
Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality (Read 4011 times)

Started by Dai-Manji, November 23, 2024, 03:31:40 pm
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Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
#1  November 23, 2024, 03:31:40 pm
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    • USA
So I have been part of MUGEN (under prior names) for close to what is almost 10 years now (and then some), and as the years pass, many creators end up leaving for various reasons.

But even so, despite being gone, some names are forever, and with that, I want to know... who are the creators, that if they were still making stuff today, you would immediately download their work, regardless of what it is?

Essentially... what creators have your own personal "seal of approval" or "seal of quality", cause believe me, there are a few that are still around that I never miss a single download from, and many that are now gone, that I will forever cherish knowing I have their work preserved for others to enjoy.

Some to name off the top of my head are:

No other person does Touhou like Rice does, in fact, I would go as far to say that Rice is the reason why Touhou ended up getting thousands of edits, because they showed off what good Touhou work is, and others copied them.

Now I'll admit, their work takes up a bit too much space at times, but even so, they knew how to make good characters with beautiful re-creations of in-game character select screens, and other flashy stuff. Plus aside from IronCommando, they were the only other person who actually tried to be anti-cheap.

—Reuben Kee
I mean, let's be honest... anyone who doesn't like Reuben Kee, isn't really a MUGEN fan to begin with. The guy is a legend for a reason and gave birth to so many powerful creators that still exist today. He's essentially the grandfather of MUGEN and we should respect our elders.

—Exclamation_Question (!?)
Nobody does bootlegs like he does, simple as that. He even did some of the best ones, and their stages too, like c'mon.

So, who is on your list of people you would not miss a download from?
Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 03:35:35 pm by Dai-Manji
Re: Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
New #2  November 23, 2024, 04:23:46 pm
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    • Argentina
Interesting publication, I think I'm also going to collaborate by naming authors if they continue making characters Today, I would continue downloading them no matter what:

Although this guy hasn't done much on MUGEN, he has brought 2 of the most well-known versions of Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin, being Edits of Warner's work, if he continued making edits of the rest of Warner's work I would surely download it. .

This guy is the author of Donald, and anyone who doesn't know Donald in MUGEN practically DOESN'T KNOW MUGEN, Even living under a rock you can´t not recognize he.
Although Donald is his only Recognized work, he also did other Chars like Johns Lee, Jagyuta, Lehyu, Miduma & Eharu (these last 4 are His Oc) and 2 more that I don't remember, and all of these are interesting. a mechanical level, Like Sprites (if Kishio made his own fighting game, it would definitely be a game I would pre-order or buy right away).
Last Edit: December 16, 2024, 10:03:54 pm by Colobucci
Re: Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
#3  November 23, 2024, 05:45:53 pm
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When it comes to total seal of approval I got to give my hat to DivineWolf and R@CE AKIR@.
Whenever I see them being brough up I am downloading it whenever I can.

When it comes to stages?
Charles_2011 and MatreroG. Their creativity and mesh of different souces to make peak quality just blows my mind.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
#4  November 25, 2024, 12:39:00 am
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XGargoyle: Battle posing since 1979  <-- Please click that link  <-- Donations welcome!
Re: Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
#5  November 25, 2024, 01:58:38 am
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Re: Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
#6  November 25, 2024, 07:12:06 am
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  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
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    • Poland
For me:

- Claymizer
  - Now, Claymizer surely wasn't one of the best Mugen content creators out there, as his characters, despite an amazing spritework, had noticeable balance issues. This was especially common with his 2007 chars, as they had some of the most noticeable balance issues, such as his V1 of Sonic having a very spammable projectile, or his Blaziken having OP combos. His 2008 chars were improvements as their balance was better, though some issues still remained, such as attacks feeling a bit too spammy or having weirdly large hitboxes. However, when I was younger, his Sonic was one of the first chars I've ever seen, and he is one of the reasons why I create content for Mugen too. Today, he's still active, but does animations now instead of Mugen.

- Madoldcrow1105
  - One of the most noticeable creators who made a series of cartoon characters for the engine, including some from video games, such as Kirby or Crash Bandicoot. His characters usually had a magenta/red outline which felt unique (though they did have a palette that had a black outline). His characters also had issues and haven't aged that well, as they tend to have infinites or infinite priorities, but I have a lot of memories seeing his characters back in the day. He's still active on DeviantArt but retired from Mugen due to random people bothering him about one game he was making with Mugen.

- NeoKamek
  - I remember seeing his Kamek a lot when I was younger, and it caught an interest in me, especially having some other moves such as Pokemon as assists(!), and some other interesting stuff. His Stupid Little Drill Tank is also a pretty nice boss character to mess around with, despite having some bugs, such as certain characters having attacks that make Eggman turn around instantly, resulting in an unfair hit. He would retire in 2009 due to receiving a lot of complaints that his fame was essentially based on copying the work of others.

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Re: Gone but not forgotten: A Seal of Approval/Quality
#7  November 25, 2024, 10:08:34 am
  • ****
i am more towards the dos era since dos engine seldom frustrated me:
andre lopez: first ever mugen website that i found out about Mugen, several nsfw stuffs in there back in 2001, 2002
mystikblaze: best evil ryu i have ever played as
sander71113: his kof creations, his yamazaki and iori were my first two, this iori had vice and mature as spectators and strikers, not the current one
neogouki: high qualities characters and stages especially back in the good ol dos eras
kgenjuro: most of his samurai shodown characters
orochi herman: setsuna, kagami, shadow dio
third: all his creations especially kagami, was actually hopping for his heidern and original zero though
aoao: all of his creations
sunboy: blackheart
spolde: iceman
tenshin: thanks to his ken and gang, we have evil ken by reu

My real life is coming soon........!