
Hit Sparks and FX (Read 42631 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, April 06, 2014, 03:15:57 am
Hit Sparks and FX
#1  April 06, 2014, 03:15:57 am
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I was thinking that instead of spending a lot of time trying to make a hybrid between CVS2 effects and SFA/SF3 effects we should maybe just make 2 variants? This should speed the progress and give both preferences.

I'm going to assume CVS2 style will be the transparency style people will want?
For traditionalists like me and Balthazar, which game should we take the largest influence from? SFA3 or SF3?

For the hitsparks themselves what should we use?
Transparency options: CVS2, CFJ2, MVC2, something else?

Traditional options: SFA1,2,3 SF3Third Strike, something else?

Does this sound like the best approach?
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#2  April 07, 2014, 09:39:59 am
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Transparencies for the win.

Also, both SFZ and SF3 have their own's a different kind. I can't decide!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#3  April 07, 2014, 10:01:12 am
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2D Hitspark vs 3D-esque/transparency ones... Though I am kind of leaning towards the 3D-esque ones. Also, I think for originality's sake, the hitsparks to be used could be originally made and not extracted from a game source.

I also kinda like the hard hitting hitsounds of Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#4  April 08, 2014, 09:32:21 pm
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To simplify things we will start with the CVS 2 effects. Ryu is using CVS2 sprites so let's keep them together.

This is something we can change at a later date.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#5  April 12, 2014, 03:14:30 pm
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Using CvS2 sparks + CFJ hitsounds = pretty much Jmorphman chars, innit?

I luv me some SF3 sparks but I am not convinced if they'd fit the CvS sprites, same for SFA sparks.
But again, this is something that is relatively easy to change later on.
Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 03:20:44 pm by Balthazar
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#6  April 12, 2014, 03:20:24 pm
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I figure what we choose won't be the final product. But we need something while we wait. I was thinking cvs because everyone already has fx converted to that for the most part. And sfa3 because the most characters are in that series so more fx are made and the stuff that isn't is easy enough that even I can convert it.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#7  April 12, 2014, 04:25:30 pm
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Using CvS2 sparks + CFJ hitsounds = pretty much Jmorphman chars, innit?
JMM uses custom hitsparks loosely based on SF3, IINM. The CvS2 hitsparks are the long blue, yellow or purple ones that stretch themselves out. Hard to remember the time where they were everywhere, heh.
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Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 09:21:50 pm by DKDC
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#8  April 14, 2014, 09:20:37 pm
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Isn't it preferable to leave this outside the character files, as there are general Mugen files to apply the effects system-wide (fightfx.sff or something)?
Pick something but give the option of swapping it out, unless it's something character-specific like slashing or energy effects, possibly explosions.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#9  April 14, 2014, 09:36:59 pm
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That's the plan. I'm going to stick with just cvs right now with Ryu and we can replace it with other options later. 
To clarify the common fx that Ryu will pull fx from.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#10  April 14, 2014, 10:55:11 pm
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That being said, I personally prefer hit sparks with a sense of direction to them.
While I hate how MvC sparks tend to be bigger than some of the characters, MvC3's sparks give a very clear notion of the point of impact of a hit and toward where it's being felt.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#11  April 14, 2014, 11:03:32 pm
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Isn't it preferable to leave this outside the character files, as there are general Mugen files to apply the effects system-wide (fightfx.sff or something)?
Pick something but give the option of swapping it out, unless it's something character-specific like slashing or energy effects, possibly explosions.

I agree with you. This would make the characters less heavy. Just look at Ironmugen's characters, they're awesome, they don't height that much, and they keep the sparks in the mugen files
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#12  April 18, 2014, 02:40:16 pm
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Your coding sparks as helpers right? Otherwise they will look terrible in some instances. Jman uses the custom CFJish set Pots used. You can have shared helpers in common files, but they scale differently

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#13  April 18, 2014, 02:58:26 pm
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I don't know :P Never got to the FX stage in my own characters. What do you mean they will scale differently in a common file? I shouldn't have to scale them should I? And if I did need to scale it then I could still do so? It'd just act differently?

I'll need as much feedback in areas like this as I can get for a bit. @Renzo F: probably knows this stuff but he's still out.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#14  April 18, 2014, 03:05:22 pm
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It might be a 1.0 thing, but when I use shared helper fx, they scale further(.5?). It might be something I've overlooked?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#15  April 19, 2014, 05:35:31 am
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Ugh I really hate CVS effects, is there some way to make it so I can change it to SFA/SF3 Effects?

Maybe something with Vars? but I'm pretty sure it would have to be a thing you'd have to set in every character in a config file.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#16  April 19, 2014, 05:44:54 am
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I prefer SFA effects too. The CVS effects will be placeholders. Since most fx will be in the universal fx file it'll be easy to give alternative files later on just like spark packs now.

I'm using CVS for default because the sprites are CVS so no edits will need to be made. SFA sprites may need some edits to fit the CVS sprites in some areas. Which is time I don't have at the moment.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#17  April 19, 2014, 07:44:07 am
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It can be done with a variable so no worries

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#18  April 27, 2014, 05:00:25 am
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Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#19  June 18, 2014, 06:37:19 am
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Sorry for bumping this, but I want to give some suggestions for fightfx.

Every hitspark should be the CPS2 old ones. Will fit more with the concept of this project.

But with some ''new-things":

- Low, Medium and High hit can be the SFZ3 ones[best quality] and with two new coloured styles:

*For player 1 = Gold / Player 2 = Silver*

Special Move hitspark can use the special spark used on X-Men Vs Street Fighter, but with the same colorations for the normal hitsparks.

Super Combo hitspark can be the "X" super spark from Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter[But with a little donw-scaled]. Same thing about colors.

A another suggestion... If you guys uses the "Super BG", I can create one like the SF3 2ND Impact used. And can use the floor system[Used by Beximus on Capcom Universe, and open-sourced for my actual "VS Style Debuts" project]. Not a MvC-Ish ones, but like SF3 2nd impact did.
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Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#20  June 18, 2014, 04:16:58 pm
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I'm going to use CVS2 for now because most everything is already made for all the characters in that style. Later I/we can make alternate fx for the characters. At the moment I have too much on my plate to worry about finding the right fx. Hopefully after Ryu is finished the template will pick up steam and I can focus on other areas!

EDIT: With that being said, you don't have to merely suggest stuff! Feel free to compile your suggestions and submit them! I'll make sure to put it to use!
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#21  June 18, 2014, 04:19:08 pm
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And at any rate, the hitsparks should be placed in the common files, so it's just a matter of compiling the screenpack, and it looks like there will be several available anyway.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#22  June 19, 2014, 01:52:47 am
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I don't know exactly if here is the correct place to put this suggestion but..


I want to give a suggestion for minor things like this..

I think the Afterimages should be the most closer possible on the SFZ/SSF2 Turbo games

[State 1040, Afterimages]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(1) = 0
time = 80
length = 30
framegap = 6
palcolor = 0
palbright = 1,1,1
palpostbright = 1,1,120
palcontrast = 104,172,142
PalAdd = -16,-16,1
PalMul = 1, 1, .85
trans = none

[This code is from a old SFZ2 Gouki when I don't remember his name, so, if anyone knows him, tell me to credit him]

It's a bit simillar to this:

And I suggest to you guys use this code on every Super Combo[Even in Level 3 ones]. This will give a nostalgia factor on Super Combo movements.

And I'm starting to create a concept for Super "SF3-Like" Combo BG.
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Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#23  June 19, 2014, 06:06:13 am
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I'm not sure about what after image styles we will use, but I will say that one is not SFA accurate. The after images should get a darker blue as they get further from the root.

I'm going to try something with the super bars when I get to coding them. The results will greatly determine how the after images will look.