without the jacket, that could even work!
And yeah man I'm down for chipping in no doubt.