Board: IKEMEN Releases
[State -1, Stun_Meter]
type = helper
trigger1 = RoundState = 2 && !numhelper(24000) && !ishelper
name = "Stun"
ID = 24000
pos = 9999,9999 <-----------comment this out or change it to 0,0 or an onscreen value so that explod will show
postype = Left
facing = ifelse(teamside=1,1,-1)
stateno = 24000
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
persistent = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
size.xscale = 0.05
size.yscale = 0.05
[State 24000, Stun_Casing]
type = Explod
trigger1 = RoundState = 2 && !numexplod(24000)
ID = 24000
anim = ifelse(teamside=1,24000,24001)
sprpriority = -34
space = screen
postype = Left
pos = IfElse((teamside = 1), ceil((-ScreenPos X)+(((GameWidth)*(0.090625)))), ceil((-ScreenPos X)+floor((GameWidth)-((GameWidth)*(0.090625))*2.9))),58+floor(root,fvar(2)) <----------------------going to have to eyeball that 2.9
Facing = 1
scale = 0.5,0.5
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
ontop = 0
removetime = ifelse((RoundState!=2),1,999999999)
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
ignorehitpause = 1
Ceil(GameWidth * Abs(20/GameWidth - (TeamSide = 2)) - ScreenPos X)
x = IfElse((teamside = 1), 20, 300)
x = IfElse((teamside = 1), ceil((-ScreenPos X)+(((GameWidth)*(0.0625)))), ceil((-ScreenPos X)+((GameWidth)-((GameWidth)*(0.0625)))))
ceil((-ScreenPos Y)+((((GameHeight)*(0.4125))))))
ceil((-ScreenPos Y)+((((GameHeight)*((0.4125)+(root,fvar(3)))))))
[state 100000000, zoom_size_prevention]
type = angledraw
trigger1 = 1
scale = 4*const(size.xscale)/CameraZoom,4*const(size.yscale)/CameraZoom
persistent = 1
;Directories are checked in this order:
;1. current directory system.def is in
;2. data/
;3. your MUGEN directory
;eg. If you write "spr = system.sff", and this system.def file
; is in ~/mugen/data/mymotif/, then Mugen will first look
; for ~/mugen/data/mymotif/system.sff. If it does not find
; it there, it looks for ~/mugen/data/system.sff (the default).
; Finally, if that is not found, it will look for
; ~/mugen/system.sff.