The Mugen Fighters Guild

I.K.E.M.E.N. Central => IKEMEN Releases => Topic started by: K4thos on May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am

Title: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
Ikemen GO
IKEMEN Go is a remake of the IKEMEN (open source fighting games engine that supports M.U.G.E.N resources) in Google’s Programming Language "Go".


If you need to install OpenAL dependencies use the respective package manager (OpenAL installation is not needed for windows build since it comes with appropriate dll).

On windows, execute Ikemen_GO.exe
On mac/linux, double-click on Ikemen_GO.command

These instructions are for those interested in developing the Ikemen_GO engine. Instructions on contributing with custom stages, fonts, characters and other resources can be found in the community forum.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Features added since Mugen

Bug reports and know bugs

Discord server

Suehiro repo (Original creator of the engine):
Gacel ('s fork:
Neat Unsou ('s fork:
My and ShinLucho ('s fork:

There are currently no competing repos. While there may be differences between them at a given time, changes introduced in any of the active forks end up being merged into one another.

What I.K.E.M.E.N means
Ikemen is an acronym of:
Itumademo Kanseishinai Eienni Mikansei ENgine

MIT Licence (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 26, 2018, 03:17:16 am
Dayummm. I've been waiting for this. So I noticed, that the current coop online modes don't work. Also replay etc. Do you need anyone to help test that?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on May 26, 2018, 03:29:35 am
Dayummm. I've been waiting for this. So I noticed, that the current coop online modes don't work. Also replay etc. Do you need anyone to help test that?
you're talking about that version on MA with brokenMugen screenpack included? I didn't upload it there. There is no point in testing build that is several months old (all of the stuff you mentioned have been fixed long time ago).

Testing will be needed once release candidate version is available (I will post a link here) - no point in uploading it now when it constantly changes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 26, 2018, 03:35:01 am
Well, that is exactly what I mean. Wouldn't you need someone to test the online capabilities with regardless? No, not the old one, its a general question, like how can I help you. 
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Demitri on May 26, 2018, 06:39:29 am
I apologize in advance if I ask a dumb question. I haven't honestly played with Ikemen enough to know some of the things im asking, and I have been told some things are possible by people but since no one ever explains how and I don't see the option for it, I can't be certain. I guess another 'for reference' fact would be I've only used older ikemen builds vs friends, that first Ikemen Plus build, and I just tried the recent one.

I tried to search the thread to find my answers and I'm not getting anything 100% clear so this is my asking here.

Future fntv2 support
Not much of a question, but I'm excited for this. I'm just wondering how much can the engine handle? Me, and some others I know, like to really push the limits on graphics, and last I checked, regular Ikemen couldn't handle it too well.

Screenpack questions
-I'm not sure if its already possible, but can the character select scrolling be configurable with the option for it to be more like Mugen? I can see the benefit it has but it's also problematic when trying to create certain kinds of motifs

-Can Turns and Simul be made modifiable ? How can I word this.... I can see the situations where the way it currently is would be useful, but there are times where it'd be nicer to be able to have it selectable from maybe a screen prior or even just separated at the main menu? It's kind of variable I supposed based on person/full game needs. Like personally, I like turns and i like when you can have 4 weaker chars fight one "boss" char or something, but I also hate having to choose that right before I select my fighters at the select. I hope I'm being clear, but I'm willing to explain what I mean more if need be.

-Can systems be altered where the way localcoord affects characters and their portraits and stuff isnt so.....disjointed? It's been some times since I touched either engine, but if my memory serves me right, if a like HD character has its own localcoord thing going on, it became hard to properly adjust the portrait (different resolutions required different localcoords, and ports were always affected badly, especially on more experimental resolutions)
I feel like this would also affect animated portraits if it's done through the characters directly. but maybe im wrong idk

-I forgot my last question....

Dream Features (i don't expect these to ever happen but im curious if the possibility is there)
-Animated menu items? like an alternative to the font system it already uses?
-Live Updating when code is modified & saved? (chars,stages, motifs, etc)
-Profile/Progress Saving (arcade/story mode progress, record of battle wins/losses, survival tracking, etc)

I came to ask one thing and left with a bunch of stuff.....sorry. I guess a better question is what can't be done with the engine?
Ultimately, If I could get MUGEN features, IKEMEN AI and Online, and any other improvements to the engine, then I'm satisfied.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 26, 2018, 10:01:31 am
Well, if you’ve tried to Go ver or whatever which was made to replicate mugen SP support, you’ll see that he converted several already including the broken mugen etc. The selling point of the scrolling was the inifinite space. Some of this was previously said, but the idea was to make both tag and simul both selectable as individual modes. Not too long ago I discovered that you can scale specific animations so there is that. Depending on how the ports are done. The main thing here that we all can agree upon would be the universal ranking system, which ties in to unlocking stuff etc as well as those other points you made.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 26, 2018, 01:57:24 pm
If mugen has infinite possibilities then ikemen is beyond that because is opensource and can be adjusted or modidied from the core.

everytime some is added other one can broke or fix because all is interconected as a whole and when you do something, it has consequences, whether good or bad.

remember that can be implemented every imagined thing and ported to every made hardware but there are no instant things,the only magic button is the one that needs to be pressed over and over to form a functionable code.

Ikemen code can be divided in:

Input and output between hardware and software,keyboard,gamepad,video modes,how sprites are displayed/rendered,sound and network actions.
Main engine functions,variables,fonts,character and stage interact controll.
The mugen commands and files interpreters.
Allowed expansion via scription.

Planned new engine commands:
animated/static character and stage portraits; video/image/audio/sound streaming; snd file for stages; multiple Sff linked in def; File type id= Character/stage/storyboard;

Planned basics screens hard coded on main engine: logo,intro,start,demo,menu,options,select,versus,challenger,victory,rank,timer,continue,ending,credits,game over

Planed basic arcade functions hard coded on main engine:
coins/number of times presses a button to allow start,demo mode,new challenger interruption,hidden/unlockables.

planed engine posibilities expanded via scription:
enable/disable screens for arcadeish game; extra modes created and linked; rotation,scale,order and possition of every menu element using font/image/animation; extra screens to expand interaction; enable/disable/force game mode;

You can use a lua script to force the engine to start as 1vs1 or simul or tag or team based game, even can be a mix of all.

with a lua script you can establish how cpu will fight you regardles of your main selection, fist match can be vs a simul team, meanwhile second match be vs a tag fight, third encounter vs turned oponnents lastly as an example the fourth and last be vs a single boss oponent.

And many many other things imagined (Mugen Castlevania platformer game (https://BLACKLISTED created by Falchion22 and Serio Castlevania Fighter  ( properly merged in one for example)

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: adriano gt on May 27, 2018, 10:23:00 pm
hi guys,
well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:


this game of naruto works perfectly in mugen ... but see what happens in ikemen:


I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 27, 2018, 11:06:56 pm
is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Flowrellik on May 27, 2018, 11:10:13 pm
is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)
Something like that would also come in handy for arcade order battles too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 28, 2018, 02:53:30 am
is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)

Well the engine does not distinguish in who is who, just know that they are independent characters from each other.
There could not be a syntax that says if it is original, clone or modified; since they are all original creations.
maybe the engine in select.def can recognize words like same author, display name, the name of the definitions file, here is an example of how it could be:

capital.disctinction = 0               ;distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.
player.disctinction= 2,3,5,6        ; -1 conditions affects all players, 0 none player be affected, only the numbered separated by commas be affected.

 ; if you pick one character, the cpu or another player described above can't select same character. (fight and beat em up mode) = 1              ;avoid select another character with same display name. = 1               ;avoid select another character with same auhor name. = 1                     ;avoid select another character with same def file name.

 ; The cpu ignore a match if meets the conditions. (option designed for fight mode only since it is redundant) = 1             ;avoid fight characters with same display name. = 1              ;avoid fight characters with same auhor name. = 1                    ;avoid fight characters with same def file name.

 ; User specific words to ignore with another predefined ones separated by commas, the first word is the one that will be compared with those that are in parentheses, capital disctinction if defined.
user.word.list = "ryu" ("RYu", "r1u", "rhyu", "er1u"), "ken" ("K.en", "KEN", "k3n"), "orochi" ( "0r0ch1", "Oro.chi", "porokhi"), "Ph4ntom of the server" ("phantom of the sereve", "geist server", "ghostly sammy", "PoTS").

It is not really a priority but it could be integrated later, it is not a promise but I could think about it.

Something like that would also come in handy for arcade order battles too.

Mugen itself has a option for character orders in select.def
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on May 28, 2018, 03:36:27 am
is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)
I can add it as either options setting or screenpack parameter but I'm not quite sure what's the benefit of doing so. Like if you don't want particular assist character don't select it? I don't think it's screenpack creators who should decide if it's possible. And even if this would be a new setting in options I can imagine false bug reports/complains from players who try to select such characters combination and forgot about this option. Please elaborate why exactly it's needed.

Something like that would also come in handy for arcade order battles too.
When character with particular order is selected than you won't face that character again in this arcade play through (just like in mugen IIRC)

well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:
I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version
it's fixed for the screenpacks (to be more precise in old Ikemen Plus animSetColorKey was used incorrectly). As for the stages please upload the problematic one and I will check it out. Even if the problem is still there I know how to fix it (should be a matter of changing one of the bg.anim.mask lines in stages.go from 0 to -1 or maybe defaulting this value to -1).

Well, that is exactly what I mean. Wouldn't you need someone to test the online capabilities with regardless? No, not the old one, its a general question, like how can I help you.
yes, but not yet.

Not much of a question, but I'm excited for this. I'm just wondering how much can the engine handle? Me, and some others I know, like to really push the limits on graphics, and last I checked, regular Ikemen couldn't handle it too well.
Loading times are infinitely better in current build (in old Ikemen Plus characters loader was badly coded). As for performance I don't know since I have fast computer, so can't test how it performs on weaker setups.

-I'm not sure if its already possible, but can the character select scrolling be configurable with the option for it to be more like Mugen? I can see the benefit it has but it's also problematic when trying to create certain kinds of motifs

it works like mugen by default. In order to optionally enable select scrolling screenpack needs to have "rows.scrolling = x" (where x is number of scrolling rows) parameter set under [Select Info]. Same with double select screen (optional "", "", "" parameters)

-Can Turns and Simul be made modifiable ? How can I word this.... I can see the situations where the way it currently is would be useful, but there are times where it'd be nicer to be able to have it selectable from maybe a screen prior or even just separated at the main menu? It's kind of variable I supposed based on person/full game needs. Like personally, I like turns and i like when you can have 4 weaker chars fight one "boss" char or something, but I also hate having to choose that right before I select my fighters at the select. I hope I'm being clear, but I'm willing to explain what I mean more if need be.
everything in interface can be changed. But adjusting when exactly team mode menu should show up or what values should be selected automatically requires lua file edits, so it's better suited for full games. Adding additional screenpack parameters for this sounds like bloated functionality to me (please elaborate how you want it to be implemented taking screenpack coding into account - if your implementation idea is intuitive than we can think about it).

-Can systems be altered where the way localcoord affects characters and their portraits and stuff isnt so.....disjointed? It's been some times since I touched either engine, but if my memory serves me right, if a like HD character has its own localcoord thing going on, it became hard to properly adjust the portrait (different resolutions required different localcoords, and ports were always affected badly, especially on more experimental resolutions)
I've noticed weird way that mugen handles portraits during localcoord implementation. To be precise mugen seems to be using following equation for portrait scaling:
portrait.scale = scaleX * localCoordY / 240, scaleY * localCoordY / 240
Same for face scaling. I've implemented additional optional screenpack parameter that makes the portrait scaling work like any other image (so for example, if the parameter is set, and "portrait.scale = 1, 1" than portrait will maintain the correct pixel size regardless of localcoord). For compatibility sake this parameter is disabled by default.

-Animated menu items? like an alternative to the font system it already uses?
I don't want to make screenpack creation confusing (even if it's optional feature). How exactly you want it to work? Tens of new menu.itemname.anim parameters for each mode? Sounds like a feature more suited for full game adjustments.

-Profile/Progress Saving (arcade/story mode progress, record of battle wins/losses, survival tracking, etc)
It's on the roadmap for future releases. It’s needed for ranking score system and characters unlocking functionality, so progress and tons of data will need to be saved.

Well the engine does not distinguish in who is who, just know that they are independent characters from each other.
There could not be a syntax that says if it is original, clone or modified; since they are all original creations.
maybe the engine in select.def can recognize words like same author, display name, the name of the definitions file, here is an example of how it could be:
Looks like I misunderstood mete122's question if this is what he meant. I'm not interested in coding it myself but if MangeX implements it than I don't see a problem with adding this functionality of course.

MangeX, are you interested in collaborating on Ikemen GO Plus fork development or you will create separate one? If the former I will give you access to the repository on Github, so that you can commit and create branches without pull requests.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 28, 2018, 11:24:49 pm
Well, if you need anything let me know. I've been ready to jump into things. I'll just continue to spread awareness of it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 28, 2018, 11:48:21 pm
Cause its pretty much how it works in offical games right?You cant choose ryu twice in mvc or tatsunuko
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 29, 2018, 12:57:55 am

MangeX, are you interested in collaborating on Ikemen GO Plus fork development or you will create separate one? If the former I will give you access to the repository on Github, so that you can commit and create branches without pull requests.

I'm interested in that ,for now i want to implement sdl instead of the current gflw interface because if the engine  continue with the later it will be needed to instalo diffetent instances for every function (audio,video,input,network) and sdl has better compatibility.

Second is hability ti stream audio and video calls in real time.

Then i want to implement video MKV, MP4 or webm streaming for back background layers if needed or scenes ir whatever be usted.

Later my plan is to add a new way to make smaller and optimized games using tilesets assets ,just like older games manage to be, ovbiously as complement ti current SFF MUGEN files who stored complete Sprites in ram.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Flowrellik on May 29, 2018, 01:22:26 am
well there is that order thing yes, but what if say u are making a mugen that has multiple versions of one character that you want for a team thing (Terry or Wild Wolf, Andy1 or andy2 and Joe or EX Joe) and you make the order but somehow you end up with a team that has two terrys or andys or joes instead of the one? That's my beef with my mugen atm.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 29, 2018, 02:21:56 am
You basically want to replicate KOF with it's team based order system. The whole thing is random, as he said manually adding those things to distinguish them.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I'm having some trouble with the arcade setup.

Right now, this is the "specific" arcade ladder I have for Ryu.(I'll make a video of this once I figure this out)

Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Terry,3=Sakura,4=Ryo,5=kfma4a/kfma4a2.def,6=Kyo,7=Sagat,8=Ken,9=M.Bison,10=Akuma

Which is the correct way to add character specific stages unique to this ladder?

This is just an example, I've tried doing it with/without commas etc and nothing works.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Also I noticed that, it isn't possible to have this..

His Arcade order
Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Terry,3=Sakura,4=Ryo,5=kfma4a/kfma4a2.def,6=Kyo,7=Sagat,8=Ken,9=M.Bison,10=Akuma

and this together.

This is just him on the select def

Alex, order=1, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def
It crashes every time.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Flowrellik on May 29, 2018, 02:28:50 am
That part I understand about. What I do not understand is how to make it so by order for tag/ team mode, I won't see 2-3 of the same character on the same team.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 29, 2018, 02:49:53 am
Well he just said..
Well the engine does not distinguish in who is who, just know that they are independent characters from each other.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Flowrellik on May 29, 2018, 03:00:28 am
crap. looks like I'll have to figure out how to combine characters together like in KOFZ
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 29, 2018, 04:50:12 am
crap. looks like I'll have to figure out how to combine characters together like in KOFZ

The correct sinthax is characterfolder_omitedif_hassame_defname/character.def,stage/stage.def,music/ifwant_otherto_play.mp3,order=1-10

You can make something like this:

Angrykyo,order=0 (0 means never be picked by cpu)
Kyo,stages/1.def (if no order specified is always 1)
Superkyo,order=2 (if omited stage Will be random)


Then in arcade order and simul order you can make

1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 ;arcade
2,2,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,0 ;simul

That means ,you may face one character of each order randomly in every Match and finaly one BOSS fight

In simul you may face 2 randomly choosen (can be same char twice, is engine lucky) 2 fights of each order until you reach one simul BOSS fight (again can be same char twice sorry)

There is no way to avoid certain/same/already choosen characters until specific code be implemented on engine as i said in posts earlier.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 29, 2018, 05:21:13 am
Wait wait wait, what about my issue? I can't get the specific arcade order and stages to work in conjunction.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on May 29, 2018, 07:32:20 am
Wait wait wait, what about my issue? I can't get the specific arcade order and stages to work in conjunction.
 ; - 1, 2, (...)
 ;   IKEMEN feature: paramname points to the match number in
 ;   arcade mode. paramvalue overwrites character that you would
 ;   face following normal 'order'. paramvalue should match exactly
 ;   the charname text typed after "Insert your characters below"
 ;   line, so it can be either full DEF path or just folder name.
 ;   This functionality introduces simple solution for implementing
 ;   story like arcade mode similar to the one in Street Fighter
 ;   Alpha 3 where characters always face their rivals along the way.
 ;   If you're playing in Team mode than paramvalue character becomes
 ;   opposite team leader, other characters follow normal order.
This has nothing to do with stages. So this syntax that you have posted:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1=Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def, 2=Terry stages/Shiyo/west2014.def, 3=Sakura stages/Shiyo/home2014.def, 4=Ryo stages/Shiyo/home2014.def, 5=kfma4a, 6=Kyo stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def, 7=Sagat stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def, 8=Ken stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def,9=M.Bison stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def, 10=Akuma stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def
is wrong and currently not supported. Here is correct syntax:
kfm, stages/mybg1.def, 3=SuaveDude, 5=ShinGouki
SuaveDude, stages/mybg2.def, stages/mybg3.def, 3=kfm
ShinGouki, stages/mybg4.def
In this example KFM will always face SuaveDude in 3rd match and that SuaveDude will randomly use mybg2 or mybg3 stage. On 5th match he will face ShinGouki on mybg4 stage. Other matches will follow the normal order. Selecting SuaveDude would result normal arcade run with exception of 3rd fight which would be against KFM on mybg1 stage. In other words it works the same way as mugen but with optional additional parameters explained in select.def.

btw. you can't skip commas in the syntax. That's how parser distinguishes between different parameters. Using space doesn't make sense when file names can contain space in them.

It has been already requested to extend "1, 2, (...)" parameter feature to take into account additional parameters like music and stages, but this will require changes in the current code and the syntax will need to be different in order to parse such monstrosity. Probably in future, once it's supported,  syntax will look like this:
num={charname, stages/stagename.def, music=musicname}
using your example:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1={Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def}, 2={Terry, stages/Shiyo/west2014.def}, 3={Sakura, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 4={Ryo, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 5={kfma4a}, 6={Kyo, stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def}, 7={Sagat, stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def}, 8={Ken, stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def},9={M.Bison, stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def}, 10={Akuma, stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def}
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 29, 2018, 08:00:48 am
I showed that example for anyone whom had not already seen it.

Yes, I know its wrong which is why I'm asking for the correct way to do so.

What if all characters have them is the thing here. Alex has his own arcade order so the above mentioned doesn't work. My question was.. Can you set specific stages "IN addition" to the set ladder and how.

Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Terry,3=Sakura,4=Ryo,5=kfma4a/kfma4a2.def,6=Kyo,7=Sagat,8=Ken,9=M.Bison,10=Akuma

Let me try this again and see if I can figure something out.

Okay, I see you edited it, yes, that is what I meant.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on May 29, 2018, 11:12:04 am
I read all new specifications and sounds very promissing! I love the part of scales for portraits via screenpack because lots of good characters have localcoord and do portraits for them it´s complicate and loose quality, and can you do the same for lifebar portraits in the fight.def file?
And about fight.def file, can you add a Bgdef for round, fight, k.o and win animations? This is possible using Add004 addon but impossible with mugen because you only have 1 simple layer for every action and it´s very limited to create good works.
Another thing that I don´t read nothing it´s about stages, please, can you add a 9000,1 portrait to them? With mugen you need to add a image for each letter or symbol but it´s very limited too.
I read that it´s possible use various portraits for select, versus and winner screens but, it´s possible do actions ( Interpolate Blend, Offset, Scale and Angle) with them?
Another thing that I like it very much in Add004 addon are the combo messages, it´s possible to add to Ikemen Go this feature?
Thank you very much for your work and waiting more news about it, see you and forgive my english...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: adriano gt on May 29, 2018, 01:27:41 pm

well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:
I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version
it's fixed for the screenpacks (to be more precise in old Ikemen Plus animSetColorKey was used incorrectly). As for the stages please upload the problematic one and I will check it out. Even if the problem is still there I know how to fix it (should be a matter of changing one of the bg.anim.mask lines in stages.go from 0 to -1 or maybe defaulting this value to -1).

ok, the game was tested on the GO version
the same problem keeps happening ... in stages, chars, screenpacks and portraits.
animSetColorKey ... please, where do I find this parameter?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on May 29, 2018, 02:08:07 pm
ok, the game was tested on the GO version
the same problem keeps happening ... in stages, chars, screenpacks and portraits.
animSetColorKey ... please, where do I find this parameter?
As mentioned in the post you quoted, if you want it to be fixed, please upload the problematic stage, so I can test it myself.  chars, screenpacks and portraits mask compatibility have been already fixed in current GO build.

And about fight.def file, can you add a Bgdef for round, fight, k.o and win animations? This is possible using Add004 addon but impossible with mugen because you only have 1 simple layer for every action and it´s very limited to create good works.
Another thing that I don´t read nothing it´s about stages, please, can you add a 9000,1 portrait to them? With mugen you need to add a image for each letter or symbol but it´s very limited too.
I read that it´s possible use various portraits for select, versus and winner screens but, it´s possible do actions ( Interpolate Blend, Offset, Scale and Angle) with them?
Another thing that I like it very much in Add004 addon are the combo messages, it´s possible to add to Ikemen Go this feature?
Thank you very much for your work and waiting more news about it, see you and forgive my english...
Other than stage portrait, I'm afraid none of this stuff is currently on ikemen go plus roadmap. Join the project and start implementing them if you want to get these features in foreseeable future.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 30, 2018, 05:14:14 am

It has been already requested to extend "1, 2, (...)" parameter feature to take into account additional parameters like music and stages, but this will require changes in the current code and the syntax will need to be different in order to parse such monstrosity. Probably in future, once it's supported,  syntax will look like this:
num={charname, stages/stagename.def, music=musicname}
using your example:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1={Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def}, 2={Terry, stages/Shiyo/west2014.def}, 3={Sakura, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 4={Ryo, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 5={kfma4a}, 6={Kyo, stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def}, 7={Sagat, stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def}, 8={Ken, stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def},9={M.Bison, stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def}, 10={Akuma, stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def}

Maybe the best way to surpass that monster code is to handle variable pointers on characters and stages, but you have right, the syntax need to be changed  (even mugen creators always said that everything could change in future releases so why not here too).
They want complex ways to code their games, so, everything has a sacrifice..... maybe the syntax could be some:

[Characters] ; each character code can be contained in variables including the stages already ones
0 = randomselect
1 = homelessryu ,1
2 = ken_speed_buster.def ,2,sound/rap.mp3
3 = chunli/lee.def ,6,order = 2
4 = guillermo ,5,sound/vivaldi.ogg,order = 2
5 = cammyla.def ,7,order = 3
6 = mister_vegan ,3,order = 3
7 = agogouken.def ,3 , order = 4 ,hidden

[Stages] ;each stage on its own variable
0 = stages/training.def
1 = stages/road.def
2 = stages/bay.def
3 = stages/ruins.def
4 = stages/uglyplace.def
5 = stages/militarybase.def
6 = stages/chinatown.def
7 = stages/castle.def

[Routes] ; forced routes without taking into account the established orders
3 = 2,4,randomselect,1,6                      ;Chunli first vs ken, then vs guile, then some with order three, then vs ryu and lastly bison.
1 = randomselect,randomselect,randomselect,4  ;Ryu rute always be random fights from three first orders and lastly vs akuma.

ranks can be recorded on a different file named "ranks.dat"  who using persistent variables that add to that file as long as the conditions stipulated in lua are met.
persistent variables always loaded in start but in common files stipulated that hits add some amount ,blocks add certain amount, super finishers, or whatever stipulated add more value while record or load from rank file.

Any character can have the status of hidden in the selection file, and each one will have conditions to be unlocked if necessary; in it .cmd or .cns file could have a unique state that overwrites the condition that is in the common file for hidden.
if finish the game in an amount of ticks or the rank value is >certain number or if meet a character made from an author or some the character hidden with select number 7(as akuma example) will be available.

[Status]  ;in char cns file
hidden.statedef = 666 ;overite the common one if exist for full games, or only has conditions if any has this char in hidden status for fun.

[Statedef 666] ;the statedef with conditions ,maybe lua is better for this
type = H

[state 666]
type= unlock
trigger1 = (if var (666) + (rank) = 999)     ;some amount of point for rank variable will unlock
trigger2 = ifselect(command = "QCF_z",2) ;some command in select screen will unlock

there could be many variants in how the unlocking could be, it's just a proposal.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 30, 2018, 03:21:18 pm
Well if you can do that, it'd be a dream come true. A legit ranking system man..

Because everyone is waiting to make screenpacks for this, I just cut it all out, but this is what I plan to do for "every" character. So I really need for the above mentioned to work at some point. Just a hope.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ruler on June 01, 2018, 05:18:52 pm
Popping in for a moment to note my current tests on the GO Engine. I've been messing around with it to play with some attempts at creating features, though obvious with my spaghetti coding it's not ready for public release, especially with the engine still being worked on on K4thos's end.

What I've Got:

Pseudo Lobby System (Fully functional)
Lobby System holds up to 8 players(any more and the lag gets unbearable) that hosts username based matchmaking for 1v1 or 2v2 battles(Partially functional, 2v2 only works with Simul and add04 Tag)
Unlockable Characters/Palettes/Stages - Supports Triggers for:
-Time Played
-Time Played Online
-Matches Played(can include online)
-Matches Won/Lost
-Arcade Mode results(Includes parameters for Characters used, characters fought, clear time, and times cleared)
(Fully Functional, unlocked data can be cleared through a branch I added to the Options menu~)
Challenge Mode(Must input and hit specific combos for those unfamiliar, fully implemented)
Music Replay Mode(Fully functional)
Version Checker, compares the versions of all parties attempting to interact and offers option to update to most recent version(Partially functional, since it currently only allows updates to stem from github repositories from what I'm testing)
And Finally, Branching Arcade/Story Mode(Fully functional)

Lots of this is spaghetti coding that relies on my own fun lil' server to run(specifically the online functions such as the lobby) so ERK. I've also sorta stopped working directly on the GO front because I'm currently on  MUGEN standstill regarding some errors. For instance, I'm using the Super Smash Bros ( and I can't seem to get the characters to work in both Mugen and IKEMEN as I want. In Mugen, the characters can't do anything if their below the 0 Y Axis, which is a terrible issue. In Ikemen, the issue is that the zoom doesn't work like Mugen 1.0 which is due to localcoord I believe, so I'll just have to wait on that one. So I'm currently not touching IKEMEN Go until I get the Super Smash Bros engine to work(I've tried posting on the original topic to no avail, so this will take a while) but I didn't want ya'll to think I was dead.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: R565 on June 01, 2018, 05:43:24 pm
Man, it's amazing that you guys were able to get this from spaghetti coding alone, shows that there's still good stuff you can do with these engines. Makes me wish the source code is put out for many like you guys. Can't wait to see what full game makers can use this for.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 01, 2018, 10:25:01 pm
Ruler, great progress. We need to discuss these features in detail in order to come up with finalized implementation.
Unlockable Characters/Palettes/Stages - Supports Triggers for:
-Time Played
-Time Played Online
-Matches Played(can include online)
-Matches Won/Lost
-Arcade Mode results(Includes parameters for Characters used, characters fought, clear time, and times cleared)
(Fully Functional, unlocked data can be cleared through a branch I added to the Options menu~)
I'm in the middle of implementing this myself. Here is what I've designed when it comes to save system, characters unlocking, global scores etc.:
1. Game progress is storred in a simple JSON table that looks like this (it's lua syntax but the table itself is saved in json format on the HDD):
	gametime = 0,                --total amount of time played
chars = {                    --[data related to individual characters]
<charname> = {             --[subtable existing for each playable character in game]
<modename> = {          --[subtable existing for each playable mode in game]
--stats tracked after each match
matches = 0,           --played matches count
wins = 0,              --won matches count
loose = 0,             --lost matches count
draws = 0,             --draw matches count
rankd = 0,             --total rank D count
rankc = 0,             --total rank C count
rankb = 0,             --total rank B count
ranka = 0,             --total rank A count
ranks = 0,             --total rank S count
rankss = 0,             --total rank SS count
--stats tracked after mode is cleared
cleared = 0,           --mode cleared count
consecutive = 0,       --maximum consecutive won matches count
perfects = 0,          --maximum perfect matches count (flawless victory)
continues = 99,        --minimum continuous count
score = 0,             --maximum total score
cleartime = 999999999, --minimum clear time (in ticks, so divide by 60)
difficulty = 0,        --maximum difficulty level used to clear the mode
scores = {                    --[data related to global score rankings]
<modename> = {              --[subtable existing for each mode in game]
<num> = {                 --[subtable existing for each score saved - amount probably limited to 10]
teammode = {0, 0}       --team mode selected for P1 and P2 side (0-single, 1-simul, 2-turns, 3-tag)
team = {}               --slice containing character references (only 1 if single)
2. Above save file (table) is updated after each match (other than gametime which is updated every minute).
3. Most of this match data is retrieved after each match via game() function that now returns tons of match stats (coded in source code)
4. There is a new getCharVar lua function coded in source code that can read any variable from characters existing in the last match, which can be used to retrieve remaining data from features coded in common1.cns (rank, score)
5. All of this stuff is meant to be used for global ranking system and characters / modes unlocking.

This is how characters unlocking has been implemented (quote from select.def)
1. This is character parameter that hides the character in select screen:
 ; - hidden
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Set the paramvalue to hide a character:
 ;   1: cursor can move to this cell, face and face background are not
 ;      rendered (same result as hiding selectable characters in mugen by
 ;      placing them outside visible grid, but without need to create lots
 ;      of unnecessary select.def slots to do so),
 ;   2: cell can't be selected, art is not rendered (slot is ignored until
 ;      character is unlocked).
 ;   3: cell behaves like randomselect slot until character is unlocked.
 ;   Unlocking hidden characters is handled via [UnlockContent] section.

2. And this is section of the select.def that handles conditions that unlocks characters:

edit: updated unlocking documentation is available here:

Above syntax offers a way to set all kinds of unlocking, for example:
-Play x number of matches in y mode (example: win 10 survival matches):
-Draw match x number of times in y mode (example: draw 5 arcade matches)
-Win x matches in y mode (example: win 100 versus online matches)
-Beat x mode y number of times (example: beat arcade mode 3 times)
-Beat x mode with y character (example: beat arcade mode with KFM)
-Beat x mode on at least y difficulty (example: beat arcade mode with any character on at least AI Level = 7)
-Beat x mode with no more than y continues (example: beat arcade mode without any continuous)
-Beat x mode with at least y perfects (example: beat arcade mode with at least 1 perfect)
-Beat x mode without losing a round in at least y matches (example: beat arcade mode without losing a round in 10 matches)
-Beat x mode within y time (example: clear Time Attack within 4:00.00.)
-Get at least x total score in y mode (example: beat arcade mode with at least 300 000 points score)
-Acquire rank x or above with y character in any mode
-Accumulate x hours of game time
etc. etc.

Considering this implementation is probably in conflict with yours, Ruler, and I don't know which implementation is better please hit me up on discord, so we can discuss pros and cons and decide which to implement.

Same request for MangeX, please contact me on discord, so we can coordinate the work on the engine in order to not code the same features in a conflicting way. I'm also really interested in discussing with you how to implement separate story mode. Based on this post ( you're really good at designing features in a way that fits select.def / screenpack conventions, so before doing anything on this front I'd like to hear how you imagine it. You've also mentioned story mode before, so if you're interested in not only designing but coding it too, I will be more than happy to not work on it myself at all :P Otherwise I can handle the implementation (after we all agree on the design how to handle it).

And Finally, Branching Arcade/Story Mode(Fully functional)
missed this one. In such case, discord group discussion may be better apprach. Please check your PM box.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 02, 2018, 01:27:19 am
Hello i have a message too. Do you remember this problem months ago?

Em no works build.bat  :(
you should NOT use any of the BAT and SH files. Those are for source code developers and require Go compiler to work (build - compiles ikemen go source code, get - downloads external packages used by the engine, run - compiles source on the fly and starts it, without creating executable).

Ikemen is started via Ikemen_GO.exe.

If it doesn't work probably your computer is too old to run it (opengl is required, probably also 64-bit system since the compiler is 64-bit). Also check what "debug/log.txt" says.

edit: see my next post

Oh,wait the new version is for 64 bits computers?

This is bad for me sorry :P

Ash, maybe try installing OpenAL 1.1 Windows Installer ( (no idea if it's needed but ikemen uses openal for sound in source code).

Ikemen GO system requirements that I know about:
- GPU with decent OpenGL support (pretty much anything from the last 10 years should work, some older graphic cards may require drivers update),
- 64-bit system (not sure if there is 32-bit windows GO compiler available - if someone will send me a link to it, we could provide additional exe).

Well i have very good news, i be able to compile a 32bits AND 64bits executable for windows ,obviously only is for that in particular build (the only dated currently)
Remember, is the same version talked in the quotes, no more no less (no updates at all); in future releases with the upgraded things there will be that two binaries, so, there you go (only exes).

Ikemen Go 32bits & ikemen Go 64bits (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on June 02, 2018, 01:51:12 am
@MangeX Hey man, in case you didn't saw.

Is there a way to implement DirectX to Ikemen GO, just like the vanilla Ikemen?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on June 02, 2018, 09:54:15 pm
Will sth like pal selector can be implemented? Current one does in the start of battle,and takes long to choose pals beyond 12
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mr.mugenwii on June 03, 2018, 10:32:25 pm

anyone know if this is compatible with sdl1.2.15 ot 1.2?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 03, 2018, 11:25:13 pm

anyone know if this is compatible with sdl1.2.15 ot 1.2?

@MangeX Hey man, in case you didn't saw.

Is there a way to implement DirectX to Ikemen GO, just like the vanilla Ikemen?

Ikemen Vanilla Plus use SDL2 API with OpenGL functions, that´s why it can be disabled for incompatibilities and is enabled by default.

Ikemen GO Plus does not have any SDL compatibility, it uses the GLFW API (Application Programming Interface) who work and is made with Opengl only in mind, that´s why this version of the engine has very broken incompatibility with lots of systems, like Windows for example who try to redirect an older version of simple opengl functions (1.2) is the reason for the video inconveniences.
It can be solved using wrappers for every possible configuration on each user system but is more effective the use of a more flexible and universal API (SDL)

I'm on the way to implement that Simple Direct-Media Layer (SDL) to surpass those issues, DirectX and OpenGL Can/Will be secondary alternative runtimes attached.

Is better to wait until that happen ,beacuse in fact, to make any port to whatever system or hardware you Will need to adapt the core code engine (Ram management, Proccesor calls, unique optimizations) not only the API, SDL libraries in this case (the physical interface)

The actual engine code is functional but a little chaotic in organization and needs more modular presentation for anyone to understant it.
I know that the engine was made to emulate or simulate mugen, but is a new engine itself, so can be used for more than only fight games using the intuitive file system and programming that everyone know.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on June 03, 2018, 11:49:08 pm
Oh I see, thanks for clearing things up, definitely going to keep an eye on this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 07, 2018, 12:56:27 pm
Quick question. Isn't there some limit on mugen where you can only have a certain amount of ports for stage select? What is the deal with that exactly? Not that I have 200 stages, but just curious if that issue would well still be an issue with this. Also selfish of me to ask this one, but as someone who actually plans to use this, I want the animated ports(I've seen some others here also interested). We can all agree that we basically want it similar to say, older MVC series animated, when selected they use "state 195"(whatever you have). I've seen it asked, but hasn't been answered. Also hasn't been mentioned in a whileeee, but the announcer on character select, even a little note on how to do so would be appreciated. Also, another thing, is there any possible way using this to integrate second round themes? For me personally, only for the final boss. Makes me also think about the ol' SF2 when time is running out speed up but that isn't really necessary. I'm really only suggesting this for people interested in projects, not for casual use.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 08, 2018, 03:40:54 am
And about fight.def file, can you add a Bgdef for round, fight, k.o and win animations? This is possible using Add004 addon but impossible with mugen because you only have 1 simple layer for every action and it´s very limited to create good works.
Another thing that I don´t read nothing it´s about stages, please, can you add a 9000,1 portrait to them? With mugen you need to add a image for each letter or symbol but it´s very limited too.
I read that it´s possible use various portraits for select, versus and winner screens but, it´s possible do actions ( Interpolate Blend, Offset, Scale and Angle) with them?
Another thing that I like it very much in Add004 addon are the combo messages, it´s possible to add to Ikemen Go this feature?
Thank you very much for your work and waiting more news about it, see you and forgive my english...
Other than stage portrait, I'm afraid none of this stuff is currently on ikemen go plus roadmap. Join the project and start implementing them if you want to get these features in foreseeable future.
I've finished implementing ( flexible bgdef parsing and rendering directly in source code (based on existing stages bgdef code), which means all bgdef, bgctrldef, bgctrl parameters and animation types are now supported via independent functions and can be implemented elsewhere without much effort. This means that the bolded requests can be fulfilled (I do think this stuff would be nice to have).

I never coded a lifebar, so please elaborate how lifebar layers works currently and what exactly should be implemented. Extra points if you could suggest parameter names, in which section of the lifebar DEF they should be placed etc).

Regarding combo messages - isn't there already combo counter in mugen lifebars? Please elaborate what exactly you mean.

Quick question. Isn't there some limit on mugen where you can only have a certain amount of ports for stage select? What is the deal with that exactly? Not that I have 200 stages, but just curious if that issue would well still be an issue with this.
There are no portraits for stages in mugen. What you're talking about is a trick with using fonts to render images (which already works in ikemen go plus the same way as in mugen). Proper stages portrait support is already on the roadmap for future releases (see above quoted post)

Also selfish of me to ask this one, but as someone who actually plans to use this, I want the animated ports(I've seen some others here also interested). We can all agree that we basically want it similar to say, older MVC series animated, when selected they use "state 195"(whatever you have). I've seen it asked, but hasn't been answered.
already answered (

Also hasn't been mentioned in a whileeee, but the announcer on character select, even a little note on how to do so would be appreciated.
What announcer? That says character name after select? Seems like a stuff for full games (so that the voice is consistent) and something that almost noone would use, so it doesn't really fit basic engine, imo.

Also, another thing, is there any possible way using this to integrate second round themes?
This will be implemented in future (support for additional optional parameters in stage DEF file that sets different bgmusic for final round.)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 08, 2018, 04:59:34 am
Where does it say? I'm asking specifically if its possible to do it similar to those games in that manner, yes the general answer of bringing them back was said.

I'm really only suggesting this for people interested in projects, not for casual use.
Yes, you showed me how to do it on the old one. I was only asking if even a note could be made as you labeled everything else.
Secondly.. ^ Most of the people commenting here are also making projects so it would get its use. Most of what you are doing is optimal for those with projects, otherwise why would you need story mode etc? This is appealing "because" it allows us to get closer to replicating commercial games. Why would we not make the most out of it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 08, 2018, 09:43:16 am
Where does it say?

15.- is possible both static and animated portraits for all characters involved (6) in select and versus?, it seems disabled the anim0 currently
The animated portraits, using group 0 was one of the best things added in this engine. Yes, because you no longer need to change sff of each char to customize the portraits. The Ikemen do it automatically for you. That's one of the big reasons I want Ikemen instead of Mugen 1.1.
I'm planning to work on adding animated portraits back in future. No promises though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 08, 2018, 11:39:23 am
That still doesn’t answer what I was asking, but I’ll just figure it out should the time come. Thanks for the response.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 08, 2018, 06:49:17 pm
I read the post and there are very good news! I read that now lifebar have bgdef for the animations.  In mugen you have round, fight, ko, win, time over, draw and double ko. If it´s possible with all of them? The´re will be possible add more actions to the fight archive, would be great: Perfect, you lose for 1 player modes, hyper move ko and intro before round 1, it would be perfect!
Mugen it´s very limited too for create the lifebar and powerbar... You only have p1.bg0.anim, p1.bg1.anim, p1.bg2.anim, mid and front animations, the same for p2, if you need more actions then you need to use time, face, etc and it´s a little annoying... please can you add more bg actions for lifebar and powerbar sections?
About the combo counter. I like very much this part in Add004 addon because implement messages in combos. Something like 5 hits (Nice Combo), 10 hits (Great Combo) and successively.
Another messages that are nice are from info like first attack, counter, danger, etc.
And the last for portraits, name and time fonts if It would be nice to control them with animations.
Ah! you can´t use loopstart with the fight.def archive.
Wow! This project looks very good, good luck with it! See you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 08, 2018, 10:09:04 pm
I read the post and there are very good news! I read that now lifebar have bgdef for the animations.  In mugen you have round, fight, ko, win, time over, draw and double ko. If it´s possible with all of them? The´re will be possible add more actions to the fight archive, would be great: Perfect, you lose for 1 player modes, hyper move ko and intro before round 1, it would be perfect!
Mugen it´s very limited too for create the lifebar and powerbar... You only have p1.bg0.anim, p1.bg1.anim, p1.bg2.anim, mid and front animations, the same for p2, if you need more actions then you need to use time, face, etc and it´s a little annoying... please can you add more bg actions for lifebar and powerbar sections?
About the combo counter. I like very much this part in Add004 addon because implement messages in combos. Something like 5 hits (Nice Combo), 10 hits (Great Combo) and successively.
Another messages that are nice are from info like first attack, counter, danger, etc.
And the last for portraits, name and time fonts if It would be nice to control them with animations.
Ah! you can´t use loopstart with the fight.def archive.
Wow! This project looks very good, good luck with it! See you.

I've finished implementing ( flexible bgdef parsing and rendering directly in source code (based on existing stages bgdef code), which means all bgdef, bgctrldef, bgctrl parameters and animation types are now supported via independent functions and can be implemented elsewhere without much effort. This means that the bolded requests can be fulfilled (I do think this stuff would be nice to have).

I never coded a lifebar, so please elaborate how lifebar layers works currently  and what exactly should be implemented. Extra points if you could suggest parameter names, in which section of the lifebar DEF they should be placed etc).

Regarding combo messages - isn't there already combo counter in mugen lifebars? Please elaborate what exactly you mean.

That still doesn’t answer what I was asking, but I’ll just figure it out should the time come. Thanks for the response.

If put examples for new commands better, it will be implemented all over time but in order; things like i want portraits for the scenarios, i want new features, but how?

This is not about personal complacency, it's about developing a sufficiently complete engine that works for everyone.

If you want to support with ideas and despite being open source do not know or want to program it to help, please develop the idea well, with coherent proposals of what would like and how it would be functional.

An example could be ....I want this kind of things that could work like this:

New snd file for scenarios, independent of the music for environmental sounds.

Commands (px.lifebar.bgdef = xxx) for the fight.def that defines a total control for x background of x player lifebar.

Exclusive sound number for name announcer on selection screen (like snd 9000,1).

Combo.msg.statedef = xxx, which defines in a personalized way how the combos system would be, at what level of damage or hits and with what sounds.

So please propose ideas, not just ask for it, remember, is for everyone.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 08, 2018, 11:29:38 pm
As MangeX mentioned I was hoping that you would design how it should be implemented in the lifebar code using mugen lifebar conventions. But I will try at least the easier part:

The´re will be possible add more actions to the fight archive, would be great: Perfect, you lose for 1 player modes, hyper move ko and intro before round 1, it would be perfect!
In other words you want more components under [Round] section triggered by different conditions, right? Considering there are already Finish Type conditions coded for the lifebar, but used only for icons, we could as well add them here:
- n = Win by normal
- s = Win by special
- h = Win by hyper (super)
- throw = Win by normal throw
- c = Win by cheese
- t = Win by time over
- suicide = Win by suicide
- teammate = Opponent beaten by his own teammate
- perfect = Win by perfect

So the vanilla 'win' and 'win2', 'TO', 'DKO' etc. could be left for text and all of the above ones would show up alongside them depending on the finish type.

I read that now lifebar have bgdef for the animations.  In mugen you have round, fight, ko, win, time over, draw and double ko. If it´s possible with all of them?
If I understand you correctly you want following components from the [Round] section to trigger bgdef (if existing in lifebar code)
- round
- fight
- KO
- TO
- win
- win2
- draw

And on top of that probably all the new [Round] components mentioned in the first quote.

1. This could be implemented the same way as in stages, but using those component names instead of "BG". So for example for "DKO" the declaration would look like this:
[DKO my_element_name]
[DKOCtrlDef my_controller_name]
Alternatively storyboards system where '' is used to declare bgdef could be implemented (when I now think about it maybe that would be faster to parse). Here is explanation from documentation:
Quote = bgname (string)
If this parameter is specified, you can make use of a background object. bgname is a string prepended to your background definition groups. For example, if bgname is "Scene04bg", then your background definition group must be named "Scene04bgDef", and the following background elements must begin with "Scene04bg". data/kfm/intro.def and data/kfm/credits.def are examples that use this parameter. Note that background objects are not affected by the "window" parameter. All elements of a background objects are drawn underneath all "layerX" animation objects, with the exception of elements with the "layer" parameter set at 1.
example: = somename

2. The amount of time that the bgdef should be active could be already existing 'displaytime' (in case of DKO that would be the 'DKO.displaytime'). Or we could add new one.

3. offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale elements that can be used with general components should not affect bgdef data considering all of them are available in background elements declaration.

4. original text, anim and spr elements should display alongside bgdef.

If this is what you were talking about than yes, it indeed can be implemented and seems like a nice addition.


Mugen it´s very limited too for create the lifebar and powerbar... You only have p1.bg0.anim, p1.bg1.anim, p1.bg2.anim, mid and front animations, the same for p2, if you need more actions then you need to use time, face, etc and it´s a little annoying... please can you add more bg actions for lifebar and powerbar sections?
About the combo counter. I like very much this part in Add004 addon because implement messages in combos. Something like 5 hits (Nice Combo), 10 hits (Great Combo) and successively.
Another messages that are nice are from info like first attack, counter, danger, etc.
I can add it to roadmap if you (or someone else) design how it should be coded in lifebar DEF file. I can't think about anything that wouldn't become a confusing mess. Stuff like character's power, life and combo count are easily accessible.

And the last for portraits, name and time fonts if It would be nice to control them with animations.
Considering characters are already loaded during fight displaying animations from thier SFF file should be doable. Not sure what you mean with time, though. How? Like different animations assigned to different numbers? That doesn't sound like a good idea. (unless I missed something)

Ah! you can´t use loopstart with the fight.def archive.
did you try it in Ikemen GO? I doubt the same limitation would be the case in this engine. Please check it out and let us know.


edit: it has been implemented a little differently:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 09, 2018, 06:40:38 am
Mange, you may have missed the part where I explained it. Again.. Once you select a character, it uses "state 195" which is the default for taunts for most characters, I also posted an example. I didn't feel it necessary to elaborate any further than that as this was already possible in earlier versions(The announcer on select). That is something you see in full games, that is something we only could do using cursor tricks previously, over the years its a feature everyone has wanted, but was too much trouble. Numerous people have asked about that specifically not just me. It wasn't a demand, I know the work that goes into it. I was simply asking if it were possible. Indeed you should be trying to make it for everyone, but what is the point of catering to casuals with all this full game material you are trying to implement. Seeing words like "basic" "that's something for full games". That is the biggest downside of mugen, no need to replicate that as well. You said it yourself previously, if you are going to do it, why not capitalize on the full possibilities. I'm just confused by some of the word use here, I thought the goal was to get closer to something commercial.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on June 09, 2018, 07:43:37 am
I've been lurking this thread and from what I've heard a lot of features that mugen so despratley needed are being added into this, I do have some suggestions for ikemen plus GO. Not sure if they have been said before but better to jot them down for you. I was mainly thinking upon universality and not having to code it in within a character with some of these suggestions.

Spoiler: suggestions (click to see content)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 09, 2018, 08:54:25 am
1-3 hmm. Isn't that already controllable? You can change that setting in the options. The whole, you lose the round ala SFXT. Everything else can already be done, but you'd basically be asking them to develop a tag system all together. Much of what you describe, is already doable see below. Let me tell you guys something about 3v3-4v4. It already works to an extent. You could already have something similar to a Vs. game. The fact of the matter with this is, no one has developed any system to work with this. Main thing being, displaying more than 4 character names at once & a life-bar that supports this. In Ikemen, Turns controls how many players will be on Tag. You can also use a different input from each player. I've played 2v2 with 3 other humans with four different input devices. Another thing, Stage intros & fx can all be done through the common universally already. It seems as though plans were already made to use add004 as a base to work from which has most of these things & fear not, you don't have to use the base bars as most think, just turn them off/build over them.

The team stuff specifically, you could easily mimic the MVC2 dual hyper combos etc already. This isn't that as I only use 2v2, but its been possible & fully functional. This is already implemented into my characters universally, I just add the triggers and Wa-la

However one wanted to do their tag system is already possible, you'd just have to configure it. I was always experimenting with them calling each others names during tag out if you listen closely.

3v3(old video) So this is already on the right track, its just those name displays. You could easily add separate triggers for partner1 partner2

MVC-esc just for proof of concept you dont need hacks or patches for 3v3 or 4v4
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on June 09, 2018, 09:54:24 am
1-3 hmm. Isn't that already controllable? You can change that setting in the options. The whole, you lose the round ala SFXT. Everything else can already be done, but you'd basically be asking them to develop a tag system all together. Much of what you describe, is already doable...

1. Yes it's doable (I even said uno tag in my post so I know it's doable) but I feel it would be better as a dedicated SCTRL that could be just inserted into a common1 file or even a dedicated play mode rather then having a separate piece of code which requires patching and such.

2. Um... yes you do need a hack to get 3v3 and 4v4 functionality at all. It is one byte changed in the mugen executable that causes it, it only manages to work because mugen supports 8 characters loaded in memory at a time in a regular match excluding survival, and it doesn't care how those characters are presented hence why when you do it without add4 it just puts characters wherever on the stage because it is not defined in the stage def. So having it a just a regular feature in the engine itself would be much more intuitive than having two separate exe files just to have the functionality (hence why I said official because what we have is anything but intended) 

3. In a full game sure, in a normal jumbled roster in mugen no... not without patching every single character to react to that stage the same way.

The point I was saying in my initial paragraph is it would be better to have these things universal aka have them built into the engine itself rather than having to rely on hacks and patches.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 09, 2018, 11:01:59 am
1. Tag functions built into the engine
I feel that it would benefit to just have a SCTRL of this rather than have to fiddle around with uno tag (even though it's pretty good as it is) and such. Maybe have options upon how the tag works  like is it following tekken tag rules, (when a character gets KOed the team loses the round rather than the partner coming out) are the characters jumping in or running in, can they attack while tagging, do they have to be in a specific spot to tag in (Like Kizuna Encounter, etc.

1. Yes it's doable (I even said uno tag in my post so I know it's doable) but I feel it would be better as a dedicated SCTRL that could be just inserted into a common1 file or even a dedicated play mode rather then having a separate piece of code which requires patching and such.

All of this is already implemented in latest GO build.

1. Tag mode is selectable from select screen the same way as Single, Simul and Turns (if you add new teammenu.itemname.tag parameter to screenpack DEF file) which makes all the characters in your team being controlled by player (or in case of side controlled by CPU - not, obviously) and sets value for trigger.

2. There is a new TagMode trigger that you can use in CNS files to detect if the tag mode has been selected. Example use:
I don't know why you mentioned SCTRL. What should it do? If you mean hardcoding tag behaviour in source code than I don't think it's a good idea compared to leaving details that you have mentioned to cns code. If all this tag related stuff is handled via cns than mugen authors can easily distribute different systems.

3. 2 new buttons are supported that can be assigned for example for tagging if you don't want to use buttons combinations. They don't need to be declared in character's CMD file, since the declaration exists in the below mentioned common.cmd:
name = "v"
command = v
time = 1

name = "w"
command = w
time = 1

4. There are new common files for AIR and CMD. For CNS stuff common code can be added to the already existing common1.cns

5. Patching characters like in add004 and Uno is NOT needed. Ikemen GO Plus added 3 new negative states that works the same way as -1 (Command Control), -2 (Always), and -3 (Self) with higher priority than above ones, so all you need to do is adding Tag code to common1.cns
edit: unlike mugen, in Ikemen GO Plus you can now repeat -1, -2, -3 statedef declaration in common1.cns and those states will work even if character already has negative states declared in CNS files (they will be appended on top of character ones), so all you need to do is adding Tag code to common1.cns

6. As you can see in the above screen up to 4vs4 players in Tag mode is supported by default.

If there is something missing that would make coding Tag systems easier than we can think about it - but please, be specific, I don't know much about mugen CNS files. (I never created anything for mugen)

What is missing is the actual common1.cns Tag code that could be used as a base and distributed with the engine. For now add004 system is used (as mentioned characters don't need to be patched in order to work with it in Ikemen GO Plus), but in future we're planning to distribute simpler Tag code (without all lifebar related stuff and custom systems like dizzy etc. that exists in add004). JustNoPoint kindly offered to work on the cns tag code.


I will answer other questions when I have more time.

2. Offical 3v3 and 4v4 simul support
Even though I am not a fan of this mode, plenty of people are and it would bring attraction towards this engine just becuase of that. Stages would have to have their own p3 and p4 triggers repectivly. (like p3startx = , p4startx =, etc) You could also apply this to the tag fuction above.
It's already supported by default for all team modes:
not sure if p3startx and p4startx stage parameters are needed considering they don't exists in mugen and yet 2vs2 matches (which means with p1, p2, p3 and p4 on screen) are a thing. Isn't there some other parameter that handles distance between players at the start of the match?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 09, 2018, 03:41:11 pm
I think you should try it first. As was said many of these things have already been done. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going to have to “patch” somewhere or the other for things like interactivity etc. I forgot to show an example for the stage intro, 3:30. This stuff goes beyond the system at this point, it should be specific for those who want it, well you’d put the extra work in.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 09, 2018, 06:13:03 pm
I do have a specific question though. Instead of adding a fourth mode, would it be possible to instead make scramble battle its own entity? Think SFXT. This isn’t new as you already suggested it, I am thinking it’d be better suited for something like the boss rush, a bonus mode.

Also things like this, this is just a curiosity
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on June 09, 2018, 08:03:48 pm
1. Tag functions built into the engine
I feel that it would benefit to just have a SCTRL of this rather than have to fiddle around with uno tag (even though it's pretty good as it is) and such. Maybe have options upon how the tag works  like is it following tekken tag rules, (when a character gets KOed the team loses the round rather than the partner coming out) are the characters jumping in or running in, can they attack while tagging, do they have to be in a specific spot to tag in (Like Kizuna Encounter, etc.

1. Yes it's doable (I even said uno tag in my post so I know it's doable) but I feel it would be better as a dedicated SCTRL that could be just inserted into a common1 file or even a dedicated play mode rather then having a separate piece of code which requires patching and such.

All of this is already implemented in latest GO build.

1. Tag mode is selectable from select screen the same way as Single, Simul and Turns (if you add new teammenu.itemname.tag parameter to screenpack DEF file) which makes all the characters in your team being controlled by player (or in case of side controlled by CPU - not, obviously) and sets value for trigger.

Oh I didn't know this was already implemented, though looking back through this thread didn't really see any mention of it. I could only find your post about changing the team mode to include the trigger for tag mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 09, 2018, 08:55:47 pm
Thank you very much for the responses, I´m happy to see that many things can be implemented in this new Ikemen Go. I try the last part with it and I ask you something. And MangeX forgive me, I take care with this points in other posts. Well see you soon.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 09, 2018, 09:07:53 pm
Looking forward to see what you can come up with Gazira. Was that just a SP you were doing or more than that? Anywho, with this, you could take it even further.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 10, 2018, 12:13:38 am
It is good for everyone that someone is working on an engine compatible with mugen material but with new features adapted to the new fighting games that are appearing. I love play mugen but the site is closed and it is very difficult to see any updated in the future. There are many interesting things in everything that I read in the posts related with this new engine. The truth is that I want to try all these news :megusta:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mr.mugenwii on June 10, 2018, 11:51:52 pm

anyone know if this is compatible with sdl1.2.15 ot 1.2?

@MangeX Hey man, in case you didn't saw.

Is there a way to implement DirectX to Ikemen GO, just like the vanilla Ikemen?

Ikemen Vanilla Plus use SDL2 API with OpenGL functions, that´s why it can be disabled for incompatibilities and is enabled by default.

Ikemen GO Plus does not have any SDL compatibility, it uses the GLFW API (Application Programming Interface) who work and is made with Opengl only in mind, that´s why this version of the engine has very broken incompatibility with lots of systems, like Windows for example who try to redirect an older version of simple opengl functions (1.2) is the reason for the video inconveniences.
It can be solved using wrappers for every possible configuration on each user system but is more effective the use of a more flexible and universal API (SDL)

I'm on the way to implement that Simple Direct-Media Layer (SDL) to surpass those issues, DirectX and OpenGL Can/Will be secondary alternative runtimes attached.

Is better to wait until that happen ,beacuse in fact, to make any port to whatever system or hardware you Will need to adapt the core code engine (Ram management, Proccesor calls, unique optimizations) not only the API, SDL libraries in this case (the physical interface)

The actual engine code is functional but a little chaotic in organization and needs more modular presentation for anyone to understant it.
I know that the engine was made to emulate or simulate mugen, but is a new engine itself, so can be used for more than only fight games using the intuitive file system and programming that everyone know.

this means it isnot possible to port yet or it will not work?
is there a beta version that is easier to port via sdl?(for nintendo switch)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 11, 2018, 02:20:29 am
I think you should try it first. As was said many of these things have already been done. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going to have to “patch” somewhere or the other for things like interactivity etc. I forgot to show an example for the stage intro, 3:30. This stuff goes beyond the system at this point, it should be specific for those who want it, well you’d put the extra work in.

You can make a stage intro since the very first mugen in 1999, you just need to use properly the "stages background or foreground controllers [BGctrl] ( before the round start

this means it isnot possible to port yet or it will not work?
is there a beta version that is easier to port via sdl?(for nintendo switch)

You can use the now deprecated Vanilla Plus Ikemen ( which uses sdl2 ,the source code is a mixure of c++, lua and suehiro ssz languaje.

If you are in a great hurry in porting it why not use Captain Dreamcast's Dolmexica Infinite engine (; is another mugen iterpreter , he is a nice guy to talk ( and he constantly update his engine, get in touch with him so you can support each other with that. He made his engine in c++ with dreamcast in mind but made windows and web versions also; his engine is sdl compatible so you can try whit it.

Or simmply can wait unless sdl is fully implemented on Ikemen Go Plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on June 13, 2018, 07:36:40 am
I think you should try it first. As was said many of these things have already been done. Unfortunately, no matter what you are going to have to “patch” somewhere or the other for things like interactivity etc. I forgot to show an example for the stage intro, 3:30. This stuff goes beyond the system at this point, it should be specific for those who want it, well you’d put the extra work in.

You can make a stage intro since the very first mugen in 1999, you just need to use properly the "stages background or foreground controllers [BGctrl] ( before the round start


What I was asking for this in my post about stage intros

3. Stage intros and stage fx
Now i've seen that sounds are going to be introduced but not sure if I saw mention of stage intros. Plenty of fighting games have this and one example I can think up of is any stage in KoF95, one example would be is garou stage where they jump into the foreground . Also on that stage the characters have landing dust (rather water splashing) applied to them which would be cool for stages that look better with it. Also having options whether the fx add to the ones on the character, or override the ones on the character already.

Is similar to what ;x was saying (though it looks like that's just hard coded into geese with just a superpause in the video but still) but rather then having to put the code into every single individual character with a triggerX = StageVar( = "Whatever" in a state with the coding for that stage, instead have it as a line of code inside the stagedef itself so any character will be affected by it. Maybe under the [StageInfo] sctrl in a stage def it could be something similar to this or however you could implement it.

Code: (this is just taken from training room with my own mock implementations)
zoffset = 190
autoturn = 1
resetBG = 1
localcoord = 320, 240
xscale = 1
yscale = 1
;Sets whether the stage has an intro or not
stageIntro = 1
;Sets what BGCtrl is used for the stage intro. Characters start after the BGCtrl has ended, controllers must not have a looptime trigger assigned to them.
stageIntroCtrlID = 20

Which considering your example of the stage you showed, this is how it looks in it's source game. Time code is 0:35

See how the characters don't start their intros before the stage intro has ended, this is what I was talking about with stage intros. All I really want to see is it being something I can enable in the stagedef so I don't have to program it in every character in my roster. (Because one things for sure about mugen is that people can have massive rosters, even if it's a copy paste code you still have to do that for every character)

As with the stage effects, yet again would be better as an option in the stage def then coding it into every character

Code: (another mockup)
p1startx = -70          ;Starting x coordinates
p1starty = 0            ;Starting y coordinates
p1facing = 1            ;Direction player faces: 1=right, -1=left
p2startx = 70
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
leftbound  = -1000
rightbound =  1000
; Common effects for all of the players.
; This is used if your stage benefits from having landing effects other than standard landing effects.
effectsType = replace ; none uses the characters standard effects
                      ; replace replaces the effects with the stages own
                      ; add adds the effect along with the characters own
effectsAnimation = 500 ;You can also use animations from the FightFX in the data folder
effectsSound = 2 ;You can also use sounds from the common.snd in the data folder

Not sure how you could do movement with this (sort of like the example I have in the video when I first suggested it when they jump into the foreground) but I hope this clears some things up.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 13, 2018, 04:24:45 pm
Amidweiz, now that's what I'd like to see more - fully designed feature request with explanation how it should work internally. If you upload a sample stage that could be used for tests (with stageIntroCtrlID already set and BGCtrl coded to display something before the characters have statedef 5900 assigned and internal lifebar counter starts) I think I will be able to handle the implementation.

As for the second part I think the more flexible approach would be treating stage somewhat like a character, so that it can use CNS, AIR, SND files referenced in stage DEF file, which would open gate for proper stage interactivity:
st      = somename.cns           ;States
anim    = somename.air           ;Animation
sound   = somename.snd           ;Sound
With this in place it would be a matter of controlling actual characters behavior via stage cns code instead of depending on fightfx air and tons of new stage parameters. For example if stage has stageIntro = 1 parameter set than characters are not forced into statedef 5900 at the start of the round - they wait for stage to control them and change their state to 5900. Should be doable with my current understanding of the engine (I hope)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on June 14, 2018, 03:16:05 am
Amidweiz, now that's what I'd like to see more - fully designed feature request with explanation how it should work internally. If you upload a sample stage that could be used for tests (with stageIntroCtrlID already set and BGCtrl coded to display something before the characters have statedef 5900 assigned and internal lifebar counter starts) I think I will be able to handle the implementation.

As for the second part I think the more flexible approach would be treating stage somewhat like a character, so that it can use CNS, AIR, SND files referenced in stage DEF file, which would open gate for proper stage interactivity:
st      = somename.cns           ;States
anim    = somename.air           ;Animation
sound   = somename.snd           ;Sound
With this in place it would be a matter of controlling actual characters behavior via stage cns code instead of depending on fightfx air and tons of new stage parameters. For example if stage has stageIntro = 1 parameter set than characters are not forced into statedef 5900 at the start of the round - they wait for stage to control them and change their state to 5900. Should be doable with my current understanding of the engine (I hope)

Sounds good, I'm going to send you the stage that was shown MangeX's video and the one I initially shown (CVS Pro Train stage and KOF 95 Garou stage). The Train stage for the stage intro (It's not the best example of a stage intro but it is one) and the Garou stage for the water effects and possibly the movement (as shown in the video I first showed for the request ) here is the link to them two . I'll see if I can make a mock implementation for the other requests later
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 22, 2018, 12:00:09 am
Sounds good, I'm going to send you the stage that was shown MangeX's video and the one I initially shown (CVS Pro Train stage and KOF 95 Garou stage). The Train stage for the stage intro (It's not the best example of a stage intro but it is one) and the Garou stage for the water effects and possibly the movement (as shown in the video I first showed for the request ) here is the link to them two . I'll see if I can make a mock implementation for the other requests later
thanks, I will try to implement it once I finish other things that I’m messing with.

Going back to lifebar BGdef stuff discussed here ( I've just implemented trigger support for backgrounds (set via ctrldef) which can detect stuff like wintype, game mode, player's life, perfect match, round etc. When I now think about it, with this feature a single BGdef that works from the start of the match (like in stage) would be enough for lifebars considering you can just use ctrldef triggers to display stuff at any point during match, based on trigger conditions and timers (unlimited amount of triggers are allowed, equality and relational operators are supported). I think this approach will be less confusing compared to multiple bgdefs triggered at specific events.

btw. trigger support for ctrldef means that stage interactivity is greatly expanded. For example:
- you can detect if any player name matches the trigger to disable character from the background (e.g. Shao Kahn sitting on the throne in MK),
- display entirely different stage graphic on second round (e.g. from Morning to Noon a la Fatal Fury),
- adjust animation like in SF2 at the end of round (e.g. elephants animation in Dhalshim's stage) or display different crowd reaction after > x hit combo.
- create destructable objects (for example by detecting player's pos and gethit or life = 0 etc.)
etc. etc.

It also comes in handy in select screen and versus screen (after modes/characters/stage are set). For example it allows to set different bg art in different game modes or display worldmap with stage locations and display icon on the map depending on the selected stage etc.

I'm planning to expand backgrounds also with sound and text support, so there will be even more possibilities (for example announcer stuff in select screen, that can be part of the screenpack, requested here some time ago).


regarding Tag mode explained in this post ( I've noticed in source code that there are TagIn and TagOut sctrls in ikemen. They do the exact same thing as in mugen ( (before they were removed). Not sure if current behavior is useful for anything but if someone has idea how they could be adjusted to help with common1.cns tag implementation please share it here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: OldGamer on June 23, 2018, 12:21:52 am
Amidweiz, now that's what I'd like to see more - fully designed feature request with explanation how it should work internally. If you upload a sample stage that could be used for tests (with stageIntroCtrlID already set and BGCtrl coded to display something before the characters have statedef 5900 assigned and internal lifebar counter starts) I think I will be able to handle the implementation.

As for the second part I think the more flexible approach would be treating stage somewhat like a character, so that it can use CNS, AIR, SND files referenced in stage DEF file, which would open gate for proper stage interactivity:
st      = somename.cns           ;States
anim    = somename.air           ;Animation
sound   = somename.snd           ;Sound
With this in place it would be a matter of controlling actual characters behavior via stage cns code instead of depending on fightfx air and tons of new stage parameters. For example if stage has stageIntro = 1 parameter set than characters are not forced into statedef 5900 at the start of the round - they wait for stage to control them and change their state to 5900. Should be doable with my current understanding of the engine (I hope)

Sounds good, I'm going to send you the stage that was shown MangeX's video and the one I initially shown (CVS Pro Train stage and KOF 95 Garou stage). The Train stage for the stage intro (It's not the best example of a stage intro but it is one) and the Garou stage for the water effects and possibly the movement (as shown in the video I first showed for the request ) here is the link to them two . I'll see if I can make a mock implementation for the other requests later
I dont what your trying to do but I got my to work for ikemen plus  only problem its the timing adjustment on the intro and timing adjustment on the lifebars rounds setting timer and fight setting timer in the fight.def and stage.def
here a demonstration what I done too it for ikemen plus v0.3

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on June 24, 2018, 06:24:32 pm
will sth like this be possible with statedefs? would save so much time
[StateDef 1030]
type = S
physics = N
moveType = A
ctrl = 0
anim = f1030 ;fightfx
sprPriority = 3
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 24, 2018, 09:38:45 pm
mete122, I can try but only if you upload a test character, fightfx.air and fightfx.sff (that's what "f" refers to?) with the above mentioned code you want to work already implemented (and description how to test it in game).

from what I see it's probably a matter of changing these lines in stateDef compiler code (and stateDef_anim portion of bytecode.go)
		if err := c.paramValue(is, sc, "anim",
stateDef_anim, VT_Int, 1, false); err != nil {
return err
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on June 24, 2018, 10:10:53 pm
Will do send sth,but wait doesn't  any change in resolution or fight.def(lifebar) affect fightfx?
any change in this value  inside lifebars fight.def makes this impossible to use unless I resize sprites inside fightfx too,I think,
So In short screw it.

Can you at least make Interpolation work in fightfx.air tho?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 25, 2018, 02:18:12 am
either way I'm not going to work on it, sorry. It's more difficult to implement (not a matter of using the explode code like I thought). I prefer to spend time on other tasks rather than analyzing the source code trying to make it work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 27, 2018, 07:42:23 pm
More Arcade stuff as I wait for the SP support.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 30, 2018, 06:30:25 pm
Some nice progress when it comes to expanding lifebar DEF functionality. Here is what I've already implemented (none of this is possible in mugen from within lifebar DEF):
- BG, BGDef, BGCtrlDef, BGCtrl support (expanded with triggers)
currently supported BGCtrlDef trigger list:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
- optional 8 players support in [Simul Face], [Simul Name]
- new [Tag Face], [Tag Name] sections (if not present vanilla Simul sections are used instead)
- [Round] section now supports more events: Win by normal / Win by special / Win by hyper / Win by normal throw / Win by cheese / Win by time over / Win by suicide / Opponent beaten by his own teammate / Win by perfect
- [Challenger] section ("Here Comes A New Challenger" anim / bg / text, sound and config how soon players should be paused and when to end the match)
- [Simul_3P Lifebar], [Simul_4P Lifebar], [Tag Lifebar], [Tag_3P Lifebar], [Tag_4P Lifebar] - new sections for team 3p and 4p team sizes (matches with up to 8 players) for simul and tag mode, so that we can use different lifebar layout depending on team count
- [Simul Powerbar], [Simul_3P Powerbar], [Simul_4P Powerbar], [Tag Powerbar]  (more than 2 players are used only if "team power share" is disabled in options), [Turns Powerbar]
- [Powerbar] levelX.snd now supports 'pX.' prefix in order to optionally differentiate sounds among players (or to disable them for particular player if paramvalue is set to '-1, 0')
- lifebar changing color depending on health (pX.front.spr / pX.front.anim now can store additional value in the name e.g. pX.front90.spr, which is used to swap the current front spr / animation to this one if player's life matches the percentage value. There can be multiple frontX spr/anim assignments (no hard limits).

Here is an example of a simul 3p vs simul 4p match interrupted by challenger (default lifebar using optional [Simul_3P Lifebar], [Simul_4P Lifebar], [Challenger] sections. Only 2 powerbars and faces because adding more with this lifebar design would look even more silly)

There is still some work to make the lifebar DEF file flexible enough to make convoluted explode lifebars workaround obsolete. Next on the schedule are events like "First Attack", "Danger", "Reversal", "Counter", combo text, guard bar, coloring powerbars etc. It's becoming more and more troublesome to implement this stuff using current  lifebar due to missing art and sounds, so I'm thinking about porting add004 lifebar (which is coded entierly with common1.cns and fightfx - there are like 2 sprites in fight.sff) to normal fight.def file, so that all new features can be showcased (something that can be used as a reference for those interested in working with ikemen GO Plus). I will contact Shiyo Kakuge if he is ok with this.

edit: tagging @GaziraAgain:, since he requested some of these features.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 30, 2018, 06:38:42 pm
Open source, says so in post and readme.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mugen3Anthony on June 30, 2018, 06:45:02 pm
@K4thos: I just wonder... Can copy code from Ikemen lua file to Mugen lua file will work or not? please let me know
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 30, 2018, 06:49:01 pm
Mugen3Anthony, no it won't work. Either way all the things mentioned in my previous post are coded entirely in ikemen source code, not lua files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mugen3Anthony on June 30, 2018, 06:51:13 pm
@K4thos: Oh I see. Thank you for informing me. :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 30, 2018, 07:48:32 pm
It's better to do as you suggest as most, even GaziraAgain, have pasted over it with their unique assests. It was setup to be easily customize so anyone could just replace the FX with that of their own. I'm interested in messing with the 3v3 just to experiment.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 30, 2018, 08:48:24 pm
Hey K4thos I read your post and it´s perfect! With all this posiblilities we can do all things present in fighting games. Thank you very much for your effort and waiting some version to test it and start to work with the engine. See you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 30, 2018, 08:54:27 pm
I'll make some proof of concepts for you. A triple team and a quadruple team just for the lols
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 30, 2018, 09:44:39 pm
More Arcade stuff as I wait for the SP support.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Could you please elaborate which part of the video has those arcade stuff that you've mentioned? If it's rivals matches for arcade mode than it's already implemented. Here's the quote from the latest select.def that explains 2 new character's parameters that handles adjusting general order and match settings: (expanded compared to what was previously posted in this topic, fulfilling your older feature request)
 ; - 1, 2, 3, ... (rivals)
 ;   IKEMEN feature: The parameter alters standard arcade order system and other
 ;   default match settings, allowing to force pre-defined matches along the
 ;   way. paramname refers to arcade match number (for example 4 = 4th match).
 ;   paramvalue, enclosed in {} brackets, follows the same syntax as adding a
 ;   new character with optional stage assignment and accepts following optional
 ;   char parameters: music, musicalt, musiclife, zoom, ai, winscreen, rounds,
 ;   time, lifebar, onlyme. If 'onlyme' parameter is not set and you're playing
 ;   in team mode the referenced character becomes the opposite team leader, and
 ;   other characters follows order settings. Chars and stages referenced here,
 ;   if not already present in [Characters] and [ExtraStages] sections as
 ;   separate entries, won't be selectable in select screen.
 ; - maxmatches
 ;   IKEMEN feature: This parameter makes the character ignore default
 ;   *.maxmatches settings under [Options] section and assign different ones
 ;   instead, allowing you to set up custom maximum number of matches to fight
 ;   before game ends in arcade mode, as well as order priority. paramvalue is
 ;   used as a prefix to the original names of these settings, followed by dot,
 ;   so the new entries added under [Options] section should look like this:
 ;   'paramvalue.arcade.maxmatches', ''.
If you're talking about rival conversations like in SvC than I think it's a nice idea. If you want to speed up its implementation please design exactly how it should be implemented in mugen files - see these posts for design examples:
- edit: (actual design for the SvC like conversations)

Same request to others. It's very possible that you guys know more about mugen than me  (for example I've figured out how lifebars works just recently), so please try to elaborate how stuff could be implemented.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 30, 2018, 09:46:31 pm
Nope, man no requests. I'm just playing for fun. I'm just showing you that I am using the stuff you make. More as in I posted a video before, showing the arcade mode stuff you did in action. A visual for what you implement basically. The dialogue stuff can't be done like that anyway, as I want the characters to share the palette they are using, so it must be within the character. This is using the arcade mode to current point that you did.

Because its just a default mugen sp, I cut the inbetween screens and just used a manual win screen. In the other above, thats just an edited video, the fights are still using Ikemen, but in place of the default mugen sp screens I inserted the cvs3 SP just to basically say, "how cool it'd be, if this were a thing" Without a SP, which is the base of everything, nothing else can be done, so I've just been kinda bored with all of this stuff, hence the "waiting on the SP support" comment.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on June 30, 2018, 10:21:13 pm
The dialogue stuff can't be done like that anyway, as I want the characters to share the palette they are using, so it must be within the character.
Face sprite and conversation text existing within character doesn't make the feature not viable. It's almost the exact same thing as Victory Quote mugen functionality (that I've finished implementing in Ikemen GO on engine level some time ago), just triggered during fight, right after intro. So the difference would be mostly in different text formatting (since the text should also have data regarding faces, player number). And probably lifebar would be better place for declaring fonts and backgrounds. If Ikemen GO ever becomes a new standard for mugen creators than custom portraits for conversations may become common like Victory portraits are since mugen 1.0 release.

Here is my preliminary design how it could be implemented:

1. lifebar DEF file expanded with new [RivalQuotes] section that has following parameters:
- p1.pos - position that all p1 spr / anim / text elements should start at
- - bg sprite / animation (additional subparameters support: "offset", "facing", "layerno", "scale")
- p1.text - stuff related to text from below mentioned [Quotes] section (subparameters support: "font", "offset", "facing", "layerno", "scale")
- - as above but for character's name
- p1.faceX.spr - group and sprite referencing character's sff, for example 9000, 0 (additional subparameters support: "offset", "facing", "layerno", "scale"). X refers to any number which is a value that will be referenced in quote to swap the portrait.
Same for p2 side.
Also general parameters:
- tickspercharacter - specifies ticks per each text character (resulting in total displaytime, e.g. text with 100 characters, and the paramvalue set to 2 would result in displaytime = 200)
- linelength - how many characters should be rendered in the same line before the engine starts rendering the rest of text in the next line
- linespacing - defines pixel spacing between lines
- characterdelay - defines text rendering animation (if set to 0 all text is rendered at once, value > 0 represents ticks before each new character is rendered)
- transitiontime - how many ticks before switching to next text
- keeptext - 0 - P1 text is no longer rendered if P2 starts the reply and other way around. 1 - text is kept until the same player starts new text.

2. character's CNS [Quotes] section expanded with "RivalX" entries (where X is a number which below mentioned RivalQuote state sets) that should be placed alongside normal "VictoryX". The text has to be formatted since it contains information which character speaks (this swaps which is used), and which portrait number referenced in fight.def should be displayed. So for example using syntax like this:
rivalX = "playerNo, P1PortraitRef, P2PortreitRef, {displaytext}, ... (same if there's more quotes that follows)"

3. new character's CNS state type "RivalQuote" where you decide which quote should trigger and on what conditions (works exactly the same as "VictoryQuote" state)

Example using Geese conversation from your video:
quote added to Charlie's [Quotes] section:
rival1 = "1, 1, 1, {Geese Howard. What is your connection with Shadoldo? How are you affiliated with Bison. I'm taking you in for questioning.}, 2, 1, 1, {Geese reply}"
state added to Charlie's cns, for example pre-intro
[State 190, vs Geese]
type = rivalquote
trigger1 = enemy, name = "Geese"
value = 1
Right after intro the engine would check if player has rivalquote set and start rendering stuff before the match actually starts using fonts and the art declared in lifebar DEF file (or screenpack, not sure which place is better suited for this kind of feature, when it comes to existing mugen conventions).

edit: I've revised the design a little to make the text rendering more flexible with following parameters: tickspercharacter, linelength, linespacing, characterdelay, transitiontime, keeptext. With these there wouldn't be need to specify displaytime of text and using "\n" for newlines would be optional.

The end result would be like this but with full flexibility how the conversations looks like (decided by lifebar creator):
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 30, 2018, 10:58:04 pm
Hmm if it could be done in this manner, that would save me a shitload of time as I use Photoshop to make and cut all the text one by one. That's how I was doing the winquotes before all these updates, well like in that Ryu video. Right now both characters have it within themselves, so I match things accordingly. So this would work for... EVERY character then if its the same as the winquotes. It's essentially built like KOF 13, everyone has dialogue with one another. It all sounds good, but won't know until you try. Screenpack probably, well I always envisioned that the dialogue box would match the SP, I don't have one so I just use the black bar as a place holder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HyperClawManiac on July 02, 2018, 02:38:24 am
For me, it crashes before going to the victory screen after a battle with Ryu, yet it's fine with everything else I have tried.
Edit: Wrong thread, I meant to put this in Normal Plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 02, 2018, 02:09:23 pm
Hi guys!
Thanks for this amazing project, I just wanted to ask if there is a set release date or not?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Afterthought on July 02, 2018, 02:26:14 pm
@K4thos: Is there a Discord server or some other place (aside from here) for GO Plus discussion exclusively? Reading about the changes you've introduced and how they impact the environment as a whole, I'd rather be in the know sooner than later. If not, cool, just curious.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 02, 2018, 03:22:15 pm
I just wanted to ask if there is a set release date or not?
no set release date.

K4thos Is there a Discord server or some other place (aside from here) for GO Plus discussion exclusively? Reading about the changes you've introduced and how they impact the environment as a whole, I'd rather be in the know sooner than later. If not, cool, just curious.
there is a discord only for the fork developers to discuss features that we are working on (in order to gather internal feedback, help and to inform who is developing what to not duplicate the work). No access to it, sorry. This topic is the best place if you want to be in touch with Ikemen GO Plus news.


Some effort on Ikemen GO documentation is desperately needed. I don't have enough time to do it all and the fact that English is not my first language doesn't help.

I think it would be best to use Sphinx ( documentation using reStructuredText ( format like in this page:
We could start with copying everything from mugen docs into this new format. Or maybe using MFG documentation ( (if @JustNoPoint and other MFG stuff wouldn't mind), since it's presented in more readable and detailed way.

Once that's finished all the Ikemen GO Plus specific features could be documented on top of it - that's the part which I could handle myself.

If anyone is interested in helping with Ikemen GO documentation please contact us.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 03, 2018, 09:59:13 am
Hi again
Sorry I forgot to ask in my last post
Is there an exe for ikeman plus go or is it not compiled yet?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 03, 2018, 10:22:54 am
Public Releases:
You can build the IKEMEN GO Plus with Go's gc compiler in the repository below. (keep in mind that the code hanging there is currently outdated, updated source code should be available soon, though. No public releases as of yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 03, 2018, 04:04:05 pm
My bad, thank you for the reply
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Beta158 on July 04, 2018, 01:19:10 am
Getting these errors:

C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>set GOPATH=C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental/go

C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>set CGO_ENABLED=1

C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o Ikemen_GO.exe ./src
src\font.go:5:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\go-gl\gl\v2.1\gl (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\go-gl\gl\v2.1\gl (from $GOPATH)
src\input.go:5:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\go-gl\glfw\v3.2\glfw (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\go-gl\glfw\v3.2\glfw (from $GOPATH)
src\sound.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\jfreymuth\go-vorbis\ogg\vorbis (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\jfreymuth\go-vorbis\ogg\vorbis (from $GOPATH)
src\sound.go:7:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal (from $GOPATH)
src\main.go:7:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\yuin\gopher-lua (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\yuin\gopher-lua (from $GOPATH)

What should I do.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Sir Ghostler on July 04, 2018, 01:33:47 am
Will there be an option to disable turns/tag/team and only allow for singles?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 04, 2018, 02:11:00 am
@Alex Sonico:
How to compile Ikemen GO on windows:
1. Install GO:
2. Set go environmental variable if not set automatically
3. Install TDM-GCC-64 compiler:
4. Download this unofficial soft OpenAL dll file:
and place it within C:\TDM-GCC-64\lib directory (for some reason engine can't be compiled with official OpenAL dev package)
5. Install git for windows (required by one of the libraries):
6. Use shell file or get.bat batch file to download libraries used by Ikemen GO
7. Compile the executable with or build.bat

Keep in mind that the code hanging on Github is currently few months old. Updated source code should be available soon (once it's in committable state) but testing and reporting here is not needed until there will be proper release (in "releases" section on Github). dev builds always have known bugs and unfinished features.

Will there be an option to disable turns/tag/team and only allow for singles?
Already implemented. Works the same as removing modes from mugen - by disabling "itemname" parameter in screenpack. For example if you have this in your screenpack then only Single mode will be available (also changing order of these itemnames changes order in which they are displayed):
teammenu.itemname.single = Single
teammenu.itemname.tag =
teammenu.itemname.simul =
teammenu.itemname.turns =
On top of it if you leave just 1 team mode itemname in screenpack DEF file than the team selection menu won't show up at all.


btw. yesterday @ShinLucho: implemented FNTv2 support, so now we are a lot closer to mugen 1.x screenpack support (the only thing left for HD screenpacks is localcoord)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Beta158 on July 04, 2018, 02:53:09 am
Did everything but another problem has come up

:C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o Ikemen_GO.exe ./src
In file included from go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal\alcCore.go:24:0:
./local.h:5:18: fatal error: AL/al.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 04, 2018, 09:24:32 am
Alex Sonico, no idea, sorry. If you're interested in editing the source code maybe @MangeX: will be able to help you since he has set up GO environment recently. If all you want is the executable than consider waiting for the stable build.


There are few more game modes that don't exist in mugen but I'm interested in implementing for default Ikemen GO Plus:
- Story Mode (
- Versus Co-op (supporting up to 4 different local players in 2 co-op teams)
- Tournament (
- Time Attack (
- Time Challenge (
- Score Challenge (
- Trials Mode (

The problem is that both main window and Extras section are bloated already. Considering mugen has max 11 items in main menu and many screenpacks are designed around this number, I've been thinking how to group the new modes in order to end up with total 11 items with submenus. Here is what I came up with taking KOF14 as a reference since it uses submenus like this:

Arcade Mode
 - Arcade           (fight against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
 - Team Arcade      (team of fighters fights against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
 - Team Co-op       (team up with another player against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
Versus Mode
 - Versus           (choose a fighter to defeat a human opponent)
 - Team Versus      (choose a team of fighters to defeat team of human opponents)
 - Versus Co-op     (team up with another player to defeat co-op team of human opponents)
Story Mode
 - Arc_name_1       (follow story mode arc designed for this mugen game)
 - (...)            (there can be multiple story arcs in a single game)
 - Versus           (choose fighter(s) to defeat online human opponent(s))
 - Arcade Co-op       (team up with online player against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
 - Survival Co-op   (defeat as many opponents as you can in a row with an online human teammate)
 - Round of 32      (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Round of 32)
 - Round of 16      (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Round of 16)
 - Quarterfinals    (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Quarterfinals)
 - Semifinals       (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Semifinals)
 - Training         (practice special attacks and combos with training KFM by stupa)
 - Quick Match      (practice your skills against AI controlled CPU character(s) of your choice)
 - Trials           (complete moves and combos trial challenges)
 - Time Attack      (defeat 10 opponents as quickly as possible, beating previous time records)
 - Survival         (defeat as many opponents as you can on a single Health Meter)
 - Survival Co-op   (defeat as many opponents as you can with a human teammate, on a single Health Meter)
 - Boss Rush        (defeat all bosses in a row)
 - VS 100 Kumite    (see how many characters out of 100 you can take down)
 - Time Challenge   (defeat 1 selected opponent beating previous time record)
 - Score Challenge  (defeat 1 selected opponent beating previous score record)
 - Bonus Games      (defeat 1 selected bonus character beating previous score record)
Watch Mode
 - Select           (watch CPU controlled match of your choice)
 - Random           (watch endless random CPU matches, generating useful AI rank data)
 - Replay           (watch saved replays of your online matches)
 - Records          (display overall score data)
 - Ranking          (display rankings data)
Options             (adjust game settings)
Exit                (exit the game)

in order to be backward compatible with mugen screenpacks (especially with awful workaround that mugen creators came up with that uses single letters referencing images in font instead of normal text) only the original itemnames will be enabled by default:
(new ones needs to be added into screenpack DEF file to show up)

In order to create flexible sub-menu grouping I'm planning to introduce new type of itemname that contains group in its name. Using above proposition following groups would be available:
Assigning particular mode to a group will be done by adding the group name to itemname, for example:
places Survival Mode into Challenges sub-group. Omitting "challenges" would result in Survival Mode available from within main menu (like in mugen).

Screenpack distributed with ikemen go plus by default will have all modes arranged in sub-menus like in the above propositions.

Feedback regarding this design proposition would be appreciated.

edit: added Trial Mode to the list, inspired by Street Fighter EX series:
Trial Mode implementation designed with @Yamori X: help.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 05, 2018, 10:12:30 am
This seems like a very good idea, it would cause less clutter on the main menu and would follow a logical layout, as you mentioned it would help with screenpack conversion too. The extra game modes would be greatly appreciated and would help modernise the engine with modern features. I'm pretty sure that full game creators and normal players would gladly welcome these features, I wonder if tag mode could be a game mode in the arcade selection instead of in the character selection, just a suggestion.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Sir Ghostler on July 05, 2018, 10:39:02 am
Will there be an option to disable turns/tag/team and only allow for singles?
Already implemented. Works the same as removing modes from mugen - by disabling "itemname" parameter in screenpack. For example if you have this in your screenpack then only Single mode will be available (also changing order of these itemnames changes order in which they are displayed):
teammenu.itemname.single = Single
teammenu.itemname.tag =
teammenu.itemname.simul =
teammenu.itemname.turns =
On top of it if you leave just 1 team mode itemname in screenpack DEF file than the team selection menu won't show up at all.


Another question, can we define custom placements for individual character slots, instead of them all being determined based on rows/columns?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 05, 2018, 12:27:56 pm
Another question, can we define custom placements for individual character slots, instead of them all being determined based on rows/columns?
no, it's still grid based. But following features makes it more flexible:
1. select.def has following optional characters parameters
 ; - exclude
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Set the paramvalue to 1 to avoid including this character
 ;   in 'rows' and 'columns' screenpack selection grid. (similar result as
 ;   hiding unselectable AI only characters in mugen without need to create tons
 ;   of unnecessary select.def slots to do so) Excluded characters are not added
 ;   to randomselect pool.
 ; - hidden
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Set the paramvalue to hide a character:
 ;   1: cursor can move to this cell, face and face background are not rendered
 ;      (same result as hiding selectable characters in mugen by placing them
 ;      outside visible grid, but without need to create lots of unnecessary
 ;      select.def slots to do so),
 ;   2: cell can't be selected, art is not rendered (slot is ignored until
 ;      character is unlocked).
 ;   3: cell behaves like randomselect slot until character is unlocked.
 ;   Unlocking hidden characters is handled via [UnlockContent] section.

2. You can use following new parameters in screenpack DEF file [Select Info] section:
- searchemptyboxesup
- searchemptyboxesdown
if the slot was not found in the below (down) or above (up) row searchemptyboxes starts a lookout for the first valid slot (1 = search moving right, -1 = search moving left). If valid slot was not found in the expected row then it automatically switches to next row and so on. Which means CvS2 style select screens with rhombus icons, and even madness like in the below screenshot can be implemented without silly workarounds:

I wonder if tag mode could be a game mode in the arcade selection instead of in the character selection, just a suggestion.
Then we would need the same for Simul and Turns. And why just Arcade? In such case, for consistency sake, all the other modes that support teams should have it separated. Sounds bad, imo. To be honest I don't even see a point in "Arcade" and "VS Mode" as separate entries when both "Team Arcade" and "Team VS" already have Single option to choose, but that’s Elecbyte implementation, so it's there for compatibility sake. Useless (imo) modes like these can be disabled via itemname in screenpack.

If full game creator needs adjustment like you mentioned than it's extremly easy to modify Lua files (which makes the change likely not forward compatible with future Ikemen GO Plus releases, if it's not done via screenpack, but compatibility is not that important for full game releases).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 05, 2018, 01:16:09 pm
Okay I see your point
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on July 06, 2018, 12:52:12 pm
So. One of the users on here had a concept for doing the pause menu. Hopefully it will get his attention and he could explain it himself. A native, universal pause screen. You added two extra buttons correct? Not sure the total number available? So taunt could be select and pause start? Similar to the training menu, but all being accessible through player 1. This is ideally how I had wanted to do command list(in-game). So exiting straight to menu and or gameover instead of going to continue. I’m interested to see this ranking system as well. So about th we extra modes. Are you going to make a story mode? Don’t you need to create a base for these things? Just curious if you were, that’d be cool. What do you think about cutscenes? Think cvs series, Rugal/Akuma on roof etc. After you beat the boss hmm, various things like showing Geese falling, Rugal losing control then it goes to the characters ending. Now that I think about it, you made those SVC endings. The pause thing is the main thing here the rest are just things I’ll personally do.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 06, 2018, 02:16:20 pm
A native, universal pause screen.
Game pause is already implemented, works the same as in mugen (during a fight, press the button literally labeled "Pause" on your keyboard.)

You added two extra buttons correct? Not sure the total number available? So taunt could be select and pause start?
7 mugen buttons + 2 new ones (intended for tag related stuff, but works the same as any others, so can be used normally in CMD files and assigned to whatever you wish)

Similar to the training menu, but all being accessible through player 1. This is ideally how I had wanted to do command list(in-game). So exiting straight to menu and or gameover instead of going to continue.
Changing Esc button functionality when pressed during fight to display Tekken like menu is on the roadmap.

I’m interested to see this ranking system as well.

It's not implemented yet. If you want to see it in foreseeable future you could help by analyzing the add004 common1.cns code and post here how exactly the rank value is calculated there. Not as CNS code (I don't understand a single line from add004 system with all those explodes, helpers and variable usage). What is needed is normal description how it's calculated (formulas used, how many points to achieve each rank, which stuff increases the score, how and exactly how much etc. etc.) With this info I could implement it on engine level, probably customizable from within lifebar or screenpack. Maybe the match calculation could stay in common1, but in such case using dedicated SCTRLs and triggers for storing the data (without convoluted code and workarounds)

Alternatively, if someone has information how exactly scores works in some commercial game, then we could use it as a base too (if the system is good enough).

Once match rank system is implemented global rankings would be just a sum of match scores at the end of the chosen game mode.

I don't think anyone on the team is interested in designing this feature, so If no one will help with this task, match ranks, rankings, score display on victory screen, as well as some of the previously mentioned modes that depends on scores won't be implemented any time soon (maybe ever since I don't think I can design the proper system myself).

So about th we extra modes. Are you going to make a story mode? Don’t you need to create a base for these things? Just curious if you were, that’d be cool. What do you think about cutscenes? Think cvs series, Rugal/Akuma on roof etc. After you beat the boss hmm, various things like showing Geese falling, Rugal losing control then it goes to the characters ending. Now that I think about it, you made those SVC endings.
Not implemented yet but already designed: (quote from select.def)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on July 06, 2018, 02:58:18 pm
how the SF2 snes score system works
As for cutscenes I would just make the engine being able to open movie files, if you know what you're doing you can keep the quality 720p ( have not tested 1080) for like up to a minute to like 10mbs size with little to no quality loss( I doubt most of the cutscenes are longer) I would allow for more customization too if people plan to edit the old slide in cutscenes sf3 had and whatnot.

I dont care for a score system in fighting games but if I was to implement it I would strip it down to the most generic and easy to implement way.
What I mean is, instead of doing it on per char basis, I would assign generic points for a light,medium,heavy,grab,special,hyper etc.

Lets say a jab is worth 100 points a medium punch would be 200 heavy 300 once I got all my  values set I would calculate the A B C whatever ranks at the end by how much points the user has accumulated split them up into banks lets say an 100-1000 is an F at the end or whatever and go from there.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on July 06, 2018, 04:03:07 pm
Game pause I mean the actual menu. Like pressing start in a normal game. I usually play on my TV with wireless controllers so having to(sounds lazy lol) get up and press on the keyboard, ruins the experience. I'm just asking what you think though.
Cutscenes & story. Separate things being asked. In arcade mode of the cvs series, it has that tournament image, showing the characters etc, stuff like that for arcade. Then of course these So as with this game, you have two main bosses so it'd be set to each individual. When you beat Bison in cvs the base explodes, Geese falls to his "death"(oan if there is anyway to get something high quality to replicate that would be so sick, imagine? With interactivity you can really knock him off the stage.) The scenes from CVS-W, were those storyboards? Like a way to insert storyboards in-between fights (not limited to story) pretty much how SFV is now. Not very good at typing down plans, I usually just do it & figure it out as things go, but sure you get it.

The ranking, you brought up and have a list of modes that have to do with score so I was just commenting on it. So you aren't interested in that? The whole unlocking feature sounded great. The score thing is pretty much the same as in various games. Tech/Reversal/Counter/Combo etc etc. He already started working on it, score staying constant till the end of arcade, but haven't had time to look into it myself, but it is being experimented on atm.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 06, 2018, 04:46:20 pm
Game pause I mean the actual menu. Like pressing start in a normal game. I usually play on my TV with wireless controllers so having to(sounds lazy lol) get up and press on the keyboard, ruins the experience. I'm just asking what you think though.
Already partially answered:
Changing Esc button functionality when pressed during fight to display Tekken like menu is on the roadmap.
As for assigning Esc button to some button on gamepad then don't worry. I'm planning to add system button configuration (Esc, screenshot, etc.) to options screen at some point.

Cutscenes & story. Separate things being asked. In arcade mode of the cvs series, it has that tournament image, showing the characters etc, stuff like that for arcade. Then of course these  So as with this game, you have two main bosses so it'd be set to each individual. When you beat Bison in cvs the base explodes, Geese falls to his "death"(oan if there is anyway to get something high quality to replicate that would be so sick, imagine? With interactivity you can really knock him off the stage.) The scenes from CVS-W, were those storyboards? Like a way to insert storyboards in-between fights (not limited to story) pretty much how SFV is now. Not very good at typing down plans, I usually just do it & figure it out as things go, but sure you get it.
Storyboards other than intro and ending between fights in arcade mode could be implemented via already existing "rivals" character parameter in select.def desribed in this post ( I will add it to roadmap, it's easy to implement.

The ranking, you brought up and have a list of modes that have to do with score so I was just commenting on it. So you aren't interested in that?

err, I've said we're looking for help in order to implement it. And the help is desperately needed considering lack of score system prevents us from implementing game modes and features on the development roadmap. I'm starting to loose confidence in my English skills with questions like this :(

The score thing is pretty much the same as in various games. Tech/Reversal/Counter/Combo etc etc. He already started working on it, score staying constant till the end of arcade, but haven't had time to look into it myself, but it is being experimented on atm.
We are interested in how Tatsu's score system works internally (I've even sent him a message, asking if he could share his general design, exact formulas and values, no reply unfortunately) but things like add004 CNS code and tricks to keep the value saved between matches are not needed at all for implementing this feature. Ikemen GO is an open source engine, so tricks and convoluted solutions in order to circumvent around mugen engine limitations is not something that we want to replicate.

As for cutscenes I would just make the engine being able to open movie files, if you know what you're doing you can keep the quality 720p ( have not tested 1080) for like up to a minute to like 10mbs size with little to no quality loss( I doubt most of the cutscenes are longer) I would allow for more customization too if people plan to edit the old slide in cutscenes sf3 had and whatnot.
see the "scene" parameter desription in the previously posted story mode desing. Movies are already planned - WebM (aka the only movie format that makes sense these days).

how the SF2 snes score system works
Thanks. In other words in SF2 (and probably in many more commercial games) score is determined by individual values associated with each move. That's easy to implement and it would be a nice feature for full game developers. Probably the best way is just adding new parameter to statedef when "movetype = A". Something like "score = x" where x is the score value that should be added when attack successfully hits. But as you mentioned yourself this is not really something that would work for normal mugen compilations.

I dont care for a score system in fighting games but if I was to implement it I would strip it down to the most generic and easy to implement way.
What I mean is, instead of doing it on per char basis, I would assign generic points for a light,medium,heavy,grab,special,hyper etc.

Lets say a jab is worth 100 points a medium punch would be 200 heavy 300 once I got all my  values set I would calculate the A B C whatever ranks at the end by how much points the user has accumulated split them up into banks lets say an 100-1000 is an F at the end or whatever and go from there.
yep, that's exactly what is needed to make it "just work". And considering add004 already uses a system that ranks player's actions in a solid way, I hope someone will be able to analyze the common1.cns and describe how it works in detail, so that we can implement it on engine level (fully adjustable via mugen files).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on July 06, 2018, 04:55:09 pm
I really have never used Shiyo's tag system outside from fullgames so I sadly cant speak about how it works.
As for unlockable bosses chars etc, the easiest way to go about it is just lock em behind points total if you wanna go into it a bit more you can add a difficulty modifier easy 1x normal 2x etc.
Looking forward on all the stuff you guys add. I checked out Yamori's SVC project and  I was super happy how Ikemen ran and looked.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 06, 2018, 05:01:37 pm
As for unlockable bosses chars etc, the easiest way to go about it is just lock em behind points total if you wanna go into it a bit more you can add a difficulty modifier easy 1x normal 2x etc.
this is how unlocking stuff is designed currently (only partially implemented but I will handle it soon). Quote from select.def:

 ;IKEMEN feature: Unlock in-game content by fulfilling game progress conditions.
 ;Characters are locked via [Characters] 'hidden' parameter flag. Stages and
 ;modes are automatically hidden when any condition for unlocking them exists.
 ; Use the format:
 ; type:name = (condition_1), (condition_2), (...)
 ; type:name construct sets what content should be unlocked:
 ; char:  Character filename (or full path to DEF file)
 ; stage: Path to stage DEF file
 ; mode:  Mode reference:
 ;        - arcade: Arcade Mode
 ;        - versus: Versus Mode
 ;        - teamcoop: Team Co-op Mode
 ;        - survival: Survival Mode
 ;        - survivalcoop: Survival Co-op Mode
 ;        - training: Training Mode
 ;        - netplayversus: Netplay Versus Mode
 ;        - netplayteamcoop: Netplay Team Co-op Mode
 ;        - netplaysurvivalcoop: Netplay Survival Co-op Mode
 ;        - freebattle: Free Battle Mode
 ;        - 100kumite: VS 100 Kumite Mode
 ;        - bossrush: Boss Rush Mode
 ;        When it comes to individual bonuses (generated via bonus=1 char param)
 ;        name of the mode is the same as 'name' set in [Info] section of char
 ;        DEF file. Story Mode arcs use the 'modename' from [StoryMode] section.
 ; Condition consists of declarations: stat, op, value, mode, char, tmode
 ; If there is only 1 condition brackets can be omitted. "stat", "op", "value"
 ; parameters are required. Save file tracks stats for each mode, character and
 ; team mode individually allowing you to be specific when declaring stat
 ; conditions via optional "mode", "char", "tmode" parameters.
 ; stat:  Game stat that should be checked.
 ;        Stats tracked globally:
 ;        - gametime: total amount of time played
 ;        Stats tracked after each match:
 ;        - matches: played matches count
 ;        - wins: won matches count
 ;        - loose: lost matches count
 ;        - draws: draw matches count
 ;        - rankd: total rank D count
 ;        - rankc: total rank C count
 ;        - rankb: total rank B count
 ;        - ranka: total rank A count
 ;        - ranks: total rank S count
 ;        - rankss: total rank SS count
 ;        Stats tracked after mode is cleared:
 ;        - cleared: mode cleared count
 ;        - consecutive: max consecutive won matches count
 ;        - perfects: max perfect matches count
 ;        - continues: min continuous count
 ;        - score: max total score
 ;        - cleartime: min clear time (in seconds)
 ;        - difficulty: max AI level used to clear the mode
 ; op:    The equality and relational operators between stat and value:
 ;        ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=
 ; value: Condition stat value
 ; mode:  Game mode that stat check should be limited to. Use names from the
 ;        above mentioned 'modename' list. If not set all modes will be taken
 ;        into account (the value will be sum of counts, min or max)
 ; char:  Character filename (or full path to DEF file) Stat check will be
 ;        limited to this character. If not set stat check takes into account
 ;        all characters (the value will be sum of counts, min or max)
 ; tmode: Team mode that stat check should be optionally limited to. Options:
 ;        - 0: Single
 ;        - 1: Simul
 ;        - 2: Turns
 ;        - 3: Tag
 ; Unlock kfm if total amount of time played is greater then 1 hour:
 ; char:kfm = gametime, >, 3600
 ; Unlock SuaveDude if:
 ; - arcade mode (Single) has been cleared at least 1 time with Kung Fu Man
 ; - total time played is greater then 1 hour
 ; char:SuaveDude = (cleared, >=, 1, arcade, kfm, 0), (gametime, >, 3600)
 ; Unlock stage if VS 100 Kumite Mode has been cleared in less than 1 hour
 ; stage:stages/mybg.def = cleartime, <, 3600, 100kumite
 ; Unlock "story_kfm2" story mode arc if "story_kfm1" arc has been cleared
 ; mode:story_kfm2 = cleared, !=, 0, story_kfm1
 ;Insert your conditions for content unlocking below.

The save file stuff that is checked here is related to save implementation presented in this post:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 06, 2018, 10:04:48 pm
Sorry if this has been suggested before, could we have adjustable bgm and sfx volume settings like in native mugen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 06, 2018, 11:45:38 pm
Sorry if this has been suggested before, could we have adjustable bgm and sfx volume settings like in native mugen?
sfx, yes - WavVolume setting will be available in the stable version.

For bgm no (for now), because I don't know how to change it (stuff like frequency, channels, samplerate, mixing etc. is all black magic to me). There is no built-in volume functionality in go-vorbis library ( @ShinLucho: experimented with it some time ago but without success. @MangeX: mentioned that he is working on binding SDL library to the engine, so if he suceeds, this won't be a problem anymore.

Anyway music related stuff is an open issue:
If there is any programmer with knowledge regarding sound implementations interested in the project, help would be really appreciated.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on July 07, 2018, 05:23:16 pm
Well I’ve just been throwing out ideas to support the interest and discussion of this. The basics are the priority right? Already done a lot and has already exceeded normal mugen gj. So, you’ve already said this a ways back probably, but the demo at the start screen, if you don’t press anything, that’s been done right?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: CyberMario on July 07, 2018, 07:56:57 pm
hi guys,
well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:


this game of naruto works perfectly in mugen ... but see what happens in ikemen:


I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version

I've seen this happen on certain computers. Same IKEMEN build. Different transparency on sprites. Have a suspicion it has something to do with how sprites are rendered on the machine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 07, 2018, 08:21:53 pm
Same IKEMEN build
This is Ikemen GO Plus topic, not S-SIZE ikemen. Here is whole intro captured in the latest build, I don't see the problem.
I've requested uploading that Naruto stage but adriano gt ignored it, so can't test it more.

I really don't think it has anything to do with computer. Problems with Ikemen don't have to exist in Ikemen GO - these are 2 completely different engines that don't share a single line of code. Same with storyboards and screenpack rendering - code used in latest Ikemen GO Plus is different ( to the one used in Ikemen Plus.

but the demo at the start screen, if you don’t press anything, that’s been done right?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on July 07, 2018, 08:57:07 pm
Well, I’ll be waiting on local cord & news. Thanks for the hard work. Once you need a visual for those full game features let me know.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on July 08, 2018, 03:40:17 pm
Maybe old Ikemen Sp support? Mugen Sp's are nice and all but Really don't wanna remake an entire screenpack based on mugen version
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: adriano gt on July 08, 2018, 04:21:47 pm
Same IKEMEN build
This is Ikemen GO Plus topic, not S-SIZE ikemen. Here is whole intro captured in the latest build, I don't see the problem.
I've requested uploading that Naruto stage but adriano gt ignored it, so can't test it more.

sorry ... these are pictures of a friend's game.
and he has no internet connection at the moment
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on July 09, 2018, 06:30:29 pm
Finally I cought up on this thread, the info sounds dope AF! I've been itching to start working on an SP design again, when this drops I'm definitely going to get back into it, I don't want to start a design to have to re do it again, God knows I do that enough already. Once I know more or less about all the features  this will have I can start on this, also look forward to news on the local cords.

Some quick questions in case I missed something,

Will we have the option for a stage select other then the font work around that is currently done, I recall Ikemen had it, never really messed with it but was curious about this build?

Same question my boy Genesis asked, since I do like pushing Mugen to its limits with my SP's, with the HD content, and with my previous encounters with Ikemen and the way it handled 32 bit sprites in the SP, it wasn't the best at times.
Not much of a question, but I'm excited for this. I'm just wondering how much can the engine handle? Me, and some others I know, like to really push the limits on graphics, and last I checked, regular Ikemen couldn't handle it too well.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on July 09, 2018, 06:43:01 pm
Same really I used 32 bit portraits for lifebar in old ikemen but was wondering how this would support 32bit
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 12, 2018, 08:40:38 am
Hi are controllers supported in the ikeman plus build? Are they implemented into this already?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: IkuTronHD on July 12, 2018, 02:59:09 pm
I'd like to try it but I do not have a 64-bit system. Could you pass it to 32 bits?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 12, 2018, 09:15:05 pm
I'd like to try it but I do not have a 64-bit system. Could you pass it to 32 bits?
there will be 32-bit version executable available (once released, there are no public releases yet). But check opengl video card requirement mentioned in the first post. If you're still on 32-bit system I'm afraid your video card may be too old to run the engine.

Same question my boy Genesis asked, since I do like pushing Mugen to its limits with my SP's, with the HD content, and with my previous encounters with Ikemen and the way it handled 32 bit sprites in the SP, it wasn't the best at times.
Same really I used 32 bit portraits for lifebar in old ikemen but was wondering how this would support 32bit
Please upload that lifebar with 32-bit images so I can  test if it works as expected. No idea if the 32-bit images support is better here compared to old ikemen.

Hi are controllers supported in the ikeman plus build? Are they implemented into this already?
yes, up to 4 joypads. You can also change joypad controlls directly in the options screen like in mugen.

Maybe old Ikemen Sp support? Mugen Sp's are nice and all but Really don't wanna remake an entire screenpack based on mugen version
Screenpacks are already supported. The only notable missing feature when it comes to mugen screenpack support is localcoord (which will be handled soon).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on July 12, 2018, 09:27:40 pm
it was add004 lifebar I mean
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on July 12, 2018, 09:39:54 pm
add004 lifebar works without issues. If you mean some custom character with 32-bit image used for lifebar portrait than please upload such character, so I can test if the portrait is displayed correctly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on July 13, 2018, 12:02:16 am

Same question my boy Genesis asked, since I do like pushing Mugen to its limits with my SP's, with the HD content, and with my previous encounters with Ikemen and the way it handled 32 bit sprites in the SP, it wasn't the best at times.
Same really I used 32 bit portraits for lifebar in old ikemen but was wondering how this would support 32bit
No idea if the 32-bit images support is better here compared to old ikemen.

Guess I'll have to wait and see what it can handle, once it gets released.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: WhiteJue on July 16, 2018, 07:55:49 am
In file included from go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal\alcCore.go:24:
./local.h:5:9: fatal error: AL/al.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 20, 2018, 02:35:15 pm
Hi guys! Would it be possible to add a fullscreen option? Also could one add a continue countdown to the boss rush mode?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on July 20, 2018, 03:57:45 pm
Alt+ Enter should be for fullscreen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 20, 2018, 04:46:17 pm
Alt+ Enter should be for fullscreen

Thanks I will try that
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: nicky20031 on July 23, 2018, 11:51:15 pm
Is it possible to play the music file from an stage def file?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Koopa901 on July 24, 2018, 07:06:32 am
Not sure if anyone asked this but..... Will it show/support more than 2 lifebars like mvc2 I guess
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on July 24, 2018, 07:47:46 am
Not sure if anyone asked this but..... Will it show/support more than 2 lifebars like mvc2 I guess

Some nice progress when it comes to expanding lifebar DEF functionality. Here is what I've already implemented (none of this is possible in mugen from within lifebar DEF):
- BG, BGDef, BGCtrlDef, BGCtrl support (expanded with triggers)
currently supported BGCtrlDef trigger list:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
- optional 8 players support in [Simul Face], [Simul Name]
- new [Tag Face], [Tag Name] sections (if not present vanilla Simul sections are used instead)
- [Round] section now supports more events: Win by normal / Win by special / Win by hyper / Win by normal throw / Win by cheese / Win by time over / Win by suicide / Opponent beaten by his own teammate / Win by perfect
- [Challenger] section ("Here Comes A New Challenger" anim / bg / text, sound and config how soon players should be paused and when to end the match)
- [Simul_3P Lifebar], [Simul_4P Lifebar], [Tag Lifebar], [Tag_3P Lifebar], [Tag_4P Lifebar] - new sections for team 3p and 4p team sizes (matches with up to 8 players) for simul and tag mode, so that we can use different lifebar layout depending on team count
- [Simul Powerbar], [Simul_3P Powerbar], [Simul_4P Powerbar], [Tag Powerbar]  (more than 2 players are used only if "team power share" is disabled in options), [Turns Powerbar]
- [Powerbar] levelX.snd now supports 'pX.' prefix in order to optionally differentiate sounds among players (or to disable them for particular player if paramvalue is set to '-1, 0')
- lifebar changing color depending on health (pX.front.spr / pX.front.anim now can store additional value in the name e.g. pX.front90.spr, which is used to swap the current front spr / animation to this one if player's life matches the percentage value. There can be multiple frontX spr/anim assignments (no hard limits).

Here is an example of a simul 3p vs simul 4p match interrupted by challenger (default lifebar using optional [Simul_3P Lifebar], [Simul_4P Lifebar], [Challenger] sections. Only 2 powerbars and faces because adding more with this lifebar design would look even more silly)

There is still some work to make the lifebar DEF file flexible enough to make convoluted explode lifebars workaround obsolete. Next on the schedule are events like "First Attack", "Danger", "Reversal", "Counter", combo text, guard bar, coloring powerbars etc. It's becoming more and more troublesome to implement this stuff using current  lifebar due to missing art and sounds, so I'm thinking about porting add004 lifebar (which is coded entierly with common1.cns and fightfx - there are like 2 sprites in fight.sff) to normal fight.def file, so that all new features can be showcased (something that can be used as a reference for those interested in working with ikemen GO Plus). I will contact Shiyo Kakuge if he is ok with this.

edit: tagging @GaziraAgain:, since he requested some of these features.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Koopa901 on July 24, 2018, 07:37:01 pm
Thanks Ash!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on July 26, 2018, 09:22:17 pm
Thanks Ash!

Mind you bizz @Koopa901:  :mlol:

Will there be support for menu controls, like for the menu icons scrolling other than what Mugen currently does?
This concept I made for Mugen, its coded but it only scrolls up and down with Mugens current functions?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on July 30, 2018, 07:58:31 am
Hello i have question but neither i have found k4thos or shinluchos email,so i made account for this site.
How can i compile ikemen go plus on Windows?Because compile resources are given but how to do That isnt told.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 13, 2018, 08:12:23 pm
Well no one answers my question?This is disappoinitng if a engine is made but doesnt want to be shared with users,bah.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 14, 2018, 08:08:35 am
Well no one answers my question?This is disappoinitng if a engine is made but doesnt want to be shared with users,bah.

How to compile Ikemen GO on windows:
1. Install GO:
2. Set go environmental variable if not set automatically
3. Install TDM-GCC-64 compiler:
4. Download this unofficial soft OpenAL dll file:
and place it within C:\TDM-GCC-64\lib directory (for some reason engine can't be compiled with official OpenAL dev package)
5. Install git for windows (required by one of the libraries):
6. Use shell file or get.bat batch file to download libraries used by Ikemen GO
7. Compile the executable with or build.bat

Keep in mind that the code hanging on Github is currently few months old. Updated source code should be available soon (once it's in committable state) but testing and reporting here is not needed until there will be proper release (in "releases" section on Github). dev builds always have known bugs and unfinished features.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 14, 2018, 08:09:28 am
Well no one answers my question?This is disappoinitng if a engine is made but doesnt want to be shared with users,bah.

Sorry it seems that the devs have been inactive for a few weeks
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 14, 2018, 01:25:22 pm
devs are active they answered a persons question in github.I followed this but it says somethings are missing i dont have linux so i cant use file.he explained detally how to compile it for linux .I wanted something like this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 14, 2018, 02:57:49 pm
devs are active they answered a persons question in github.I followed this but it says somethings are missing i dont have linux so i cant use file.he explained detally how to compile it for linux .I wanted something like this.

Oh okay
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on August 14, 2018, 06:06:16 pm
Question: Its possible to implement zoom for win pose like on KoF XIII?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 14, 2018, 11:06:48 pm
Question: Its possible to implement zoom for win pose like on KoF XIII?

that feels like a mugen question and already possible,memo did sth like that I think,
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on August 15, 2018, 04:27:56 am
I'm talking specifically in Ikemen GO plus, I know that you can code this on characters, but having it as an universal feature would be really neat.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: DNZRX768 on August 17, 2018, 01:45:41 pm
Right, so I might be considering dipping my toe into this pool, so to speak, and I have a question?

How much work is it to adapt all of my MUGEN characters into the new engine? Is it plug-and-play, or will I need to do some work?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on August 17, 2018, 02:39:04 pm
Most characters works just fine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 17, 2018, 05:10:38 pm
characters that use 32 bit port might Show problem
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on August 17, 2018, 11:59:53 pm
Thanks Ash!

Mind you bizz @Koopa901:  :mlol:

Will there be support for menu controls, like for the menu icons scrolling other than what Mugen currently does?
This concept I made for Mugen, its coded but it only scrolls up and down with Mugens current functions?


Cant wait to see the SP come out in a decade >:[
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on August 18, 2018, 01:03:15 am
Thanks Ash!

Mind you bizz @Koopa901:  :mlol:

Will there be support for menu controls, like for the menu icons scrolling other than what Mugen currently does?
This concept I made for Mugen, its coded but it only scrolls up and down with Mugens current functions?


Cant wait to see the SP out in a decade >:[

Shut your mouth @PeXXer:! lol, This part is coded in Mugen 1.1, I'll send it to you if you want,  but its pretty much the Menu, and nothing else.
If this Ikemen GO plus is the real deal? man its ON! lol, I was gonna start using Ikemen Plus but then was like nah, I don't want to put in the work for it then jump to Go plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on August 18, 2018, 01:34:32 am
Its been a menu for a decade too >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on August 18, 2018, 01:50:26 am
Shit I haven’t done nothing for about a year man or more. Since I moved and commuting was my life lol.
Now that I’m back home and not commuting more than 3 hours of my day lol. Now it’s only 10-15 mins of commuting to work.
I have more free time.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Koopa901 on August 18, 2018, 02:03:34 am
yeah mane....eating all that delicious looking ass food! Where those screenpacks at?!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on August 18, 2018, 03:29:12 am
yeah mane....eating all that delicious looking ass food! Where those screenpacks at?!

I'm so removing you from my snap chat lol.
I got something cooking, just waiting on this Ikemen Go plus so I can break it with with all that HD content lol
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on August 18, 2018, 07:48:42 pm
Here are some more detailed explanaions for my requests that I have said before and some new ones

Spoiler: Cropping Sctrl (click to see content)

Spoiler: Down system (click to see content)

Spoiler: Additional character info (click to see content)

Spoiler: Non reflective sprites in stages (click to see content)

I hope that this is understandable like I did last time with the stage intros.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 20, 2018, 08:48:18 am
Any idea when this will be released?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 26, 2018, 04:20:17 pm
Finally i managed to compile it.Please add joystick support so i can play it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: TheFclass97 on August 26, 2018, 08:10:17 pm
Finally i managed to compile it.Please add joystick support so i can play it.

That's already in. Well, at least in Vanilla IKEMEN and IKEMEN plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 26, 2018, 08:16:41 pm
hahah im talking about ikemen go plus not about them.ikemen plus also poorly optimized.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Teralon on September 04, 2018, 01:02:43 pm
Suehiro updated Ikemen GO at OSDN for the first time in over six months.

Two pull requests and the clarification of the source code licensing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on September 18, 2018, 08:13:35 pm
Curious if their will be an installer of some sort for ikemen GO plus considering that there is seven steps to get it running under windows (unless you can make it mugen and have all the resources contained within the folder the ikemen GO plus)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 20, 2018, 01:01:39 pm
It is not released yet, that is why it is not compiled and you have to compile it yourself. When it is released then it will have a normal exe
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on October 13, 2018, 08:58:52 pm
Scaling your char using .air will most likely make things messed up if he, or a enemy, gets through a custom gethit state that uses ChangeAnim2.
Uhm about this Interpolation thingy,you cant make this work better in Ikemen right same for fightfx(it doesnt support interpolation) etc
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on October 29, 2018, 06:14:44 am
Does anyone has any news about this project? Was it completely abandoned by the coders!? I was so hyped about the screenpack support update that I bought a new laptop only to run it lmao.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on October 29, 2018, 06:50:03 am
Does anyone has any news about this project? Was it completely abandoned by the coders!? I was so hyped about the screenpack support update that I bought a new laptop only to run it lmao.

Actually it is open source so i doubt it Will be abandoned.This means other coders can take development from shinluchos or k4thos.But the problem is there are no developers interested in it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on October 29, 2018, 07:17:42 am
I guess there is some light in the horizon then.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: ESFAndy011 on October 29, 2018, 10:23:47 pm
Right, I've looked around and haven't found any posts about this problem: has anyone had issues with stage sprites scaling/stretching as you zoom out, like what happens with Ikemen v0.3 Plus? (For those who don't know, this seems to always happen with sprites that have an X delta different to a Y delta).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on November 01, 2018, 02:17:22 pm
I guess there is some light in the horizon then.

No,there isnt any light until someone puts flashlight on it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: IkuTronHD on November 03, 2018, 12:14:31 pm
When is this Ikemen for 32-bit operating systems?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: razell30 on November 17, 2018, 08:16:57 pm
Hey I gotta idea is there a possible way that you could implement Kaillera into mugen/ikemen if there is how would that be done something like this
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on November 17, 2018, 08:58:58 pm
Cant someone just add gamepad support?Looks like k4thos and shinluchos arent interested anymore...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Teralon on November 21, 2018, 06:21:22 pm
Does anyone has any news about this project? Was it completely abandoned by the coders!? I was so hyped about the screenpack support update that I bought a new laptop only to run it lmao.
The development in the Ikemen GO repository at OSDN is ongoing.

In my opinion, K4thos and ShinLucho should provide pull requests with their improvements and fixes from Ikemen GO Plus at OSDN.

This would be beneficial for the engine, if they are not interested in developing their fork anymore.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on November 22, 2018, 04:38:20 pm
Does anyone has any news about this project? Was it completely abandoned by the coders!? I was so hyped about the screenpack support update that I bought a new laptop only to run it lmao.
The development in the Ikemen GO repository at OSDN is ongoing.

In my opinion, K4thos and ShinLucho should provide pull requests with their improvements and fixes from Ikemen GO Plus at OSDN.

This would be beneficial for the engine, if they are not interested in developing their fork anymore.

Well i tried one of comittments of osnd but it just opens and immdiately closes on windows.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: ShinLucho on November 22, 2018, 11:31:50 pm
The development in the Ikemen GO repository at OSDN is ongoing.

In my opinion, K4thos and ShinLucho should provide pull requests with their improvements and fixes from Ikemen GO Plus at OSDN.

This would be beneficial for the engine, if they are not interested in developing their fork anymore.

Yup, I lost some interest on this, mostly because I'm currently working as a dev in a company and don't want to see any code for the rest of the day, even less if it isn't commented or doesn't have any unit testing. Anyway, I've updated github repo and I'll try to help at OSDN with minor fixes from time to time.

No idea what happened to K4thos. If you're reading this, know that you're awesome and I have no idea how half of your code works :P

Well i tried one of comittments of osnd but it just opens and immdiately closes on windows.

That is because osdn repo doesn't have any chars, stages, and screenpacks installed. Try executing it from a terminal and see what is the error.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on November 23, 2018, 02:50:13 pm
Wow this is sad,this means updates will take more time.But at least thanks for making this engine.Undoubtly,your engine is better than standard mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: EgyLynx on November 26, 2018, 06:51:20 pm
I HOPE that Ikemen NOt get at fate at Mugen Engine :I...  There at lot projects which get popularity and just one point it just... :( .
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: TheFclass97 on November 26, 2018, 09:56:41 pm
Then mess around with what you have, you never know. You can build even more with what you just have...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on November 29, 2018, 08:53:10 pm
Hopefuly K4thos comes back and adds comments to the code.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on December 01, 2018, 03:24:09 am
So is there a way to change the gamespeed at ikemen go plus?
I dont see an option like ikemen plus 0.3.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 01, 2018, 04:46:58 am
Hopefuly K4thos comes back and adds comments to the code.

He never left tho, so I guess he just abandoned the project.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: emeriksteben on December 02, 2018, 12:03:18 am
I like when you bring back Mugen from the dead but I hate the part when I have to install Ikemen GO Plus. I downloaded and installed all the program I need, but the part when I have to put the OpenAL files somewhere in TDM-GCC folder. It really start to confuse me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on December 10, 2018, 11:00:36 pm
Looks like suehiro want to integrate ikemen GO plus with vanilla Ikemen Go (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 10, 2018, 11:54:51 pm
So... that's great news!?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: R565 on December 11, 2018, 12:15:24 am
So... that's great news!?

It's excellent news, cause now we can only worry about one version of IKEMEN. Besides, Plus was adding stuff for the betterment of the engine anyway.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on December 29, 2018, 12:21:00 pm
cant seem to run exe,it closes itself,any help?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on December 29, 2018, 01:25:00 pm
You probably have compile it wrong.I guess you made a mistake on the sound plugin.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Creature on January 09, 2019, 08:11:27 am
I'm getting the "No such file or directory" error and I'm certain that I did download the programs and follow the steps. Is this just unstable?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on January 09, 2019, 12:10:24 pm
same as i wrote above, you complite wrong.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on January 12, 2019, 06:52:07 pm
@K4thos: I can't really make any more progress without you. I'll show you some things I've experimented with to hopefully motivate you.

All of these were made with Ikemen, I did not use any third party apps etc.(aside from subs)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
You said that there was no point in really messing with Plus, but I would like some definitive answer to confirm this. It's been a minute & now interest has a whole is waning for all parties it seems. I suggest taking my advice and starting some type of fund program, it could also help. Otherwise we can continue where we left off last talking about the future, just reply to my pm when you see this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on January 27, 2019, 10:57:57 am
Ikemen go updated at osdn but looks like it now requires new github software thing for compile.
Nvm i figured it out.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 03, 2019, 05:01:08 am
Ikemen go updated at osdn but looks like it now requires new github software thing for compile.
Nvm i figured it out.
You should upload the compile for your peers still stuck on the first step.

Alternatively, I already have, but a previous version. Just edit the SP,etc
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
You aren't missing anything using GO. Until the mp3 thing is fixed, this isn't viable anyway, well that and various other things.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 03, 2019, 07:20:20 am
Well dee2ever,go is now have a mp3 support but i do not know how to upload exe on my computer.But it is not compitible with add004 stage water splash effects.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 03, 2019, 08:51:50 am
Put it all in a rar/zip and upload to mediafire etc. If it isn’t in your region, I can understand & wouldn’t know the alternative? Don’t worry about add004, it’s the least of worries & can easily be handled. Expedite the compiling process should be the main priority, but it’d really only be for those of us who don’t want to wait. If possible, I’d just like to see what each of you that are using it are using it for. What is it you are trying to achieve with this updated version, it may already be possible. Just waiting on local cord for full SP support, but if one wanted to go the 1.0 route, it’s already possible to build something around it. My main concern would be.. Does the author still plan to follow the roadmap as many things are already there just not enabled.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 03, 2019, 09:21:37 am
Well i couldnt upload to mediafire but i uploaded to this site Well will you help me to add add004 stage effects?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 03, 2019, 10:44:34 am
Sure, email me offline and I can help with that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 03, 2019, 10:58:33 am
Ok i will send it immediately.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 03, 2019, 10:19:27 pm
First Time using Ikemen GO in fullscreen is fine,tho it gets messed up during the second time,its working but cant open it fullscreen,resulting weird
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: marlus on February 03, 2019, 10:48:51 pm
Do you think it's possible to port Ikemen Go Plus to all platforms, including Android and iOS?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 04, 2019, 11:52:54 pm
Well i couldnt upload to mediafire but i uploaded to this site Well will you help me to add add004 stage effects?

Thanks for taking the time to compile it, I was going to do it, then got lazy with all the steps lol.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 05, 2019, 02:10:28 pm
Well its ok mate we should help each other :) Also can a moderator promote me as a contributor?It took me a while to compile it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 06, 2019, 02:19:35 pm
Do you think it's possible to port Ikemen Go Plus to all platforms, including Android and iOS?

It is.Source code is on github.Some third party people can edit and port.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 07, 2019, 10:51:20 pm
Some of characters cant run in Ikemen Go with add004,not sure if its add004s problem but this never happened in original ikemen,just renamed run state and it works fine tho,would appreciate you look into this
Zoom out option isnt really working,its zooms out like crazy,
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 14, 2019, 06:51:06 pm
OK This is another build of Ikemen Go.
The main difference with the one that Adnan uploaded is that it supports fntv2 (Ported from a fork by ShinLucho) and some bugfixes by me.

It supports most of the mugen 1.1 features (fntv2 and png sprites), localcoord in screenpacks is not supported. (In characters localcoord works)


The repo:

EDIT: In my rig the fullcolor/png sprites does not work on the Intel graphics it only works on the Nvidia for some reason...
I would like to some people test in their PC to see if Png sprites works on their end.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 14, 2019, 07:02:10 pm
OK This is another build of Ikemen Go.
The main difference with the one that Adnan uploaded is that it supports fntv2 (Ported from a fork by ShinLucho) and some bugfixes by me.

It supports most of the mugen 1.1 features (fntv2 and png sprites), localcoord in screenpacks is not supported. (In characters localcoord works)


The repo:

EDIT: In my rig the fullcolor/png sprites does not work on the Intel graphics it only works on the Nvidia for some reason...
I would like to some people test in their PC to see if Png sprites works on their end.

I have a beefed up PC, I'll be trying this tonight, I've been waiting for 1.1 features, no SP local cord kinda hurts, but I'm sure I can work around it via stage zoom and keep it at a certain value. Thanks all for the hard work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 14, 2019, 07:32:18 pm
In reality you don't have to use a locked stage zoom, localcord in stages also works.

Example of a a stage with a localcoord of 1800x1080 Justice with a localcoord of 480x360 and Heavyarms with 360x270:

Also you have to put a training character (Any character works) with the def file in "chars/Training/Training.def"

Localcoord in Ikemen works different. Mugen in widescreen with 4:3 characters cuts the bottom of the resolution.
In Ikemen the localcoord works always in a 4:3 scale and adds horizontal space.

Example: In mugen the localcoord of the stage above is 1920x1080 to display correctly. (In widescrren)
In Ikemen the localcoord of the stage above is 1800x1080 to display correctly. (In all aspect ratios)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 14, 2019, 08:54:01 pm
What else is different? Only SP stuff? Does anyone have any plans other than sp stuff? Is there anyone trying to make anything out of any of the other features?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: O Ilusionista on February 14, 2019, 09:25:59 pm
Localcoord in Ikemen works different. Mugen in widescreen with 4:3 characters cuts the bottom of the resolution.
In Ikemen the localcoord works always in a 4:3 scale and adds horizontal space.

Ikemen version makes way more sense, btw.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 14, 2019, 10:01:41 pm
Well the version that I uploaded violently crashes when using a mp3 and loading another stage. (It's supersuehiro code not mine)
That's because it calls "speaker.Init()" every time it loads a mp3 (It should be called once at the start of the program)
I haven't figured how audio works in go... maybe tomorrow i will fix it.
Maybe the mugen method of resampling (At runtime) every single audio file loaded could work...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 14, 2019, 10:06:49 pm
Is it possible to install ELECTRO's interactive stuff in this engine?I mean without coding chars.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 14, 2019, 10:13:27 pm
Well In Ikemen go it exists a [statedef -10],  [statedef -20] and a [statedef -30] that get's loaded from a common file. (It could not be loaded from inside a char folder)
It act's like [statedef -1],  [statedef -2] and a [statedef -3] but for all characters.
Also exist a common.air (For global animations for all characters) and a common.cmd. (For global commands for all character)

No clue about a common.sff though. (sff  = Sprites)

EDIT: After watching the code i think is not hard just replace the statedef -2 to statedef -20.
Paste the animation code inside the common.air

So yea it's posible.
The "Extra fun stuff" could not be done globally because of the lack of a of a common.sff (For now)
The everything else could be done without the need of modifying the individual chars.

EDIT 2: I tried this code in statedef -30 inside common.cns. (Is for a megaman style blink for half second after a combo finishes)
;Blink on Player Hit
[Statedef -30]

[State -3, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = sysvar(3) <= 0
trigger2 = sysvar(3) <= 0
trigger3 = sysvar(3) > 35
ignorehitpause = 1
sysvar(3) = 0

[State -3, VarSet]
type = VarSet
triggerall = !IsHelper
triggerall = stateno != [150,155]
trigger1 = MoveType = H
trigger1 = Time > 0
ignorehitpause = 1
sysvar(3) = 30

[State -3, VarAdd]
type = VarAdd
trigger1 = StateType != L
trigger1 = MoveType != H
trigger1 = sysvar(3) > 0
ignorehitpause = 1
sysvar(3) = -1

[State -3, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = StateType != L
trigger1 = MoveType != H
trigger1 = sysvar(3) > 0
ignorehitpause = 1
value = SCA
time = 1

[State -3, PalFX]
type = PalFX
triggerall = Alive
trigger1 = StateType != L
trigger1 = MoveType != H
trigger1 = GameTime % 4 = 0
trigger1 = sysvar(3) > 0
ignorehitpause = 1
time = 2
add = 250,250,250

It works on all characters!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 14, 2019, 11:57:20 pm
OK This is another build of Ikemen Go.
The main difference with the one that Adnan uploaded is that it supports fntv2 (Ported from a fork by ShinLucho) and some bugfixes by me.

It supports most of the mugen 1.1 features (fntv2 and png sprites), localcoord in screenpacks is not supported. (In characters localcoord works)


The repo:

EDIT: In my rig the fullcolor/png sprites does not work on the Intel graphics it only works on the Nvidia for some reason...
I would like to some people test in their PC to see if Png sprites works on their end.

Sorry if the question sounds stupid, but does that means Ikemen now supports screenpacks?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 02:18:19 am
Yes, Ikemen GO (And Ikemen GO Plus) has support for MUGEN screenpacks since the last year.

Ikemen Plus has not. (And considering that Ikemen Plus has been deprecated it never will)

EDIT:Description of the different versions of Ikemen:

Ikemen GO = Rewrite and new version of Ikemen classic. (Still receives updates)

Ikemen Go Plus = A fork of Ikemen with more features (Since late 2018 Kr4thos abandoned the project and the main Ikemen GO has implemented his features)

Ikemen / Ikemen Plus = A legacy version that is no longer updated.

Last update of Ikemen GO = 2019-01-26
Last update of Ikemen Go Plus = 2018-08-22
Last update of Ikemen = 2017-05-14
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 15, 2019, 02:32:25 am
So just to clear things up for good, if I use a MUGEN 1.0 screenpack on Ikemen GO Plus will it work just fine?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 02:37:51 am
It will load, if it uses a "HD" localcoord it will look zoomed in.
If your screenpack uses the default localcoord it will look fine.

EDIT: If you have the will to fix a HD pack you can use sprite scale and move the objects.
What screenpack you want to load?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 15, 2019, 02:47:16 am
Nothing specific in mind, I just wanted to know if I could use 1.0 screenpacks on Ikemen GO Plus so I can drop MUGEN 1.0 for good.

Example: (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 02:58:44 am
It seems that one should work.

Yea the lack of Mugen 1.1 full screenpack / lifebar support is the only reason to not switch to ikemen.
(It's seems that is the only feature of mugen that Ikemen GO haven't implemented)
Once we have that the whole community could drop Mugen 1.0/1.1.

And that the zoom is bugged (It takes the parallax into account) but that should be easy to fix
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 15, 2019, 03:01:42 am
Thanks man, I'll test it asap.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 03:05:44 am
If you plan to use the mugen 1.0/1.1 default screenpack you should download this.
It goes inside the font folder.

In mugen it's inside the exe but in ikemen should be external.

EDIT: And also Ikemen doesn't support mp3 for the moment. (I'm working on it)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 15, 2019, 03:27:29 am
Something unfortunate happened, the build you released closes imediately after launch.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 03:28:59 am
Something unfortunate happened, the build you released closes imediately after launch.

same here
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 03:45:54 am
That's because you need copy the mugen files inside the folder...

I'm gonna post a ready to use folder for download.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 15, 2019, 03:50:16 am
Since you're at it, could you please explain the exact steps on how to install a screenpack on Ikemen GO?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 03:54:16 am
That's because you need copy the mugen files inside the folder...

I'm gonna post a ready to use folder for download.

That would be awesome and much appreciated.

Since you're at it, could you please explain the exact steps on how to install a screenpack on Ikemen GO?

 MFG user ";x" formally known a ShinRei did a video sometime ago on some of the basic steps check his youtube channel.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 04:08:07 am
Here is it:

And about the screenpacks it should accept the Mugen one any without changes... (It loaded eve battle without changes)
And Ikemen doesn't use mugen.cfg it uses config.json (Created at launch)

EDIT:Image of Ikemen loading eve.

EDIT2: It doesn't load the lifebar (Replacing it with the default one work though)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 04:18:22 am
I was able to drop in mugen 1.1 and it ran perfectly. I'll try your zip and since I'm sure mine will have excess stuff. tanks again!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 15, 2019, 04:27:11 am
I tried two screenpacks here(AKOF and Mugen Fighting Jam) and both of them crash at launch.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 15, 2019, 04:33:35 am
Isn't that eve, winmugen?

You seem to be using the same old version if...
Well dee2ever,go is now have a mp3 support
If he compiled the newest exe, you are still using the old one with the same problems. You've been able to use 1.0 screen packs since vanilla Ikemen, same goes for plus.

I assume, you mean port as in drag/drop. It's not hard especially with
if you refuse to do any work then nope. Local Cord isn't supported so any SP with one will crash in GO.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 04:44:16 am
So good new and bad news...

The Good, PNG files are working and loading just fine.
The Bad: Since SP localcoord doesn't work my current WIP SP that is in 1080P looks like this lol but its a start!
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 04:55:00 am
Isn't that eve, winmugen?

You seem to be using the same old version if...
Well dee2ever,go is now have a mp3 support
If he compiled the newest exe, you are still using the old one with the same problems. You've been able to use 1.0 screen packs since vanilla Ikemen, same goes for plus.

I assume, you mean port as in drag/drop. It's not hard especially with
if you refuse to do any work then nope. Local Cord isn't supported so any SP with one will crash in GO.

The exe is custom fork (Of ikemen go not plus) of mine. (The main difrence with the other is fntv2 support and bugfixes)
And the reason because some screenpack crashes is not localcoord (You could open the new mugen 1.1 pack but it will not display properly as show on the post above) it's the lack of support of mugen quirky way of handling them.

Ikemen go support chracters up to 1.1
The screenpack/lifebar support is were it lacks.

Sadly for now i'm not working on implementing support for these screenpacks without edit.
First I have to implement local coord support and fix the mp3 loading.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 15, 2019, 05:02:01 am
Adan said it was the most updated version of Go, same as the fork. MP3 definitely is an issue, I even converted all sounds to ogg and it cuts off frequently
Tbh, I kinda got bored of waiting for local cord, but if you ever need someone to mess around with stuff with, I use Ikemen exclusively to make all my content.
So good new and bad news...

The Good, PNG files are working and loading just fine.
The Bad: Since SP localcoord doesn't work my current WIP SP that is in 1080P looks like this lol but its a start!
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Use anim scale? What would be the downside doing so with a SP, not an expert. You’ve been waiting to do that forever good, finally eh.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 05:14:31 am
Adan said it was the most updated version of Go, same as the fork. MP3 definitely is an issue, I even converted all sounds to ogg and it cuts off frequently
Tbh, I kinda got bored of waiting for local cord, but if you ever need someone to mess around with stuff with, I use Ikemen exclusively to make all my content.
So good new and bad news...

The Good, PNG files are working and loading just fine.
The Bad: Since SP localcoord doesn't work my current WIP SP that is in 1080P looks like this lol but its a start!
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Use anim scale? What would be the downside doing so with a SP, not an expert. You’ve been waiting to do that forever good, finally eh.

Yeah I've done the Anim scale, back when I was working on yours since thats all that was available. if Localcoord gets fixed man its a cake walk to make an SP, since most of the coding I'd be doing it in regular mugen shit I just tossed my system.SFF and system.def and it loaded my SP, all bloated lol but it did it, so that alone pumped me up lol. I guess it wouldnt hurt to code it straight to Ikemen, might as well learn huh, and the last time I was using anim scale I didn't see any issues with the quality, I'll be playing with this more this weekend.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 05:22:35 am
Yup, for now anim scale it's the only solution.

And about localcoord it's ovious that it k4thos will never do it. So i will do it. (I also got tired of waiting) (The exe I posted is based on this)
This is a fork that i'm making and i'm implementing localcoord (Read: working on it)
But first I have to fix the mp3 loading.

EDIT: Supersuehiro doens't have the lua screenpack files on his repo (I,m gonna see if he can post them) so the kr4tos one are the only avalible.

EDIT2: After working on fixing the mp3 i noticed that is easier to rebuild the music loading from the ground up.
Well it seems that i'm gonna work on implementing SP localcoord first. (In the weekend)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on February 15, 2019, 05:54:28 am
There is a more updated go plus versión that kathos did but forget to upload on the Github with MP3 ,fnt2 and some other things dated from September 2018
And Even there is a discord chat for the fork
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 06:35:45 am
Yes i know it infact the fnt2 in my version was backported form the version that you are refering to.
The problem with kathos mp3 support is that is buggy (cut offs) even the suehiro ogg suport doens't work well. That the reason why the music loader/streamer it needs a rewrite.

I did not used krathos fork direcly because is outdated and could not be merged with the suehiro one. (If i used it, the updates that the main version released could not be implemented with the new changes)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 09:04:24 am
Progress on screenpack localcoord.
I'm not sure about what I'm doing but it's working.

EDIT: Notice how mugen is cut's the bottom of the screen (And borders) in this screenpack (This explains why it looks so high)

EDIT2: This is the best I can do it's not perfect (p1/p2.face doesn't coordinate scale) but it the best I can do....
Kr4thos code broke my will...
(It really says something that the lua code is more complex/entangled than the go code, it even has his own custom parser)


It's 2am I'm going to sleep.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bastard Mami on February 15, 2019, 04:31:26 pm

EDIT: In my rig the fullcolor/png sprites does not work on the Intel graphics it only works on the Nvidia for some reason...
I would like to some people test in their PC to see if Png sprites works on their end.

In my engine I noticed that some intel cards would not show png sprites that were not in powers of 2 or that were in too big of a power of 2.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 05:58:24 pm
Progress on screenpack localcoord.
I'm not sure about what I'm doing but it's working.

EDIT: Notice how mugen is cut's the bottom of the screen (And borders) in this screenpack (This explains why it looks so high)

EDIT2: This is the best I can do it's not perfect (p1/p2.face doesn't coordinate scale) but it the best I can do....
Kr4thos code broke my will...
(It really says something that the lua code is more complex/entangled than the go code, it even has his own custom parser)


It's 2am I'm going to sleep.

Tha's a hell of good start though, alignment of portraits, is not much of an issue, and can be fixed manually. Your doing good brother.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on February 15, 2019, 06:42:24 pm
It seems that this starts to get interesting. A lot of desire to have a full version to start working on it. Thank you very much for all the work done to date.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on February 15, 2019, 08:07:27 pm
Yup, for now anim scale it's the only solution.

And about localcoord it's ovious that it k4thos will never do it. So i will do it. (I also got tired of waiting) (The exe I posted is based on this)
This is a fork that i'm making and i'm implementing localcoord (Read: working on it)
But first I have to fix the mp3 loading.

EDIT: Supersuehiro doens't have the lua screenpack files on his repo (I,m gonna see if he can post them) so the kr4tos one are the only avalible.

EDIT2: After working on fixing the mp3 i noticed that is easier to rebuild the music loading from the ground up.
Well it seems that i'm gonna work on implementing SP localcoord first. (In the weekend)

That was the reason why i dropped all audio stuff that has to be related to Openal (all the audio support in fact) in my ikemen go plus sdl fork, for now there is only partial SDL support video only related stuff, but i was using old kathos ikemen go plus releases as a base; maybe i need to better focus on port the newest official supersuehiro ikemen go engine and start again using sdl2 instead of sdl1 for more compatibility.

Progress on screenpack localcoord.
I'm not sure about what I'm doing but it's working.

EDIT: Notice how mugen is cut's the bottom of the screen (And borders) in this screenpack (This explains why it looks so high)

EDIT2: This is the best I can do it's not perfect (p1/p2.face doesn't coordinate scale) but it the best I can do....
Kr4thos code broke my will...
(It really says something that the lua code is more complex/entangled than the go code, it even has his own custom parser)

Those are few for very hard issues due to opengl glew , there are many problems on intel graphics, nvidia graphics and radeon graphics cards related to only opengl software.
And furthermore full SDL will solve many many many of this but is as heavy as re-make the entire engine code, is that the reason for the delay...

But having an almost retro compatible mugen engine given the circumstances that you are continue debuging it's to greatly thank you.
And if you want the 32 bits and 64 bits windows exes i have both toolchains to compile it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 08:26:20 pm
You are making a SDL fork? Awesome! I would like to see you repo.

And for the people interested in localcoord: I decided that editing the k4atos lua files was a waste (I simply cant understand his code) so I edited the lua command parser so it supports screenpack scale.

It maybe be ready today or tomorrow (But don't count on it)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 15, 2019, 08:30:18 pm
You are making a SDL fork? Awesome! I would like to see you repo.

And for the people interested in localcoord: I decided that editing the k4atos lua files was a waste (I simply cant understand his code) so I edited the lua command parser so it supports screenpack scale.

It maybe be ready today or tomorrow (But don't count on it)

Take your time, the fact that we are getting improvements, it's exiting.   
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 15, 2019, 08:43:53 pm
Thanks for the support!

Anyway now I can say that localcoord support is finished. (The only thing that does not scale is the mugen logo but that is only one sprite)


Now I only have to add widescreen support for the screenpack before release.

EDIT: Localcoord in the system file does't work (As i said I dot know how the kh4atos lua parser works)
To make this screenpack work you have to add "setLuaSpriteScale(3)" to main.lua (I know it annoying but is only temporal)
52 lines of code but only because at the start I wasted time trying to edit the lua file (The changes were all GO code)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 15, 2019, 09:01:58 pm
It’s like every other post you guys spell his name worse than before lol. Not important, I was just cracking up. I’ll mess with it more later as well. I was going to talk about some other things, but I suppose getting this out of the way first would be ideal before taking on other things.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 16, 2019, 04:55:09 am
Well here is the required mugen files for ikemen. It's the mugen zip with removed unnecessary (For ikemen) files

And the Ikemen build with "localcoord support"

Important: You have to modify the lifebar font loading to load from the font folder.
Original: font1 = enter48.def
Ikemen:  font1 = font/enter48.def

Also the localcoord parameters don't get loaded from the default files you have to modify them in "screenpack.lua"
(I will implement loading from files latter)
EXAMPLE for a localcoord of 720:

Because 240 * 3 = 720

EDIT: If ikemen crashes (For some reason) you can find the error inside the log.txt file inside the debug folder.
PS: It only took 1 day and half to implement screenpack localcoord support. That was fast!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 16, 2019, 05:09:01 am
Damn dude you're fast, good stuff.

Whats next? MP3 support!?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 16, 2019, 06:38:27 am
MangeX, do you have any specific plans? I’m really interested in the things previously purposed. Remember back when K4thos said a new button had been added? If start could be pause and trigger the actual pause as it does on the keyboard, select could be the taunt. Instead of building a pause screen in the characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 16, 2019, 08:24:37 am
Damn dude you're fast, good stuff.

Whats next? MP3 support!?

Yup Mp3/Wav/Flac support and after that lifebar localcoord support. (And fix the options menu when scaled) But I have college exams next week so I will be busy

Remember back when K4thos said a new button had been added? If start could be pause and trigger the actual pause as it does on the keyboard, select could be the taunt. Instead of building a pause screen in the characters.

I'm not MangeX but I can answer that Supersuehiro added in ikemen go two buttons W and V (Displayed inside the input menu as L and R) the buttons are command button. (Used like a, x , c, etc)
But, with a little of coding I (or MangeX) can add the option to remap the pause button, even add one for every player (Ikemen supports a unlimited number of human controlled players/characters so that means that a 8 vs 8 with every single character begin controlled by a human is posible)

Also MangeX, like ;x im also interested in Ikemen SDL
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 16, 2019, 09:25:35 am
Okay, also suggesting something similar to training that most people universally use, a standard pause menu screen. I plan to implement movelists etc this way, I'm not simply making requests, I can put any amount of work in necessary with some kind of direction. Yes, using the engine pause would be ideal.. You've been able to use multiple inputs since vanilla ikemen. A lot of this stuff seems new I guess as there was only ever a handful of users messing with this. Years later, not much is different other than most people dropping mugen in general. Seemingly why k4thos also lost interest.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 16, 2019, 09:49:26 am
Well if you want to try it yourself here is the source code.

The pause menu gets called via lua.
Maybe You/I could create a lua function that returns the command list.

This is the command list struct

type CommandList struct {
Buffer            *CommandBuffer
Names             map[string]int
Commands          [][]Command
DefaultTime       int32
DefaultBufferTime int32

Is inside char.go
Lua functions are in script.go
What are you trying to do is very ambitious, I could provide some help but as I said I'm gonna be very busy this week.

EDIT: After some test ikemen stores command names like. (lua.LTable(c.cmd[0].Names[<Inset command name here>]) so i'm not sure on how to recover it as a table
And it crossed my mind the problem on how to check if a command is shown on the command list.

This code throws a error in VS Codebut shoul give you an idea on how to load the char data. (Goes in scr.go)
	luaRegister(l, "getcommandNames", func(*lua.LState) int {
if sys.netInput == nil && sys.fileInput == nil {
level := int32(numArg(l, 1))[sys.debugWC.playerNo] = level
for _, c := range sys.chars[sys.debugWC.playerNo] {
return 0

Maybe this is a bit overkill but why not make the individual character have a individual file with his own commands?

PS: Who could have through that displaying a command list is harder than interactive stages. (Making a stage his own char)
PS2: Maybe I'm talking crap and is a easy way to display character commands. (It's 2am again here and I should sleep)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 16, 2019, 10:02:03 am
Okay, cool. I appreciate you. I’m not as ambitious, I just want to preserve this stuff for as long as I possibly can by showing the possibility with concepts. This engine stuff may do that for some people. For those still interested in this kinda thing, leaves some window of opportunity. When I get time, I’ll try messing with it, I haven’t even touched Go in a minute.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 16, 2019, 10:08:05 am
I tested out the localcoord, mugen at 720p defaul sp looked fine it scaled accurately, although when I added my own system.sff/system.def, I got the below and when i attempt to correct the position, it cut off, it only displays that portion no mater what i do.  I'll play with it some more tomorrow morning.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 16, 2019, 10:13:00 am
Maybe you should try to mess with.

The required value varies by screenpack and resolution.
for example the winmugen pack requires.
main.screenOverscan = -53

MUGEN is really quirky with screenpacks.

EDIT: I see that is too zoomed in, Do you know that you have to edit the values inside screenpack.lua
And uncomment them. (The commented lines of code in lu have a "--")

Send me the screenpack If you couldn't find what is wrong.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 16, 2019, 10:16:18 am
Maybe you should try to mess with.

The required value varies by screenpack and resolution.
for example the winmugen pack requires.
main.screenOverscan = -53

MUGEN is really quirky with screenpacks.

I did mess with the
setLuaSpriteOffsetX(), but not the main.screenOverscan. I'll play withe values. Thanks!
yes thats exactly were i'm changing the values. I'll see what I can do. its only a test, the SP I want to implement is a 1080P i'm just playing with it for trial and error.

yeah I figures out the "--" part,

-- Screenpack config file

main.screenOverscan = 0

I'll play with the values and see what I get Thanks again
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Hephaistos31 on February 16, 2019, 10:58:34 am
Wolf release your SP NAAAAOOOOOOW!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 16, 2019, 11:22:41 am
Wolf release your SP NAAAAOOOOOOW!

HA! keep on waiting Heph! LOL

@Gacel: Some more trials, If you run the default 720P mugen version it looks good see below screen shot

720P mugen version - The reason I belive it looks good is its not truely 720P sprites, most are small sprites that have been tiled via code.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Same SP versus screen now, the BG is exactly 720P and it does the same thing as  the Screen shot I showed you a few post above for my SP
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
no matter what value I change it either moved it but it kept it chopped missing a portion of the image, why I have no idea?
Its a start though, thanks for all the hard work your putting into this
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Hephaistos31 on February 16, 2019, 12:06:39 pm
You'll probably burn in Hell for this, you know it! :D
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PundiGandiHeYessapaMudesiNaye on February 16, 2019, 01:40:19 pm
Can someone tell me why IKEMEN Go Plus doesn't work/connect with Xinput(Xbox360 Cabled Gamepad)?
Normally on every Mugen/Ikemen/Ikemen+ works but ikemen go+ not.
I dunno what i've been missed, or something misunderstand.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 16, 2019, 02:17:00 pm
It's working for me.Make sure you get the latest verison.If you cant change buttons then edit config.json file in data folder.Also gacel,can you add interactive mugen in next update?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PundiGandiHeYessapaMudesiNaye on February 16, 2019, 04:51:00 pm
It's working for me.Make sure you get the latest verison.If you cant change buttons then edit config.json file in data folder.Also gacel,can you add interactive mugen in next update?

And were?
Not that "Button":[bla,etc,...]
I've already tried, and not working.
When press a Button on my xinput cabled controller, it doesn't show an reaction.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 16, 2019, 05:17:58 pm
Then im really sure you are using old version of ikemen go.K4thos repo is outdated.Update your exe.If you cant then install joytokey software.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 16, 2019, 05:29:23 pm
Hope you can mess with zoomout settings as well Gacel
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on February 16, 2019, 06:36:45 pm
I try with my screenpack and not work... Animations are stopped in the intro and the program crashes when arrives at the title screen, here I post the error.
Any idea? Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on February 16, 2019, 07:35:44 pm
A question for all of you:
I´m doing this project..
is a good choice that I migrate all of this mugen 1.1 project into the last version of Ikemen that is... Ikemen go plus (maybe?).

Considering that this engine will grow too..
Supports HD resolution and is the same way to code like mugen?
And there are a easy way to install this engine?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on February 16, 2019, 08:33:29 pm
Is anyone else experiencing audio cut-off/injection delay in regards to character sounds? I think it's an issue with sounds playing on the same channel.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 16, 2019, 08:59:50 pm
A question for all of you:
I´m doing this project..
is a good choice that I migrate all of this mugen 1.1 project into the last version of Ikemen that is... Ikemen go plus (maybe?).

Considering that this engine will grow too..
Supports HD resolution and is the same way to code like mugen?
And there are a easy way to install this engine?

The character code works the same as mugen no changes.
HD resolutions works on characters and stages the same as mugen.

The screenpack support well... It woks but not fully.
And lifebars does not support HD resolutions. (For now)

Making full screenpack support is a problem because of the k4thos code used to implement them and the weird way that screenpack works in MUGEN (Mugen is very lenient with errors in screenpacks)

Is anyone else experiencing audio cut-off/injection delay in regards to character sounds? I think it's an issue with sounds playing on the same channel.

That's because of the openAL implementation I will rewrite the audio system later.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 16, 2019, 09:19:43 pm
Is anyone else experiencing audio cut-off/injection delay in regards to character sounds? I think it's an issue with sounds playing on the same channel.
It’s the music, not character sounds
A question for all of you:
I´m doing this project..
is a good choice that I migrate all of this mugen 1.1 project into the last version of Ikemen that is... Ikemen go plus (maybe?).

Considering that this engine will grow too..
Supports HD resolution and is the same way to code like mugen?
And there are a easy way to install this engine?
Literally, the only real setback for you would be the 1.1 SP implementation. No reason for you not to. I suggest just adding a few of your characters to it and playing around with it. Most importantly, you need this.( You could already do 3v3 since years ago, no one had built anything for it. You don't need some crazy workaround either.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You can also experiment with this sample, or the one Gacel posted.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

All content on my channel, using Ikemen and I’ve done visual comparisons, using same stage etc. You won’t know until you try, you don’t have anything to lose trying.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I know you are watching, so I'll also show this.. Just imagine this with your setup etc Name display was always the only thing.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Old video, but I've been messing with this for years, name display was always the only setback.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Team attacks and the like, all trivial, doesn't matter if Ikemen or Mugen
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Also, side note, my life bars are 1280x720 and also work 1920x1080 so not completely true.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PundiGandiHeYessapaMudesiNaye on February 16, 2019, 11:52:04 pm
Then im really sure you are using old version of ikemen go.K4thos repo is outdated.Update your exe.If you cant then install joytokey software.

Okay, i've updated now, only "the configuration for Gamepad"/input.go it sucks, but thanks man.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 17, 2019, 12:01:45 am
That's a great summary ";x"!
How do you make a HD liferbar in ikemen? (You used sprite scale?)

xxJoe_NoeFER94xx Here is a Updated EXE from my fork:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 17, 2019, 12:03:48 am
Nah that lifebar iş done through coding and fightfx completely different
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 17, 2019, 12:05:07 am
Also his lifebar is not HD, he uses PCX files just scaled to 720P, it does look nice though!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on February 17, 2019, 12:09:46 am
It’s the music, not character sounds
I know what I said. They're both issues.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 17, 2019, 12:36:51 am
I use a combination of code and scale fyi. HD as in NON, indexes which I already did with the previous SP and LB before converting it back to 1.0.
It’s the music, not character sounds
I know what I said. They're both issues.
I’m not “telling” you asked, never have had issues with character sounds, only music, but whatever.

Gacel, when you get the chance, if you want to work on some stuff, email me please.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 17, 2019, 12:44:50 am
Hey HUNGRY WOLF here is a updated script folder this fixes the screenpack cutoff.


Gacel, when you get the chance, if you want to work on some stuff, email me please.

Wen I start fully working on it again (By the next weekend) I will let you know.

Also you can fork (Or clone) the code of my repo on github.
Experiment and get familiarized with the code.

The compiler that I use is MSYS2 mingw64.
you can download it at

(I do not recomend using TDM-GCC it's very outdated)

EDIT: I screwed up the upload you have to uncomment "main.normalSpriteCenter = 0" inside main.lua
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PundiGandiHeYessapaMudesiNaye on February 17, 2019, 01:02:46 am
xxJoe_NoeFER94xx Here is a Updated EXE from my fork:

Thanks Gacel, but the problem is still the same, when i've tried to cursor moving or one of the Buttons, it doesn't work like the gamepad button configuration, only the default, not the current Button configuration.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 17, 2019, 01:07:48 am
Ikemen does not have a gamepad configuration (In gui at least)
You have to modify the "JoystickConfig" inside the config.json file.

This one

Trivia: you can add more than 2 players for 4 player (Or more) support
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PundiGandiHeYessapaMudesiNaye on February 17, 2019, 01:31:07 am
Ikemen does not have a gamepad configuration (In gui at least)
You have to modify the "JoystickConfig" inside the config.json file.

This one

Trivia: you can add more than 2 players for 4 player (Or more) support

why do you written JoystickConfig instead of KeyConfig?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 17, 2019, 01:42:57 am
The full config.json file created by ikekemn go at launch
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

As you can see "JoystickConfig" and "KeyConfig" are two separate things.
There is no way of configuring "JoystickConfig" from inside the engine.

Basic things about joystick config the minus are controller axis and the positives are controller buttons.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PundiGandiHeYessapaMudesiNaye on February 17, 2019, 01:51:42 am
The full config.json file created by ikekemn go at launch
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

As you can see "JoystickConfig" and "KeyConfig" are two separate things.
There is no way of configuring "JoystickConfig" from inside the engine.

Basic things about joystick config the minus are controller axis and the positives are controller buttons.

Fuck, it worked, but the y axis buttons is reversed.
Thanks Gacel. :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 17, 2019, 01:58:49 am
I think their is a bug in arcade mode, you fight the same first order character over and over and you dont move to the next order character.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 17, 2019, 02:03:24 am

Fixed the controller config menu!

I think their is a bug in arcade mode, you fight the same first order character over and over and you dont move to the next order character.

I'll look into it!

UPDATE: There is no round limit...
How I didn't noticed this before?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 17, 2019, 02:38:55 am
Hey HUNGRY WOLF here is a updated script folder this fixes the screenpack cutoff.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

EDIT: I screwed up the upload you have to uncomment "main.normalSpriteCenter = 0" inside main.lua

works good man, Here it is at 1080P, I added a few sprites/animations to see what it would look like, smooth! I'll be playing with it some more,
The only weird thing is that it skipped my versus screen, but I'm definitely sure that was my fault. If I see anything weird I'll report back.
Keep at it brother your doing some good things here.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on February 17, 2019, 12:16:01 pm
Only one thing, can ikemen go work the new mugen1.1 air functions? Interpolate Angle, blend, etc? In my case, maybe this is the reason that ikemen closes. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 17, 2019, 11:29:19 pm

These should work.
After some test these works (Mugen 1.1 air file scale) In the image above the lazer uses .air (Animation file) rotation and scale.

You can check the crash cause inside the log.txt file inside the debug folder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 17, 2019, 11:59:04 pm
thanks for all the work you put on Ikemen go.
Have you found the problem with the rounds?
how do i fix it?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 18, 2019, 04:06:10 am
I won't answer anything for a couple of weeks (Maybe even more) my family lost a loved one (My father) at an early age.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 18, 2019, 05:06:44 am
Oh shit man...

My condolences to you and your family, take your time and get well.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 18, 2019, 05:23:07 am
Sorry for your loss! Que en paz descanse.
Take your time, this will still be here when you return.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on February 18, 2019, 06:04:54 pm
My condolences. Te acompaño en el sentimiento.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 20, 2019, 01:08:36 am
Condolences, very tough thing, be with your family.

And switching back to topic, does anyone feel the IKEMEN faqs need to be updated? I feel they are quite outdated, with many conflicting things. I keep reading how IKEMEN GO is the latest, how Ikemen Plus was abandoned, but now there are so much forks etc, things that have happened that not much has been commented on. MP3 support wasnt in GO from what I heard, but its in Ikemen Plus 0.3 (contrary to what some old comments said). I've read there was no such thing as that among other things, because for me Ikemen Plus 0.3 seems more updated than the GO variant. Am I going crazy? It seems its the oposite, GO is outdated and Ikemen Plus is the better updated option, even though both are now deprecated. Why does GO seem less compatible then Plus 0.3? I thought the regular Plus was deprecated? Anyway, 0.3 is the one I stuck to because everything worked.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on February 20, 2019, 01:24:09 am
Long story short, Ikemen Go was built to be more like mugen(not using lua etc) easier to setup and use. If you use Ikemen plus, you will have to learn some basic lua stuff or just experiment. Ikemen GO, uses the default mugen style of coding. It was discontinued before it caught up. Everything was just on the “roadmap” plans for future features that were never implemented. As they were never implemented and may never be, no need to use it. Ikemen plus is the most stable. What exactly are you trying to do? You can still do everything you want to do and just port over to any, it’s not like you are stuck with one. The few guys that are were on Go updates, they want to use mugen 1.1 stuff, if you don’t intend to use 1.1 stuff what is the issue?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 20, 2019, 02:52:48 am
Really honestly its just basic stuff like getting localcoord to work right etc, the way its supposed to display, but that was while I was still on GO and GO Plus. Ikemen Plus does these things quite fine.  I switched back to Ikemen Plus because I noticed it just had more things and more stable. and yeah I found I literally had to not do much for it to work with Ikemen Plus. I think for me right now Ikemen Plus is doing everything I want it to, just thought it was quite confusing when I saw posts about how Ikemen plus was deprecated and 0.4 would not be released because the "new" thing is Ikemen GO, which I tried and had less compatiblity. Still initially it was all confusing, and like I said I ended up on Ikemen Plus again after comparing, its clear that Ikemen Plus is more stable and developed. I'm pretty happy with it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 20, 2019, 04:25:37 am
And sorry one more thing, How did you get multiple lifebars for more than 2 characters on each side? EDIT: I figured it out, it was way more simple than I thought. The more I dig in the crazier cool it gets, this is really powerful.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 21, 2019, 05:54:42 pm
Guys,good news here gacels work has been merged to OSDN!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 21, 2019, 06:23:13 pm
is it on suehiro's osdn or where should I be looking? From what I see Gacel and Suehiro have been doing some recent work, gacel implemented all the stuff he posted here and suehiro last fixed a bunch of stuff and even added mp3 support. It'd be nice for a merge of both
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 21, 2019, 06:36:16 pm
is it on suehiro's osdn or where should I be looking? From what I see Gacel and Suehiro have been doing some recent work, gacel implemented all the stuff he posted here and suehiro last fixed a bunch of stuff and even added mp3 support. It'd be nice for a merge of both

Already it is.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 21, 2019, 07:02:20 pm
nevermind, just saw it. thats sweet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 21, 2019, 07:07:12 pm
No seeing it, can I get a link to the info? ... I need coffee.

Edit - Just noticed it, see I did need coffee lol.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 21, 2019, 10:47:47 pm
Has anyone been able to compile this one? Since it uses new extensions like BEEP for mp3, so you cant compile it like the abandonded ikemen go plus right?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 21, 2019, 11:30:02 pm
Is anyone else experiencing audio cut-off/injection delay in regards to character sounds? I think it's an issue with sounds playing on the same channel.

I know you are watching, so I'll also show this.. Just imagine this with your setup etc Name display was always the only thing.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Old video, but I've been messing with this for years, name display was always the only setback.

but, name display for 3+ players already works for ikemen plus

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 22, 2019, 10:27:22 am
Has anyone been able to compile this one? Since it uses new extensions like BEEP for mp3, so you cant compile it like the abandonded ikemen go plus right?

You have to download the new build from osdn then tap get, you will download all the files from repo then paste inside the ikemen folder the script folder from gacel latest build.  place all the necessary mugen files for ikemen (chars, stages) gacel has a zip file with necessary mugen files a couple pages back at this thread. After you place all those files inside the ikemen folder press windows build icon and an ikemen exe will be created. Mp3 sound works and tested cvs2 screenpack for winmugen that also works.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 22, 2019, 05:55:38 pm
Has anyone been able to compile this one? Since it uses new extensions like BEEP for mp3, so you cant compile it like the abandonded ikemen go plus right?

You have to download the new build from osdn then tap get, you will download all the files from repo then paste inside the ikemen folder the script folder from gacel latest build.  place all the necessary mugen files for ikemen (chars, stages) gacel has a zip file with necessary mugen files a couple pages back at this thread. After you place all those files inside the ikemen folder press windows build icon and an ikemen exe will be created. Mp3 sound works and tested cvs2 screenpack for winmugen that also works.

It would be pretty awesome if you shared that compiled folder with all those files, I'm sure everyone and I would be very great full of your contribution.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 22, 2019, 06:10:25 pm
ok i will try.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 22, 2019, 06:27:06 pm
Just built it and its way more stable and developed than my previous GO build I had, very nice!!! And so far retains all the fun features of Ikemen Plus, still testing it out but it does fix SFF angle rotations. There's a bug where projectiles dont pause in superpause, but helpers (that act as projectiles) will pause fine, but this has always been the case since the development of ikemen. Other than that its running very well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 22, 2019, 06:31:03 pm
Has anyone been able to compile this one? Since it uses new extensions like BEEP for mp3, so you cant compile it like the abandonded ikemen go plus right?

You have to download the new build from osdn then tap get, you will download all the files from repo then paste inside the ikemen folder the script folder from gacel latest build.  place all the necessary mugen files for ikemen (chars, stages) gacel has a zip file with necessary mugen files a couple pages back at this thread. After you place all those files inside the ikemen folder press windows build icon and an ikemen exe will be created. Mp3 sound works and tested cvs2 screenpack for winmugen that also works.

It would be pretty awesome if you shared that compiled folder with all those files, I'm sure everyone and I would be very great full of your contribution.

Here's the latest sources compiled:

Its my folder but ignore those godzilla characters, you can delete em. I Readded duck hunt and that other bonus game too, but get rid of em if you want.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 22, 2019, 06:41:05 pm

Latest version from osdn supersuehiro using gacel's script file 15-02-19 version with mugen files.
If you have screenpack problems use updated script files from gacel zippy share one page back at this thread.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 22, 2019, 09:24:22 pm
yep nevermind,although cant get 1.0 screenpack to work on it even tho hungry wolf seems to pull it off a little bit
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 22, 2019, 09:26:12 pm
oto: NewContext can be called only once
goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:*LState).PCall.func1(0x8fa338, 0xc00005a280, 0xc000077c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x650
panic(0x821c20, 0x962a70)
   C:/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:513 +0x1c7, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2580, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x2a8, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2580, 0x2580, 0x2580, 0x1)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x54, 0x960, 0x0, 0x0)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x16f
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/src/sound.go:377 +0x183
main.(*Bgm).Open(0x7c8a68, 0xc000fe4300, 0x15)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/src/sound.go:364 +0x12a
main.scriptCommonInit.func14(0xc00005a280, 0x967400)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/src/script.go:197 +0x5f, 0x0, 0x1)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x47, 0x7c0c0202, 0xc000196000, 0x0)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x39b, 0xc000196000)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0xe1*LState).callR(0xc00005a280, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x24e*LState).Call(0xc00005a280, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0x4f*LState).PCall(0xc00005a280, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x964600, 0xc0011c3f80)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0xe1*LState).DoFile(0xc00005a280, 0xc000060900, 0xf, 0x964920, 0xc0000c52f0)
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/go/src/ +0xc9
   C:/Users/Jim/Desktop/ikemen_go-8644bb1/src/main.go:235 +0x15c2

stack traceback:
   [G]: in function 'playBGM'
   script/main.lua:674: in function 'f_resetBG'
   .\script\select.lua:704: in function 'f_selectAdvance'
   script/main.lua:1542: in function 'f_mainMenu'
   script/main.lua:2116: in main chunk
   [G]: ?

tried new one,do I compile this in a different way?

Try Bejeeta's upload, thats weird.

Also yeah I still can't use 1.0 screenpack either, I'm not sure what they did to get it working. I used Gacel's scripts too in the previous page with the edit he made on the post as well. For me its just a black screen, or if local coord = 1280,720 on the regular screenpack it doesnt fill the screen properly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 22, 2019, 09:26:34 pm
its cool I got it to work,tho it doesnt work with 1.0 screenpacks and breaks main lua sometimes

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 23, 2019, 12:18:20 am
its cool I got it to work,tho it doesnt work with 1.0 screenpacks and breaks main lua sometimes

I got the default ikemen screenpack to be widescreen by editing the screenpack lua, you have to make sure to uncomment the paremeters or else theyll do nothing. but other than that, yeah, 1.0 still doesnt work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on February 23, 2019, 06:22:19 pm
No seeing it, can I get a link to the info? ... I need coffee.

Edit - Just noticed it, see I did need coffee lol.

Finish your SP already :@

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 24, 2019, 02:12:56 am
yep nevermind,although cant get 1.0 screenpack to work on it even tho hungry wolf seems to pull it off a little bit

The new builds aren't displaying 1.1 sprites for me either, I'm also getting the black screen.  Only the build by Gacel is displaying properly. With limitations of course.

No seeing it, can I get a link to the info? ... I need coffee.

Edit - Just noticed it, see I did need coffee lol.

Finish your SP already : lol
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2019, 03:52:06 am
I'm back, time to answer things.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That error is becuase NeatUnsou/Suehiro MP3 support is broken as my version disables it for that reason.
I'm planing to rewrite the audio system later.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That's weird... (The PNG sprite stuff)
Remember that the repo that implemented my changes was the NeatUnsou one

OK, I will post the way that I compile the engine. (On windows)
At this point TDM-GCC is very outdated and unsupported, so I use MSYS2.

Part 1: Setting up the compiler (This is only required to do one time)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Part 2: Buildidng the code (This is the easy part)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Also I will post the compiled exe from the NeatUnsou repo in a moment.

Plus the last commit I think it fixes the round numbers bug and the mp3 support (Plus a load of other bugfixes)
Fixed an empty palette as it is when sffv2's palette number is less than MaxPalNo
Fix for the moment that it falls on mp3 add-on loading
There is a bug that the round does not end so we will return Win related updates

Also thanks to NeatUnsou fixing the Beep ( implementation that means that we could support OGG, MP3 and FLAC trough Beep and ditch openAL without much changes to the code!

I compiled but it seems that the render is not working...
I will look to see what happens.

Good news: At least the audio is fixed.

It seems to only happen with the new screenpacks... (For example the default mugen 1.0 one)
I have to see what changed between my code and the NeatUnsou one.

EDIT 4: (Boy this is a lot of edits)
So I discovered the commit that broke everything.
Is this one

Specifically it was the changes to redder.go
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 24, 2019, 05:49:30 am
First off, welcome back Gacel, hope all is well.
I should have explained myself when I said yours works with limitations, it was meant towards the full localcoord support in the lifebars.
Other than that your build was displaying 32 bit sprites perfectly.

Do you mind providing a pre set up build, like you did before. That’s a butt load of work lol, and I’m currently installing multiple adobe softwares.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Koopa901 on February 24, 2019, 06:09:41 am
Tell him.......NOOO!!!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2019, 06:17:00 am
From now on I will upload the releases to github.

And as always the required mugen files.

From now I will not upload a new release until I:
- Implement localcoord for lifebars.
- Or Remove the openAL dependencies.
- Or Fix the infinite rounds bug.

Anyways if someone wants to compile the builds himself it's not that hard and I posted the build instructions.
(Honestly sooner or later we need a new tread that could be updated because K4thos left the development)

I could ask something HUNGRY WOLF?
How many time have you been creating that screenpack?
The way that people talk about it seems like have been a looong time. (Half life 3 release date meme time)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 24, 2019, 06:25:15 am
Tell him.......NOOO!!!!

Mind yo bizz hoe! Unless you wanna get cut! LoL, Sup Koppa!

From now on I will upload the releases to github.

And as always the required mugen files.

From now I will not upload a new release until I:
- Implement localcoord for lifebars.
- Or Remove the openAL dependencies.
- Or Fix the infinite rounds bug.

Anyways if someone wants to compile the builds himself it's not that hard and I posted the build instructions.
(Honestly sooner or later we need a new tread that could be updated because K4thos left the development)

Gracias Gacel!
Take your time, and fix what needs to be fixed. I agree a new thread would help contain what you are working on and cause less confusion from what was done/ others.

Edit: All is working fine, Mp3 files are playing fine as well. Thanks for the hard work.

LOL I just noticed what you wrote, yeah My SP has gone through so many changes, its been changed like 4-5 revamps no Joke.  Although most of the previous versions it went through I gave out test releases to few ppl, and yes its been more than 3 years lol.
These people here just want my privates Private wip lol.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on February 24, 2019, 07:00:43 am
Great to see you again Gacel! Waiting more news from you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on February 24, 2019, 07:19:46 am
Actually the life bars seem to appear better not all huge, and making it more playable. On my end I'm sure they appear not perfect is because I'm running it at 1080P, and I would have to make them that size, some good progress here!  :nuttrox:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2019, 07:22:18 am
Well I added FLAC support to IKememn GO.
It was easier than I expected. Just 15 lines of code. :megusta:

About the lifebars, I will now work on localcoord support tomorrow.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 24, 2019, 04:33:51 pm
Theres something wrong in ikemen go.When you try to do special moves of your chars.It is easier to execute on right side than left side.However this doesnt exist on mugen 1.0/1.1 as you can execute moves easier on both sides.Also can you add interactive stuff on your next update?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2019, 05:57:26 pm
Theres something wrong in ikemen go.When you try to do special moves of your chars.It is easier to execute on right side than left side.However this doesnt exist on mugen 1.0/1.1 as you can execute moves easier on both sides.Also can you add interactive stuff on your next update?

Maybe Is your keyboard, I will search a way to test frame perfect stuff to see if is a problem with the engine.

Characters as stages (Interactive Stages), maybe will be a new feature but first SuperSuehiro, NeatUnsou and I have to finish the core parts of Ikemen (On my end is full lifebar support) after that I will consider adding features beyond the one already in MUGEN.

For now you can use Statedef -20 and -30 (In common1.cns) to make global coding on all characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on February 24, 2019, 06:35:37 pm
hi, I need two helps:
1. how to disable ducking sound effect while fighting?
2. how to hide players in game? in mugen, we can do such by pressing:
- ctrl+alt+1 = hides player 1
- ctrl+alt+2 = hides player 2
- ctrl+alt+3 = hides player 3
- ctrl+alt+4 = hides player 4
can we do the same in Ikemen too?
pls help...thanks in advance
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 24, 2019, 06:40:57 pm
Gacel our saviour!!! Thank you for the hard work!!!! Very grateful to have someone pick up what was abandoned by K4thos! I was wondering Gacel, are you aware of superpauses not pausing projectiles? I was testing out and when a character does a sper pause and the enemy shoots a projectile before it, the projectile does not pause. Only helpers pause. Bug?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 24, 2019, 07:16:58 pm
Theres something wrong in ikemen go.When you try to do special moves of your chars.It is easier to execute on right side than left side.However this doesnt exist on mugen 1.0/1.1 as you can execute moves easier on both sides.Also can you add interactive stuff on your next update?

Maybe Is your keyboard, I will search a way to test frame perfect stuff to see if is a problem with the engine.

Characters as stages (Interactive Stages), maybe will be a new feature but first SuperSuehiro, NeatUnsou and I have to finish the core parts of Ikemen (On my end is full lifebar support) after that I will consider adding features beyond the one already in MUGEN.

For now you can use Statedef -20 and -30 (In common1.cns) to make global coding on all characters.

Well i tried again on mugen 1.1 i can do special moves on all sides easily.But in ikemen go,i cant do.For example i cant do kaiser wave on left side but i can do it easily on right side.Also thanks i will try to add those.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2019, 07:23:59 pm
hi, I need two helps:
1. how to disable ducking sound effect while fighting?
2. how to hide players in game? in mugen, we can do such by pressing:
- ctrl+alt+1 = hides player 1
- ctrl+alt+2 = hides player 2
- ctrl+alt+3 = hides player 3
- ctrl+alt+4 = hides player 4
can we do the same in Ikemen too?
pls help...thanks in advance

Ducking sound effect?
In my end there is no sound when ducking.

How to hide players in game?
For now Ikemen has not this feature.

Gacel our saviour!!! Thank you for the hard work!!!! Very grateful to have someone pick up what was abandoned by K4thos! I was wondering Gacel, are you aware of superpauses not pausing projectiles? I was testing out and when a character does a sper pause and the enemy shoots a projectile before it, the projectile does not pause. Only helpers pause. Bug?

OK I will check fixing it wouldn't be too hard.

Also I'm not the the only active developer there are also.

Suehiro: (The main developer and creator of ikemen)

NeatUnsou: (He/She is the responsible of the MP3 support and loads of MUGEN compatibility)

Theres something wrong in ikemen go.When you try to do special moves of your chars.It is easier to execute on right side than left side.However this doesnt exist on mugen 1.0/1.1 as you can execute moves easier on both sides.Also can you add interactive stuff on your next update?

Maybe Is your keyboard, I will search a way to test frame perfect stuff to see if is a problem with the engine.

Characters as stages (Interactive Stages), maybe will be a new feature but first SuperSuehiro, NeatUnsou and I have to finish the core parts of Ikemen (On my end is full lifebar support) after that I will consider adding features beyond the one already in MUGEN.

For now you can use Statedef -20 and -30 (In common1.cns) to make global coding on all characters.

Well i tried again on mugen 1.1 i can do special moves on all sides easily.But in ikemen go,i cant do.For example i cant do kaiser wave on left side but i can do it easily on right side.Also thanks i will try to add those.

That's worrying, I will test later but I have to find something to test frame perfect inputs. (Maybe autohotkey will work?)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on February 24, 2019, 07:35:33 pm
Can you show me example of how to add interactive stuff?Cus i copied and pasted interactive codes on common1 but it doesnt work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on February 24, 2019, 08:27:02 pm
Ducking sound effect?
In my end there is no sound when ducking.

He means audio ducking (, where sounds and music become quieter as other sounds play. This has been a thing since base IKEMEN.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on February 24, 2019, 08:35:46 pm
Ducking sound effect?
In my end there is no sound when ducking.

He means audio ducking (, where sounds and music become quieter as other sounds play. This has been a thing since base IKEMEN.

yes, you got me right. pls lemme know if its pos not to lower the bgm volume while other sounds are on the go !!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2019, 08:38:50 pm
Ducking sound effect?
In my end there is no sound when ducking.

He means audio ducking (, where sounds and music become quieter as other sounds play. This has been a thing since base IKEMEN.

yes, you got me right. pls lemme know if its pos not to lower the bgm volume while other sounds are on the go !!

Aaaaa that thing. (Sorry English is not my native language) As I said a audio system rewrite is in progress. (NeatUnsou already made a lot of progress)
The audio ducking is caused by the dumb openAL audio audio normalizer (At least I thinks is the openAL "Enhancements") we have no way to disable it so rewrite the current audio system is our better option.

The engine needs a lot of refactoring. The last updated modified the whole render to improve compatibility with integrated Intel GPUs and other stuff. (Again NeatUnsou's work)

Also the BGM ducking also happens when using MP3s? (I'm asking this beacuse the MP3 player uses a whole different audio system)

Can you show me example of how to add interactive stuff?Cus i copied and pasted interactive codes on common1 but it doesnt work.

Well instead of [statedef -2] you need to use [statedef -20]
Also there also common.air (Animation) file.

Sorry, I never used interactive mugen before.
I will try to install it later in Ikemen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on February 24, 2019, 09:17:52 pm

Aaaaa that thing. (Sorry English is not my native language) As I said a audio system rewrite is in progress. (NeatUnsou already made a lot of progress)
The audio ducking is caused by the dumb openAL audio audio normalizer (At least I thinks is the openAL "Enhancements") we have no way to disable it so rewrite the current audio system is our better option.

The engine needs a lot of refactoring. The last updated modified the whole render to improve compatibility with integrated Intel GPUs and other stuff. (Again NeatUnsou's work)

thanks for your reply. so I'm taking your reply as "wait until the next update of IKEMEN engine", well I can wait for it :)

Also the BGM ducking also happens when using MP3s? (I'm asking this beacuse the MP3 player uses a whole different audio system)

I've used only mp3, dunno if that duck-shit happens same on other audio formats !!

btw, can you or anyone tell me how to take in-game screenshot? F12 is the hotkey works for mugen, so what's for IKEMEN? thanks in advance..

EDIT: I've converted my mp3 to ogg file, seems that duck effect is enabled for all types of audio file !!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on February 25, 2019, 05:24:43 pm
Was going to ask,think you can check the zoomout option? It seems too zoom out extreme even if I decrease it no matter what,wasnt having this issue in Ikemen Plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 25, 2019, 07:31:24 pm
Hey @Gacel:

looks like neatunsou fixed the pause and superpause with projectiles bug, is he reading our issues on the forums? Or you guys stay in contact with eachother? Anyway, this is great news!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on February 26, 2019, 04:48:03 am
Hey @Gacel:

looks like neatunsou fixed the pause and superpause with projectiles bug, is he reading our issues on the forums? Or you guys stay in contact with eachother? Anyway, this is great news!

No, neatunsou only info is his profile in OSDN. We are not in contact.
Considering that neatunsou merged my work maybe they read this thread. (Or that superpause bug was a know bug)
Anyway it would be great if it posted on this tread.

And fixed the screenpack rendering bug. That's curious,
Maybe it really reads this tread.

Was going to ask,think you can check the zoomout option? It seems too zoom out extreme even if I decrease it no matter what,wasnt having this issue in Ikemen Plus.

It woks as expected on my end (The one in the options menu) I'm not sure if it the one in the stages file is implemented.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on February 26, 2019, 05:16:49 pm
Yes it's too much of a coincidence, maybe he does read it. nonetheless I think its great that he is seeing our user input as well if so. I can confirm, built the latest build and the superpause and pause bugs with projectiles is fixed now
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on February 27, 2019, 10:14:30 pm
No, neatunsou only info is his profile in OSDN. We are not in contact.
Considering that neatunsou merged my work maybe they read this thread. (Or that superpause bug was a know bug)
Anyway it would be great if it posted on this tread.

I mean you could try contacting him through twitter (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 01, 2019, 05:19:08 am
Thanks for the link it will  be useful in the future.

Also I did find this post by k4thos

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

These features are not implemented in his repo (The last update of the script files was 01-2018) does anyone have these build?
Even a compiled one works I just need the lua script folder.


The duplicate negative states doesn't work because of the source code differences....
Honestly i think it's better that way. (Think of the implication of duplicate stateno working at the same time)

Reading more...
There is a more updated go plus versión that kathos did but forget to upload on the Github with MP3 ,fnt2 and some other things dated from September 2018
And Even there is a discord chat for the fork

Hey MangeX if you have a link to the build it will be great!

Edit 2
Progress report

Remember that the screenpack into scaling is bugged. No? well, now it's fixed.
Now time to search a way to fix the infinite rounds.
Or add lifebar localcoord.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on March 01, 2019, 12:21:03 pm
Please check the pull request which fixed select scroll.
SUEHIRO seems to be not interested in the lua script, so I sent it here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on March 01, 2019, 02:56:41 pm
What are your current plans @Neat Unsou: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 01, 2019, 04:59:29 pm
Oh wow, I didn't know you've been a member here for 10 years already! No wonder why we had our issues fixed! Thank you for your efforts along with @Gacel @Neat Unsou !
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on March 01, 2019, 09:50:10 pm
This is indeed a blessing. I’m hoping to learn so much more about this. Huh Jim? Kids in a candy store haha.
I have so many things I want to say... I just be watching to see what happens working on some other things.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on March 02, 2019, 01:53:26 pm
What are your current plans @Neat Unsou: ?
Known bug fixes and implementation of 1.1 features.
Then I will add a new state controller and trigger.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 02, 2019, 06:02:54 pm

^new update, NeatUnsou also merged some fixes by Gacel I believe

Working well on my end. it fixed mp3 sample rate, stage tiling and some more
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 02, 2019, 06:11:33 pm
Confused to what the new download process is for y'all's builds.
I assume it's different from the one listed on Kathos' first post and GitHub.
I agree with the suggestion of starting a new topic for this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on March 02, 2019, 07:46:34 pm
I have been having problem with characters running that I needed to rename stateno 100,and also nowalk works different than mugen,preventing me from running as well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 03, 2019, 02:49:52 am
Confused to what the new download process is for y'all's builds.
I assume it's different from the one listed on Kathos' first post and GitHub.
I agree with the suggestion of starting a new topic for this.

It's the same honestly, I've been grabbing the builds from neatunsou's repo on osdn since he tends to merge gacel's fixes as well. There's an updated way to build these I think 1 or 2 pages before that Gacel explains. But it's pretty much the same, just make sure you update sources from, I think recent ones have kind of flip flop Ed around
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 03, 2019, 02:56:56 am
I have been having problem with characters running that I needed to rename stateno 100,and also nowalk works different than mugen,preventing me from running as well

I will check this. I will revert the change to work like mugen.

Confused to what the new download process is for y'all's builds.
I assume it's different from the one listed on Kathos' first post and GitHub.
I agree with the suggestion of starting a new topic for this.

It's the same honestly, I've been grabbing the builds from neatunsou's repo on osdn since he tends to merge gacel's fixes as well. There's an updated way to build these I think 1 or 2 pages before that Gacel explains. But it's pretty much the same, just make sure you update sources from, I think recent ones have kind of flip flop Ed around

I posted the instructions before.
EDIT Now I posted the build instructions bellow EDIT END
You also need some files from my repo. (The data and script folder)
You can use the get.cmd from my repo it's updated with the dependencies.


Also I started the work on lifebar localcoord. (I have no idea what I'm doing or how the lifebar code works)


I finally understand how the lifebar code works, it took 1.5 hours...
Well, lifebar stuff is almost complete.



I finished screenpack localcoord support
also I added the Neat Unsou's fixes to the select scroll
made easier to manage the localcoord (Now inside locacoord.lua)
and fixed the controller config menu.

Here is the download

And as always the required mugen files

Also you need to modify ikemen fight.def to point to the font directory.
So you nee to change this:
font1 = enter48.def
To this:
font1 = font/enter48.def

Every screenpack should load but......
I discovered that Ikemen font support (The one that shinlucho made) is still incomplete.
So the reason some screenpacks won't load is not incomplete screenpack support, is incomplete font support.
So some screenpack won't load if it needs a unsupported [By Ikemen] font.
And even if it loads it will sometime look wrong. (Like the image above check the color of the names)

And the bad news: Ikemen font code is closely tied to the render and I don't know anything about fonts or render code so this is the most I can do.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 03, 2019, 03:04:59 am
Sorry for the double post but the other with the build instructions is too cluttered.
So I will repost this for easier quote/linking.
I will edit this post if necessary later.


OK, I will post the way that I compile the engine. (On windows)
At this point TDM-GCC is very outdated and unsupported, so I use MSYS2.

Part 1: Setting up the compiler (This is only required to do one time)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Part 2: Buildidng the code (This is the easy part)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Sorry if the instructions are not that clear but I'm bad explaining things.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 03, 2019, 12:03:20 pm
Windows 10 64bit.

Did the tasks and when I open Ikemen_GO.exe it says OpenAL32.dll was not found.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 03, 2019, 12:04:16 pm
You also need to install openAL

EDIT: Added to the guide.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 03, 2019, 12:08:10 pm
Thanks for your condolences. The CMD thing remains open when the game is running though.
Is this on my end or is it just there?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 03, 2019, 12:11:18 pm
It remains open until Ikemen closes...
It's not really a cmd so it's useless, if Ikemen surfers a error it closes instantly.
If you suffer a error it's inisde the debug folder, a log.txt file.

I know. It's really useless and annoying.
I need a way to remove it and add a real output to console.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 03, 2019, 12:27:37 pm
My next problem is that in matches you don't get a point after winning, meaning the match is endless.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 03, 2019, 12:29:20 pm
And that's a know bug, that is the next on my list of thing to do with the engine.
It will be fixed later.
For now the only way that a match could end is turns mode. (Or the esc key)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 03, 2019, 01:45:53 pm
Ok, when I try to open DeathScythe's Mugen Ultimate Tournament, the game just closes on startup.
Compatibility issues again?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on March 03, 2019, 03:41:33 pm
Rounds on turns mode are bugged too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 03, 2019, 05:59:48 pm
Ok, when I try to open DeathScythe's Mugen Ultimate Tournament, the game just closes on startup.
Compatibility issues again?

I keep reading about the infinite rounds bug in here, how do I reproduce it? Im playing arcade/team/vs mode and its fine for me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on March 03, 2019, 06:03:46 pm
You play neat unsou build or gacel build?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 03, 2019, 06:07:12 pm
Me? I'm playing neat unsou build at the moment.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on March 03, 2019, 06:16:01 pm
Gacel's build has the bug.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on March 03, 2019, 08:24:07 pm
huh, at least 10 pages to read since I've last been here. From what I see there is a new fork by Gacel with active development. Since this topic is still in use for the new fork, Gacel, let me know how I should edit the first post to properly describe your fork. I'm ok with completely removing link and information regarding my repo, since yours seems to be more developed and up to date with official OSDN commits.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 03, 2019, 08:26:29 pm
Glad to see you back k4thos!I missed you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 03, 2019, 08:31:42 pm
@K4thos I'd say there's 2 different ones around right now, Gacel's and neatunsou in active development. I feel like both could be on the front page. They have gotten really far :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on March 03, 2019, 10:08:30 pm
I've added links to both those forks and removed some not relevant stuff from the opening post. Let me know if something else should be changed (not sure if I should remove "Feature requests" and "Bug reports"?) I can also change the opening post all together if someone bothers to write a new one with more up to date info and F.A.Q.

btw. I see Gacel that you're using outdated lua scripts since you don't have latest footer text with F1 support:
and gamepad setting that mimics mugen:

Once I find some time I will send you the updated lua files (I need to first check what has to be changed to use them since the engine crashes if I just copy them to your repo)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 04, 2019, 02:47:45 am
So only my build has the bug, Interesting.
If it's true I'll ditch my code and back port my changes to the Neat Unsou build.

Hey K4thos you could upload the whole updated code? (Not only the lua files but also the go files)
It would be useful to compare functions between the 2 code bases.


Neat Unsou repo doesn't have these bugs, so that means...
It's time to port code!


The only differences between our forks are lifebar localcoord code and the cause of the bug (A merge conflict that I handled wrong)
I'm very dumb.

As you can see it works even on 8vs8 after fixing my mistake!
Also remind me the reason why Ikemen has 8vs8 (That's more players than Dota 2 or Call of Duty)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 04, 2019, 09:42:02 pm
amazing! Thank you for the fixes!

And on the topic of 8 vs 8 etc, I remember in Ikemen Plus 0.3 we were able to add in additional lifebars for the rest of the characters if you did more than 2v2. So if you had 3v3, a 3rd lifebar could appear for the 3rd team member, and this was done simply by adding "p5" and "p6" in the lifebar def file in Ikemen Plus. Here's an example I did in it, Ikemen plus 0.3:

And you had all the permiters as you did the rest of the lifebars, like the size, positioning, etc, simply by adding "p5." or "p6." So in this pic I made the 3rd partner's lifebars smaller simply by editing it in the def file. Thoughts if this will get implemented in the future?

Obviously take your time, because you guys have gotten so far in Ikemen and its amazing to see the progress!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on March 05, 2019, 06:56:14 am
@K4thos Do you still plan to implement tournament mode and universal tag system to the engine?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 05, 2019, 07:14:39 am
@K4thos Do you still plan to implement tournament mode and universal tag system to the engine?

I'm not k4thos but i think it would be too hard add universal tag (Remember there are a common.cmd) so it's the matter of adding a extra [Dedicated] tag button and some minor adjustments.
I will see about universal tag after k4thos send the lua files.

amazing! Thank you for the fixes!

And on the topic of 8 vs 8 etc, I remember in Ikemen Plus 0.3 we were able to add in additional lifebars for the rest of the characters if you did more than 2v2. So if you had 3v3, a 3rd lifebar could appear for the 3rd team member, and this was done simply by adding "p5" and "p6" in the lifebar def file in Ikemen Plus. Here's an example I did in it, Ikemen plus 0.3:


And you had all the permiters as you did the rest of the lifebars, like the size, positioning, etc, simply by adding "p5." or "p6." So in this pic I made the 3rd partner's lifebars smaller simply by editing it in the def file. Thoughts if this will get implemented in the future?

Obviously take your time, because you guys have gotten so far in Ikemen and its amazing to see the progress!

I remember that K4thos implemented that in Ikemen go some time ago...
There are 2 posibilites or suehiro didn't implemented it or is in the unreleased K4thos code.

Edit Here is the post:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 07:49:54 am
@Gacel Thank you for the info, I tried and those "[Tag_3P Lifebar]" etc, does not work on any of the builds. I guess it is in the unreleased code from k4thos
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 05, 2019, 01:19:11 pm
this char:

Loads perfectly on mugen and winmugen, but not on IKEMEN...can anyone find out why?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 06:04:40 pm
this char:

Loads perfectly on mugen and winmugen, but not on IKEMEN...can anyone find out why?

I tried him in ikemen and mugen, so basically the only thing you can do is hit hte directional keys and CPU will activate and do a bunch of stuff. Its working fine for me on ikemen, what seems to be the specific issue you have? Working ok on my end.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 07:17:31 pm
edit: wrong thread
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 05, 2019, 07:37:31 pm
I tried him in ikemen and mugen, so basically the only thing you can do is hit hte directional keys and CPU will activate and do a bunch of stuff. Its working fine for me on ikemen, what seems to be the specific issue you have? Working ok on my end.

you sure about that? I use IKEMEN plus go and when I try to play with that char, I see this error message:

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 07:39:37 pm
I tried him in ikemen and mugen, so basically the only thing you can do is hit hte directional keys and CPU will activate and do a bunch of stuff. Its working fine for me on ikemen, what seems to be the specific issue you have? Working ok on my end.

you sure about that? I use IKEMEN plus go and when I try to play with that char, I see this error message:


that's not ikemen Go plus, you are using an old Ikemen 0.3 with old ssz code. The new one uses google's golang and that is what this thread is about. It is quite confusing because there are so many ikements out there, but you have to download the latest Ikemen Go Plus in the thread. It should work then.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 05, 2019, 07:42:09 pm
that's not ikemen Go plus, you are using an old Ikemen 0.3 with old ssz code. The new one uses google's golang and that is what this thread is about. It is quite confusing because there are so many ikements out there, but you have to download the latest Ikemen Go Plus in the thread. It should work then.

can you provide me the link of the exact one you are using pls?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 08:21:14 pm
that's not ikemen Go plus, you are using an old Ikemen 0.3 with old ssz code. The new one uses google's golang and that is what this thread is about. It is quite confusing because there are so many ikements out there, but you have to download the latest Ikemen Go Plus in the thread. It should work then.

can you provide me the link of the exact one you are using pls? (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 08:21:39 pm
Ok I just had a thought/question, and if this is possible with luascript in the current state of Ikemen or would this have to be changed in the source code?

We all know transformations are hard to code and implement because of custom states, but what if we could make it easier by being able to REPLACE characters on the fly IN-GAME to have the effect of transforming? I am not talking about tagteam, but entirely replacing your character  with a different character form on your roster during ingame battle.

For example, you have Mario (from Nintendo) on your character select screen and you also have a FIRE MARIO character on your select screen. In game, what if we could transform Mario to FIRE MARIO by swapping/replacing them INGAME? Maybe in select.def, there is syntax like:

SuperMario, form1=FireMario

Then Ikemen will autoload that form if you select Mario, and if you click a certain key, Mario will switch with FIREMARIO and "transform" to that character ingame. I think this would also really help DragonBallZ characters. Would this be a complicated thing to accomplish? Because what this would do is make it easier to implement TRANSFORMATIONS in mugen by not having issues with being in custom states, since they exist as an entirely different character file. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on March 05, 2019, 08:47:15 pm
I like the way Kof Zillion does it, though you mean in game(fight). I know my say doesn't mean much, but hard doesn't mean impossible. Not even limited to full game, though easier.. You can add a var to control your custom states via common1. If you don't want to edit your entire roster though nvm :/. Being able to switch sff on the fly huh.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 09:16:17 pm
Being able to switch sff on the fly huh.

yeah that, plus just the entire character in general. I mean it's not really "transforming" in the basic sense, but it gives off the effect of transformations, without having to change my common1 or do a bunch of other things just to get it correct. And without having to add a crapload of sprites into 1 sff. For now I can only see this happening if the character has a new statedef in tehir file that calls for this change even if something like this is implemented, but it should be pretty simple (statechange wise) or so
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on March 05, 2019, 10:19:15 pm
So basically more things to be automated? Hmm. Have any of you messed with screen-bound? Does it work as intended? Sometimes it feels as though it doesn't, might be stages though. Also which is the most updated version.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bastard Mami on March 05, 2019, 11:36:29 pm
I'd implement that as somekind of "invisible" tag, as doing it "on the fly" would pause the game when the transofrmation happens; at least the first time it does.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 05, 2019, 11:40:43 pm
I'd implement that as somekind of "invisible" tag, as doing it "on the fly" would pause the game when the transofrmation happens; at least the first time it does.

yep, this is exactly how I imagine it. Like it'll select the 2nd form as an invisible character, no lifebar or displayname, but it wont count as a team member. Then there would have to be some kind of statedef to trigger this. So probably in simple terms, ability to invisible select and invisible tag a character to "transform" into them.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 06, 2019, 06:13:55 am
I'd implement that as somekind of "invisible" tag, as doing it "on the fly" would pause the game when the transofrmation happens; at least the first time it does.

yep, this is exactly how I imagine it. Like it'll select the 2nd form as an invisible character, no lifebar or displayname, but it wont count as a team member. Then there would have to be some kind of statedef to trigger this. So probably in simple terms, ability to invisible select and invisible tag a character to "transform" into them.

The way that Ikemen load characters could make that posible.
But these characters must be loaded before the match starts.
(I'm not sure if would be posible to program character transform to any character in the roster)

To explain the internal way it could work (This is just speculation of the way someone could make it work)
It would not be a character transformation it would be 2 characters (Or more) connected by code.
And it needs a (Configurable) limit so it does not waste too much resources.
Imagine have loaded 50 Blazblue characters inside a match the use of resources would be through the roof.

But before we add these features to Ikemen we have to think about fix the font loading. (The reason why half of the screenpacks/lifebars does not work)

So basically more things to be automated? Hmm. Have any of you messed with screen-bound? Does it work as intended? Sometimes it feels as though it doesn't, might be stages though. Also which is the most updated version.

I think screenbound works in a different way that works in mugen when is widesceen.
Maybe later I will check what suehiro changed and what is the best way to screenbound to work.


And now. It's time for a new release. (It's really the old code from Sunday compiled)

And as always the required mugen files.

And I added the build instructions (For windows and linux) to the readme in the repo.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 06, 2019, 09:23:49 am (

Wah..You are a Life saver! Now I can play with all of my fav chars abesnt issue. Btw, there are some chars that use high gfx while attacking (i.e. donald edits). While playing with them, the frame passes too slow on IKEMEN while I can play with them on mugen real smooth. I guess video setting from the options might be tricky for that purpose. Unfortunately I have no knowledge on that. So if you provide some fix would be so nice of are an angel living among men 0:)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on March 06, 2019, 12:45:11 pm
If I was updating the engine I would fuse all of your branches into 1 its way more user friendly, gonna keep an eye on this.

A question as well, I have used ikemen and I dunno, how does it handle the little intricacies when it comes to mugen chars ? It felt a bit off when using some of the chars I've been using for years at this point.

I know mugen is closed source and you guys are doing your best to emulate it and its a teething period but I believe its still worth asking about.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 06, 2019, 04:01:39 pm (

Wah..You are a Life saver! Now I can play with all of my fav chars abesnt issue. Btw, there are some chars that use high gfx while attacking (i.e. donald edits). While playing with them, the frame passes too slow on IKEMEN while I can play with them on mugen real smooth. I guess video setting from the options might be tricky for that purpose. Unfortunately I have no knowledge on that. So if you provide some fix would be so nice of are an angel living among men 0:)

You should download Gacel's updated version he has above instead now, but Im not sure about that issue then, but yeah performance can be slower if you have older hardware
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 06, 2019, 04:11:29 pm

A question as well, I have used ikemen and I dunno, how does it handle the little intricacies when it comes to mugen chars ? It felt a bit off when using some of the chars I've been using for years at this point

They've made some huge progress, but yes I do have the same feelings about just the little intracracies as well. Example, this code behaves differently in Ikemen GO, vs Mugen 1.0, 1.1 (this is during an attack in which the character's position can be moved if holding forward):

[State 12345]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
x = 1.2

[State 12345]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
trigger1 = Vel X < 0
x = 0

In Ikemen the velocity is atleast 2x greater than it should be, but I think if we post examples it will give them a good idea of what some issues are at present. But I have full faith in their ability to fix things like this.

Also there is no "SPEED" option in the menu, for example Normal, Fast 1, Fast 2, etc. Ctrl + S toggles speed but its either to ofast or too slow, and you have to click keys every round.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on March 06, 2019, 04:27:22 pm
The combat feels super fast and it lacks any sort of impact, maybe its the chars or something else. I'll fiddle around with it a bit more.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 06, 2019, 04:49:06 pm
Knockback is higher in IKEMEN, which also extends to cornerpush.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Manson Rees on March 06, 2019, 07:48:09 pm
I cant compile it in Linux... :(

src/main.go:46:21: undefined: syscall.NewLazyDLL
src/main.go:48:21: too many arguments in call to syscall.Syscall
src/main.go:49:20: undefined: syscall.GetStdHandle
src/main.go:49:41: undefined: syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
src/main.go:50:19: undefined: syscall.GetStdHandle
src/main.go:50:40: undefined: syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 07, 2019, 03:56:51 am
If I was updating the engine I would fuse all of your branches into 1 its way more user friendly, gonna keep an eye on this.

A question as well, I have used ikemen and I dunno, how does it handle the little intricacies when it comes to mugen chars ? It felt a bit off when using some of the chars I've been using for years at this point.

I know mugen is closed source and you guys are doing your best to emulate it and its a teething period but I believe its still worth asking about.

Because we are not a team we work on our own branches but we always merge our work so our branches are almost the same.
So any changes that we made is going to be on the 2 branches. (Counting on the fact the we update it)

A question as well, I have used ikemen and I dunno, how does it handle the little intricacies when it comes to mugen chars ? It felt a bit off when using some of the chars I've been using for years at this point

They've made some huge progress, but yes I do have the same feelings about just the little intracracies as well. Example, this code behaves differently in Ikemen GO, vs Mugen 1.0, 1.1 (this is during an attack in which the character's position can be moved if holding forward):

[State 1900, GoFwd1]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
x = 1.2

[State 1900,GoFwd2]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
trigger1 = Vel X < 0
x = 0

In Ikemen the velocity is atleast 2x greater than it should be, but I think if we post examples it will give them a good idea of what some issues are at present. But I have full faith in their ability to fix things like this.

Also there is no "SPEED" option in the menu, for example Normal, Fast 1, Fast 2, etc. Ctrl + S toggles speed but its either to ofast or too slow, and you have to click keys every round.

Knockback is higher in IKEMEN, which also extends to cornerpush.

That is bad. Maybe there is a problem with the implementation.
Make the code behave exactly like mugen is a problem because is closed source and the docs (our only specification) well... they say almost nothing about the internal workings.
I will check when I'm free. (I'm drowning with college homework and exams)

Also I don't plan (I don't know about the others) to implement a "SPEED" option, it would require an insane amount of code and I don't see if its worth the effort for what it provides. (Considering that changing the framerate have almost the exact same effect)

I cant compile it in Linux... :(

src/main.go:46:21: undefined: syscall.NewLazyDLL
src/main.go:48:21: too many arguments in call to syscall.Syscall
src/main.go:49:20: undefined: syscall.GetStdHandle
src/main.go:49:41: undefined: syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
src/main.go:50:19: undefined: syscall.GetStdHandle
src/main.go:50:40: undefined: syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE

That's a very big problem. It's caused because it call windows only functions on a Linux environment.
I will try to make time tomorrow to fix it.


Also has anyone noticed that shinlucho deleted his Ikemen GO repo?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 07, 2019, 05:00:06 pm
oh shoot you're right, I didn't know about the framerate option. I rebuilt it by changing the framerate to 70 and it's the exact speed I need. thanks!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 07, 2019, 06:51:52 pm
I cant compile it in Linux... :(

src/main.go:46:21: undefined: syscall.NewLazyDLL
src/main.go:48:21: too many arguments in call to syscall.Syscall
src/main.go:49:20: undefined: syscall.GetStdHandle
src/main.go:49:41: undefined: syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
src/main.go:50:19: undefined: syscall.GetStdHandle
src/main.go:50:40: undefined: syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE

That's a very big problem. It's caused because it call windows only functions on a Linux environment.
I will try to make time tomorrow to fix it.

It seems that you are trying to compile k4thos build. That one is very outdated and that build does not compile on Linux, in the other repos the windows only calls are removed so it should compile. Try to compile my repo and see if tit trows any errors.

I will try to build it but it seems that GO does not have cross compilation if the program uses CGO


So I was like 1hour trying to cross-compile Ikemen on windows to linux.
I couldn't do it. When I'm back from college (About 10pm) I will install a Ubuntu VM.


So I noticed that my build instuctions for linux mention K4thos repo instead of mine.
Well now it's updated with the rigth command.

git clone
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Manson Rees on March 08, 2019, 03:15:08 am
Thank you for your hard work man! :D
But now I'm receiving this error when compiling:

go/src/ fatal error: alsa/asoundlib.h: No such file or directory
 #include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 08, 2019, 06:40:25 am

libasound2-dev is required. On Ubuntu or Debian, run this command:

apt install libasound2-dev

In most cases this command must be run by root user or through sudo command.

So try to install libasound2-dev.
(This is the first time I see someone trying to compile my repo on Linux so this is blind guiding the blind)
Sorry if I could not be of more help.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 08, 2019, 09:11:30 pm
Gacel,looks like you fixed left-right input bug on keyboard.But this bug still exist on gamepad controllers.I cant do ryu shin hadoken-shoryuken on left side with my controller.I even tried 2 controllers to be sure.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 09, 2019, 05:48:35 pm

libasound2-dev is required. On Ubuntu or Debian, run this command:

apt install libasound2-dev

In most cases this command must be run by root user or through sudo command.

So try to install libasound2-dev.
(This is the first time I see someone trying to compile my repo on Linux so this is blind guiding the blind)
Sorry if I could not be of more help.

Hey Gacel, thanks for the great work!
I manage to compile it well on Linux without errors, however I was unable to run the binary.
It crashes with the following error message:

panic: 0:1(264): error: could not implicitly convert operands to arithmetic operator
0:1(328): warning: `y' used uninitialized
0:1(388): warning: `y' used uninitialized

goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
main.chk(0x9576a0, 0xc4200108c0)
/home/dan/code/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:22 +0x4a
main.RenderInit.func2(0xc400008b30, 0x90f360, 0x309, 0x1)
/home/dan/code/Ikemen_GO/src/render.go:112 +0x178
/home/dan/code/Ikemen_GO/src/render.go:131 +0xa4
main.(*System).init(0xd0b040, 0x1e000000280, 0xc42000e0b0)
/home/dan/code/Ikemen_GO/src/system.go:264 +0x1b6
/home/dan/code/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:234 +0x1377

I'm using a Ubuntu 18.04 VM with go 1.10.4

I will give a try on windows build. But just in case, can you check if you pushed all your changes?
Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 09, 2019, 06:57:34 pm
Gacel, it failed to run on Windows 10 64, golang 1.12 too.
Code compiles correctly and crashes in the same way.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 09, 2019, 09:04:15 pm
Hey, have y'all checked the add004 support?
I use Gacel's build and it crashed when I try a lifebar that's not the default.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on March 09, 2019, 10:09:34 pm
it works fine on my end
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 09, 2019, 10:14:04 pm
it works fine on my end]

Using Gacel's build? I don't know how screenpacks work yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 10, 2019, 12:09:37 am
it works fine on my end

Did you build or downloaded the release???

Release version did not run in windows 10 64bit.
Same error. >.<
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 10, 2019, 08:19:28 pm
Gacel,looks like you fixed left-right input bug on keyboard.But this bug still exist on gamepad controllers.I cant do ryu shin hadoken-shoryuken on left side with my controller.I even tried 2 controllers to be sure.

That's weird nobody has touched the input code.
As you can see the last change was on Jan 7.

Maybe were changes to GLFW but I'm not sure.
EDIT The last update to GLFW was on August 18 so it was not that. EDIT END

Gacel, it failed to run on Windows 10 64, golang 1.12 too.
Code compiles correctly and crashes in the same way.

golang 1.12!? Thats a new release. (That probably broke stuff :() OK, when I am home I'll update golang to 1.12 (I use 1.11) and check if the same error happens and fix it.
I was the whole weekend outside my home sorry for not responding sooner. (I will be back home later the PC I'm writing now it's not mine)

Dan I have very bad news, it seems that it compiles correctly on GoLang 1.12 and checking the code with the error that you posted it seems that you PC couldn't handle the shader compilation.

I could ask what GPU you PC uses?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 11, 2019, 11:16:40 am
Dan I have very bad news, it seems that it compiles correctly on GoLang 1.12 and checking the code with the error that you posted it seems that you PC couldn't handle the shader compilation.

I could ask what GPU you PC uses?

Sure, I'm using a Macbook pro with intel GPU Intel HD Graphics 4000, 1.5GB MB.
I understand it is not a new one but didn't think Ikemen would require much more resources (I might be wrong).
I also tried to compile it and run inside two VMware (Fusion 11) VMs: Ubuntu  18.04 and Windows 10, and compile/run natively in OSX using xQuartz and using docker.
All these attempts failed so far, with the same error.

I am a programmer, but I don't know Golang yet (although I have been searching a project to work on and learn for a while, and think this is a great opportunity).
Thus, the error messages - specially without details - are still not clear to me.
I hope I can make it work and be able to contribute. If you can provide any pointers I would be happy to help.
Thanks for the great work!

EDIT - spelling errors and clarity.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 11, 2019, 07:35:00 pm
New commit from NeatUnsou build
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 11, 2019, 07:46:58 pm
New commit from NeatUnsou build

I will merge it later.

Dan I have very bad news, it seems that it compiles correctly on GoLang 1.12 and checking the code with the error that you posted it seems that you PC couldn't handle the shader compilation.

I could ask what GPU you PC uses?

Sure, I'm using a Macbook pro with intel GPU Intel HD Graphics 4000, 1.5GB MB.
I understand it is not a new one but didn't think Ikemen would require much more resources (I might be wrong).
I also tried to compile it and run inside two VMware (Fusion 11) VMs: Ubuntu  18.04 and Windows 10, and compile/run natively in OSX using xQuartz and using docker.
All these attempts failed so far, with the same error.

I am a programmer, but I don't know Golang yet (although I have been searching a project to work on and learn for a while, and think this is a great opportunity).
Thus, the error messages - specially without details - are still not clear to me.
I hope I can make it work and be able to contribute. If you can provide any pointers I would be happy to help.
Thanks for the great work!

EDIT - spelling errors and clarity.

A Intel HD Graphics 4000 should work, that's a problem, could you post the error logs you get on every OS.
You only posted the linux logs

Also anyone is welcome to contribute! Ikemen GO is also the first time I use GoLang ever.
I dint know it existed before know about Ikemen GO.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 11, 2019, 11:44:06 pm

A Intel HD Graphics 4000 should work, that's a problem, could you post the error logs you get on every OS.
You only posted the linux logs

Also anyone is welcome to contribute! Ikemen GO is also the first time I use GoLang ever.
I dint know it existed before know about Ikemen GO.

Here follows the log in OSX

panic: ERROR: 0:1: '-' does not operate on 'int' and 'float'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'y'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'y'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'left'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'left'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'right'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'right'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'left'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'left'
ERROR: 0:1: Use of undeclared identifier 'right'

goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
main.RenderInit.func2(0x8b30, 0x44e4e0a, 0x309, 0x1)
        /Volumes/data/Users/dan/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/render.go:112 +0x229
        /Volumes/data/Users/dan/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/render.go:131 +0xe0
main.(*System).init(0x480b200, 0x1e000000280, 0xc0001b2010)
        /Volumes/data/Users/dan/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/system.go:264 +0x1bf
        /Volumes/data/Users/dan/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:234 +0x14bf
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 12, 2019, 12:34:52 am
This is an error copied over from vanilla IKEMEN, but in char.ssz/char.go, yvel is assigned the value of an attack's ground hit y velocity instead of the attack's ground guard y velocity when a character is blocking. For the most part, characters don't actually suffer vertical knockback on ground block and thus wouldn't care about this, but certain custom cornerpush systems rely on yvel to be 0 for the cornerpush to be applied, so moves that knock down or launch won't apply cornerpush as intended.

The problem is that while you have hd.airguard_velocity[0] (x) and hd.airguard_velocity[1] (y) for air blocking, you only have hd.guard_velocity (x) for ground blocking, which means there's nothing to check for vertical ground guard velocity. However, were you to implement hd.guard_velocity[0] and hd.guard_velocity[1], they're supposed to default to the hit velocities when omitted from the HitDef, so the actual issue is that xvel and yvel are being written to even when the opponent isn't moving.

Sorry if that's a bit confusing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 02:14:44 am
This is an error copied over from vanilla IKEMEN, but in char.ssz/char.go, yvel is assigned the value of an attack's ground hit y velocity instead of the attack's ground guard y velocity when a character is blocking. For the most part, characters don't actually suffer vertical knockback on ground block and thus wouldn't care about this, but certain custom cornerpush systems rely on yvel to be 0 for the cornerpush to be applied, so moves that knock down or launch won't apply cornerpush as intended.

The problem is that while you have hd.airguard_velocity[0] (x) and hd.airguard_velocity[1] (y) for air blocking, you only have hd.guard_velocity (x) for ground blocking, which means there's nothing to check for vertical ground guard velocity. However, were you to implement hd.guard_velocity[0] and hd.guard_velocity[1], they're supposed to default to the hit velocities when omitted from the HitDef, so the actual issue is that xvel and yvel are being written to even when the opponent isn't moving.

Sorry if that's a bit confusing.

I'm not gonna lie I'm confused.
Well reading the docs I see that guard.velocity is only a single axis. (Maybe is Elecbyte error while writing the docs)

I understand most of what you say except "xvel and yvel are being written to even when the opponent isn't moving"
Do you mean that guard.velocity is still applied to the char even when they are 0?

Sorry English is not my first language.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 12, 2019, 02:40:52 am
For some reason I thought guard.velocity accepted two values; in that case, simply removing the line would be the correct course of action.

if guard && int32( != 0 {
ghv.hitshaketime = Max(0, hd.guard_shaketime)
ghv.hittime = Max(0, hd.guard_hittime)
ghv.slidetime = hd.guard_slidetime
ghv.guarded = true
if == ST_A {
ghv.ctrltime = hd.airguard_ctrltime
ghv.xvel = hd.airguard_velocity[0] * c.localscl / getter.localscl
ghv.yvel = hd.airguard_velocity[1] * c.localscl / getter.localscl
} else {
ghv.ctrltime = hd.guard_ctrltime
ghv.xvel = hd.guard_velocity * c.localscl / getter.localscl
ghv.yvel = hd.ground_velocity[1] * c.localscl / getter.localscl <----- Remove this line
absdamage = hd.guarddamage
ghv.hitcount = hc

As it is now, the second value of ground.velocity (the vertical velocity) is written to yvel when the character is hit while blocking, even though the knockback isn't actually applied to the character.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 03:05:06 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That's intentional.
ghv.xvel = hd.guard_velocity * c.localscl / getter.localscl
ghv.yvel = hd.ground_velocity[1] * c.localscl / getter.localscl

But I'm not sure if MUGEN also does that.
If MUGEN does not do it I can change it but I need you to test it in MUGEN 1.1 first just to be sure.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 12, 2019, 03:17:18 am
MUGEN does not do that, which is why I brought it up; hitting a blocking opponent in MUGEN with a move that applies vertical knockback does not change the value of yvel. Some custom cornerpush systems rely on yvel being 0 (the opponent isn't in the air or falling) to apply cornerpush, so they don't work correctly in IKEMEN because of the above.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 03:20:47 am
OK removed.
Thanks for the feedback.

Now that we finished this:
I discovered that you can make interactive stages using "attachedchar" inside the stage file.

Well time to decipher the reason of the Dan's crash.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 12, 2019, 03:51:46 am
So this fixes cornerpush?

edit: Just tried it out, crouch block at the end of a stage is pushing back characters who are attacking the defending character in latest ikemen, in mugen 1.1 they aren't being pushed back though. I can upload videos if needed.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 04:18:04 am
That's another bug to the list.

For now I'm trying to fix more critical bugs (Crashes at the star and the fontv2 loading bug)
but once I get these out of the way I will fix the others.

Sorry, but hope that you understand.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 12, 2019, 04:22:38 am
It's no problem Gacel! I'm not expecting you to do it this instant, you've gotten Ikemen GO farther than any of us have! Thank you for your work! I just thought I would post it just in case for the future if anyone comes into this thread, or for future development! Thanks for your work!!

Saving this for documentation:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 04:25:43 am
Thanks for the videos
The issue is in Github so I not forget it.

Mind if you send the characters or the place where I can get them?
For testing in the exact same environment when the time to fix the bug comes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 12, 2019, 04:30:38 am
Thanks for the videos
The issue is in Github so I not forget it.

Mind if you send the characters or the place where I can get them?
For testing in the exact same environment when the time to fix the bug comes.

Yep here they are:

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 04:34:30 am

Well in another news I discovered the reason why half of the fntv2 fonts crashes in Ikemen.
The palletes of these fonts doesn't load for some reason.

I could not get Truetype Fonts to work with lifebars but at least fntv2 fonts doesn't crashes mugen anymore.
Honestly I still don't understand anything about fonts.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on March 12, 2019, 12:42:46 pm
Happy to read this! I test the older versions but I can´t run the screenpack. I test the next version and I told you something. Thank you for all your work!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 12, 2019, 05:38:52 pm
Hey Gacel, I'm slowly understanding how to debug this...
currently I'm stuck in the file render.go
line 131
fragObj := compile(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragShader)

then it goes into the compile function and call on the line 110
gl.GetObjectParameterivARB(shader, gl.OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &ok)
before calling this function, ok == 0
After calling, ok == 0.

Then, app panics and throw the error:
	/Volumes/data/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:22 +0x7b
main.RenderInit.func2(0xc000008b30, 0x462e502, 0x309, 0x2)
/Volumes/data/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/render.go:112 +0x1f0
/Volumes/data/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/render.go:131 +0x16f
main.(*System).init(0x4990240, 0x1e000000280, 0x0)
/Volumes/data/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/system.go:264 +0x2a3
/Volumes/data/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:234 +0x26b7

Currently using go1.12 darwin/amd64
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 07:01:01 pm
That's great!

I could not be of much help but I can link the opengl docs to the function on line 110
For some reason GoGL differs in name for the one in the docs.

It seems that it fails at shader compilation.
I could not help more because I know almost nothing of openGL.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 12, 2019, 08:52:50 pm
So is it recommended to use Win-Mugen SPs in this IKEMEN for now because of the font thing?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 09:35:08 pm
Use whatever screenpack you want but take in mind that TTF fonts doesn't work. (All the other fonts work)
It doesn't crashes mugen but these type of fonts don't display. (I fixed the crash at least)
The screenpack itself should display correctly.

You use 1.0/1.1 be prepared to change some fonts. (For now I plan to fix this)

For info about what is a TTF font:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 12, 2019, 10:13:01 pm
Is there any plans for the combo counter at this moment?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 12, 2019, 10:14:47 pm
Because the combo counter is a font someone have to fix the font support first.
I will investigate why it does not display. (Is probably a oversight somewhere)

Does anyone know a GoLang debugger that works with CGO?
Or a way to set up a debugger in Ikemen? (To debug the go code)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 13, 2019, 03:32:57 pm
Does anyone know a GoLang debugger that works with CGO?
Or a way to set up a debugger in Ikemen? (To debug the go code)
I did.
Worked perfectly with visual studio code.
The only issue I had was to configure gopath, which was easy and the relative path to resources.
I end up hard coding them.
It works very well, step by step, step into and so on..
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 14, 2019, 02:34:40 am
Thanks to you tips I set up the debugger!
Now fixing bugs is way easier.
And discovered the reason why the combo bar does not load.

In old dos/win-mugen the combo counter goes like this:
counter.font = 4,0,0

In Mugen 1.0/1.1 the combo code goes like this:
team1.counter.font = 5,0,1

Ikemen is programmed to load only the old winmugen combo counter.

If you modify the fight file to make it like winmugen it works!
But anyway we have to add the mugen 1.0/1.1 compatibility.

Also Dan you found the cause of the crash on your end?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 14, 2019, 10:50:30 am
Also Dan you found the cause of the crash on your end?

Not yet.
After detecting the issue I tried to test my laptop with examples of OpenGL app.
I thought it was due to versioning or even maybe support for the OSX version I'm using.
However the vanila examples of gogl (gl21-cube and gl41core-cube) ran without issues.

From what I understood, ikemen loads textures and other binary resources from the data dir and compile them.
My next step is to try to run a minimum example of this loading.

I've actually never used mugen, so I dont know from where to start and compare the differences like you did.
Since I am a fan of these old games, and due the fact that electbyte team is on-off, and closed source, I think
It's healthy for the community to support open initiatives and went directly to Ikemen go plus instead of mugen (that and the fact that I
needed a reason to learn go ;-)   ). 

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 15, 2019, 06:11:45 pm
I strongly agree with PlasmoidThunder
knockback is too high in Ikemen..
I even set the difficulty level to 1 and extended life to 300%
still the fighters seem too aggressive and KO so soon far than mugen...
seems finishing rounds at the earliest possible time is the only aim of Ikemen rather than playing with the fighters
and definitely I'm not talking about the cheap chars fighting !!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 15, 2019, 06:27:43 pm
Also chars who have both dash and run ability cannot run or dash.They just jump forward.Example char:M206's sagatto.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 15, 2019, 07:10:50 pm
@Fishas are you sure you aren't using characters that have custom AI written for them? Becuase then difficulty setting wont matter and they will always be op. I actually prefer the AI in Ikemen when the characters have NO AI written for the,, its way better in my opinion. Again, this is for characters who dont have AI written to them. In mugen even if you set hte difficulty to 8, the AI is as DUMB AS ROCKS! In Ikemen they actually scale nicely.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 16, 2019, 09:57:15 am
Hey Gacel, I pulled your last commit from the repository and it seems to pass that error.
Now, I had an issue with fonts that were lacking,
openal: invalid enum
openal: invalid name
openal: invalid name
openal: invalid name
panic: ./script/motif.lua:1302: open font/f-4x6.fnt: no such file or directory
stack traceback:
        [G]: in function 'fontNew'
        ./script/motif.lua:1302: in function <./script/motif.lua:0>
        [G]: in function 'require'
        /Volumes/data/Users/dan/devel/Ikemen_GO/script/main.lua:925: in main chunk
        [G]: ?

goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
        /Volumes/data/Users/dan/devel/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:241 +0x1f17
but I copied from another repo ( and placed the font dir in the root of the Ikemen_go folder.
now something seems to happen... a window pops up then closes with an error message.

I wonder if you can share more details about your development environment.
Do you use windows? Linux? What windows/linux version are you running?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 16, 2019, 10:01:53 am
@junkerde, yah nice scaling sometimes goes over, I've tried with several mugen, two certain chars fighting takes 2-2.5 mins to finish the round at difficulty 8 and life 200% while it takes approximately 40 secs in Ikemen to finish the round of those two same chars at difficulty level 1 and life 300%...that's not fair to me :\
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 16, 2019, 01:16:58 pm
I feel like stepping in the dark here...
My real goal was to port Ikemen go plus to work on android boxes (I have an nvidia shield tv).
However, without using Mugen, it seems to be a huge step as many things are common knowledge for Ikemen
Thus, I'm still unable to get the basics working and struggling with basic configuration/requirements.

I will take a step back and start playing with Mugen, just for fun. Hope it can work in osx.
I know there are ports for android but they are ugly enough to make me skip them in favor of Ikemen.

Once I wrap my head around mugen, I go back to ikemen, maybe I will be more helpful and make this process
less frustrating.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 16, 2019, 07:37:20 pm
Hey dan to use Ikemen you need some files from Mugen:

I don't upload them to the repo because copyright reasons,.

Also the reason of the crash it seems because the lua library have problems with GoLang 1.12 (Temp files stuff)
The only solution is open over and over and over until it decides to work.
The error is "signal arrived during external code execution"

In GoLang 1.11 this doesn't happens, and using Ikemen well I recommend reading tutorials about mugen and get familiarized with it.
The main differences that I can think is that Localcoord works inside a lua file in the script folder.

Reading a MUGEN beginner tutorial is the best idea and if you try to make characters use Fighter Factory by VirtuallTek.
If you try to make character I recommend starting with trying to add/edit things to existing ones.

@junkerde, yah nice scaling sometimes goes over, I've tried with several mugen, two certain chars fighting takes 2-2.5 mins to finish the round at difficulty 8 and life 200% while it takes approximately 40 secs in Ikemen to finish the round of those two same chars at difficulty level 1 and life 300%...that's not fair to me :\

I tried to play arcade in a old game called Mega Man 9: Battle & Fighters, ohh boy the AI is ultra aggressive at level 1, mean it's too much.
I understand making the AI not rock dumb but I agree with you, we need to reduce the aggressiveness at low levels.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on March 16, 2019, 09:36:41 pm
you mind checking why some characters cant run,dash? had to rename stateno 100 to 99 and remove nowalk assertspecial.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 16, 2019, 09:44:59 pm
Hey dan to use Ikemen you need some files from Mugen:

I don't upload them to the repo because copyright reasons,.

Super!!! After including the dependencies it worked.
Compiled without warnings with go1.12  darwin with some console messages.
I mean, it opened the main window and I was able to play with kung fu man and even won my very first battle!
Next step is installing new characters.

thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 16, 2019, 10:29:18 pm
@junkerde, yah nice scaling sometimes goes over, I've tried with several mugen, two certain chars fighting takes 2-2.5 mins to finish the round at difficulty 8 and life 200% while it takes approximately 40 secs in Ikemen to finish the round of those two same chars at difficulty level 1 and life 300%...that's not fair to me :\

yes now that you mention it, you are right. I tried playing with characters with no AI difficulty setting 1, and they are the same aas difficulty setting 8. So basically it's not scaling at all, it stays on a very difficult mode on default (level 8) and level 1-7 do nothing.

Also very important to note: On MUGEN 1.1, the highest difficulty STILL has very dumb AI. I think Ikemen is implementing AI differently in this case, just that right now there are no scaling from difficult 1-7.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on March 17, 2019, 11:18:54 am
It depends on the char, some of them dont even scale in mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 17, 2019, 02:45:13 pm
It depends on the char, some of them dont even scale in mugen.

We are talking about the default AI

And I implemented AI scaling, I fell is is a better way to implement it.
Ikemen calculates normal buttons and special attacks separate.

Anyone got any AI scaling formula that could work?
There must be one for "special attacks" and one for normal buttons.
It executes once per frame.
The actual formulas are in line 720 system.go
And line 1346 input.go


I propose a idea the AI at different levels got a "reaction time"
is a time between a minimum and 1 second were it executes a random command.
This scales non lineally.
This time is chosen by exponential random numbers to reduce the probability of the AI begin too fast or too slow.   
Remember any other idea is welcome.

Also we need to rewrite the AI movement so it doesn't just input random directions.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 18, 2019, 06:10:03 am
I tried to play arcade in a old game called Mega Man 9: Battle & Fighters, ohh boy the AI is ultra aggressive at level 1, mean it's too much.
I understand making the AI not rock dumb but I agree with you, we need to reduce the aggressiveness at low levels.

sorry friend, your reply somehow gone out of my notice. but I just saw it right now. thanks for being agreed with me. i believe you will definitely find a better solution to this. I'm counting on you :)

yes now that you mention it, you are right. I tried playing with characters with no AI difficulty setting 1, and they are the same aas difficulty setting 8. So basically it's not scaling at all, it stays on a very difficult mode on default (level 8) and level 1-7 do nothing.

Also very important to note: On MUGEN 1.1, the highest difficulty STILL has very dumb AI. I think Ikemen is implementing AI differently in this case, just that right now there are no scaling from difficult 1-7.

thanks for testing it from your end. hope to get the fix from Ikemen go's lovely developers so soon :)

We are talking about the default AI

And I implemented AI scaling, I fell is is a better way to implement it.
Ikemen calculates normal buttons and special attacks separate.

Anyone got any AI scaling formula that could work?
There must be one for "special attacks" and one for normal buttons.
It executes once per frame.
The actual formulas are in line 720 system.go
And line 1346 input.go


I propose a idea the AI at different levels got a "reaction time"
is a time between a minimum and 1 second were it executes a random command.
This scales non lineally.
This time is chosen by exponential random numbers to reduce the probability of the AI begin too fast or too slow.   
Remember any other idea is welcome.

Also we need to rewrite the AI movement so it doesn't just input random directions.

I've updated the src files with your ones; but seems aggressiveness yet remains high from my end. btw, can you tell me how to use mugen 1.1 lifebars in Ikemen? I have one which I wanna use in Ikemen. Problem is, after the fight starts, when the lifebar is supposed to be appeared on screen, Ikemen crashes. Any medicine from you would be more than welcome :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 18, 2019, 08:45:14 pm
I've updated the src files with your ones; but seems aggressiveness yet remains high from my end. btw, can you tell me how to use mugen 1.1 lifebars in Ikemen? I have one which I wanna use in Ikemen. Problem is, after the fight starts, when the lifebar is supposed to be appeared on screen, Ikemen crashes. Any medicine from you would be more than welcome :)

That's because the AI scaling is linear, with linear AI scaling, or the AI is rock dumb at all level or the AI is unfair at all levels, that's the reason why we said we need another AI scaling system.
Have you noticed the AI jumps like an idiot?
That's because AI inputs random directions. There many problems with the Ikemen AI.

The AI system needs a rewrite.
We could get some clues for the Dolmexica Engine.

About the lifebar problem could you upload the error log?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 18, 2019, 09:23:04 pm
Also chars who have both dash and run ability cannot run..They just jump forward.Example char:M206's sagatto.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 18, 2019, 11:51:23 pm
Also chars who have both dash and run ability cannot run..They just jump forward.Example char:M206's sagatto.

I know that the run command have a lot of problems.
I will fix it later, there so much stuff to do.
Do you know more charactes that also have this bug?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 19, 2019, 12:05:06 am
Well I had Ikemen Plus 0.3 and DW's chars would do a short jump instead of running or dashing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 19, 2019, 02:10:05 pm
About the lifebar problem could you upload the error log?

yes's the thing I've got from log file located in debug folder after crash:

runtime error: index out of range
goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:*LState).PCall.func1(0x90dcf0, 0xc000218000, 0xc0086c7c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0x650
panic(0x88e860, 0x7cb990)
C:/Dev/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:513 +0x1c7
main.(*Fnt).DrawText(0xc00bd4ed90, 0x7b9810, 0x1, 0x43358000434d0000, 0x3f0000003f000000, 0x100000000)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/font.go:493 +0x479
main.(*Layout).DrawText(0xc00c3d64fc, 0x0, 0x3f800000, 0x7b9810, 0x1, 0xc00bd4ed90, 0x100000000)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/common.go:611 +0x119
main.(*PowerBar).draw(0xc00c3d6000, 0xf350000, 0x3f80000000000000, 0x7d9d38, 0xa, 0xa)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/lifebar.go:255 +0x398
main.(*Lifebar).draw(0x7d9d18, 0x0)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/lifebar.go:1196 +0x2c8
main.(*System).draw(0x7d3b20, 0x80000000, 0xc03f800000)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/system.go:1215 +0x757
main.(*System).fight(0x7d3b20, 0xc000014900)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/system.go:1589 +0xec5
main.systemScriptInit.func61.2(0x18, 0x90df70, 0x7d3b20)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/script.go:853 +0x23e
main.systemScriptInit.func61(0xc000218000, 0x0)
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/script.go:897 +0x3cd, 0x0, 0xc001739801)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0x47, 0x7c000601, 0xc00020e000, 0x0)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0x39b, 0xc00020e000)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0xe1*LState).callR(0xc000218000, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0x24e*LState).Call(0xc000218000, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0x4f*LState).PCall(0xc000218000, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x979040, 0xc000043140)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0xe1*LState).DoFile(0xc000218000, 0xc000068900, 0xf, 0x979380, 0xc0000d12f0)
C:/Ikemen_GO/go/src/ +0xc9
C:/Ikemen_GO/src/main.go:235 +0x15c2

stack traceback:
[G]: in function 'game'
.\script\select.lua:678: in function 'f_selectSimple'
script/main.lua:1627: in function 'f_mainMenu'
script/main.lua:2120: in main chunk
[G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 19, 2019, 08:07:53 pm
That error...

I will explain why is so weird, the code that cause error is this.
x += float32(f.offset[0])*xscl + float32(sys.gameWidth-320)/2

The error is that f.offset[0] is bigger than the array but the array is crated as:
offset    [2]int32
So is created by the size of 2, the error is not a "nil value" error is that the variable just plain doesn't exist. 

Even if it loads and invalid/fake font by error it should not crash there, because it at least it should initialize the empty variables.

Could you send the lifebar files?


I've updated the src files with your ones; but seems aggressiveness yet remains high from my end. btw, can you tell me how to use mugen 1.1 lifebars in Ikemen? I have one which I wanna use in Ikemen. Problem is, after the fight starts, when the lifebar is supposed to be appeared on screen, Ikemen crashes. Any medicine from you would be more than welcome :)

I updated yet again the AI scaling. (Now I understand better how it works) Test now if it's better.
It still lacks movement AI so it just output random directions.

For now the current AI scaling formula is
rand(1, -11.25 * aiLevel + 165) = 1
For normal attacks

rand(0 , aiLevel / 2 + 32) > 32
For special attacks

Anyone is welcome to suggest another one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 20, 2019, 04:08:30 am
Could you send the lifebar files?

yes I can; already sent to you through PM :)

I updated yet again the AI scaling. (Now I understand better how it works) Test now if it's better.
It still lacks movement AI so it just output random directions.

For now the current AI scaling formula is
rand(1, -11.25 * aiLevel + 165) = 1
For normal attacks

rand(0 , aiLevel / 2 + 32) > 32
For special attacks

ahh..can you help this noob by telling where to put these codes? moreover, I like to watch AI play rather than playing manually. thanks..
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 20, 2019, 06:32:44 am
@Gacel I tried em out, I don't see a difference between 1 and 8 difficulty still, using non-ai characters. If you want me to send you a character for example I can send you one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 21, 2019, 09:29:55 am
also I realized that many codes along with %n code doesn't work in Ikemen. I have two cheap chars; one is able to KO another in mugen 1.0 when there's no KO in Ikemen of those two same chars fighting. even we all know mugen doesn't support many cheap chars, that's the reason I migrated to Ikemen, yet its a sad part for me that despite of supporting almost all winmugen chars, Ikemen doesn't support all of their codes :( :(
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 21, 2019, 02:45:30 pm
Pretty sure it's a good thing that IKEMEN doesn't support an engine exploit.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 21, 2019, 06:15:32 pm
good thing may be for you..but not for me
I collect chars from different sources..make AI playing with them...record the battle and upload to my youtube channel
now if my viewers see a cheap char able to defeat another cheap in winmugen, but is unable to defeat in my battle...what they think then?
they will think I cheat to make a winner or my engine isn't powerful enough to apply a char's full power advantage during the battle
so what should I do? you want me to tell them that yes I use Ikemen which doesn't suuport engine exploitation, and that's why cheap chars become weak (or dumb) in Ikemen !! that's ridiculous
I'll lose acceptability to my viewers and my earned reputation will go wasted...the thing I can't let it to be happened
unless Ikemen has that potential, I guess I better continue with mugen !!
I dont like winmugen because it's aspect ratio sucks in full screen stretches 4:3 screen to 16:9...and I don't like it at all
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 21, 2019, 09:25:34 pm
Oh no what a shame...?

If an application stretches to fit your screen when fullscreen'd, that's something you'll have to change in your GPU settings.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 21, 2019, 10:28:26 pm
good thing may be for you..but not for me
I collect chars from different sources..make AI playing with them...record the battle and upload to my youtube channel
now if my viewers see a cheap char able to defeat another cheap in winmugen, but is unable to defeat in my battle...what they think then?
they will think I cheat to make a winner or my engine isn't powerful enough to apply a char's full power advantage during the battle
so what should I do? you want me to tell them that yes I use Ikemen which doesn't suuport engine exploitation, and that's why cheap chars become weak (or dumb) in Ikemen !! that's ridiculous
I'll lose acceptability to my viewers and my earned reputation will go wasted...the thing I can't let it to be happened
unless Ikemen has that potential, I guess I better continue with mugen !!
I dont like winmugen because it's aspect ratio sucks in full screen stretches 4:3 screen to 16:9...and I don't like it at all

also I realized that many codes along with %n code doesn't work in Ikemen. I have two cheap chars; one is able to KO another in mugen 1.0 when there's no KO in Ikemen of those two same chars fighting. even we all know mugen doesn't support many cheap chars, that's the reason I migrated to Ikemen, yet its a sad part for me that despite of supporting almost all winmugen chars, Ikemen doesn't support all of their codes :( :(

That's because is a data overflow that overwrites the other character data.
Because in Ikemen every character and helper is his own isolated object including that in the way that MUGEN does it is imposible. (Also because GOlang uses a garbage collector)
Also I'm not sure if include such a bug is a good idea.

About the stretches as PlasmoidThunder said, maybe it's you GPU settings?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on March 21, 2019, 11:15:36 pm
so what should I do?
1.Make your own A.I.
2.Stop complaining that everything isn't automated to your preference.
3.Write your own workarounds, put the work in to have that quality.
All of which require some type of effort, so may not be interested.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 21, 2019, 11:20:20 pm
never been a fan of pure spectating mugen, and stuff such like salty bets, mugen can be better than a spectator machine, just my opinion. I for one support the removal of these bugs in ikemen. They don't have a place in Ikemen, winmugen/mugen is its own thing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 21, 2019, 11:43:15 pm
Just something to put out there in the hopes someone might know how to fix it, but an issue from IKEMEN that has carried over to IKEMEN GO is the way certain commands are handled. Let's say for instance I wanted to do a Hadoken into a Shinku Hadoken, that'd require a total of three quarter-circles forward (one for the Hadoken and two for the Shinku Hadoken).

In MUGEN, doing it fast enough (determined by the time value for the motion in the cmd) lets you activate both with just two quarter-circles forward, as the quarter-circle from the Hadouken is read as half the command for the Shinku Hadoken, though it'll still activate even if you perform all three quarter-circles; in fact, you can perform as many quarter-circles as you'd like as long as MUGEN understands two of them have been input within the defined time given to perform the Shinku Hadoken motion.

In IKEMEN, you can also activate both with just two quarter-circles as long as they're input fast enough, but the problem is when you try to input them both quickly but individually (three quarter-circles), as there's this delay period after activating the Hadoken where the Shinku Hadoken just doesn't activate, regardless of however many quarter circles you perform; if you want to cancel the Hadoken into the Shinku Hadoken quickly, you have to perform the fast double quarter-circle or else the Shinku Hadoken just won't activate.

I'm awful at wording things, but it's like this:

QCF P -> QCF P (if performed quick enough) = Hadoken into Shinku Hadoken.
QCF P -> QCF QCF P = Hadoken into Shinku Hadoken.
QCF P -> QCF QCF QCF QCF QCF QCF (you get the idea) P = Hadoken into Shinku Hadoken.

QCF P -> QCF P (if performed quick enough) = Hadoken into Shinku Hadoken.
QCF P -> QCF QCF P = Hadoken.
QCF P -> (delayed) QCF QCF P  = Hadoken into Shinku Hadoken.

This issue only occurs with motions of the same direction, so QCB P -> QCF QCF P will always activate both attacks without needing to delay the second motion.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on March 22, 2019, 05:34:49 am
Good evening friends

I only have a few questions/requests about ikemen

First question: can I have support for midi playing
Using soundfonts (fluidsynth plugin)

Example of this

In the stage.def we use this synthax
Bgmusic= sound/liberathos.mid
Bgvolume =255

So, for example have somithing like this in
System.def or motif file:

Midiplay = true
MidiuseMicrosoftWavetable = false
Midiuseexternalsoundfont = true
GMSoundfont = data/cps2musicalinstruments.sf2


Midiplay = true
MidiuseMicrosoftWavetable = false
Midiuseexternalsoundfont = true
GMSoundfont = data/neogeomusicalinstruments.sf2

So this means, that in system.def you can choose
The file of musical sounds/instruments that want
To be used on midi playing (remember point and click adventures and snes particular instrument sounds in each game)

Second question
I know about the unlocking system
Using ranking, defeats, but I propose to
Expand this to using a custom sequence to
Unlock boss chars, for reference remember
Kof 95 when you unlock rugal and saisyu
With a button sequence (start, down b, up c, left, left, D and after to push that sequence appears rugal on select screen

Pseudo coding this example:

Your select.def have

Rugal95,stages/blacknoah.def, hidden =1, unlockable =1, unlocktype =ranking

And i want to:

Rugal95,stages/blacknoah.def, hidden =1, unlockable =1, unlocktype =buttonsequence

And paralel to this thing in system.def:
Fight = data/fight.def
Font = font/kof95.def
Titlebgm = sound/funky.mid
Selectbgm = sound/choosealterego.mid
Vsbgm = sound/confrontation.mid
Unlockingseq = data/bosschoose.cmd

So, this brings to the bosschoose.cmd file:

name = "Rugal"
command =  Start, D, D, U, U, D, U
time = 1

And this cmd file is loaded simultaneously to the
select.def by the engine, so when you load that custom sequence you can unlock that character with that sequence of buttons
Other question
Can I allow to p2 push start on select screen when
I am in one player mode, or begin the arcade mode with player 2 and interrupt the game with player 1


P1start = true
P2start = false
Originalplayer = P1
Cpuladder =true; the time when you play with
Player 1 side begin arcade mode

P1start = false
P2start = true
Originalplayer= P2
Cpuladder =true; the time when you begin the game with p2 player



P1start = true
P2start = true
Originalplayer = both
Initvsmode =true
Cpuladder = false


P1start = true
P2start = fase
Originalplayer = P1
Cpuladder =true
Undefiniedplayer interrupting = true
Gamepause= true
Herecomeschallengerscreen = true
If undefinied player win = true
   Do = replaceoriginalplayerwithwinner
If undefiniedplayer win = false
  Do = getbacktogame before pause
   Restartround = true

You know about this, the here comes a new challenger
And last question about continues,
Can I increase the continues
With a button directly in the game when
I lose the round (eg. The continue credit button in original arcade games) and separate each continue in a different side of player
(E.g. P1credit = button 9,  p2 credit=button 27)
You know like old school games

Code example
P1lives = coins1.lua
P2lives = coins2.lua

Int Gettotalcoins = menu.lua
   If PlayerLoseround = true
        Continuescreen = true
               Get coins=-1
                      If Gettotalcoins = -1
                           Do = gameover.lua

Forgive me about bad coding explanation of the request, but I am a musician (I am Mike77154, a cps2 style composer and Whizzywhipitwonderful sidekick than a coder

Thanks in advance, greetings from Mexico DF

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 22, 2019, 06:20:05 am
Oh no what a shame...?

If an application stretches to fit your screen when fullscreen'd, that's something you'll have to change in your GPU settings.

About the stretches as PlasmoidThunder said, maybe it's you GPU settings?

there's nothing to do with my GPU setting...all who uses winmugen has the screen like that; because its an old engine that doesnt support wide screeen. still wanna doubt on me? go try yourself..and see how the chars look like when you change the setting to stretch = 1 and fullscreen = 1 in winmugen. the chars will become fatty !!

1.Make your own A.I.
2.Stop complaining that everything isn't automated to your preference.
3.Write your own workarounds, put the work in to have that quality.
All of which require some type of effort, so may not be interested.

sorry to say but I dont have that time for those crap...I've my business and family to take care of...and when I have some time free, I watch the battles and share with my friends !! and I'm not a lazy ass...I seek help only when something's beyond my reach. If I'd be that expert, I'd rather try myself than replying you here !!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: AVPboy on March 22, 2019, 06:27:24 am
Hey guys... Just to clarify, you are acting totally rude to this situation, seriously... you are not Gods or something.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: lui on March 22, 2019, 06:38:44 am
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neo_Fire_Sonic on March 22, 2019, 04:38:56 pm
Hey guys... Just to clarify, you are acting totally rude to this situation, seriously... you are not Gods or something.
They are rude yes, but they aren't wrong.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 22, 2019, 05:46:33 pm
Hey guys... Just to clarify, you are acting totally rude to this situation, seriously... you are not Gods or something.
They are rude yes, but they aren't wrong.

I'm not trying to be rude I'm just explaining that Including such bug/quirk is no easy task because the reason why things like %n exist in mugen is because it uses a static variable position. Ikemen uses dynamic object allocation.

Also I said that including the bug is not a good idea I was referring to the way that mugen does, intentional code to replicate the things would be posible. (With the option to toggle it)

But we need to finish the core parts of the engine first before thinking about adding these type of features. We don't even have the lifebar support complete.

The things that fisahas and PlasmoidThunder said do not represent the thought or opinions of the Ikemen developers.

Some things like a characters that are borderline malware (Edit Ram, uses CMD files that changes/deletes files, run external scripts, etc) will [Probably] never be supported.


I have college exam week over here so this week and the next I could not work on Ikemen.


Reading about the %n bug

% n bug
Bug using DisplayToClipboard.
You can do various things by rewriting an arbitrary address using the% n token.

That seems imposible to implement....
Anything that writes arbitrary addresses is imposible to implement because GoLang does not allow that.


I was wrong.
You can use "unsafe.Pointer" in GoLang but...
Also I'm not sure how useful it would be considering that object allocation is dynamic.
You will have to fight not only against the other cheapie but also against the Garbage Collector.
Consider this, what once was a helper variable address could become the file I/O and overwrite your hard disk files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 22, 2019, 06:31:13 pm
Any news about left-right controller bug and dash-run chars?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 22, 2019, 07:11:51 pm
Since Tuesday I was investigating the dash-run chars stuff.
So this is my report.

But a I said the next week is the college exam week and I have to study from today so I will not have free time to work on Ikemen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 22, 2019, 07:15:19 pm
Ok i understand.Good luck on your exam mate.You work really hard for us.But i wonder,are there no progress about the bug which chars unable to execute some special moves on left side using controller?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 22, 2019, 07:20:06 pm
As I said I do not understand the input code...
The weird thing about that bug is that was the same bug with keyboard but it was fixed without anyone editing the input code.
Maybe the cause was the GLFW implementation.
The GLFW go repo is constantly updated, so is the only cause that I can think of.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 22, 2019, 07:47:39 pm
uhmmmmm well,........that escalated quickly. Lol.

And @Gacel that's interesting with cornerpush, I think now I will test the characters in Mugen 1.0, old Mugen and winmugen/old ikemen plus to see if there is a code in their file that might be causing this, thank you for testing
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 22, 2019, 08:06:08 pm
Yeah I was just trying to explain why including that exploit is too dangerous.
MUGEN 1.0 removed it for a reason.
But everything exploded.

I you find what these character made to disable the conerpush inform me.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That's a lot.
Okay time to answer you questions Mike.

MIDI soundfound should be posible, I will keep it in mind (Is also a feature that interest me)

The Unlock code system could be also be implemented.

The "here comes a new challenger" is already done by K4thos
Here is the post:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

But he hasn't uploaded the files that he said he would.
K4thos if you are reading this could you show any signal of life? Please...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 22, 2019, 08:29:08 pm
Speaking of bosses, I wish for this:
Force certain team modes in Arcade.
This can be useful for bosses or twin opponents (e.g Juli and Juni).
The parameter should be: force=[single,team,turns]
Also, for the team and turns stuff there should be another parameter which connects characters to each other so they appear on the same team, either Simul or Turns. This could be useful for KOF Fangames.
Like this: team=[number]

Quick Examples:
Abyss, stages/MVC2Abyss.def, order=3, boss=1, force=single
Kyo, stages/Japan.def, team=4
Benimaru, stages/Japan.def, team=4
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 22, 2019, 10:03:13 pm
That is posible by just editing the lua files.
But as I said I'm waiting for K4thos to upload the updated ones.
I do not want to implement features in them just to be latter discarded.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 22, 2019, 10:26:51 pm
looks like @K4thos is going on another 6 month vaction lol
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on March 22, 2019, 11:22:44 pm
His last activity was 4 days ago, which implies that he has been at least lurking here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 23, 2019, 01:59:39 am
Palette Loading Problems.
1. If 2+ fighter are chosen with the same palette, they'll all use it, unlike normal Mugen.
2. Mr. Ansatsuken's Ryu is stuck on his SF3 palette, no matter which mode or button. This might be something to do with his Palette Initialization.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 23, 2019, 02:16:03 pm
Quick update on my journey here.
To remember my goal: port Ikemen to Android TV/Box.
I will eventually create a thread about it. But is not quite at the point yet.

I think I'm starting to wrap my head about the project structure and way people use Mugen. I'm just
a fan of old fight games that just learn about Mugen, and went directly to Ikemen - without ever using mugen - because is opensource.

Right now, I have Dockerized the development environment. I can now cross compile windows/linux with ease.
Next target is to cross compile to Mac (my environment).
With that any developer will be able to produce binaries for all platforms from their own environment.
I think being able to produce binaries for all platforms can boost the interest on the project.
Moreover, it will make easy to put together resources from other projects (Mugen dependencies) without concerning about the license of them and to get something up and running quickly.

The reason why containerizing the dev environment is that is important for the next step. Android has too many dependencies.
Setting them up in proper places is annoying and require a lot of work and break easily. Adding that up to the Ikemen project dependencies just magnifies problem. Having the single development environment for all platforms can help gather contributions for a broader community.

I also managed to (in a separate environment) create an Android app from golang+opengl sources. I created the APK file, installed in my phone and it worked. I hope that eventually this experience will help on porting Ikemen for Android.

If is there anyone interested in this project let me know.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 23, 2019, 04:51:57 pm
@Gacel, bro I've sent you a PM. Pls give it a read and reply me in there :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 23, 2019, 05:07:09 pm
there's nothing to do with my GPU setting...all who uses winmugen has the screen like that; because its an old engine that doesnt support wide screeen. still wanna doubt on me? go try yourself..and see how the chars look like when you change the setting to stretch = 1 and fullscreen = 1 in winmugen. the chars will become fatty !!

I have done exactly that. Via my GPU settings, I set WinMUGEN to retain its aspect ratio and thus it stayed at 4:3 when running fullscreen; by default, everything stretches to fit unless you tell it otherwise.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 23, 2019, 07:00:13 pm
I have done exactly that. Via my GPU settings, I set WinMUGEN to retain its aspect ratio and thus it stayed at 4:3 when running fullscreen; by default, everything stretches to fit unless you tell it otherwise.

I'm able to do the same..but I prefer widescreen, means AR 16:9 over 4:3..and you better know how it looks like when the screen turns into 16:9 :(
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 23, 2019, 10:00:14 pm
Honestly I don't mind it stretching to fit as long as it isn't blurry. Still, WinMUGEN is buggy and outdated, and those engine exploits are a result of this; it'd be silly to deliberately code an exploit into your program that'd allow for arbitrary code injection and execution since that poses a risk to everyone using it, and it'd be just as silly to realistically expect any developers to do it with theirs.

Not trying to be mean here, but from a logical standpoint it just doesn't make sense to purposefully compromise the integrity of a program you're making.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 24, 2019, 12:55:50 am
Good news,
cross compiling mac is working too.
windows/linux/mac in a single environment.
I can move forward to integrate Android now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 24, 2019, 04:24:00 am
Good news,
cross compiling mac is working too.
windows/linux/mac in a single environment.
I can move forward to integrate Android now.

Thank you for your work and I can't wait to try it out! It felt like ikemen for a while was in a development halt but I'm glad to see there is a bunch of development on it by many now!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 24, 2019, 08:32:07 am
Good news,
cross compiling mac is working too.
windows/linux/mac in a single environment.
I can move forward to integrate Android now.

That's great,I could never get to cross compile CGO.

I have done exactly that. Via my GPU settings, I set WinMUGEN to retain its aspect ratio and thus it stayed at 4:3 when running fullscreen; by default, everything stretches to fit unless you tell it otherwise.

I'm able to do the same..but I prefer widescreen, means AR 16:9 over 4:3..and you better know how it looks like when the screen turns into 16:9 :(

Hey Fisahas could you send a photo of your monitor (not screenshot) while Ikemen is running mid-battle to check how it looks the stretching.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 24, 2019, 08:37:59 am
Is the support for 32 bit screenpacks still gone? Example MugengersHD, used to get a black screen and had a mess with ikemen trying to get stuff to work. I figured if it isn't there yet I wouldn't bother testing the screenpacks anyway because of how messy it gets
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 24, 2019, 08:41:42 am
I haven't tested it in screenpacks but Ikemen GO has support for 32 bit sprites.
Wait a moment I will test it right now.


WHY? Why these sprites does not for on lifebars when it works on everything else? Why?
That's a bug (Or maybe a unfinished feature?) I'll fix it when I finish my college exams (The next weekend)

Guessing it probably uses a whole different implementation than the rest of the program for displaying lifebar sprites just like lifebars fonts.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 24, 2019, 11:50:24 am
Good news,
cross compiling mac is working too.
windows/linux/mac in a single environment.
I can move forward to integrate Android now.

That's great,I could never get to cross compile CGO.

I was wondering... after successfully cross-compiling Ikemen to windows/mac/linux I did some research on
how to best integrate that to Ikemen code.
The key issue is licensing.
Several dependencies with different licensing makes it hard to understand how do they combine.
In particular Apple SDK license is very confusing. That adds up to OpenAL which has different license for different platforms.
And I haven't added android yet.

To avoid any contamination of Ikemen code, I think I will keep the dev environment out of the Ikemen codebase.
Besides, a separate project has some advantages such as enabling to customize the images. Right now, without android,
the image has 3GB in size. I think android will add at least 1or 2GB to it.
Later I can add support for Raspberry without disrupting much, and take advantage of tags to allow smaller images.
For instance, if you are only interested in build Ikemen for windows, the image size can be smaller, around 1GB.

An use case would be something like:
for generating binaries for all platforms (this should download a large image one time):
docker pull ikemen-dev:all  

for small development environment for specific platforms:
for windows:
docker pull ikemen-dev:win
or for linux
docker pull ikemen-dev:linux
or for mac
docker pull ikemen-dev:mac
or for raspberry pi
docker pull ikemen-dev:pi
or for android tv
docker pull ikemen-dev:android

and to build the binaries will become something as easy as executing this command from the
Ikemen source dir:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/code -e os='win' -t ikemen-dev:all

and Ikemen.exe will be created.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 25, 2019, 11:22:35 am
it'd be silly to deliberately code an exploit into your program that'd allow for arbitrary code injection and execution since that poses a risk to everyone using it, and it'd be just as silly to realistically expect any developers to do it with theirs.

Not trying to be mean here, but from a logical standpoint it just doesn't make sense to purposefully compromise the integrity of a program you're making.

all the winmugen users running winmugen at their own risk. from that point of view, your words dont ring any bell; because as a modern emulator, Ikemen should include all the features, and users will decide whether to enable exploit feature in Ikemen or not. And if a user dares to take the risk of executing arbitrary code injection, you have got no bigger problem to worry about that.

I'd like to see Ikemen above all other emulators ever released. That's why it should include all the features, and it will let the user decide to enable/disable exploit feature, the unique option no other emulators ever offered before. That's my suggestion to the honorable Ikemen developers.

Hey Fisahas could you send a photo of your monitor (not screenshot) while Ikemen is running mid-battle to check how it looks the stretching.

here you go bro:

When winmugen stretches 4:3 screen to 16:9 in fullscreen mode, Ikemen runs perfectly in my widescreen monitor keeping the aspect ratio 16:9 (no stretching and perfect aspect ratio for widescreen). That's why I'm in love with it <3

it will be my pleasure to deliver you anything necessary for the betterment of Ikemen :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 25, 2019, 08:22:25 pm
any word from @K4thos? It seems like so much was implemented in the non-released build he had.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 26, 2019, 12:28:35 am
No not a single word from K4thos not even PMs.
He shouldn't have much trouble uploading a few files.
Maybe personal life got in his way.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 26, 2019, 07:17:52 pm
I kinda wish this version had the Looping Character Select from Ikemen Plus 0.3 because that actually looked kinda neat, depending on the layout.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 26, 2019, 08:04:06 pm
i believe k4thos ported a bunch of things from the original ikemen 0.3 into his unreleased GO version, which is why its so important to have these files. ikemen 0.3 had quite a load of features, although being worse in compatibility than the GO variant.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 27, 2019, 04:14:47 am
new commits from neatunsou's page, mostly the addition of Gacel's code

neatunsou's commit with Gacel's code:
new commit with zoom lag:

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on March 27, 2019, 06:35:43 am
Hello buddies, with the new that I can finally compile the ikemen go

(useful information, please upload the,so when you instal the go lang from the source, please specify that it must to be used the Go version w32 and not the w86-64 version, even if you want a compile the 64 bit version, it must have the go language instalation of w32 on your coputer or gitbash will not compile)

ok, and now I have another question

number one, in original winmugen and mugen 1.0 in the title screen (you know the screen with arcade,vs,survival,training.options, etc) you can choose the mode with player one or player two, but in ikemen go plus you only can choose the mode with player one only, so, How can I make able to player 2 begin the game

number two, I know that the tokens (credits) only can be added or reduced in options but, Lets say that I want to add a general button for adding credits (you know, left, right, start, a,b,c,x,y,z, pause, but I wanto to push a button like F11 or 3 number for give one credit ) so, here is the question, Which file control the credit usage (main.go,main.lua?) and in which file I can add more buttons to have more functions except of the mugen classical butons (input.go?)?

number three, there is some place of the K4thos have the beta or experimental file of the script Here comes a new challenger code? for implement it myself and help him finish his original job?

something more buddys, I am trying implementing myself the midi with soundfont file playing for ikemen, but the problem is that I only have the library for C code, the Go bindings of fluidsynth is something awful because I only understand the C language because I learn before on arduino programing but the Go lang is a little difficult for me (sorry guys,remember I  am mainly a musician of cps2 originals, not a veteran code progrrammer on golang so it is a big effort for my, but if I can help Gacel and you, I will do it), so here is my last question, how do I manage a c library with their original parameters or there is a way to transalte a C code to golang ? (that weird thing of cgo conffuse me a lot)

Greetings from Mexico
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 27, 2019, 10:15:25 am
The titlescreen controls and the credits system are inside the lua file.
The thing that K4thos is going to send are the Lua files...
So any change we make to them is going to be replaced/deleted when we merge our code.

If you can't manage to implement fluidsynth I will try to do it when the weekend comes.


Merged neatunsou's changes:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on March 27, 2019, 11:45:47 pm
@Gacel: Question for you bro, So if I understood what you said about the Menu screen, If I wanted to implement changes to how you control the movement of the fonts ("Arcade" "Versus" etc etc) from Horizontal (Left to right ) to Vertical (up & down) in order to do something like the below old screenshots, So to cut it short the changes would need to be made against the Lua code correct.
This Mugen version I had to make it look like it went horizontal but in reality the controls only allow for vertical movements, sadly mugen limitation.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 28, 2019, 01:03:05 am
Near line 1399 in main.lua.

It uses
commandGetState(player, input)
You have to modify it so instead of up and down it uses left and right.

PS: Now I see why the player 2 doesn't work in the main menu.

Now the player 2 can control the main menu.
To clarify, I did this because it did not require to much code I'm still busy for the week.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 28, 2019, 02:18:54 am
Yeah, if it's anything like IKEMEN Plus, it's simply because all menu controls assume P1 rather than either player. Good to know that's something you've sorted out :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 28, 2019, 06:59:07 pm
Fullscreen looks like this on my Windows 10.
Note that this is a mock-up because Print Screen won't catch it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on March 28, 2019, 10:26:35 pm
@Gacel, there are a few things to tweak in the cross-compiler image but is at least working.

I submitted a pull request.
The changes in the get and build scripts shall not change the way you build without docker.
It only enables to also build with docker. Therefore, you will need docker to run the commands
and cross compile the binaries.

Later I will add android dependencies, and optimize the image to reduce its size.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 29, 2019, 02:29:22 am
@Gacel, there are a few things to tweak in the cross-compiler image but is at least working.

I submitted a pull request.
The changes in the get and build scripts shall not change the way you build without docker.
It only enables to also build with docker. Therefore, you will need docker to run the commands
and cross compile the binaries.

Later I will add android dependencies, and optimize the image to reduce its size.

I already merged the changes.

Fullscreen looks like this on my Windows 10.
Note that this is a mock-up because Print Screen won't catch it.

That's the reason why I said that you need to send a photo.
But I think I see what's the problem...
I could ask what is the resolution of your monitor and what's resolution you set up in Ikemen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 29, 2019, 08:13:17 am
1920x1080 Monitor. Game resolution was 960sx720
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on March 29, 2019, 11:04:44 pm
That explains everything!
Ikemen does't have resolution scale (Like mugen 1.0)
Also doesn't have a true fullscreen mode.
Try to set the resolution to 1440x1080 inside the config.json file.


Hey Neat Unsou I was testing the old binaries of Ikemen and
it seems that your changes to the render was the thing that broke PNG lifebars.
I remember that you changed the render order, maybe could be it.

Remember about cheapie character code, well if found some info and...
Well %f bug code it looks like this:
pushad                  ;initialization
pushfd                  ;initialization
mov eax,[004b5b4c]      ;get MUGEN's address
mov ebx,[eax+0000b788]  ;get the enemy's address (+0000b784 if teamside = 2)
mov ecx,[ebx+00000be8]  ;get the state code pointer of the enemy
mov [ecx],004b4000      ;move a null address to the state code pointer of the enemy
popfd                   ;finalization
popad                   ;finalization
mov [004b4458],00000000 ;finalization
jmp 00496651            ;return to normal code

It's goddam ASM!
And this is a version that is in readable form is more messy inside the char.

For example this is a supernull in cns form.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

In this image it shows parts of the default lifebar converted to PNG sprites running in a old build (You can notice the blurry PNG sprites.)
In a new build the PNG sprites does not display.
It also shows Golden-Catastrophe (A Assembly Tier cheapie) killing itself at the intro because supernull does not work. (It's hilarious)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on March 30, 2019, 02:45:13 pm
@Gacel char loads nicely in mugen and winmugen..but it crashes Ikemen. here's the data got from log:

.\script\select.lua:678: chars\opirus_element kyo/Element-S.cns:2898:
trans: 1が無効な値です
stack traceback:
[G]: in function 'game'
.\script\select.lua:678: in function 'f_selectSimple'
script/main.lua:1627: in function 'f_mainMenu'
script/main.lua:2120: in main chunk
[G]: ?
can you explain what's causing the crash? thanks in advance..
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on March 30, 2019, 02:46:42 pm
Neatunsou made a cornerpush commit.Gacel maybe Neatunsou can fix the left-right controller bug.Can you contract about it please?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on March 30, 2019, 03:16:54 pm
How do I scale up the infobox?
I've got everything else up to 640x480 but not this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 30, 2019, 04:07:01 pm
New commit also fixes fonts I believe, from neatunsou's. I'm gonna test cornerpush on the 2 characters to see if it's fixed
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on March 30, 2019, 05:40:14 pm
UPDATE: @Gacel, Yes the new neatunsou commit fixed the cornerpush bug on those chracters, so characters coded that way will not push back, and for regular characters it will push back like normal. basically, corner push is working as it should. So that is fixed now
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on March 31, 2019, 09:03:52 am
The titlescreen controls and the credits system are inside the lua file.
The thing that K4thos is going to send are the Lua files...
So any change we make to them is going to be replaced/deleted when we merge our code.

If you can't manage to implement fluidsynth I will try to do it when the weekend comes.


Merged neatunsou's changes:

Bro, I want to ask, how was going the fluidsynth implementation?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 01, 2019, 01:52:10 am
Sorry but this week I haven't any time free to for on Ikemen.
That's because this week and the next is the time in college when we do exams.

After that I will have a whole week free (Without class) to work on Ikemen.

@Gacel char loads nicely in mugen and winmugen..but it crashes Ikemen. here's the data got from log:

.\script\select.lua:678: chars\opirus_element kyo/Element-S.cns:2898:
trans: 1が無効な値です
stack traceback:
[G]: in function 'game'
.\script\select.lua:678: in function 'f_selectSimple'
script/main.lua:1627: in function 'f_mainMenu'
script/main.lua:2120: in main chunk
[G]: ?
can you explain what's causing the crash? thanks in advance..

Send me the char and I will try to make time to check it. (Maybe tomorrow)

How do I scale up the infobox?
I've got everything else up to 640x480 but not this.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That's because the I didn't implement infobox (Or option menu) scaling.
I will implement it when I get free from college exams. (By Friday aprox.)
I don't do it before because I was waiting for K4thos to upload new lua files but he haven't show any signs of life since that last post.

If anyone have have the unreleased source files please inform me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on April 01, 2019, 09:07:59 am
Send me the char and I will try to make time to check it. (Maybe tomorrow)

I've done my part already; now waiting for this fix from you :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 04, 2019, 08:47:33 pm
Hey guys! Are there any public builds released yet? Does one still need to build it themselves or are there compiled versions available already? Can this be used mac? Thanks for the great work!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 04, 2019, 09:31:20 pm
This can be compiled for windows and linux(not sure but dan ported to mac i suppose).And pre compiled builds for windows is here
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 04, 2019, 09:32:39 pm
Thank You!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 05, 2019, 10:30:42 am
Can this run in wineskin on a mac? Please if someone has successfully compiled this on mac, could someone give a link to their compiled version or instructions on how they did it! Thanks
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 05, 2019, 10:44:22 pm
Well fiashas now that I have free time I'll check the reason why the char crash.
LebKeller I will install docker and will try create a native macOS app. I will have it ready soon. (Not today)

Sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on April 05, 2019, 11:05:27 pm
You don't need to apologize for anything my man, you're a busy person doing us a favor, keep it at your pace.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 06, 2019, 12:58:20 am
we are not worthy
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on April 06, 2019, 06:29:21 am
Well fiashas now that I have free time I'll check the reason why the char crash.
LebKeller I will install docker and will try create a native macOS app. I will have it ready soon. (Not today)

Sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.

Bro thank you, I appreciate your IKEMEN

Man, I have two quetions, did you will implementate the fluidsynth compatibility?

And about the second player controling the main menu, only the player 2 can move in direccions but cant select the play mode? Could this can be fixed?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 06, 2019, 06:59:01 am
Well fiashas now that I have free time I'll check the reason why the char crash.
LebKeller I will install docker and will try create a native macOS app. I will have it ready soon. (Not today)

Sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.

Thank you so much! Thanks for giving your free time to this project!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 06, 2019, 07:15:18 am
Hey gacel can you contact neatunsou about the controller bug please¿I PM him but he doesnt respond.Also k4thos was active yesterday.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 07, 2019, 02:52:45 am
Sadly I don't have more means of contacting neatunsou than you.
I wish there was a better way of contacting them. (neatunsou and k4thos)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 07, 2019, 03:15:42 am
Unsou has a hidden Active time, there's a chance he hasn't been here in a good few days or even weeks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 07, 2019, 03:54:57 am
He doesn't really post here, but his osdn is usually active every 1 to 2 weeks

K4thos I have no idea about lol
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 07, 2019, 07:45:04 am
Didnt k4thos send you lua files?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 07, 2019, 08:02:06 am
I'm still waiting. (In reality stopped hopping he would send them and started making changes to the lua files that we have now)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on April 07, 2019, 10:46:01 am
Well fiashas now that I have free time I'll check the reason why the char crash.

ok bro..hope you find out what's causing the issue and get it fixed asap :)

Sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.

pls dont be...we all have other works to do..we all know how much effort you're giving to solve our mumbo jumbo thing
hats off bro...we all love you and your works <3
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 07, 2019, 03:45:44 pm
You should pm him again.Its really wierd that he was online at friday but didnt send files to you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on April 09, 2019, 05:26:07 am
I really wonder that happen with the Here comes a new challenger system maded by K4thos
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 09, 2019, 05:05:06 pm
I think it is clear K4thos does not care, he's been seen online for the past few weeks. It's best to move on and not wait for someone who will not give anything. It's done with, we're not seeing. The guys here have been getting things done that he never did, so I am very greatful for the developers here. Best to move on imo.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 09, 2019, 05:56:48 pm
I wouldn't say that. Can't blame him or anyone though, this stuff gets boring after a while, especially when no one is really doing anything with it. Why I'm always suggesting talking about specific/related content etc, never know who you might inspire. Figure peeps are just lurking around waiting for something to happen as usual. 

If you are reading this and willing to answer.. What are the benefits of using Ikemen for you? I've not seen anyone do anything not already possible in mugen. SP,SP,SP. I've seen a few of you interested in porting to Mac/Android etc, but why do you want to do that? Curious. I had a lot of plans.. Mainly story mode, recreating the lore of every CVS verse series in 2D etc. Cut-scenes, Unlockable characters etc. *sighs*

Remaking these will just have to wait bro :/
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Crazy idea I know.. Why can't any of you contributing to this Ikemen dev do the donation thing? You should really consider it.
I understand you have your lives, you aren't obligated to do anything, especially free work. An extra incentive even.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 09, 2019, 09:00:47 pm
If he had shared his files and updated the source code all from the begining then we wouldnt be slow and outdated.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 09, 2019, 11:01:31 pm
I feel like at some point, you realize that no one is under obligation to do any of this. All your talk about being slow and outdated? Guy has done more in a week than anyone has used this forum for in years. You sound ungrateful. What have you done to help speed up this process? You know besides request for things to be done for you. Maybe it’s not what you meant entirely, but have some respect that we have anything at all. I’ve been using this since vanilla Ikemen. Lot of progress since then. All this work done for free on “their” free time. If you aren’t contributing to developing, you don’t get to be impatient, and that’s fair. You don’t know what anyone is going through. That’s why, coming up with solutions to make it easier for them isn’t a bad idea. We help them, they help us. Come together on this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 10, 2019, 02:50:16 pm
If i had known go and lua language(i dont know if other languages could work with this) then i would love to spend my time on this open source engine.Why wouldnt i?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 11, 2019, 08:48:46 pm
If i had known go and lua language(i dont know if other languages could work with this) then i would love to spend my time on this open source engine.Why wouldnt i?

Sorry but that should not limit you. Instead should be an incentive to learn.
I also did not know go/lua but tried to help anyways.
You are welcome to help. As we all are. Let's be grateful with the contributors and try to help.
Helping is not limited to code.
Testing, improving development workflow, filing bugs, adding tutorials, improving documentation, replacing mugen dependencies are just a few examples of how one can help.
Dont take this in the wrong way but as an invitation.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 11, 2019, 08:51:51 pm
btw I've also been busy :-( april is being tough.
I hope to get back on track soon. I still want to port Ikemen to android TV.
It would be great if those mugen dependencies required for Ikemen to run were replaced as they cannot be packed
with the the android app due to licensing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 12, 2019, 06:48:23 am
Yeah, April is being tough.
So my PC was broken so I wasn't able to compile Ikemen.
I reinstalled windows and I installed docker and now I can cross compile so from now on I'll post builds from Windows, Linux and MacOS.

I'll post a new version in a few minutes the changes are:

- PNG lifebars fixed.
- Changes to Cornerpush.
- The Player 2 now works in the main menu.
- Docker builds for easier compiling.
- Some stage zoom changes.

And as always the required mugen files.

I have not tested the MacOS and Linux builds it would be useful if someone can test them.

Also anyone is invited to contribute even bug reports are very useful.
I didn't l know anything about GO (Even his existence) before finding Ikemen.
Ikemen GO is the first time I program in GO-lang.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 12, 2019, 06:52:37 am
Thank you very much! Will definitely test the mac build later on today! Can't wait :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on April 12, 2019, 07:07:28 am
Yeah, April is being tough.
So my PC was broken so I wasn't able to compile Ikemen.
I reinstalled windows and I installed docker and now I can cross compile so from now on I'll post builds from Windows, Linux and MacOS.

I'll post a new version in a few minutes the changes are:

- PNG lifebars fixed.
- Changes to Cornerpush.
- The Player 2 now works in the main menu.
- Docker builds for easier compiling.
- Some stage zoom changes.

And as always the required mugen files.

I have not tested the MacOS and Linux builds it would be useful if someone can test them.

Also anyone is invited to contribute even bug reports are very useful.
I didn't l know anything about GO (Even his existence) before finding Ikemen.
Ikemen GO is the first time I program in GO-lang.

Thank you man!!! you are awesomeeewe!!!

Player 2 on main menu! Epic!

But could be possible add the compatibility with fluidsynth library for loading soundfonts?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 12, 2019, 07:11:26 am
I will investigate it later.
I'm still not sure how to make the soundfount option.
It should be in the config file?
It should be inside the stage file?


Hey fisahas about that crash with "Opirus Element Kyo" is because of the coding of the char.
In the line 2896 inside the Element-S.cns file there is a line that it says:
trans = 1
That's a typo you need to replace it with:
trans = add1
I tested it in Ikemen and is a awesome char.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on April 12, 2019, 07:48:02 am
I will investigate it later.
I'm still not sure how to make the soundfount option.
It should be in the config file?
It should be inside the stage file?


Hey fisahas about that crash with "Opirus Element Kyo" is because of the coding of the char.
In the line 2896 inside the Element-S.cns file there is a line that it says:
trans = 1
That's a typo you need to replace it with:
trans = add1
I tested it in Ikemen and is a awesome char.

The idea of using a soundfont is giving all the game a particular sound of musical instruments but maybe for the stage collectors can work the stage option

The idea is loading the soundfont like loading a lifebar, for example in system.def something like
volume = 500
Reverb = true

Or something like

Generalsoundfont: Data/AllinOne.sf2
Particular soundfonts
Data/CrujienteHeavyGuitar.sf2 (GM=31)
Data/plumberbass.sf2 (GM=34)
Data/rockodrumkit.sf2 (GM= Standard kit)
Data/tr-909.sf2 (GM = electronic kit)

GM means general midi
the weird thing is translating the C code libraria to Go lang
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 10:29:46 am
Yeah, April is being tough.
So my PC was broken so I wasn't able to compile Ikemen.
I reinstalled windows and I installed docker and now I can cross compile so from now on I'll post builds from Windows, Linux and MacOS.

And as always the required mugen files.

I have not tested the MacOS and Linux builds it would be useful if someone can test them.

Also anyone is invited to contribute even bug reports are very useful.
I didn't l know anything about GO (Even his existence) before finding Ikemen.
Ikemen GO is the first time I program in GO-lang.

Hey Gacel, I'm very happy that crosscompilling worked easily for you!
I know starting with docker can be hard. :-)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Zero800 on April 12, 2019, 12:14:55 pm
In the future could have a way to function as an arcade (insert coin)...
One of the infinite possibilities of Ikemen!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 12, 2019, 01:33:10 pm
Hi Gacel! I downloaded the mac version but it is a .dms extension and i can't open it? Was it suppose to be a .dms file?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 04:13:45 pm
Hi Gacel! I downloaded the mac version but it is a .dms extension and i can't open it? Was it suppose to be a .dms file?

Hey LebKeller,
the easiest way to run it on mac is as follows:

1 - download the repository as a zip file:
2 - download the binary released:
3 - download the external mugen dependencies :

4 - unpack the into a folder: Ikemen_GO
5 - unpack into a separate folder
6 - copy everything but the directory data from the into the Ikemen_GO folder
7 - copy the content of the data folder into (extrated folder) to Ikemen_GO/data (you have to merge both folders not replace)
8 - copy Ikemen_GO_mac into Ikemen_GO folder

at this point you have everything in place, but the file Ikemen_GO_mac has no execution bit enabled. You'll need to enable it.

I dont know an easy way but opening the terminal, navigating to the Ikemen_GO folder (cd directory) and then run
chmod +x Ikemen_GO_mac   

after doing that, you can double click and Ikemen should open up.

We will try to make this deployment process easier in the next versions.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 12, 2019, 04:16:04 pm
Thank you! I will do that!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 04:19:15 pm
Having these mugen dependencies included would make the deployment process a lot easier in all platforms (windows/linux/mac/android)

Gacel, is there any chance to have this ported to Ikemen and overcome the licensing issues?

What do we need for it?
Can you outline the steps required to have a replacement towards a pure Ikemen?

The alternative is an installation package that downloads the bundle and merges it into the program folder.
But that's ugly IMHO.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 12, 2019, 04:24:07 pm
Time and work is always appreciated.
Shame I've gotta re-edit the lua files every time I update.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 12, 2019, 04:35:02 pm
I am getting this message when I start it

Last login: Fri Apr 12 16:32:18 on ttys001
/Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen/Ikemen_GO_mac ; exit;
macbooks-MacBook-Air:~ macbook$ /Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen/Ikemen_GO_mac ; exit;
panic: open data/config.json: no such file or directory

goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
   /code/src/main.go:166 +0x226c
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 04:37:34 pm
in the same terminal you run chmod +x Ikemen_GO_mac run:

and see the output
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 04:39:53 pm
I am getting this message when I start it

Last login: Fri Apr 12 16:32:18 on ttys001
/Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen/Ikemen_GO_mac ; exit;
macbooks-MacBook-Air:~ macbook$ /Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen/Ikemen_GO_mac ; exit;
panic: open data/config.json: no such file or directory

[Process completed]

This seem to be a path issue.
run it from the same directory from the terminal.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 04:52:19 pm
Do I have to run it from the terminal like this every time?

That's a bug. Thanks for finding it ;-)
alternatively, as a temporary fix, you can write a script for it

create a file named "Ikemen" in the same directory of Ikemen_GO_mac
add the following content:
cd $(dirname $0)
chmod +x Ikemen_GO_mac

save, enable the exec bit:
chmod +x Ikemen
try double click it.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 04:53:41 pm
Okay I ran it in the terminal and it works! However I am not getting any sound at all

TBH this is another bug. I will investigate later.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 05:00:42 pm
Do I need the open Al sound stuff?

Yes, but that normally comes with the OSX.
I even tried to install with homebrew but it didnt work.
I will check later.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 05:33:00 pm
that is the log if needed

I think you misunderstood.

the code I posted was the content of the script.
filename: Ikemen
cd $(dirname $0)
chmod +x Ikemen_GO_mac

this file must be in the same directory of Ikemen_GO_mac
then after saving the content, you enable the exec bit for the file:
chmod +x Ikemen
that's it.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on April 12, 2019, 06:01:52 pm
Hey fisahas about that crash with "Opirus Element Kyo" is because of the coding of the char.
In the line 2896 inside the Element-S.cns file there is a line that it says:
trans = 1
That's a typo you need to replace it with:
trans = add1
I tested it in Ikemen and is a awesome char.

good to see you like that char. and many thanks from my heart for fixing it in such a easier way. btw, this time I've sent you a cheap char causing Ikemen for the same crash. If you can fix it will be so much appreciated.. thanks in advance bro
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 06:02:19 pm
Please download the script here:
There is a button "download" (amongst others)
save with the name Ikemen in the same folder of Ikemen_GO_mac
open the terminal, and navigate to the Ikemen_GO_mac folder
chmod +x Ikemen

now, in Finder, double click Ikemen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 06:53:47 pm
Last login: Fri Apr 12 18:24:53 on ttys001
/Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen_GO/Ikemen\ 6.24.59\ PM ; exit;
macbooks-MacBook-Air:~ macbook$ /Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen_GO/Ikemen\ 6.24.59\ PM ; exit;
-bash: /Users/macbook/Documents/Ikemen_GO/Ikemen 6.24.59 PM: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

I think this is already a long conversation to solve a bug with a 'quick' hack.
Thats not the right way nor worthwhile. Please wait until a proper fix come out.
Until then, run Ikemen from the terminal like you did before.
Soon enough I hope to create a proper dmg file. As soon as I figure out how to create one
and after solving the sound issue ;-)

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 12, 2019, 07:02:37 pm
Anyway I will wait until you guys have found a solution and will run it like you said so :)! Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 12, 2019, 07:03:36 pm
okay Thank you! btw the way might the ^M  at the end of the command lines be causing the problem?

The issue is the editor.
I would advise you to use visual studio code  which is awesome for coding and editing configuration files. It's free, opensource and lightweight.
And yes.. the ^M is part of the problem.
But then again, we are circulating the problem instead of solving it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 12, 2019, 07:12:47 pm
Okay will do thanks!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 13, 2019, 08:35:39 am
Hey fisahas about the char that you send (It was Gaster by 1850)
Well the problem... there are a lot with the char:
- Not closing stings
- Lack of new lines
- Wrong file encoding
- The sprite palletes are wrong
- The whole act file is a mess
[Begin Action 1531]
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 2, 0, 0, 5, , add [Begin Action 1532]
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 3, 0, 0, 5, , add

[Begin Action 4318]
10000, 253, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 252, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 251, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 250, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 249, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 248, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 247, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000

[Begin Action 5000]
Clsn2: 2
 Clsn2[0] = -13,-32, 11, -1
 Clsn2[1] = -14,-43,  9,-16
5000, 0, 0, 0, 4
Clsn2: 2
 Clsn2[0] = -13,-32, 11, -1
 Clsn2[1] = -14,-43,  9,-16
5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, , ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Why the transparency setting is "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"?

One of the problems is the act(Animation) file it was sloppily edited by hand (Who edits the whole act file by hand?) and the only way to fix it is by someone taking the time to also edit it by hand.
I maybe take the time to do it later (It will be not soon) and release it fixed for everyone.

This is not fault of Ikemen it was that the creator did some things sloppily and wrong but it "worked" and called it a day.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 13, 2019, 09:11:27 am
I deleted my posts to clear up space in the forum btw
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 13, 2019, 11:38:31 am
I think we need a MacOS run guide.

Hey guys there is any way to kill a character without any hitbox.
That doesn't use any dangerous exploits.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on April 13, 2019, 11:56:56 am

gacel check the codes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 13, 2019, 12:39:21 pm
I think we need a MacOS run guide.

Hey guys there is any way to kill a character without any hitbox.
That doesn't use any dangerous exploits.

sure thing.
We have two options, one: a guide with what we have now or two: after creating the DMG (install package).
The first guide is outlined in previous messages:

dan link=topic=184152.msg2437606#msg2437491 said:
the easiest way to run it on mac is as follows:

1 - download the repository as a zip file:
2 - download the binary released:
3 - download the external mugen dependencies :

4 - unpack the into a folder: Ikemen_GO
5 - unpack into a separate folder
6 - copy everything but the directory data from the into the Ikemen_GO folder
7 - copy the content of the data folder into (extracted folder) to Ikemen_GO/data (you have to merge both folders not replace)
8 - copy Ikemen_GO_mac into Ikemen_GO folder

at this point, you have everything in place, but the file Ikemen_GO_mac has no execution bit enabled. You'll need to enable it.

I don't know an easy way but opening the terminal, navigating to the Ikemen_GO folder (cd directory) and then run
chmod +x Ikemen_GO_mac   
run: ./Ikemen_GO_mac

I think I fact we need both.
That's is related to the different audiences Ikemen targets: game developers and players.
For people who would like to use Ikemen as a development platform, building binaries is important for testing and so on.
But for those who want to play a game built with it, we need to provide install packages not only DMGs, but also EXE bundle and/or deb/rpm packages.
Thus people will easily install a game done with Ikemen (with custom stages, characters and so on)
What do you think?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fisahas on April 13, 2019, 07:02:05 pm
Hey fisahas about the char that you send (It was Gaster by 1850)
Well the problem... there are a lot with the char:
- Not closing stings
- Lack of new lines
- Wrong file encoding
- The sprite palletes are wrong
- The whole act file is a mess
[Begin Action 1531]
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 2, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 2, 0, 0, 5, , add [Begin Action 1532]
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , s
2, 3, 0, 0, 1, , add
2, 3, 0, 0, 5, , add

[Begin Action 4318]
10000, 253, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 252, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 251, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 250, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 249, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 248, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000
10000, 247, 0, 0, 1, H, AS0D90000

[Begin Action 5000]
Clsn2: 2
 Clsn2[0] = -13,-32, 11, -1
 Clsn2[1] = -14,-43,  9,-16
5000, 0, 0, 0, 4
Clsn2: 2
 Clsn2[0] = -13,-32, 11, -1
 Clsn2[1] = -14,-43,  9,-16
5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, , ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Why the transparency setting is "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"?

One of the problems is the act(Animation) file it was sloppily edited by hand (Who edits the whole act file by hand?) and the only way to fix it is by someone taking the time to also edit it by hand.
I maybe take the time to do it later (It will be not soon) and release it fixed for everyone.

This is not fault of Ikemen it was that the creator did some things sloppily and wrong but it "worked" and called it a day.

thanks a lot for finding out the problem. I was so surprised to see the errors/lackings within that char; yet it does support by mugen...hehehe

btw if you want to fix it later...your choice bro...but I've similar chars that causing crashes to Ikemen too; but supported by mugen. so I think fixing every one of those chars isnt a good idea, and time cosuming too. better if you find a way to tell Ikemen to ignore those errors and run anyway...I mean if its possible for Ikemen would be time saving and solution to all the simialr chars like that :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 13, 2019, 07:40:06 pm
You could also fix the problem yourself since gacel pretty much laid out what the issues are, if you need help I can look at them as well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 13, 2019, 11:10:46 pm
thanks a lot for finding out the problem. I was so surprised to see the errors/lackings within that char; yet it does support by mugen...hehehe

btw if you want to fix it later...your choice bro...but I've similar chars that causing crashes to Ikemen too; but supported by mugen. so I think fixing every one of those chars isnt a good idea, and time cosuming too. better if you find a way to tell Ikemen to ignore those errors and run anyway...I mean if its possible for Ikemen would be time saving and solution to all the simialr chars like that :)

I'm gonna fix gaster because I want to.
I don't think It would a good idea to parse things like "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ" to the engine that could even cause a hang.

And Ikemen ignores these erroneous animations, the char even loads when you fix the line breaks. But it wont work as expected because Ikemen does not fill the glitchy animation data with correct one.

The only thing that Ikemen not autofixes is line breaks, strings and animation data.


New Bug report:
The training char is registered as order 1 so it could aparear in arcade.
The not match completed yet point in the lifebar noes not display. (To do: Word this one better)
If you set the match number to 99 in arcade it will repeat chars until 99 matches are complete. (Arcade should not repeat chars)

Know suff:
Infobox and config menu does not scale.

Add ttf fonts to the lifebar.
Add midi soundfont.
Add Mugen 1.1 interpolated animation.

Adjust AI scaling.

Waiting for K4thos and the lua files.

Tell me if I forgot something.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 14, 2019, 02:21:38 am
32 bit screenpacks are working now?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 14, 2019, 04:35:08 pm
Yup, 32 bit (PNG) sprites and fonts on screenpacks are now displaying properly on all GPUs.
But Vector font's (TTF) are not implemented on the lifebars. (But they work on screenpacks)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 14, 2019, 05:19:35 pm
I download the latest build and yes, 32 bits screenpack works, but the images are not in their position and interpolated actions doesn´t work in the system.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 14, 2019, 05:35:51 pm
Images are not in their position?
Could you sen a comparation screenshots or explain?

Interpolated actions are still unimplemented. (One more thing I forgot to add to the roadmap)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 14, 2019, 06:56:55 pm
edit: 32bit screenpacks partially work, you just have to do alot of tweaking, but still there are some positioning issues. Maybe the screenpack is to oadvanced, im sure everything would work fine if its something mroe simple.  lifebars are working 100% though. I think the example below would be the same thing Gazira is experiencing.

( (i fixed the yellow color issue)

summary: basically 32bit screenpacks no longer crash on startup, all tahts left is further implementation. I think mayebe the SP im using is too advanced for Ikemen, but im sure more basic 32bit sp's will work fine. Im gonna try to make a simpler one.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 14, 2019, 11:22:02 pm
Hello Gacel, I have position issues in the title screen. Logo and intro works fine and character select screen is misaligned but all the images the same distance. Thank you very much for your work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 15, 2019, 06:57:03 am
Hey guys looks like the problem is the "main.SP_Center" variable inside "localcoord.lua"
That stuff exist because the scaling code and k4thos code are clashing until I find the pattern of the variable it must set manually to a arbitrary unknown value depending of the localcoord.

"main.SP_Center"` is not used by lifebars only screenpacks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 15, 2019, 12:56:07 pm
Hey guys looks like the problem is the "main.SP_Center" variable inside "localcoord.lua"
That stuff exist because the scaling code and k4thos code are clashing until I find the pattern of the variable it must set manually to a arbitrary unknown value depending of the localcoord.

"main.SP_Center"` is not used by lifebars only screenpacks.

Thank you very much for the info, I try to modify this variable and I tell you something. Another issue that I find it´s about the fonts that I use in the screenpack, it´s not the complete alphabet, I use custom fonts for each mode, something like this for Arcade mode:

Then I add to the system.def with this way:

; Names for each of the items in the menu. Names must be in quotes.
menu.itemname.arcade       = "A"
menu.itemname.versus       = "B"
menu.itemname.teamarcade    = "C"
menu.itemname.teamversus    = "D"
menu.itemname.teamcoop    = "E"
menu.itemname.survival    = "F"
menu.itemname.survivalcoop = "G"    = "H"       = "I"
menu.itemname.options    = "J"
menu.itemname.exit       = "K"

With Ikemen the modes are not correlative with the assigned font, I try Arcade and I think it´s team arcade the one that appears.
Please, I wanna take snapshots to compare images but I press f12 like in mugen but nothing, what is the mode? Thank you very much.

Good news, I change the value to 320 and now all it´s in place, except the ikemen info in the title screen. I see that the intro screen it´s not adjust to the screen and it´s with localcoord in the archive:

Title screen now looks goood:

When I start the arcade mode appears the option to try between turns, simul or single, this options are not avaiable for arcade mode, other fonts like exit or options doesn´t appear, and other are misaligned, this is the thing that I told you in the other post:

I try Single mode and all works fine, except the interpolated options that are not included for now. I don´t test versus and winner screens because use this actions to work.

Thank you very much for your help and effort, If I see more bugs I tell you something, bye!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 15, 2019, 03:19:33 pm
dan could you please fix the left right input bug on controllers if you can?This is the reason why i dont use this engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 15, 2019, 07:38:44 pm could you please fix the left right input bug on controllers if you can?This is the reason why i dont use this engine.

how to replicate this? can i try a character with this you have?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 15, 2019, 09:22:46 pm
Just get sf3_ryu by GM and try to do shin shoryuken and shin hadouken on left side with controller.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 15, 2019, 11:32:18 pm
Hey guys looks like the problem is the "main.SP_Center" variable inside "localcoord.lua"
That stuff exist because the scaling code and k4thos code are clashing until I find the pattern of the variable it must set manually to a arbitrary unknown value depending of the localcoord.

"main.SP_Center"` is not used by lifebars only screenpacks.

Thank you very much for the info, I try to modify this variable and I tell you something. Another issue that I find it´s about the fonts that I use in the screenpack, it´s not the complete alphabet, I use custom fonts for each mode, something like this for Arcade mode:

Then I add to the system.def with this way:

; Names for each of the items in the menu. Names must be in quotes.
menu.itemname.arcade       = "A"
menu.itemname.versus       = "B"
menu.itemname.teamarcade    = "C"
menu.itemname.teamversus    = "D"
menu.itemname.teamcoop    = "E"
menu.itemname.survival    = "F"
menu.itemname.survivalcoop = "G"    = "H"       = "I"
menu.itemname.options    = "J"
menu.itemname.exit       = "K"

With Ikemen the modes are not correlative with the assigned font, I try Arcade and I think it´s team arcade the one that appears.
Please, I wanna take snapshots to compare images but I press f12 like in mugen but nothing, what is the mode? Thank you very much.

Good news, I change the value to 320 and now all it´s in place, except the ikemen info in the title screen. I see that the intro screen it´s not adjust to the screen and it´s with localcoord in the archive:

Title screen now looks goood:

When I start the arcade mode appears the option to try between turns, simul or single, this options are not avaiable for arcade mode, other fonts like exit or options doesn´t appear, and other are misaligned, this is the thing that I told you in the other post:

I try Single mode and all works fine, except the interpolated options that are not included for now. I don´t test versus and winner screens because use this actions to work.

Thank you very much for your help and effort, If I see more bugs I tell you something, bye!

Are you making a full game out of that? Or just a sp? Interesting. Cool to see someone else messing with things. That could easily pass for an official game, design wise anyway.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 16, 2019, 12:32:49 am
new commits by Neatunsou on his osdn:
This one has something to do with commands and input buffers, not too sure, but @Adnan Im wondering if this has something to do with your issue (not being able t odo commands on opposite side)
Something with fonts.

So much updates the past months, time to finally port everything mugen over, slowly of course.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 16, 2019, 09:06:06 am
I tried the neatunsou's commit but looks like the bug still persist.I can do shoryuken on left side now.But still cant do the shins.When i try it only does denjin hadou.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 16, 2019, 02:30:29 pm
dan could you please fix the left right input bug on controllers if you can?This is the reason why i dont use this engine.

Sorry Adnan, I'm currently solving the multiplataform bundle release and due time constraints, very slowly.
Please try to give more details on how to replicate the issue. Start by describing your environment and
stating what's already working.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 16, 2019, 02:34:09 pm
So much updates the past months, time to finally port everything mugen over, slowly of course.

This sounds like music!

I hope to come up with the Ikemen installer for windows/linux/mac by the weekend.
Clearing up the mugen dependencies would be great!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on April 16, 2019, 03:29:55 pm
Sorry if this was answered or this actually it´s in ikemen.. but there are a possibility that all the features that mugen 1.1b have, are there in ikemen? (
all the features that can be useful to make a game at 720/1080 dpi... export 32bit jpg.. etc..)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 16, 2019, 05:31:52 pm
Just read up a lil bit and you’ll see Gazira is doing that. You are a creator, no reason for you to not use it. Mugen will only hinder you in the long run, unless you are deadset on it. It’s not difficult to port, but better to build around it from the beginning. Also... My own opinion. Forget about compatibility, start building your common1 now. Will save you a lot of time and effort as well as bring more incentive to playing your game with its own exclusives.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on April 16, 2019, 05:56:55 pm
REDHOT you should really try IKEMEN GO.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 16, 2019, 06:00:24 pm
Hello 2Dee4ever, first about the screenpack question is going to be a screenpack, but I'm also working with portraits, intros and endings for all the chars that appear ( I think I will reach the thousand) in it, only that you choose the char you want to add to it.
The reason why I want to launch it for ikemen is that mugen can not perform some actions like the portraits animation, actionbg for the fight file, continue screen, etc. Now with an engine in development and compatibility with mugen chars, it's something we've been waiting for a looooong time.
Thanks to all the people who make it possible.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on April 16, 2019, 06:08:29 pm
Just read up a lil bit and you’ll see Gazira is doing that. You are a creator, no reason for you to not use it. Mugen will only hinder you in the long run, unless you are deadset on it. It’s not difficult to port, but better to build around it from the beginning. Also... My own opinion. Forget about compatibility, start building your common1 now. Will save you a lot of time and effort as well as bring more incentive to playing your game with its own exclusives.

Thanks for your answer, yes, when Gazira finish and implement all the mugen1.b1, surelly will be the engine that I´ll use, would be great too that I can play 3vs3 in Training mode (something that in Mugen I cant!), that Ikemen is in development is great.
Keep it up with this great project guys!

REDHOT you should really try IKEMEN GO.

I´d love to! when all the mugen 1.b1 features are implemented
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 16, 2019, 06:37:03 pm
What exactly are the unique 1.1 features? I don’t know them all. This SP stuff is just about wrapping up. It’s interesting because a lot of this has never been possible, we’ll have to continue to mess with it to see it’s full potential.

It’s better to experiment now to keep things moving. You need to experience it yourself, telling you, throw some characters in there to see how you like it. Visually, there is a huge difference.

As much work as you are putting into that Gazira, you might as well make a full game. You just have to weigh the pros and cons.

-In development/some development(not complete)
-In development/some development
-Extra modes
-Single, Tag, Simul, Turns(all four together)
-3v3/4v4 without hacks
-Features that normally required work arounds don’t need them
-Potential to grow
That and many more, though this is a joke post, no reason not to use it, or rather, as I had said a while back, if you are interested in a full game, use it 100%.

As you all continue to work on cosmetics(which is also important) I’ve just been working on making concepts to show things like Controlled Arcade Mode, potential for story mode, endings etc. It’s good to have a mix of things being done. You guys stuff already looks “beyond mugen”, that is the highest possible compliment.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on April 16, 2019, 08:51:38 pm
What exactly are the unique 1.1 features?

-New rendering engine based on OpenGL
-Camera zooming

- New rendering engine based on OpenGL (mugen.cfg: [Video]: RenderMode = OpenGL). RenderMode=System now deprecated (it still works but will not support all the new features). RenderMode=OpenGLScreen removed.
- mugen.cfg: [Video]: KeepAspect, StageFit, SystemFit options added. Various window-related preferences. If you prefer the 1.0 behavior of cropping stages and motifs to match the window aspect, set StageFit and SystemFit to 0.
-Alt-Enter during OpenGL windowed video mode (fullscreen = 0) will toggle windowed fullscreen instead of exclusive fullscreen mode.
-Added RGB and RGBA sprite support. Use the updated SprMake2 tool.
-AIR: Added scale and angle optional parameters. More info: AIR Optional Parameters
-AIR: Added linear interpolation support. More info: AIR Interpolation
-AIR: Floating point values now accepted for offsets.
-Stages and Backgrounds
-BG: Added maskwindow, startscale, scaledelta, zoomdelta parameters. Backgrounds: Advanced Parameters
-BG: Deprecated window parameter. Use maskwindow instead.
-BG: Parallax: Deprecated yscalestart and yscaledelta parameters. Use startscale and scaledelta instead.
-BG: Parallax: use of the width parameter is now the preferred method for hardware-accelerated rendering modes due to visual artifacts resulting from using xscale method.
-BG: Parallax: support for animated parallax added.
-Stages: [Camera]: added zoomout, zoomin, tensionhigh, tensionlow parameters. Backgrounds: Camera Group
-Stages: [Shadow]: Added xshear parameter (RenderMode=OpenGL only). Removed support for color parameter; use intensity instead. Backgrounds: Shadow Group

CNS: DestroySelf: Added recursive param. State Controllers: Destroyself

CNS: DestroySelf: Fixed instability if explods are not removed before DestroySelf.

CNS: Explod: Added angle params (behavior will likely be changed before stable release). More info: State Controllers: Explod

CNS: Explod: Added remappal param. State Controllers: Explod

CNS: Helper: Added remappal param. State Controllers: Helper

CNS: Explod: Added space, bindID params. Deprecated postype param; use combination of pos and screen instead. State Controllers: Explod

Because stage zooming was added in 1.1, there is a need to distinguish screen space from stage space to achieve the desired effect.

CNS: Projectile: Added ownpal and remappal params. State Controllers: Projectile

CNS: RemapPal: now restricted to 8 mappings. State Controllers: Remappal

CNS: Trans: Deprecated addalpha and add1 parameters; use add with alpha parameter instead. State Controllers: Trans

CNS: Added CameraPos trigger. Triggers: CameraPos

CNS: Added CameraZoom trigger. Triggers: CameraZoom

CNS: Added ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight triggers for use with screen-space explods. Triggers: ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight

CNS: Added BackEdge, FrontEdge, LeftEdge, RightEdge, TopEdge, BottomEdge triggers. Triggers

CNS: Line number report on parse errors.

-Motifs: sysexplods: added angle parameter (doesn't work right for text yet)
-Text line limit increase from 4k to 16k.
-Graphics: Fight player portraits are no longer affected by player PalFX.
-Efficiency of ownpal=1 explods improved.
-Fixed possible resource leak in survival mode.
-select.def: Increased arcade.maxmatches and team.maxmatches limit to 30.
-Font v2: added banktype parameter: palette (default) and sprite. Sprite banktype lets you substitute an entirely new set of sprites instead of changing the palette.
-Font v2: added RGBA font support. Use an SFF with RGBA sprites, and optionally set banktype = sprite. See font/num72.def and work/font/num72/ for an example of an RGBA font.
-Precaching does not work yet in 1.1 and is currently disabled.

-SprMake2: Added support for 24 (RGB) and 32 bit (RGBA) sprites. Including such sprites will generate an SFF (v2.01) that is incompatible with MUGEN 1.0.
-SprMake2: Added png8, png24 and png32 compression methods. Using such compression methods will generate an SFF (v2.01) that is incompatible with MUGEN 1.0.

These have been partly or fully reimplemented. Info for alpha testers only.

-Graphical renderer (affects all sprites)
-Palfx and RemapPal (affects all players, helpers, explods, projectiles and afterimages)
-Explod drawing
-Shadows drawing
-Screen fading
-Game flow, i.e. transitions between mode select, vs screen, fight, etc. (not in alpha 1)

Player Update Notes
Some explods in 1.0 characters may not appear correctly when the camera zooms in or out. This happens because 1.0 does not understand if an explod is meant to be zoomed with the camera or not.

Convert existing explod controllers to use the new parameters, particularly "space", in order to display explods correctly. Examples of explod effects that should be in screen space are fullscreen background shown during supers, character portraits, victory screens implemented in CNS, etc. Examples of explod effects that should be in stage space are hit and super sparks, dust, character parts (e.g. a shield), etc.

More info: State Controllers

Explods now take angle, yangle and xangle parameters. This means you can rotate an explod in 3D space. Those of you familiar with 3D will notice that there is a fixed perspective projection. You can play with these new parameters, but note that we'll probably change how this works, so expect breakages during the alpha and beta phases of 1.1.

Stage Update Notes
There is a temporary parameter "ForceStageZoomout" under [Misc] in mugen.cfg. This enables zooming on all stages that do not have explicit zoom parameters.

Camera zooming has a tendency to expose blank areas around the edges of stages, especially on background elements with a small delta. You can think of zooming out to be like switching a camera to a wide-angle lens, enabling you to see a wider view of the same scene.

For 1.1, you should explicitly set the zoomout and zoomin parameters in the [Camera] group. It's also recommended to use tensionhigh and tensionlow to control vertical movement as they look better than verticalfollow for tall stages.

If you're using content from 1.0, you'll want to fix the blank areas around the edges of your stage. One way to do this is draw in the edges of the affected sprites.

There is another method that works on multi-layered stages: use the zoomdelta BG element parameter. For elements on layers that are "far away", such as the sky, use a small zoomdelta. Use progressively larger zoomdeltas up to 1.0 for elements that appear closer to the foreground. A general guideline is to use a zoomdelta that is close in value to the delta value of each element. This method requires less touch up artwork and gives stages a feeling of depth. You may need to reduce your stage bounds slightly using this method.

See the Background/Stage documentation for more info.

Note that the example KFM stage has zooming explicitly disabled.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 16, 2019, 09:59:13 pm
Now you have the references. To what extent has anyone tried to use these? From my understanding many of these work as is without any workarounds. Now the notes are there for anyone who wants to compare. It’d also help with what needs to be done knowing what doesn’t work. None of the zoom stuff maters btw. Ikemen has its own zoom settings.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 16, 2019, 10:19:58 pm
The zoom in ikemen, imo, looks and feels betterthan Mugen 1.1
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 16, 2019, 11:06:30 pm
Correct me if I’m wrong, K4thos, before leaving also added the “stage specific zoom” to the select def. Having multiple zooms will clash btw(cancel each other out) from my experience anyway.

What exactly are we missing now? To reach that “like commercial” status, this wouldn’t even be accurate to today’s fighters I guess.. I always use Alpha 3 as a base btw. Depending on your game, you may not require the same modes.
-Arcade(Completely replicated, character specific arcade ladders/rivals etc)(New addition continue/count down/coin mode)
-Training(Dedicated training mode, this includes hidden slots etc as training can be non selectable)
-Vs 100 Kumite
-Free battle(Can finally play against the cpu without using debug keys)(No dedicated mode for team/dynamic/reverse, but could be implemented, but not necessary as free battle allows both sides to choose play style)
-Variable(similar to tag)
-Vs mode
-Network mode
-Final battle(Boss rush takes its place)(You can make hidden characters/slots/npcs, it’s possible, I have Orochi as boss only.)

-Ranking system, which is tied to score/unlocks etc(need a dedicated score system unique to well applicable modes)
Having the score system itself is hugeeee, now with the continue screen that works with coins?? So offfical.

*Wishlists(based on various things I’ve read from other users may be more)
-Color edit mode
-Some type of Gallery mode
-Some type of in game shop(I’ve only seen this in KOF wing, but apparently its possble.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 16, 2019, 11:12:05 pm
Speaking of Arcade, could there be/is it possible to have secret requirements for certain matches?
Like for example: No losses makes Akuma appear as the last opponent?
Or no losses and at least 5 Perfects to get Oni instead?
And maybe once you've beaten them they are unlocked via a flag?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 16, 2019, 11:21:43 pm
There was talk about that back when he was still active, don’t remember what page it’s on. Some code was even mocked up I believe. As far as I’ve seen, not much is “impossible” the work just needs to be done and the interest needs to be there naturally. Oh another thing that is already possible, that many people want.. Expansion of the character select options. So we have the animations now right? Only idles though. Upon selection state 195(assuming its common for taunts, or a dedicated one?) The announcer call outs has been possible since vanilla though not many have messed with it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 17, 2019, 08:34:00 am
Interesting talk.
Not sure how a ranking system would work for existing characters.
Secret requirements would not be too hard but first I have to fix the arcade code (It's a mess how it works in practice)
Coin-op would be super simple to make once the arcade mode is in place.

About mugen 1.1 feature we have almost everything I think we only lack:
- Linear interpolation for animations
- The undocumented zoom parameter
- And TTF for lifebars
- Better default AI scaling (We have one but...)

Once we finish that.
Most of the work on we have on Ikemen to get to RC is making it more stable, fixing bugs and making the compatibility better.
Like for example load the localcoord from the lifebar file instead of lua.

About things that Ikemen GO has new compared to mugen.
- Portait scale independent from localcoord
- 4vs4 and TAG mode
- Interactive stages (The stage could be his own char)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 17, 2019, 09:49:37 am
Please, let me add the things that I would like to see in a ikemen Go screenpack/lifebar:

-Compatibility with video files.
-Can work portraits like images to work animations with them.
-Multuple portraits for select, versus and winner screens.
-You Lose animation for 1p modes.
-Here Comes New Challenger animation.
-Story Mode.
-Introbg for title and select.
-Different selectbg for 1player and 2 player modes.
-Stage Intermision screen.
-Portraits for stages.
-Palette select at character select screen.

-Actionbg for all the animations, Round, Fight, Finish and Winner screens.
-Introbg for round.
-Can work portraits like images to work animations with them.
-Normal KO and Special KO differnt animations.
-Loopstart doen´t work in mugen fight.def archive.
-Include combo messages and sounds.

Well this is all that comes to mind, to see everything that can be included, very interested in the Portait scale independent from localcoord because it´s very annoying to create portraits for chars. Thank you very much for you time.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 17, 2019, 10:15:07 am
Well as I said first we have to make the engine stable enough before making big changes.

"Portraitscale" is a new ikemen thing.
It's in neatunsou readme.

Most of these thing could be added once the lifebar/screenpack code is complete.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Story mode would be the hardest thing to add (Considering all the posible story modes...)

About Portrait for stages...
We will have to define a standard for these things (Resolution, aspect ratio, size, etc) this is not something that should take lightly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on April 17, 2019, 11:49:35 am

How hard would be to implement this function where the music triggers when the match is over and continue playing on victory screen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 17, 2019, 01:26:16 pm
Well as I said first we have to make the engine stable enough before making big changes.

"Portraitscale" is a new ikemen thing.
It's in neatunsou readme.

Most of these thing could be added once the lifebar/screenpack code is complete.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Story mode would be the hardest thing to add (Considering all the posible story modes...)

About Portrait for stages...
We will have to define a standard for these things (Resolution, aspect ratio, size, etc) this is not something that should take lightly.

I'm glad to see that most options are possible to include. This afternoon with time I want to test how lifebars work. Well thank you very much for answering. See you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 17, 2019, 02:12:20 pm
Hi guys! I wanted to ask, how hard is it to implement a feature that allows you to select a stage music ingame? Like for example say if I choose stage 1, then I could choose ingame what music from my sound folder would play for that stage in the next match? For vs and non arcade modes of course?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 17, 2019, 03:00:27 pm
Hey guys! Long time lurker, first time poster. First of all, thank you for your incredible work. I'm impressed by your work as a community. And since i love Mugen/Ikemen, i think i could contribute to it's development. I'm currently working on implementing some missing features from mugen1.1(mostly screenpack support) in my fork: (
Gacel i sent you a pull request with TTF support for lifebars. Maybe i could help you if you don't have enough time :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 17, 2019, 03:19:43 pm
Wow looks like this engine will rival unreal fighter 2D!
Also dan my problem is as explained.I am unable to do special moves with controller on Many chars when my character is in left side.Exaple i cant do shin hadou.Even i do right input it does denjin hadoken.When i try to do shin shoryuken it does hurricane kick.This is ryu by GM.
Also i found out that GM' sf3 chars are unable to hit ducks on duck hunt minigame after they hit one with normal moves.I dont know if its about char or engine.
Also this engine doesnt recognize 2Player controller.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on April 17, 2019, 04:32:51 pm
Well, I will wait for the new update. When the mugen 1.1b graphical and tools feature it´s applied, I will use Ikemen 100% sure.
Thanks for all the works that you guys are doing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 17, 2019, 05:36:21 pm
Nothing wrong here... nah. (Ignore the Infobox part)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 17, 2019, 10:02:15 pm
Thank you for your contribution kidcy! I can't wait to see what can come of ikemen!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 17, 2019, 10:18:06 pm
i always had seen screenpacks very basics or without almost nothing added using ikemen, i'd like to see a screenpack like street fighter, kof or marvel with animated portraits and a structure from original game.

Ikemen seems to be hard to work and at the same time a challenge what anything wants to commit forward......
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 18, 2019, 02:34:15 am
You know... I see far too much of “I’d like to see” especially when you are a creator aka not lazy. You are only going to see it if you make it. Not trying to be negative in the slightest, but no one is making content like that these days to be that hopeful lol. You’ll have to be the first or few to help get things started.

Use it for your stuff, you may inspire others to do the same which inevitably leads to more interest, which leads to more help. You are right, it can be a challenge, but give yourself some credit. At the capacity that, most if not all of you edit your stuff, you are already on your way. At the very least, try it and post your experiences. The days of hoping/wishing are over, help make it happen. You are all talented, I look forward to what you may come up with. Try implementing your ideas first, before assuming they aren’t possible.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 18, 2019, 09:26:12 am
K, the problem with last screenshot is that there appears to be some spotlight thingamabob coming from 0,0 onto the text.
I tried changing font but no luck.
I assume this is to do with truetype fonts.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on April 19, 2019, 05:45:32 pm
About Portrait for stages...
We will have to define a standard for these things (Resolution, aspect ratio, size, etc) this is not something that should take lightly.

Just to make sure I understand, will the stage portraits have to be standardized?, and making them look unique wont be possible?
I could have sworn one of the Old Ikemen builds that @2Dee4ever: made had a stage select after the player select screen, could have been dreaming and wishful thinking on my part lol.
I was making a few mock ups with a stage select in the player select screen and if possible (if implemented) a stage select on its own, after the player select screen

some examples:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on April 19, 2019, 07:40:58 pm
I notice that envshake on hitdefs doesnt work as it should, check Cody from lost avenger causes zoom in and out.   
Also his picking knife move doesnt work(type = projectile at CMD).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 19, 2019, 11:33:18 pm
Hi there,

I've finished an Ikemen_GO_Plus multiplatform installer.
Until now, binaries for all platforms are made available but I think that's not sufficient.
Instructions to put all moving parts (Mugen dependencies, configuration files) in place carefully, can be daunting for newcomers.
I believe making this process easier can attract more developers, as they would be able to create/pack/distribute
custom games easily for all platforms (Linux/Windows/Mac) regardless of the platform they use to code.

Thus, I've chosen an installation builder and created a configuration sample to build the install wizards for all platforms.
Instructions on how to build and customize the installation wizard were added to

As we cannot pack the Mugen dependencies alongside the Ikemen resources (due licensing), we
overcome this limitation by downloading it during the installation process.

I had to repack the Mugen dependencies zip file. The zip bundle seems to be malformed and extraction was failing when unpacking with the installer bundle, but the content is the same.

Files are available here:
@LebKeller, can you try the mac installer and launcher?

@Gacel, I've submitted a pull request.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 20, 2019, 01:37:01 pm
Hey Dan, everything is working except the sound, it just keeps bringing up an error "OpenAL: Invalid name"
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 20, 2019, 01:51:53 pm
Strange, I put a stage with a mp3 theme and the bg music works fine, only the the button sound, fight sounds and other sounds don't work. It seems like mp3 sounds are working fine, just not .snd files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 20, 2019, 02:48:11 pm
Wait a second, I just thought of something, does the .snd file play stereo or mono sounds? Because I am pretty sure that macs can't play stereo openal sounds very well if at all. Another game I had, had openal problems when  the sounds were stereo but not when I converted them to mono.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 20, 2019, 03:17:55 pm
Hey Dan, everything is working except the sound, it just keeps bringing up an error "OpenAL: Invalid name"

Good to hear that.
I notice there is no sound in my system too.
I will look into that now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 20, 2019, 03:40:21 pm
Thank you for the hard work Dan (and of course everyone who made this what it is now :) )
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 20, 2019, 10:56:43 pm
Hey guys I'm back.
Sorry for missing I was in a farm without internet (Or electricity)

I already merged the commits!
It's great seeing more people help with the project.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That's curious. I'm gonna try to replicate it.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

We need a standard for stage portraits.
What I mean is like the characters portrait standard are 25x25 using pallete 1,1.
But that doesn't mean that some screenpacks (Or characters) could use portrait that don't follow it.

Having a standard could mean that stages could be bundled with a default portrait.


Hey guys remember this bug:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

neatunsou fixed it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 20, 2019, 11:12:58 pm

Hey guys remember this bug:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

neatunsou fixed it.

I wish they comment in english hahaha.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 20, 2019, 11:56:21 pm
I wish too jajaja.

Thinking about that we should add translated version of the error logs.
Not remove the Japanese ones but display them in Japanese and English.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 21, 2019, 01:35:24 am
I had a feeling it was fixed, but nice to have confirmation on that.

Was trying to backport it to ssz, but I'm not having much luck.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 21, 2019, 04:16:36 am
I had a feeling it was fixed, but nice to have confirmation on that.

Was trying to backport it to ssz, but I'm not having much luck.

original ikemen plus is still being worked on?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 21, 2019, 10:07:22 am
I have seem some game packs done with Mugen (capcom, kof, dbz,...)
I wonder if is there any packs done with Ikemen that we can use to test.
I only test things with kfm and it sucks to spend more time searching/configuring resources than actually playing it.

(BTW that's a good idea for tool, one resource repository that works like apt/homebrew/chocolatey or Kodi repositories.)

Can you guys share links to any game bundle you did/know that uses Ikemen/Ikemen_GO/Ikemen_GO_plus?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 21, 2019, 10:56:38 am
2Dee4Ever has done some game packs if I remember, I am pretty sure he did a darkstalkers game with this engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 21, 2019, 10:58:02 am
There is a download link in there.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 21, 2019, 11:39:12 am
2Dee4Ever has done some game packs if I remember, I am pretty sure he did a darkstalkers game with this engine.

Nice! I don't know how I forgot that! I actually discovered Ikemen through his channel hahaha!!
Thanks for the pointer!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 21, 2019, 11:49:29 am
I had a feeling it was fixed, but nice to have confirmation on that.

Was trying to backport it to ssz, but I'm not having much luck.

original ikemen plus is still being worked on?

In a sense, yeah. In my case it's that the game I'm helping develop runs on Plus, so because it also suffers from the input bug, I'm really trying to backport the latest changes from input.go to command.ssz.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 21, 2019, 04:16:27 pm
Hey Dan, everything is working except the sound, it just keeps bringing up an error "OpenAL: Invalid name"

After some digging I think the problem seems related to the openal versions and binding. I tried to replace the OSX library for the custom installed and minimized the error messages but still no sound.
So far, I noticed the issue is mac only. Besides Windows, Linux works fine too.
I will first give a try on the android front then I go back to this. I think it will be more fun :-) 

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 21, 2019, 04:37:33 pm

Great! I am looking forward to the android build also!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on April 23, 2019, 01:03:56 am
Since people are talking about features ikemen GO should have, I did remember saying these to K4thos but I might as well reiterate them again. Most of these are things that where pre existing in commercial fighting games other than one thing which was an abandoned mugen feature.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 23, 2019, 01:22:11 am
Let me know what you need to test. Can always make more builds. If you can put together the latest files I can compile more. You can have a separate screen for stage select. That was in vanilla days. The Rev Ikemen game.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 23, 2019, 09:57:59 am
I'm reading and studying ikemen....

i'm really excited to make something with this engine.

i have a question about the animated portraits, how to do it? i did download the notepad plus to organize the docs.

the engine is based on lua and it surely is great advantage.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 23, 2019, 11:32:06 am
Even this engine being extremely more modern than Mugen, some people have resistance to use it for don't understand completely how to use it.

I think short videos with these themes can attract easier the users.


1 - How to make animated portraits

2 - how to put fighting order and boss

3 - how to change the continue screen

4 - how to add cutscenes

5 - how to work the scores on lifebar

6 - how could be a basic story mode

7 - how to change palettes or alternate mode for the characters

8 - how to set up a storyline for a individual character

9 - how to config the resolution and filters in ikemen

10 - how to change to another char row on select screen.

A step by step from easy way and with short videos.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 23, 2019, 12:33:03 pm
Even this engine being extremely more modern than Mugen, some people have resistance to use it for don't understand completely how to use it.

I think short videos with these themes can attract easier the users.


1 - How to make animated portraits

2 - how to put fighting order and boss

3 - how to change the continue screen

4 - how to add cutscenes

5 - how to work the scores on lifebar

6 - how could be a basic story mode

7 - how to change palettes or alternate mode for the characters

8 - how to set up a storyline for a individual character

9 - how to config the resolution and filters in ikemen

10 - how to change to another char row on select screen.

A step by step from easy way and with short videos.

I'm agree with you, there is not much information related to ikemen and this would help a lot to be able to create material for that engine.
Another question that I have in mind it´s about all this new things. You are working on being able to adapt everything related to mugen 1.1, but these new features can be added to the mugen system and fight.def files, updating de old ones or should they be implemented in the new files that ikemen brings? Then, can we work with mugen and ikemen files at the same time or should we adapt all the mugen files to ikemen in order to use these new options? Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 23, 2019, 12:39:58 pm
Well the engine is still in development, I think it would have some tutorials and other things once it has a proper stable release Imo.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on April 23, 2019, 01:52:20 pm
Few days ago I wanted to migrate all the MvCE mugen project into the last ikemen update.. I could never make it work, just the loading screen, and my notebook became extremely slow,. I had to close ikemen that way.
Yesterday designing the Hyper Background I had a similar problem with mugen, but the engine just given to me a fight.sff error, the engine just could load all the file.. well.. now it´s in 450 mb, I believe that all the high effects is just too heavy for mugen.. I could solve it (I think) putting that my nvidia graphic card works with mugen too.
It´s a shame that probably we could use just a barely limit of high effects or 400 mb.. 450 mb for a file.
There´s a way to fix this in Ikemen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 23, 2019, 02:51:23 pm
Well guys.. All I can say.. I’ve been trying really really hard to sell Ikemen.(not literally) I can’t do it alone. A lot of things on your list aren’t Ikemen exclusive, or as said, it hasn’t gotten to that point yet. There are guides here from vanilla Ikemen that still work, I’ve made various videos as well, shown various examples. A lot of the work you’ll have to do yourself with code.(can’t put everything on developers) The lag definitely is your PC, I know it may seem obvious, but update your drivers especially if you have a graphics card.

Despite what you may think of me... I’ve been leading a solo crusade all this time with 0 support.. It wouldn’t be too far off to say that I’ve been influential in a lot of what you have now, the sudden interest, people coming back etc. Imagine if there were more of you doing the same. You have to get your hands dirty, that’s why I’ve been encouraging you all so hardcore.

I’ll break down your list when I have more time. You can’t be lazy with this, not everything is going to be automated. Putting in some work shouldn’t shy you away from this, it’s specifically why I said it’s appeal is mainly for projects.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on April 23, 2019, 04:02:17 pm
Even this engine being extremely more modern than Mugen, some people have resistance to use it for don't understand completely how to use it.

I think short videos with these themes can attract easier the users.


1 - How to make animated portraits

2 - how to put fighting order and boss

3 - how to change the continue screen

4 - how to add cutscenes

5 - how to work the scores on lifebar

6 - how could be a basic story mode

7 - how to change palettes or alternate mode for the characters

8 - how to set up a storyline for a individual character

9 - how to config the resolution and filters in ikemen

10 - how to change to another char row on select screen.

A step by step from easy way and with short videos.

I think this is a separate issue (compared to code/features/tools/core development) and deserve a proper discussion venue. Perhaps 2Dee4Ever that's been pushing on this front could start this thread and gather people interested on it there and split the work. This thread could list the video tutorials.

Well guys.. All I can say.. I’ve been trying really really hard to sell Ikemen.(not literally) I can’t do it alone. A lot of things on your list aren’t Ikemen exclusive, or as said, it hasn’t gotten to that point yet. There are guides here from vanilla Ikemen that still work, I’ve made various videos as well, shown various examples. A lot of the work you’ll have to do yourself with code.(can’t put everything on developers) The lag definitely is your PC, I know it may seem obvious, but update your drivers especially if you have a graphics card.

Despite what you may think of me... I’ve been leading a solo crusade all this time with 0 support.. It wouldn’t be too far off to say that I’ve been influential in a lot of what you have now, the sudden interest, people coming back etc. Imagine if there were more of you doing the same. You have to get your hands dirty, that’s why I’ve been encouraging you all so hardcore.

I’ll break down your list when I have more time. You can’t be lazy with this, not everything is going to be automated. Putting in some work shouldn’t shy you away from this, it’s specifically why I said it’s appeal is mainly for projects.

2Dee4ever, not that this matter much but at least you sold Ikemen to me. :-)
I would say to not care too much about what people think. I think you work is extremely important to galvanize the community. At the end of the day all we want is to play the games and see they working on your videos is motivational. At least was to me.

Btw, you could also say what are your main problems on putting this together. We could design tools and features to make it easier.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on April 23, 2019, 04:45:12 pm
Well guys.. All I can say.. I’ve been trying really really hard to sell Ikemen.(not literally) I can’t do it alone. A lot of things on your list aren’t Ikemen exclusive, or as said, it hasn’t gotten to that point yet. There are guides here from vanilla Ikemen that still work, I’ve made various videos as well, shown various examples. A lot of the work you’ll have to do yourself with code.(can’t put everything on developers) The lag definitely is your PC, I know it may seem obvious, but update your drivers especially if you have a graphics card.

Despite what you may think of me... I’ve been leading a solo crusade all this time with 0 support.. It wouldn’t be too far off to say that I’ve been influential in a lot of what you have now, the sudden interest, people coming back etc. Imagine if there were more of you doing the same. You have to get your hands dirty, that’s why I’ve been encouraging you all so hardcore.

I’ll break down your list when I have more time. You can’t be lazy with this, not everything is going to be automated. Putting in some work shouldn’t shy you away from this, it’s specifically why I said it’s appeal is mainly for projects.

Sorry I don´t wanted to be rude! I love all the hard work that you guys are doing, (and if Ikemen will be the engine I will used, in the future if my game it´s complete I want to contribute to donate something for all the hard work)

Probably is my PC, yes, well, not my PC directly, probably the solution was that Nvidia never was working with Mugen (or Ikemen.. I have to try this). I changed this in my Nvidia options, and I think that now this issue dissapeared
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 23, 2019, 05:29:53 pm
new commits by neatunsou, 1 of them implements Gacel's changes, teh otehr im not sure, Gacel might understand (map array)

@2Dee4Ever you also helped me and inspired me to use ikemen as well, i think in the last few months we've got a few new people here. Obviously its still in development but I think it'll take some time for the rest to fully realize ikemen, in time
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 23, 2019, 05:54:54 pm
Yeah same for me, I only found out about ikemen plus through 2dee4Ever's videos!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 23, 2019, 07:52:40 pm
Guys! Guys!
The map array is VARIABLE NAMES!
Ryu = 1
Streetfighter = 1
man = 1
birthyear = 1964
Japan = 1
Ansatsuken = 1
Set an integer value with = in the name of the key map (string). If you have this map, in order from the top

Now we have interactive stages and variable names.
At this point I wish k4thos would update the post with the new Ikemen features.

I will release a compiled version. (I wish this could be automated)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 23, 2019, 08:42:26 pm
Whoah that's fricken sweet! So in practicality, how does this work within the characters? Are there objects we place with the map or do the objects exist in the characters, for example, if there is a car in the stage that you can damage? How are the variables used?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 23, 2019, 08:57:00 pm
Well maps works like variable so to set a map you could use
[State test]
type = mapset
trigger1 = time = 0
map = "birthyear"
value = 1987

And you could call it with:
trigger1 = map(birthyear) = 1987

Interactive stages work by using.
Attachedchar = <Insert stage char here>
Inside the stage file.
And with it a stage is also his own char so to make the car destroyable the stage could create a car helper that receives damage on hit.
The stage itself has infinite life and recives no damage so it could not be killed and can damage both players so we need to use helpers to make breakable stuff.

Maybe I could make a example of both systems.
Warning the example could have early elecbyte level quality of sprites:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 23, 2019, 10:36:09 pm
that would be great! and tahts no problem lol, maybe itll be easier to understand once i see it!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on April 23, 2019, 11:03:17 pm
Warning the example could have early elecbyte level quality of sprites:

What!? That is not acceptable! We demand high quality! lol, Thanks for all the hard work as usual.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 23, 2019, 11:56:24 pm
What benefit does it have over interactive mugen? Using the common1 etc?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Even this engine being extremely more modern than Mugen, some people have resistance to use it for don't understand completely how to use it.

I think short videos with these themes can attract easier the users.


1 - How to make animated portraits

2 - how to put fighting order and boss

3 - how to change the continue screen

4 - how to add cutscenes

5 - how to work the scores on lifebar

6 - how could be a basic story mode

7 - how to change palettes or alternate mode for the characters

8 - how to set up a storyline for a individual character

9 - how to config the resolution and filters in ikemen

10 - how to change to another char row on select screen.

A step by step from easy way and with short videos.

1.This was disabled in Go, it should be just as easy to enable. Possible by default with plus.

2.Here is the select for Ikemen, answers many of your questions
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
So.. In this example, this Ryu arcade mode the select def looks like..
Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Sakura,3=Sagat etc up to whatever you want.
Ken, 1=Terry,2=Robert etc in this way every character can have their own unique arcade order

3.The continue screen has its own file you can configure, just open it with notepad plus

4.Not yet implemented, can be done, but I haven’t experimented with it enough.

5.Add004 has its own built in score system. Look at wenchu’s one piece game for an example of a non add004 score system. K4thos was attempting to use assets from add004 without using the entire system, but stopped.

6.Not yet implemented(similar to cutscenes, can be done, but really depends on how you want to go about it.

7.This is a code thing and can be character specific. Using vars/remappal etc. In this example, Chris can turn Orochi Chris, or Orochi.(combination of pal change/sprite change)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
In this example Charlie has 3 modes based on pal, no different than holding start specific characters.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
In this example Kaede to Awakened Kaede(Two different sprite sets in one)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Iori to Orochi Iori
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

8. You can replicate “rivals” etc similar to SFA etc because of character specific ladders.

9. See options menu, you can set resolution in options

10. Read select.lua with notepad. Ikemen can scroll infinite rows.

11. There is no “easy” way sadly. Either you shoulder it or someone else does, that’s how I see it anyway.

This isn’t “story mode”, but I’ve experimented with making fights seem more cinematic.

SVC etc style dialogue for entire roster etc(This is my most recent setup)

Here is what arcade mode looks like, unedited etc using plus. Using that same method above for specific arcade order

This was done using the above method, but I edited the screens out and replaced them to make it look like I was using the CVS3 SP

So imagine if you really did have a SP, your game could/would look really legit.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 24, 2019, 02:31:36 am
thanks 2dee4ever.... the clarification was amazing!

is it possible makes a stand animation for portraits on select screen and when you have chosen the character, the char changes for a new pose as win pose to symbolize the selection?

Example :


Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 24, 2019, 03:02:33 am
I was just talking about that a few pages ago. I knew it’d benefit a lot of you. I know it can be done, I personally haven’t messed with it yet. It’s like that in MVC & MK, both series I’ve seen some users have interest in. I say, start putting your builds together so we can experiment.

As far as what I need, most of everything I’ve been interested in, I’ve already implemented. Forever working on tag system, dual assaults, intros, endings. Most things that aren’t Ikemen related. I’m very interested in story mode like systems. I want to recreate a lot of the lore with 2D animation. A saga like mode, K4thos was on it with me before he lost interest.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 24, 2019, 04:47:10 am
So I'm trying to set up AppVeyor to automate build so everytime there is commit to the repo people can download the latest binary.
I will inform how it goes.

Here is example of how builds look in AppVeyor:
The project is xenia emulator.

I mean, it worked.

What does this means?
That Ikemen would have a fresh build every time we upload the repo.
And the build does not need human intervention, the builds are uploaded automatically.

The builds are in:
Inside the artifacts tab.
Could someone test the mac and linux ones?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 24, 2019, 07:41:08 am
I can test the mac one later.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 24, 2019, 09:40:26 am
Could someone test the mac and linux ones?

The linux build worked for me
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on April 24, 2019, 09:52:25 am
So I'm trying to set up AppVeyor to automate build so everytime there is commit to the repo people can download the latest binary.
I will inform how it goes.

Here is example of how builds look in AppVeyor:
The project is xenia emulator.

I mean, it worked.

What does this means?
That Ikemen would have a fresh build every time we upload the repo.
And the build does not need human intervention, the builds are uploaded automatically.

The builds are in:
Inside the artifacts tab.
Could someone test the mac and linux ones?

The windows one crashes on my end for some reason.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 24, 2019, 10:12:35 am
1 - does ikemen read stages build with 8 bits png? i'm with the opengl on, but the stage appears with a black color for the png elements.

2 - is it possible to put the resolution 384,224 if it doesn't exist into the video options?

3 - is there any possibility to have filters like as openbor to eliminate the pixelation?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 24, 2019, 10:17:17 am
I may be wrong, but you can set a custom resolution by selecting custom in the resolution settings, that's what I did for my resolution.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 24, 2019, 11:20:44 am
i'm using a screenpack with the resolution 384,224 on ikemen, but i don't get see it on fullscreen.

however the stage and lifebar are on 384x224 the pack shrinks the lifebar a little bit.

is there a line to fits the fullscreen with any resolution.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 24, 2019, 11:50:54 am
i'm using a screenpack with the resolution 384,224 on ikemen, but i don't get see it on fullscreen.

however the stage and lifebar are on 384x224 the pack shrinks the lifebar a little bit.

is there a line to fits the fullscreen with any resolution.

You need to change the script/localcoord.lua file
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 24, 2019, 11:59:28 am
I can't seem to get character themes to work, the stage music always overrides it and plays. It will begin the character's theme sometimes and then immediately change to the stage default music.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 24, 2019, 04:18:24 pm
The windows one crashes on my end for some reason.

Happening to me as well. At first I thought it might be the same issue I had when I tried to compile it a small while ago, where it would either crash on startup or load properly, but here it's just crashing every time.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 24, 2019, 06:36:19 pm
Yeah I thought I was the only one with the issue, I remember the newest one and the previous build would randomly crash on startup. I don't know why this happens. Also a weird thing that it does is when I would change a setting in the screenpack lua, it would crash on startup, then if I loaded it again, it would be fine and finally accept hte changes too. I've since deleted it so I can't remember much in detail anymore, but those issues have been tehre since hte previous build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 24, 2019, 10:48:54 pm
I was excited to start use ikemen, but the animated portraits have no function that I need, it's weird the char makes the same pose for all on select screen,versus screen and winner screen.

Different than Mugen the ikemen haven't so intuitive files, until the moment the system promises many things, but doesn't show the path to the flowers.

I like games with commercial standard like Street Fighter Alpha 2 and I'm not lazy,  if I have the necessary resources I can make beautiful works, but gets searching for the fairy's gold into this engine looks like a torture.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 24, 2019, 11:34:12 pm
Mugen is 20 years old and until now have no the basic and primary features and resources for a commercial game like Street fighter alpha 3 that did everything with an obsolete engine in 1997.

We are 20 years just putting chars into a system with no intelligence and with tied hands and very limitations.

When shugendo appeared I thought it was the way to evolve, but nothing happened.

And now with ikemen everything is very crude, you haven't almost any reference to follow or certain that somewhat will really work.

I don't lost my hope, but to me ikemen is a open sea, where you're navigating at drift.

Sorry if it looks rude, but it's not my intention.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 25, 2019, 12:17:25 am
You do realize most of us started off not knowing how to do anything either right? Learning as we go. Kinda the whole point. I get what you are saying, but let me make it easy for you. You can either do something, learn/be willing to learn or do nothing. The choice is rather easy, you won’t be alone in doing nothing, just keep the rest to yourself.

I can assure you no wishing, hoping, praying on a star is going to make anything happen overnight. People are using their own free time to work on this stuff. Let me change this part as to not discourage you.. Maze, you gave up in less than 24hrs. You could not have tried that hard. You aren’t stupid. You are just as capable of learning as anyone else. I get you are really passionate about it, that’s good. So don’t give up. Keep at it. I revised it as you may misunderstand that bold truth.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 25, 2019, 01:43:20 am
It's seems the reason of the crash because the resource is already in use...
If you launch the engine multiple times it works. That's bad.
I'll do more testing.
It's interesting that this bug didn't happen in older versions of GO-lang
This is like Phyton all over again :mwhy: (Python 3 transition flashbacks)

Mugen is 20 years old and until now have no the basic and primary features and resources for a commercial game like Street fighter alpha 3 that did everything with an obsolete engine in 1997.

We are 20 years just putting chars into a system with no intelligence and with tied hands and very limitations.

When shugendo appeared I thought it was the way to evolve, but nothing happened.

And now with ikemen everything is very crude, you haven't almost any reference to follow or certain that somewhat will really work.

I don't lost my hope, but to me ikemen is a open sea, where you're navigating at drift.

Sorry if it looks rude, but it's not my intention.

Ikemen GO is still in a alpha state so we have no documentation.
But most of the stuff works the same as Mugen.
What problems do you have with the system? Feedback would be welcome.
Also don't give up, if I didn't on K4rthos sending the lua files (I'm still waiting) you shouldn't, we are here to help in any problem you have.

About Shugendo and his roadmap:

Shugendo did plan to make a lot of incompatible changes.
I don't think that Shugendo way of removing CNS support is the way to go.
Not every Mugen creator is a programmer.
Compared to Electbyte or Shugendo I don't think that CNS is a bad system but it could be improved.

My objetive with Ikemen GO is not make a comercial competitive engine but something that the Mugen community could use and expand without the need depend on Electbyte.

If anyone care here is the windows crash error log.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
The crash seems openGL related more specifically at line 536 image.go
Called by runMainThreadTask() in system.go
When using the function refresh() inside a lua file...

I'm not have much knowledge about openGL, but I'll try my best.
I think that the problem is that something points to a invalid location. Man I seriously don't know about openGL.
Hey Neat Unsou could you give a hand with this?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 25, 2019, 05:26:28 am
thats very interesting @Gacel, because I didn't add more info about the crashes before because I didnt think it would matter, but you have mentioned OPENGL, and for me with the Newer builds, the OPENGL ReShade injections I use no loonger work and automatically crash ikemen on startup. Just to let you know, it was working quite well with the builds before, I know OpnGL is not your area so I didnt mention it at first. I guess it makes sense now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 25, 2019, 06:47:46 am
About openGL reshade Ikemen uses OpenGL 2.1 the oldest possible we can use.
We do this because it brings compatibility with old GPUs (I think that's the reason)
I will upload and try to build with a old GO version (1.11) from now but that's just a temporary solution.
This problem seems windows only.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 25, 2019, 07:12:44 am
Thank you for checking it out! And just to be clear, I was saying that reshade works fine with ikemen go plus, just not the newest build
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 25, 2019, 07:25:58 am
So here is another build using Go 1.11:
I wish I could edit the first post.
On my end it open 54 times without problems, test to see if everything is working.
One of the changes that I made in that 5 minutes is that it will not create a bunch of log files inside the debug folder if you don't have a debug folder created.
And it writes the logs to Ikemen.txt (Similar how mugen writes to Mugen.txt)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on April 25, 2019, 07:43:10 am
Worked fine for me, thanks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 25, 2019, 07:52:57 am
Just for the record, I haven't tried the newest mac build yet (currently using the one Dan made into an installer), but I haven't had a single crash yet!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 25, 2019, 08:47:41 am
i have a problem with the fullscreen, i'm using the resolution 384,224 ,everything runs with this resolution, but the engine doesn't show it with fullscreen.



if continue screen has character using the dizzy pose and after the count down it change for the died pose, then can't we use the same principle to make a portrait for each action on select screen?

portrait for select the char

portrait for chosen char.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 25, 2019, 09:58:52 am
Animated portraits are possible as far as I know, they might be an option in one of the lua files to re enable it. İkemen plus (which was before this engine) had animated potraits. Try doubling the resolution, it might work. Try 768 x 448. What resolution is your monitor/screen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 25, 2019, 08:16:08 pm
Hey guys! I noticed that character music/themes don't override stage themes in Arcade mode, any idea what might be causing it? Sometimes it plays like one second of the character theme but then immediately changes to the stage theme, if the stage has no theme, then nothing is played at all.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 25, 2019, 08:54:44 pm
Why does the resolution 320x240 not runs on fullscreen?

Appears a small screen, it hadn't been happened in Mugen.

I'm having many problems with resolution, the ikemen doesn't fulfill the whole screen.

Where is the aspect ratio option for stretching all screen?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 25, 2019, 09:15:19 pm
Because we do not change the monitor resolution.
Think of it like when you press alt-enter on Mugen 1.0.
It's borderless fullscreen.
I'm not sure how to implement resolution change. (I repeat I do not know openGL)
Maybe other person could implement real fullscreen.

For now use your monitor full resolution in options.
It should stretch like you want.
The resolution option is display resolution not game resolution. (Not exactly but it's the best explanation I got)
The character and screenpack resolution is controlled by localcoord.
I know that is not standard but is the way that MUGEN works and Ikemen inherited it.
Is made that way because of the modular system of Mugen so 8 characters with different resolution and coordinate system could interact without problems.

Does anyone have a tutorial on animated portraits? maybe I could implement a animation when the character is selected like Mazemerald wants.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: ShinLucho on April 25, 2019, 11:20:36 pm
Does anyone have a tutorial on animated portraits? maybe I could implement a animation when the character is selected like Mazemerald wants.

On Ikemen Plus, there is a batch process that uses mugen's sprites tools to export all sprites from a char sff, put some specific sprites into a new sff, and then lua loads those new sff at the beginning to show animated portraits and continue screen animation. I think this was done like that to avoid loading all chars sffs into memory and instead load some specific sprites.

Keep in mind mugen's tools are exe files, maybe it won't work on linux and mac.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 26, 2019, 01:30:26 am
Wait you are telling me that it rebuilds the sff using elecbyte tools?!
Wouldn't be more efficient to cache them?

If it really does use the elecbyte tools we have to scrap that code and rewrite the system.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: ShinLucho on April 26, 2019, 03:03:35 am
Maybe it was made that way to avoid dealing with S-SIZE and because original ikemen only works on windows, so elecbyte tools weren't a problem.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 26, 2019, 04:00:11 am
OK, but now we can use GO so it shouldn't be hard.
Time to add:
- [Sprites] Rewrite animated portrait system.
To the list.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 26, 2019, 06:08:33 am
About the animated portraits OHMSBY upload a video in which he uses that effect to perfection, I think he uses ikemen to recreate it, look:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on April 26, 2019, 07:28:49 am
Couldn't it be video edition? It seems too good to be true.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 26, 2019, 09:52:20 am
It will be awesome if it was in Ikemen.
But seems like a video edit...

Also a new release, this one adds even more compatibility with 1.1 screenpacks.
In the combo counter and portrait BGs specifically.

Also I added all the feature request and bugs that I have in my mind at:
If something is missing please open a issues it if you have a github account or inform me.
Also feature request also goes in the tracker.
We can still use the forums for report but having them on github helps keeping track of them. (Even if is I that upload them)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 26, 2019, 10:46:32 am
About the animated portraits OHMSBY upload a video in which he uses that effect to perfection, I think he uses ikemen to recreate it, look:

lol that video was edited, not in mugen or ikemen at the moment, but possible in the future im guessing, wont be easy to implement
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on April 26, 2019, 11:03:51 pm
Too nice to be true... jejeje, Well someday we can do it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 26, 2019, 11:56:06 pm
Was Ikemen made by a creator that doesn't give any support about the coding and how the things work?

Lua language scares the Mugen players because it's not a common language for most of us.

That's not so easy to customize the engine like you want to.

When I knew the ikemen existence, I did believe this engine was more evolved than Mugen, but after doing tests, it becomes more limited than Mugen, as well as shugendo, ikemen doesn't seems it's gonna survive for much time.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 27, 2019, 12:23:38 am
CNS is a restrictive coding language; even Elecbyte themselves have said this, which is why their roadmap for MUGEN 2.0 (hah) talked about implementing a more common coding language. IKEMEN is far from restrictive, and to say it's more limited than MUGEN is incredibly ignorant on your part, especially when it's capable of far more than what MUGEN can do as long as you're willing to put the effort in to learn this stuff.

Go and Lua are incredibly well-documented languages; just remember that you had to learn CNS once upon a time, so why is learning another language (or two) that has more practical application in the real world suddenly a big problem?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 27, 2019, 12:27:33 am
Will the Mugen Ikemen be updated?
The Training is just a souped up KFM, no Stupa Training like normal IKEMEN.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 03:57:47 am
The user can replace the training char.
The Mugen Ikemen could be updated someone finds a better training char and the autor gives permission to include it.

Was Ikemen made by a creator that doesn't give any support about the coding and how the things work?

Lua language scares the Mugen players because it's not a common language for most of us.

That's not so easy to customize the engine like you want to.

When I knew the ikemen existence, I did believe this engine was more evolved than Mugen, but after doing tests, it becomes more limited than Mugen, as well as shugendo, ikemen doesn't seems it's gonna survive for much time.

Ikemen GO is actually less restrictive than Mugen. But is not on the same level as unreal or unity, I said it before we do not plan to compete with comercial engines.
Supersuehiro does actually care about coding and features he sucks at documenting code though.

We have 2 languages CNS and ZSS.
ZSS is more similar to C-Style languages.
The first Ikemen was programmed in ZSS.

I said that I don't think that CNS is bad enough to remove it like shugendo.
Elecbyte did plan to deprecate CNS on MUGEN 2.0 so it wound not be compatible with new features of the engine.

ZSS could be used if the user wants a more C-Like language and more freedom in the way to interact with code.
But we need to document that...

I know that CNS is trigger system is restrictive.
What do you guys consider restrictive apart from the trigger system in CNS?
Would be good for avoiding the same mistakes in ZSS.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 27, 2019, 04:33:27 am
LUA/ZSS language is great, i know that ikemen has a great potential, but we don't know use it, there are many files and inumerous command lines, only a game programmer with more experience know how to handle each one of them.

i saw there's a folder where all sprites from a char are extracted to run the char and its portraits from there, but like that the various folders with every char sprites would take too size into megabytes.

We don't know if this engine will work like we imagined.

i thought this engine was easier to customize as mugen.

i have no more control about the resolution and pixelation.

My png images of 8bits works perfectly in mugen 1.1, but in ikemen appears everything black colors.

it´s not possible convert any screenpacks to ikemen easily.

it´s hard to position sprites to make a different selection screen.

you have no tools to help you know like the stuff is looking on screen.

the OpenGL is very outdated and don't read any png correctly.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 27, 2019, 04:49:36 am
the ikemen engine offers benefits, but at the same time it´s very hard to customize, the unique thing that players get to do is putting chars and change some images, but the skeleton is the same.

only for having animated portraits and features that anyone knows how to use correctly, it's not worthing all efforts once the engine is hard to use.

ikemen can have one million of features, but unhappily with a complex interface and no model to follow.

Suehiro could to add at least a filter options on this engine to avoid the pixelation.


4xBR rounded
hq3x filter
hq2x bold

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 04:52:39 am
LUA/ZSS language is great, i know that ikemen has a great potential, but we don't know use it, there are many files and inumerous command lines, only a game programmer with more experience know how to handle each one of them.
That's why we said we need to document ZSS.
Also LUA is not that hard, yeah you need more programming experience to manage them, that's why I said we need to keep CNS.

i saw there's a folder where all sprites from a char are extracted to run the char and its portraits from there, but like that the various folders with every char sprites would take too size into megabytes.
We need to change that.
The animated portrait system is a mess because it only uses lua instead of GO.
A rewrite of the system is planned on the future.

We don't know if this engine will work like we imagined.

i thought this engine was easier to customize as mugen.
What parts are harder than Mugen?
Remember Ikemen is in constant development. Your feedback would help to fix that.

I have no more control about the resolution and pixelation.
I was trying just now to implement real fullscreen.

My png images of 8bits works perfectly in mugen 1.1, but in ikemen appears everything black colors.
Wait that's a bug.
Report it and we will try to fix it.

it´s not possible convert any screenpacks to ikemen easily.
The only part of the screenpacks that work different is the localcoord setting and is just changing some numbers.

it´s hard to position sprites to make a different selection screen.
you have no tools to help you know like the stuff is looking on screen.
Screenpack design is not different from mugen, I do not know graphic tools for MUGEN screenpacks.
If they exist they also should work on Ikemen.

the OpenGL is very outdated and don't read any png correctly.
If we use a newer version half of the users would not be able to run Ikemen GO.
We do not have a need to use GLSL or tesellation.
Some people run mugen from a grandma PC.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 27, 2019, 04:57:42 am
*blob of text*

Bro literally only 2 dudes work on it, and the original dude abandoned everything. It's in early development, it'll get there with time. I think yes, issues should be important, but the way you are talking about them make you sound like an asshole honestly.

When you say shit like "ikemen doesn't seems it's gonna survive for much time" you're just being an asshole and not productive. There is a productive way to outline these issues. The developers know this is an issue, they've been working on it, literally only 2 dudes who are still university students on their free time. You even said it yourself, golang is too complicated for you, so what do you expect 2 guys to do?

I'm not saying you're wrong for voicing what Ikemen needs, I'm just saying you're going about it like a dickwad.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 05:01:51 am

the ikemen engine offers benefits, but at the same time it´s very hard to customize, the unique thing that players get to do is putting chars and change some images, but the skeleton is the same.

only for having animated portraits and features that anyone knows how to use correctly, it's not worthing all efforts once the engine is hard to use.

ikemen can have one million of features, but unhappily with a complex interface and no model to follow.

Suehiro could to add at least a filter options on this engine to avoid the pixelation.

That's how Mugen works, we aren't trying to make a completely new incompatible engine, we aren't trying to compete with comercial engines. (How many times I have to said this?)
We are trying to make a "Open source Mugen" because Electbyte died.

I'm not suehiro but I'm a contributor.
Suehiro does not work anymore on Ikemen. (Consider it like a temporary retirement)
The engine is in a Alpha stage.
Our main objective and priority is to be 99% compatible with Mugen 1.1
We consider adding filters but from now Reshade works from now.

When you say things like "Ikemen doesn't seems it's gonna survive for much time" you are saying that you are sure we are trowing the hard work of a group of people (That they did for free) to the dump, that is very rude.
Also please be more respectful to Suehiro and the people who worked on Ikemen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 27, 2019, 05:15:29 am
is possible add optional filters for person that likes playing games without pixelation?

the emulator final burn has great filters that lets the games with a awesome looking without the pixelation.
and some scanlines becomes the game looking awesome.


i recommend:

bilinear / scanlines +

2xBR rounded
4xBR rounded
hq3x filter
hq2x bold


sorry if my words seems to be rude, but i thought the ikemen coding so complicated to use,
not even you could to get some evolution with a system like that because the complexity.
but it´s better try it than thinking it could be possible...

good luck.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 05:27:12 am
That is a better and more respectfull way to phrase the question. :)

About Ikemen coding you refer to the lua files?
These are a mess, they need serious refactoring.
You know what once I finish everything in the issues list (Everything that is high priority and is in my capacity) I will refractor these so are clear a posible (I will also comment them)
Maybe I will do at the same time as the the animated portrait rewrite.

For now is not posible add shaders out of the box we will add it to the roadmap. (There is sure a lot of people who will want this)
OpenGL can load shaders at runtime so it should be posible to load even custom ones!
But for now there is a tool called Reshade that does just that, junkerde made it work so you should ask them how he did it.

I will investigate why 8bit PNGs don't work.
Providing some examples of SFF that use 8bit PNGs would help a lot.

Also I would like to hear what parts are harder to customize than Mugen?
If something doesn't work like MUGEN is a problem because it means is a feature we lack.
Barring the localcoord configuration (I'm still working on it)


Hey Junkerede how do you manage reshade to work on Ikemen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 27, 2019, 05:50:25 am
That is a better and more respectfull way to phrase the question.

For now is not posible we will add it to the roadmap. (There is sure a lot of people who will want this)
OpenGL can load shaders at runtime so it should be posible to load even custom ones!
But for now there is a tool called Reshade that does just that, junkerde made it work so you should ask them how he did it.

Thanks for your so polite explanation about everything, i have a big barrier for playing games with pixelation, i'm used to play games in emulators where the pixelation doesn't exist because the filters and the looking is awesome with some scanlines too.

in mugen 1.1 the unique solution for playing mugen without pixelation was use the resolution 384x224 that's the capcom cps2 native resolution for low-res sprites don't look pixelated.

this is the result that i got:


Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 06:32:39 am
Well reshade works!
Here is how it looks:
You have to tweak the HQx4 settings a bit.
Or you can use FXAA to look like the screenshots that you posted.
Also you can even use a scanline filter!

You can download it at:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 09:01:03 am
I am very happy with the progress and dedication of those that work on this engine! Thank you for giving of your time and skills to move this project forward! Finally also, a ikemen build that can work natively in linux and mac! I look forward to the new features and progress!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 27, 2019, 09:26:16 am
The latest reshade should work, it’s the previous versions that had issues. Here is a sample video that used advanced crt etc.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

No reshade. You really benefit from reshade if you use higher resolutions. It’s all preference.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I make these videos to show the “possibilities” if one were to develop something beyond a standard mugen game. It is possible to do anything, yes there may be work required, but “you” set your own limits. Obviously with better resources it could go even further. It’s a combination of features at play, Ikemen helps, but no engine will make a game for you.

A lot of the things being brought up can be done, you just don’t have the knowledge. Knowledge, especially pertaining to this, is a choice only you can decide to learn about. Ikemen already exceeds what’s possible in mugen, why the complaints? I mean, I know the answer, usually you are just a downloadee, you only know, link? Download?

No need to shit on people whom are literally turning nothing into something. Not only for themselves.. I get that you are frustrated that things seem to be going slow, but what are you doing to change that?  You don’t want me to answer for you..

Your first mistake, as many of you.. You only see things at face value.. You can’t see things like potential, only caring for your personal gain. No one is forcing you to use this, neither do we have many alternatives. Once you start paying someone, then you can start having expectations.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 27, 2019, 09:37:25 am
Seems like we need to switch to OpenGL 3 if we want post-processing filters(HQx4 for example) in Ikemen. I can't promise anything, but i will try to make them work without ReShade.

EDIT: nevermind, we can make it work with OpenGL 2.1!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 12:09:07 pm
That's good to hear!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 27, 2019, 01:27:34 pm
Alright, here is hqx4 screenshot

I will make a pull request once i add post-processing in options menu.

Edit: better resolution
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 01:29:16 pm
Wow that looks amazing! Will this work on all platforms?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 27, 2019, 01:31:23 pm
It seems to work on Windows and Linux. Can't test on mac though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 01:34:36 pm
Sounds good, I can test on mac once it is accepted!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on April 27, 2019, 02:05:32 pm
Gacel have you checked run issue?
also fullscreen option in options doesnt really work sometimes,
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 27, 2019, 03:06:56 pm
new commit from neatunsou:

i just used google translate:

Fixed the bug that only the last damage is reflected when multiple damage is entered within 1 frame. Fixed the bug that
Projectile doesn't hit Helper of the shooter. Fixed the 360 controller judgment.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 27, 2019, 04:02:58 pm
I have two questions.

1 - is it possible to run the resolution 320x240 on fullscreen? It seems not working. Appears a small square. thanks

2 - openbor has filters added into the engine as well as winmugen had too, is it possible to add simple filters like that inside the coding?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 27, 2019, 04:22:10 pm
new commit from neatunsou:

Fixed the 360 controller judgment.
I cant see any difference on my controller.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 07:26:04 pm
A new release.
This adds the neatunsou's changes and Filters thanks to kidcy.
It's surprising the last release was yesterday.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 07:33:27 pm
Great work guys! I will definitely check this out! Does this have a mac build too?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 07:40:39 pm
Still building at it takes like 15 minutes once is build it will aparear in the artifacts tab.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 07:41:33 pm
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 07:45:03 pm
Gacel have you checked run issue?
also fullscreen option in options doesnt really work sometimes,

So hum I compile the window ones with GO 1.11.9 now it works without problems.
Maybe Go 1.12 GC is too aggressive and removes the data before it gets unloaded, not sure.
We have to fix Go 1.12 on windows compilation but I don't know how to do it.

So uum the windows ones are compiled manually by me to prevent errors.

Also the MAC and Linux build is ready!
WARNING: This links to the latest build so it always changes what's inside.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 27, 2019, 07:49:38 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 08:20:36 pm
So uhm Ikemen did not create a config file with the shader code.
So another release, this time it should work well...
You have to delete the config.jon file in the data folder to get replaced with a updated one.
The script files are unchanged.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 27, 2019, 09:17:07 pm
So how hard would it be to implement the original Mugen Training mode with automatic health and power recovery.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 27, 2019, 09:20:03 pm
Wait what, there's native shaders now? I'm not near a computer to actually see atm
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 27, 2019, 10:00:12 pm
Yeah there are native shaders now.
Only HQx for now.
About the original training mode not sure.
I I'll check it later.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 27, 2019, 10:29:07 pm
Is this different in GO? Training does work that way already for me, though I haven’t fully switched over yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 27, 2019, 10:38:33 pm
The ikemen exe logo is very simple, if I create some mini logos , did you get to choose the better logo and replacing the older one?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 27, 2019, 10:41:08 pm
Is this different in GO? Training does work that way already for me, though I haven’t fully switched over yet.

Well in IKEMEN Plus and this GO version, Training is just VS Mode but it uses the Training char as Player 2.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 27, 2019, 10:50:35 pm
My training mode recovers automatically as normal? Does your fall down when at low health?

The logo, you can customize as you see fit as you would any icon on your pc. If you want to make a new general icon for Ikemen, go for it. The black/grey is kinda boring.

Did anyone answer your question about character themes not working? If not, can you type how you’ve written it in the select.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 27, 2019, 10:53:58 pm
I imagine like most builds, your Training mode features the Training character as the opponent and the timer is disabled. The health regen is handled by the Training character, as is the inability to KO it.

Yeah, if you want to change the icon on your end, just use Resource Hacker or some equivalent.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 28, 2019, 01:08:27 am
i did download the new version and replaced all, but now this message appears.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 28, 2019, 07:51:05 am
My training mode recovers automatically as normal? Does your fall down when at low health?

The logo, you can customize as you see fit as you would any icon on your pc. If you want to make a new general icon for Ikemen, go for it. The black/grey is kinda boring.

Did anyone answer your question about character themes not working? If not, can you type how you’ve written it in the select.

I wrote it like in mugen, for example: " kfm, music=sound/kfm.mp3 "
It begins to play then gets cut off and plays the stage theme instead.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 28, 2019, 08:05:27 am
can you help me please?

i need a link with the ikemen go and the update links.

i did download the ikemen plus and i did a mess with the files. nothing works now.

i need to know how to organized the files correctly to work with the updates.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 28, 2019, 08:12:39 am
Here is my small contribution for icon logos, you can choose your favorite and changing like you wish.


1 - blue
2 - silver
3 - red
4 - orange
5 - world
6 - purple
7 - arctic
8 - earth
9 - fire
10 - neo
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 28, 2019, 08:58:50 am
Nice work! Those look great! Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 28, 2019, 12:25:47 pm
Maybe it's because I'm mean, but I'm gonna have to disagree. Realistically, your use of a thick white border and a feathery drop shadow occupy a lot of space, which will impact the readability of the icon when scaled down, especially considering you've chosen to write an entire word across it that's just not going to be visible at 16x16px. You'll find that the better program icons stick with a simple yet iconic design that represents the program without needing to resort to entire words or small details that will be lost at smaller sizes; for instance, the MUGEN icon features a stylised white M across a blue sphere that's clear enough that even at the smallest size you can still tell what letter that is, the Fighter Factory icon consists of two interlocking 'F's that represent both the program's name and its function, and for a non-MUGEN example, the Audacity icon is a blue pair of headphones with a waveform travelling between the speakers.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 28, 2019, 03:20:20 pm
The shaders work perfectly on mac also and the new build is working fine also! Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 28, 2019, 06:30:49 pm
wow, i thought id never see native shaders lol, but this is really nice!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 28, 2019, 06:39:18 pm
I swear normal IKEMEN Plus had an icon. Why not use that one?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 28, 2019, 06:42:19 pm
Scanline filter is done:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 28, 2019, 06:42:45 pm
I need help please.

I need the ikemen engine link and updates for native shaders.

Are you using the ikemen go or ikemen plus, I'm confused.

Show me correct links for download please.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 28, 2019, 06:47:01 pm (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 28, 2019, 07:03:03 pm
Scanline filter is done:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That is awesome! Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on April 28, 2019, 07:52:58 pm
Are you only able to port ReShade filters or could you add something like 2xSal?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 28, 2019, 10:57:04 pm
Not ReShade but OpenGL filters.
2xsal has been ported to GLSL before and uses the same licence as Ikemen GO. (MIT Licence)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 28, 2019, 10:57:18 pm
Actually i'm porting libretro filters.
Here is what 2xsai looks like:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You guys can tell me which filters do you want.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 28, 2019, 11:02:59 pm
Time for another episode of Is It Possible?:
Hidden Characters selectable when holding Start during Character Selection.
I mean having the hidden char popup while Start is pushed down like in KOF XIII.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 28, 2019, 11:07:54 pm
Actually i'm porting libretro filters.
Here is what 2xsai looks like:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You guys can tell me which filters do you want.

Remember adding the credits for the original shaders creator in a new shader licence file (We are legally obliged to)

Copyright (C) 2007 guest(r) -
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Lior Halphon

<Insert MIT Licence here>

The MIT licence requires we credit them.

Time for another episode of Is It Possible?:
Hidden Characters selectable when holding Start during Character Selection.
I mean having the hidden char popup while Start is pushed down like in KOF XIII.

I could add it but I have no idea how the select file should look.
How do you think the select file should look for a secret character?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on April 28, 2019, 11:12:37 pm
I'm thinking about moving filters to glsl files and loading them at runtime instead of hardcoding them into the binary file.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 28, 2019, 11:14:05 pm
I could add it but I have no idea how the select file should look.
How do you think the select file should look for a secret character?
I want it to be easily configurable. I feel this would work:
NormalChar [SecretChar]
You just put the other character you want in the brackets.
Kyo/ClassicKyo.def [Kyo/NestsKyo.def, order=3]
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 29, 2019, 04:00:18 am
is xbrz filter an option or no? amazing work on the shaders! thats awesome!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 29, 2019, 04:54:27 am
these filter family is good:


but these below are awesome too, they are used on final burn emulator and the looking is very smooth.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 29, 2019, 05:21:46 am
I got to change the icon of ikemen easily with this program

resource hacker - you replace the icon and save it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 29, 2019, 02:50:48 pm
Mazermerald you are using outdated version of ikemen.Also i think kyo vs ryu logo would be better.Or ryo vs ryu.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 29, 2019, 03:20:56 pm
I think something not copyright would be more appropiate imo.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 29, 2019, 03:59:29 pm

I'm confused about which version you are using now.

Ikemen go or ikemen go plus

What is the version working with native reshade?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on April 29, 2019, 04:01:40 pm

I'm confused about which version you are using now.

Ikemen go or ikemen go plus

What is the version working with native reshade?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on April 29, 2019, 08:34:39 pm
Actually i'm porting libretro filters.
Here is what 2xsai looks like:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You guys can tell me which filters do you want.
it looks fuzzy I believe it lacks the internal interpolation, this is a good step in the right direction good job.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Still though Ikemen has a buttload of issues regarding chars.
I would still use Mugen for single player over it. 

The "mugen emulation" to put it as this as it stands and being that mugen is closed source, you guys have come a long way.
Im actually stunned.

However with that being said Yamori's project is the only one that looks and plays legit to me when it comes to ikemen.
So I guess you can code around its issues which is good to know.

Its great to see that engine is now in active development good work to everyone involved.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 29, 2019, 09:58:52 pm
I'll start messing with this new version. I'll experiment with Redhot's stuff. Just to show you an example of things we'd discussed previously.

Still though Ikemen has a buttload of issues regarding chars that I do not know how to fix. I'll assume its because of ikemen.
I would still use Mugen for single player over it because I don't know what I'm doing

However with that being said Yamori's project is the only one that looks and plays legit to me when it comes to ikemen because I haven't played or used any of the other projects on this board such as Rev 2,Famicom Fighters, all the builds by RodKnee..
So I guess you can code around its issues which is good to know disregard my previous statement as I contradict myself, if you actually put the work in there are no issues...

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
I know, I have a bad habit of doing this to anyone who doesn't know what they are talking about sorry.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 29, 2019, 10:38:38 pm
Actually i'm porting libretro filters.
Here is what 2xsai looks like:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You guys can tell me which filters do you want.
it looks fuzzy I believe it lacks the internal interpolation, this is a good step in the right direction good job.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Still though Ikemen has a buttload of issues regarding chars.
I would still use Mugen for single player over it. 

The "mugen emulation" to put it as this as it stands and being that mugen is closed source, you guys have come a long way.
Im actually stunned.

However with that being said Yamori's project is the only one that looks and plays legit to me when it comes to ikemen.
So I guess you can code around its issues which is good to know.

Its great to see that engine is now in active development good work to everyone involved.

I will repeat that 2Dee4ever said, there are other projects on this board such as Rev 2,Famicom Fighters, all the builds by RodKnee..

Char issues...
The most issues with chars are because of sometimes wrong coding on part of the creator.
If the Engine trows a error like. "yyyyy" is not a valid sprite, is because of wrong code.
Because of this is hard to know when is a engine fault.

If a chars works different than is expect to is most of the time Ikemen fault.
For example:
If you find a char that works differently than in works on mugen than Ikemen, or does not work please inform us.
Maybe one could be caused by a engine bug. If is the char fault I will inform you how to fix it.


Hey Guys reading the bugs from K4thos repo I noticed we already have a unlockable character feature...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 29, 2019, 11:00:46 pm
When I use Ikaruga KOF chars, they have a problem with Projectile spawning, as they just go into their destroy animation if one comes out not long after one has hit.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 29, 2019, 11:16:52 pm
Nice! A bug report.
This looks like Ikemen problem.
I will investigate it when I get home.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on April 29, 2019, 11:23:28 pm
Here's another one I recorded, this one is more problematic but funnier.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on April 29, 2019, 11:58:22 pm
I'll start messing with this new version. I'll experiment with Redhot's stuff. Just to show you an example of things we'd discussed previously.

Still though Ikemen has a buttload of issues regarding chars that I do not know how to fix. I'll assume its because of ikemen.
I would still use Mugen for single player over it because I don't know what I'm doing

However with that being said Yamori's project is the only one that looks and plays legit to me when it comes to ikemen because I haven't played or used any of the other projects on this board such as Rev 2,Famicom Fighters, all the builds by RodKnee..
So I guess you can code around its issues which is good to know disregard my previous statement as I contradict myself, if you actually put the work in there are no issues...

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
I know, I have a bad habit of doing this to anyone who doesn't know what they are talking about sorry.

oh shut the fuck up with your stupid BS,  you ain't doing shit yourself either.
Work putting in lmao don't make me laugh.

If I find anything funny i'll let you know mate.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 30, 2019, 12:18:48 am
Well, you don't have to acknowledge it I get it, but "shut the fuck up" isn't a good counter argument, only shows it may be true.. I can tell you, I do a whole lot more than come in to a discussion to suggest sticking to mugen because I don't understand Ikemen. You like to d.ride shill.. Undermining anyone/anything that isn't your favorite. Just poking fun as you are easily tilted.

Do it in a way to support what you say though. It's not rude to tell you this, you spread misinformation that way. I believe the poster above is trying to support you by "showing examples".
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on April 30, 2019, 12:32:02 am
It not rude for me to tell you to shut the fuck up either, also don't assume shit.

So what, I cant voice my opinion  on an engine  even when I gave props to everyone involved ?
Don't get annoyed because you use it, it has issues, mugen also does,  deal with it.

Why would people not use mugen for single player ? you know that 99% of the chars released are made for mugen right ?

Why are you getting so defensive, my post had nothing to do with you ?
Does your entire life revolve around Ikemen or something ?  the stuff i'm about to share in this thread will help you in the long run, it's called feedback  and constructive criticism when it comes to the engine.

Dick riding ? are you like 12 or something ?
Sort yourself out

Edit: I just added you to the ignore list even if you replay I wont see it.
Have a good one mate.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 30, 2019, 12:49:44 am
The ikemen go now it's not more plus right?

The icon for exe seems don't be more editable.

Is possible put a new icon anyway?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 30, 2019, 12:50:02 am
what is the Yamori's project? Are you talking about the characters or another dev branch of ikemen/mugen emulator?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on April 30, 2019, 01:10:35 am
Well, you wanted to know what I do.. Someone will always undermine you, how it goes.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Now you? What are you doing? What have you done? @PeXXeR: Only because you called me out. Ultimately we should just be enjoying this stuff, there is no requirement for that.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 30, 2019, 01:16:15 am
Yamori... I think is a character creator. Not sure if he released a Ikemen full game.

The people who worked on the code of a Ikemen GO version (Any version) are:

Not sure if exist another branch that I'm not aware of...

Also investigating about the icon thing I found this:
We could use it so we can include icons into the exe compilation. :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 30, 2019, 01:19:22 am
Yamori made SNK vs. Capcom EX, which runs on IKEMEN Plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 30, 2019, 01:22:35 am
Thanks for the info!
Here is the link if anyone is interested:

Now I see the reason why I couldn't find it, is not on the Ikemen board.


About the bug that RagingRowen reported I could replicate it perfectly on my end.
I will try to find the cause and make it do the same with a modified KFM.
Once I find what causes it I'll fix it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on April 30, 2019, 01:35:18 am
Well, you wanted to know what I do.. Someone will always undermine you, how it goes.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Now you? What are you doing? What have you done? @PeXXeR: Only because you called me out. Ultimately we should just be enjoying this stuff, there is no requirement for that.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I did not call you out you were the one that responded to me, your name never even crossed my mind when I was writing that comment.
You're showing me a page that has over a million views, gratz, clickbaiting CVS2 and Capcom got you a mill.  Remember ComCap ?
To be fair this means nothing to me, I don't even know how many subs you got.
I will (for real) congratulate you on your achievement.
You have as much charisma as my underpants though  so I cant imagine you doing Youtube seriously.

The only thing you have contributed mate is drama, you were banned 312321321 times I was never banned once.

Anyway, again, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. from now on I am not going to be reading your comments.

You just imagined that I was jabbing at you when I was saying that, when in reality your name never even crossed my mind.
I can understand you trying to defend something you love( fek I also like Ikemen)  but telling people to stop dick riding and shit is not the way to go about it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 30, 2019, 01:38:21 am
PeXXeR and 2Dee4ever, stop arguing.
This is not adding anything positive to the tread.
Please Stop.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on April 30, 2019, 02:13:46 am
just something for hte future:

In mugen, if you play simul on character select, once your fight is over and you go back to the character select screen, the selection automatically remmebers what charactres you chose and will hover over those characters. In ikemen, it only remembers your 2nd character you chose. Idk if this makes sense or not.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on April 30, 2019, 02:24:42 am
Yeah it makes sense.
Nice to know.
It wouldn't be too hard to implement.

Also about that projectile bug.
It seems that happens because the Projectile is assigned to the helper not the player.
Just a theory, I will investigate more.


Nope is not that.
Is because the projectile number is incorrectly set to 0 for some reason...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on April 30, 2019, 04:24:55 am
At the beginning of this project, I confess that I did believe it really will work.
When I used the ikemen for the first time I thought it was hard to config, but now I understand everything is in development and there's guys putting their time to find and making it evolve more and new features be enabled.

My pessimistic thoughts were result of several attempts to see Mugen evolve to something better and seeing all anterior engines being discontinued.

But ikemen ever reached a level than no other had got before, now I believe it's the way to Mugen evolve more.

With a positive attitude we can contribute with suggestions and constrictive feedback to point what can be improved.

Good luck for all team involved on this project.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on April 30, 2019, 06:20:22 am
I found A bug.Gm's gill char doesnt get ressurrected When his gauge full.But he does on mugen.
And cannot hit ducks after hitting them for first time on duck hunt char.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on April 30, 2019, 11:44:10 pm
Interactive stages work by using.
Attachedchar = <Insert stage char here>
Inside the stage file.
And with it a stage is also his own char so to make the car destroyable the stage could create a car helper that receives damage on hit.
The stage itself has infinite life and recives no damage so it could not be killed and can damage both players so we need to use helpers to make breakable stuff.

Maybe I could make a example of both systems.
Warning the example could have early elecbyte level quality of sprites:

This sounds good, though I'm just curious how this would answer some of my suggestions I made in my post.

  • Stage intros: some stages already have this in mugen but with mugen they characters ignore the fact it's happening along with the life bar as well. I want to see them implemented properly.
    Example: and a lot of SNK fighting games had this (I'm sure other companies did this as well)
  • Stage Depth and Stage FX: Using KOF as an example again with the Mediterranean stage, the characters start out in the background a bit then jump into the foreground as well their normal landing fx being overidden by the stage. I did see that 2Dee4ever did something similar to this in his full game, but I was thinking upon it just overidding every characters landing fx and such.
  • Breakable walls and platforms: Since you are doing stage interaction, it would be cool to see platforms that the players can stand on and walls that can be broken. (one things for sure with the walls you'd have to make them god press compatible AKA any move that takes you to the corner)
    Examples: , ,

Also considering that a stage has it's own attached character, maybe you can make special controllers specific to stage characters that would allow said stuff (since this already does answer the question upon how interactive stages will be implemented)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 01, 2019, 01:33:51 am
I'll start messing with this new version. I'll experiment with Redhot's stuff. Just to show you an example of things we'd discussed previously.

Yes please, like I said to you in the mvce project topic, the MvC2 akuma that you can download is the same that I use in the vids that I show for the project, so directly you can use that and patch him with the add004pie.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 01, 2019, 03:55:53 am
Hey if you are going to use add004.
You can add it to all chars using statedef -10, -20 and -30 inside the common file.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 01, 2019, 11:36:03 am
Why does this new ikemen version have no more animated portraits?

Is possible to implement the full stretch for fullscreen with any resolution?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 01, 2019, 12:04:07 pm
I may be mistaken but ikemen go plus and ikemen plus (the old one) don't share a line of code at all, so everything has to be rewritten if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 01, 2019, 05:52:57 pm
Why would you need to use -10 -20 etc? Those are just extra right?
REDHOT, you really should take this advice. All the custom state stuff/FX etc can be added into common stuff. Will exponentially lower your characters file size. I downloaded your other edits to see, I didn’t want your stuff to personally use, for the 3v3 stuff I suggested, you’ll need to heavily customize the tag system & characters. I’ll just use my own for this.

The names etc, you need your own bars/font for this

I hadn’t been keeping up with updates either, I see a lot of things have been moved around/some organizing.

Also you mentioned some of the code already being there for unlocks etc. You can find similar things that were on the roadmap.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 01, 2019, 06:06:57 pm
Sometimes I have curiosity to know what's the engine and coding used to coded games like STREET FIGHTER ZERO 2 for cps2, considering the game was made in 1996, what kinda engine ever have got so many features and resources in that period?

The elecbyte always released versions very limited.

Is syntax language so limited than almost nothing is possible?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 01, 2019, 06:26:15 pm
Ikemen Go lets you use add004 without patching characters using Statedef -10 -20 and common.air file
Can move stage interactions in statedef -2 of characters as well to common1 with this(also move hitboxes to common.air),I forgot which statedef was for cmd and which one was for -2 replacement
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 01, 2019, 06:34:51 pm
It’s only viable if all characters use same information. Characters with transformations/port changes etc need their own for example. The stage information, I said that a few pages back. I don’t know anyone who uses interactive mugen to the same capacity, but it could always have been done that way.

Without a doubt though, full game? Go this route. The downside to his add004 implementation, the updates, you the user would have to update them yourselves.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on May 01, 2019, 09:19:14 pm
Sometimes I have curiosity to know what's the engine and coding used to coded games like STREET FIGHTER ZERO 2 for cps2, considering the game was made in 1996, what kinda engine ever have got so many features and resources in that period?

The elecbyte always released versions very limited.

Is syntax language so limited than almost nothing is possible?
You have to consider that when making a video game, you're only factoring in what affects that game and can thus code everything specifically, but when making an engine, you have to be as loose as possible so as to consider a variety of scenarios; given how Elecbyte prioritised ease of use and understanding with the CNS language, it's not realistically possible to have an engine that can do everything while having an easy to understand and use coding language, as to make something easy you have to compromise on complexity. IKEMEN does not have the limitations of MUGEN, but as you have stated, it's nowhere near as easy to learn the likes of Lua, S-SIZE, or Go because they're so vast (or in S-SIZE's case, inadequately documented).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 01, 2019, 10:05:12 pm
was trying to download idk,I only see the exe in github,is rest of folder in source
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 01, 2019, 10:09:10 pm
Download the exe, then click on gacel's fork of ikemen go plus on the same page (titled Ikemen_GO), clone or download the entire fork, finally download the required mugen files mentioned a couple of pages earlier. Download openal if neccasary too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 01, 2019, 10:31:50 pm
Got it working,tho the moment I try to enter video settings its shutting down.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 01, 2019, 10:33:53 pm
Got it working,tho the moment I try to enter video settings its shutting down.

delete config.json in the data folder, re-open and go to video settings again, it will rebuild a non corrupt one
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 01, 2019, 10:34:09 pm
That's strange, try deleting the config file and then running it again. Haha we typed the same thing at the same time!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 01, 2019, 11:10:00 pm
Is there possibility to create a code where you make a portrait animations inside char.sff and the ikemen reads it?


For select the character we use this animation.

You must create these two animations inside char.sff and adding to air.file too.

[Begin action 9001]

When you ever chose the character this animated is called. 

[Begin action 9002]
9002,4,0,0,-1 ; = this time means the anim will stop on this frame.

On the versus and winner screen, we can use the family 9000,1 and 9000,2 and etc or using standardized animation too.


Instead to create a code that autocreating animated portraits, we create just a code that reads these two animations found inside of char.sff.

Like that you'll have got freedom to create the animation like you wish and the chose char pose could be something very interesting once you can create animations with pretty cool poses, taunt or win poses generally are used to describe this type of action.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 02, 2019, 06:22:40 am
K4thos was active yesterday.Did he send the lua files?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 02, 2019, 07:01:24 am
K4thos was active yesterday.Did he send the lua files?

hes been active for the past 2 months. i just think he doesn't care anymore. They've done a lot without him anyway, kudos to the developers here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 02, 2019, 08:52:26 am
Without his help,i think we wont see any major updates or bug fixes in any future.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 09:34:32 am
I disagree, I think the current ikemen go plus team is quite capable of making the neccasary changes, I think they just don't want to duplicate the work by doing features that he already implemented in his lua files. But given enough time, they might make these changes themselves. There has been plenty of bug fixes and compatibility improvements by Gacel, Dan and kidcy. We even have native shaders now, improved compatibility with 1.1 content and some other things. The development is definitely active.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 02, 2019, 09:57:39 am
It is true that development is active but without k4thos,it isnt like before.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 10:02:44 am
Only because they are waiting for him to give them the lua files, if they decided to not wait for him, then I am pretty sure someone would Implement the features he was suppose to.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 02, 2019, 11:16:43 am
Sorry for not begin so active I'm drowning with college work.

After the amount of time that has passed I decided to stop waiting for K4thos to send the files.
We could implement the changes ourselves.
I did send a PM so at least he could update some important info on the first post. I will give him a week...

Also there have been a big change without K4thos Variable Names!!!(tm) by NeatUnsou.
The interactive stage feature.
The localcoord sceenpack support by me.
Dan is adding android support.
Kidcy added shaders.
And bug fixes a whole load of bugfixes.

I'm still trying to fix some bugs...
I will stop for now to make the interactive stage example. (Also counts as a variable map/name example)

Oh, and also NeatUnsou made another commit!
Not sure what it does...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 02, 2019, 11:45:56 am
Great news.I also think that k4thos maybe deleted his lua files after taking his hands off from the work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 12:46:14 pm
Sorry for not begin so active I'm drowning with college work.

After the amount of time that has passed I decided to stop waiting for K4thos to send the files.
We could implement the changes ourselves.
I did send a PM so at least he could update some important info on the first post. I will give him a week...

Also there have been a big change without K4thos Variable Names!!!(tm) by NeatUnsou.
The interactive stage feature.
The localcoord sceenpack support by me.
Dan is adding android support.
Kidcy added shaders.
And bug fixes a whole load of bugfixes.

I'm still trying to fix some bugs...
I will stop for now to make the interactive stage example. (Also counts as a variable map/name example)

Oh, and also NeatUnsou made another commit!
Not sure what it does...

Sorry Gacel, I didn't mean that you guys are not working hard enough, of course real life is priority! I meant that despite all that, development has been very active.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 02, 2019, 03:28:51 pm
Tested with add004,my partner is still controlledd by ai when switched
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 02, 2019, 04:59:02 pm
Tested with add004,my partner is still controlledd by ai when switched

Set AI level to 0 in config.json
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on May 02, 2019, 05:27:55 pm
@Gacel: Why not create your own thread (when you have time of course) rather than wait for K4thos to update the first page.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 02, 2019, 05:53:25 pm
Got it working,tho the moment I try to enter video settings its shutting down.

delete config.json in the data folder, re-open and go to video settings again, it will rebuild a non corrupt one

In options tag settings, change from “Simul” to “Tag”
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 06:42:43 pm
It might be called "assists" in newer builds, if I am not mistaken.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 02, 2019, 09:30:49 pm
Is called Assist Mode.
Also I have some Ideas for how tag mode should work.

First it could be selected in the same menu as simul and turns.
When is selected it sets the "IsTag" trigger to 1.
Inestead of hardcoding it in GO, tag mode could be programmed inside the common files in the data folder,
so it could be edited by the user without needing to know GO or compile the engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 09:39:54 pm
Sounds like a good idea imo, that would definitely help the average mugen user! So technically no patching of characters would be required then?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 02, 2019, 10:10:29 pm
it isnt required anymore,you just have to learn moving it to common1,I might make some test version of no patch add004 and uno
Gacel would you like to remind which of new statedefs(-10,-20,-30) was for -2 and which one was for -1?
is this a screenpack problem?
.\script\storyboard.lua:153: attempt to index a non-table object(nil)
stack traceback:
   .\script\storyboard.lua:153: in function 'f_parse'
   .\script\storyboard.lua:554: in function 'f_storyboard'
   script/main.lua:1565: in function 'f_mainMenu'
   script/main.lua:2162: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 10:12:37 pm
So one has to patch their common file in the data folder only then?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 02, 2019, 10:16:12 pm
you dont really have to patch anything at all.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 02, 2019, 10:24:01 pm
I didnt even know this was a thing in ikemen go (to do this normally, its convulated af)

Additional State controllers:


Usable for all state controllers. Optional parameter to change the stecon performer to the specified PlayerID. It is possible to interfere with the target without taking the target. You can easily implement the operation of a so-called permanent target. The main use is reproduction of poison that reduces life without touching the other party.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 02, 2019, 10:30:28 pm
you dont really have to patch anything at all.

Wait a second, then how does one actually activate tag team then? Do you just have to install the add004 life bars then?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 02, 2019, 10:47:22 pm
check it out yourself Sending it,Nopatching add004(last version) tho you still use the patcher for portraits(since some people use different groups indexes,axis,etc,it isnt viable to put this to common.air)!AispdDQgkFaalxzqMI1qE5yNk52L
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 02, 2019, 10:53:50 pm
Yeah RedirectID is great. For example it could interfere with the other char vars without having a hitbox.
In Mugen the only way to do that is reversal def or a supernull.

Also add000 could be installed into a global minus state that is applied to all chars.
These states are

(Local) // (Global)
StateDef -1 // StateDef -10
StateDef -2 // StateDef -20
StateDef -3 // StateDef -30

Also there is also a global animation file called Common.air.
StateDef -10 should be used in common.cmd
StateDef -20 and StateDef -30 could go in common.cns

Common.air is made to be used with the required sprites (The hit ones)
The new L and R buttons are mean to be used for change in TAG mode but are free in the other modes.

I'm wondering how we should make the change system with 8 chars (Or more) per team.
Remember that Ikemen GO could load a "unlimited" number of chars per match. (As long you PC can handle it)
Any ideas?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 02, 2019, 11:22:30 pm
I used Statedef -10 in common1  I assume it wouldnt cause any problems,
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 02, 2019, 11:23:14 pm
Yeah it wouldn't cause any problems (for now).
But when the standard TAG system is in place it will probably use Statedef -10.
But you are using Add004 tag system so you could ignore the [included in the future] built-in one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 02, 2019, 11:53:02 pm

I'm wondering how we should make the change system with 8 chars (Or more) per team.
Remember that Ikemen GO could load a "unlimited" number of chars per match. (As long you PC can handle it)
Any ideas?

Is really easy, one button change to the next selected character and another button change to previous one regardless on how many are.

The playera can manage a custom combinación of buttons or secuences yo change the characters
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 12:31:07 am
Yeah that was I thinking.
Button combinations is a no. (Because it could interfere with chars)
The "D" and "W" buttons (These are new to Ikemen) are there for a reason. (K4thos added them for the TAG system)

We have 10 buttons... (Counting the pause one but not counting the stick) that's a lot!
That's just 2 buttons under the xbox one controller 12 buttons.

Wondering how a 9 button char would work.
So guys what do you think about adding 2 more buttons? :mlol:

Just for the jokes I made a image on how Ikemen GO keyboard layout would look with that much buttons.
Not as bad as I imagined.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 03, 2019, 01:53:59 am
Pause and taunt being separated is good especially for those who don’t use keyboard. Still want to link pause  to pause screen/training commands etc. The other two could also be used for ppp and kkk, would be more universal.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 02:01:52 am
I'm planning on implementing a custom pause buttons per controller.
If you think is not that bad of a Idea I could add "e" and "v" as buttons.
Old characters don't need to use it. They could be used as macro buttons on characters that use it.

But I need to hear the opinions of more before adding these 2 buttons.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 03, 2019, 02:23:03 am
Six action buttons incluided start and coin are more than enought; two more buttons a la play station controller (l2 ,r2) provide extra functionalities with debatable use.

Adding more and more buttons only alienate the fight layout.

Combinations of buttons and directions to call a character is not only usefull for Tag but for transformation (Shang tsung).

If you like and want an alien layout maybe can be used all the keys of an ASCII keyboard and the mouse axis too for hadoukens or for a Portal x street fighter game.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 02:31:07 am
"Mouse axis for hadoukens" :mlol:
Good joke!

Yeah I was joking at first about the 12 buttons.
2Dee4ever was the one that liked the idea.
So nice to hear your opinion.

But you got something wrong, we have 8 action buttons not 6.
We have 10 with start and pause.

Two more buttons a la play station controller (l2 ,r2) provide extra functionalities with debatable use.
We can't use the 7 original Mugen buttons for tag because it will break existing chars.
That's the reason k4thos added "w" and "d"
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 03, 2019, 03:18:49 am
I was talking about utilizing all the face buttons, not L3,R3. As he said L2/R2 are the open slots, can be shortcuts as they are universally for the most part.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 03:56:53 am
L2/R2 are used by the tag buttons. (W and D)
Right now we have no free buttons except L3 and R3.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 03, 2019, 04:48:22 am
Gaciel you don't have to follow exactly the things that k4thos Made, if there is no real need to force buttons for certain action then don't do it.

Therefore the reason that him did not upload his Lua code is because all that code is unpolished and experimental (functional but unreadable for other people than him).

If you get better aproach to updates and new things then i recommend you to follow your instincts.

Remember ,first is your life then later the games.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 05:08:18 am
Yeah I know, but as I said a button combination is a no go for compatibility reasons.
And yeah K4thos code needs a refactoring.

For example K4thos TAG mode depends on add004.
That is wrong on so many levels, first of all it needs a variable that other char could use.

My idea for tag mode is this:
- Add a IsTag trigger (So we don't use a variable)
- Use the W and D buttons for tag. (So we don't break compatibility)
- The system would not be hardcoded instead it would use the common.cmd file (So it could be editable without editing the exe)
- W changes the character right D changes the character left. (Remember that Ikemen could have 8 vs 8)
- I'll use statedef 160-169 for tag stuff.

Also checking stuff I noticed there is a "TagIn" and "TagOut" controllers.
That is undocumented...

Also I noticed K4thos used W and V instead of W and D...
I'll change that to have consistency with the other ones.

So this is what TagIn and TagOut should accept.

[State 200, Tag]
Type = TagIn
Trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
StateNo = 0
PartnerStateNo = 0
RedirectID = 2 ;optional
IgnoreHitPause = 0 ;optional

[State 200, Tag]
Type = TagOut
Trigger1 = AnimTime = 40
RedirectID = 2 ;optional
IgnoreHitPause = 0 ;optional

I'll test them in Ikemen GO to see what they really do.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 03, 2019, 05:34:55 am
I don't get why you'd need an exclusive button for tag if not everyone uses tag? Even then, I don't see how a shortcut would break anything when someone could specify keys necessary for specific commands?

8v8? Who is using 8v8? I get it, it's possible, but not really necessary to do just to do it because you can. There is a reason why he used add004, its accessible. All this tag stuff you are trying to implement, someone would need the knowledge to develop their own tag system, doesn't sound beginner friendly, unless you are saying you are going to develop a tag system just for this?

The basics are fine, if anyone is thinking to do things on that level, they'll likely already have ideas to implement.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 05:38:18 am
Shortcuts would break some characters.
Remember this counts all characters created for mugen, every single one.
Every shortcut that you could think of could be used by some character somewhere.

Also I'm developing a built in TAG system.
We could not depend on add004 and not everyone wants to use add004 lifebars.

Ikemen GO needs built in system we could not depend on external binaries.
K4thos decision to force add004 to use the TAG mode is a dubious one.

A lot of K4thos decisions are dubious, for example the wip folder haves:
- FNTv2 fonts (feature added in mugen 1.0) - alternatively I can implement it via pure lua using anim functions.
FNTv2 by lua anim... (He did retire before doing that)
That's the equivalent of hammering a nail with a frozen banana.
I could be do, but that does not mean that is the best way to do it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 03, 2019, 05:53:24 am
Here is the thing, though we want to be wishful, "we" are the "everyone". 100% compatibility isn't possible. What you say falls on that, anyone not using tag cannot use the buttons? You get what I mean right? Just how you can adjust the keys in the config.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Add004 isn't only a tag system, that is the huge misconception. His plan, keep the features without having to use the life-bars themselves. You plan to replicate all those other features as well? Really it's just more work for yourself, but of course, do whatever you want.

A lot of these things you suggest should be done by the users that want them. Tag systems vary for example, you take away the ability to use one over the other, or it means you have to build around it.

For the general user, I'd think general capability should do the trick. Hopefully you don't overwhelm yourself trying to make a game out of an engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 06:07:43 am
Wait, "not using tag cannot use the buttons"?
That is not what I mean, I mean that Ikemen haves 2 new buttons we can use for tag.
Add004 uses them in Ikemen.

Sorry for not expressing myself clear, English is not my native language.

The reason I want to create a barebones tag system is because we don't have one we can bundle the engine with. (Licencing legal stuff)
The reason that I'm going to program it in CNS is because if someone wants a external tag system they could remove mine.
Hosting Add004 with Ikemen GO source is ilegal because that code is under the copyright of Shiyo Kakuge. (MIT licence again)

Right now TAG does not work out of the box.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 03, 2019, 06:13:31 am
Tag has always been an add-on. I see what you are saying though. Because its included tag by default.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 06:15:34 am
Yeah I that's that I want.
That tag work out of the box without add-ons.

But also that supports that a add-on tag system could override the default.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 03, 2019, 06:47:08 am
Interesting, interesting. Do you have any experience coding a tag system? Just curious.

What is the roadmap right now? Everything is kinda all over the place. I'll be able to do more now that I've gotten a new drive.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 07:05:38 am
I have but it was long time ago.
There are TAG functions built in in the engine that I explained in a previous post.
What it lacks is a system to manage them.

The github issues page could be considered a roadmap:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 03, 2019, 08:05:47 am
check it out yourself Sending it,Nopatching add004(last version) tho you still use the patcher for portraits(since some people use different groups indexes,axis,etc,it isnt viable to put this to common.air)!AispdDQgkFaalxzqMI1qE5yNk52L

Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 03, 2019, 08:06:46 am
Imo a native Tag system with seperate buttons for tag would be great! I think 8vs8 would be cool as well, especially for those that can handle it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 08:30:39 am
8vs8 is already posible you but have to edit the config file manually.
Take in mind that 8vs8 is bigger than the call of duty team player number in a match.
Here is Vulturon a "summoner" character in 8vs8.
It's a mess. Fun to watch mess but a mess nonetheless.

But the 8 team limit is really useful in turns mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 03, 2019, 08:34:39 am
I was trying for a month to learn how to use ikemen go/plus, but i gave up for now because i had many difficulties for using the engine.

1 - i didn't get convert my screenpacks to it, it needs a tutorial easier teaching how to do it. (readme - how to install)

2 - needs a download where there's folder with all files necessaries to run a model to you start to edit.

3 - it's not clear to me which version is being used for now ikemen go or ikemen plus.

4 - there are many documents and you don't understand the use for each one of them.

5 - although the engine has a lot of potential, but you do not even know where to start.

6 - things like increase the numbers of slots or positioning them on screen seems to be a complex editing.

7 - the exe. should run with a model done for use as the mugen when you download without editing.

8 - It's very strange that other forum members are not here to comment and supporting this engine

it can indicate they think this engine is complex too much to use.

9 - maybe my expectations about some features are a dream very ambitious.

10 - but surely you deserve congrats for all efforts to take your time for researching about.



Durante un mes intenté aprender a usar ikemen go / plus, pero por el momento me rendí porque tuve muchas dificultades para usar la engine.

1 - No conseguí convertir mis screenpack pa' él, necesita un tutorial que enseñe cómo hacerlo. (readme - cómo instalar)

2 - necesita una descarga donde hay una carpeta con todos los archivos necesarios para ejecutar un modelo para comenzar a editar.

3 - no me queda claro qué versión se está utilizando para ahora ikemen go o ikemen plus.

4 - Hay muchos documentos y no entiendes el uso de cada uno de ellos.

5 - aunque la engine tiene mucho potencial, pero ni siquiera sabes por dónde empezar.

6 - cosas como aumentar la cantidad de espacios o posicionarlos en la pantalla parece ser una edición compleja.

7 - el exe. Debería ejecutarse con un modelo hecho para usar así como Mugen cuando descargalo por la primera vez.

8 - Es muy extraño que otros miembros del foro no estén aquí para comentar y dar soporte a esta engine.

puede indicar que piensan que esta engine es demasiada compleja para usarla.

9 - tal vez mis expectativas sobre algunas funcciones sean un sueño muy ambicioso.

10 - pero seguramente mereces felicitaciones por todos los esfuerzos por dedicar tu tiempo a investigar su uso.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 03, 2019, 08:43:59 am
8vs8 is already posible you but have to edit the config file manually.
Take in mind that 8vs8 is bigger than the call of duty team player number in a match.
Here is Vulturon a "summoner" character in 8vs8.
It's a mess. Fun to watch mess but a mess nonetheless.

But the 8 team limit is really useful in turns mode.

 Thanks! Wow that can be confusing lol.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 03, 2019, 09:01:46 am
Mazermaid the thinks you have listed is the easiest ones to fix.But you are right,why other mugenguild members doesnt talk about this open source masterpiece?

If you cant compile the engine,download windblade github relases.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 03, 2019, 09:03:10 am
I think because it is still in development, I think once a stable release is released then it will definitely gain a lot of attention.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 03, 2019, 10:44:02 am
Will Tag work with the ai too? For add004 and for the new native tag that you are making Gacel?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 03, 2019, 01:28:12 pm
Tagin and tagout are features that we're never finished, but from what people documented, the sctrl Tagout crashes Mugen 1.1

Idk if you're trying to use the original Tagin and Tagout sctrls or if you're gonna rewrite those from scratch. But they don't work too well from what users experimented with.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 03, 2019, 02:03:47 pm
Gacel you can use ELECTRO's interactive stages for example.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on May 03, 2019, 04:14:08 pm
I was trying for a month to learn how to use ikemen go/plus, but i gave up for now because i had many difficulties for using the engine.

1 - i didn't get convert my screenpacks to it, it needs a tutorial easier teaching how to do it. (readme - how to install)

2 - needs a download where there's folder with all files necessaries to run a model to you start to edit.

3 - it's not clear to me which version is being used for now ikemen go or ikemen plus.

4 - there are many documents and you don't understand the use for each one of them.

5 - although the engine has a lot of potential, but you do not even know where to start.

6 - things like increase the numbers of slots or positioning them on screen seems to be a complex editing.

7 - the exe. should run with a model done for use as the mugen when you download without editing.

8 - It's very strange that other forum members are not here to comment and supporting this engine

it can indicate they think this engine is complex too much to use.

9 - maybe my expectations about some features are a dream very ambitious.

10 - but surely you deserve congrats for all efforts to take your time for researching about.



Durante un mes intenté aprender a usar ikemen go / plus, pero por el momento me rendí porque tuve muchas dificultades para usar la engine.

1 - No conseguí convertir mis screenpack pa' él, necesita un tutorial que enseñe cómo hacerlo. (readme - cómo instalar)

2 - necesita una descarga donde hay una carpeta con todos los archivos necesarios para ejecutar un modelo para comenzar a editar.

3 - no me queda claro qué versión se está utilizando para ahora ikemen go o ikemen plus.

4 - Hay muchos documentos y no entiendes el uso de cada uno de ellos.

5 - aunque la engine tiene mucho potencial, pero ni siquiera sabes por dónde empezar.

6 - cosas como aumentar la cantidad de espacios o posicionarlos en la pantalla parece ser una edición compleja.

7 - el exe. Debería ejecutarse con un modelo hecho para usar así como Mugen cuando descargalo por la primera vez.

8 - Es muy extraño que otros miembros del foro no estén aquí para comentar y dar soporte a esta engine.

puede indicar que piensan que esta engine es demasiada compleja para usarla.

9 - tal vez mis expectativas sobre algunas funcciones sean un sueño muy ambicioso.

10 - pero seguramente mereces felicitaciones por todos los esfuerzos por dedicar tu tiempo a investigar su uso.

Hello Mazemerald, please check the installers (that will download all mugen dependencies during installation process).
You will end up with a working version of Ikemen go plus for your platform.
After that, if you will, you can get the latest binaries from Gagel's repo.
I will try to build an updated version of the installer soon.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 10:06:12 pm
Will Tag work with the ai too? For add004 and for the new native tag that you are making Gacel?

The default AI push random buttons so...
But thanks to the use of the built in TagIn and TagOut the AI could call TAG from a custom state.

Tagin and tagout are features that we're never finished, but from what people documented, the sctrl Tagout crashes Mugen 1.1

Idk if you're trying to use the original Tagin and Tagout sctrls or if you're gonna rewrite those from scratch. But they don't work too well from what users experimented with.

In Ikemen GO they work.
What is not implemented is Standby (When you disable a char via debug in mugen.)
I'm implementing the Standby flag.

Gacel you can use ELECTRO's interactive stages for example.

ELECTRO's interactive stages depends on code inside the char.
They could be ported but I already started coding interactive stage...

I could see later if I can port them to use Ikemen GO "attachedChar".

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

1) Ikemen GO uses the same screenpack system as mugen the only ting you need to change is the font lines inside the file.
Are you using Ikemen GO or the old Ikemen?

2) Well I understand in Mugen you extract the files and you can play as KFM no more config. Dan has a installer it makes the setup a lot easier.

3) Ikemen S-Size is no longer in development.
We are using Ikemen GO:
Read the tread title and first post.

4) Well that's Mugen, the amount of files is because of the modularity of Mugen.
You don't have to edit the lua ones (Except change a number inside the localcoord one)

5) You could read the REecbyte docs to understand were to start, you could also watch tutorials most of the stuff works the same as Mugen if something works different I could help with that.

6) Yeah to this day it does not exist a graphic tools for screenpacks.

7) Dan installer, again.

8) Yeah the Mugen community does not like to migrate much less to a unstable engine.
There are some people who even avoid Mugen 1.1 like the plague because of that.

9) Don't worry the animated portrait system will be rewritten, also we will include more features.

10) Thanks!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 03, 2019, 10:11:00 pm
Feedback,I'm pretty sure fightfxscale doesnt work,
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 10:27:38 pm
Thanks for reporting it.
Considering that it did not support the new combo counters before (Now is working), this does not surprise me.
The implementation it's literally a new variable that get's multiplied by another one.

One I finish the interactive stage example and the built in TAG system I will implement it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 03, 2019, 10:33:31 pm
wish there was a way to scale specific sprites,fightfx scales everything while I just wanna scale the hitsparks I'm using
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 10:35:02 pm
You could use the Mugen 1.1 animation scale to scale specific sprites inside the fightfx.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 03, 2019, 10:36:39 pm
I thought mugen1.1 animation scale didnt work with fightfx?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Hephaistos31 on May 03, 2019, 10:41:34 pm
Gacel, I don't really know about everything you are doing here but it seems that you're working very well.
Thanks for the dedication you guys all put in this new Mugen!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 03, 2019, 10:43:16 pm
I'ts not only me, the only important thing I made is the screenpack/lifebar localcoord support.
Other devs also helped a lot in the project.

Also Mark85 Mugen1.1 animation scale does work with every animation file.
I tested and indeed it does work with fightfx.

To clarify:
- FightFxScale inside the figth.def does not work. (For now)
- Animation scale inside the figthfx.air file does work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 04, 2019, 09:33:48 am
About the Global Statedef stuff, where does the Statedef -20 go if -2 is outside the cmd files?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 04, 2019, 11:45:45 am
Statedef -20 goes inside common1.cns (At least that's the recommendation)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Hephaistos31 on May 04, 2019, 12:54:57 pm
I mean I read more or less everything here because it seems to be the hotspot those days, but I do not understand everything as it's mainly code.
So thanks everyone!! Keep rocking the mugen! ;)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 04, 2019, 05:23:58 pm
just tried to make a new roster with a different sp
open enter48.sff: Sistem belirtilen dosyayı bulamıyor.
goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:*LState).PCall.func1(0x918238, 0xc000208000, 0xc000079c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0x650
panic(0x898980, 0xc000561a10)
   C:/Dev/go11/src/runtime/panic.go:513 +0x1c7
main.loadFntSff(0xc002988300, 0xc0001bb30c, 0xb, 0xc0029bc6ce, 0xb)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/font.go:367 +0x3df
main.loadDefInfo(0xc002988300, 0xc0001bb30c, 0xb, 0xc0000792d0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/font.go:330 +0x389
main.loadFntV2(0xc0001bb30c, 0xb, 0x4, 0x69c800, 0xc0001bb30c)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/font.go:286 +0x31b
main.loadFnt(0xc0001bb30c, 0xb, 0xc0002c5e70, 0x10, 0xc001004900)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/font.go:49 +0xa6
main.loadLifebar.func6(0xc0001bb30c, 0xb, 0xc0001c9e00, 0x16)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/lifebar.go:1057 +0x5b
main.LoadFile(0xc000079570, 0xc0001c9e00, 0x16, 0xc0000797b0, 0xc00022e3d8, 0x5)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/common.go:286 +0x97
main.IniSection.LoadFile(0xc002355440, 0xc0002c5630, 0x5, 0xc0001c9e00, 0x16, 0xc0000797b0, 0x5, 0x0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/common.go:425 +0xb2
main.loadLifebar(0xc0001c9e00, 0x16, 0xc0001c9e00, 0x16, 0xc0006fcbd0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/lifebar.go:1055 +0xf37
main.systemScriptInit.func48(0xc000208000, 0x0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/script.go:704 +0x57, 0x0, 0x19f0001)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0x47, 0x7c440202, 0xc0001fe000, 0x0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0x39b, 0xc0001fe000)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0xe1*LState).callR(0xc000208000, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0x24e*LState).Call(0xc000208000, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0x4f*LState).PCall(0xc000208000, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x983fe0, 0xc00005f380)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0xe1*LState).DoFile(0xc000208000, 0xc000062910, 0xf, 0xc000174000, 0x56)
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/go/src/ +0xc9
   C:/Users/HP_Pavilion/Source/Repos/ikemen_go/src/main.go:239 +0x15b3

stack traceback:
   [G]: in function 'loadLifebar'
   script/main.lua:1281: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on May 04, 2019, 06:01:55 pm
You can, you know, at least tell us which SP you were trying to use
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 04, 2019, 06:06:11 pm
uhm a big bang beat sp by m3,grabbed from mugenfreeforall 
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 04, 2019, 06:52:31 pm
There´s a way that config a game with ONLY tag system play (like MvC2)? example: arcade, versus and training mode with only 3vs3 (so if I choose training mode, directly I choose 3 players and no single mode or team mode)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: gobi on May 04, 2019, 07:06:20 pm
Hi all,
From what I see there are 2 devs really active on Ikemen Go Plus, Gacel and Neat Unsou.
They both merge the commits of each other so there is only one common project for the community, this is great !
I'd like to know if there are documentations on the source code, because it uses magic numbers everywhere and is not commented...
Do I need to analyse the source code with only var names as hint to implement anything ??
Is someone trying to create a lobby so you choose your server location and see the other players online (for each game, not a global system for all games) ?
Thanks for your answer and anything that could help me doing so (even if I doubt I'll be able to do it :/ ).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 04, 2019, 11:24:48 pm
new comit but i dont know what this does/fixes
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 05, 2019, 01:23:10 am
**error log**

That's because the lifebar font's load differently.
In Mugen it's based on the directory that the file is on.
On Ikemen is based on the main folder.
IDK if this makes sense or not.
I did try to fix it but not matter what I did not want to load font a different folder.
Maybe now with more knowledge of the file loading i can fix it.

But for now
Try to add "font/" to the start of the font path in figth.def.

There´s a way that config a game with ONLY tag system play (like MvC2)? example: arcade, versus and training mode with only 3vs3 (so if I choose training mode, directly I choose 3 players and no single mode or team mode)

It could be done you have to edit the lua files.
I'm busy today so I could not help you today, but tomorrow I'll post a guide on how to do it if you are willing to wait one day.

Hi all,
From what I see there are 2 devs really active on Ikemen Go Plus, Gacel and Neat Unsou.
They both merge the commits of each other so there is only one common project for the community, this is great !
I'd like to know if there are documentations on the source code, because it uses magic numbers everywhere and is not commented...
Do I need to analyse the source code with only var names as hint to implement anything ??
Is someone trying to create a lobby so you choose your server location and see the other players online (for each game, not a global system for all games) ?
Thanks for your answer and anything that could help me doing so (even if I doubt I'll be able to do it :/ ).

Yeah that Suehiro code for ya, Most of the char code and bytecode and the compiler is a implementation to the mugen doc.
The sound.go it haves comments.
Most of the code is self understandable but it could benefit some documentation.
We also have to work analysing the source code.
Once I get vacations (Like in 2 months) I'll create a mostly full documentation using goDoc.

Maybe this could help:
- The online system uses "netInput".
- The connection system is made in lua.
- It calls "enterNetPlay" a lua command.
- The lua parser is in script.go

I wish I could help more but I have not knowledge about how the online part works.

The lua files are one of the hardest part for understand of the engine because of the K4thos code.
That's because k4thos decided to program a parser inside them for some reason.

new comit but i dont know what this does/fixes

Fixed a obscure bug on Zoomscaledelta.
Also added 2 new features!

Parameter of Selftate. Change to the state possessed by the character of PlayerID specified destination. If successful, it would have been taken the state to the character of the specified PlayerID state.

So it could be used to invoke Selftate on a character without making contact with it. Just using his ID.
Could be useful for some special cutscenes, fullscreen attacks,, for long special attacks on simul, make platforms, and for a alternative to supernull on uber-cheap characters.

trigger1 = Selfstatenoexist(3000)
Returns 1 if the specified Statedef number exists. If not, it returns 0. Use the number of Statedef you want to recognize in parentheses.

All the added feature to Ikemen GO are in the NeatUnsou Readme
Warning: It's written in Japanese.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on May 05, 2019, 07:47:30 am

Hello fellas,
Im was messing around porting the fluidsynth C library to Golang for using it in ikemen, but there is a lot
of trouble, exactly the  porting and its something weird beccause change the functionality writing of the fluidsynth lirary

I try the last build of ikemen and I see that the 2nd player in the main menu only can move but I cant select the mode ()e.g I push start or a,b,c,x,y,z
and my surprise its that i cant enter to the playable modes with 2nd player, only I can begin with first player, but no with second player, but
when i use the second I only can use directional buttons, but i cant select the mode

im surprised with the thing of the that thing of the extra buttons (W,Z ), and, maybe will be nice to add the infamous coin button, bu here is the quetsion, whisch is the lua command for adding one coin?

thanks in advance


Quionda compas

Miren , he estado jugandole al vivo con la libreria de fluidsynth, pero es un verdadero relajo sobretodo por convertir el rollo de
codigo C a golang, pero la cosa es que cambia un chorro la sintaxis y estar invocando la funcion cgo, e habia bajado un binding de fluidsynth
pero me quede con cara de what?, osea no le entendi al binding mas que a la libreria en C

por cierto, estuve probando el ultimo release de ikemen, y la bronca es que osea puedo mover al jugador dos
en la pantalla del menu de inicio, pero cuando quiero seleccionar un modo e iniciarlo como el segundo jugador, oh sopresa!
los botones de golpe o el start no hacen nada, no puedo iniciar jugando como el segundo jugador, solo como el primero

por cierto, me gustaron esos botones extras que añado K4thos para el tag, pero me llamo la atencion lo que comento un usuario por ahi de
cambiar la funcionalidad de estos botones y agregarle la funcionalidad del tan terrible insert coin, la pregunta es:
cual es comando para añadir una coin/credit en el numero de vidas  dentro del mismo juego  (osea algun comando similar
al que usa el main menu cuando le aumentas credits en las opciones, pero estaria chido hacer esto en el juego y rounds en tiempo real)

un saludito, y gracias de antemano
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: gobi on May 05, 2019, 10:13:56 am
Thanks for your answer Gacel,

Does someone know what is the main function launched at start ?
 main.go : main()
Where is the game loop in the code ?

What about multi threading ?

Maybe more info about parsing the lua files ?

Go library I should be aware of ?

Thanks for the answers :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 05, 2019, 04:51:12 pm
It could be done you have to edit the lua files.
I'm busy today so I could not help you today, but tomorrow I'll post a guide on how to do it if you are willing to wait one day.

Absolutly I could wait one day, take your time man, thanks!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 05, 2019, 04:55:13 pm
I agree with the Guide thing.
We need instructions on new features (For example: The new parameters and Global Statedefs) in one place aswell as they get blown away with every reply here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 05, 2019, 07:43:01 pm
There´s a way that config a game with ONLY tag system play (like MvC2)? example: arcade, versus and training mode with only 3vs3 (so if I choose training mode, directly I choose 3 players and no single mode or team mode)

Yes you can and is really possible, LUA is a non compiled pure code to expand the compiled main engine functions, every Lua code is "COMPILED AS IT IS USED IN REAL TIME" like the mugen functions as the Elecbyte´s CNS or screenpacks (motifs) behavior.

So the only thing you need to do is open the lua file related to the select screen code and erase the modes that you dont want, to force what you want even if the screenpack has things related to those.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 05, 2019, 08:43:58 pm
yeah I still dont really understand the stage interaction thing, I think the best way of actually having a guide for these things is to have an example character that has these paremeters. I tried to set up some of the new stuff but it isnt working, maybe Im reading it wrong.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 06, 2019, 11:12:27 am

You can tell differences quickly. Ignore the Intro to the Ikemen bit because I hadn't set the char to CPU just yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 11:18:05 am
Hi guys!
I wondering if anyone would know what is wrong with this character? It crashes with this error:

panic: ./script/select.lua:942: chars/nightwing/
"Heat Seeker Batarang
name: "で囲まれていません
stack traceback:
   [G]: in function 'game'
   ./script/select.lua:942: in function 'f_selectAdvance'
   script/main.lua:1585: in function 'f_mainMenu'
   script/main.lua:2162: in main chunk
   [G]: ?

goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
   /code/src/main.go:244 +0x1f02
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

The Character is Nightwing by Mu and McCready (I got him off Mugen archive btw, specifically the one edited by ssonic)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 06:33:22 pm
You can tell differences quickly. Ignore the Intro to the Ikemen bit because I hadn't set the char to CPU just yet.

The differences I can tell:
- The zoom works different
- The AI is more aggressive

It could help if you could specify more changes than you noticed.

Hi guys!
I wondering if anyone would know what is wrong with this character? It crashes with this error:

panic: ./script/select.lua:942: chars/nightwing/
"Heat Seeker Batarang
name: "で囲まれていません

The Character is Nightwing by Mu and McCready (I got him off Mugen archive btw, specifically the one edited by ssonic)

Is in the file at line 1273
The error translated is:
"Heat Seeker Batarang
name: not enclosed

Probably a not closed sting, like this:
"Heat Seeker Batarang

It should be:
"Heat Seeker Batarang"
It lacks a quote.

This is pure speculation, I'll check when I get home.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 06:34:26 pm
Thank you Gacel! I will check that also!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 06:47:37 pm
No problem.
It's surprising how commonly this exact error shows up.
We should add a "skipErrors" flag to characters so instead of crashing it just throws a debug warning.

Also I noticed the deadline week has ended and k4thos didn't show any signals of life...
Maybe is time to create a new thread were someone can update the first post.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 06:52:56 pm
I agree with you completely! A new thread sounds good too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 06:57:49 pm
You were right! Nightwing is working now! Thank you Gacel!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 07:01:34 pm
Good that you good your char working.

Before I made a new tread I need to make some changes:
- Upload the interactive stage examples. (I already finished)
- Finish the TAG system.
- Improve lifebar font loading. (So it search directories like mugen)
- Ask dan to create a updated version of the installer once I finish the rest.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 07:03:08 pm
Good that you good your char working.

Before I made a new tread I need to make some changes:
- Upload the interactive stage examples. (I already finished)
- Finish the TAG system.
- Improve lifebar font loading. (So it search directories like mugen)
- Ask dan to create a updated version of the installer once I finish the rest.

Sounds good! These features will definitely be welcomed by the community! Please don't overwork yourself though!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 07:14:30 pm
Don't worry I don't overwork myself, I'm taking it slowly because of college.

Also I forgot to say something.
Remember that TagIn and that TagOut command in Mugen?

Now it works "properly" on Ikemen.
I'll explain how it works.

When you call TagOut it put's the character in "Standby State level 1".
When you call TagIn it removes the standby and changes the state to stateno (I plan to make the changestate optional).

What does "Standby State" means.

Well at "Level 1" it does:
- Disable visibility.
- CTRL always return 0.
- It disable collision check on the main char. (Helpers and projectile still work)
- The char could not be detected by enemyNear.
- The enemies do not turn to face the char.

At "level 2" (Only usable by debug commands)
- It stops the animation system.
- It stops parsing CNS.

So although a character is "tagged out" if the creator wants it could still use cns commands like create a helper or launch a projectile off screen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 07:16:35 pm
Very nice! So this should work much better now! I assume it should work with most characters even!  Should be very helpful for full games too!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 06, 2019, 07:25:29 pm
I'm guessing we still have to create all the exit animations from the screen, and enter animations and code if we implement tag in and tag out? Also, does it work for 3 on 3 or no?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 07:30:57 pm
Yeah if someone wants to make his own custom system it should make animations because TagOut is instant.
The system I'm making (The default one) is using CNS and it could work on a "unlimted" number.
It will work best on 3 vs 3 because it uses 2 independent buttons to tag.

To clarify if someone wants to make a new Tag system (Or use a existing one) it can, to disable mine it will just have to remove a file.

There still some improvements to make to TagIn before I release a exe with the changes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 07:37:30 pm
I definitely think this will be perfect for a default system, most players probably would not care about animations (unless they're making a full game of course)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 06, 2019, 07:42:58 pm
Oh wow, that reminds me, in the past we talked about transformations in characters. This could be a possibility to use tagin and tagout since e they are instant as ways to "transform" a character without worrying about custom states etc, for the very far future. Not anything soon, just a thought. But like we discussed before, that would mean loading multiple characters withouth those transformations acting as partners.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 07:47:13 pm
The default system will include a "jump out" animation for the tag.
Also yeah the "Standby State Level 2" could work great for a transformation system.
Maybe not so far in the future.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 06, 2019, 07:51:25 pm
The default system will include a "jump out" animation for the tag.
Also yeah the "Standby State Level 2" could work great for a transformation system.
Maybe not so far in the future.

Great! That will be perfect!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 06, 2019, 08:31:13 pm
I don't think so.
Ragdolls require a Skeletal Sprite animation system.
Mugen uses a Frame Sprite animation system.

Here is a example on simple 2D skeletal animation:

These 2 are too different.

I do not think we can implement 2D Skeletal animation is a too big undertaking, there is so much stuff: joints, inverse kinematics, mesh systems, bone weigh, skeletal deform, etc...

Short ver.
Is posible but is very very hard. Maybe someday but not in a foreseeable future.

K4thos was active today...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 07, 2019, 10:10:49 am
Really?But on his profile it says he was active 6 days ago.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on May 07, 2019, 10:53:45 am
He lurks here every now and then, probably just don't give a fuck anymore, so I guess theres no reason to bother with his activity.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 07, 2019, 11:33:50 pm
Yeah is obvious that he left but at least he could say something about it.

Well guys more progress on making TAG a real mode (Right now is a glorified simul)

Now is his own option in the menu.
And when selected TeamMode returns "Tag"

TagIn and TagOut now can only be called when is in Tag mode (Maybe I should add a option to force it on other modes?)


Also Tag now has his own lifebar separate from simul.
It was a side effect of creating a new game mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 08, 2019, 03:48:51 am
Yeah is obvious that he left but at least he could say something about it.

Well guys more progress on making TAG a real mode (Right now is a glorified simul)

Now is his own option in the menu.
And when selected TeamMode returns "Tag"

TagIn and TagOut now can only be called when is in Tag mode (Maybe I should add a option to force it on other modes?)


Also Tag now has his own lifebar separate from simul.
It was a side effect of creating a new game mode.

Excellent, congratulations for this, guys
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 08, 2019, 08:03:14 am
Nice work!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on May 08, 2019, 10:19:14 am
Selectable tag mode, amazing! Great work, but it´s possible (if you want) disable turns mode and only watch single, turns and tag?
Please, where is the code of the system archive? I think it´s in the motif .lua file, I´m correct? As soon you implement the interpolate actions I wanna convert my screenpack. Thank you very much for your work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 08, 2019, 01:17:51 pm
I don’t think you should remove turns mode, it can be easily removed from the code if one doesn’t want it. Turns has its own unique challenge and fun. Just my opinion though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GaziraAgain on May 08, 2019, 01:44:02 pm
I don’t think you should remove turns mode, it can be easily removed from the code if one doesn’t want it. Turns has its own unique challenge and fun. Just my opinion though.

Yes, I like it turn mode, the mode that I don´t like it it´s simul, much better new tag mode implemented in ikemen. About the motif .lua file I only find data info for the screenpack but no images ( spr or anim ) on it, where do you find this part in ikemen? The only animation that I find it´s for continue screen at the end of the file. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 08, 2019, 01:57:46 pm
That should be in the main.lua, If I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: gobi on May 08, 2019, 03:27:41 pm
Hey all,
I wonder how you try your code modifications , launching "go run main.go" has errors.
Right now I build it and copy/paste the .exe to a standard IkemenGo directory (with data, chars, script etc).
Any better solutions for using the debug & console ? I'm using VS code by the way.

.\main.go:39:3: undefined: sys
.\main.go:64:5: undefined: sys
.\main.go:67:5: undefined: sys
.\main.go:70:5: undefined: sys
.\main.go:179:2: undefined: sys
.\main.go:180:2: undefined: sys
.\main.go:181:2: undefined: sys
.\main.go:182:2: undefined: sys
.\main.go:183:2: undefined: sys
.\main.go:184:2: undefined: sys
.\main.go:184:2: too many errors
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 08, 2019, 08:22:07 pm
Gobi you should only launch the uncompiled versions for debug purposes.
If you intend to debug it should launch it with go-delve so it complies the C++ parts, and you have to paste the mugen files inside the SRC folder.

It's in the readme of the repo.

Gazira to disable turns mode you need to edit line 1273 for left side and line 1507 for right side.
And the "select.f_p1TeamMenu()" and "select.f_p2TeamMenu()" functions.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: gobi on May 08, 2019, 09:15:45 pm
Thx Gacel, rtfm was a good advice ;)
I'm currently trying to make the game resizable, thought it would be easy as a first goal to achieve.
Guess I was wrong :/
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 09, 2019, 12:28:21 am
Yeah openGL is hard, I also trying a way to make resolution change fullscreen. (Like MUGEN) but is harder than I expected.

Also great news! Remember that if you compile the engine in golang 1.12 (The newest version) it crashed?
Well I found the problem.
Is the garage collector deleting data before it could load the data.
If you disable it it will never crash.

According to golang 1.12 patch notes.
Go 1.12 significantly improves the performance of sweeping when a large fraction of the heap remains live. This reduces allocation latency immediately following a garbage collection.

The Go runtime now releases memory back to the operating system more aggressively, particularly in response to large allocations that can't reuse existing heap space.

The Go runtime's timer and deadline code is faster and scales better with higher numbers of CPUs. In particular, this improves the performance of manipulating network connection deadlines.

So a large allocation happens in the boot time so the GC goes on a rampage deleting the stuff that needs to be parsed to openGL.

GO garbage collector is incredibly fast it takes microseconds others languages GC take milliseconds. So we can't be faster than the GC, the only way I can think is reduce manually the GC rate at the load screens (And only at load screens we can restore the GC rate at other parts)
So well I will find a way to reduce the aggressiveness of the GC at boot time so it does not crash anymore.
I will inform of the progress.

I found this after trying everything else...


I fixed it!
So now can automate the windows builds.


Now AppVeyor also gives windows build. (Mac and Linux were here before)
It even gives the script files on a zip!

What does this mean? You ask.
Now the process is automated and the user can get the builds without depending on someone to compile them.
If I made a commit to the repo (Or someone makes a pull request) AppVeyor compiles it automatically.

I need Windows users to test if this crashes. (On my end works but I need a bigger sample to see if is really fixed)
WARNING: Tag mode backend is still incomplete I'm making changes to lifebar loading...

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 09, 2019, 03:08:57 am
Where is the source code for the most recent build? i want to compile on my own,  i saw that there are multiple branches from various users now.

PD. I tell you Gacel that K4thos didn't upload his Lua files because are functional but very experimental and there was no reason if someone (like you) can have a better aproach to those kind of updates.

Pd2. if you want to separate your derivate work then tell it to an administrator just like K4thos did with the plus and go plus thread.

Pd3. Rename it with another name like "ikemen go advanced" or so to diferenciate please.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 09, 2019, 03:28:32 am
About the tread
Well I plan to make a new tread once I complete the TAG mode cns side.

About K4thos
Well I understand he could have reasons for not uploading the lua files.
But he could at least help to update the first post.
Or say he could not help.
Or say something, anything.

About the name
About a name like "ikemen go advanced"
So the situation about Ikemen GO is a weird one.
Neat Unsou actually commits his changes to SuperSuehiro (The creator of Ikemen) repo when he is active.
SuperSuehiro is active once in a blue moon, so it does not happen much.
NeatUnsou also implement my changes and I implement his in our respective repos and
for example Kidcy also works on shaders and commit them to my repo and I merge with the Dan changes and that gets merged with...
well you understand so the line what separates the repos blurs a lot.

About compiling
Well about compiling yourself there are instructions on the readme of my repo.

As I said Neat Unsou repo and mine merge a lot so compile the most updated of these 2 (You can check the update date)
Check what is the most updated of these ones and compile it. (At the time of writing this my repo is the most updated)

There is also more forks that you can compile if you want.

Also I forgot to say but in these 20 minutes I completed TAG mode lifebar loading.
The CNS part is not ready so lower your expectations.
If someone uses it, inform me if it crash on start.

Wondering how add004 works now that TAG is his own mode?
Probably it needs changes.

EDIT 2:Formatting.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 09, 2019, 08:58:14 am

Inside the mugen 1.1 there are the LUA files, could be they alterated to have new features?

is there some program or way to make mugen has new features using LUA files found inside the mugen 1.1 folder?

is it impossible to enter into the source code to add new command lines with more features?

are all mugen possibilities locked inside an executable icon that can't be edited?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 09, 2019, 09:43:50 am
Well I did try to edit them before.
The results.... not so good.

I also was not he only to try.

A lot have tried and nobody could do anything useful.
Please search the existing topics to see if a question has been answered before.

It's impossible to enter into the source code, that the reason were making Ikemen GO.
The programs compile to machine code once a program is compiled there is no way to get the source.

And also.
This tread is to talk about Ikemen GO please do not get off topic.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 09, 2019, 10:37:08 am
I tried out the new build, tag doesn't crash on startup! Also completely unrelated , it seems you have fixed character themes, they now play during arcade mode!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 09, 2019, 10:55:47 am
In reality the crash was on the engine launch.
But I'm happy it now works.

Now I'm ready to implement the TAG cns, and I'm ready to create a new tread once I implement that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 09, 2019, 11:18:39 am
Awesome! Please drop us a link to the new thread here :), when it is ready.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 10, 2019, 03:05:30 am
Make the new thread, tedious trying to find the page for the rest of the files. You can always edit it later being the OP.

Personally, I want to use this as is before you get into the thick of things, you seem to be going in a different direction.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 10, 2019, 04:19:25 am
gacel, tagin tagout supports 3 on 3 with 3 lifebars? or is the 3 lifebars thing still an issue regardless? because k4thos 3 lifebars was never implemented at all, or atleash he never updated the files for it when he talked about it. still an issue, i dont want to have to make an explod for everycharacter of a lifebar
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 10, 2019, 05:10:00 am
So it's not implemented?
Thanks for the info.

I'll implement lifebars for 4 players on each side.
I would not be too hard just some lines of code to the compiler.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 10, 2019, 11:54:16 am
So it's not implemented?
Thanks for the info.

I'll implement lifebars for 4 players on each side.
I would not be too hard just some lines of code to the compiler.

Gacel, is it possible (in terms of coding) for character themes to play in vs mode, watch mode and free battle? For example it could play player 2's characters theme.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 11, 2019, 07:28:26 am
Someone would have to edit the music loading code.
If I do that I'll add a music select while were at it.

But first I have to finish TAG.
Sorry for not updating much but I have exams.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 11, 2019, 07:35:10 am
Its ok take your time.After finishing tag can you add 2 player controller support if you can?
I wonder it is possible to upgrade this engine using languages other than go?(C++,javascript,python,goby,etc.)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 11, 2019, 08:11:51 am
2 player controller support?
So 4 players one of them controlling a character. That is posible I just need to add a menu.
If you are referring to the controllers you can actually change the "Joystick" inside the config menu. (I'll add a menu to that later)

Other languages... It would need to start from 0.
GO is actually easy to understand if you have experience in a C style programming (Java, C#, C++, JavaScript, etc)
What would benefit a full rewrite? (I would really like to hear your reason so please share them =))
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 11, 2019, 09:56:45 am
Thanks Gacel! Of course you have to finish tag first! Please don’t stress though, your exams are important. A music selector sounds nice too! Note:sorry for the duplicate posts.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 13, 2019, 05:39:55 am
Just wondering if anyone knows how to make this work.
First went to download Gacel "last" release.
Download IkemenGo exe and scripts and put them in the same folder. I run the exe and the window closes almost instantly, it seems it needs the file config.json in the "data" folder. Download Ikemen then copy the data folder.

Then the  motif.lua files ask for the font 4x6.fnt on the font folder.  Copy and paste the folder font then I receive this error

.\script\motif.lua:1310: attempt to index a non-table object(nil) stack traceback:  .\script\motif.lua:1310: in function <.\script\motif.lua:0> [G]: in function 'require' script/main.lua:939: in main chunk   [G]: ?

I tried many things, putting the script files with IkemenGO in a standard Ikemen installation , downloading a IkemenGo screenpack and overwriting the files there with the newest files on Gacel appveyor site and the results are I cant change the gamepad config, cant change video config, cant access to arcade mode.

Any already compiled version of the Gacel IkemenGO ready to use with the latest file, I would like to test IkemenGO.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 13, 2019, 07:49:55 am
There is a guide about how to install this engine.You just need to download and ikemen go.exe.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 13, 2019, 09:19:19 am
There is a guide about how to install this engine.You just need to download and ikemen go.exe.

You know Im not the kind of guy who doesnt make a proper google research before asking on forums. So if you can point me out where that infamous guide is, I would really appreciate it.
Now I do actually manage to run Ikemen Go, sadly it seems Ikemen isnt cool about showing me what files it cant find by itself and just point me out which Lua function is not working because the "missing" file or because the file has some function Ikemen doesnt has or like, like localcoords on backgrounds in DEF files. Im not surprised at the lack of "real" Ikemen GO screenpacks and content.
And for some reason, when I run it, it takes half of my CPU and takes 5 minutes to get to the main screen with 60 chars on the roster. Anyone else having these heavy load times?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 13, 2019, 09:57:48 am
If you managed to run it then its ok.I experiance heavy load times too.It happened after this last update.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 15, 2019, 02:30:03 pm
New commit by neatunsou

For audio (audio ducking, separate volume controls)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 15, 2019, 02:53:57 pm
Finally, I was bothered by the Lack of such stuff, even in the original IKEMEN Plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 15, 2019, 06:46:37 pm
I tried convert some screenpacks to ikemen and when I open the exe, it simply closes abruptly.
The fullscreen doesn't follow the entire screen, it will be very good a video or screenshots teaching how to change the screenpack correctly and what files need to altered once the ikemen has more files than Mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 15, 2019, 06:54:54 pm
I tried convert some screenpacks to ikemen and when I open the exe, it simply closes abruptly.
The fullscreen doesn't follow the entire screen, it will be very good a video or screenshots teaching how to change the screenpack correctly and what files need to altered once the ikemen has more files than Mugen.

There is an error prompt on the command window that comes with the game window that would appear a split second before it closes, if you print-screen at the right time you can get what went wrong. It's usually with locating fonts and files. I also recommend disabling the storyboards.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 15, 2019, 08:18:07 pm
I tried convert some screenpacks to ikemen and when I open the exe, it simply closes abruptly.
The fullscreen doesn't follow the entire screen, it will be very good a video or screenshots teaching how to change the screenpack correctly and what files need to altered once the ikemen has more files than Mugen.

it probably has to do with fonts, ikemen for some reason doesnt read the correct fonts folder for some custom screenpacks, I'll have to check m computer when I get home but I had to put fonts in a different folder for it to stop crashing when starting up.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 16, 2019, 04:59:52 am
ok crap, my bad, i now dont remember where exactly I had to put the fonts, how does your folder structure look like? i copy and pasted my fonts in a bunch of folders but now i dont remember which folder its reading
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on May 16, 2019, 05:31:53 pm
ok crap, my bad, i now dont remember where exactly I had to put the fonts, how does your folder structure look like? i copy and pasted my fonts in a bunch of folders but now i dont remember which folder its reading

The fonts can be in the FONT folder, what I recall was that in the system.def and in the Fight.def, the fonts need to have the folder name listed as well.
like below, that got me through some of the issues in the older builds, Note.. I haven't tried the latest. 
font1 = Font/f-4x6.def    ;System fonts
font2 = Font/f-6x9.def         ;System fonts
font3 = Font/jg.fnt              ;System fonts

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 16, 2019, 05:35:13 pm
@hungrywolf, I think thats what I had to do, thanks for the refresher lol

I wasnt sure exactly before
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 17, 2019, 06:23:13 pm
new commit from neatunsou

Has to do with audio again
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 07:34:52 pm
NeatUnsou made changes to the volume statedef.
The previous commit added volume options
and finally fixed audio ducking (With a option to enable it again)
Added QuickLaunch that should improve load times at startup. (QuickLaunch is a option)

As always AppVeyor automatically builds the binaries and packs the script's.
Download the binary of your OS and the script files.

And if is a new install you have to download the mugen files.
(Required Mugen files post count: 7)

You will have to delete the config file for Ikemen GO replace it with a new one. Or else it will crash.

Sorry for not begin so active.
But college finishes today and I will have free time, so tomorrow I'll add QuickLaunch, AudioDucking and Volume features to the option menu.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 17, 2019, 08:06:22 pm
Great to hear! Hopefully your exams went well?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 17, 2019, 08:07:10 pm
Where will you post your bug reports with the new site?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 08:09:48 pm
Great to hear! Hopefully your exams went well?
Yeah exams went well.
And now I will able to work more on Ikemen GO.

Where will you post your bug reports with the new site?
New site?
What I was planing was a new tread because the first post of this one could not be updated.
For now the bug reports could go on this tread
or my github.
or in neatunsou osdn
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 17, 2019, 08:11:43 pm
Great! Looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 17, 2019, 08:14:05 pm
Gacel can you post resources to learn go or goby?Any news about interactive stages?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 17, 2019, 08:49:30 pm
I really want to use Ikemen GO plus to my MvC project, and I will do, because I could edit almost all the game system.
Gacel, do you recommend me to use Ikemen now to aim a complete game project? (Which will have tag system and more) or do I wait for a more complete and oficial release version?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 17, 2019, 08:59:54 pm
I've been testing Soy Sauce's Ryo and Robert with Don Drago's Geese and this happens when Geese uses his OTG Grab and Grab Type Thunder Break, but not for any other move.
P.S. The Super finish doesn't seem to occur for supers involving helpers e.g the Raising Storm.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 17, 2019, 10:24:57 pm
just posted an another issue
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 11:08:42 pm
I've been testing Soy Sauce's Ryo and Robert with Don Drago's Geese and this happens when Geese uses his OTG Grab and Grab Type Thunder Break, but not for any other move.
P.S. The Super finish doesn't seem to occur for supers involving helpers e.g the Raising Storm.

I'll take it into account.
At first glance it seems that the problem is Ikemen "MakeDust" implementation.

Gacel can you post resources to learn go or goby?Any news about interactive stages?

Well I did learn go on the march while developing Ikemem GO.
I only did that because I have experience programming in other languages.
Still I do not recommend that...

I have not used anything except the docs, so I can not give any insight into tutorials.
Google is your friend in that regard.

A very useful part is that almost every library is documented, you can find that documentation online.

just posted an another issue

I answered.
I need to know what stage is that to do tests.

I really want to use Ikemen GO plus to my MvC project, and I will do, because I could edit almost all the game system.
Gacel, do you recommend me to use Ikemen now to aim a complete game project? (Which will have tag system and more) or do I wait for a more complete and oficial release version?

Begin honest, the answer right now is no.
Right now Ikemen GO lacks some very important features that affect even fullgames.
- The option menu does not scale.
- Although we implemented all of the mugen functions it does not replicate mugen 1:1 (See the 2 post above)
- We are making big changes that could break existing things.

For now try to make the project for Mugen.
It would not be too hard to port once Ikemen GO is stable enough.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 17, 2019, 11:12:08 pm
Idea: For the Tag stuff, could we have an option to configure whether we want to use the new Tag system for not?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 11:14:15 pm
Right now the option select looks like this:

So you want the option to remove modes from the team menu?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 17, 2019, 11:15:42 pm
Yeah, but there could be a script option to disable the new Tag system, to allow for Add004 and etc.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 11:19:13 pm
So a option to make tag a simul without AI...

Maybe call it FakeTag or LeagcyTag. (I like LeagcyTag better)
But enabling it would disable simul.

Hey just a question.
How many tag system does exist? (Not full games but add-on tag systems)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 17, 2019, 11:24:31 pm
Well there's Add004 and Uno Tag.
Those are the 2 I am aware of.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 11:29:29 pm
Nice to know.
Don't worry I'll implement LeagcyTag for be compatible with older tag systems!
It will be the first thing on the priority list. (Because the amount of people who I see use add004 on Ikemen)

Shiyo Kakuge is actually still updating add004.
Maybe I could in the future (Not close future) reimplement Uno-Tag to be compatible with the new TAG mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 17, 2019, 11:33:24 pm
Uno includes a few options
there is Uno 2.1
 and there is Uno Tag System 2.5
MVC Project 1.6 included in Uno 2.5

Cant you just  implement Uno-Tag into common like add004? Not sure what compatibility has to do
This new tag mode wouldnt cause compatibility issues with add004 right?
Also just redownloaded exe and scripts
script/main.lua:2: attempt to call a non-function object
stack traceback:
   script/main.lua:2: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 17, 2019, 11:40:58 pm
It would cause compatibility issues because add004 uses GameMode = Simul
New In TAG mode GameMode returns "Tag"

The legacy Legacy TAG mode would return GameMode = Simul.

I'm working on legacy tag right now.
It just lua edits.

Also yeah after testing Uno-Tag Type-K it could use common.
And make compatible with new Tag is very easy.

add004 is another history make it compatible requires more work.
Because it needs to handle lifebars for both tag and simul.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 17, 2019, 11:59:09 pm
Would this work? make it so  Ikemen uploads 2 different commons when you change it from options based on tag and simul,it could use common with tag-assist and system for tag
and turned off version for simul,just redownloaded exe and scripts why this happening
script/main.lua:2: attempt to call a non-function object
stack traceback:
   script/main.lua:2: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 18, 2019, 12:04:49 am
I'm making it a option in the options menu.

If you enable Legacy TAG it uses the old K4hos TAG and overrides simul.

If is disabled it enables new TAG and it works in conjunction with simul.

The error means that you did not update the exe.
That is the part that enables quickload and disable temporarily the GC.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 18, 2019, 12:08:53 am
oh thats cool
Does resoulution changes in option,affect zoom etc? was messing with it,it looks huge when I go from 1080p to 720p
also weird,my lifebar got messed up after redownloading stuff,any changes you did?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 18, 2019, 12:21:51 am
It should not.
Could you send screenshots?

I did not any changes...
I'll check what neatunsou did.

Thanks for the screenshots.....
That's weird...

I have to go right now. (I have class)
But when I test I'll test version by version to find were this broke.

Could you send your Ikemen folder?
But not the character nor the stages.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 18, 2019, 01:41:12 am
I don't think animations can be displayed for the combo counter.
I tried the MFJ SP and the assumed animations don't play.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on May 18, 2019, 02:27:24 am
oh thats cool
Does resoulution changes in option,affect zoom etc? was messing with it,it looks huge when I go from 1080p to 720p
also weird,my lifebar got messed up after redownloading stuff,any changes you did?
Yes, changing aspect ratio changes chara and stages localcoord
This is the same function as mugen 1.1
If you want to make it smaller, change ZoomMax in option
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 18, 2019, 02:30:09 am
you sure mugen 1.1 does that too? It always looks the same,this on the other hand is huge
wish it was optional,it got messy oh well,also why lifebar got messed up as well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 18, 2019, 04:32:01 am
Hey Mark85 remember our talk about a "Legacy TAG mode"?

Well Is finished!!!

It should work with add004 and other TAG systems made for the original mugen!
I even made display correctly as TAG when enabled!

Time to investigate that aspect ratio problems you have.
I can't figure know how to install add004... (・_・)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on May 18, 2019, 05:00:18 am
Copy ADD004's common.cns into Data folder>Patch the characters using add004pie.exe
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 18, 2019, 05:06:53 am
add004 is an entire system in itself, unotag is simply just the patcher
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 18, 2019, 05:38:38 am
So add004 works on legacy Tag mode!
And the icons looks with the right scale.

Also there is something seriously wrong with ultra-widescreen.
That is unplayable.
Neat Unsou I think this image show the problems with Elecbyte implementation.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on May 18, 2019, 06:07:16 am
it got messy oh well,also why lifebar got messed up as well
In mugen 1.1 the Lifebar is also affected by the aspect ratio.
ikemen go does not support this yet.

Neat Unsou I think that images show the problems with Elecbyte implementation.
If do not change the localcoord of char, stage looks bigger than char.
so I will try to change the zoom automatically.

Automatic zoom change is only gave unexpected results.
I will do another thing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 18, 2019, 06:22:22 am
it got messy oh well,also why lifebar got messed up as well
In mugen 1.1 the Lifebar is also affected by the aspect ratio.
ikemen go does not support this yet.

Neat Unsou I think that images show the problems with Elecbyte implementation.
If do not change the localcoord of char, stage looks bigger than char.
so I will try to change the zoom automatically.

OK I understand.
I'll investigate how to make the lifebar scale with the ratio.


Decided to open Mugen 1.1 to check how lifebars scale.
The chars actually does not scale like that...


The lifebars and the chars scale with the stage aspect ratio.
Yes this is MUGEN set to widescreen.
Once it enters the stage it changes aspect ratio.

Not sure how to implement that.

So I was reading the options and we are currently implementing stagefit 0...
The image above is stagefit 1.
Back to work on lifeabar scale.

Hey NeatUnsou I implemented Lifebar scaling with ratio!
We already have a lifebar scale so it only need to edit the lua code.

I took about 40 minutes.
About 10 minutes implementing the scale.
About 30 minutes trying to get it centered.
The old code was:
(main.LB_Localcoord43[0] - main.LB_Localcoord[0]) / 2
The half of the 4:3 version of the resolution minus the full with resolution.
Makes sense... but once I implement the scaling it broke.

So the new code to center it is:
(main.LB_ScreenWidth - 320) / (main.LB_ScreenWidth / 320)
I not sure why it works... I just have theories.

But I now know how to also center the screenpacks!

The Icons still does not scale...
I'll implement that tomorrow.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 18, 2019, 02:48:26 pm
thats nice,I got it working as well
you guys can change how sth actually works?
was going to ask if you guys can mess with posx! trigger,helper projectiles have problem with
zoom,they dont appear dissappear before they reach opponent etc,this can be fixed by using alternative codes,but that would require people to edit characters one by one.
pos x != [-200,200]
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 18, 2019, 06:30:27 pm
I may have suggested this before, but has "Stage Orders" been considered?

For example, in the [ExtraStages] section.

stages/Boss.def, order=3

You could have it like, for example, in CVS2 where the penultimate stage is in the Osaka Arena.

Edit: for the Victory Screen, the Char name appears even if you commented the related lines.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 18, 2019, 07:57:12 pm
thats nice,I got it working as well
you guys can change how sth actually works?
was going to ask if you guys can mess with posx! trigger,helper projectiles have problem with
zoom,they dont appear dissappear before they reach opponent etc,this can be fixed by using alternative codes,but that would require people to edit characters one by one.
pos x != [-200,200]

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 18, 2019, 08:54:03 pm
Well sadly there little we can do about that.
If we edit the pos controllers it will break characters.
There is only 2 options or update the character or disable zoom.

Mugen 1.1 has the same problem.
If we edit the pos controller well there are characters that use them for movement and it would break badly.

I may have suggested this before, but has "Stage Orders" been considered?

For example, in the [ExtraStages] section.

stages/Boss.def, order=3

You could have it like, for example, in CVS2 where the penultimate stage is in the Osaka Arena.

Edit: for the Victory Screen, the Char name appears even if you commented the related lines.

I think it was the first time you suggested it to me.
But is a nice one.
Once we rewrite the arcade code I'll implement that. (The arcade code really needs a rewrite)
Also the select.def code needs a changes, for example if you use Vselect when trying to load the select file it will crash.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 19, 2019, 06:16:04 am
For some reason, it seems Ikemen GO manages the launch distances values(ground.velocity, air velocity) kinda different from Mugen 1.1

Check how Ryo misses that super on Ikemen Go, while in Mugen works as intended.

Also I tested Ikemen Go on a AMD Radeon HD 7750 computer and it suffered of frame skipping even with filters turned off. Anyone else with AMD cards having bad performance?

Edit:  Commenting the "snap = 40,-30" line on the hitdef fixed the problem. Wonder why.
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime  = 20
ground.velocity = -.2,-7
air.velocity = -.2,-7
snap = 40,-30
p2stateno = 2021;2020
;p2facing =1

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on May 19, 2019, 12:12:12 pm
snap doesnt work well even in Mugen, it 's better to use TargetBind.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 19, 2019, 01:05:20 pm
For some reason, it seems Ikemen GO manages the launch distances values(ground.velocity, air velocity) kinda different from Mugen 1.1

Check how Ryo misses that super on Ikemen Go, while in Mugen works as intended.

Also I tested Ikemen Go on a AMD Radeon HD 7750 computer and it suffered of frame skipping even with filters turned off. Anyone else with AMD cards having bad performance?

Edit:  Commenting the "snap = 40,-30" line on the hitdef fixed the problem. Wonder why.
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime  = 20
ground.velocity = -.2,-7
air.velocity = -.2,-7
snap = 40,-30
p2stateno = 2021;2020
;p2facing =1

I haven't had any performance issues and I'm using a intel hd graphics 6000, even when I use the highest filter.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 19, 2019, 05:14:09 pm
Can you.guys try to make it so ikemen lets people use fightfx on statedefs? Just asking
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 19, 2019, 08:13:12 pm
I've tested REDHOT's Bison and his Psycho Explosion seems to be less effective than in Mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 19, 2019, 09:30:40 pm
I've tested REDHOT's Bison and his Psycho Explosion seems to be less effective than in Mugen.

i know this is a dumb question, but did you try that attack on bison himself instead of kungfuman in Ikemen to see if its just kungfu man having more health or something?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 19, 2019, 09:31:58 pm
Both were tested with the global life set to 100%.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 19, 2019, 10:09:06 pm
I've tested REDHOT's Bison and his Psycho Explosion seems to be less effective than in Mugen.

The training character in ikemen has more health or takes way less damage if I remember correctly. That is why it looks like it is less powerful.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 19, 2019, 10:17:43 pm
I've tested REDHOT's Bison and his Psycho Explosion seems to be less effective than in Mugen.

The training character in ikemen has more health or takes way less damage if I remember correctly. That is why it looks like it is less powerful.

No I used Stupa's Training.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on May 19, 2019, 10:21:59 pm
Then I have no idea, Gacel will probably know.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 20, 2019, 12:55:09 am
The "training character" more health and takes less damage.
It's and is a placeholder and is supposed to be replaced.

Maybe latter I'll make a training dummy character that displays damage.
But is very low on the priority list.

Wait I noticed you say that you used Stupa's Training.
I'll test it myself.

In Mugen the attack does 270 damage.
In Ikemen GO the attack does 90 damage.

So effectively is a bug.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 20, 2019, 01:11:32 am
Probably another Projectile/helper problem similar to the Ikaruga one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 20, 2019, 01:17:49 am
Yeah is exactly the same bug as Ikaruga.
It creates a helper that creates multiple invisible projectiles per frame that only last 1 frame.
It seems that this causes a bug on the projectile list....

I have investigated that bug for days before and still can't find the cause inside the source code.
I'll try again to fix it, I hope I can this time.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 20, 2019, 06:54:06 pm
snap doesnt work well even in Mugen, it 's better to use TargetBind.
I know that, but Im not the character creator

I think it worth to check out how Ikemen manages those values to avoid breaking more chars with this "snap" command.

About testing the performance of the engine, yeah,  I tested on Intel cards too and it works Ok. Its on AMD, Im waiting to someone with AMD card to tell me how it is the performance, before reporting bugs or bad performance.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 20, 2019, 07:49:48 pm
I'm surprised no-one is complaining about the current sound system, because it ruins some moves.
For example:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 20, 2019, 08:22:46 pm
does thsi have to do with audio ducking? becuase I thought it was fixed????
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 20, 2019, 09:21:19 pm
Everyone was complaining about the audio ducking.
It was fixed...
Are you sure you are using the latest release?
There is a option in the config file to enable it again, maybe is that.

And about the projectile bug... I still can not pin what causes it...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 20, 2019, 09:26:05 pm
I tried it with AudioDucking both True and False and the sound is almost identical.
Maybe it's to do with channels?
It's not Ducking, it's to do with sounds cutting off in one Channel or another.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 20, 2019, 09:42:46 pm
Checking the video again I noticed the problem is not Audio Ducking but sounds just not playing.
What char and attack of the char is that?

I noticed Ikemen does not have a audio channel setting.
Maybe is trying to play on a unavailable channel?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 20, 2019, 09:43:36 pm
Beterhans' Ken, his Jouen Shinryuken.
There's also been instances in other chars where sounds start a second late or w/e.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 20, 2019, 09:49:52 pm
OK I'll check them when I get back home.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 20, 2019, 09:59:46 pm
I also posted some stage issues
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on May 21, 2019, 12:08:50 am
I've also experienced the sound bug and I think I mentioned it before somewhere. GO seems to have trouble playing sounds on the same channel where instead of cutting out the previous sound when a new sound is supposed to play on that channel, it keeps going and then either doesn't play the next sound, or only plays the end of it.

It's kinda like every sound is given the lowpriority flag, only it still tries to play each sound.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 21, 2019, 12:23:54 am
a commit be neatunsou

badly google translated notes: "Fix the process when not writing yaccel in Hitdef Correct that the const number is affected by aspect ratio "
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 21, 2019, 11:33:10 am
You should probably change the stage music to activate when the match is loaded like in normal MUGEN, because it starts while the fight is loading.

Update: For Mr. Ansatsuken's Akuma, the Super Finish FX doesn't activate for the Misogi.

Update 2: Infinite's SVK Ryu's Afterimages don't disappear until he's airborne. And his dash-in after his Supers doesn't work well with zoom-out.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 22, 2019, 06:06:39 pm
new commit by neatonsou

"Fixed Projectile's Pause behavior and attackmulset references "
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 22, 2019, 06:16:10 pm
new commit by neatonsou

"Fixed Projectile's Pause behavior and attackmulset references "

Sounds like it's gonna fix the Proj problem I complained about.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 22, 2019, 06:27:30 pm
new commit by neatonsou

"Fixed Projectile's Pause behavior and attackmulset references "

Sounds like it's gonna fix the Proj problem I complained about.

try it out let us know if the issue youve had has been fixed, im curious as well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 22, 2019, 07:05:30 pm
My current IKEMEN folder is just the Exe with Scripts atm.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 23, 2019, 10:39:14 pm
RagingRowen you need download the mugen files and extract it to the Ikemen GO folder.

And I merged the neatonsou changes to the repo I could not test it myself because my windows install broke.

To run Ikemen GO:
On windows, execute Ikemen_GO.exe
On mac/linux, double click on Ikemen_GO.command

Made some changes to the build system so now you only have to download the zip file of your OS. (And add the mugen files you don't have it)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 23, 2019, 10:51:44 pm
I know I have the Mugen Files I just don't have the .go files.
Also feel free to check the bugs I saw last page.
Edit: The new merge seems to have fixed the Proj Problems with Bipson and Takuma, good boy Onsou.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 24, 2019, 01:43:05 am
The .go files are not needed if you use the release.

So the bug was because of hitpause...
I did always searched the wrong place!
Probaly I would not able to fix it.
But we have Unsou =D

Also I updated the lua files (Is the only thing I can edit until I reinstall the OS)
It adds the missing options to the menus and also updates the option menu look. (But still it does not scale)

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 24, 2019, 02:16:22 am
.\script\options.lua:1334: cannot perform concat operation between nil and string
stack traceback:
   .\script\options.lua:1334: in function <.\script\options.lua:0>
   [G]: in function 'require'
   script/main.lua:1315: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Got this error after updating.

It seems like it is looking on my motif an option called "Master Volume".
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 24, 2019, 02:33:15 am
I forgot to say it but you have to delete the old config.json file.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 24, 2019, 02:46:39 am
I forgot to say it but you have to delete the old config.json file.

Received another error then I remembered I have to edit the config.json file so it can find the right system.def file.
Thanks, now it is working.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 24, 2019, 02:50:37 am
Nice to know. :)
Once I reinstall windows I'll try to complete the pending things in order.
Next thing to do:
Fix lifebar font loading on lifebars so it works like mugen.
and make the option menu scale corectly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 24, 2019, 03:52:59 am
Well, I dont want to be that guy, but someone has to be.

1- No matter if I turn on the "AudioDucking" option, from the game or the Config.json file, it always show as "Disabled" after I restart Ikemen.
2- The audio problem is still there when the character get the audio cut is still there, example, Geese perform his "raising storm" special, he first scream "raising" or "raging", gets cut then the projectile sound gets over the voice, next time you perform the same movement you can clearly hear him saying "Storm!!"(without raising or raging).
This only happens if both audios are using the same channel, can solved easily if you delete the channel line on the character, but I cant imagine myself doing that on a 400 characters Mugen.

3- The audio options are working fine, Now I can set the BGM quieter than the SFX and character voices.  Really cool!!

Edit: This video describes the problem better.

Commenting the channel line on at least on one of these states, solved the problem.
[State 3200, 2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 =  time = 1
value = 3000,0

[State 3000, 10]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 10
value = 3000,1
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 24, 2019, 05:37:11 am
Thanks for reporting the problem.
Also Audio Ducking fixes problem in sfx audio ducking.
The other problem seems related to the audio channels. (A different stuff)
I'll check the audio channel problem once I finish what is pending.
There is so much stuff pending that I have with Ikemen GO that if I don't center in doing them in order it will pile up without progressing so I'll center on finishing one at the time.

I checked the AudioDucking menu code and while it changes the variable properly the display is the one bugged, it will be fixed by the next update.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 24, 2019, 06:59:47 am
Why i have this video problem on a Windows 7 machine with a capable AMD video card?


Why the exe file is for x64 windows only?
Why the exe is so large in size?
Where are the x86 exe?

Why is not included the "mugen" files within ikemen if there are sff and snd files on the build?
Why is not included the full base source code on the released builds?

What is the difference between main.lua, motif.lua and screenpack.lua if motif and screenpack are referenced as the same thing?
Why is not menu.lua, versus.lua, victory.lua, lifebars.lua, stage.lua and characters.lua separated from main.lua?

Please answer me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on May 24, 2019, 07:56:54 pm
Exe is x64 because that's just how it's built. I imagine Gacel could set up an automated x86 build, but he may not have the means to do so.
Exe is large because it contains all the compiled Go code, unlike vanilla IKEMEN where the code files are external.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 25, 2019, 12:03:44 am
Exe is x64 because that's just how it's built. I imagine Gacel could set up an automated x86 build, but he may not have the means to do so.
Exe is large because it contains all the compiled Go code, unlike vanilla IKEMEN where the code files are external.

Why you respond if do not have the correct answers? only speak with hypothetical knowledge.

This is the same build Gacel made lately
compiled for windows x86
has a smaller exe
no source code
included mugen files and
is straight to play.

IkemenGO WinX86 24/05/2019 (

And quote myself:
Why i have the same video problem on x86 build too?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 25, 2019, 12:18:44 am
LMAO calm down, dickwad.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on May 25, 2019, 12:41:27 am
No need for that language either.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 25, 2019, 01:01:23 am
LMAO calm down, dickwad.

Is it a kind of LGBT slang?
I respect any type of taste, but you do not need to declare it here.

Anyway, I will upload all versions of ikemen in windows x86 when they go out for anyone who want to triet it while I finish adapting native sdl support.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on May 25, 2019, 01:37:21 am
Why i have this video problem on a Windows 7 machine with a capable AMD video card?

It looks like the problem with the drawQuads function in render.go.
In my environment there is no problem so I can not fix it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 25, 2019, 02:29:12 am
Is a problem with the Open GL , the machine used had 2009 drivers and was fixed updating them; is because default windows only have OGL 1.0 support in favor for it´s Direct X.
But unless mugen wich can be played in older enviroments, ikemen has driver issues and ikemen go have problems because of pure OGL so an alternative is highly required (SDL, DirectX).

By the way i found this familiar thing:

4 tag vs 3 simul characters separated lifebars

Lost Here comes a new challenger working

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 25, 2019, 04:44:24 am
What gives? Have you asked for his reason yet?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 25, 2019, 06:22:51 am
Hey MangeX sorry for not begin there while did you have problems with OpenGL.
About the x86 build. It can be automated like the others.
In Dan's docker image it includes a x86 compiler, so maybe we could use the same image.
I'll check.

About OpenGL. Using DirectX is not the solution both use hardware render and depend on GPU drivers so if you want compatibility with older systems a software render he way to GO.
But a software render is not easy to write and I don't know how to program it, so another person has to volunteer for making and maintain it. (Not a easy task)
If anyone wants to build a software render is welcome.

Is a problem with the Open GL , the machine used had 2009 drivers and was fixed updating them; is because default windows only have OGL 1.0 support in favor for it´s Direct X.
But unless mugen wich can be played in older enviroments, ikemen has driver issues and ikemen go have problems because of pure OGL so an alternative is highly required (SDL, DirectX).

By the way i found this familiar thing:

4 tag vs 3 simul characters separated lifebars

Lost Here comes a new challenger working

In favor of kh4tos labor i can´t share his code unless authorization, he didn´t made it publicily available for an unknown reason that i must respect.

I understand we need K4thos giving the rights to his code to use it.

So the TAG code is not that useful now because we are already implementing it. (Not completed but still)
Seeing the "Here comes a new challenger" in action is interesting.

K4thos did say that the unreleased code was incompatible so I wonder how hard is to port it.

Wait a 20mb exe with dependencies bundled is too large?

Well to explain the size of the EXE is because of the insane amount of Debug stuff that GOlang bundles in the exe.

Also guys I was planing to include a openAL Software implementation (Non driver dependent) dll with the download. (So it's not needed to install anything)
I'll check licencing stuff before doing it tough.
What do you think about bundling openAL?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on May 25, 2019, 06:54:14 am
Maybe you've answered that already, but does your native tag mode also comes with expanded lifebars?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 25, 2019, 06:56:44 am
So a lifebar that is independent/different from the simul one? (If I misinterpreted your question, correct me)
Well the tag mode by default uses the simul lifebar but it can use his own lifebar if is specified in the screenpack.

For example:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Should work.

If you are talking about support for 16 player lifebar. (Or any above 2vs2 players)
It still does not work. (Except in turns mode)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on May 25, 2019, 08:05:43 am
I'm talking about like the one in MangeX video.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 25, 2019, 08:25:31 am
The 4 lifebars per player.
Well, is not implemented yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 27, 2019, 08:02:30 pm
New commit by neatunsou's
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: FrozenDelight on May 27, 2019, 08:08:32 pm
Hi, I'm new to Ikemen. Quick, very general question - What advantages does Ikemen GO Plus have over Mugen 1.1, from a creators side? It looks real interesting, I see it has netplay.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on May 27, 2019, 08:40:45 pm
If you aren't interested in a full game, very little. These days it seems the direction is to make "everything" automated taking away the whole point of creating anything yourself. With Parsec, the online isn't such a big deal anymore. All this time && I haven't seen one person test the online etc(The most important feature?). IMO, use Ikemen plus. The original creator lost interest, but that version is the most stable. The extra modes, dedicated arcade mode are the best features imo. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can wait for this. No matter which version you choose, it's superior to 1.1 only because you can actually edit things.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on May 27, 2019, 08:41:53 pm
Hi, I'm new to Ikemen. Quick, very general question - What advantages does Ikemen GO Plus have over Mugen 1.1, from a creators side? It looks real interesting, I see it has netplay.

*Open source
*Widescreen support for low res stages
*Shader support without third party applications
*4vs4 support(actually limitless)
*Tag mode without patches(in next update)
*Extra modes
I will write more if i find.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Zero800 on May 27, 2019, 09:34:46 pm
Android version near or far?
Netplay on Android should be awesome!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on May 27, 2019, 11:51:54 pm
i tried replace the new stuff for a screenpack with the resolution 384,224 and 470,240 but the screen didn't run correctly with the aspect ratio of fullscreen.
the resolution seems to be a problem when you add a new screenpack, i hope a more stable version with animated portraits and a perfect fit with other resolution for different screenpacks can be released soon.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on May 28, 2019, 02:26:53 am
I'm curious about the native tag mode... how will it work? Because ADD004 and UnoTag have compatibility problems with some chars.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 28, 2019, 03:42:13 am
Here are 2 things I know break add004 and unotag:
-Characters with constant super armor (or is a helper the entire time)
-Characters who doesn't use the animation standards or state standards (add004/unotag patch and assume your Mugen character uses the standards, some characters I have though don't use these animation IDs or numbers so it in turn breaks them. For example there is a charcter who flies the entire time but they do not have a state 0, so instead state 0 redirects to state 80000 instead, so it has no traditional moves and doesn't follow the typical standards. This messes up the character, you would have to edit the patches manually or change the character itself)

My guess is tag in as long as it doesn't assume every character was developed in a sppecific standard, it would have to be up to the user to manually to assign how it works, I think this is basically any system though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 28, 2019, 04:45:41 pm
In that case a helper system could use TagIn and TagOut it does not require any standard and it teorically would work on any character.
The Ikemen GO, Tag mode allows the user to make his own system, Instead of begin built in.
But from now it does not exist a Tag system that uses Ikemen GO exclusive tag features.

Thinking about the super armor problem to stop the super armor from making contact maybe a TAG system could put the character in a unreachable area when in "TAG Out".
To stop breaking some other chars maybe the character could use the Named Variable feature for compatibility options.

There is so much to consider on a TAG system.

Android version near or far?
Netplay on Android should be awesome!

Dan was working on porting it to android.
It will not have touch controls tho, because android TV boxes was his target.

i tried replace the new stuff for a screenpack with the resolution 384,224 and 470,240 but the screen didn't run correctly with the aspect ratio of fullscreen.
the resolution seems to be a problem when you add a new screenpack, i hope a more stable version with animated portraits and a perfect fit with other resolution for different screenpacks can be released soon.

Did you modify the localcoord on the localcoord.lua file?
Could you please say what screenpack did you use? It would be to test it in my end.

About the animated portrait that feature is still broken. It was made for the original Ikemen and it does not work on linux or mac. (Because it uses old elecbyte binaries)
It needs to be rewritten from the ground up.

It seems I messed up the tag explanation and you guys did understand it wrong.
So to clarify about how TAG mode would work.
The Ikemen GO TAG mode that I'm making is made in CNS and would be able to edit and/or be replaced by the user.
Think about it like a global tag patch that does not override simul and does not require patching individual characters.

If someone wants to make a new compatible TAG system himself, it would be welcome.
I'm just planing to make a basic one that could be bundled with the engine. (And to clarify it could be edited or removed and replaced with a custom one)

To make it more clear people could still create his own custom TAG systems (The system even encourages that). Ikemen GO is just making the process more streamlined and remove the individual patching and override simul requirements.

And also adding 2 more buttons that could be used for TAG mode. (Because buttons combos could break some chars)
But is these are not forced to use when making a tag system.

If someone haves some question or did not understand please ask.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 28, 2019, 07:07:33 pm

Gacel, are you aware that mask and transparencies are not working on Screenpacks? Just to know if you are aware.
Down the text that says press abxy to start should be masked inside the box and the cursor is not transparent, because is hiding the first item.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on May 28, 2019, 07:12:22 pm
On the topic of issues, I'll dig up another issue I have.
"Infinite's SVK Ryu's Afterimages don't disappear until he's airborne. And his dash-in after his Supers doesn't work well with zoom-out."
This goes for his other edits of this type.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 28, 2019, 09:49:48 pm
Question about Tag System:

I´m trying to implement myself a Tag System in mugen 1.1 using add004 and UNOtag, to create a new one from my MvC project (3 lifebars too).
I´m implement this into simul mode.
This could work perfectly on Ikemen too?  or in Ikemen works only with the tag mode that you are doing Gacel? I want later in Ikemen to remove all the modes, and that the user can use only simul mode with this tag system that I´m doing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 28, 2019, 10:27:05 pm
Wait what did happen to my post...
Okay I'll just rewite everithing

Gacel, are you aware that mask and transparencies are not working on Screenpacks? Just to know if you are aware.
Down the text that says press abxy to start should be masked inside the box and the cursor is not transparent, because is hiding the first item.

I did not know. Thanks for the info.
The reason why it does not work is because k4thos did implement a different parser made in lua for the sceenpacks.
Once I finish what i'm doing i'll implement it.

On the topic of issues, I'll dig up another issue I have.
"Infinite's SVK Ryu's Afterimages don't disappear until he's airborne. And his dash-in after his Supers doesn't work well with zoom-out."
This goes for his other edits of this type.

The issues with zoom-out are probably the fault of the character coding there is little what I can do there.
The after image issues is probably Ikemen fault.
Thanks for reporting it.

Question about Tag System:

I´m trying to implement myself a Tag System in mugen 1.1 using add004 and UNOtag, to create a new one from my MvC project (3 lifebars too).
I´m implement this into simul mode.
This could work perfectly on Ikemen too?  or in Ikemen works only with the tag mode that you are doing Gacel? I want later in Ikemen to remove all the modes, and that the user can use only simul mode with this tag system that I´m doing.

It will work there is a "Legacy tag mode" option if you don't want to do any changes.
And if you replace "TeamMode = Simul" for "TeamMode = Tag" it will probably work in the new system.

And I'll say it again: (I did say that in the post above, I hope you read it.)
The Ikemen GO TAG mode that I'm making is made in CNS and would be able to edit and/or be replaced by the user.

To make it more clear people could still create his own custom TAG systems (The system even encourages that). Ikemen GO is just making the process more streamlined and remove the individual patching and override simul requirements.

So the TAG mode I'm making is probably not too different from the one the other people could make.
It could be removed with just removing a file.
Is not built in in the exe.
Is begin made in CNS (The same stuff the characters are made) so it's not harcoded.
It can be replaced and/or edited.

Maybe it just me that I'm very bad at explaining. :embarrassed:

If you plan to port it you could use the statedef -10, -20 and -30 in the common files.
These are like globals statedef -1, -2 and -3.

Also about removing modes...
Is posible but I am not sure if k4thos implemented it.
I'll check.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 29, 2019, 12:32:35 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

ShinLucho fixed the transparences.
K4thos already made all those things and many many more easily editable.
Gacel better focus on engine bug fixes with localcoord and those related to video display issues as user custom resolutions.

The tag related thing is the most easy to implement, with tagin, tagout and standby commands recicle mugen animations like jump, run, kick, taunt and that is; if anyone wants a more complicated tag then let it be.
Use the new two buttons to command those character changes
and a trigger that detects the team mode: 
      trigger 1 =   if team mode  = simul ; then the buttons are free to nothing.
      trigger 2 =   if team mode  = tag    ; then the buttons works as spected for legacy lazy people support.

You are focusing much time on a simple feature for an ENGINE that if you want to use you need examples for learn.
Forget every character in existence, your main target character is kung fu man
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 29, 2019, 01:18:17 am
The basic TAG mode example is actually not the focus at this moment.
I was just talking about it because people did not understand how it was supposed to work.
Actually, I said that I'm focusing on engine internals.
There is so much stuff to do so I will do them in the order that I started working on them.
Right now I'm working on Directory handling
For example lifebar font loading does not work correctly or "../../Data/Common4.cns" does not work.
I'm working on fixing that.

And yeah creating a TAG mode is that simple... =D
Recycling Mugen default animations was the plan.
Actually what you posted should work just only gripe "team mode" is written "teammode"

Also KFM is not the only character for bug testing, other characters exhibit bugs in the engine that we could not found otherwise.
For example the audio overlapping bug.

Also I merged some changes on the repo.
Kidcy added a scanline shader.
And neatunsou made some improvements to the lifebars and it seems it fixed a audio bug.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: FrozenDelight on May 29, 2019, 02:19:19 am
Thanks to all of you for the replies to my message from Monday 27th.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 29, 2019, 02:46:51 am

Gacel, are you aware that mask and transparencies are not working on Screenpacks? Just to know if you are aware.
Down the text that says press abxy to start should be masked inside the box and the cursor is not transparent, because is hiding the first item.

The basic Mugen motif has those features working on ikemen, maybe your SP is bad coded, try it straight on mugen and take a screenshot, if there are no problems then is some to take on ikemen´s render.go.

please take a look at this resolved issue last year by shin lucho.
Screenpack - addalpha transparency doesn't show correctly #9 (

Right now I'm working on Directory handling
For example lifebar font loading does not work correctly or "../../Data/Common4.cns" does not work.

And yeah creating a TAG mode is that simple... =D
Recycling Mugen default animations was the plan.
Actually what you posted should work just only gripe "team mode" is written "teammode"

KFM is not the only character for bug testing, other characters exhibit bugs in the engine that we could not found otherwise.
For example the audio overlapping bug.

Also I merged some changes on the repo.
Kidcy added a scanline shader.
And neatunsou made some improvements to the lifebars and it seems it fixed a audio bug.

The filters are interesting, more arcadeish stuff
team mode or temmode it was just a bad written example with triggers and one needed variable to activate on common cns

what are your plans ,please can you make a list?
maybe we can help ( i was thinking that your main focus was tag because you talked about so much)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on May 29, 2019, 03:04:33 am

maybe we can help ( i was thinking that your main focus was tag because you talked about so much)

yes by giving K4thos updated code to Gacel, K4thos already gave him his blessing, changed the front page for him etc as K4thos no longer wants to put any development in it. He literally told Gacel that hes going to give him his code, its just something has happened to him since and he dissapeared, he was already willing. Please that would help greatly and contribute.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 29, 2019, 03:05:53 am
Maybe we can help (I was thinking that your main focus was tag because you talked about so much)

yes by giving K4thos updated code to Gacel, K4thos already gave him his blessing, changed the front page for him etc as K4thos no longer wants to put any development in it. He literally told Gacel that hes going to give him his code, its just something has happened to him since and he dissapeared, he was already willing. Please that would help greatly and contribute.

That does not work. Ikemen GO is MIT licence we need K4thos give his code under the licence.
So we need to contact K4thos and ask to give the code.

The filters are interesting, more arcadeish stuff
team mode or temmode it was just a bad written example with triggers and one needed variable to activate on common cns

what are your plans ,please can you make a list?
maybe we can help (I was thinking that your main focus was tag because you talked about so much)

I was talking about tag because some people did got the wrong idea on how it would work.

Well my current "check list" is:
- Fix/Improve the directory handling on screenpacks and chars (Here right now)
- Make the option menu and scaling scale correctly with the localcoord.
- Fix arcade mode order and add the "Here comes a new challenger"
- Make lifebar support more than 2 players per team.

At least that's the "do right now" goals other stuff (Like the TAG example and midi support) will come after I finish that.

We have a github issues list:

Any help is welcome to the project.
To start download the source and try to experiment with it.

If you want directly help with a feature this would be a good first one:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on May 29, 2019, 07:50:47 am
This is the same screenpack on MUGEN, you can see the cursor transparency allows you to see the menu item name behind it and the mask on the "Press ABXY to Start" working fine.

I just report this kind of stuff on IkemenGO AFTER testing it on Mugen.

PS: Dont ask about the KOF XIII on the menu, I was doing some job on the screenpack by the time.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on May 29, 2019, 08:31:30 am

Gacel, are you aware that mask and transparencies are not working on Screenpacks? Just to know if you are aware.
Down the text that says press abxy to start should be masked inside the box and the cursor is not transparent, because is hiding the first item.

This is the same screenpack on MUGEN, you can see the cursor transparency allows you to see the menu item name behind it and the mask on the "Press ABXY to Start" working fine.

I just report this kind of stuff on IkemenGO AFTER testing it on Mugen.

PS: Dont ask about the KOF XIII on the menu, I was doing some job on the screenpack by the time.

At simple sight without the menu code portion for your SP available to read and replicate the error i theorized two things:
1.- problems with "fnt v2"  menu.item.font and using alternate "font" colors via menu localcoord bug.
2.- problem with "window" parameter coordinates again via localcoord resize on menu.

Believe me, is strange because the original mugen motif has window and item fonts working as intended.
Can you post only the first part for your screenpack code until menu please?
can you tell if is used fnt or fnt2? alternate colors for fonts? true fonts? fnt file or sff?
Even the broken mugen SP works on ikemen go.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on May 29, 2019, 03:06:36 pm
It will work there is a "Legacy tag mode" option if you don't want to do any changes.
And if you replace "TeamMode = Simul" for "TeamMode = Tag" it will probably work in the new system.

And I'll say it again: (I did say that in the post above, I hope you read it.)
The Ikemen GO TAG mode that I'm making is made in CNS and would be able to edit and/or be replaced by the user.

To make it more clear people could still create his own custom TAG systems (The system even encourages that). Ikemen GO is just making the process more streamlined and remove the individual patching and override simul requirements.

So the TAG mode I'm making is probably not too different from the one the other people could make.
It could be removed with just removing a file.
Is not built in in the exe.
Is begin made in CNS (The same stuff the characters are made) so it's not harcoded.
It can be replaced and/or edited.

Maybe it just me that I'm very bad at explaining. :embarrassed:

I´m asking because right now I´m implementing a Tag System with add004 & unotag combined, with adds and edited things into the CNS file.
Is a very hard work, so I wanted to be sure that all of this will work on Ikemen if I port all the game there, that surelly will be.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on May 29, 2019, 07:57:50 pm
Gacel's comment

I´m asking because right now I´m implementing a Tag System with add004 & unotag combined, with adds and edited things into the CNS file.
Is a very hard work, so I wanted to be sure that all of this will work on Ikemen if I port all the game there, that surelly will be.

Good luck on the project.
Waiting to see it finished.

At simple sight without the menu code portion for your SP available to read and replicate the error i theorized two things:
1.- problems with "fnt v2"  menu.item.font and using alternate "font" colors via menu localcoord bug.
2.- problem with "window" parameter coordinates again via localcoord resize on menu.

Believe me, is strange because the original mugen motif has window and item fonts working as intended.
Can you post only the first part for your screenpack code until menu please?
can you tell if is used fnt or fnt2? alternate colors for fonts? true fonts? fnt file or sff?
Even the broken mugen SP works on ikemen go.

Ather some testing the MUGEN 1.0 font window parameter does not work.
Well, instead of does not work is more like is not implemented.
Ikemen GO Lua has a "animSetWindow" function (For sprites) but does not have a font equivalent.
So maybe is that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on May 31, 2019, 04:49:06 pm
stage issues
Link to first one
second and third

also this as well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 02, 2019, 06:58:35 am
stage issues

I dont know the name for the first but in the linked page explicit say "The stages are 1.1 because of certain coding tricks and my own incompetence with palettes", the answer is bad palettes and awfull coding, issues mixing 8bit with 32 bit images on ikemen.

Second and third ypu must addapt from mugen to ikemen because the ikemen implementation for localcoord is slightly different ; just like converting from dosmugen to winmugen or winmugen to mugen 1.0 or mugen 1.0 to mugen 1.1.

Fourth i ignore it, there is no picture.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: President Devon on June 02, 2019, 07:20:23 am
I say MUGEN 1.1 for a reason.

Also I kinda resent you calling my coding "awfull".
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on June 03, 2019, 01:29:12 am
Agreee with devon,1.1 exclusive features and 32 bit are awful now?.Shouldnt any kind of imge work with ikemen since it was supposed to be better than mugen,definitely not liking your attitude
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: President Devon on June 03, 2019, 01:36:23 am
Nah if anything he's right for saying I'm mixing 32-bit and 8-bit images together, I've basically hacked the stage to work with 1.1 and only 1.1 because I really don't care about any other platform. It's best to not use my stages with IKEMEN.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on June 03, 2019, 02:40:54 am
I'll do my best to fix it
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 03, 2019, 02:47:53 am
I say MUGEN 1.1 for a reason.

Also I kinda resent you calling my coding "awfull".
Agreee with devon,1.1 exclusive features and 32 bit are awful now?.Shouldnt any kind of imge work with ikemen since it was supposed to be better than mugen,definitely not liking your attitude
Nah if anything he's right for saying I'm mixing 32-bit and 8-bit images together, I've basically hacked the stage to work with 1.1 and only 1.1 because I really don't care about any other platform. It's best to not use my stages with IKEMEN.

So you are the one who made the mentioned first stage with issues.
Yeah there are awful code involved ikemen rendering stages with 8bit and 32bit images mixed together on sff files and need to be fixed in order to be used like in MUGEN.

In fact Devon
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Mark85 ikemen is open to anyone who wants to help on the engine, is made studing and reverse engineering the mugen one, there are issues who are fixed rebuilding certain parts of code, others are just users missunderstud the engine believing that both works equal.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on June 03, 2019, 04:12:32 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
I tried it now, but it does not seem to happen.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
The vertical length of the image seems to be short.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
The window parameter limits the drawing range of the image.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 03, 2019, 05:15:25 am
Have to understand that users like this have no intention to find these workarounds, they want you to fix them for them.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 05, 2019, 06:42:07 pm
I know Gacel isn't here atm, but I assume I can insert a global Buffering system like Tiny Buffering or Explodsive Buffering using the global command.cmd file?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 05, 2019, 08:50:49 pm
I'm back!

So I did read the whole Tiny Buffering post.
And yeah it could be implemented in command.cmd.
Also a tip, in Ikemen Go there exist named variables called maps.

So insested of using this:
[State 10371, LP Dec]
type = VarAdd
triggerall = root, HitPauseTime = 0
trigger1 = Var(0)
Var(0) = -1

[State 10371, LP Init]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = command = "x"
Var(0) = 3 ;This defines how long the buffering should be for this button.

You could use this:
[State 10371, LP Dec]
type = MapAdd
triggerall = root, HitPauseTime = 0
trigger1 = Map(LowPunch)
Map(LowPunch) = -1

[State 10371, LP Init]
type = MapSet
trigger1 = command = "x"
Map(LowPunch) = 3 ;This defines how long the buffering should be for this button.

This to make sure that it does not conflict with any char variables.

On another note I did manage to make x86 builds in docker I will update the AppVeyor Builds to make x86 (32 bit) exes.
And also remove the need to install OpenAL on windows.

I tested devon stage on 7 different GPU's

- A Intel HD Graphics 4400
- A Intel UHD Graphics 630
- A AMD Radeon R7 370
- A NVIDIA GeForce 210 (From 2009 the older that I have)
- A NVIDIA GeForce GT 720 (Read GT not GTX, it's from 2014)
- A NVIDIA GeForce GTX 840M
- A NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile

So it did did even display in a GPU from 10 years ago.
And I could not replicate the bug.

What GPU are you using Mark85?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 05, 2019, 09:12:36 pm
Thanks for noting that.
Also how's the tag and lifebar (and maybe arcade) progress?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 05, 2019, 09:24:44 pm
No progress on TAG from now.
Working on:
Well my current "check list" is:
- Fix/Improve the directory handling on screenpacks and chars.
- Make the option menu and scaling scale correctly with the localcoord. <= This one
- Fix arcade mode order and add the "Here comes a new challenger"
- Make lifebar support more than 2 players per team.

So looking back on how I did make screenpacks scale well...
I have to rewrite that, it was the first thing I made for the engine and is "not a good way to code it" to say it nice, because it overdrives the default sprite handling and left no alternative if you want to make unscaled items.

So I'm dumb.
I forgot there is a way to disable it.  :oops:

Just 2 lines of code...

Also I fixed the Audio Ducking option not displaying properly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on June 05, 2019, 10:08:14 pm
GTX 850
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on June 05, 2019, 10:26:30 pm
Hey gacel you said that on github fightfx scale needs to be ported.But it already exist on fight.def in ikemen data folder?

Also UMK3 engine's source code is leaked for a year.It may be useful for you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 05, 2019, 10:39:43 pm
It means that while fightfx exist on fight.def the engine does not load it.

Also Mark85 a GTX 850!! That's incredibly close (In architecture) to the GTX 840.
It should work without problems.

Maybe is a problem with drivers. Maybe manually downloading the installer and choosing a clean install should fix it.

I'm booting the GTX 840 laptop again just to check if I can find if the problem is another thing.

Also I forgot to say it. I uploaded the screenpack changes to github.

As always builds are in AppVeyor:

So I was reading the lua specifications and I noticed that you could program a lifebar in that.
The Lua "debug file" can:
- All the chars variable, state, animation, sound, life, power, constants, hitboxes, hidden flags, etc and modify or read them.
- Parse multiple ssf files on the fly.
- Parse audio files.
- Load literally any type of file.
- Display text, sprites, play sounds, etc.

I wonder how hard it would be make a lifebar/combo counter in that. (Like add004 but in lua)

Also now that I said it out loud I notice someone can do shady stuff with that level of file access, we should limit the LUA file read/write so it could load stuff from the Ikemen directory only.
Right now it's a huge security breach.

So I finally got around making a docker image that can compile a 32 bit executable, the Dan's one lacks the 32 bit openAL dependencies so I had to make a new one.
I will update the AppVeyor scripts in the next hour.

Curious fact: The 32 bit exe is lower in size, but the load times are a little higher. (About 5% more)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: dan on June 06, 2019, 01:05:43 pm
Hey Guys, I've been out for a while sorry.
Too much stuff to handle - deadlines and final project approaching.
I will try to catch-up asap.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 06, 2019, 01:37:30 pm
So I was reading the lua specifications and I noticed that you could program a lifebar in that.
The Lua "debug file" can:
- All the chars variable, state, animation, sound, life, power, constants, hitboxes, hidden flags, etc and modify or read them.
- Parse multiple ssf files on the fly.
- Parse audio files.
- Load literally any type of file.
- Display text, sprites, play sounds, etc.
So you could potentially have Chars transform into a different SFF or have one SFF for helpers or FX shared among all your chars. I hope so.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on June 06, 2019, 02:57:15 pm
So I was reading the lua specifications and I noticed that you could program a lifebar in that.

sadly it is impossible without modifications to the engine. Right now main.lua calls the game() function and waits until it's done. However we can define some kind of hook function in lua and call it every tick.

Right now PNG loading wastes too many resources. I've been working on a better implementation for a while, and i could share it if IKEMEN really needs it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on June 06, 2019, 04:29:31 pm
So I was reading the lua specifications and I noticed that you could program a lifebar in that.
The Lua "debug file" can:
- All the chars variable, state, animation, sound, life, power, constants, hitboxes, hidden flags, etc and modify or read them.
- Parse multiple ssf files on the fly.
- Parse audio files.
- Load literally any type of file.
- Display text, sprites, play sounds, etc.
So you could potentially have Chars transform into a different SFF or have one SFF for helpers or FX shared among all your chars. I hope so.

Wondering this as well
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: EVILED on June 06, 2019, 06:46:13 pm
Hello, I have a some questions and I also want to tell my story. I will ask my questions first. Sorry for the post being so long. I've been gone from here for about a year and a lot is new to me now.

1: I noticed in the License that is says "※Note Data files below, font Following files contain content created by a third party, It is not covered by this license."

What exactly does that mean? My first assumption would be that the font and characters and stages included with the project are not covered. If so, this is fine. I always kind of figured from the K4thos fork that the characters were not covered there either. It would make sense. I just want to make sure that I understand that everything else is; such as the engine code itself. Please explain so that I understand correctly. Thank you.

2: Does the engine work with X-Input now? I remember that I had issues with X-Input on Ikemen Go Plus and had to use a program to map controller inputs to keys that last time I tried playing with it. From what I understood, I was told that this would be added later at some point. But, then development on that fork stopped and I am curious if this has been resolved.

3: Is there any interest in adding a coin-op mode to the engine? Someone else asked this on the old fork. ( Considering that MIT can be used for commercial use, I kind of wondered if there was a way to add a credits system. Here is how I imagine it could work. It would work as a toggle system that the person setting the engine up could turn on or off in a config file. The default would be off, as that would make the most sense for most people. When turned on, it would then change a few menu options. First, it would make the menu for exiting the game on the main menu disappear. The reason for this is that it wouldn't make sense to let the user exit the program from the main menu when running the engine as an arcade cabinet. The program would be set to launch after the operating system (GNU+Linux) loaded and auto-logged in. Then, also in the config file, be able to set the engine to different pricing modes with a number value. 0 = Free Play, 1 = 25 Cents, 2 = 50 cents, 3 = 75 cents, 4 = one dollar. Or something like that. I assume it would make sense to also disable a few other menu options when activated, like training and watching and stuff like that. I kind of always liked the idea of being able to make and run my own fighting game arcade cabinet. Though, admittedly, this feature would be rather impractical and if it would be too hard to implement (or simply not wanted by anyone) I could see it not happening. Finding or making characters and stages that would be legally okay to use in this way would be hard and I don't really have anywhere to operate any such cabinet anyway. (I work as a cashier at a grocery store. So, it's not like a own a bar or anything.) Still, such a feature could be useful to someone and if it's not too hard to program it could be cool to put it in.

4: Is there any way to financially contribute to the development of this project? Sense I do not know how to code, I was wondering if maybe I could donate some money to the developers for making this amazing engine. I want to see it continue to get better and I realize that it's a hobby program for a lot of people developing it. I can't afford to pay anyone full time or anything like that. (Again, I work as a cashier.) But, for all the joy that this engine it going to give me I am curious if there is a Patreon or something that I could make a donation to? Programming is a skill that I do not have. I did a little drag and drop game design with Game Maker many, many years ago. So, even with that little experience, I know how much time goes into making things and making them work. I am not apposed to donating to this project, as I do see it as the future for this community. I have donated to the Free Software Foundation (FSF) directly in the past when I was a member. But, right now I'd like to try to help stimulate development in a specific project; this one. Please let me know.

5: When talking about the Windblade fork, should we still call it Ikemen Go Plus or should we call it Ikemen Go? The page says Ikemen Go, but it also says that it brought over some features from Ikemen Go Plus. So, I am wondering what the most appropriate name is to call this new fork of the engine.

6: If this isn't too personal a topic, just out of curiosity, what happened with K4thos?

Now for my story.

This is amazing! I haven't been back to the forums in about a year. (I forgot my old account info and related e-mail info; so I created a new account today.) I kept looking for updates on the K4thos GitHub every few months and it hasn't updated in a very long time. I feared that the project had been abandoned and that made me very sad. I am so excited to see that development in continuing in a fork. I will work today on getting it up and running to see what all new has been happening.

It has been my dream for many years to have a Free Software Licensed Mugen Compatible engine. But, alas, I do not know how to code. I looked far and wide across the Internet and kept hitting dead ends. Mugen refused to re-license, and every time I found something under a proper license; it would just error out when I tried to load characters and play the game.

When I first heard of Ikemen Go and Ikemen Go Plus, I was amazed. It actually loaded characters and the game played correctly. I go excited, but then kind of depressed for a while because I could not find what the license for the project was. Deeper research revealed, at that time, that nobody really knew. The code was out there, but nothing officially said what we could or could not do with the code. I got depressed because I realized that this could become a problem later if not sorted out quickly. My Japanese from High School is very rudimentary and I was unsure if I could talk with Suehiro in a clear way to ask for an answer.

I talked a few times with ShinLucho about it on the thread I will link ( and tried using Google Translate to send a message to Suehiro directly. Much time went by with no answer. I lost hope. Then, all of a sudden, there was an answer! He picked a license; MIT. I was so happy. When development stalled, I got sad again. But, today, seeing this thread, I am happy again.

This project means a lot to me because I grew up playing 2D Fighters when I was a kid in the 1990's and they are so fun. Mugen has such a huge library of community created assets and I always felt it needed an engine that was licensed in a community friendly way so that it could be developed further by the community and more features could be added as the community wanted to make them. I have a new Arcade Fight Stick coming soon and I look forward to being able to play this engine just like I played fighting games in the arcades.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on June 06, 2019, 07:09:09 pm
xinput works well but there is a bug that makes harder to execute specail moves.It depends on either you are on left or right side.
If you are on left side.It is harder to execute moves using right direction button.If you are on right,then left is harder.
It is more visible if you use simple chars like ryu.,
Also i am trying to learn Go language.But there are not enough tutorials for it as C languages.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 06, 2019, 10:11:35 pm
xinput works well but there is a bug that makes harder to execute specail moves.It depends on either you are on left or right side.
If you are on left side.It is harder to execute moves using right direction button.If you are on right,then left is harder.
It is more visible if you use simple chars like ryu.,
Also i am trying to learn Go language.But there are not enough tutorials for it as C languages.

It's still there?
I through it was fixed, once I finish what I'm doing I'll work on it.
Does anyone know a program that can do controller macros?

So I was reading the lua specifications and I noticed that you could program a lifebar in that.

sadly it is impossible without modifications to the engine. Right now main.lua calls the game() function and waits until it's done. However we can define some kind of hook function in lua and call it every tick.

Right now PNG loading wastes too many resources. I've been working on a better implementation for a while, and i could share it if IKEMEN really needs it.

Yup I was finding that, we need a hook function.
About the PNG implementation, if you finish it it would be very helpful to the project.

**EVILED question post**

1) That refers to the common1.cns file, it is copyrighted by elecbyte and it's under the mugen licence.
All the other files in the repo are under the MIT one.
The k4thos repo (Now outdated) have some characters and all of the mugen files.

2) Yes it supports xinput.

3) There is a credits system in arcade mode. Make a coin operated mode is something people actually have requested so maybe it could be implemented into the future.
Arcade mode needs a lot of changes because right now is not working correctly so maybe it could be implemented at that time.

About using Ikemen commercially it could be used but you have to create a new screenpack (Because elecbyte non commercial use) and use the .zss vesion of common1.

4) Right now the Ikemen developers are well, not centralized... so who is the money for, on what base it will be split?
For me it's a hobby so on my part I will not make a Patreon.

5) Actually my fork is not forked from the K4thos one is based on the Suehiro one the reason it haves the Plus features is because Suehiro ported them to his fork. About the name right now we say Ikemen GO <Insert dev here> fork, if we want to specify what one.

6) He left, nobody knows why. he contributed a lot to the engine and that's what's important. Right now he is working on a Baldur's Gate II mod if you are curious.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on June 06, 2019, 11:20:02 pm
Does anyone know a program that can do controller macros?

You mean softwares that map keyboard buttons to controller?There are two freeware software about it.Joytokey,Xpadder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 06, 2019, 11:46:38 pm
No, more like press a sequence of buttons with the press of a single one.
I found one


I finally set up the CI/CD to make 32 but builds!

The 32 bit build are the Win x86 one.
Also bundles whit soft_opeanAL so now the windows users don't have to install anything.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: EVILED on June 07, 2019, 01:13:49 am
I tried to get the engine running and I keep running into it crashing. I made an issue report. Not sure how to give it a tag as a bug. I'll link it here.

1) That refers to the common1.cns file, it is copyrighted by elecbyte and it's under the mugen licence.
All the other files in the repo are under the MIT one.
The k4thos repo (Now outdated) have some characters and all of the mugen files.

3) There is a credits system in arcade mode. Make a coin operated mode is something people actually have requested so maybe it could be implemented into the future.
Arcade mode needs a lot of changes because right now is not working correctly so maybe it could be implemented at that time.

About using Ikemen commercially it could be used but you have to create a new screenpack (Because elecbyte non commercial use) and use the .zss vesion of common1.

Thank you for your fast and informative reply. That was something that I was trying to understand when I first saw Ikemen and started asking people about it. I was confused as to whether it was wholly self contained or if it did sit on top of mugen somehow.

Sorry if this is a stupid batch of questions right here. I am not a programmer and this makes me wonder a lot of things. What is the difference between the common1.cns and the zss vesion of common1? From what I gathered from your reply, common1.cns is under the mugen license and can not be used commercially while the .zss vesion of common1 could be used commercially. (Unless I misunderstood. I might have.) If so, what license is the .zss vesion of common1 under? If the .zss vesion of common1 is under an MIT compatible license, wouldn't it be better to use that and have everything be under MIT or an MIT compatible licence? Or, is the .zss vesion of common1 incomplete or inferior in performance in some way? If that is the case, is the plan to at some point replace the common1.cns file with the .zss vesion of common1? Looking in as someone who doesn't know programming, it seems kind of silly to have one file be licened in one way, especially if there is an alternative to it, while the rest of the old files have been done away with and the entire rest of the program is under MIT. As you noted, it could stand in the way of commercial use if someone were able to find a way to set up a coin operated cabinet. This is probably the most stupid question, but this is how I learn, what does common1 actually do? By its name, I'm assuming it's some form of library or script that the program references to be able to operate correctly. Depending on how complicated and integral it is might explain why it might to difficult to replace and retain functionality. I don't know. I'm just guessing.

It's good to know that it's just one mugen file with this engine, though, compared to all of them. Progress.

4) Right now the Ikemen developers are well, not centralized... so who is the money for, on what base it will be split?
For me it's a hobby so on my part I will not make a Patreon.

Still, it's amazing work and something I don't know how to do. It feels wrong to not help out somehow or reward people who dedicate their time on the engine. Sense I don't know how to program, I don't know how else I can help out.

5) Actually my fork is not forked from the K4thos one is based on the Suehiro one the reason it haves the Plus features is because Suehiro ported them to his fork. About the name right now we say Ikemen GO <Insert dev here> fork, if we want to specify what one.

What does Ikemen mean? I looked it up and all I keep getting is "handsome" and "beautiful man."

Thank you for your responses. They have helped me understand better.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on June 07, 2019, 02:46:00 am
What does Ikemen mean? I looked it up and all I keep getting is "handsome" and "beautiful man."

Itumademo Kanseishinai Eienni Mikansei ENgine
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 07, 2019, 03:21:34 am
. As you noted, it could stand in the way of commercial use if someone were able to find a way to set up a coin operated cabinet.

It's good to know that it's just one mugen file with this engine, though, compared to all of them. Progress.

Thank you for your responses. They have helped me understand better.

It will happend the same as STEPMANIA , you can use ikemen engine for an arcade machine but don't forget the games assets, characters, sounds and some code mechanics have copyright and can't be used for comercial use.

You can only use this to make a 100% original games because we ( or myself) can't support piracy with those mame machines and 100000 roms which can be free obtained (dubious ways).

MUGEN on wich ikemen is based have original games that can be counted with one hand and of course MIT licence admits to obtain the source code of any fork by itself.

If you make money, everyone can too by default so not get to exited about the future coin feature, it Will be most for nostalgic purposes (As FreePlay too).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: EVILED on June 07, 2019, 05:27:39 am
. As you noted, it could stand in the way of commercial use if someone were able to find a way to set up a coin operated cabinet.

It's good to know that it's just one mugen file with this engine, though, compared to all of them. Progress.

Thank you for your responses. They have helped me understand better.

It will happend the same as STEPMANIA , you can use ikemen engine for an arcade machine but don't forget the games assets, characters, sounds and some code mechanics have copyright and can't be used for comercial use.

You can only use this to make a 100% original games because we ( or myself) can't support piracy with those mame machines and 100000 roms which can be free obtained (dubious ways).

MUGEN on wich ikemen is based have original games that can be counted with one hand and of course MIT licence admits to obtain the source code of any fork by itself.

If you make money, everyone can too by default so not get to exited about the future coin feature, it Will be most for nostalgic purposes (As FreePlay too).

Well I figured it would mostly be for nostalgia as well. Like I said before, though I do know my posts are long and ramble, I don't own anywhere where I could operate one anyway if I ever did make one. That, and also like I said before, finding assets that could legally be used commercial would be difficult. Really, nearly impossible, unless I made them myself or funded someone to make them. That, or ask. But, as copyright law works here in the US, even works published without a license (such as basically all community mugen content) is presumed copyrighted unless specifically stated otherwise; whether that was the original intent or not. It has lead to some confusion, as some people assume that if it's just put out there without anything it's public domain. But, it doesn't work that way here. It has to be under something or it's assumed as full copyright. That, and contacting people from ten years ago and further back to get permission would be near impossible. Which would also be largely pointless because most (or at least a lot of) mugen content is based on characters owned by companies anyway.

I also realize that anyone could make profit by the engine as well. That doesn't bother me. Commercial use is part of Free Software. Richard Stallman has spoken of it often. There is even a page on the FSF site explaining it to people because so many people misunderstand it. (

I spent a lot of time in my college years reading his essays in Free Software Free Society as well as watching videos of his lectures. So, I do have a pretty good understanding of the Free Software and Richard Stallman. People sell Freedoom on Android. Not for much money, but they do. That, and an arcade cabinet is based more on physical location than distribution. Something of a novelty to the retro days that someone might pop a quarter or two in for some fun. More amusement than they'd get from a gum ball or small plastic toy.

I do feel that, at the very least, the engine itself should be entirely Free Software. Mugen is a community based around community development of content and it always made me frustrated that mugen was never eventually licensed under the MIT, or GNU GPL, or something similar. DOOM was and that allowed its fans to take the engine to new and exciting heights. So, it made me frustrated that the same couldn't be done here with mugen. That is why I eventually started to look to see if anyone had a replacement engine for mugen that was licensed as Free Software. That lead me to Ikemen Go Plus.

That's why I kept pushing for it to have a clearly stated license about a year ago and why it still bothers me that it still sits on a mugen file. I assume that this can be fixed eventually and that this mugen file can be replaced over time. I hope I'm not wrong about that.

As far as any personal profit, I always thought it would be neat to run my own arcade machine. Maybe even build one. Though, I'm not entirely sure about building one. My Step Dad has the tools to do it and I know computers well enough to handle that side of things. He could help with construction, as far as advising me on how to build it. That could be a nice project for us to work on together.

I figured if anything maybe I could make some sort of game using digitized actors like mortal kombat did. Maybe have people at work who are interested play the characters. That, or make something with stop motion animation. Some project ideas come to mind. I kind of figured if I got something running maybe I could convince my job to let me operate it in the break room or someone at a local bar. Maybe split whatever profits it makes 50/50. I also asked about donations as I think contributing back is important and the people working on the engine should also make something. Again, I did donate for about a year to the FSF as a member. If it helps the community and makes the engine better; it would make sense to fund development. I figured if there was a way, maybe throw like $100.00 in their direction as a thank you for the joy of the engine itself. Then, maybe if I did someday ever find a way to operate an arcade cabinet maybe donate back a percentage of the profit. Maybe like 1/3 or 1/10. I don't know. Whatever might seem appropriate. Unreal takes 5% off gross profit after someone makes $3000.00. So I figured if I ever did make a cabinet that made money that I might do something like 10% of the profit until the cabinet is paid off and then maybe 1/3 after. I don't know. Figured I'd cross that bridge if or when I came to it. But, I do feel that people working on the engine should make some profit. Especially if other people are making a profit from their work. I do believe Free Software can work that way if people are mindful that infesting in development pays and paves for the future.

For Free Software Purity and for the potential that someone might be able to find some way to make some money with the engine and not have any legal roadblocks; the engine should be cleansed of all proprietary licensed code. Having proprietary assets such as themes, fonts, characters, stages and such bundled with the engine doesn't really bother me because it gives people something to play out of the box when they download it and all of those elements are art assets that could be cleaned out and replaced with license compliant assets should anyone want to develop a game with the engine and monetize their game. That's just resource replacement. But, code is something that can get tricky to replace. Especially considering I and a lot of people don't know how to program. Swapping assets is one thing; replacing an entire file that the engine depends on to function is something I don't understand how to do. I would assume most other people wouldn't understand how to do that either. Modding config files to add content and change settings isn't that hard. Learning how to program from scratch to replace one file to bring the entire project into Free Software License Compatibility is beyond me.

Also, Ikemen Go Plus could be usable as an indie game fighting engine if this issue gets resolved. The engine is mostly Free Software; aside from the one mugen file and the theme. If the entire engine does get brought over to Free Software License Compatibility, then people could make and copyright their own characters and stages and sell the game on Steam or something for like $1 to $5 dollars. It might not seem like much, but the creator of FNAF is sitting on a fortune for his $7 games and character licensing and that's a point and click game about animatronic animals. If someone made a fighting game with really cool art direction and well balanced characters; I think people would pay $5 for it. I'm not saying FNAF levels of money should be expected. But, you never know. There has been success with retro games over the last ten or so years.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 07, 2019, 07:11:21 am
This is the exact same conversation with another user last year who likes doom engine mods and was talking about the licences issues with ikemen and the possibilities with proffit.

what-exactly-are-ikemen-and-ikemen plus (

The difference is that he was talking about Libre software instead of free software,  you can take a look.
Believe me , in the community around Mugen there is a little line to cross when talking about money, proffit and commercial releases.
This is a hobby and sure are manners to obtain feeds, just don´t do the same as many people making bad things disguised as good things.

ikemen-and-deep-learning (

Use the engine as you wish and make anything you want, only respect what needs to be respected, that´s all, have fun and accomplish your dreams.
I hope to see your arcade machine finished one day.

EDIT: This is a release discussion thread, anything about personal dreams and nightmares belong to their respective section, please avoid more of that big writing blocks not related here.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: EVILED on June 07, 2019, 05:02:04 pm
This is the exact same conversation with another user last year who likes doom engine mods and was talking about the licences issues with ikemen and the possibilities with proffit.

what-exactly-are-ikemen-and-ikemen plus (

The difference is that he was talking about Libre software instead of free software,  you can take a look.
Believe me , in the community around Mugen there is a little line to cross when talking about money, proffit and commercial releases.
This is a hobby and sure are manners to obtain feeds, just don´t do the same as many people making bad things disguised as good things.

ikemen-and-deep-learning (

Use the engine as you wish and make anything you want, only respect what needs to be respected, that´s all, have fun and accomplish your dreams.
I hope to see your arcade machine finished one day.

EDIT: This is a release discussion thread, anything about personal dreams and nightmares belong to their respective section, please avoid more of that big writing blocks not related here.


I won't make any more long replies to this specific thread that are not on topic, and I will keep this reply brief. But, you brought up two points that I wanted to address quickly.

I am the same user. I said that at the start. I forgot my old account information and related e-mail from a year ago (a year is a long time) and have been gone about a year. I made a new account when I realized that development had picked back up again and that the license issue got sorted out (aside from one file.)

This is not the same engine as mugen. So, commercialization is a line that needs crossed and discussed. Mugen was under a non-commercial license. This engine is under a commercial license (aside from one mugen file and one theme pack.) That said, I have tried to be as respectful about that as possible. I have a lot to say on this. So, I'm going to finish this post and actually start a separate thread on this topic. It can be found at the link below.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on June 07, 2019, 09:19:09 pm
About macros.

You can use a software like autoit, assign movements and even full combos on the keyboard keys, then assign the keyboard key that executes the script to a button on your gamepad using Joytokey or Xpadder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 07, 2019, 09:40:56 pm
About macros.

You can use a software like autoit, assign movements and even full combos on the keyboard keys, then assign the keyboard key that executes the script to a button on your gamepad using Joytokey or Xpadder.

You mean like in Ultra SFII (Assign certain moves to certain Buttons) and Tekken 7 (Combo Assists)?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on June 08, 2019, 06:37:52 am
Is this useful for this engine?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 08, 2019, 06:58:46 am
Hey gacel you said that on github fightfx scale needs to be ported.But it already exist on fight.def in ikemen data folder?

Also UMK3 engine's source code is leaked for a year.It may be useful for you.
Is this useful for this engine?

There is even the MK Trilogy and others but the source for all are in assembler or C and are oriented for devkit consoles, the one you linked is for play station, maybe only the ones intended for pc should be used only to study how works, but there is no real use, remember ikemen uses go language and any addition must be reinterpreted and recoded, also those leaked sources and codes are copyrighted, owned  and porsuit by warner bros. 
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on June 10, 2019, 10:42:32 pm
Char music doesnt play on free battle mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on June 11, 2019, 07:44:14 am
I'm pretty sure only stage music plays on free battle mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on June 14, 2019, 09:01:29 pm
Gacel i found something useful for you about openGL
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: XANDERAC on June 17, 2019, 07:52:47 pm
I recently got myself the Brokenmugen Ikemen GO screenpack, and have just been trying to figure out 2 main things, not sure why none of the stage music coded into the stages won't play, and secondly whenever I keep trying to give characters a specific arcade ladder but it keeps crashing Ikemen whenever I try to use the character I gave arrangement to.

I've been looking through some of the posts and haven't really found a resolution, from what I understand wouldn't this be the correct method?
Ryu, random, order=1, 2=Ken, 5=Kyo, 9=Akuma

The stages with music coded into the stage.def file won't play
I heard that this was the alternative, but haven't had success with either method. Any help would be much appreciated
stages/KOFU-NPalace.def, music=sound/song.mp3
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 17, 2019, 07:54:32 pm
Wait aren't you using the newest versions of GO Plus posted here?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: XANDERAC on June 17, 2019, 09:30:02 pm
I downloaded one that had a premade screenpack so I'm not sure what version it came with, I also couldnt exactly figure out how to compile the build together since it's not just a straight download and seems like it had multiple steps, I had some stuff that didn't seem like it was matching up when I was trying to follow the tutorial. Also when I looked into some of the "downloads" sections for NeatUnsou's or the original build they didn't seem to have anything listed in their respective downloads sections. My apologies if I missed something but as far as I could see there was no simple way of just downloading the current build unless I misunderstood something.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on June 17, 2019, 10:13:46 pm
I downloaded one that had a premade screenpack so I'm not sure what version it came with, I also couldnt exactly figure out how to compile the build together since it's not just a straight download and seems like it had multiple steps, I had some stuff that didn't seem like it was matching up when I was trying to follow the tutorial. Also when I looked into some of the "downloads" sections for NeatUnsou's or the original build they didn't seem to have anything listed in their respective downloads sections. My apologies if I missed something but as far as I could see there was no simple way of just downloading the current build unless I misunderstood something.

Also I forgot to say it. I uploaded the screenpack changes to github.
As always builds are in AppVeyor:

Curious fact: The 32 bit exe is lower in size, but the load times are a little higher. (About 5% more)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: XANDERAC on June 17, 2019, 10:28:12 pm
Hey MangeX thanks but I did try both that and the 64 bit and 32 bit versions I assume aren't complete, am I supposed to just add this to an existing build? because when I launch the exe included it also just crashes, I'm new to Ikemen so again I apologize
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on June 17, 2019, 11:54:36 pm
You need these:

They're not included with the main download for copyright reasons.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on June 18, 2019, 01:09:10 am
Hey MangeX thanks but I did try both that and the 64 bit and 32 bit versions I assume aren't complete, am I supposed to just add this to an existing build? because when I launch the exe included it also just crashes, I'm new to Ikemen so again I apologize
Stick to plus right now imo. There isn’t any huge gain from using Go right now. Don’t worry, you can easily port things over should things change. In that older version, mp3s don’t work. If you aren’t dead set on using a 1.1 SP, you can do everything else just fine with better stability.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: XANDERAC on June 18, 2019, 01:13:08 am
ah alright well thanks Plasmoid, I had downloaded a version of Ikemen plus (might have been older) but from what I understand for Ikemen Plus do you still have to individually patch all characters via the add004pie patcher or is it the same as Go where I can just drop the add004 files directly into the data folder to just have it automatically make all the characters work with it? Also is there any way to add any additional inputs into Plus? I saw that with go it had 3 extra inputs, so it was nice to just have a dedicated tag/assist button as well as a pause, not a deal breaker for sure but just trying to learn what I can. Thank you both for your assistance though!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 20, 2019, 02:21:46 am
Yeah Shiyo made it so for the Ikemen version, you don't need the pie app. Just make sure your chars aren't using seperate common files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on June 20, 2019, 02:55:21 pm
he needs the pie if he is using ikemen plus dude,just download add004 in onedrive,it contains all you need(dont download ikemen version thats for ikemen go.)
also issue .\script\options.lua:1335: cannot perform concat operation between nil and string
stack traceback:
   .\script\options.lua:1335: in function <.\script\options.lua:0>
   [G]: in function 'require'
   script/main.lua:1320: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
right after new update
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on June 20, 2019, 03:41:27 pm
been silent for a bit but idk where this is even going in the slightest now
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 20, 2019, 04:58:18 pm
Hey mark85 I'll check the bug, but I have to ask. Did you delete config.json after the update? (This is done to the file be updated)

A new update to the build system by me, now it creates the binaries in a bin directory, if is compiled on mac or linux now creates the correct filename and copies Ikemen_GO.command and the data and script folders to the bin directory so the only thing the user has to do is extract the mugen files and is ready to run the engine and ends up with a folder with only the necessary files.

Also new update by neatunsou! It adds... Platforms?
The ability to change the angle of the projectiles and... groundangle?

Also adds:

Returns the distance to the end of the stage behind you.

Returns the distance to the stage edge ahead of you.

Here is the commit code:
Not sure what it does by just code. I'll try to see what it does on the engine.

Been silent for a bit but idk where this is even going in the slightest now

I'm coding stuff to improve compatibility with mugen, kidcy is rewriting the png loading system and neatunsou is adding new features and fixing bugs.
Sorry for begin silent these 13 days I was doing personal affairs outside internet.


Here is the commit comment translated:
Add Stagefrontedge, Stagebackedge.
Add projangle to Projectile.
When Destroyself is executed during the frame bound to target, the specification to return bind destination to 5050 is invalid.
Fix localcoord support for BindToTarget.
Add a platform function for creating a foothold in the Projectile, deprecated as it is still being made.

So yeah. They are real platforms!
Groundangle is the angle the platform is. (Slopes)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: kidcy on June 20, 2019, 09:42:20 pm
New PNG loading is still WIP, but in the meantime i've implemented MSAA. Now it looks even better :)
Don't know if we should make this an option though.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on June 20, 2019, 09:45:06 pm
That looks very nice! Imo it would be nice to have it as an option.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on June 20, 2019, 11:56:09 pm
Post-processing anti-alias can be resource-intensive, so I'd leave it as an option. Most games do this anyway.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on June 23, 2019, 08:49:27 pm
I was meant to go over this a month or so ago but you should maybe look into the zoom code on the chars.
I tested Mr.Ansatsuken's 1.1 version of his Broly. These screenshots are of the Camera Zoom on his supers.
Normal (No Zoom):
Zoomed Out to the right of the stage (Training is to the right off screen):
I can probably post a video if you don't understand.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on June 27, 2019, 05:58:29 pm
Tagging @Neat Unsou: because they redid the buffer.

There's an issue with the modified command buffer that I noticed after successfully backporting it to SSZ, wherein a character that has a double-tap input (dash, hop, etc.) will inconsistently perform them with a single tap. At first I thought I'd messed something up, but I encountered the issue in GO as well, so the issue lies with those modifications.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on June 29, 2019, 07:12:47 am
I was meant to go over this a month or so ago but you should maybe look into the zoom code on the chars.
I tested Mr.Ansatsuken's 1.1 version of his Broly. These screenshots are of the Camera Zoom on his supers.
Normal (No Zoom):
Zoomed Out to the right of the stage (Training is to the right off screen):
I can probably post a video if you don't understand.

So let me see if I understand.
The first screenshot is when you use the super with the stage zoom option disabled. (So it works as intended)
The second one when you enable stage zoom. (And the bug happens)

I'll download the char to test it myself.

Also I updated the engine again.
Remember that when you loaded a screenpack from a diferent location than the default one it aparear the need to add "font/" at the start of each font to load correctly.
Well now I fixed (Finish my own work) and now it should load correctly from any directory.

And also kidcy added MSAA!

So I made edits to stdout_windows.go for instead of creating a console it attaches to the console it was launched from (If it exist)
So that removes the console on windows but allows output to it. :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: REDHOT on June 29, 2019, 05:23:27 pm
Guys! keep it up the good work!

Question: Is it possible to elaborate a code/system able to purchase things inside the game? for example with points on every battle that you fought.
Creating a new section that with those points you could purchase more characters, stages, etc.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Koopa901 on June 29, 2019, 05:24:19 pm
sounds like Marvel vs Capcom 2
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on June 29, 2019, 09:18:04 pm
I was testing out the latest version of the windows variant of Ikemen GO plus compared to mugen 1.1 and I decided to record the two with KFM doing the same combo. (if you're curious, yes I had put noko and made KFM heal to max after 100 state ticks afterwords simulating how mugen's training mode works with healing)

Ikemen GO Plus:

Mugen 1.1:

Few things I had observed with Ikemen GO plus compared to mugen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on June 29, 2019, 11:27:30 pm
Looks like it's counting pausetime as actual time between hits for that reason it ends up resetting combo hits, I think. Looks like pausetime has some issues
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Nostalgic on July 05, 2019, 02:06:21 am
i love this IKEMEN

 subscribe in my channel.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on July 05, 2019, 08:01:56 am
Good luck with this, looks interesting. You make these yourself? Isn't that mugen you are using?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 11, 2019, 03:24:18 am
I try to make some commits about fluidsynth, but I need some help


Maybe this can be helpful

Showing what is fluidsytnh

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 12, 2019, 11:45:57 pm
Back again.

About making a in game store.
It's posible but not easy right now there is no score system.
The store fontend could be made in lua and there

It seems that Afterfx and the combo counter time is ignoring pausetime.
Another 2 bugs.

About fluidsytnh...
I have investigated and there are bindings for GO but are undocumented and I have not a single clue on how to use it.
I will try to build a basic command line app that loads a midi to get a hang on it.


Also new features by neatunsou.
[state test]
type = MatchRestart
trigger1 = time = 10
p1def = "kfm.def"
p2def = "kfm.def"
Stagedef = "stage0.def"
reload = 1,1
Reset the round and resume. (Same effect as debug key F4)

Set Reload to 1 to reload the file and restart the round from the beginning. (Same effect as the debug key Shift + F4)

One item of Reload specifies whether P1 or 2 item reloads P2. If all 0, do not reload and reset the round.

When the path of def file is specified in P1def, P2def, Stagedef, the file is read when reloading. The pass at that time is based on the execution character.
A interesting one it could be made for a boss that changes stages (And character def) in the second round for example.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on July 13, 2019, 01:44:07 am
All i get is a black screen with the new version and ikemen doesnt start at all.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on July 13, 2019, 03:25:39 am
All i get is a black screen with the new version and ikemen doesnt start at all.

Possibly due to the MSAA implementation.
This will need to be an option.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on July 13, 2019, 05:00:57 am
Maybe MSAA is not compatible with all graphics cards because my pc can definitely run high specs games (I7, 8gb sapphire with 12gb ram).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 13, 2019, 05:27:24 am
Back again.

About making a in game store.
It's posible but not easy right now there is no score system.
The store fontend could be made in lua and there

It seems that Afterfx and the combo counter time is ignoring pausetime.
Another 2 bugs.

About fluidsytnh...
I have investigated and there are bindings for GO but are undocumented and I have not a single clue on how to use it.
I will try to build a basic command line app that loads a midi to get a hang on it.


Also new features by neatunsou.
[state test]
type = MatchRestart
trigger1 = time = 10
p1def = "kfm.def"
p2def = "kfm.def"
Stagedef = "stage0.def"
reload = 1,1
Reset the round and resume. (Same effect as debug key F4)

Set Reload to 1 to reload the file and restart the round from the beginning. (Same effect as the debug key Shift + F4)

One item of Reload specifies whether P1 or 2 item reloads P2. If all 0, do not reload and reset the round.

When the path of def file is specified in P1def, P2def, Stagedef, the file is read when reloading. The pass at that time is based on the execution character.
A interesting one it could be made for a boss that changes stages (And character def) in the second round for example.

IDK if this is somepart of the basic usage of Fluidsynth but let me share you, the little things do I have:

Standalone mode of fluidsynth
You can simply use fluidsynth to play MIDI files:

$ fluidsynth -a alsa -m alsa_seq -l -i /usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2 example.midi
assuming than you installed soundfont-fluid.

There are many other options to fluidsynth; see manpage or use -h to get help.

One may wish to use pulseaudio instead of alsa as the argument to the -a option.

Tip: The soundfont does not needed to be specified every time if a symbolic link created for the default soundfont, e.g.
ln -s FluidR3_GM.sf2 /usr/share/soundfonts/default.sf2

ALSA daemon mode
If you want fluidsynth to run as ALSA daemon, edit /etc/conf.d/fluidsynth and add your soundfont along with any other changes you would like to make. For e.g., fluidr3:
OTHER_OPTS='-a alsa -m alsa_seq -r 48000'

After that, you can start/enable the fluidsynth service. Note that you can't use root to restart the fluidsynth service, if you're using the pulseaudio driver. Pulseaudio won't allow root to connect, since the pulseaudio server is usually started by the user (and not root). You can solve it by creating a systemd/User service (replacing with in the copied fluidsynth.service).

The following will give you an output software MIDI port (in addition of hardware MIDI ports on your system, if any):

$ aconnect -o
client 128: 'FLUID Synth (5117)' [type=user]
   0 'Synth input port (5117:0)

An example of usage for this is aplaymidi:
$ aplaymidi -p128:0 example.midi

To use fluidsynth with programs that use SDL_Mixer, you need to specify the soundfont as:
 $ SDL_SOUNDFONTS=/usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2 ./program

Source  link ( ( (

Now, let me share you some info about the API (the bad thing is the library is a C library)

Creating and changing the settings

Before you can use the synthesizer, you have to create a settings object. The settings objects is used by many components of the FluidSynth library. It gives a unified API to set the parameters of the audio drivers, the midi drivers, the synthesizer, and so forth. A number of default settings are defined by the current implementation.

All settings have a name that follows the "dotted-name" notation. For example, "synth.polyphony" refers to the number of voices (polyphony) allocated by the synthesizer. The settings also have a type. There are currently three types: strings, numbers (double floats), and integers. You can change the values of a setting using the fluid_settings_setstr(), fluid_settings_setnum(), and fluid_settings_setint() functions. For example:

#include <fluidsynth.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    fluid_settings_t* settings = new_fluid_settings();
    fluid_settings_setint(settings, "synth.polyphony", 128);
    /* ... */
    return 0;

The API contains the functions to query the type, the current value, the default value, the range and the "hints" of a setting. The range is the minimum and maximum value of the setting. The hints gives additional information about a setting. For example, whether a string represents a filename. Or whether a number should be interpreted on on a logarithmic scale. Check the settings.h API documentation for a description of all functions.

Creating the synthesizer

To create the synthesizer, you pass it the settings object, as in the following example:
#include <fluidsynth.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    fluid_settings_t* settings;
    fluid_synth_t* synth;
    settings = new_fluid_settings();
    synth = new_fluid_synth(settings);
    /* Do useful things here */
    return 0;
For a full list of available synthesizer settings, please refer to FluidSettings Documentation.

Creating the Audio Driver

The synthesizer itself does not write any audio to the audio output. This allows application developers to manage the audio output themselves if they wish. The next section describes the use of the synthesizer without an audio driver in more detail.

Creating the audio driver is straightforward: set the audio.driver settings and create the driver object. Because the FluidSynth has support for several audio systems, you may want to change which one you want to use. The list below shows the audio systems that are currently supported. It displays the name, as used by the fluidsynth library, and a description.

jack: JACK Audio Connection Kit (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
alsa: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (Linux)
oss: Open Sound System (Linux, Unix)
pulseaudio: PulseAudio (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
coreaudio: Apple CoreAudio (Mac OS X)
dsound: Microsoft DirectSound (Windows)
portaudio: PortAudio Library (Mac OS 9 & X, Windows, Linux)
sndman: Apple SoundManager (Mac OS Classic)
dart: DART sound driver (OS/2)
opensles: OpenSL ES (Android)
oboe: Oboe (Android)
file: Driver to output audio to a file
sdl2*: Simple DirectMedia Layer (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, FreeBSD, Haiku, etc.)

The default audio driver depends on the settings with which FluidSynth was compiled. You can get the default driver with fluid_settings_getstr_default(). To get the list of available drivers use the fluid_settings_foreach_option() function. Finally, you can set the driver with fluid_settings_setstr(). In most cases, the default driver should work out of the box.

Additional options that define the audio quality and latency are "audio.sample-format", "audio.period-size", and "audio.periods". The details are described later.

You create the audio driver with the new_fluid_audio_driver() function. This function takes the settings and synthesizer object as arguments. For example:

void init() 
    fluid_settings_t* settings;
    fluid_synth_t* synth;
    fluid_audio_driver_t* adriver;
    settings = new_fluid_settings();
    /* Set the synthesizer settings, if necessary */
    synth = new_fluid_synth(settings);
    fluid_settings_setstr(settings, "audio.driver", "jack");
    adriver = new_fluid_audio_driver(settings, synth);

As soon as the audio driver is created, it will start playing. The audio driver creates a separate thread that uses the synthesizer object to generate the audio.

There are a number of general audio driver settings. The audio.driver settings define the audio subsystem that will be used. The audio.periods and audio.period-size settings define the latency and robustness against scheduling delays. There are additional settings for the audio subsystems used. For a full list of available audio driver settings, please refer to FluidSettings Documentation.

*Note: In order to use sdl2 as audio driver, the application is responsible for initializing SDL (e.g. with SDL_Init()). This must be done before the first call to new_fluid_settings()! Also make sure to call SDL_Quit() after all fluidsynth instances have been destroyed.

Using the synthesizer without an audio driver

It is possible to use the synthesizer object without creating an audio driver. This is desirable if the application using FluidSynth manages the audio output itself. The synthesizer has several API functions that can be used to obtain the audio output:

fluid_synth_write_s16() fills two buffers (left and right channel) with samples coded as signed 16 bits (the endian-ness is machine dependent). fluid_synth_write_float() fills a left and right audio buffer with 32 bits floating point samples. The function fluid_synth_process() is the generic interface for synthesizing audio, which is also capable of multi channel audio output.

Loading and managing SoundFonts

Before any sound can be produced, the synthesizer needs a SoundFont.

SoundFonts are loaded with the fluid_synth_sfload() function. The function takes the path to a SoundFont file and a boolean to indicate whether the presets of the MIDI channels should be updated after the SoundFont is loaded. When the boolean value is TRUE, all MIDI channel bank and program numbers will be refreshed, which may cause new instruments to be selected from the newly loaded SoundFont.

The synthesizer can load any number of SoundFonts. The loaded SoundFonts are treated as a stack, where each new loaded SoundFont is placed at the top of the stack. When selecting presets by bank and program numbers, SoundFonts are searched beginning at the top of the stack. In the case where there are presets in different SoundFonts with identical bank and program numbers, the preset from the most recently loaded SoundFont is used. The fluid_synth_program_select() can be used for unambiguously selecting a preset or bank offsets could be applied to each SoundFont with fluid_synth_set_bank_offset(), to try and ensure that each preset has unique bank and program numbers.

The fluid_synth_sfload() function returns the unique identifier of the loaded SoundFont, or -1 in case of an error. This identifier is used in subsequent management functions: fluid_synth_sfunload() removes the SoundFont, fluid_synth_sfreload() reloads the SoundFont. When a SoundFont is reloaded, it retains it's ID and position on the SoundFont stack.

Additional API functions are provided to get the number of loaded SoundFonts and to get a pointer to the SoundFont.

Creating a Real-time MIDI Driver

FluidSynth can process real-time MIDI events received from hardware MIDI ports or other applications. To do so, the client must create a MIDI input driver. It is a very similar process to the creation of the audio driver: you initialize some properties in a settings instance and call the new_fluid_midi_driver() function providing a callback function that will be invoked when a MIDI event is received. The following MIDI drivers are currently supported:

jack: JACK Audio Connection Kit MIDI driver (Linux, Mac OS X)
oss: Open Sound System raw MIDI (Linux, Unix)
alsa_raw: ALSA raw MIDI interface (Linux)
alsa_seq: ALSA sequencer MIDI interface (Linux)
winmidi: Microsoft Windows MM System (Windows)
midishare: MIDI Share (Linux, Mac OS X)
coremidi: Apple CoreMIDI (Mac OS X)

#include <fluidsynth.h>
int handle_midi_event(void* data, fluid_midi_event_t* event)
    printf("event type: %d\n", fluid_midi_event_get_type(event));
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    fluid_settings_t* settings;
    fluid_midi_driver_t* mdriver;
    settings = new_fluid_settings();
    mdriver = new_fluid_midi_driver(settings, handle_midi_event, NULL);
    /* ... */   
    return 0;

There are a number of general MIDI driver settings. The midi.driver setting defines the MIDI subsystem that will be used. There are additional settings for the MIDI subsystems used. For a full list of available midi driver settings, please refer to FluidSettings Documentation.

Loading and Playing a MIDI file

FluidSynth can be used to play MIDI files, using the MIDI File Player interface. It follows a high level implementation, though its implementation is currently incomplete. After initializing the synthesizer, create the player passing the synth instance to new_fluid_player(). Then, you can add some SMF file names to the player using fluid_player_add(), and finally call fluid_player_play() to start the playback. You can check if the player has finished by calling fluid_player_get_status(), or wait for the player to terminate using fluid_player_join().

#include <fluidsynth.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int i;
    fluid_settings_t* settings;
    fluid_synth_t* synth;
    fluid_player_t* player;
    fluid_audio_driver_t* adriver;
    settings = new_fluid_settings();
    synth = new_fluid_synth(settings);
    player = new_fluid_player(synth);
    adriver = new_fluid_audio_driver(settings, synth);
    /* process command line arguments */
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (fluid_is_soundfont(argv[i])) {
           fluid_synth_sfload(synth, argv[1], 1);
        if (fluid_is_midifile(argv[i])) {
            fluid_player_add(player, argv[i]);
    /* play the midi files, if any */
    /* wait for playback termination */
    /* cleanup */
    return 0;

A list of available MIDI player settings can be found in FluidSettings Documentation.

Fast file renderer for non-realtime MIDI file rendering

Instead of creating an audio driver as described in section Loading and Playing a MIDI file one may chose to use the file renderer, which is the fastest way to synthesize MIDI files.

fluid_settings_t* settings;
fluid_synth_t* synth;
fluid_player_t* player;
fluid_file_renderer_t* renderer;
settings = new_fluid_settings();
// specify the file to store the audio to
// make sure you compiled fluidsynth with libsndfile to get a real wave file
// otherwise this file will only contain raw s16 stereo PCM
fluid_settings_setstr(settings, "", "/path/to/output.wav");
// use number of samples processed as timing source, rather than the system timer
fluid_settings_setstr(settings, "player.timing-source", "sample");
// since this is a non-realtime szenario, there is no need to pin the sample data
fluid_settings_setint(settings, "synth.lock-memory", 0);
synth = new_fluid_synth(settings);
// *** loading of a soundfont omitted ***
player = new_fluid_player(synth);
fluid_player_add(player, "/path/to/midifile.mid");
renderer = new_fluid_file_renderer (synth);
while (fluid_player_get_status(player) == FLUID_PLAYER_PLAYING)
    if (fluid_file_renderer_process_block(renderer) != FLUID_OK)
// just for sure: stop the playback explicitly and wait until finished

Various output files types are supported, if compiled with libsndfile. Those can be specified via the settings object as well. Refer to the FluidSettings Documentation for more audio.file.* options.

So, taking on mind the function of the Fluidsytnh API, now its time to understand the go bindings

So, From squeeky Fluidsyhnth binding, we will take on: Driver.go
package fluidsynth

// #cgo pkg-config: fluidsynth
// #include <fluidsynth.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"

type AudioDriver struct {
ptr *C.fluid_audio_driver_t

func NewAudioDriver(settings Settings, synth Synth) AudioDriver {
return AudioDriver{C.new_fluid_audio_driver(settings.ptr, synth.ptr)}

func (d *AudioDriver) Delete() {

type FileRenderer struct {
ptr *C.fluid_file_renderer_t

func NewFileRenderer(synth Synth) FileRenderer {
return FileRenderer{C.new_fluid_file_renderer(synth.ptr)}

func (r *FileRenderer) Delete() {

func (r *FileRenderer) ProcessBlock() bool {
return C.fluid_file_renderer_process_block(r.ptr) == C.FLUID_OK

Now, we instrospect a little on:  sound.go
import "C"

import (

type Synth struct {
csettings *C.fluid_settings_t
csynth *C.fluid_synth_t
cdriver *C.fluid_audio_driver_t
ptr *C.fluid_synth_t

func NewSynth(settings map[string]interface{}) *Synth {
csettings, _ := C.new_fluid_settings()
for key, value := range settings {
ckey := C.CString(key)
switch value := value.(type) {
case string:
cval := C.CString(value)
C.fluid_settings_setstr(csettings, ckey, cval)
case int:
C.fluid_settings_setint(csettings, ckey,
case float64:
C.fluid_settings_setnum(csettings, ckey, C.double(value))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "NewSynth: ignoring setting %s: unhandled type %T\n", key, value)
func cbool(b bool) {
if b {
return 1
csynth := C.new_fluid_synth(csettings)
//cdriver := C.new_fluid_audio_driver(csettings, csynth)
return &Synth{csettings, csynth, nil}
return 0

func NewSynth(settings Settings) Synth {
return Synth{C.new_fluid_synth(settings.ptr)}

func (s *Synth) Delete() {

func (s *Synth) SFLoad(path string, resetPresets bool) int {
cpath := C.CString(path)
creset :=
if !resetPresets {
creset = 0
cfont_id, _ := C.fluid_synth_sfload(s.csynth, cpath, creset)
creset := cbool(resetPresets)
cfont_id, _ := C.fluid_synth_sfload(s.ptr, cpath, creset)
return int(cfont_id)

/* XXX can this be run automatically on gc? */
func (s *Synth) Delete() {

func (s *Synth) NoteOn(channel, note, velocity uint8) {

func (s *Synth) NoteOff(channel, note uint8) {

func (s *Synth) ProgramChange(channel, program uint8) {

func (s *Synth) WriteFrames_int16(dst []int16) {
if len(dst) % 2 != 0 {
panic("dst not disivible by 2")
/* WriteS16 synthesizes signed 16-bit samples. It will fill as much of the provided
slices as it can without overflowing 'left' or 'right'. For interleaved stereo, have both
'left' and 'right' share a backing array and use lstride = rstride = 2. ie:
    synth.WriteS16(samples, samples[1:], 2, 2)
func (s *Synth) WriteS16(left, right []int16, lstride, rstride int) {
nframes := (len(left) + lstride - 1) / lstride
rframes := (len(right) + rstride - 1) / rstride
if rframes < nframes {
nframes = rframes
cbuf := unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0])
C.fluid_synth_write_s16(s.csynth,, cbuf, 0, 2, cbuf, 1, 2)
C.fluid_synth_write_s16(s.ptr,, unsafe.Pointer(&left[0]), 0,, unsafe.Pointer(&right[0]), 0,

func (s *Synth) WriteFloat(left, right []float32, lstride, rstride int) {
nframes := (len(left) + lstride - 1) / lstride
rframes := (len(right) + rstride - 1) / rstride
if rframes < nframes {
nframes = rframes
C.fluid_synth_write_float(s.ptr,, unsafe.Pointer(&left[0]), 0,, unsafe.Pointer(&right[0]), 0,

type TuningId struct {
Bank, Program uint8

/* ActivateKeyTuning creates/modifies a specific tuning bank/program */
func (s *Synth) ActivateKeyTuning(id TuningId, name string, tuning [128]float64, apply bool) {
n := C.CString(name)
C.fluid_synth_activate_key_tuning(s.ptr,,, n, (*C.double)(&tuning[0]), cbool(apply))

/* ActivateTuning switches a midi channel onto the specified tuning bank/program */
func (s *Synth) ActivateTuning(channel uint8, id TuningId, apply bool) {
C.fluid_synth_activate_tuning(s.ptr,,,, cbool(apply))

And no less important, settings.go

package fluidsynth

// #cgo pkg-config: fluidsynth
// #include <fluidsynth.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"

import (

var settingNames map[string]*C.char
var nSettings = 0

type Settings struct {
ptr *C.fluid_settings_t

func NewSettings() Settings {
if settingNames == nil {
settingNames = make(map[string]*C.char)
return Settings{ptr: C.new_fluid_settings()}

func (s *Settings) Delete() {
if nSettings == 0 {
settingNames = nil

func cname(name string) *C.char {
if cname, ok := settingNames[name]; ok {
return cname
cname := C.CString(name)
settingNames[name] = cname
return cname

/* IsRealtime returns true if changing the specified setting immediately affects an associated Synth */
func (s *Settings) IsRealtime(name string) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_is_realtime(s.ptr, cname(name)) == 1

func (s *Settings) SetInt(name string, val int) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_setint(s.ptr, cname(name), == 1

func (s *Settings) SetNum(name string, val float64) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_setnum(s.ptr, cname(name), C.double(val)) == 1

func (s *Settings) SetString(name, val string) bool {
cval := C.CString(val)
return C.fluid_settings_setstr(s.ptr, cname(name), cval) == 1


func (s *Settings) GetInt(name string, val *int) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_getint(s.ptr, cname(name), (* == 1

func (s *Settings) GetNum(name string, val *float64) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_getnum(s.ptr, cname(name), (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(val))) == 1

func (s *Settings) GetString(name string, val *string) bool {
var cstr *C.char
ok := (C.fluid_settings_getstr(s.ptr, cname(name), &cstr) == 1)
if ok {
*val = C.GoString(cstr)
return ok

So, Having this on mind, lets analize main.go and sound.go

So, We begin on Main.go

package main

import (


func init() {
func chk(err error) {
if err != nil {
func createLog(p string) *os.File {
//fmt.Println("Creating log")
f, err := os.Create(p)
if err != nil {
return f
func closeLog(f *os.File) {
//fmt.Println("Closing log")
func main() {
if len(os.Args[1:]) > 0 {
sys.cmdFlags = make(map[string]string)
key := ""
player := 1
for _, a := range os.Args[1:] {
match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-", a)
if match {
help, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-[h%?]", a)
if help {
fmt.Println("I.K.E.M.E.N\nOptions (case sensitive):")
fmt.Println(" -h -?               Help")
fmt.Println(" -log <logfile>      Records match data to <logfile>")
fmt.Println(" -r <sysfile>        Loads motif <sysfile>. eg. -r motifdir or -r motifdir/system.def")
fmt.Println("\nQuick VS Options:")
fmt.Println(" -p<n> <playername>  Loads player n, eg. -p3 kfm")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.ai <level>    Set player n's AI to <level>, eg. 8")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.color <col>   Set player n's color to <col>")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.life <life>   Sets player n's life to <life>")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.power <power> Sets player n's power to <power>")
fmt.Println(" -rounds <num>       Plays for <num> rounds, and then quits")
fmt.Println(" -s <stagename>      Loads stage <stagename>")
fmt.Println("\nPress ENTER to exit.")
var s string
sys.cmdFlags[a] = ""
key = a
} else if key == "" {
sys.cmdFlags[fmt.Sprintf("-p%v", player)] = a
player += 1
} else {
sys.cmdFlags[key] = a
key = ""
defer glfw.Terminate()
defcfg := []byte(strings.Join(strings.Split(`{
  "PostProcessingShader": 0,
  "LocalcoordScalingType": 1,
`, "\n"), "\r\n"))
tmp := struct {
HelperMax              int32
PlayerProjectileMax    int
ExplodMax              int
AfterImageMax          int32
MasterVolume           int
WavVolume              int
BgmVolume              int
Attack_LifeToPowerMul  float32 `json:"Attack.LifeToPowerMul"`
GetHit_LifeToPowerMul  float32 `json:"GetHit.LifeToPowerMul"`
Width                  int32
Height                 int32
Super_TargetDefenceMul float32 `json:"Super.TargetDefenceMul"`
LifebarFontScale       float32
System                 string
KeyConfig              []struct {
Joystick int
Buttons  []interface{}
JoystickConfig []struct {
Joystick int
Buttons  []interface{}
NumTag                int
TeamLifeShare         bool
AIRandomColor         bool
Fullscreen            bool
AudioDucking          bool
AllowDebugKeys        bool
PostProcessingShader  int32
LocalcoordScalingType int32
CommonAir             string
CommonCmd             string
QuickLaunch           int
chk(json.Unmarshal(defcfg, &tmp))
const configFile = "data/config.json"
if bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile); err != nil {
f, err := os.Create(configFile)
} else {
if len(bytes) >= 3 &&
bytes[0] == 0xef && bytes[1] == 0xbb && bytes[2] == 0xbf {
bytes = bytes[3:]
chk(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &tmp))
sys.helperMax = tmp.HelperMax
sys.playerProjectileMax = tmp.PlayerProjectileMax
sys.explodMax = tmp.ExplodMax
sys.afterImageMax = tmp.AfterImageMax
sys.attack_LifeToPowerMul = tmp.Attack_LifeToPowerMul
sys.getHit_LifeToPowerMul = tmp.GetHit_LifeToPowerMul
sys.super_TargetDefenceMul = tmp.Super_TargetDefenceMul
sys.lifebarFontScale = tmp.LifebarFontScale
sys.quickLaunch = tmp.QuickLaunch
sys.masterVolume = tmp.MasterVolume
sys.wavVolume = tmp.WavVolume
sys.bgmVolume = tmp.BgmVolume
sys.AudioDucking = tmp.AudioDucking
stoki := func(key string) int {
return int(StringToKey(key))
Atoi := func(key string) int {
var i int
i, _ = strconv.Atoi(key)
return i
for a := 0; a < tmp.NumTag; a++ {
for _, kc := range tmp.KeyConfig {
b := kc.Buttons
if kc.Joystick < 0 {
sys.keyConfig = append(sys.keyConfig, KeyConfig{kc.Joystick,
stoki(b[0].(string)), stoki(b[1].(string)),
stoki(b[2].(string)), stoki(b[3].(string)),
stoki(b[4].(string)), stoki(b[5].(string)), stoki(b[6].(string)),
stoki(b[7].(string)), stoki(b[8].(string)), stoki(b[9].(string)),
stoki(b[10].(string)), stoki(b[11].(string)), stoki(b[12].(string))})
for _, jc := range tmp.JoystickConfig {
b := jc.Buttons
if jc.Joystick >= 0 {
sys.JoystickConfig = append(sys.JoystickConfig, KeyConfig{jc.Joystick,
Atoi(b[0].(string)), Atoi(b[1].(string)),
Atoi(b[2].(string)), Atoi(b[3].(string)),
Atoi(b[4].(string)), Atoi(b[5].(string)), Atoi(b[6].(string)),
Atoi(b[7].(string)), Atoi(b[8].(string)), Atoi(b[9].(string)),
Atoi(b[10].(string)), Atoi(b[11].(string)), Atoi(b[12].(string))})
sys.teamLifeShare = tmp.TeamLifeShare
sys.fullscreen = tmp.Fullscreen
sys.PostProcessingShader = tmp.PostProcessingShader
sys.LocalcoordScalingType = tmp.LocalcoordScalingType
sys.aiRandomColor = tmp.AIRandomColor
sys.allowDebugKeys = tmp.AllowDebugKeys
air, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmp.CommonAir)
if err != nil {
sys.commonAir = string("\n") + string(air)
cmd, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmp.CommonCmd)
if err != nil {
sys.commonCmd = string("\n") + string(cmd)
//os.Mkdir("debug", os.ModeSticky|0755)
log := createLog("Ikemen.txt")
defer closeLog(log)
l := sys.init(tmp.Width, tmp.Height)
if err := l.DoFile(tmp.System); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(log, err)
switch err.(type) {
case *lua.ApiError:
errstr := strings.Split(err.Error(), "\n")[0]
if len(errstr) < 10 || errstr[len(errstr)-10:] != "<game end>" {
if !sys.gameEnd {
sys.gameEnd = true

Now, lets make some commits

package main

import (


func init() {
func chk(err error) {
if err != nil {
func createLog(p string) *os.File {
//fmt.Println("Creating log")
f, err := os.Create(p)
if err != nil {
return f
func closeLog(f *os.File) {
//fmt.Println("Closing log")
func (s *Synth) SFLoad(path string, resetPresets bool) int {
cpath := C.CString(path)
creset :=
if !resetPresets {
creset = 0
cfont_id, _ := C.fluid_synth_sfload("data/gamesoundfont.sf2")
creset := cbool(resetPresets)
cfont_id, _ := C.fluid_synth_sfload("data/gamesoundfont.sf2")
return int(cfont_id)
func main() {
if len(os.Args[1:]) > 0 {
sys.cmdFlags = make(map[string]string)
key := ""
player := 1
for _, a := range os.Args[1:] {
match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-", a)
if match {
help, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-[h%?]", a)
if help {
fmt.Println("I.K.E.M.E.N\nOptions (case sensitive):")
fmt.Println(" -h -?               Help")
fmt.Println(" -log <logfile>      Records match data to <logfile>")
fmt.Println(" -r <sysfile>        Loads motif <sysfile>. eg. -r motifdir or -r motifdir/system.def")
fmt.Println("\nQuick VS Options:")
fmt.Println(" -p<n> <playername>  Loads player n, eg. -p3 kfm")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.ai <level>    Set player n's AI to <level>, eg. 8")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.color <col>   Set player n's color to <col>")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.life <life>   Sets player n's life to <life>")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.power <power> Sets player n's power to <power>")
fmt.Println(" -rounds <num>       Plays for <num> rounds, and then quits")
fmt.Println(" -s <stagename>      Loads stage <stagename>")
fmt.Println("\nPress ENTER to exit.")
var s string
sys.cmdFlags[a] = ""
key = a
} else if key == "" {
sys.cmdFlags[fmt.Sprintf("-p%v", player)] = a
player += 1
} else {
sys.cmdFlags[key] = a
key = ""
defer glfw.Terminate()
defcfg := []byte(strings.Join(strings.Split(`{
  "PostProcessingShader": 0,
  "LocalcoordScalingType": 1,
`, "\n"), "\r\n"))
tmp := struct {
HelperMax              int32
PlayerProjectileMax    int
ExplodMax              int
AfterImageMax          int32
MasterVolume           int
WavVolume              int
BgmVolume              int
Attack_LifeToPowerMul  float32 `json:"Attack.LifeToPowerMul"`
GetHit_LifeToPowerMul  float32 `json:"GetHit.LifeToPowerMul"`
Width                  int32
Height                 int32
Super_TargetDefenceMul float32 `json:"Super.TargetDefenceMul"`
LifebarFontScale       float32
System                 string
KeyConfig              []struct {
Joystick int
Buttons  []interface{}
JoystickConfig []struct {
Joystick int
Buttons  []interface{}
NumTag                int
TeamLifeShare         bool
AIRandomColor         bool
Fullscreen            bool
AudioDucking          bool
AllowDebugKeys        bool
PostProcessingShader  int32
LocalcoordScalingType int32
CommonAir             string
CommonCmd             string
QuickLaunch           int
chk(json.Unmarshal(defcfg, &tmp))
const configFile = "data/config.json"
if bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile); err != nil {
f, err := os.Create(configFile)
} else {
if len(bytes) >= 3 &&
bytes[0] == 0xef && bytes[1] == 0xbb && bytes[2] == 0xbf {
bytes = bytes[3:]
chk(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &tmp))
sys.helperMax = tmp.HelperMax
sys.playerProjectileMax = tmp.PlayerProjectileMax
sys.explodMax = tmp.ExplodMax
sys.afterImageMax = tmp.AfterImageMax
sys.attack_LifeToPowerMul = tmp.Attack_LifeToPowerMul
sys.getHit_LifeToPowerMul = tmp.GetHit_LifeToPowerMul
sys.super_TargetDefenceMul = tmp.Super_TargetDefenceMul
sys.lifebarFontScale = tmp.LifebarFontScale
sys.quickLaunch = tmp.QuickLaunch
sys.masterVolume = tmp.MasterVolume
sys.wavVolume = tmp.WavVolume
sys.bgmVolume = tmp.BgmVolume
sys.AudioDucking = tmp.AudioDucking
stoki := func(key string) int {
return int(StringToKey(key))
Atoi := func(key string) int {
var i int
i, _ = strconv.Atoi(key)
return i
for a := 0; a < tmp.NumTag; a++ {
for _, kc := range tmp.KeyConfig {
b := kc.Buttons
if kc.Joystick < 0 {
sys.keyConfig = append(sys.keyConfig, KeyConfig{kc.Joystick,
stoki(b[0].(string)), stoki(b[1].(string)),
stoki(b[2].(string)), stoki(b[3].(string)),
stoki(b[4].(string)), stoki(b[5].(string)), stoki(b[6].(string)),
stoki(b[7].(string)), stoki(b[8].(string)), stoki(b[9].(string)),
stoki(b[10].(string)), stoki(b[11].(string)), stoki(b[12].(string))})
for _, jc := range tmp.JoystickConfig {
b := jc.Buttons
if jc.Joystick >= 0 {
sys.JoystickConfig = append(sys.JoystickConfig, KeyConfig{jc.Joystick,
Atoi(b[0].(string)), Atoi(b[1].(string)),
Atoi(b[2].(string)), Atoi(b[3].(string)),
Atoi(b[4].(string)), Atoi(b[5].(string)), Atoi(b[6].(string)),
Atoi(b[7].(string)), Atoi(b[8].(string)), Atoi(b[9].(string)),
Atoi(b[10].(string)), Atoi(b[11].(string)), Atoi(b[12].(string))})
sys.teamLifeShare = tmp.TeamLifeShare
sys.fullscreen = tmp.Fullscreen
sys.PostProcessingShader = tmp.PostProcessingShader
sys.LocalcoordScalingType = tmp.LocalcoordScalingType
sys.aiRandomColor = tmp.AIRandomColor
sys.allowDebugKeys = tmp.AllowDebugKeys
air, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmp.CommonAir)
if err != nil {
sys.commonAir = string("\n") + string(air)
cmd, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmp.CommonCmd)
if err != nil {
sys.commonCmd = string("\n") + string(cmd)
//os.Mkdir("debug", os.ModeSticky|0755)
log := createLog("Ikemen.txt")
defer closeLog(log)
l := sys.init(tmp.Width, tmp.Height)
if err := l.DoFile(tmp.System); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(log, err)
switch err.(type) {
case *lua.ApiError:
errstr := strings.Split(err.Error(), "\n")[0]
if len(errstr) < 10 || errstr[len(errstr)-10:] != "<game end>" {
if !sys.gameEnd {
sys.gameEnd = true

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 13, 2019, 08:58:43 am
Thanks for the info about fluidsynth!

All i get is a black screen with the new version and ikemen doesnt start at all.

Possibly due to the MSAA implementation.
This will need to be an option.
Maybe MSAA is not compatible with all graphics cards because my pc can definitely run high specs games (I7, 8gb sapphire with 12gb ram).

Better be safe than sorry. I'll implement the old rendering pre MSSA rendering as a option by tomorrow. (It will be the default one)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on July 13, 2019, 09:31:15 am
Glad to see you're back man.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 14, 2019, 03:41:00 am
about my mod suggestions on main.go, maybe this can be the failures

jdoodle.go:15:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:18:5: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:17:5: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
Command exited with non-zero status 1

$go run main.go
main.go:15:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:18:9: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:17:9: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

And for last take, let me make some experiments on sound.go

package main

import (



const (
audioOutLen    = 2048
audioFrequency = 48000

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Audio Source

// AudioSource structure.
// It contains OpenAl's sound destination and buffer
type AudioSource struct {
Src  openal.Source
bufs openal.Buffers

func NewAudioSource() (s *AudioSource) {
s = &AudioSource{Src: openal.NewSource(), bufs: openal.NewBuffers(2)}
for i := range s.bufs {
s.bufs[i].SetDataInt16(openal.FormatStereo16, sys.nullSndBuf[:],
if err := openal.Err(); err != nil {
func (s *AudioSource) Delete() {
for s.Src.BuffersQueued() > 0 {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mixer

type Mixer struct {
buf        [audioOutLen * 2]float32
sendBuf    []int16
out        chan []int16
normalizer *Normalizer

func newMixer() *Mixer {
return &Mixer{out: make(chan []int16, 1), normalizer: NewNormalizer()}
func (m *Mixer) bufClear() {
for i := range m.buf {
m.buf[i] = 0
func (m *Mixer) write() bool {
if m.sendBuf == nil {
m.sendBuf = make([]int16, len(m.buf))
for i := 0; i <= len(m.sendBuf)-2; i += 2 {
l, r := m.normalizer.Process(m.buf[i], m.buf[i+1])
m.sendBuf[i] = int16(32767 * l)
m.sendBuf[i+1] = int16(32767 * r)
select {
case m.out <- m.sendBuf:
return false
m.sendBuf = nil
return true
func (m *Mixer) Mix(wav []byte, fidx float64, bytesPerSample, channels int,
sampleRate float64, loop bool, volume float32) float64 {
fidxadd := sampleRate / audioFrequency
if fidxadd > 0 {
switch bytesPerSample {
case 1:
switch channels {
case 1:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := int(fidx)
if iidx >= len(wav) {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
sam := volume * (float32(wav[iidx]) - 128) / 128
m.buf[i] += sam
m.buf[i+1] += sam
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 2 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-2 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
m.buf[i] += volume * (float32(wav[iidx]) - 128) / 128
m.buf[i+1] += volume * (float32(wav[iidx+1]) - 128) / 128
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
switch channels {
case 1:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 2 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-2 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
sam := volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx])|int(int8(wav[iidx+1]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
m.buf[i] += sam
m.buf[i+1] += sam
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 4 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-4 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
m.buf[i] += volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx])|int(int8(wav[iidx+1]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
m.buf[i+1] += volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx+2])|int(int8(wav[iidx+3]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
return float64(len(wav))

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Normalizer

type Normalizer struct {
mul  float64
l, r *NormalizerLR

func NewNormalizer() *Normalizer {
return &Normalizer{mul: 4, l: &NormalizerLR{1, 0, 1, 1 / 32.0, 0, 0},
r: &NormalizerLR{1, 0, 1, 1 / 32.0, 0, 0}}
func (n *Normalizer) Process(l, r float32) (float32, float32) {
lmul := n.l.process(n.mul, &l)
rmul := n.r.process(n.mul, &r)
if sys.AudioDucking {
if lmul < rmul {
n.mul = lmul
} else {
n.mul = rmul
if n.mul > 16 {
n.mul = 16
} else {
n.mul = 0.5 * (float64(sys.wavVolume) * float64(sys.masterVolume) * 0.0001)
return l, r

type NormalizerLR struct {
heri, herihenka, fue, heikin, katayori, katayori2 float64

func (n *NormalizerLR) process(bai float64, sam *float32) float64 {
n.katayori = (n.katayori*audioFrequency/110 + float64(*sam)) /
(audioFrequency/110.0 + 1)
n.katayori2 = (n.katayori2*audioFrequency/112640 + float64(*sam)) /
(audioFrequency/112640.0 + 1)
s := (n.katayori2 - n.katayori) * bai
if math.Abs(s) > 1 {
bai *= math.Pow(1/math.Abs(s), n.heri)
n.herihenka += 32 * (1 - n.heri) / float64(audioFrequency+32)
if s < 0 {
s = -1
} else {
s = 1
} else {
tmp := (1 - math.Pow(1-math.Abs(s), 64)) * math.Pow(0.5-math.Abs(s), 3)
bai += bai * (n.heri*(1/32.0-n.heikin)/n.fue + tmp*n.fue*(1-n.heri)/32) /
(audioFrequency*2/8.0 + 1)
n.herihenka -= (0.5 - n.heikin) * n.heri / (audioFrequency * 2)
n.fue += (32*n.fue*(1/n.fue-math.Abs(s)) - n.fue) /
(32 * audioFrequency * 2)
n.heikin += (math.Abs(s) - n.heikin) / (audioFrequency * 2)
n.heri += n.herihenka
if n.heri < 0 {
n.heri = 0
} else if n.heri > 0 {
n.heri = 1
*sam = float32(s)
return bai

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bgm

type Bgm struct {
filename string
ctrl     *beep.Ctrl

func newBgm() *Bgm {
return &Bgm{}

func (bgm *Bgm) IsVorbis() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".ogg")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsMp3() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".mp3")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsFLAC() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".flac")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsFormat(extension string) bool {
return filepath.Ext(bgm.filename) == extension

func (bgm *Bgm) Open(filename string) {

if filepath.Base(bgm.filename) == filepath.Base(filename) {

bgm.filename = filename

if bgm.IsVorbis() {
} else if bgm.IsMp3() {
} else if bgm.IsFLAC() {


func (bgm *Bgm) ReadMp3() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := mp3.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadFLAC() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := flac.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadVorbis() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := vorbis.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadFormat(s beep.StreamSeekCloser, format beep.Format) {
streamer := beep.Loop(-1, s)
volume := -5 + float64(sys.bgmVolume)*0.06*(float64(sys.masterVolume)/100)
streamer = &effects.Volume{Streamer: streamer, Base: 2, Volume: volume, Silent: volume <= -5}
resample := beep.Resample(int(3), format.SampleRate, beep.SampleRate(Mp3SampleRate), streamer)
bgm.ctrl = &beep.Ctrl{Streamer: resample}

func (bgm *Bgm) Pause() {
bgm.ctrl.Paused = true

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wave

type Wave struct {
SamplesPerSec  uint32
Channels       uint16
BytesPerSample uint16
Wav            []byte

func ReadWave(f *os.File, ofs int64) (*Wave, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
n, err := f.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "RIFF" {
return nil, Error("RIFFではありません")
read := func(x interface{}) error {
return binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, x)
var riffSize uint32
if err := read(&riffSize); err != nil {
return nil, err
riffSize += 8
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "WAVE" {
return &Wave{SamplesPerSec: 11025, Channels: 1, BytesPerSample: 1}, nil
fmtSize, dataSize := uint32(0), uint32(0)
w := Wave{}
riffend := ofs + 16 + int64(riffSize)
ofs += 28
for (fmtSize == 0 || dataSize == 0) && ofs < riffend {
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
var size uint32
if err := read(&size); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch string(buf[:n]) {
case "fmt ":
fmtSize = size
var fmtID uint16
if err := read(&fmtID); err != nil {
return nil, err
if fmtID != 1 {
return nil, Error("リニアPCMではありません")
if err := read(&w.Channels); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.Channels < 1 || w.Channels > 2 {
return nil, Error("チャンネル数が不正です")
if err := read(&w.SamplesPerSec); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.SamplesPerSec < 1 || w.SamplesPerSec >= 0xfffff {
return nil, Error(fmt.Sprintf("周波数が不正です %d", w.SamplesPerSec))
var musi uint32
if err := read(&musi); err != nil {
return nil, err
var mushi uint16
if err := read(&mushi); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := read(&w.BytesPerSample); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.BytesPerSample != 8 && w.BytesPerSample != 16 {
return nil, Error("bit数が不正です")
w.BytesPerSample >>= 3
case "data":
dataSize = size
w.Wav = make([]byte, dataSize)
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, w.Wav); err != nil {
return nil, err
ofs += int64(size) + 8
f.Seek(ofs, 0)
if fmtSize == 0 {
if dataSize > 0 {
return nil, Error("fmt がありません")
return nil, nil
return &w, nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Snd

type Snd struct {
table     map[[2]int32]*Wave
ver, ver2 uint16

func newSnd() *Snd {
return &Snd{table: make(map[[2]int32]*Wave)}

func LoadSnd(filename string) (*Snd, error) {
s := newSnd()
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { chk(f.Close()) }()
buf := make([]byte, 12)
var n int
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "ElecbyteSnd\x00" {
return nil, Error("ElecbyteSndではありません")
read := func(x interface{}) error {
return binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, x)
if err := read(&s.ver); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := read(&s.ver2); err != nil {
return nil, err
var numberOfSounds uint32
if err := read(&numberOfSounds); err != nil {
return nil, err
var subHeaderOffset uint32
if err := read(&subHeaderOffset); err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := uint32(0); i < numberOfSounds; i++ {
f.Seek(int64(subHeaderOffset), 0)
var nextSubHeaderOffset uint32
if err := read(&nextSubHeaderOffset); err != nil {
return nil, err
var subFileLenght uint32
if err := read(&subFileLenght); err != nil {
return nil, err
var num [2]int32
if err := read(&num); err != nil {
return nil, err
if num[0] >= 0 && num[1] >= 0 {
_, ok := s.table[num]
if !ok {
tmp, err := ReadWave(f, int64(subHeaderOffset))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.table[num] = tmp
subHeaderOffset = nextSubHeaderOffset
return s, nil
func (s *Snd) Get(gn [2]int32) *Wave {
return s.table[gn]
func (s *Snd) play(gn [2]int32) bool {
c := sys.sounds.GetChannel()
if c == nil {
return false
c.sound = s.Get(gn)
return c.sound != nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sound

type Sound struct {
sound   *Wave
volume  int16
loop    bool
freqmul float32
fidx    float64

func (s *Sound) mix() {
if s.sound == nil {
s.fidx = sys.mixer.Mix(s.sound.Wav, s.fidx,
int(s.sound.BytesPerSample), int(s.sound.Channels),
float64(s.sound.SamplesPerSec)*float64(s.freqmul), s.loop,
if int(s.fidx) >= len(s.sound.Wav)/
int(s.sound.BytesPerSample*s.sound.Channels) {
s.sound = nil
s.fidx = 0
func (s *Sound) SetVolume(vol int32) {
if vol < 0 {
s.volume = 0
} else if vol > 512 {
s.volume = 512
} else {
s.volume = int16(vol)
func (s *Sound) SetPan(pan float32, offset *float32) {
// 未実装

type Sounds []Sound

func newSounds(size int) (s Sounds) {
s = make(Sounds, size)
for i := range s {
s[i] = Sound{volume: 256, freqmul: 1}
func (s Sounds) GetChannel() *Sound {
for i := range s {
if s[i].sound == nil {
return &s[i]
return nil
func (s Sounds) mixSounds() {
for i := range s {

And lets mess with this

package main

import (




const (
audioOutLen    = 2048
audioFrequency = 48000

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Audio Source

// AudioSource structure.
// It contains OpenAl's sound destination and buffer
type AudioSource struct {
Src  openal.Source
bufs openal.Buffers

func NewAudioSource() (s *AudioSource) {
s = &AudioSource{Src: openal.NewSource(), bufs: openal.NewBuffers(2)}
for i := range s.bufs {
s.bufs[i].SetDataInt16(openal.FormatStereo16, sys.nullSndBuf[:],
if err := openal.Err(); err != nil {
func (s *AudioSource) Delete() {
for s.Src.BuffersQueued() > 0 {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
type AudioDriver struct {
ptr *C.fluid_audio_driver_t

func NewAudioDriver(settings Settings, synth Synth) AudioDriver {
return AudioDriver{C.new_fluid_audio_driver(settings.ptr, synth.ptr)}

func (d *AudioDriver) Delete() {

type FileRenderer struct {
ptr *C.fluid_file_renderer_t

func NewFileRenderer(synth Synth) FileRenderer {
return FileRenderer{C.new_fluid_file_renderer(synth.ptr)}

func (r *FileRenderer) Delete() {

func (r *FileRenderer) ProcessBlock() bool {
return C.fluid_file_renderer_process_block(r.ptr) == C.FLUID_OK

func NewSettings() Settings {
if settingNames == nil {
settingNames = make(map[string]*C.char)
return Settings{ptr: C.new_fluid_settings()}

func (s *Settings) Delete() {
if nSettings == 0 {
settingNames = nil

func cname(name string) *C.char {
if cname, ok := settingNames[name]; ok {
return cname
cname := C.CString(name)
settingNames[name] = cname
return cname

/* IsRealtime returns true if changing the specified setting immediately affects an associated Synth */
func (s *Settings) IsRealtime(name string) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_is_realtime(s.ptr, cname(name)) == 1

func (s *Settings) SetInt(name string, val int) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_setint(s.ptr, cname(name), == 1

func (s *Settings) SetNum(name string, val float64) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_setnum(s.ptr, cname(name), C.double(val)) == 1

func (s *Settings) SetString(name, val string) bool {
cval := C.CString(val)
return C.fluid_settings_setstr(s.ptr, cname(name), cval) == 1


func (s *Settings) GetInt(name string, val *int) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_getint(s.ptr, cname(name), (* == 1

func (s *Settings) GetNum(name string, val *float64) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_getnum(s.ptr, cname(name), (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(val))) == 1

func (s *Settings) GetString(name string, val *string) bool {
var cstr *C.char
ok := (C.fluid_settings_getstr(s.ptr, cname(name), &cstr) == 1)
if ok {
*val = C.GoString(cstr)
return ok

type Synth struct {
ptr *C.fluid_synth_t

func cbool(b bool) {
if b {
return 1
return 0

func NewSynth(settings Settings) Synth {
return Synth{C.new_fluid_synth(settings.ptr)}

func (s *Synth) Delete() {
func (s *Synth) NoteOn(channel, note, velocity uint8) {

func (s *Synth) NoteOff(channel, note uint8) {

func (s *Synth) ProgramChange(channel, program uint8) {

/* WriteS16 synthesizes signed 16-bit samples. It will fill as much of the provided
slices as it can without overflowing 'left' or 'right'. For interleaved stereo, have both
'left' and 'right' share a backing array and use lstride = rstride = 2. ie:
    synth.WriteS16(samples, samples[1:], 2, 2)
func (s *Synth) WriteS16(left, right []int16, lstride, rstride int) {
nframes := (len(left) + lstride - 1) / lstride
rframes := (len(right) + rstride - 1) / rstride
if rframes < nframes {
nframes = rframes
C.fluid_synth_write_s16(s.ptr,, unsafe.Pointer(&left[0]), 0,, unsafe.Pointer(&right[0]), 0,

func (s *Synth) WriteFloat(left, right []float32, lstride, rstride int) {
nframes := (len(left) + lstride - 1) / lstride
rframes := (len(right) + rstride - 1) / rstride
if rframes < nframes {
nframes = rframes
C.fluid_synth_write_float(s.ptr,, unsafe.Pointer(&left[0]), 0,, unsafe.Pointer(&right[0]), 0,

type TuningId struct {
Bank, Program uint8

/* ActivateKeyTuning creates/modifies a specific tuning bank/program */
func (s *Synth) ActivateKeyTuning(id TuningId, name string, tuning [128]float64, apply bool) {
n := C.CString(name)
C.fluid_synth_activate_key_tuning(s.ptr,,, n, (*C.double)(&tuning[0]), cbool(apply))

/* ActivateTuning switches a midi channel onto the specified tuning bank/program */
func (s *Synth) ActivateTuning(channel uint8, id TuningId, apply bool) {
C.fluid_synth_activate_tuning(s.ptr,,,, cbool(apply))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mixer

type Mixer struct {
buf        [audioOutLen * 2]float32
sendBuf    []int16
out        chan []int16
normalizer *Normalizer

func newMixer() *Mixer {
return &Mixer{out: make(chan []int16, 1), normalizer: NewNormalizer()}
func (m *Mixer) bufClear() {
for i := range m.buf {
m.buf[i] = 0
func (m *Mixer) write() bool {
if m.sendBuf == nil {
m.sendBuf = make([]int16, len(m.buf))
for i := 0; i <= len(m.sendBuf)-2; i += 2 {
l, r := m.normalizer.Process(m.buf[i], m.buf[i+1])
m.sendBuf[i] = int16(32767 * l)
m.sendBuf[i+1] = int16(32767 * r)
select {
case m.out <- m.sendBuf:
return false
m.sendBuf = nil
return true
func (m *Mixer) Mix(wav []byte, fidx float64, bytesPerSample, channels int,
sampleRate float64, loop bool, volume float32) float64 {
fidxadd := sampleRate / audioFrequency
if fidxadd > 0 {
switch bytesPerSample {
case 1:
switch channels {
case 1:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := int(fidx)
if iidx >= len(wav) {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
sam := volume * (float32(wav[iidx]) - 128) / 128
m.buf[i] += sam
m.buf[i+1] += sam
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 2 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-2 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
m.buf[i] += volume * (float32(wav[iidx]) - 128) / 128
m.buf[i+1] += volume * (float32(wav[iidx+1]) - 128) / 128
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
switch channels {
case 1:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 2 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-2 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
sam := volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx])|int(int8(wav[iidx+1]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
m.buf[i] += sam
m.buf[i+1] += sam
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 4 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-4 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
m.buf[i] += volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx])|int(int8(wav[iidx+1]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
m.buf[i+1] += volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx+2])|int(int8(wav[iidx+3]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
return float64(len(wav))

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Normalizer

type Normalizer struct {
mul  float64
l, r *NormalizerLR

func NewNormalizer() *Normalizer {
return &Normalizer{mul: 4, l: &NormalizerLR{1, 0, 1, 1 / 32.0, 0, 0},
r: &NormalizerLR{1, 0, 1, 1 / 32.0, 0, 0}}
func (n *Normalizer) Process(l, r float32) (float32, float32) {
lmul := n.l.process(n.mul, &l)
rmul := n.r.process(n.mul, &r)
if sys.AudioDucking {
if lmul < rmul {
n.mul = lmul
} else {
n.mul = rmul
if n.mul > 16 {
n.mul = 16
} else {
n.mul = 0.5 * (float64(sys.wavVolume) * float64(sys.masterVolume) * 0.0001)
return l, r

type NormalizerLR struct {
heri, herihenka, fue, heikin, katayori, katayori2 float64

func (n *NormalizerLR) process(bai float64, sam *float32) float64 {
n.katayori = (n.katayori*audioFrequency/110 + float64(*sam)) /
(audioFrequency/110.0 + 1)
n.katayori2 = (n.katayori2*audioFrequency/112640 + float64(*sam)) /
(audioFrequency/112640.0 + 1)
s := (n.katayori2 - n.katayori) * bai
if math.Abs(s) > 1 {
bai *= math.Pow(1/math.Abs(s), n.heri)
n.herihenka += 32 * (1 - n.heri) / float64(audioFrequency+32)
if s < 0 {
s = -1
} else {
s = 1
} else {
tmp := (1 - math.Pow(1-math.Abs(s), 64)) * math.Pow(0.5-math.Abs(s), 3)
bai += bai * (n.heri*(1/32.0-n.heikin)/n.fue + tmp*n.fue*(1-n.heri)/32) /
(audioFrequency*2/8.0 + 1)
n.herihenka -= (0.5 - n.heikin) * n.heri / (audioFrequency * 2)
n.fue += (32*n.fue*(1/n.fue-math.Abs(s)) - n.fue) /
(32 * audioFrequency * 2)
n.heikin += (math.Abs(s) - n.heikin) / (audioFrequency * 2)
n.heri += n.herihenka
if n.heri < 0 {
n.heri = 0
} else if n.heri > 0 {
n.heri = 1
*sam = float32(s)
return bai

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bgm

type Bgm struct {
filename string
ctrl     *beep.Ctrl

func newBgm() *Bgm {
return &Bgm{}

func (bgm *Bgm) IsVorbis() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".ogg")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsMp3() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".mp3")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsFLAC() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".flac")
func (bgm *Bgm) IsMIDI() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".mid")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsFormat(extension string) bool {
return filepath.Ext(bgm.filename) == extension

func (bgm *Bgm) Open(filename string) {

if filepath.Base(bgm.filename) == filepath.Base(filename) {

bgm.filename = filename

if bgm.IsVorbis() {
} else if bgm.IsMp3() {
} else if bgm.IsFLAC() {
}else if bgm.IsMIDI() {

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadMp3() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := mp3.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadFLAC() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := flac.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadVorbis() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := vorbis.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)
func (bgm *Bgm) ReadMIDI() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := C.fluid_player_play(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadFormat(s beep.StreamSeekCloser, format beep.Format) {
streamer := beep.Loop(-1, s)
volume := -5 + float64(sys.bgmVolume)*0.06*(float64(sys.masterVolume)/100)
streamer = &effects.Volume{Streamer: streamer, Base: 2, Volume: volume, Silent: volume <= -5}
resample := beep.Resample(int(3), format.SampleRate, beep.SampleRate(Mp3SampleRate), streamer)
bgm.ctrl = &beep.Ctrl{Streamer: resample}

func (bgm *Bgm) Pause() {
bgm.ctrl.Paused = true

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wave

type Wave struct {
SamplesPerSec  uint32
Channels       uint16
BytesPerSample uint16
Wav            []byte

func ReadWave(f *os.File, ofs int64) (*Wave, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
n, err := f.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "RIFF" {
return nil, Error("RIFFではありません")
read := func(x interface{}) error {
return binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, x)
var riffSize uint32
if err := read(&riffSize); err != nil {
return nil, err
riffSize += 8
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "WAVE" {
return &Wave{SamplesPerSec: 11025, Channels: 1, BytesPerSample: 1}, nil
fmtSize, dataSize := uint32(0), uint32(0)
w := Wave{}
riffend := ofs + 16 + int64(riffSize)
ofs += 28
for (fmtSize == 0 || dataSize == 0) && ofs < riffend {
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
var size uint32
if err := read(&size); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch string(buf[:n]) {
case "fmt ":
fmtSize = size
var fmtID uint16
if err := read(&fmtID); err != nil {
return nil, err
if fmtID != 1 {
return nil, Error("リニアPCMではありません")
if err := read(&w.Channels); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.Channels < 1 || w.Channels > 2 {
return nil, Error("チャンネル数が不正です")
if err := read(&w.SamplesPerSec); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.SamplesPerSec < 1 || w.SamplesPerSec >= 0xfffff {
return nil, Error(fmt.Sprintf("周波数が不正です %d", w.SamplesPerSec))
var musi uint32
if err := read(&musi); err != nil {
return nil, err
var mushi uint16
if err := read(&mushi); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := read(&w.BytesPerSample); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.BytesPerSample != 8 && w.BytesPerSample != 16 {
return nil, Error("bit数が不正です")
w.BytesPerSample >>= 3
case "data":
dataSize = size
w.Wav = make([]byte, dataSize)
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, w.Wav); err != nil {
return nil, err
ofs += int64(size) + 8
f.Seek(ofs, 0)
if fmtSize == 0 {
if dataSize > 0 {
return nil, Error("fmt がありません")
return nil, nil
return &w, nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Snd

type Snd struct {
table     map[[2]int32]*Wave
ver, ver2 uint16

func newSnd() *Snd {
return &Snd{table: make(map[[2]int32]*Wave)}

func LoadSnd(filename string) (*Snd, error) {
s := newSnd()
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { chk(f.Close()) }()
buf := make([]byte, 12)
var n int
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "ElecbyteSnd\x00" {
return nil, Error("ElecbyteSndではありません")
read := func(x interface{}) error {
return binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, x)
if err := read(&s.ver); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := read(&s.ver2); err != nil {
return nil, err
var numberOfSounds uint32
if err := read(&numberOfSounds); err != nil {
return nil, err
var subHeaderOffset uint32
if err := read(&subHeaderOffset); err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := uint32(0); i < numberOfSounds; i++ {
f.Seek(int64(subHeaderOffset), 0)
var nextSubHeaderOffset uint32
if err := read(&nextSubHeaderOffset); err != nil {
return nil, err
var subFileLenght uint32
if err := read(&subFileLenght); err != nil {
return nil, err
var num [2]int32
if err := read(&num); err != nil {
return nil, err
if num[0] >= 0 && num[1] >= 0 {
_, ok := s.table[num]
if !ok {
tmp, err := ReadWave(f, int64(subHeaderOffset))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.table[num] = tmp
subHeaderOffset = nextSubHeaderOffset
return s, nil
func (s *Snd) Get(gn [2]int32) *Wave {
return s.table[gn]
func (s *Snd) play(gn [2]int32) bool {
c := sys.sounds.GetChannel()
if c == nil {
return false
c.sound = s.Get(gn)
return c.sound != nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sound

type Sound struct {
sound   *Wave
volume  int16
loop    bool
freqmul float32
fidx    float64

func (s *Sound) mix() {
if s.sound == nil {
s.fidx = sys.mixer.Mix(s.sound.Wav, s.fidx,
int(s.sound.BytesPerSample), int(s.sound.Channels),
float64(s.sound.SamplesPerSec)*float64(s.freqmul), s.loop,
if int(s.fidx) >= len(s.sound.Wav)/
int(s.sound.BytesPerSample*s.sound.Channels) {
s.sound = nil
s.fidx = 0
func (s *Sound) SetVolume(vol int32) {
if vol < 0 {
s.volume = 0
} else if vol > 512 {
s.volume = 512
} else {
s.volume = int16(vol)
func (s *Sound) SetPan(pan float32, offset *float32) {
// 未実装

type Sounds []Sound

func newSounds(size int) (s Sounds) {
s = make(Sounds, size)
for i := range s {
s[i] = Sound{volume: 256, freqmul: 1}
func (s Sounds) GetChannel() *Sound {
for i := range s {
if s[i].sound == nil {
return &s[i]
return nil
func (s Sounds) mixSounds() {
for i := range s {

possible failures
jdoodle.go:13:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:14:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:15:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:17:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:18:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:21:10: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:11:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
jdoodle.go:20:9: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
Command exited with non-zero status 1

$go run main.go
main.go:13:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:14:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:15:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:17:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:18:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:21:10: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:11:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/cg/root/1773287/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:20:9: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 14, 2019, 04:09:43 am
Sorry four doubleposting, but is the only thing can I do, for keep the order on my posts without failures

So Here is the Suggestion for Adding Fluidsynth and Midi compatibility for Ikemen Go

Main.go revisited
package main
// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <fluidsynth.h>
import (


func init() {
func chk(err error) {
if err != nil {
func createLog(p string) *os.File {
//fmt.Println("Creating log")
f, err := os.Create(p)
if err != nil {
return f
func closeLog(f *os.File) {
//fmt.Println("Closing log")
func (s *Synth) SFLoad(path string, resetPresets bool) int {
cpath := C.CString(path)
creset :=
if !resetPresets {
creset = 0
cfont_id, _ := C.fluid_synth_sfload("data/gamesoundfont.sf2")
creset := cbool(resetPresets)
cfont_id, _ := C.fluid_synth_sfload("data/gamesoundfont.sf2")
return int(cfont_id)
func main() {
if len(os.Args[1:]) > 0 {
sys.cmdFlags = make(map[string]string)
key := ""
player := 1
for _, a := range os.Args[1:] {
match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-", a)
if match {
help, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-[h%?]", a)
if help {
fmt.Println("I.K.E.M.E.N\nOptions (case sensitive):")
fmt.Println(" -h -?               Help")
fmt.Println(" -log <logfile>      Records match data to <logfile>")
fmt.Println(" -r <sysfile>        Loads motif <sysfile>. eg. -r motifdir or -r motifdir/system.def")
fmt.Println("\nQuick VS Options:")
fmt.Println(" -p<n> <playername>  Loads player n, eg. -p3 kfm")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.ai <level>    Set player n's AI to <level>, eg. 8")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.color <col>   Set player n's color to <col>")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.life <life>   Sets player n's life to <life>")
fmt.Println(" -p<n>.power <power> Sets player n's power to <power>")
fmt.Println(" -rounds <num>       Plays for <num> rounds, and then quits")
fmt.Println(" -s <stagename>      Loads stage <stagename>")
fmt.Println("\nPress ENTER to exit.")
var s string
sys.cmdFlags[a] = ""
key = a
} else if key == "" {
sys.cmdFlags[fmt.Sprintf("-p%v", player)] = a
player += 1
} else {
sys.cmdFlags[key] = a
key = ""
defer glfw.Terminate()
defcfg := []byte(strings.Join(strings.Split(`{
  "PostProcessingShader": 0,
  "LocalcoordScalingType": 1,
`, "\n"), "\r\n"))
tmp := struct {
HelperMax              int32
PlayerProjectileMax    int
ExplodMax              int
AfterImageMax          int32
MasterVolume           int
WavVolume              int
BgmVolume              int
Attack_LifeToPowerMul  float32 `json:"Attack.LifeToPowerMul"`
GetHit_LifeToPowerMul  float32 `json:"GetHit.LifeToPowerMul"`
Width                  int32
Height                 int32
Super_TargetDefenceMul float32 `json:"Super.TargetDefenceMul"`
LifebarFontScale       float32
System                 string
KeyConfig              []struct {
Joystick int
Buttons  []interface{}
JoystickConfig []struct {
Joystick int
Buttons  []interface{}
NumTag                int
TeamLifeShare         bool
AIRandomColor         bool
Fullscreen            bool
AudioDucking          bool
AllowDebugKeys        bool
PostProcessingShader  int32
LocalcoordScalingType int32
CommonAir             string
CommonCmd             string
QuickLaunch           int
chk(json.Unmarshal(defcfg, &tmp))
const configFile = "data/config.json"
if bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile); err != nil {
f, err := os.Create(configFile)
} else {
if len(bytes) >= 3 &&
bytes[0] == 0xef && bytes[1] == 0xbb && bytes[2] == 0xbf {
bytes = bytes[3:]
chk(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &tmp))
sys.helperMax = tmp.HelperMax
sys.playerProjectileMax = tmp.PlayerProjectileMax
sys.explodMax = tmp.ExplodMax
sys.afterImageMax = tmp.AfterImageMax
sys.attack_LifeToPowerMul = tmp.Attack_LifeToPowerMul
sys.getHit_LifeToPowerMul = tmp.GetHit_LifeToPowerMul
sys.super_TargetDefenceMul = tmp.Super_TargetDefenceMul
sys.lifebarFontScale = tmp.LifebarFontScale
sys.quickLaunch = tmp.QuickLaunch
sys.masterVolume = tmp.MasterVolume
sys.wavVolume = tmp.WavVolume
sys.bgmVolume = tmp.BgmVolume
sys.AudioDucking = tmp.AudioDucking
stoki := func(key string) int {
return int(StringToKey(key))
Atoi := func(key string) int {
var i int
i, _ = strconv.Atoi(key)
return i
for a := 0; a < tmp.NumTag; a++ {
for _, kc := range tmp.KeyConfig {
b := kc.Buttons
if kc.Joystick < 0 {
sys.keyConfig = append(sys.keyConfig, KeyConfig{kc.Joystick,
stoki(b[0].(string)), stoki(b[1].(string)),
stoki(b[2].(string)), stoki(b[3].(string)),
stoki(b[4].(string)), stoki(b[5].(string)), stoki(b[6].(string)),
stoki(b[7].(string)), stoki(b[8].(string)), stoki(b[9].(string)),
stoki(b[10].(string)), stoki(b[11].(string)), stoki(b[12].(string))})
for _, jc := range tmp.JoystickConfig {
b := jc.Buttons
if jc.Joystick >= 0 {
sys.JoystickConfig = append(sys.JoystickConfig, KeyConfig{jc.Joystick,
Atoi(b[0].(string)), Atoi(b[1].(string)),
Atoi(b[2].(string)), Atoi(b[3].(string)),
Atoi(b[4].(string)), Atoi(b[5].(string)), Atoi(b[6].(string)),
Atoi(b[7].(string)), Atoi(b[8].(string)), Atoi(b[9].(string)),
Atoi(b[10].(string)), Atoi(b[11].(string)), Atoi(b[12].(string))})
sys.teamLifeShare = tmp.TeamLifeShare
sys.fullscreen = tmp.Fullscreen
sys.PostProcessingShader = tmp.PostProcessingShader
sys.LocalcoordScalingType = tmp.LocalcoordScalingType
sys.aiRandomColor = tmp.AIRandomColor
sys.allowDebugKeys = tmp.AllowDebugKeys
air, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmp.CommonAir)
if err != nil {
sys.commonAir = string("\n") + string(air)
cmd, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmp.CommonCmd)
if err != nil {
sys.commonCmd = string("\n") + string(cmd)
//os.Mkdir("debug", os.ModeSticky|0755)
log := createLog("Ikemen.txt")
defer closeLog(log)
l := sys.init(tmp.Width, tmp.Height)
if err := l.DoFile(tmp.System); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(log, err)
switch err.(type) {
case *lua.ApiError:
errstr := strings.Split(err.Error(), "\n")[0]
if len(errstr) < 10 || errstr[len(errstr)-10:] != "<game end>" {
if !sys.gameEnd {
sys.gameEnd = true

Sound.go revisited

package main

// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <fluidsynth.h>
import (




const (
audioOutLen    = 2048
audioFrequency = 48000

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Audio Source

// AudioSource structure.
// It contains OpenAl's sound destination and buffer
type AudioSource struct {
Src  openal.Source
bufs openal.Buffers

func NewAudioSource() (s *AudioSource) {
s = &AudioSource{Src: openal.NewSource(), bufs: openal.NewBuffers(2)}
for i := range s.bufs {
s.bufs[i].SetDataInt16(openal.FormatStereo16, sys.nullSndBuf[:],
if err := openal.Err(); err != nil {
func (s *AudioSource) Delete() {
for s.Src.BuffersQueued() > 0 {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
type AudioDriver struct {
ptr *C.fluid_audio_driver_t

func NewAudioDriver(settings Settings, synth Synth) AudioDriver {
return AudioDriver{C.new_fluid_audio_driver(settings.ptr, synth.ptr)}

func (d *AudioDriver) Delete() {

type FileRenderer struct {
ptr *C.fluid_file_renderer_t

func NewFileRenderer(synth Synth) FileRenderer {
return FileRenderer{C.new_fluid_file_renderer(synth.ptr)}

func (r *FileRenderer) Delete() {

func (r *FileRenderer) ProcessBlock() bool {
return C.fluid_file_renderer_process_block(r.ptr) == C.FLUID_OK

func NewSettings() Settings {
if settingNames == nil {
settingNames = make(map[string]*C.char)
return Settings{ptr: C.new_fluid_settings()}

func (s *Settings) Delete() {
if nSettings == 0 {
settingNames = nil

func cname(name string) *C.char {
if cname, ok := settingNames[name]; ok {
return cname
cname := C.CString(name)
settingNames[name] = cname
return cname

/* IsRealtime returns true if changing the specified setting immediately affects an associated Synth */
func (s *Settings) IsRealtime(name string) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_is_realtime(s.ptr, cname(name)) == 1

func (s *Settings) SetInt(name string, val int) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_setint(s.ptr, cname(name), == 1

func (s *Settings) SetNum(name string, val float64) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_setnum(s.ptr, cname(name), C.double(val)) == 1

func (s *Settings) SetString(name, val string) bool {
cval := C.CString(val)
return C.fluid_settings_setstr(s.ptr, cname(name), cval) == 1


func (s *Settings) GetInt(name string, val *int) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_getint(s.ptr, cname(name), (* == 1

func (s *Settings) GetNum(name string, val *float64) bool {
return C.fluid_settings_getnum(s.ptr, cname(name), (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(val))) == 1

func (s *Settings) GetString(name string, val *string) bool {
var cstr *C.char
ok := (C.fluid_settings_getstr(s.ptr, cname(name), &cstr) == 1)
if ok {
*val = C.GoString(cstr)
return ok

type Synth struct {
ptr *C.fluid_synth_t

func cbool(b bool) {
if b {
return 1
return 0

func NewSynth(settings Settings) Synth {
return Synth{C.new_fluid_synth(settings.ptr)}

func (s *Synth) Delete() {
func (s *Synth) NoteOn(channel, note, velocity uint8) {

func (s *Synth) NoteOff(channel, note uint8) {

func (s *Synth) ProgramChange(channel, program uint8) {

/* WriteS16 synthesizes signed 16-bit samples. It will fill as much of the provided
slices as it can without overflowing 'left' or 'right'. For interleaved stereo, have both
'left' and 'right' share a backing array and use lstride = rstride = 2. ie:
    synth.WriteS16(samples, samples[1:], 2, 2)
func (s *Synth) WriteS16(left, right []int16, lstride, rstride int) {
nframes := (len(left) + lstride - 1) / lstride
rframes := (len(right) + rstride - 1) / rstride
if rframes < nframes {
nframes = rframes
C.fluid_synth_write_s16(s.ptr,, unsafe.Pointer(&left[0]), 0,, unsafe.Pointer(&right[0]), 0,

func (s *Synth) WriteFloat(left, right []float32, lstride, rstride int) {
nframes := (len(left) + lstride - 1) / lstride
rframes := (len(right) + rstride - 1) / rstride
if rframes < nframes {
nframes = rframes
C.fluid_synth_write_float(s.ptr,, unsafe.Pointer(&left[0]), 0,, unsafe.Pointer(&right[0]), 0,

type TuningId struct {
Bank, Program uint8

/* ActivateKeyTuning creates/modifies a specific tuning bank/program */
func (s *Synth) ActivateKeyTuning(id TuningId, name string, tuning [128]float64, apply bool) {
n := C.CString(name)
C.fluid_synth_activate_key_tuning(s.ptr,,, n, (*C.double)(&tuning[0]), cbool(apply))

/* ActivateTuning switches a midi channel onto the specified tuning bank/program */
func (s *Synth) ActivateTuning(channel uint8, id TuningId, apply bool) {
C.fluid_synth_activate_tuning(s.ptr,,,, cbool(apply))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mixer

type Mixer struct {
buf        [audioOutLen * 2]float32
sendBuf    []int16
out        chan []int16
normalizer *Normalizer

func newMixer() *Mixer {
return &Mixer{out: make(chan []int16, 1), normalizer: NewNormalizer()}
func (m *Mixer) bufClear() {
for i := range m.buf {
m.buf[i] = 0
func (m *Mixer) write() bool {
if m.sendBuf == nil {
m.sendBuf = make([]int16, len(m.buf))
for i := 0; i <= len(m.sendBuf)-2; i += 2 {
l, r := m.normalizer.Process(m.buf[i], m.buf[i+1])
m.sendBuf[i] = int16(32767 * l)
m.sendBuf[i+1] = int16(32767 * r)
select {
case m.out <- m.sendBuf:
return false
m.sendBuf = nil
return true
func (m *Mixer) Mix(wav []byte, fidx float64, bytesPerSample, channels int,
sampleRate float64, loop bool, volume float32) float64 {
fidxadd := sampleRate / audioFrequency
if fidxadd > 0 {
switch bytesPerSample {
case 1:
switch channels {
case 1:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := int(fidx)
if iidx >= len(wav) {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
sam := volume * (float32(wav[iidx]) - 128) / 128
m.buf[i] += sam
m.buf[i+1] += sam
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 2 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-2 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
m.buf[i] += volume * (float32(wav[iidx]) - 128) / 128
m.buf[i+1] += volume * (float32(wav[iidx+1]) - 128) / 128
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
switch channels {
case 1:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 2 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-2 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
sam := volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx])|int(int8(wav[iidx+1]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
m.buf[i] += sam
m.buf[i+1] += sam
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
case 2:
for i := 0; i <= len(m.buf)-2; i += 2 {
iidx := 4 * int(fidx)
if iidx > len(wav)-4 {
if !loop {
iidx, fidx = 0, 0
m.buf[i] += volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx])|int(int8(wav[iidx+1]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
m.buf[i+1] += volume *
float32(int(wav[iidx+2])|int(int8(wav[iidx+3]))<<8) / (1 << 15)
fidx += fidxadd
return fidx
return float64(len(wav))

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Normalizer

type Normalizer struct {
mul  float64
l, r *NormalizerLR

func NewNormalizer() *Normalizer {
return &Normalizer{mul: 4, l: &NormalizerLR{1, 0, 1, 1 / 32.0, 0, 0},
r: &NormalizerLR{1, 0, 1, 1 / 32.0, 0, 0}}
func (n *Normalizer) Process(l, r float32) (float32, float32) {
lmul := n.l.process(n.mul, &l)
rmul := n.r.process(n.mul, &r)
if sys.AudioDucking {
if lmul < rmul {
n.mul = lmul
} else {
n.mul = rmul
if n.mul > 16 {
n.mul = 16
} else {
n.mul = 0.5 * (float64(sys.wavVolume) * float64(sys.masterVolume) * 0.0001)
return l, r

type NormalizerLR struct {
heri, herihenka, fue, heikin, katayori, katayori2 float64

func (n *NormalizerLR) process(bai float64, sam *float32) float64 {
n.katayori = (n.katayori*audioFrequency/110 + float64(*sam)) /
(audioFrequency/110.0 + 1)
n.katayori2 = (n.katayori2*audioFrequency/112640 + float64(*sam)) /
(audioFrequency/112640.0 + 1)
s := (n.katayori2 - n.katayori) * bai
if math.Abs(s) > 1 {
bai *= math.Pow(1/math.Abs(s), n.heri)
n.herihenka += 32 * (1 - n.heri) / float64(audioFrequency+32)
if s < 0 {
s = -1
} else {
s = 1
} else {
tmp := (1 - math.Pow(1-math.Abs(s), 64)) * math.Pow(0.5-math.Abs(s), 3)
bai += bai * (n.heri*(1/32.0-n.heikin)/n.fue + tmp*n.fue*(1-n.heri)/32) /
(audioFrequency*2/8.0 + 1)
n.herihenka -= (0.5 - n.heikin) * n.heri / (audioFrequency * 2)
n.fue += (32*n.fue*(1/n.fue-math.Abs(s)) - n.fue) /
(32 * audioFrequency * 2)
n.heikin += (math.Abs(s) - n.heikin) / (audioFrequency * 2)
n.heri += n.herihenka
if n.heri < 0 {
n.heri = 0
} else if n.heri > 0 {
n.heri = 1
*sam = float32(s)
return bai

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bgm

type Bgm struct {
filename string
ctrl     *beep.Ctrl

func newBgm() *Bgm {
return &Bgm{}

func (bgm *Bgm) IsVorbis() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".ogg")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsMp3() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".mp3")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsFLAC() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".flac")
func (bgm *Bgm) IsMIDI() bool {
return bgm.IsFormat(".mid")

func (bgm *Bgm) IsFormat(extension string) bool {
return filepath.Ext(bgm.filename) == extension

func (bgm *Bgm) Open(filename string) {

if filepath.Base(bgm.filename) == filepath.Base(filename) {

bgm.filename = filename

if bgm.IsVorbis() {
} else if bgm.IsMp3() {
} else if bgm.IsFLAC() {
}else if bgm.IsMIDI() {

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadMp3() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := mp3.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadFLAC() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := flac.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadVorbis() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := vorbis.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)
func (bgm *Bgm) ReadMIDI() {
f, _ := os.Open(bgm.filename)
s, format, err := C.fluid_player_play(f)
if err != nil {
bgm.ReadFormat(s, format)

func (bgm *Bgm) ReadFormat(s beep.StreamSeekCloser, format beep.Format) {
streamer := beep.Loop(-1, s)
volume := -5 + float64(sys.bgmVolume)*0.06*(float64(sys.masterVolume)/100)
streamer = &effects.Volume{Streamer: streamer, Base: 2, Volume: volume, Silent: volume <= -5}
resample := beep.Resample(int(3), format.SampleRate, beep.SampleRate(Mp3SampleRate), streamer)
bgm.ctrl = &beep.Ctrl{Streamer: resample}

func (bgm *Bgm) Pause() {
bgm.ctrl.Paused = true

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wave

type Wave struct {
SamplesPerSec  uint32
Channels       uint16
BytesPerSample uint16
Wav            []byte

func ReadWave(f *os.File, ofs int64) (*Wave, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
n, err := f.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "RIFF" {
return nil, Error("RIFFではありません")
read := func(x interface{}) error {
return binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, x)
var riffSize uint32
if err := read(&riffSize); err != nil {
return nil, err
riffSize += 8
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "WAVE" {
return &Wave{SamplesPerSec: 11025, Channels: 1, BytesPerSample: 1}, nil
fmtSize, dataSize := uint32(0), uint32(0)
w := Wave{}
riffend := ofs + 16 + int64(riffSize)
ofs += 28
for (fmtSize == 0 || dataSize == 0) && ofs < riffend {
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
var size uint32
if err := read(&size); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch string(buf[:n]) {
case "fmt ":
fmtSize = size
var fmtID uint16
if err := read(&fmtID); err != nil {
return nil, err
if fmtID != 1 {
return nil, Error("リニアPCMではありません")
if err := read(&w.Channels); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.Channels < 1 || w.Channels > 2 {
return nil, Error("チャンネル数が不正です")
if err := read(&w.SamplesPerSec); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.SamplesPerSec < 1 || w.SamplesPerSec >= 0xfffff {
return nil, Error(fmt.Sprintf("周波数が不正です %d", w.SamplesPerSec))
var musi uint32
if err := read(&musi); err != nil {
return nil, err
var mushi uint16
if err := read(&mushi); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := read(&w.BytesPerSample); err != nil {
return nil, err
if w.BytesPerSample != 8 && w.BytesPerSample != 16 {
return nil, Error("bit数が不正です")
w.BytesPerSample >>= 3
case "data":
dataSize = size
w.Wav = make([]byte, dataSize)
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, w.Wav); err != nil {
return nil, err
ofs += int64(size) + 8
f.Seek(ofs, 0)
if fmtSize == 0 {
if dataSize > 0 {
return nil, Error("fmt がありません")
return nil, nil
return &w, nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Snd

type Snd struct {
table     map[[2]int32]*Wave
ver, ver2 uint16

func newSnd() *Snd {
return &Snd{table: make(map[[2]int32]*Wave)}

func LoadSnd(filename string) (*Snd, error) {
s := newSnd()
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { chk(f.Close()) }()
buf := make([]byte, 12)
var n int
if n, err = f.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(buf[:n]) != "ElecbyteSnd\x00" {
return nil, Error("ElecbyteSndではありません")
read := func(x interface{}) error {
return binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, x)
if err := read(&s.ver); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := read(&s.ver2); err != nil {
return nil, err
var numberOfSounds uint32
if err := read(&numberOfSounds); err != nil {
return nil, err
var subHeaderOffset uint32
if err := read(&subHeaderOffset); err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := uint32(0); i < numberOfSounds; i++ {
f.Seek(int64(subHeaderOffset), 0)
var nextSubHeaderOffset uint32
if err := read(&nextSubHeaderOffset); err != nil {
return nil, err
var subFileLenght uint32
if err := read(&subFileLenght); err != nil {
return nil, err
var num [2]int32
if err := read(&num); err != nil {
return nil, err
if num[0] >= 0 && num[1] >= 0 {
_, ok := s.table[num]
if !ok {
tmp, err := ReadWave(f, int64(subHeaderOffset))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.table[num] = tmp
subHeaderOffset = nextSubHeaderOffset
return s, nil
func (s *Snd) Get(gn [2]int32) *Wave {
return s.table[gn]
func (s *Snd) play(gn [2]int32) bool {
c := sys.sounds.GetChannel()
if c == nil {
return false
c.sound = s.Get(gn)
return c.sound != nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sound

type Sound struct {
sound   *Wave
volume  int16
loop    bool
freqmul float32
fidx    float64

func (s *Sound) mix() {
if s.sound == nil {
s.fidx = sys.mixer.Mix(s.sound.Wav, s.fidx,
int(s.sound.BytesPerSample), int(s.sound.Channels),
float64(s.sound.SamplesPerSec)*float64(s.freqmul), s.loop,
if int(s.fidx) >= len(s.sound.Wav)/
int(s.sound.BytesPerSample*s.sound.Channels) {
s.sound = nil
s.fidx = 0
func (s *Sound) SetVolume(vol int32) {
if vol < 0 {
s.volume = 0
} else if vol > 512 {
s.volume = 512
} else {
s.volume = int16(vol)
func (s *Sound) SetPan(pan float32, offset *float32) {
// 未実装

type Sounds []Sound

func newSounds(size int) (s Sounds) {
s = make(Sounds, size)
for i := range s {
s[i] = Sound{volume: 256, freqmul: 1}
func (s Sounds) GetChannel() *Sound {
for i := range s {
if s[i].sound == nil {
return &s[i]
return nil
func (s Sounds) mixSounds() {
for i := range s {

So, feel free to modify my commits, or correct the synthax, remember is only a suggestion
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 14, 2019, 05:35:48 am
I'll test it once Install more dependencies. (There is so many stuff to install...)
It seem that Fluidsynth require pkg-config.

A recommendation for the next time you can use something like github gist to upload code like that. (If you don not want to create a merge commit)


Hey Mike can I ask what dependencies did you install? I'm lost.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 14, 2019, 06:29:16 am
I'll test it once Install more dependencies. (There is so many stuff to install...)
It seem that Fluidsynth require pkg-config.

A recommendation for the next time you can use something like github gist to upload code like that. (If you don not want to create a merge commit)


Hey Mike can I ask what dependencies did you install? I'm lost.

Talking about dependencies, let me tell you, Only classic C libraries, (you know the classic .h  and .c formats, that is because I use fluidsynth for another projects based on C, you know Raspberry P, in fact for Zynthian midi module (

The thing I do is only converting C language to Golang (

Man, I came here from programming arduinos, in the arduino thing to insatll a dependecie you only need to make this

#include "DrumPins.h"
#include <midi.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

#define VersionMajor 1
#define VersionMinor 0

#pragma region arrays
byte pinLocation[MAX_PIN_SIZE] = {
getPinLoc(A6 , 0), // HiHat Pedal
getPinLoc(A7 , 0), // HiHat Cymbal T
getPinLoc(A8 , 0), // HiHat Cymbal R
getPinLoc(A9 , 0), // Kick Drum
getPinLoc(A0 , 0), // Snare T
getPinLoc(A0 , 1), // Snare R
getPinLoc(A0 , 2), // Tom 1 T
getPinLoc(A0 , 3), // Tom 1 R
getPinLoc(A0 , 4), // Tom 2 T
getPinLoc(A0 , 5), // Tom 2 R
getPinLoc(A0 , 6), // Tom 3 T
getPinLoc(A0 , 7), // Tom 3 R
getPinLoc(A1 , 0), // Tom 4 T
getPinLoc(A1 , 1), // Tom 4 R
getPinLoc(A1 , 2), // Crash 1 T
getPinLoc(A1 , 3), // Crash 1 R
getPinLoc(A1 , 4), // Crash 2 T
getPinLoc(A1 , 5), // Crash 2 R
getPinLoc(A1 , 6), // Ride 1 T
getPinLoc(A1 , 7), // Ride 1 R
getPinLoc(A2 , 0), // Ride 1 S
getPinLoc(A2 , 1), // Ride 2 T
getPinLoc(A2 , 2), // Ride 2 R
getPinLoc(A2 , 3), // Ride 2 S
getPinLoc(A2 , 4), // Ride 3 T
getPinLoc(A2 , 5), // Ride 3 R
getPinLoc(A2 , 6), // Ride 3 S
getPinLoc(A2 , 7), // Aux 1 T
getPinLoc(A3 , 0), // Aux 1 R
getPinLoc(A3 , 1), // Aux 2 T
getPinLoc(A3 , 2), // Aux 2 R
getPinLoc(A3 , 3), // Aux 3 T
getPinLoc(A3 , 4), // Aux 3 R
getPinLoc(A3 , 5), // Aux 4 T
getPinLoc(A3 , 6), // Aux 4 R
getPinLoc(A3 , 7), // Aux 5 T
getPinLoc(A10 , 0), // Aux 5 R
byte pinType[MAX_PIN_SIZE];
byte pinThreshold[MAX_PIN_SIZE];
byte pinNoteOnThreshold[MAX_PIN_SIZE];
byte pinNoteOnValue[MAX_PIN_SIZE];
byte pinPitch[MAX_PIN_SIZE];
#pragma endregion

#pragma region Setups
void setup() {
// set up funcs
void setupADC() {
// Define various ADC prescaler
const unsigned char PS_16 = (1 << ADPS2);
//const unsigned char PS_32 = (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS0);
//const unsigned char PS_64 = (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1);
const unsigned char PS_128 = (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0);

ADCSRA &= ~PS_128;  // remove bits set by Arduino library
ADCSRA |= PS_16;    // set our own prescaler to 16 for ~20 us
#pragma endregion

#pragma region Serial
#define BAUD_RATE 115200
#define MAX_DATA_BYTES          7 // max number of data bytes in incoming messages
#define START_SYSEX             0xF0 // start a MIDI Sysex message
#define END_SYSEX               0xF7 // end a MIDI Sysex message

byte storedInputData[MAX_DATA_BYTES]; // multi-byte data for SysEx
int sysexBytesRead = 0;
boolean parsingSysex = false;

void setupSerial() {
while (!Serial);
Serial.print("Welcome to aDrums v");

void processSerialInput() {
while (Serial.available()) {
int inputData =; // this is 'int' to handle -1 when no data
if (inputData != -1) {
void parse(byte inputData) {
if (parsingSysex)
if (inputData == END_SYSEX)
//stop sysex byte
parsingSysex = false;
//fire off handler function
//normal data byte - add to buffer
storedInputData[sysexBytesRead] = inputData;
else if (inputData == START_SYSEX)
parsingSysex = true;
sysexBytesRead = 0;
void processSysexMessage() {
sysexCallback(storedInputData[0], sysexBytesRead - 1, storedInputData + 1);

void TX_SERIAL(byte command, byte pin, int value) {
#pragma endregion

#pragma region Loops
void loop()
#pragma endregion

#pragma region MIDI
// First parameter is the event type (0x09 = note on, 0x08 = note off).
// Second parameter is note-on/note-off, combined with the channel.
// Channel can be anything between 0-15. Typically reported to the user as 1-16.
// Third parameter is the note number (48 = middle C).
// Fourth parameter is the velocity (64 = normal, 127 = fastest).
void noteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOn = { 0x09, 0x90 | channel, pitch, velocity };
void noteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOff = { 0x08, 0x80 | channel, pitch, velocity };
// First parameter is the event type (0x0B = control change).
// Second parameter is the event type, combined with the channel.
// Third parameter is the control number number (0-119).
// Fourth parameter is the control value (0-127).
void controlChange(byte channel, byte control, byte value) {
midiEventPacket_t event = { 0x0B, 0xB0 | channel, control, value };
#pragma endregion

#pragma region ReadDrums
void readPins() {
for (byte i = 0; i < MAX_PIN_SIZE; i++)
switch (pinType[i])
ReadDrum(i, getAnalogueValue(i));
int getAnalogueValue(byte pin) {
byte location = pinLocation[pin];
digitalWrite(ADCD1, (location & FLAG_IC1) ? HIGH : LOW);  //flag 00000001
digitalWrite(ADCD2, (location & FLAG_IC2) ? HIGH : LOW);  //flag 00000010
digitalWrite(ADCD3, (location & FLAG_IC3) ? HIGH : LOW);  //flag 00000100
return analogRead((location >> 3));
void ReadDrum(byte pin, int value) {
if (value >= pinThreshold[pin])
if (pinNoteOnValue[pin] == 0)
noteOn(DEFAULT_CHANNEL, pinPitch[pin], getVelocity(pin, value));

else if (pinNoteOnValue[pin] > 0 && pinNoteOnValue[pin] > pinNoteOnThreshold[pin])
noteOff(DEFAULT_CHANNEL, pinPitch[pin], 0);
pinNoteOnValue[pin] = 0;
byte getVelocity(byte pin, int analogue_value) {
//analogue_value max = 1023
return (analogue_value / 8);
#pragma endregion

#pragma region Callbacks
#define toMSG(NAME) MSG_ ## NAME
#define caseCallBack(NAME) \
case toMSG(NAME): \
if(isSet) \
  NAME [arrayPointer[0]] = arrayPointer[1]; \
else \
TX_SERIAL( command , arrayPointer[0], NAME [arrayPointer[0]] ); \

#define MSG_EEPROM 100
#define MSG_pinType 1
#define MSG_pinThreshold 2
#define MSG_pinNoteOnThreshold 3
#define MSG_pinPitch 4

void sysexCallback(byte command, byte size, byte* arrayPointer) {
bool isSet = command & 1;
switch ((command >> 1))
case MSG_GET_HANDSHAKE: TX_SERIAL(command, VersionMajor, VersionMinor); break;
case MSG_GET_PINCOUNT: TX_SERIAL(command, MAX_PIN_SIZE, 0); break;
case MSG_EEPROM: if (isSet) EEPROM_Save(); else EEPROM_Load(); TX_SERIAL(command, 1, 1); break;

#pragma endregion

#pragma region EEPROM
#define _S_EPROM(a,b) eeprom_write_bytes((MAX_PIN_SIZE * b), a, MAX_PIN_SIZE)
#define _L_EPROM(a,b) eeprom_read_bytes((MAX_PIN_SIZE * b), a, MAX_PIN_SIZE)
#define _EPROM_StartAddr 0

void EEPROM_Save() {
_S_EPROM(pinType, 0);
_S_EPROM(pinThreshold, 1);
_S_EPROM(pinNoteOnThreshold, 2);
_S_EPROM(pinPitch, 3);
void EEPROM_Load() {
_L_EPROM(pinType, 0);
_L_EPROM(pinThreshold, 1);
_L_EPROM(pinNoteOnThreshold, 2);
_L_EPROM(pinPitch, 3);

// Absolute min and max eeprom addresses.
// Actual values are hardware-dependent.
// These values can be changed e.g. to protect
// eeprom cells outside this range.
const int EEPROM_MIN_ADDR = 0;
const int EEPROM_MAX_ADDR = 1023;

// Returns true if the address is between the
// minimum and maximum allowed values,
// false otherwise.
// This function is used by the other, higher-level functions
// to prevent bugs and runtime errors due to invalid addresses.
boolean eeprom_is_addr_ok(int addr) {
return ((addr >= EEPROM_MIN_ADDR) && (addr <= EEPROM_MAX_ADDR));

// Writes a sequence of bytes to eeprom starting at the specified address.
// Returns true if the whole array is successfully written.
// Returns false if the start or end addresses aren't between
// the minimum and maximum allowed values.
// When returning false, nothing gets written to eeprom.
boolean eeprom_write_bytes(int startAddr, const byte* array, int numBytes) {
// counter
int i;

// both first byte and last byte addresses must fall within
// the allowed range 
if (!eeprom_is_addr_ok(startAddr) || !eeprom_is_addr_ok(startAddr + numBytes)) {
return false;

for (i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
EEPROM.write(startAddr + i, array[i]);

return true;

// Reads the specified number of bytes from the specified address into the provided buffer.
// Returns true if all the bytes are successfully read.
// Returns false if the star or end addresses aren't between
// the minimum and maximum allowed values.
// When returning false, the provided array is untouched.
// Note: the caller must ensure that array[] has enough space
// to store at most numBytes bytes.
boolean eeprom_read_bytes(int startAddr, byte array[], int numBytes) {
int i;

// both first byte and last byte addresses must fall within
// the allowed range 
if (!eeprom_is_addr_ok(startAddr) || !eeprom_is_addr_ok(startAddr + numBytes)) {
return false;

for (i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
array[i] = + i);

return true;
#pragma endregion

The Idea is that I get the API only for adding fluidsynth support for games like Unreal Engine, Unity or something like that, but the Go language is something that I never mess, so that is the reaseon of the squeaky bindings, but are so criptyc!, so I learn a little about fluidsynth and I discover that a lot of Android apps use this library
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on July 14, 2019, 08:14:47 am
Ikemen is written in Go ,uses Lua for scripting, JSON languaje for config and ranking system and now C calls too for audio synth, this is not good at all but.

Here is a manner to use some C in goolang ( altought are completely diferent kind of coding. Just as Mike said, is a matter of importing c and the synth packages.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 14, 2019, 08:56:44 am
Ikemen is written in Go ,uses Lua for scripting, JSON languaje for config and ranking system and now C calls too for audio synth, this is not good at all but.

Here is a manner to use some C in goolang ( altought are completely diferent kind of coding. Just as Mike said, is a matter of importing c and the synth packages.


Man, And I didnt tell you another weird things do I plan to study for implement to the midi music engine

together with the fluidsynth implementation for .sf2 format for synth, I plan to add .dls compatibility, .vgm music file compatibility and... the cherry over the cake, YM2151 and or YM2612 custom patches loading for every General Midi Instrument, an onboard FM synth

for example, do you remember Street Fighter 2 World Warrior?, imagine have something similar on the music but natively maded instead of reading an MP# prerendered file

Example on a file system.def
fight = fight.def
fightfx = fightfx.def
select = select.def
soundfont= data/gamesoundfont.sf2
YM2151 confing file= data/YM2151.def
YM2612 config file data/YM2612=

and in the file YM2151.def we have inside something like these
Hello, this is the config file
for instrument section of YM2151, please add your OPM
file for GM instrument playing

00 piano= pianostreetfighter2.opm
01 brightpiano = pianostrider.opm
02 harpsichord = thunderzonehpr.opm
40 bass = zangiefingerbass.opm....

something like that for the FM synth
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on July 14, 2019, 09:24:46 am
... the cherry over the cake, YM2151 and or YM2612 custom patches loading for every General Midi Instrument, an onboard FM synth

for example, do you remember Street Fighter 2 World Warrior?, imagine have something similar on the music but natively maded instead of reading an MP# prerendered file

Example on a file system.def
fight = fight.def
fightfx = fightfx.def
select = select.def
soundfont= data/gamesoundfont.sf2
YM2151 confing file= data/YM2151.def
YM2612 config file data/YM2612=

00 piano= pianostreetfighter2.opm
01 brightpiano = pianostrider.opm
02 harpsichord = thunderzonehpr.opm
40 bass = zangiefingerbass.opm....[/code]

something like that for the FM synth

If im not mistaken those are the Megadrive/Genesis yamaha synthetizers..... Wow i love the sound it does and the best thing is their music construction method using samples and waves.

Nice, Mike .

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on July 14, 2019, 05:44:55 pm
Mike you should probably use Spoilers when you write lines of code like those on the previous page especially.

Black screen bug occurs for me aswell btw.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 16, 2019, 01:11:59 am
I'll test it once Install more dependencies. (There is so many stuff to install...)
It seem that Fluidsynth require pkg-config.

A recommendation for the next time you can use something like github gist to upload code like that. (If you don not want to create a merge commit)


Hey Mike can I ask what dependencies did you install? I'm lost.

you ask about dependencies, maybe this can be helpful (

but for morre stability, please use these
git clone git://
  cd avldrums.lv2
  make submodules
  sudo make install PREFIX=/usr

and, talking about the Second player menu glitch, there still cant be the arcade mode selectable by the second player yet, but thanks to the help of pablo Santana, by now I can make choosable the options by second player, but there is imposible to play the second player mode ( the facebook of this good samaritan that helps me

so here is the update, its buggy but maybe you can check the updates
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on July 16, 2019, 11:51:11 am
Gacel are you going to release a new version without the  msaa filter?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 16, 2019, 11:52:43 am
Well it should be optional I think
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on July 16, 2019, 12:13:11 pm
He could remove it from the newer version till he finds time to make it optional so everyone can test the new build. Of course if it is hard to remove it he can leave it as it is till he adds it as an option.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 17, 2019, 01:28:42 am
Sorry for begin late.
I did make MSAA a toggleable option (Is disabled by default)
I can run MSAA so I need people who had the problem to test if it worked.

In circa 20 minutes the build should aparear on AppVeyor in this link:

If everything goes well I'll add a way to change the MSAA option from the menu. (Right now it can be only changed from the config file)

EDIT: Remember to delete the config.json file before opening the update.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on July 17, 2019, 02:31:37 am
Ok thanks for the update.
I forgot to tell you about another issue with the Broly, and that's how Helpers/Projectiles overlap each other. The creator said he combines add transparency and sub transparency, and that doesn't work well in this build seemingly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on July 17, 2019, 01:22:01 pm
Tested the new build without the MSAA and IKEMEN starts normaly, when i turn on the MSAA option from the config IKEMEN starts and stays on black screen. So it is the MSAA that creates the problem as Neat Unsou wrote.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on July 17, 2019, 02:00:23 pm
MSAA doesnt gives black screen on me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 18, 2019, 07:45:05 am
Ok so we can say that MSAA was the problem.
It seem that it was only on some GPUs.
I'll add it to the options menu later.

Ok thanks for the update.
I forgot to tell you about another issue with the Broly, and that's how Helpers/Projectiles overlap each other. The creator said he combines add transparency and sub transparency, and that doesn't work well in this build seemingly.

I'm not good with openGL and I mean that I do not know apart from the bare basics of OpenGL, maybe Neat Unsou would be the indicated person to help with that bug.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 20, 2019, 12:06:47 am
You already send me that Adnan. I'm in the process of learning OpenGL. (That link helped a lot)
I have practiced but it takes time to learn everything.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on July 20, 2019, 07:41:54 am
I understand,i thought you had missed my link.Take your time.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on July 25, 2019, 12:40:09 pm
Stage problems, it's with the floor on the Shine of the Forgotten God stage.
Mugen 1.1: (
Ikemen: (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 27, 2019, 02:44:21 pm
Demo mode crashes for me, error log below:

panic: ./script/randomtest.lua:221: attempt to index a non-table object(nil)
stack traceback:
   ./script/randomtest.lua:221: in function 'rosterTxt'
   ./script/randomtest.lua:236: in function 'init'
   ./script/randomtest.lua:242: in function 'run'
   script/main.lua:2051: in function 'f_mainExtras'
   script/main.lua:1689: in function 'f_mainMenu'
   script/main.lua:2188: in main chunk
   [G]: ?

goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
   /code/src/main.go:263 +0x1f53
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: cidiego on July 28, 2019, 03:24:14 pm
Any possibilities on porting this wonder to Android??
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 29, 2019, 01:50:03 am
Stage problems, it's with the floor on the Shine of the Forgotten God stage.
Mugen 1.1:

I'll check it.

Demo mode crashes for me, error log below:

*Error log*

So this also broke on the GO transition?
I'll see if I rewrite it from scratch (K4thos code is sometimes weird)


Demo mode uses a file called "randomtest.lua" that stuff is not used anywhere else and is completely undocumented...

Does anyone know what demo mode is supposed to do?
I think it was like Mugen demo mode were it shows AI fighting if you stay in the title screen for some time. (Yes I know it can be accessed fro the menu)
But now I'm not sure if it was what I was thinking.


Any possibilities on porting this wonder to Android??

Dan was porting it to android, it did not include touch controls so the use of a external keyboard/gamepad is needed this was because his main target was android TV.
One of the problems was that the size of Docker image with the dependencies was on GB, The android SDK is heavy,
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on July 29, 2019, 01:54:52 am
Any plans for the option for the old Mugen Continue screen?
It would be more convenient especially with Mugen SPs.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 29, 2019, 02:06:57 am
I just forgot that mugen did have a game over screen, had to open it again in arcade to check.

So it is Display the current stage darkened with the character game over animation and the text:

 Yes  No

I think it could be implemented in the future but is not a high priority.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on July 29, 2019, 02:11:47 am
Yeah, the current SFA screen is at a fixed localcoord and looks off at higher resolutions.
Could could keep the option for credits as well though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 29, 2019, 02:30:14 am
Wait these sprites are from Street fighter alpha!!
Well it seems that I have to remove them and make new ones from scratch. (Copyright violations stuff)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on July 29, 2019, 03:35:48 am

Demo mode uses a file called "randomtest.lua" that stuff is not used anywhere else and is completely undocumented...

Does anyone know what demo mode is supposed to do?
I think it was like Mugen demo mode were it shows AI fighting if you stay in the title screen for some time. (Yes I know it can be accessed fro the menu)
But now I'm not sure if it was what I was thinking.

Is exactly what you think, the unreleased k4thos build is a lot far more advanced than you imagine.
Suehiro merging the last build with his own code Was a huge mistake.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 29, 2019, 04:36:54 am
So I decided to find were that file comes from and "randomtest.lua" actually comes from good old Ikemen S-SIZE (The old 2017 Ikemen)
More than half of the code of the Lua files was made for a Ikemen made in another programming language that the reason why a lot of stuff broke and weird workaround like this:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
S-SIZE is largely undocumented and obscure so it was easier to workaround than trying to edit the source.
We need someday to do a refactoring to the lua part.
For now it seems that I have to find out how demo mode works.

* Gacel post *

Is exactly what you think, the unreleased k4thos build is a lot far more advanced than you imagine.
Suehiro merging the last build with his own code Was a huge mistake.

You have my curiosity apart from "4 tag vs 3 simul characters separated lifebars" and the "Here comes a new challenger" what else it does have?

Also I do not consider the merge and error, if you check the commit on the merge:
You can see that the GO part of the code did not change much.
Most of the K4thos work is in the lua files (That are what provides screenpack support and the whole menu frontend)
But yeah the new features will speed up development a lot.

What in the name of...

Okay I discovered why it does not work, for demo mode to work you need to create a folder name "debug" (It needs to be lowercase) because it saves variables in the debug txt files! Why? it saves data in the debug logs!

Emm so I just fell perplexed with this. I'll make so it saves data in a save file inside a save folder (The replays will also go over there and also I'll make so it saves more than one replay) and I will document the file so in the future other people would know what it does.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Inactive user on July 29, 2019, 05:13:47 am
you're putting many efforts to do this engine better, i wish you very luck to solve the issues.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: MaligeX on July 29, 2019, 07:30:05 am

You have my curiosity apart from "4 tag vs 3 simul characters separated lifebars" and the "Here comes a new challenger" what else it does have?

Also I do not consider the merge and error, if you check the commit on the merge:
You can see that the GO part of the code did not change much.
Most of the K4thos work is in the lua files (That are what provides screenpack support and the whole menu frontend)

The last public release from him is the basis from the suehiros merge and your work are using an old code.
The unrelease has changes on source code and lua code to achieve more and optimized functionalities, so many changes cause that trying to fuse your current with his latest in broken compatibility, almost as two different engines.

the challenger and lifebars are only two small bits, he did a little but big change, he deprecated statedef -10 -20 -30 and added a better -1 -2 -3 compatibility.
all in page 4 and 5 of this thread.
Render changes, sound changes, camera changes, lifebar changes, controller changes, option changes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 29, 2019, 07:47:36 am

So this also broke on the GO transition?
I'll see if I rewrite it from scratch (K4thos code is sometimes weird)


Demo mode uses a file called "randomtest.lua" that stuff is not used anywhere else and is completely undocumented...

Does anyone know what demo mode is supposed to do?
I think it was like Mugen demo mode were it shows AI fighting if you stay in the title screen for some time. (Yes I know it can be accessed fro the menu)
But now I'm not sure if it was what I was thinking.


Demo Mode used to work in your older builds of ikemen go plus, yes it is an ai vs ai thing picked randomly and they fight against each other.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 29, 2019, 07:52:15 am
Thank you, I will create the folder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Neat Unsou on July 29, 2019, 10:17:09 am
The last public release from him is the basis from the suehiros merge and your work are using an old code.
The unrelease has changes on source code and lua code to achieve more and optimized functionalities, so many changes cause that trying to fuse your current with his latest in broken compatibility, almost as two different engines.

the challenger and lifebars are only two small bits, he did a little but big change, he deprecated statedef -10 -20 -30 and added a better -1 -2 -3 compatibility.
all in page 4 and 5 of this thread.
Render changes, sound changes, camera changes, lifebar changes, controller changes, option changes.

It's very interesting.
I don't know why he didn't release the code, but sending it to ikemen go developers will help with development.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on July 29, 2019, 09:04:53 pm
Hey could you check PotS' Shin Gouki, or Selfish's SvK edit?
I've been having him as P2 and M.Bison appears dead in the Round 1 Intro even if it's not the Intro with him.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on July 29, 2019, 09:23:43 pm
Any plans for the option for the old Mugen Continue screen?
It would be more convenient especially with Mugen SPs.

It will be helpful, but only as an option

The good thind about Ikemen is the continue screen, specially for the numeric sequence
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 30, 2019, 02:58:43 pm
The hit character sounds and ui sounds still don't work on the mac version, only background music works. But as a work around, mac users can download playonmac and run the 32 bit windows version with it and everything works 100%! Just remember to put openal as native in the library section of configure wine and it will work fine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on July 31, 2019, 09:22:30 am
Maybe is the lack of the openAL binaries, have you installed them?

If you already have brew you can just run in the terminal
brew install openal-soft
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on July 31, 2019, 01:58:51 pm
openal-soft is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because macOS provides OpenAL.framework.

If you need to have openal-soft first in your PATH run:
  echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find openal-soft you may need to set:
  export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib"
  export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/include"

For pkg-config to find openal-soft you may need to set:
  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib/pkgconfig"

==> Summary
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 01, 2019, 08:03:45 pm
In turns out that my openal is installed and up to date, the log attached above said that, I don't know if it would help with anything though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 03, 2019, 01:20:32 am
So MacOS provides a native OpenAL.
For now playonmac seems to be a workaround.
I'll plan to see how to set up a MacOS VM.

Also guys remember "Demo Mode" well apparently the GO side of the engine has a function called AutoLevel.
AutoLevel ranks characters AI based on his number of loses vs wins and match them based on his rank.

So I did set up to save folder and it saves AutoLevel data and Online Replays (Now it can save more than 1) and config.json to it.
A replay file name example is "2019-08(Aug)-02 07-20PM-57s.replay"

Should config.json go in the save folder or should stay in the data folder?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 03, 2019, 03:19:40 am
Save folder sounds better to me since the data folder is already a mess with many stuff related to the motif while config.json has options to manage the engine.
Now, can you make the localcords options for the motif somehow to be on the config.json? I love to test your updates but everytime I do unzip your new update over my Ikemen folder I have to go like three or four motif lua files to set the damn localcord numbers.  I know It sounds kinda lazy from my part actually.

BTW, I dunno how to call those shadows that are like clones of the character when you perform some movements, they dont dissapear at the right time, in Mugen they dissapear but on Ikemen they just persist.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on August 03, 2019, 05:26:42 am
let me present you my new work

The Multigame Synthethizer Midi file Player (Teaser)
This code works like this, is a C library based on mame and others

This code , for midi files (.mid) lets you open, listen and or render a stremeable file but with a nostalgic arcade based sound
arrangement of the open standard GM midi file
in this case, we will have 3 versions of this, one a Standalone Windows binary app, the C library for adding it
in your software tool developing, and another, that will be a native addon precomiled in Golang for Ikemen Go Plus
and a Openbor version
How to handle it

First you will have to choose if you want Fm synth mode, Fm + PCM or PCMhandling waves mode
(If you are using the desktop app GUI based, you must do this process clicking with a Dialog based interface) (on
the other way, in this case if you are using ikemen, you must specify which mode you will use in the System.def)
(on the other case of openbor dreambor, in the engine editor you must select the feature once instaled the library)

*optional second proces
If you select PCMhandling waves mode (on the Gui based), you must define if you insist define each General Midi Preset or did you
want to use a fully General midi Soundfont or Dls, but be sure to load a file that accomplish the General Midi
specs or you must chose one by one a file for each preset, but if you select a proper GM instrument bank file
you will be excempt of loading one by one 128 General midi presets on each file .sf2, (example if you add
the wavetoy_gm.sf2 you will be excempt of select one defined instrument by a single.sf2) (in the Windows Gui
aplication you will do this process selecting on a dialog based the GM fully bank or you will add by clicks the other
128 presets by one by one .sf2 files, for example "00 acoustic piano = Kurzweil.sf2" "34 finger bass = fender bass.sf2) 

(but if you are using ikemen, you will have to specify in the system.def in the midimode line if you want use your native midi driver, this is default
in ikemen if you dont complete the location foder, example of this "midimode=blank", unless in the line under fightfx=fightfx.def, midimode
you must specify directly the .dls file or .sf2 if we are talking abouta GM spec instrument bank, if you doesnt write a
GM sample bank type you must write to location something like this  "midimode=fmsynthgm.def", "midimode = GMfmplusdacpcm.def" or
"multipcmwaves.def", and that names must be writen like that, because affects on the handling code, but the GM banks you can use
wherever name you want on the file only with respect to the .sf2 or .dls  format extension)

Now, you didnt select a GM bank file type, so dont worry, this could be more funnier that you expect

first it depends on the Music mode that you choose  (Fm synth mode, Fm+PCM mode or PCMhandling wave mode, on the Windows Gui interface) (or loading
fmsynthgm.def, fmplusdacpcm.def or multipcmwaves.def in case that you didnt specify a GM sample based bank in ikemen go plus)
(or in the totally specifier.txt on openbor dreambor)

you will have the 128 presets of the general Midi (same that you will have to specify one by one, for example
in the desktop excecutable you must will locate it every instrument one by one with dialog based GUI interface or if you want to save time by locating in a .txt file called GM.txt for a
total loaded preset) (or editing the fmsynthgm.def, fmplusdacpcm.def or multipcmwaves.def)

So you will have a list like this (In the Windows Gui this can be click and load or, totally loadyng a GM)
(on ikemen it will be only if you specify fmsynthgm.def, fmplusdacpcm.def or multipcmwaves.def on midimode=)
00 acoustic piano = your file.opm
01 bright piano= yourfile.sf2
02 electricpiano = yourfile.tfi

now, depending on the selected mode, you can automatically load these formats, let me explain something about the modes:

in fm synth mode (fmsynthgm.def in ikemen case), you can automatically select one of the "FM instrument format handlings" and even
you can mix between format files, but I must warning you each file correspond to a specified fm chip, (see more details on FM instrument format handlings)
, so if you want to have the sound generation of a CPS1 on the specified instrument be sure of loading a .opm file, or if you want a neogeo
instrument based, be sure of use .ins instrument, or you will experiment an unwanted chip mixture sound, this because each format tells to the
code which synth will be used for generate that instrument (remember, this is based on the mame sound core libraries, so it has all the
fm game sound engines, so each engine handle their own format)
other thing, in opm ifles you must only have one instrument in the first channel, because the software will ignore everything on the OPM file except
the first channel (one must contain one single instrument)
and no, you can not select PCM files in this mode

in Fm + PCM (multipcmwaves.def in ikemen) you can mix the FM instrument format handlings and the PCM instrument format handlings,doesnt matter if you mix a
soundfont combination with .opm or you can mix .y12 files with spc drums, depends on your imagination, but remember, the format file tells the program
which wyth will be used
but I must warning you, you cant load a GM bank on a specified instrument (01 bright piano= yourfile.sf2 is correct but 01 bright piano= yourGMbank.sf2 is wrong)
in this case the file is acting as the GM bank, so the program have the instruction of read the first preset of PCM instrument type and ignore

PCMhandling wave mode ("multipcmwaves.def" in ikemen)
you can specify PCM instrument format handlings, but keeping only on PCM formats, even doesnt matter if you mix soundfonts with super nintendo instruments, remember, the limit is your imagination
but I must warning you, you cant load a GM bank on a specified instrument (01 bright piano= yourfile.sf2 is correct but 01 bright piano= yourGMbank.sf2 is wrong)
in this case the file is acting as the GM bank, so the program have the instruction of read the first preset of PCM instrument type and ignore
In this mode, you must keep using PCM files, no FM files allowed

FM instrument format handlings

.opm = ym2151 (capcom cps1)
.ins = ym2610 (neogeo)
y12 = ym2612 (sega megadrive)
tfi = ym2203 (arcade)

PCM instrument format handlings
.sf2 = soundfont  (will act as Qsound from cps2 capcom games or PCM sampler) (ideoneous if you ripped from VGMtrans cps2 games)
IT, MOD, MTM, S3M, XM, 669, PTM, FAR =  tracker instruments (will act as Qsound from cps2 capcom games or PCM sampler)
.spc, .brr = SPC700 (Nintendo snes/super famicom instruments)

Hasta aqui mi reporte joaquin
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 05, 2019, 12:49:46 am
Gracias por tu reporte volvemos al estudio.
Looking forward to the release of MSMP Mike.

Neatunsou did another update that:
- Fixed a bug in SFF palletes.

I also added:
- The ability to disable team modes from the option menu. Do not want simul? well now you can remove from the menu.
- A save folder that stores replays, the config file, ai data, etc.
- And now the engine saves more than 1 replay.

Here are the info for the save function:
[State Test]
type = SaveFile
trigger1 = time = 10
savedata = var
path = "kfm.gob"
Put specified data together and save it as binary. It uses gob, which is a serialized format for Go language, as the storage format.
Specify the data saved by savedata as var, fvar, or map. All characters specified by the character or helper who executed the function are stored at that time.
Specify the save destination file path by path (execution character standard). Can use any extension (.gob is recomneded)

[State Test]
type = Loadfile
trigger1 = time = 10
savedata = var
path = "kfm.gob"
Loads the specified data and overwrites the data of the execution character. Note that all the data before reading will disappear.
Specify the data to be read by savedata from var, fvar, or map. An error occurs if you make a mistake in the path.
Specify the path of the file to be read in path (Relative to the character folder).
So yeah, now characters can save permanent data.

The builds are on AppVeyor as they always have:
(It will take like 20 minutes from the time I write this to compile so wait)

It's ready to download.
If it's a clean setup do not forget the MUGEN files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on August 05, 2019, 12:52:36 am
Boy, you better start adding documentation to in the game files, because I'm gonna be lost when I start using this for real.
Also I assume we can safely disable options in the motif file or whatever?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on August 05, 2019, 01:33:15 am
Is it possible to create a round intro system using fonts like snk vs capcom dialogues?I know it is possible to do it using coding but it will be great to use fonts instead of text sprites.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 05, 2019, 09:26:54 pm
Is it possible to create a round intro system using fonts like snk vs capcom dialogues?I know it is possible to do it using coding but it will be great to use fonts instead of text sprites.

Right now there is now way to make a character display fonts, l'l see how hard is to implement it.

Boy, you better start adding documentation to in the game files, because I'm gonna be lost when I start using this for real.
Also I assume we can safely disable options in the motif file or whatever?

Neatunsou has a full documentation of the new features in Japanese, I'll finish translating that and adding it to my github repo today.
Also, Yeah is safe to disable options in the "options.lua" file to do it just delete the line.
The line you need to delete look like this:
{data = textImgNew(), itemname = 'enginesettings', displayname = motif.option_info.menu_itemname_main_engine},
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on August 05, 2019, 09:34:36 pm
I assume it's like the Menu Options in normal Mugen where you score out an option by leaving the name blank?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 05, 2019, 09:44:03 pm
Did new font support got added? I remember it wasnt running mugen 1.1 fonts.Also can Select Screen get more customizable options? Like Pallete Select or Groove Select
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 05, 2019, 10:54:39 pm
Did new font support got added? I remember it wasn't running mugen 1.1 fonts. Also can Select Screen get more customizable options? Like Pallete Select or Groove Select

Mugen 1.1 font was there or a long time on screenpacks, it was added to the lifebars in april 20, Kidcy added it.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Pallete select could be easy but groove select is a whole different matter considering that characters use vastly different system for changing a groove.

I assume it's like the Menu Options in normal Mugen where you score out an option by leaving the name blank?

It's Similar, but also there are other lines that control the option menu logic inside the file.

Bejeeta I finished translating the features doc:
A 208 lines, 1558 words document.
It's a very amateurish translation but it should work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Yuias on August 10, 2019, 04:56:18 pm
Hiya all. Made an account so I can reply this thread. Thank you SO much for updating this time to time. I been having a blast using this Ikemen Go Plus playing with my family here and want to tell you to keep up the good work! Although I would really wish to know how to add more HP Lifebars for Players 5-8 and Powerbars for Players 3-8 but I know you all are always been busy so I can't be picky about it. Really, thank you so much and please keep up the good work :D
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 11, 2019, 12:37:10 am
Is anyone having these troubles with commands like  236236 + any button?
For example I have this KOF project that Im doing and Im testing it every weekend with friends, they told me they have problems with certain super moves, for example Yashiro 236236 A or C, doesnt come out unless you input perfect quarter circle movements, if they make a half circle input (for example, 1236236 or 4236236), the movement doesnt come out. In mugen this doesnt happen you can input half circle movements and for Mugen is like Quarter circles. Half circle movements like Clark Hyper specials are not a problem.   
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 11, 2019, 12:44:26 am
Yup, you need the perfect movement. Hibiki/Ryo, supers like that. I just ended up getting used to it, but there is definitely something up with the commands. If you mean how you have to be extra firm with it to work. I feel as though it’s gotten better from vanilla Ikemen though. I want to say, it’s the diagonals.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 11, 2019, 08:38:39 am
2Dee4ever did give a great response.
I also think is the diagonals.

Hiya all. Made an account so I can reply this thread. Thank you SO much for updating this time to time. I been having a blast using this Ikemen Go Plus playing with my family here and want to tell you to keep up the good work! Although I would really wish to know how to add more HP Lifebars for Players 5-8 and Powerbars for Players 3-8 but I know you all are always been busy so I can't be picky about it. Really, thank you so much and please keep up the good work :D

I'm happy you like the engine.
About expanded lifebar and powerbar support. If I code it in the "obvious way" (Building on top on how it works now) I need to assign the variables of the life bar (Life bar only not energy bar and only for simul not tag) for 72 different types (If we limit to 8), so now I'm thinking on a diferent way to code it so it does not duplicate a lot of data.

Curently working on that and learning how the CNS parser works so I can edit TagIn to work with more than 2 chars at the time.

To people wondering what TagIn / TagOut does: It works similar to Ctrl+Alt+F1/F2 on MUGEN but keeps the char CNS running.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 12, 2019, 12:07:50 am
Yup, you need the perfect movement. Hibiki/Ryo, supers like that. I just ended up getting used to it, but there is definitely something up with the commands. If you mean how you have to be extra firm with it to work. I feel as though it’s gotten better from vanilla Ikemen though. I want to say, it’s the diagonals.

Since is a full game I guess I just have to edit the common command file and add more commands with the same 236236 movement name. That pretty much give flexibility in movements, but this is easy on a full game. Guess not that easy on a custom mugen installation with dozens of characters.
I think that should be checked out because one can be ok with many differences in graphics and sound between Mugen and Ikemen GO but not inputs, its very frustrating to see you are missing your movements despite you have many years playing FGs. And 236236 is a pretty used command for hypers since SSF2T.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 12, 2019, 01:02:58 am
You can also add negative edge and see if that helps. Changing the command time etc doesn’t seem to do much for me and I don’t want it to be too easy. Been using Ikemen since the first version and also an adept fighting game enthusiast, I know what you mean. It’s definitely been hit or miss for me as well. At one point the problem went away, then it came back(newer updates) and I’m not sure why.

So you are making a full game eh, I wanna see. This is ideal for full game development. The work scares most away though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Yuias on August 13, 2019, 12:40:18 am
I'm happy you like the engine.
About expanded lifebar and powerbar support. If I code it in the "obvious way" (Building on top on how it works now) I need to assign the variables of the life bar (Life bar only not energy bar and only for simul not tag) for 72 different types (If we limit to 8), so now I'm thinking on a diferent way to code it so it does not duplicate a lot of data.

Curently working on that and learning how the CNS parser works so I can edit TagIn to work with more than 2 chars at the time.

Yay, I can wait on that because.... I myself have tried coding myself before (Even tried to make my own game but didn't get quite far because I have no patience of coding everything single thing how to make it works) and I truly, trulllly, know how painful it is so take your time. I'm still looking for the perfect Lifebars for me anyways.... just can't seem to find the right one for me....... :stars:

Oh and as for the diagonals, I DID feel like it was.... funny a while ago because I used to be able to do Shinkuu Hadoken on MvC Ryu easily but now I have to like... after doing the movements to use it, I have to wait like a little BEFORE I press the 2 Punch buttons instead of instantly. Its like there is a little delay there somehow. Didn't really bother me so much though  :laugh4:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 13, 2019, 12:48:44 am
I was gonna suggest an alternative way of win screen that isnt based on screenpacks,sth like a txt box with whatever port 9000,1,2 assigned so  character and bg can be seen at same time as win screen  sth like svc
also mugen 1.1 has a problem where small ports of lifebar dont share colors as character pal and doesnt change with remappal,mind we get this properly implemented for ikemen if it doesnt cause any trouble? pls?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on August 14, 2019, 08:40:24 pm
One request for storyboards, could videos like MP4 files be allowed in the future?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on August 17, 2019, 09:23:25 pm
Ikemen GO Plus:

Mugen 1.1:

Few things I had observed with Ikemen GO plus compared to mugen
  • Combo counter doesn't work properly
  • Afterfx seem to be affected by pausetime
  • Damage that is displayed on the lifebar falls more instantly than mugen
  • Sound is clearer in Ikemen than it is in mugen, though not affected by pan currently
  • fall.defence_up seems to actually get applied properly
  • The camera in general seems to operate more harshly than it is in mugen

@Gacel just curious if you have these issues written down or something since they're still there in the latest build of Ikemen go plus

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 17, 2019, 10:01:31 pm
Combo counter already been fixed.I dont know others through.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on August 17, 2019, 10:10:23 pm
Combo counter already been fixed.I dont know others through.

Um about that. ( And this is from the latest version Gacel has put out

The builds are on AppVeyor as they always have:
(It will take like 20 minutes from the time I write this to compile so wait)

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 17, 2019, 10:41:00 pm
Adnan is referring to the Mugen 1.0/1.1 combo counter compatibility.
Amidweiz is talking about a bug were pauses do not pause the combo counter timer.

This can be seen on Mugen with charters with "time stop" skills, when they hit while in pause the combo counter stacks even when the time between the hits high.
In Ikemen this does not happens (Hence is a bug)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 18, 2019, 11:28:53 am
Idk if i  already reported it.Gm's gill doesnt get ressurrected after defeat in Ikemen.He does in mugen tho.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 20, 2019, 07:57:45 pm
script/main.lua:1076: table index is nil
stack traceback:
   script/main.lua:1076: in function 'f_addChar'
   script/main.lua:1135: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
uhm facing this
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 20, 2019, 07:59:11 pm
Is this happening when you're playing with a certain character? Because if so, try removing the storyboards in the DEF file of the character.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 20, 2019, 08:03:22 pm
nah it happens when I try to run ikemen with default screenpack
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on August 20, 2019, 08:06:41 pm
Ah okay, I'm not sure then, pretty sure Gacel would know though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on August 20, 2019, 08:13:35 pm
search select.def you must have a character named wrong or a , placed wrong.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on August 20, 2019, 08:27:52 pm
I bet

 ;Insert your characters below.
R. Mika,stages\iwashi2014.def, music=sound\R.Mika.mp3,includestage=1
Maki,includestage=0, order=0
CharlieNash\Nash.def,, includestage=1
DivineBlair\DivineBlair.def,includestage=0, order=0
Demitri\Demitri.def,stages\demitri.def,music=sound\Lord Demitri.mp3
DivineLilith,includestage=0, order=0
Ash Crimson
Clark,includestage=0, order=0
Takuma\Takuma.def,, includestage=0
Ryo\Ryo.def, stages\Kyokugenryu2014WS.def, music=sound\KOFXIII Sakazaki Dojo.mp3
DivineRobert,, includestage=0, order=0
MrKarate\MrKarate.def, stages\Kyokugenryu2014WS.def
DivineRock,, includestage=0, order=0
cvsxTerry\cvsxTerry.def,, includestage=0
Haohmaru\Haohmaru.def,, includestage=0
Rugal\Rugal.def, stages\skynoah2014.def
Geese\Geese.def, stages\tower2014.def
Shermie\Shermie.def,includestage=0, order=0
DivineKula\DivineKula.def,, includestage=0, order=0
Tiffany,includestage=0, order=0
DivineTia,includestage=0, order=0
Mike Haggar\Mike Haggar.def,includestage=0, order=0
DivineJill\DivineJill.def,includestage=0, order=0
Wolverine\Wolverine.def,includestage=0, order=0

stages\Mexico 2k2 ~ Nighttime - Addition FX (M.U.G.E.N. 1.1B1).def

;Set up the order of battles here for Arcade mode!

arcade.maxmatches = 6,1,1,5,0,0,0,0,0,0

;Set up the order of battles here for Team Arcade mode!

team.maxmatches = 6,1,1,5,0,0,0,0,0,0
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 20, 2019, 08:44:55 pm
This question is more for advanced users. The issues you have, can they be solved using workarounds? For example, for the longest time, I couldn't get poison to work etc. I mean to say that many of these characters you use may just use very old code. There are some things mentioned that are actual engine errors like screenbound etc. We need to find a solution for widescreen as well if anyone decides to use a different resolution.

On that note, I know you can make it so the changing the resolution in options doesn't change the local cord as well right? If you get what I mean, changing the resolution in mugen doesn't alter the stages as well etc.

Honestly, I haven't been following this since @k4thos: left as we were more so on the same page about things, but seeing this so stagnant is kinda discouraging. I figured, I'd just leave it to you all, but we need to get the ball rolling on this. You may not acknowledge me, but I've been integral on this front.. If you can help me with this, we can continue to push this further. I will help you get the resources you need etc.

Now.. I have a few suggestions..

1. We need a comprehensive list of whats been done, what needs to be done(Ikemen/IkemenPlus/Ikemen Go). I already know some core differences, but if I could have a more complete detailed list of differences from mugen as well, that would be great. I realize that things are scattered among these pages and it would help if things were more unified. It's harder for someone to just jump into this without knowing where to start. Same thing for devs. I know about the repos, but there are too many, more than one imo. This is the centralized point of information, but everything is as I said, scattered.

2. What is the most stable version currently? What is the core focus? Can we strive for a stable build and work from there?

Development seems kinda all over the place, there is no central hub, or is there? A lot of the focus seems to be going towards "extras" by this I mean things that aren't necessary right now. Should the core not be the essentials first? The menus/font/combo counter etc stuff like that, over a tag system imo.

Also... When it comes to bugs, feel as though this could help you out.
Bug reports
Similar approach is preferred when it comes to bug reports. "X doesn't work" is not good enough report. Test cases (KFM with code that showcases the issue) and repro steps are appreciated (in most cases required).

@K4thos: Why you blue balls me bro? lol Hey.. Message me on discord when you see this, I'd really appreciate it.

I could be wrong, I heard you guys had a discord specifically for devs, is that still open? I use everything.. I create using only this engine. I can test everything. A lot of the things that were planned, I can actually implement so this isn't just anyone blabbing on about it, I will actually do it. Are we, or aren't we going to push this to the absolute limit.. Let me know.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on August 20, 2019, 09:03:10 pm
2dee4ever the build is updated very often so there isnt any standard version to use right now.I suggest you try the latest version which is at the Neat's repo.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 20, 2019, 09:19:21 pm
Are you familiar with emulators and the like? They usually have a stable version aside from the ongoing dev builds. That's what I was suggesting. This way things can continue to go forward without huge gaps of lost time.

Also, prebuilt. So people can experiment easily.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 20, 2019, 10:43:27 pm
script/main.lua:1076: table index is nil
stack traceback:
   script/main.lua:1076: in function 'f_addChar'
   script/main.lua:1135: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
uhm facing this

Fixed! (I hope) Download it again and tell me if the fix works.

Are you familiar with emulators and the like? They usually have a stable version aside from the ongoing dev builds. That's what I was suggesting. This way things can continue to go forward without huge gaps of lost time.

Also, prebuilt. So people can experiment easily.

Ikemen is still not ready for a stable release, we have prebuilt builds at appveyor. <<= Prebuilt executables here.

The Mugen screenpack files are in a separate download (Legal reasons)

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
About resolution well widescreen... when you change the resolution to widescreen on mugen the aspect ratio does too, so Ikemen is the same :sweatdrop:
You need to use a 4:3 resolution for the game display at 4:3.

About the list of what have been doing:
Is in the github readme.
If you are referring to a changelog (Bug fixes and stuff) compared to K4thos version I can make one too if you think is a good idea.

There is not stable version right now I could not call any version (The suherio one, the current one and the K4thos one) stable.
There is so much stuff that differs from mugen and causes compatibility problems.

My focus is bug fixing, compatibility stuff and finishing some things inside the engine.

The only new features (Thing that muges does not have) that I added is the "TeamMode = TAG" , TagIn and TagOut.
Is the only thing that I added and did only did take a 2 days, I did added because the legacy tag was just glorified simul and did not support a independent lifebar.
I even added the option that you could disable it if you don't like it.

Most of the added features are added by Neatunsou and he also makes changes that contribute a lot to compatibility and bug fixing.

The development
For me the core focus is getting the engine to a state that could load all the mugen content that 1.1 can out of the box. (Except chars that use supernull and other bugs)
The main repos are Mine and Neatunsou we merge the changes of eachother constantly so most of the time the 2 repos are the same.
Also other people (Like kidcy and Mike77154) also contribute once in while and that gets merged with the main repo.

About builds you can find them on:
As I said the project is not ready for a stable release. There know compatibility bugs (And a input bug)

I know that development can sometimes seems stagnant but we are a very small group of people that does this on our when we have some free time. It has been only 5 months since I started working on Ikemen.

P.S. One new update the changes are:
- Neatunsou changed how palette textures are read.
- I fixed the bug that Mark85 reported.

The builds can be found on AppVeyor (The link is above)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 20, 2019, 11:55:14 pm
So how was k4thos able to do it the first time? He had it working without the mugen files? It avoided all of the, having to download those. By prebuilt I mean just like this, as you would download mugen with everything ready to go out the box. Yes, definitely need that change log etc.

Ikemen Plus is currently the most stable as far as Ikemen goes. As of now, I don't see any real reason to use Go. Originally plus was scrapped in favor of this new thing, but seeing as it stopped, Plus is still viable. The main thing I've seen people go on and on about is not having to index. What other game breaking feature is preventing others from using it? The whole goal behind this was really to add things, K4thos already did everything else. As is, right now, with a lil bit of extra work one could already create a something using Ikemen Plus. All of this work is really to make it so, no one has to get their hands dirty, lets be real here.

When you change the resolution on ikemen it also upscales the sprites. Does it also do this on mugen? It's more apparent on stages with more explods, so this is probably a bad example. If its the same on mugen, nvm.



My goal is to get help, I never complain. I know the work that goes into everything. I'm just ready to make things happen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 21, 2019, 12:05:15 am
Completely agree with the stable release, still I see this too hard to achieve because it seems there is only two people working on this and they speak two pretty different languages and the time zone.

BTW, I fixed my 236x2 not being detected properly by doing this.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Gacel any idea why Stage zoom commands are causing problems only on Arcade mode?

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on August 21, 2019, 12:32:31 am
People are still working on Plus, little by little. Just recently, audio normalisation was disabled and in-game volume controls were implemented.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 21, 2019, 12:52:47 am
Plus or Go Plus? All these names lol like SF

Has anyone been messing with things like Online etc? I feel like its not a selling point anymore with Parsec etc.

People just need to be able to download and add their screenpacks, not that its complicated now.

I suppose I was really getting at, why couldn't these things be implemented to plus instead? It is more of a personal disinterest in mugen 1.1 optimization. scrtls work just fine, but of course its always case specific. I assume you all already knew. You know its interesting that my fight.sff works fine saved as 1.1, but the system does not.

I'm interested in adding a few simple things right now. Does anyone know how to, specifically make it so you can control what the characters do on the select screen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on August 21, 2019, 01:04:22 am
...As of now, I don't see any real reason to use Go. Originally plus was scrapped in favor of this new thing, but seeing as it stopped, Plus is still viable. The main thing I've seen people go on and on about is not having to index. What other game breaking feature is preventing others from using it? The whole goal behind this was really to add things, K4thos already did everything else. As is, right now, with a lil bit of extra work one could already create a something using Ikemen Plus. All of this work is really to make it so, no one has to get their hands dirty, lets be real here.

My list of responses to this

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 21, 2019, 01:06:11 am
Plus got an update, Yeah, like one change per year. 

The reason behind Im using GO, it is I see it someone working on it, and Im glad I could help in development.

Many people are using D9VK the fork that tries to use Vulcan over DX9, instead of the much more stable Wine DX9 implementation. Why people would do this, you know using something buggy and unstable as hell instead of the stable one? Because they want to contribute. Who knows if D9VK will become something big(actually it was already included in the last Steamplay version) as Ikemen GO in the future.

Im agree in the stable release, but if it cant be done, it cant be done, not gonna get mad about it.

And the reason GO exist is pretty much what Amidweiz, it is being done in  a way more friendly code than PLUS, a code that can be pretty much compatible with many systems, not only Windows.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 21, 2019, 01:24:01 am
Hmm. Well all in all having a visible roadmap/checklist can only do good. In this way, people can know whats going on. Couldn't hurt for things to be more concise. Did he ever give access to the thread?

Not Maximilian, but I'm building my platform for this specific reason, the more people that know about it, the higher chance of solving these issues/getting more people on board, expansion. I know no one is losing sleep over it, definitely not complaining, but I would never undermine our interest, we care, those of us that plan to use it, so yes it does merit some resolve. I just want to help. If I have all the info then I can start a campaign on it.

It may not seem like much, but when you guys join in on the conversation it kinda raises the morale, for me anyway. I get everyone is kinda doing their own thing, but its great to see the interest and we can share thoughts.

The biggest thing for me? I've only been learning about things I'm trying to do. Only once I start looking into it do I realize something is amiss. As everyone is doing their own experimenting it could save a lot of time. I'm going to have to set some time aside and try to port my things over.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 21, 2019, 07:19:29 am
Gacel any idea why Stage zoom commands are causing problems only on Arcade mode?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

The bug is because the lua code lacks Null checks. &gt;_&gt; This bug and the last one (The screen select one) are that.
I uploaded the code changes and AppVeyor would compile it, tell me if it works, I did write this blind (Without your select.def) so I'm not sure if it works.

If it does not please send me your select.def (Writing it in a post works)

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I maybe did not explain it well appveyor host the prebuilt exes you only need to extract the 2 zip files in one folder.
The one in appveyor:
And the mugen screenpack:
I do this because I automated the builds and uploading copyrighted material is against the TOS.
Once we hit a stable release we can publish it in a file upload site (Mega, Mediafire, etc) in 1 zip file.

K4thos did include the Mugen files (And some street fighter characters) inside the repo, that was not legal (Copyright) if the project someday for some reason get looked by Github and we host these copyrighted files on it Github can remove it from the site.

About widescreen
The new versions of Ikemen Go have the bug posted above fixed.
The fix is not what you think because Well in mugen the charters also scale up in widescreen.
I'm planning to implement a alternative scaling mode that just expands the visible are without making "zoom-in"

Also there is no problem complaining as long you are civil about it.
I mean I hate the way that Mugen manages widescreen scaling because it cut's info.
Some people did want to keep the old tag mode when I changed it and it's the reason why it's a option. etc.

Hmm. Well all in all having a visible roadmap/checklist can only do good. In this way, people can know whats going on. Couldn't hurt for things to be more concise. Did he ever give access to the thread?

Not Maximilian, but I'm building my platform for this specific reason, the more people that know about it, the higher chance of solving these issues/getting more people on board, expansion. I know no one is losing sleep over it, definitely not complaining, but I would never undermine our interest, we care, those of us that plan to use it, so yes it does merit some resolve. I just want to help. If I have all the info then I can start a campaign on it.

It may not seem like much, but when you guys join in on the conversation it kinda raises the morale, for me anyway. I get everyone is kinda doing their own thing, but its great to see the interest and we can share thoughts.

The biggest thing for me? I've only been learning about things I'm trying to do. Only once I start looking into it do I realize something is amiss. As everyone is doing their own experimenting it could save a lot of time. I'm going to have to set some time aside and try to port my things over.

I have a roadmap and now that I see it...
- Implement localcoord on screenpacks and lifeabars [Done]
- Fix MP3 audio loading (This was one of the first ones) [Done]
- Implement fntv2 on lifebars [Done by kidcy]
- Fix option menu and infobox scaling [Done]
- Hide the console terminal on windows [Done]
- Improve lifebar font loading. (So it search directories like mugen) [Done]
- Fix online mode reder clean [Done]
- Add alternative widescreen scaling
- Make localcoord values loadable from the screenpack files
- Edit UNO tag to the work on the new tag mode (So the Tag option does something)

Once finished all of that create a installer like Dan did before.
It will not take me much time to finish that. I think we can fix some of the know bugs (There are only 8) and we can launching a stable release.

So the bugs that I know are:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That was a wall of text.
OK so also I'm gonna make a changelog (Changes since the K4thos version)

Mugen widescreen scaling (Yeah I choose that aspect ratio to show it's flaws)
Ikemen GO works the exact same way.
I'm adding a alternative scaling to prevent cutoff.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on August 21, 2019, 10:56:56 am
Plus or Go Plus?

Vanilla IKEMEN Plus. I've had to spend ages figuring out S-SIZE more or less on my own, so I'm not letting that go to waste. I don't see how online is going to change at all without any kind of server to hold and process information. Currently, barebones peer-to-peer is the best we've got.

I could always take a stab at backporting some of the newer things from GO like being able to store player IPs for quicker netplay setup.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Hephaistos31 on August 21, 2019, 11:05:50 am
Guys you really have to work all together in one same engine.
I'm not a dev so my words are probably useless here, but if some new dev jump into the working force of this project it may be if it's on a well known language, like C... So for Go Plus, no?
There is no way that you guys port into Go Plus the "extra" features that already exist in Plus?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 21, 2019, 11:26:44 am
Just realized Reversaldefs are not working for me, at least for projectiles.

This code is used on KOF  Yamazaki 426 A or C, that movement that return any projectile. Tested on Mugen 1.1 the same code works there but not in GO
. Also Athena mirror isnt working.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on August 21, 2019, 01:58:41 pm
Guys you really have to work all together in one same engine.
I'm not a dev so my words are probably useless here, but if some new dev jump into the working force of this project it may be if it's on a well known language, like C... So for Go Plus, no?
There is no way that you guys port into Go Plus the "extra" features that already exist in Plus?

It's slightly more difficult to develop for GO since you need to set up a build environment and compile your changes to an .exe each time; granted it's a lot more simple once you have the environment set up, but vanilla IKEMEN has the benefit of its core files (S-SIZE) not needing to be compiled when you want to test your modifications, so you just save the file and run IKEMEN. When you've worked with a language for a while, you're less wanting to learn a whole new one when you can continue working with what you know, especially when the new stuff introduced in IKEMEN GO isn't that much of an advancement and can likely be backported to vanilla IKEMEN like I did with the updated command buffer, which is when I noticed the double-tap issue with it. Maybe if IKEMEN GO was able to dynamically read data from config files and thus not require a restart each time you fiddle around in the options menu, then we'd be talking.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Hephaistos31 on August 21, 2019, 02:23:00 pm
I understand absolutely everything you said.
The major issue is that you need to compile with Go all the time to see even the smallest change.
I just have another question: What engine would be the most 'futureproof'? I mean even if we do not know what can happen with software support and things?
Thanks for your words, It's interesting for me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 21, 2019, 08:36:25 pm
 Suehiro scrapped vanilla for GO, yeah the same guy that did Ikemen Vanilla, surely he had good reasons.

I just have another question: What engine would be the most 'futureproof'? I mean even if we do not know what can happen with software support and things?

Just go back to the last page 59 and look for amidweiz answer to 2Dee4ever.
He pretty much answered this so well I think nobody can actually have better arguments.

Now I think people could stop derailing the thread, I tell you with all respect, because I think this is for helping in the developing on Ikemen GO and my posts reporting bugs and stuff are just getting buried below all your post about Mugen vs Vanilla vs Plus vs GO.

Pretty sure a new thread about engine wars could be done somewhere else  IMHO. No offense intended.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on August 21, 2019, 09:36:29 pm
It's perfectly acceptable for people to ask what differentiates vanilla/Plus and GO.

The likely reason SUEHIRO shifted from his own proprietary language (S-SIZE) to GoLang is because it's better documented and less cumbersome for other developers to work with. It's all well and good when you understand your own language, but then you have the hassle of attempting to document it for others to understand, which SUEHIRO kinda did but not particularly well. GoLang also has a number of pre-built plugins and such.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 21, 2019, 09:52:16 pm
That is not what I meant, I guess it should be otherwise and maybe Gacel can start a thread when people like me just report bugs, differences found between Mugen and GO, engine errors and suggestions because all those stuff is getting buried below those walls of text about people discussing if GO worth the hassle.

I can say the topic is interesting and I will be surely participate but in another thread or in this thread if the bug reporting is being taken somewhere else.
I already use Gacel github to report bugs, but I like also doing it here because other players can look into issues they are having too and maybe look for possible solutions. Also forums are more Search engine friendly than Github.

It is my humble suggestion.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 22, 2019, 12:03:15 am
I see no problem with the advantages/disadvantages of the 2 Ikemens begin discused here, I keep track of the bugs the people post here in github so things do not get buried.

But maybe I should start a bug report tread.

Also in another news it seems that Add004 got updated to work on the new tag option!
Here is a battle of Simul vs Tag.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on August 22, 2019, 12:04:08 am
Simul just doesn't work the same, probably becuase of the lifebars.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 22, 2019, 12:14:32 am
It's because of the lifebars.
Add004 also include gameplay changes. (Also characters have a despawn animation on simul)
You can edit them out on commmon1.cns

Also I forgot to say it I released yet another update:
When you pressed Ctrl+# (The debug AI command) it did set the AI to 8 ignoring the difficulty setting, now it should set it up correctly.

I remember that 2Dee4ever said that he could not get a poison effect work.
Upon reading more I found that in MUGEN it uses a reversal def bug.

Ikemen GO does have the "RedirectID" parameter that allow to use any State Controller on the other chars without the need to use the ReversalDef bug.

Here is a example of a very simple poison effect
[State -2, Poison]
type = LifeAdd
trigger1 = <Is the enemy posioned? trigger> ;(Could be a var that get set to a certain amount when a attack hits)
value = -1
kill = 0
RedirectID = <Enemy id here> ;(You can save it in a var when a attack hits)

Hey Amidweiz I did manage to replicate the KFM combo (It was hard) and I noticed something if you replace the Strong Kung Fu Blow with a Light Kung Fu Blow the combo works.
It seems that the problem is in the way that Ikemen GO manages the combo window.
Does anyone know how many time does mugen give between hits?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 22, 2019, 08:29:45 am
Does anyone having isssue that after adding lua files(main-select)single mode and bonus stages does not appear?I am trying to fix it all day but nothing happens.Actually installing old main.lua makes bonus stages mode appears.But still no single.
And this char crashes ikemen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 22, 2019, 09:23:19 am
At line 8726 inside super.cns "offset = " does not have a value.
You need to erase that line.

About the bonus game bug, remember that bug that Mark85 reported?
Well... it seems that while fixing the bug I broke something on the parser. My bad.
I uploaded another commit and now it should be fixed.

EDIT: (As 24 agu)
Forgot to upload the changes, sorry.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on August 25, 2019, 07:35:35 am
LoL.Its okay as my PC died.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on August 26, 2019, 03:39:36 am
But maybe I should start a bug report tread.

Even here on MG you can see full game projects have their subforums arranged in a way that suggestions, releases, bug thread and discussions are separated. Sometimes I didnt even noticed you released a new build because is just buried behind all the discussion here. I guess a release thread could be nice.

Also sometimes I found differences between how GO PLus manages the code from Mugen, something I would like to share in bug thread. For example, in GO PLUS, targetbind behaves different with OTG(on the ground) hits, not exactly a bug because adjusting the POS value fixes this behavior.

[State 810,TargetBind]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = AnimElem = 20,>=0 && AnimElem = 35,<0
pos = 34,0

Original value on Mugen was pos = 18,0

With original POS value.

After adjusting the POS value.

Thinking it better it seems that actually Terry hitbox push Whip back. Still is funny how things works.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on August 26, 2019, 09:55:21 pm
Yeah it looks like the hibox clash is the problem.
In Mugen when 2 hitboxes clashes they push eachother in a left and right.
In Ikemen GO a static hitbox is like a brick wall, is completely static unless it allows itself to be moved.

But I wonder why is only on the ground?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: 2Dee4ever on August 31, 2019, 02:17:03 am
So yeah.. Screenbound does not work no matter what you try. Found a temp workaround using the camera helper. At the very least can see partners off screen.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on September 01, 2019, 07:20:29 pm
K4thos looks like was active 12 days ago.Did he said anything about unrelased code?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on September 02, 2019, 02:53:37 am
K4thos looks like was active 12 days ago.Did he said anything about unrelased code?

this always happens, maybe like the 100th time hes been active and he's updated no one, so I doubt it, apparently he hasnt said anything to Gacel. Best to give up on that endeavor.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 09, 2019, 09:24:23 pm
Yep it always happens, we have to accept the fact that K4thos did step down from development.

So yeah.. Screenbound does not work no matter what you try. Found a temp workaround using the camera helper. At the very least can see partners off screen.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Weird, ScreenBound works good on my end.
Remember "the results of ScreenBound  are valid for 1 tick"

It's hard to say what is wrong without the char.

Also new big update, all the changes were by neatunsou
I'll put the chagelog in a spoiler because is big.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

As always builds are in AppVeyor:

Also sorry for not begin here this last week, my PC broke (Literally, the case broke) so it's in repairs.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 09, 2019, 09:26:30 pm
Thanks for the update! Sorry to hear about your pc!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on September 09, 2019, 09:31:46 pm
Do you have like a to-do list for features to come like Mugen's Continue Screen and the updated Arcade code? Edit: and the Animated portraits maybe?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on September 09, 2019, 09:55:00 pm
Can I suggest this to be seperated into bugs or suggestions section?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 09, 2019, 11:28:53 pm

Not sure if the opening post is good at explaining it.
Or if is missing something from the "How to report bugs" section.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on September 14, 2019, 10:56:03 pm
Gacel this link should be useful for you
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 16, 2019, 11:46:48 am
Thanks for the links, AppVeyor is on there :D
The documentation and website hosting services will be useful in the future.

So I was reading Mugen readme again (Wonder how many have read that fully) it seems that it does have a "sample content" section detailing that the font, screenpack, stages and chars are under the Creative Commons non comercial licence.

So that means that I could bundle them with the download. (I can not add them to the repo because its not dynamically linked and... you know legal licence blabbering)

Well people say that it was hard that were 2 different zip files so from now on the AppVeyor builds comes with the mugen screenpack.
Now if you update it and are careless will replace the screenpack changes and select.def. (I told you guys)

As always the links to the build are in AppVeyor on the same link.

It includes nothing new if you aready have it.
Also it seems that the "hajimehoshi/oto" library broke crosscompiling, it's 3 am and I could not find a way to fix it.

Also should I make a update only zip file?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 16, 2019, 02:27:19 pm
A update only zip file might be useful for those that don't want to change their screenpacks unintentionally
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 17, 2019, 02:09:07 am
OK, so I created a update zip.
It haves the suffix binaries_only.

It contains the exe and script files only.

Also a update by myself that fixes the combo bug that Amidweiz reported.

As always found in:

Also a update by neatunsou (Already merged)

- Fixed the movement amount of Storyboard BGCtrl to be affected by localcoord.
- Fixed the case where the Storyboard Ctrldef name was overwritten.
- Added skipbutton option to Storyboard
- Fixed not to consider localcoord in targetbind standard pos
- Fixed behavior when animation loops with AIR interploate option
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 17, 2019, 05:52:05 am
Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fxfreitas on September 18, 2019, 07:24:59 am
I am trying IKEMEN GO+ in Gacel branch, and while converting my screenpack to it noticed a issue:
If I put the resolution (and change the localcoords as well) to 1280x720 this happens with my logo screen

While in Mugen it covers the full Window: (

I did not posted in bug reports section because I'm not sure if thats a bug or if I messed with something.
I've changed the localcoord.lua and all the fight, select, system .sff, .air and .snd, the .def files I edited manually to avoid issues
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 18, 2019, 07:27:03 pm
Well that's interesting... and by that I mean incredibly weird, why would be squashed? there is no code for that.

I'll check into it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fxfreitas on September 18, 2019, 07:55:33 pm
Thanks for the response, I'm still messing arround with tye engine, something I change started do give crashes (during the ikemen loading screen) without any log on .txt file, I'll revert some changes and try to find that did this, but I'm almost sure that the problem is with one of tye screenpack files... (but not the .def files)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 22, 2019, 02:16:52 am
Also you can launch Ikemen via CMD if it does not write a log.
It will print a error on the console even if it's a crash that the GO could not handle.

Paste whatever it trows and I'll help with it.

Also another update:
- It replaces the KFM720 sprite file, the original had problems with the header. So it will not display it's portrait on the select screen.
- Also it fixes a bug with portrait display on HD screen packs. (That was introduced 12 days ago)


Another one:
- Fixes music not playing on the continue screen.
- Fixes continue screen crashing once it reach 0
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fxfreitas on September 22, 2019, 03:04:49 am
Reverted and started again, the lifebar conversion was done without issue, but looks like I cannot change the system.def file or the motif.lua (if I get it right they to the same thing but the lua file handle the ikemen only features), if I add my screenpack it crashes during the startup, if I change any value on the files (like change the background animation) it crash. But sometimes the game load with all the changes made working...
Edit.: I'll try to launch ikemen using cmd and see whats happen (when I get some free time)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 22, 2019, 09:59:21 am
Gacel, the Mac version's sound is working correctly now! I am not sure if the new version might of fixed it! I also added the windows exe, OpenAL32.dll and windows scripts into the mac ikemen folder and it works completely fine, the only mac file I added was the Go command and the ikemen terminal file all the others were windows files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 22, 2019, 05:13:53 pm
It was fixed by and update to
Apparently Mac's openAL could return alcOpenDevice even outside exclusive mode.

It seems that the problem was not on Ikemen side after all.
Scripts are lua they are the same on all platforms =)

Also bug fix:

It's the bug is probably old as the split roster feature itself.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 22, 2019, 06:51:41 pm
Good to hear! Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 22, 2019, 08:34:30 pm
You may of said this before, but could it be possible for ikemen go plus to have a feature that would allow you to choose the stage music in vs, watch and free battle mode?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on September 23, 2019, 11:58:25 am
Should be possible, since unless it's been changed from vanilla, the stage music is read as a string from the stage's .def file via select.lua, so theoretically it'd just be a case of changing the string based on user selection instead.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on September 23, 2019, 03:26:49 pm
Is there any progress on Android port,Dan?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on September 28, 2019, 04:35:19 am
Can I setup 4 players for Ikemen GO? I cant find any info, I can only find info on Ikemen Plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 28, 2019, 03:34:50 pm
Inside the save folder there is a config.json file.
In the section "KeyConfig" you can just add more players like this:

You may of said this before, but could it be possible for ikemen go plus to have a feature that would allow you to choose the stage music in vs, watch and free battle mode?

I would not be too hard there is a lua command called "playBGM()" that is the one that emm.. plays the BGM.
It just have to read a music list.

Now the question, I make the music list loaded from select.def? you can submit a pull request here.

I'm not sure what repo should I include?
Mine, neatunsou, the suehiro one?

Maybe I should add 4 player support in the options menu (That would require a change on how the engine handles input settings)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on September 28, 2019, 08:38:27 pm
Inside the save folder there is a config.json file.
In the section "KeyConfig" you can just add more players like this:

Thanks, got it to work. plugged in controllers works but is it possible to create 4 different controls for the keyboard instead of 2? I might be missing something but I cant seem to get it to work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 28, 2019, 09:22:13 pm
The code snippet posted above should add a third keyboard player.
If you want send me your config.json file and what the third and fourth player keybard map you want and I'll add it
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on September 28, 2019, 09:35:50 pm
Gacel,any news about dan?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on September 28, 2019, 11:53:12 pm
Thinking about the android port maybe is not so easy because android does not have openAL support.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on September 29, 2019, 05:48:20 pm
The code snippet posted above should add a third keyboard player.
If you want send me your config.json file and what the third and fourth player keybard map you want and I'll add it

thanks, here:!jE5ViKBR!himQqwe-GgteeB8SAPtukmzZg6OIAvoIME4FafCSJew

P1- up, down, left, right, q,w,e,a,s,d, return

P2- numpad8, numpad2, numpad4,  numpad6, i,o,p,j,k,l, enter

P3- r,t,y,u, 1,2,3,4,5,6, left ctrl

P4- z,x,c,v, f,g,h,b,n,m, right ctrl

also is there a tutorial on increasing the character slot numbers? I saw one for Ikemen Plus but Ive no idea where to start in Ikemen GO so if you could point me to the correct file(s) I would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again, Im really loving this version of Mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on September 29, 2019, 07:28:59 pm
I'm sure Infinite scrolling select screen was a thing in ikemen plus any chance for it to be on go?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Krosx on September 30, 2019, 07:57:33 am
Hi guys, recently I changed from Mugen 1.1 to this IKEMEN project, very interesting.

But I have a doubt about the tag mode, when I enter this mode and select the characters, at the beginning of the fight these do not come out of the screen and remain on the stage all controlled at the same time by the player.

Should the characters be patched? I read that there is no need ...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 30, 2019, 08:24:33 am

I would not be too hard there is a lua command called "playBGM()" that is the one that emm.. plays the BGM.
It just have to read a music list.

Now the question, I make the music list loaded from select.def?

I think the select.def would be best imo.  Sorry for the late reply.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on September 30, 2019, 08:34:46 am
The code snippet posted above should add a third keyboard player.
If you want send me your config.json file and what the third and fourth player keybard map you want and I'll add it

thanks, here:!jE5ViKBR!himQqwe-GgteeB8SAPtukmzZg6OIAvoIME4FafCSJew

P1- up, down, left, right, q,w,e,a,s,d, return

P2- numpad8, numpad2, numpad4,  numpad6, i,o,p,j,k,l, enter

P3- r,t,y,u, 1,2,3,4,5,6, left ctrl

P4- z,x,c,v, f,g,h,b,n,m, right ctrl

also is there a tutorial on increasing the character slot numbers? I saw one for Ikemen Plus but Ive no idea where to start in Ikemen GO so if you could point me to the correct file(s) I would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again, Im really loving this version of Mugen.

This tutorial works, it is exactly the same like normal mugen btw.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 01, 2019, 02:29:56 am
The code snippet posted above should add a third keyboard player.
If you want send me your config.json file and what the third and fourth player keybard map you want and I'll add it

thanks, here:!jE5ViKBR!himQqwe-GgteeB8SAPtukmzZg6OIAvoIME4FafCSJew

P1- up, down, left, right, q,w,e,a,s,d, return

P2- numpad8, numpad2, numpad4,  numpad6, i,o,p,j,k,l, enter

P3- r,t,y,u, 1,2,3,4,5,6, left ctrl

P4- z,x,c,v, f,g,h,b,n,m, right ctrl

also is there a tutorial on increasing the character slot numbers? I saw one for Ikemen Plus but Ive no idea where to start in Ikemen GO so if you could point me to the correct file(s) I would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again, Im really loving this version of Mugen.

There you go:

I'm sure Infinite scrolling select screen was a thing in ikemen plus any chance for it to be on go?

I have no problem implementing it.
How it was done on Ikemen plus?

Hi guys, recently I changed from Mugen 1.1 to this IKEMEN project, very interesting.

But I have a doubt about the tag mode, when I enter this mode and select the characters, at the beginning of the fight these do not come out of the screen and remain on the stage all controlled at the same time by the player.

Should the characters be patched? I read that there is no need ...

The tag mode requires a external handler. (This allow users to create his own tag systems on CNS)
It does not require patching chars.

For now Add004 is the only one available.

I'll will aso make in the future a simple tag handler that does not include a lifebar.

Also update by neatunsou
Fixed p1stateno not functioning when hitting Projectile with P in hitflag
Fixed AI not entering in BONUS GAMES
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Krosx on October 01, 2019, 04:34:00 pm
Why does my character selection screen take a few seconds to change from one char to another? only happens to me?
I mean, when I move the selector from one Mini Portrait to another, it takes a moment before showing the Big Portrait and during that time it is frozen.
Leaving that aside, everything goes very well. In mugen 1.1 everything was going very well and I have not changed anything in my screenpack.

One last thing: Will the use of chars compressed in ZIP be applied in IKEMEN?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 01, 2019, 11:12:07 pm
We will consider adding it in the future.

About the mini pause between the char select.
Is because Ikemen GO is loading the portrait. (In diference with mugen, you can use any sprite and are not limited to 9000,1)
Maybe is your disk read speed.

Try defragmenting the disk.
I'll try to add a bunch of HD chars to test it in my end.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on October 02, 2019, 12:07:50 am

There you go:

Thanks Gacel, will let you know if anything goes wrong ;)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on October 02, 2019, 02:17:14 am

This tutorial works, it is exactly the same like normal mugen btw.

thanks got it to work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on October 02, 2019, 07:48:06 am
I'm sure Infinite scrolling select screen was a thing in ikemen plus any chance for it to be on go?
I have no problem implementing it.
How it was done on Ikemen plus?

I always liked that feature of Ikemen plus and regular Ikemen that's for sure, also you don't mind if I dump my suggestions on the github page just so they're noted down.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 02, 2019, 10:22:26 pm
Yeah that's what the github section is for (Bugs and suggestions)

Also I noticed that I have not implemented WAV support for some reason...
I'll do it when I have free time.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on October 04, 2019, 06:18:55 am
how do I turn off the win screen after battle, I tried disabling it in the system,def but it still display after every fight.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on October 07, 2019, 06:23:51 pm
how do I turn off the win screen after battle, I tried disabling it in the system,def but it still display after every fight.

Ikemen GO first check common Mugen files then Ikemen lua files, so check out you disable the win screen on the screenpack . def files first.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenmugen on October 08, 2019, 07:26:48 pm
I'm sure Infinite scrolling select screen was a thing in ikemen plus any chance for it to be on go?

I have no problem implementing it.
How it was done on Ikemen plus?
Hi Gacel this is kinda how it was implemented,  below in the video description you can find an example of the ikemen plus screenpack with the infinite scrolling, it was a select screen for each player that could be scrolled vertically but not horizontally
I'm also a dev and new to the forum and I'm quite interested in making more stuff for mugen editing the current forks, but I'm kinda lost as to where to start, I've read the github documentation and the OP post but I'm kinda lost, not sure how to compile the code usinig visual studio code or how to debug it, I already have some experience editing screenpacks and chars AI code and triggers, and behaviours if that helps, and much more as a server dev.

My main goal is to create a select screen like the OG CVS arcade machine had, with infinite scrolling vertically and horizontally, while also scalling the portraits as you scroll past, because it would solve many issues with mugen screenpack char screen visualization.

An example of what I want here:

Maybe if you see the implementation easy with your experience in your fork I would kindly request this function in your fork, otherwise if you can direct me as to where to start I would be very greatful.

Hope you have a nice day.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: mugenload on October 09, 2019, 04:56:10 am
how do I turn off the win screen after battle, I tried disabling it in the system,def but it still display after every fight.

Ikemen GO first check common Mugen files then Ikemen lua files, so check out you disable the win screen on the screenpack . def files first.

No luck, I already disable victory screen in system.def and Motif.lua. I looked at other lua files but nothing related.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on October 10, 2019, 07:08:48 am
GGPO is fully open source now. Wonder if we can see Rollback netcode on Ikemen GO. Correct if I wrong but Ikemen netcode is still input delay based.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on October 12, 2019, 01:07:43 am
There is something wrong with the latest version, i cant open screenpacks that used to load like akito's cvs screenpack now ikemen crashes.The log is empty so i cant understand where is the problem.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 13, 2019, 01:01:28 am
GGPO is fully open source now. Wonder if we can see Rollback netcode on Ikemen GO. Correct if I wrong but Ikemen netcode is still input delay based.

GPPO is 2 part based inputs perdiction and rollback.
Inputs prediction is seemingly imposible to implement (Mugen custom chars feature) with that in mind.
A rollback feature could be implemented in case it desyncs while online.

how do I turn off the win screen after battle, I tried disabling it in the system,def but it still display after every fight.

Ikemen GO first check common Mugen files then Ikemen lua files, so check out you disable the win screen on the screenpack . def files first.

No luck, I already disable victory screen in system.def and Motif.lua. I looked at other lua files but nothing related.

Probably is not even implemented, I'll look into it.

There is something wrong with the latest version, i cant open screenpacks that used to load like akito's cvs screenpack now ikemen crashes.The log is empty so i cant understand where is the problem.

WTF!? Not again.
I'll check into it and find out what we broke.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on October 22, 2019, 04:02:52 am
Gacel are you still active?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 22, 2019, 09:14:50 pm
Yes, sorry for not working much on Ikemen GO, last week I was having no electricity.
They disconnected it by error and did take 5 days to reconnect. --;

Before the disconnect I tried to fix FLAC playback...
It's done it did take 4 hours but is done and everything loops.

Also WAV support (With loop function)

Also I translated some error handlers from Japanese (25 of 116)

Also neatunsou fixed a bug with afterimages.
That GetHitVar (Xvel) when hit from behind with Hitoverride was not reversed
Fixed variable assignment that redirected helper in ZSS
When a non-existent file is specified in Loadfile, it is ignored instead of an error.
And made changes to the parser.

And the afterimage bugfix also revealed anther bug with it....

About the winscreen.
Yeah enabled=0 is not even read.

EDIT: Done, now the victory screen can be disabled. I'll fix the victory screen scaling once I have finished work with projectile priority.

I'm checking projectile priority right now.
I could not find any working link for akito's cvs screenpack do you have anyone?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on October 23, 2019, 01:13:54 am
Glad you are around here, I just want to know if you are aware of the bugs I posted on the bug thread. I shared the game so you can reproduce the bugs. Tell me if you need something else.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 23, 2019, 05:02:34 am
Don't worry I did stay in mugen since 2006 (I still remember the release of WinMugen plus, I did hate it at first) and I will not go anywhere soon.

Anyway fixed, I also discovered another bug with projectile numhits, It will stop the hit detection if it hit another projectile, that is also fixed.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on October 23, 2019, 10:13:56 pm

Gacel check the screenpack used to work at older builds.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on October 26, 2019, 01:10:57 pm
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but when I play arcade mode, it uses the same stage always, even if I go to the next match or lose. It only changes the stage if I quite ikemen go plus completely and restart, but then it chooses another stage and does the same thing with that stage! It only started happening when I updated to the newest build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on October 27, 2019, 07:41:36 am
it is a bug of the newest versions(last 3) you have to assign a stage to the characters or it will use the same stage on all the matches of the arcade mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on October 27, 2019, 07:44:43 am
Ah I see, thank you for telling me!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on October 28, 2019, 08:10:03 pm
New version by neatunsou has fix the arcade stage problem.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on October 28, 2019, 08:49:19 pm
That's good news!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on October 29, 2019, 07:00:13 am
Gacel there is open source project called''supertuxkart''.ıt uses openal for sound.You can check it out its code.Also its on android too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Farengeit on October 29, 2019, 12:35:10 pm
Thank you for a great job, Gacel. Very interesting and promising project. However, there are problems with the speed with a large number of characters (400+ characters, especially on the selection screen). Can you add WinXP support to IKEMEN?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 29, 2019, 04:00:50 pm
So um.
I merged the changes with neatunsou
He fixed the stage arcade bug.
And more bugfixes with afterimages.

I made.
Made the localcoord load like mugen (From scrennpack file) no more need to edit lua anymore.
Fixed PS4 controller support,
Added a sensitivity configuration for controller sticks and XInput (Xbox compatible) trigger sensitivity.

And added a Icon. What do you guys think of it?

Thank you for a great job, Gacel. Very interesting and promising project. However, there are problems with the speed with a large number of characters (400+ characters, especially on the selection screen). Can you add WinXP support to IKEMEN?

Sadly the XP compatibility is limited by the programing language itself, newer GO versions do not support XP.
A alternative would be use a old GO-lang version and see if it compiles in it. But that could not be automated. (So it has to be build manully)
I'll see if it can be done.

Gacel there is open source project called''supertuxkart''.ıt uses openal for sound.You can check it out its code.Also its on android too.

I'll look how the android port handles audio, thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on October 29, 2019, 04:25:07 pm
Thanks for the work guys! It's much appreciated!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Farengeit on October 30, 2019, 07:42:33 am
And added a Icon. What do you guys think of it?

Can't see icon - in Windows x86 version after update "Ikemen_GO.exe" is missing. Is this a discontinuation of support for x86 architecture or just a bug?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on October 31, 2019, 03:49:21 am
Maybe is the embed resources.
i'll remove temporally to see if it compiles.

It compiles, so it seems that I will remove the exe icon for now.
But the window icon still works.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on November 01, 2019, 01:27:30 am
is there documentation for how to port mugen screenpacks to ikemen go plus? i tried just copying the over from legacy mugen screen pack to ikemen go plus and it just crashes, no error or log that shows why it even crashed? Are current screen packs compatible?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: junkerde on November 01, 2019, 06:22:07 am
is there documentation for how to port mugen screenpacks to ikemen go plus? i tried just copying the over from legacy mugen screen pack to ikemen go plus and it just crashes, no error or log that shows why it even crashed? Are current screen packs compatible?

Theyre still working really hard to get it right. This is also something Im still scratching my head over, its the only thing keeping me from fully transitioning. I still also can't get things perfect either. I had to do a bunch of crazy modifications (especially for HD screenpacks its worse), but therve made some progress. Wish it was more straight forward.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Farengeit on November 01, 2019, 07:36:38 am
is there documentation for how to port mugen screenpacks to ikemen go plus? i tried just copying the over from legacy mugen screen pack to ikemen go plus and it just crashes, no error or log that shows why it even crashed? Are current screen packs compatible?

If there is an error in the work of ikemen, the log is saved in the file "ikemen.log" (in most cases). MUGEN screenpacks are compatible with Ikemen (I have mugen and ikemen working in parallel), but normally work screenpacks only with a resolution of 320 x 240 (I could not change the screen resolution correctly and part of the screenpack was not visible).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fxfreitas on November 01, 2019, 03:38:01 pm
I've managed to convert all my mmx Fighting Arena screenpack, but sadly it crashes randomly, specially during the start up, so it still unstable and I left for now, the devs are really working hard on it, and i hope they get hd screenpacks working, because the engine is great.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on November 01, 2019, 10:31:08 pm
I've managed to convert all my mmx Fighting Arena screenpack, but sadly it crashes randomly, specially during the start up, so it still unstable and I left for now, the devs are really working hard on it, and i hope they get hd screenpacks working, because the engine is great.

how were you able to do it? which files do i need to work on?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fxfreitas on November 02, 2019, 04:48:04 am
how were you able to do it? which files do i need to work on?

sadly it crashes randomly, specially during the start up, so it still unstable and I left for now

I didn't, it still crashes, Managed to convert all the lifebar to my HD version, but when started to change the screenpack, the crashes started. It runs sometimes, but normally the load  fails.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on November 03, 2019, 01:57:27 am
Has there been any suggestions for or talk of Stage Music changes mid-match?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 03, 2019, 07:47:15 am
is there documentation for how to port mugen screenpacks to ikemen go plus? i tried just copying the over from legacy mugen screen pack to ikemen go plus and it just crashes, no error or log that shows why it even crashed? Are current screen packs compatible?

It is supposed to support any mugen screenpack as-is, but is still in development and some screenpack fail to parse.
Can you inform me what screenpack is it?
I have been updated the parser to support screenpacks and I have been searching for ones that causes problems.

sadly it crashes randomly, specially during the start up, so it still unstable and I left for now

I didn't, it still crashes, Managed to convert all the lifebar to my HD version, but when started to change the screenpack, the crashes started. It runs sometimes, but normally the load  fails.

The load fails?!
I did think that was fixed months ago.
You are using the more updated version?

Has there been any suggestions for or talk of Stage Music changes mid-match?

Yes Amidweiz suggested it before.
It's hard to balance time between bug fixes and implementing features.
It's not too hard to implement I will try to make time to add it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on November 03, 2019, 02:18:18 pm
I was trying mugen legacy custom by noz, doesn't even load.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 03, 2019, 07:07:47 pm
Thanks for the info I'll check what goes wrong.

It loads:
These are some problems like the cursor select sound.
I'll look into those.

I'll upload a zip with all ready to run if you want to check it yourself.
It will take a while, it's 165mb and my internet is slow as molasses.

Here is it:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: fxfreitas on November 03, 2019, 07:26:56 pm
The load fails?!
I did think that was fixed months ago.
You are using the more updated version?
Did you? I'll try again as soon as possible!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on November 03, 2019, 08:49:24 pm
Did you fix something? It never loaded for me, what did you do?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 03, 2019, 09:41:43 pm
I did not modify anything I did just paste all the screenpack files over the Ikemen GO default ones.
And it did work.

The zip has removed some redundant file like Mugen C++ dependencies.

The Ikemen GO default folder files should look like this:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on November 03, 2019, 09:59:39 pm
Out of the loop here, but are the Build instructions on the github page still relevant?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 04, 2019, 12:30:27 am
It does still work.

Also here is alternative one:
So um yeah the only difference is that in this one you can set up the build environment without installing anything.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on November 04, 2019, 06:40:49 am
My two cents, developing IMO should be on fixing bugs first, I would like to see Ikemen GO taking  Screenpacks, stages and Chars without having some issues. Just saying.

It seems, all the bugs with projectiles are fixed, projectile priority and mirroring projectiles now works fine. Also some transparencies on projectiles are gone now, everything looks fine.
But somehow the yellow transparency that used to appear over the characters when "cancel bar" is activated is gone too :P.

Also it seems Arcade and Kumite mode bug that triggered when you turn on  the zoom  is gone, nice!!

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on November 04, 2019, 07:10:09 pm
Gacel are you planning on adding animated portaits like normail ikemen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Linatic on November 05, 2019, 01:23:37 am
Hi, so I've tried this (Gacel branch) online in tag mode (using add004) and whenever you switch to your second character (only tried 2v2) that character is not controllable. I imagine it must be thinking the character is a CPU? Is this a problem with add004 or IKEMEN Go Plus?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 05, 2019, 07:52:57 am
My two cents, developing IMO should be on fixing bugs first, I would like to see Ikemen GO taking  Screenpacks, stages and Chars without having some issues. Just saying.

It seems, all the bugs with projectiles are fixed, projectile priority and mirroring projectiles now works fine. Also some transparencies on projectiles are gone now, everything looks fine.
But somehow the yellow transparency that used to appear over the characters when "cancel bar" is activated is gone too :P.

Also it seems Arcade and Kumite mode bug that triggered when you turn on  the zoom  is gone, nice!!

It seems that the bugfix created another bug, again.

About development. I usually do only bugfixes and compatibility stuff, the only feature what I added myself until now was the TAG split.
And I still have to create a basic tag cns to go with it, currently using add004 is the only option.

Gacel are you planning on adding animated portaits like normail ikemen?

When I have time I'll look into it.
A idea I had is remove the need of use of external ssf but I have to see how is the performance with it.

Hi, so I've tried this (Gacel branch) online in tag mode (using add004) and whenever you switch to your second character (only tried 2v2) that character is not controllable. I imagine it must be thinking the character is a CPU? Is this a problem with add004 or IKEMEN Go Plus?

A problem with Ikemen GO.
It does not assign any netinput to the 3th and 4th char.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Linatic on November 05, 2019, 04:47:52 pm
Thanks for the quick response. I assume it's on the list to be fixed eventually then?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PeXXeR on November 05, 2019, 06:17:12 pm
If legacy is ported to Ikemen I don't mind switching.
You guys are doing bits. good job.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 05, 2019, 07:38:28 pm
Thanks for the quick response. I assume it's on the list to be fixed eventually then?
Yeah, once I found how in the world does the netplay/replay assign inputs.

If legacy is ported to Ikemen I don't mind switching.
You guys are doing bits. good job.
Is in a zip in the previous page, but it still have some glitches.

So um about mugen legacy.
It seems that the problem with the team menu display is that the selected menu option is not always in front.
I think it needs a draw order change, in the engine side.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on November 06, 2019, 03:36:48 am
What about the sound issues. I tried to copy everything as you did but the resolution was messed when it started. I'll download the one you posted.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 06, 2019, 05:30:39 am
A yeah that because the sound volume is set to default to 255% yeah. It's sounds bad because of too much artificial amplification.
You have to edit it to set it to 100%.

Also about the resolution you actually have to set up a widescreen resolution for widescreen screenpacks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on November 10, 2019, 08:05:49 pm
Ok, I dont know why Mugen would actually works with PALFX time = 1, it is like telling Mugen the PALFX effect will only last 1 tick.  Changing the parameter value to time = -1 will fix the yellow glow not appearing over characters

[State a]
type = palfx
triggerall = (gethitvar(chainid)%10000)/1000 != [1,9]
triggerall = var(20) > 0
trigger1 = gametime % 14 = 4
trigger2 = gametime % 14 = 10
time = -1
add = 48,48,0
color = 226
ignorehitpause = 1

This fixed all the "glows" on the game including Chris  236 AC and Kensou 236236 E(That KOF XI special when he charges the energy dragoon on his body).

One question Gacel, it would be easy or hard to implement some sort of "quick rematch"? I mean some way to choose to start the fight again with the same characters instead of going to the character select screen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on November 10, 2019, 08:43:33 pm
Quick rematch exist in ikemen.Also it exist on mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on November 10, 2019, 11:41:50 pm
Sorry, I have played plenty of mugen full games and I cant recall a single one who had this function enabled. I havent touch Ikemen good enough to know if there is hidden function there.
Im not speaking of using debug keys, I want a proper menu option that allows the player to quick rematch without going to the keyboard.
I would appreciate next time a more elaborated answer than "oh it is there".  You arent talking to a newbie.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on November 13, 2019, 05:51:09 am
Hello, I was busy on these days, but I find two things that can be useful, instead of using fluidsynth I was thinking on Tinysoundfont, all the midi synth With soundfont, even it have GOLANG BINDINGS, si is more even usable, but about midi messages I don't know how to use it
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: TheWhiteDevil27 on November 13, 2019, 05:24:48 pm
I've tested this and its an awesome alternative to MUGEN. However, I still don't know how to do online with it though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on November 14, 2019, 07:01:21 am
I've tested this and its an awesome alternative to MUGEN. However, I still don't know how to do online with it though.

When you go to network you are being asked if you want to host or to connect . If you host, you need to share your IP number with your friend so he can select connect, then he needs to input the IP number you shared with him.
In you are connecting you need to ask your friend his IP and select "Connect".

Two things are important, you need 7500 port open on both routers I think and the same Ikemen build, I mean, same characters, same stages. The best way is if you make your own custom Ikemen with characters you like and share it with your friend or friends by gdrive, mega or any other file hosting service, neither them or you should make changes on stages or characters after sharing because it could cause a desync.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on November 14, 2019, 12:12:20 pm
You only need that port open if you (the host) want to port forward; the peer does not need to open that port, and if you use a VLAN/lanbridger like Hamachi, you don't need to open the port at all.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Smoker5 on November 14, 2019, 09:29:15 pm
someone will know how I can put a screenpack to the Ikemen-Plus-0.3
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Farengeit on November 18, 2019, 08:21:37 pm
I found a small problem with explods - they are not destroyed at the end of the animation. There is no such problem in mugen.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Character - Shiki Tohno by rajaaboy - (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 18, 2019, 10:58:27 pm
Ok, I dont know why Mugen would actually works with PALFX time = 1, it is like telling Mugen the PALFX effect will only last 1 tick.  Changing the parameter value to time = -1 will fix the yellow glow not appearing over characters

[State a]
type = palfx
triggerall = (gethitvar(chainid)%10000)/1000 != [1,9]
triggerall = var(20) > 0
trigger1 = gametime % 14 = 4
trigger2 = gametime % 14 = 10
time = -1
add = 48,48,0
color = 226
ignorehitpause = 1

This fixed all the "glows" on the game including Chris  236 AC and Kensou 236236 E(That KOF XI special when he charges the energy dragoon on his body).

One question Gacel, it would be easy or hard to implement some sort of "quick rematch"? I mean some way to choose to start the fight again with the same characters instead of going to the character select screen?

It could be in the win screen?
If yes, I think it only would require lua code.

Hello, I was busy on these days, but I find two things that can be useful, instead of using fluidsynth I was thinking on Tinysoundfont, a complete midi synth with soundfont, even it have GOLANG BINDINGS, yes is more even usable, but about midi messages I don't know how to use it.

Nice hearing from you again Mike.

someone will know how I can put a screenpack to the Ikemen-Plus-0.3

This is the Ikemen GO tread, please post question related to Ikemen Plus in the Ikemen Plus tread.

I found a small problem with explods - they are not destroyed at the end of the animation. There is no such problem in mugen.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Character - Shiki Tohno by rajaaboy - (

I'll look into it.

Also another update:
Gacel changes:
- Fixed TTF blending . (It should fix font display on screenpacks like MTHD)
- Improved the screenpacks parser, now it should load more screenpacks AS-IS.
- Added AiLevelF.
- Fixed hidden flag on Chars.
Neatunsou changes:
- Fixed not being able to read some SFFv2.00 portrait.
- Fixed const240p, const480p and const720p.
- Fixed references to second and subsequent characters in enemynear.
- Fixed so that palfx can not be used when helper ownpal is 0.

So um some of you may know that the dificulty setting on Ikemen GO could use a float value like 6.23, but AiLevel still returned a integer (Compatibility reason) so I added AiLevelF that returns the full float value

It seems that Neatunsou has completed the task of making a full documentation of ZZS.
I'll will be translating it this week. (I hope)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on November 20, 2019, 07:53:09 am

It could be in the win screen?
If yes, I think it only would require lua code.

It could be exactly while the winner does his winning stance, even not allowing the game going to the win screen if the player doesnt select an option.

I havent seen any Mugen game that send you exactly to the first round with the same characters(team mode) so I think this could be more engine related, just guessing.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: diablo2388 on November 23, 2019, 06:43:39 pm
Is there a limit to how many chars and stages you can add? I have about 350 chars and 130 stages the game wont load with all but i deleted a few and it boots up
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 23, 2019, 08:38:44 pm
Maybe it overloads for the sheer amount of char sprite data loaded.
Enable quick load in these cases.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: diablo2388 on November 23, 2019, 09:17:25 pm
Ok ill give it a try

Edit: thanks that worked but now my big portraits don't show on select screen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GOAT_LostChild on November 24, 2019, 02:21:27 am
Hey, been using the builds from appveyor for a while and basically dragging and dropping the mugen games I play (HyperDBZ and SFO mostly, if anyone knows of any quality full projects let me know) and sometime in a recent update ikemen stopped receiving inputs from controllers.
 I tried my Brooks fighting board in PS3, PS4 and switch mode, and then took my joystick apart and tried a generic arcade board I have and it didn't work either.
In all cases I can enter the buttons in the joystick config menu and the engine receives the button but when I save and restart the engine the buttons have no affect and only keyboard can get around the menu and move in game play.
When I get home I'll post some screenshots of screenpack specific issues with hyper dbz where u can't tell where you are on the main menu I think it's a font issue.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on November 24, 2019, 08:54:37 pm
Out of the loop again, but do the AppVeyor automated builds still require you to build according to GitHub?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on November 24, 2019, 10:00:43 pm
They're automated builds, so no.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on November 24, 2019, 10:01:51 pm
They're automated builds, so no.

Hopefully that's correct, probably gotta wait for a dev's response doe.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on November 24, 2019, 11:31:17 pm
I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't correct. They're called automated builds because they're automatically built, so what you download is pre-built and ready to go.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on November 25, 2019, 02:57:00 am
hello there, I really im trying to understand the go language

with troubles I still stucked in the first step

step 1.- add midi file reading (.mid) on the stage and select or title screen
step 2.- add a soundfont synthethizer (tinysoundfont)
step 3.- parsing midi notes from the file to the soundfont synthethiser
step 4.- rendering the soundfont played midi notes to OpenAl
step 5.- adding YM2151 synthethizer and convert it to Go lang
step 6.- convert the YM2151 values to be played with MIDI
step 7.- render the YM2151 values to OpenAl
step 8.- be able to have one single preset soundfont for be the backing instruments for YM2151 (something like the drums on Street fighter 2 world warrior and the slap bass on Thunder Blade and Galaxy force)

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Ym2151.h file
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Windblade, amigo con p"#$%& entiendo el C para programar en arduino y ahora entender lenguaje golang pues esta c"#$$%$&on

ym2151.c file
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on November 25, 2019, 03:12:54 am
sorry for double post, but is really necesary

so the Ym2151 player file, this is the more easy to use

the bindings from tinysoundfont was getted from here

and the midi usage thing was getted from here
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 26, 2019, 08:43:59 am
I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't correct. They're called automated builds because they're automatically built, so what you download is pre-built and ready to go.

Hopefully that's correct, probably gotta wait for a dev's response doe.

Automated builds. They are um Builds.. so um they are you know... ready to use.
So as Plasmoid said.

**Mike's 2 post above**

That's a lot of info, I'll check the code and dependencies, and also try to do something myself, both we sure can get something.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on November 26, 2019, 10:54:16 am
Wait can I still edit the config files and stuff if I use the auto build?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on November 26, 2019, 01:12:34 pm
Yes. It just means the .exe is precompiled and you can't edit any of the .go files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on November 26, 2019, 01:26:05 pm
Last question but am I good to go if I have the 'Ikemen Mugen Files' (Wonder if these have been updated) and the Auto Build, or do I need one more thingy?
Kinda lost because I haven't updated in a while.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on November 26, 2019, 04:48:43 pm
You should be since I don't believe they've ever been updated, though it's worth noting that you can now download automated builds that come prepacked with those files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on November 28, 2019, 01:28:16 pm
latest release doesn't doesn't include exe file.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on November 28, 2019, 01:41:40 pm

The problem that it tried to compile Mike77154 code, and because it's still unfinished it did not trow a exe.
The process is automatic so yeah... also is made so it complies anything that someone tries to merge.

I deleted that build and should aromatically redirect to the latest working one.

Sorry for not updating much these days, I'm currently with sickness.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on November 28, 2019, 02:52:48 pm
You don't need to apologize for anything my man, keep it at your pace.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 01, 2019, 05:17:49 am
Ok, I got better. (Not totally cured but better)

Well another update.
Now Ikemen has a new icon and improves compatibility with controllers.

For the technical people:

Also updates GLFW to 3.1 and LGLFW with it also edits how it handles axis and it's deadzones.
It also makes so XImput gamepads returns "XInput Gamepad (GLFW)" inside Joystick.GetGamepadName()
Because it could be edge cases Ikemen uses strings.Contains(i, "XImput") in case there is edge cases for this.
GLFW changes how it handles data calls and now are inside the joystick object instead of a global funticon.
It also adds a way to detect POVs this will be used latter for better compatibility.

The new Icon:
Made by Cylia Margatroid.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on December 01, 2019, 03:16:07 pm
That's a much better icon. It has a transparent background normally, right?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 02, 2019, 08:19:27 am
That's a much better icon. It has a transparent background normally, right?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Suprizle on December 02, 2019, 08:33:39 am
The new Icon:
Made by Cylia Margatroid.

Love it!

Also great to hear of the gamepad improvements. I'll give it a go and look to follow up.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on December 03, 2019, 03:15:16 am
Is there any update notes including what was changed, added or fixed along every release?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on December 03, 2019, 03:45:08 am
The new Icon:
Made by Cylia Margatroid.

Nice, I wonder if this engine should have it's own default screenpack and lifebars to go along with it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 03, 2019, 11:38:49 pm
I have a mostly general change log.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

These are not in order and probably not all the bug fixes are listed.

Minor update!
It adds a new feature.
Yeah I know it does not bring bugfixes, but this is the first time I released a feature only update.

It adds a editable window title (Via the options file)
And also adds a way to change it mid game via lua script via "setWindowTitle"
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 04, 2019, 06:50:05 pm
Nice work Gacel and team!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 05, 2019, 05:31:23 pm
Added MatchRestart.

Wow, xmas just came earlier this year!!

Anybody knows if Ikemen Go supports more than 59 variables? I want to implement Stupa Training char helpers into another char but it uses so many variables that the result will be some variables overriding others.

Good job Gacel, really appreciated, Ikemen GO is becoming a thing thanks to you and Neat Unsou.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 05, 2019, 06:33:00 pm
You can used named variables called Map.
Because they use a name and not a number there is not a hard limit.

[State Test]
Type = MapSet
Trigger1 = time = 0
Map = "birthyear"
Value = 1257

Maps are checked in a similar way to Var.
trigger1 = Map(birthyear) = 1257

You can read about all the features added by all devs in this document.
(Does not include screenpack features)

Also another update.
It fixes the load of SysVar(2) and that's it. (It's not much)
The bug was caused by a Const overlap and overflow.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on December 05, 2019, 06:42:59 pm
About MatchRestart, can I set the p(number)defs blank and keep the fighter from match before restarting?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: extravagant on December 06, 2019, 10:34:24 am
Is pad support properly working now?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 07, 2019, 12:32:21 am
About MatchRestart, can I set the p(number)defs blank and keep the fighter from match before restarting?


Is pad support properly working now?

For Xbox and any XInput controller at least.
I should check PS4 controllers.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 08, 2019, 02:11:15 am
Uff, Im really this close to add Stupa training helper to a custom char, BUT, I was wondering if mapset also supports some sort of "mapadd" like "varadd" and "parentvaradd".
Everything works so far, but I cant change map values dinamically without some sort of "mapadd" function.

Also my Xbox 360 stick is having troubles, well, Im using Linux and my PS3 stick works flawlessly. Will test later on Windows.
Title: Ikemen GO Plus AI
Post by: RagingRowen on December 08, 2019, 02:38:20 am
So I decided to test a few AI-Less Characters (Goku and Kage by Vyn and 2 Haggars by ReddBrink)

The only good AI was Kage's. Haggar did nothing except the odd parry.
I'm assuming Haggar's is because of the Explodsive Buffering.

I tried to give Goku an AI back when he was released, that's why he keeps spamming the same combo, I'll redo this without it when I can.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 08, 2019, 09:10:31 pm
Mapset really worked very well.
But the adv frame feature really need some sort of mapadd(varadd) and parentmapadd(parentvaradd) and parentmapset(parentvarset)

Mapset could be may the best option to replace the whole var() function.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Ahmed Negm on December 08, 2019, 10:42:08 pm
Does mugen legacy custom work properly now with the last update? The cursor sound was an issue.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: extravagant on December 09, 2019, 02:28:25 am
 I dont like xpadder that much, because it messes with input lag. It first has to read through a keyboard then converted into the controller signal. If you guys can do something where it could just read all universal joysticks (or most of) that would be way easier. For me, I have a PS2 controller, converted to PS3/PC and it works fine on Mugen and many other platforms. It's such a shame it doesnt work in Ikemen properly yet; this is a fighting game yet only supports keyboards at the moment? makes no sense. Not a single drop of support for classic fight stick users as well. It's really sad.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 09, 2019, 06:03:42 am
In Ikemen GO most generic sticks and any Xbox compatible sticks are supported.
PS4 ones still need tweaks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: TheWhiteDevil27 on December 11, 2019, 02:22:45 am
Wow, this engine is awesome! I'm going to make a compilation game filled with pocket/chibi/JUS/SD characters using it!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 12, 2019, 06:23:07 am
Do you think Ikemen go plus will ever have a feature similar to Vselect that would allow you to add chracters, move them around, add themes, stages and orders?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 13, 2019, 01:26:20 am
Does mugen legacy custom work properly now with the last update? The cursor sound was an issue.

That was just a proof of concept,  I literally just moved some files.
I should make a correct adaptation once I have time.

So I decided to test a few AI-Less Characters (Goku and Kage by Vyn and 2 Haggars by ReddBrink)

The only good AI was Kage's. Haggar did nothing except the odd parry.
I'm assuming Haggar's is because of the Explodsive Buffering.

I tried to give Goku an AI back when he was released, that's why he keeps spamming the same combo, I'll redo this without it when I can.

Yeah, Ikemen GO AI sucks, it's on some regards even worse than Mugen's.
It literally just mash buttons and specials.
I should at least make it walk to close gaps.

Wow, this engine is awesome! I'm going to make a compilation game filled with pocket/chibi/JUS/SD characters using it!

Glad you like the engine.

The most updated donwload can be found at.

If you have any question or you help on something just inform me.

Do you think Ikemen go plus will ever have a feature similar to Vselect that would allow you to add chracters, move them around, add themes, stages and orders?

Vselect still works.
But yeah creating a program like VSelect that allows to adjust Ikemen GO features (Like per character arcade order) would be useful.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 13, 2019, 01:27:37 am
Nice! I didn't realize vselect still works!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: GOAT_LostChild on December 13, 2019, 05:23:22 am!FuIWyYKQ!TeaLWI6o8gPvcpgS58SMiQ!YrRW0CIb!dn71plk-njUJETzE7KcnRw
these are links to Drag and drop builds of Street Fighter 1 and Hyper DBZ

both games you can't tell what you are selecting on the main menu

in street fighter 1 the combo counter doesnt work and music doesnt play while in battle

in hyper DBZ, while zoom is active, gotenks emo mode (down,Down+mp+mk) activation effect doesnt focus on the character causing an overlay to be out of place and block gotenks out. zoom also messes with Mr. Satans emo mode overlay.

gotenks also has another glitch with his wall cling (qcb+k, lk) where if its held he spins instead of clinging to the wall
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on December 13, 2019, 02:53:38 pm
Yeah, Ikemen GO AI sucks, it's on some regards even worse than Mugen's.
It literally just mash buttons and specials.
I should at least make it walk to close gaps.

Well it at-least uses specials more often.

Left a quick issue about inputs in the bug thread.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 13, 2019, 08:26:26 pm
Yeah, Ikemen GO AI sucks, it's on some regards even worse than Mugen's.
It literally just mash buttons and specials.
I should at least make it walk to close gaps.

Well it at-least uses specials more often.

Left a quick issue about inputs in the bug thread.

Just read your message, so you cant perform 2,1,4,1,6 or did you mean  2,1,4,6? It is still a really hard command to make, what is it?

I wonder If Ikemen Go detects after 4, like 2 or 3, it nullifies the command, this could be fixed this putting $F.

But I guess when it comes to a custom build with a lot of chars, welp... 
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 16, 2019, 05:35:08 pm
BTW, I just release a game that is entirely on IKEMEN GO.

It is a custom version of mine of the KOF WING 2.0.1, I'm been working on it for 3 years with the help of an offline community I´ve been managing in my country. Thanks to all those guys who stopped to play commercial games to play mine, they have been really helpful to achieve what I wanted,  a KOF Mugen oriented to balanced instead of having a lot of chars.

I really think Ikemen Go is the next evolution of Mugen, so much potential. Thanks to Gacel and Neat Unsou for keeping up the good work on the engine, Suehiro for starting this madness and K4thos for keeping the fire up for a while. 

If you like KOF I hope you like mine. Nothing fancy here, just much bug fixing, much work on balance and hitbox checking, two new chars and new chains for combos.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 16, 2019, 05:46:06 pm
This game looks great! I will definitely download it! This should work on mac right? If not I can just run it with wine probably.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 16, 2019, 06:00:38 pm
This game looks great! I will definitely download it! This should work on mac right? If not I can just run it with wine probably.

Yeah, but I didn't include the Mac executable inside the build since I can't test it. Pretty sure is a matter of just copying the mac file in the game folder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 16, 2019, 06:10:36 pm
Great! I will test it tomorrow and tell you how it plays!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 17, 2019, 10:33:04 am
This game looks great! I will definitely download it! This should work on mac right? If not I can just run it with wine probably.

Yeah, but I didn't include the Mac executable inside the build since I can't test it. Pretty sure is a matter of just copying the mac file in the game folder.

Amazing job with the game! It feels like a commercial game and work very well on mac at my native resolution!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on December 17, 2019, 07:37:35 pm
Sir Gacel, may I suggest adding the non-select.def features in a .txt file in the download one time?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 18, 2019, 05:38:06 am
This game looks great! I will definitely download it! This should work on mac right? If not I can just run it with wine probably.

Yeah, but I didn't include the Mac executable inside the build since I can't test it. Pretty sure is a matter of just copying the mac file in the game folder.

Amazing job with the game! It feels like a commercial game and work very well on mac at my native resolution!

Well thanks, since I play offline often with friends I want to make the game as balanced as possible, not weird movements or things that doesn't look as a "KOF thing" . Many of the credits go to the 2dyer guys, I felt sad when I knew the page was gone and I wanted to finish what they started(I know KOF WIng 2019 is released but no thanks, some OP chars while many others are trash tier). I am glad you like it.

This patch solves some Iori XIII missing animations.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 18, 2019, 05:57:15 am
Thank you! It seems quite balanced! I will check out the patch too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on December 19, 2019, 07:15:23 am
Hello friends

I have achieved some little tests in miy infinite ignorance

One, I was studying the Mugenhook project and maybe this can be useful for Ikemen toó, so the ASI plugins are a OpenSource way to add library headers

So I was trying to add a Ym2151, but failing on midi process, instead I achieved good CPS1 arcade sound results with LibOPNmidi that uses Sega Génesis YM2612 chip and comes with a Handy Sound Bank editor that uses a YM2151 to YM2162 chip preset converter, so Its a thing to add LibOPNMIDI and LibADLMIDI

So maybe adding Tinysoundfont, LibOPNMi in the forma of ASI plugin I can achieve awesome results but the questión is "how to add ASI plugin support to Ikemen?"

So if I achieve this MIDI power tool for Ikemen maybe I can add it to Mugen 1.1 too
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 20, 2019, 06:25:04 am
I need to ask if someone has been able to config two controllers on Ikemen GO.

I have a Xinput controller(Qanba Xbox 360 stick) and a D input one(Qanba PC stick) and both work fine individually(on Windows) but once I connect both, one of them just stops working.

I would like to know if someone else has been able to set up two controllers no matter which controllers are.

Edit: I set up the second player stick directly from the config.json and now it is working, it seems the config input menu option is somehow broken :(
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Mike77154 on December 25, 2019, 05:54:42 am
I will stay saying this, but I really stucked with ikemen midi engine


learn Golang is difficult and I doesnt have any idea of how to do this

Let me present you the reason of the annoying messages about soundfont implementation

Its a collection of Capcom CPS2 everygame soundfont
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 26, 2019, 08:00:19 pm
Guys, for whoever is having troubles with PS4 pads, Gacel just released a fix. Check it out.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Strong FS on December 27, 2019, 02:25:52 am
Guys, for whoever is having troubles with PS4 pads, Gacel just released a fix. Check it out.

It is incredible to see how a good evolution of the controls in IKEMEN has been achieved, since these at the beginning was something very annoying ...

But I still have the problem that many, THOUSANDS of people have and want to switch to IKEMEN GO Plus but cannot because of this dilemma ...
Was there any way to run IKEMEN GO Plus without using OpenGL in a 32-bit system?
Seriously, I have been in many communities and most of them tell me that they want to go to IKEMEN for their splendid freedom of codification, it is a supreme Engine, things as they are.
But they have left it for the problem of OpenGL ... And it is that not all graphic cards accept this feature ... Seriously, if you could run in DirectX as MUGEN does, God, this would be the BEST OF THE WORLD .. .

Any recommendations at least? Of course it is not to buy a new computer
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BNOC on December 27, 2019, 02:38:07 am
I'm probably missing out on something, but why can't i run the latest fork from Gacel's appveyor? Like when i try to launch it it just doesn't open at all with no crashes or anything. I have installed the latest OpenAL but still nothing. Can anybody help?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 27, 2019, 06:45:10 am
It not needed to install OpenAL since 6 months. (Is included as a dll)
If you open it via CMD or PowerShell it does display anything?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 27, 2019, 06:57:05 pm
Guys, for whoever is having troubles with PS4 pads, Gacel just released a fix. Check it out.

It is incredible to see how a good evolution of the controls in IKEMEN has been achieved, since these at the beginning was something very annoying ...

But I still have the problem that many, THOUSANDS of people have and want to switch to IKEMEN GO Plus but cannot because of this dilemma ...
Was there any way to run IKEMEN GO Plus without using OpenGL in a 32-bit system?
Seriously, I have been in many communities and most of them tell me that they want to go to IKEMEN for their splendid freedom of codification, it is a supreme Engine, things as they are.
But they have left it for the problem of OpenGL ... And it is that not all graphic cards accept this feature ... Seriously, if you could run in DirectX as MUGEN does, God, this would be the BEST OF THE WORLD .. .

Any recommendations at least? Of course it is not to buy a new computer

I have tested Ikemen GO in a wide range of computers, with both Linux and Windows installation without hassles so far.

3 are mine, one of them has an Athlon X2 and GT 630, this computer at least has 10 years old and Ikemen GO works there.

If you cant run this, maybe it is time to seriously upgrade your PC, going DirectX means less compatibility with other OS, maybe you don't give a damn about it, but I do. Intel Cards have support for Open GL years ago and they even take the next step to invest in Vulkan.
Going OpenGL could be the smart thing the devs can do, OpenGL can evolve without the need of a company.

What you ask is so selfish, it is like going on a race and asking the others "please slow down because I can't go that fast".

I'm not that guy on Steam Forums telling people to waste on 1000$ on a VR device to play Alyx, in this case, a 200$  computer can run Ikemen.

About those "communities" you said so, I think you are just trying to "make things looks bigger" just because you don't want to upgrade. 32-bit was cool but it is almost 2020 and it is time to move, sry.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Amidweiz on December 27, 2019, 08:51:21 pm
Guys, for whoever is having troubles with PS4 pads, Gacel just released a fix. Check it out.

It is incredible to see how a good evolution of the controls in IKEMEN has been achieved, since these at the beginning was something very annoying ...

But I still have the problem that many, THOUSANDS of people have and want to switch to IKEMEN GO Plus but cannot because of this dilemma ...
Was there any way to run IKEMEN GO Plus without using OpenGL in a 32-bit system?
Seriously, I have been in many communities and most of them tell me that they want to go to IKEMEN for their splendid freedom of codification, it is a supreme Engine, things as they are.
But they have left it for the problem of OpenGL ... And it is that not all graphic cards accept this feature ... Seriously, if you could run in DirectX as MUGEN does, God, this would be the BEST OF THE WORLD .. .

Any recommendations at least? Of course it is not to buy a new computer

Who are these uncited thousands of people saying this, also my 15 year old windows xp machine is compatible with OpenGL... hell my 20 year old windows 98 machine is compatible with OpenGL.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 27, 2019, 08:56:07 pm
BNOC I just noticed that you say 32-bit computer.
Considering that OpenGL 2.1 is older than Windows Vista, maybe you PC has no graphic card at all (Or has a old integrated VIA gpu, these does not even fully support DX9)

If it's a desktop PC that did come with Windows XP you can trow 30 USD for a old GeForce 210. (It even supports DX11 and GL 3.1)
Also even more old GPU works.

Even a Nvidia Geforce GT 120 also works, but that's is even older and hard to get.

If someone wants to port Ikemen GO to DX9 you are welcome, I'll be honest I barely know OpenGL :( , and have no idea how Direct X works so I can not do it myself. So if someone know how to use Direct X and is interested in creating a second renderer inform me. (Or you can start now Ikemen GO is open source)

So um if you port it to DX9 it will also need to port the input parser to DirectInput because that also uses GLFW.
Positive point: You can use SDL if you want to port it.

What it need to port is:
- Input.
- Texture Parser (Char SFF)
- Renderer.
- SFX player.
- Audio file parser (Char Audio)

It's really a big undertaking to port to DX9 or SDL.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Strong FS on December 27, 2019, 10:56:46 pm
BNOC I just noticed that you say 32-bit computer.
Considering that OpenGL 2.1 is older than Windows Vista, maybe you PC has no graphic card at all (Or has a old integrated VIA gpu, these does not even fully support DX9)

If it's a desktop PC that did come with Windows XP you can trow 30 USD for a old GeForce 210. (It even supports DX11 and GL 3.1)
Also even more old GPU works.

Even a Nvidia Geforce GT 120 also works, but that's is even older and hard to get.

If someone wants to port Ikemen GO to DX9 you are welcome, I'll be honest I barely know OpenGL :( , and have no idea how Direct X works so I can not do it myself. So if someone know how to use Direct X and is interested in creating a second renderer inform me. (Or you can start now Ikemen GO is open source)

So um if you port it to DX9 it will also need to port the input parser to DirectInput because that also uses GLFW.
Positive point: You can use SDL if you want to port it.

What it need to port is:
- Input.
- Texture Parser (Char SFF)
- Renderer.
- SFX player.
- Audio file parser (Char Audio)

It's really a big undertaking to port to DX9 or SDL.

Moving the input to DirectX would be a very amazing alternative, since as MUGEN, it would run with the best performance for those without OpenGL and would attract many users.

With respect to transferring the entrance to DirectX as an alternative technically speaking, he only found that Direct3D can be used as an alternative ... so I don't know if it works much

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Strong FS on December 27, 2019, 11:18:57 pm
Guys, for whoever is having troubles with PS4 pads, Gacel just released a fix. Check it out.

It is incredible to see how a good evolution of the controls in IKEMEN has been achieved, since these at the beginning was something very annoying ...

But I still have the problem that many, THOUSANDS of people have and want to switch to IKEMEN GO Plus but cannot because of this dilemma ...
Was there any way to run IKEMEN GO Plus without using OpenGL in a 32-bit system?
Seriously, I have been in many communities and most of them tell me that they want to go to IKEMEN for their splendid freedom of codification, it is a supreme Engine, things as they are.
But they have left it for the problem of OpenGL ... And it is that not all graphic cards accept this feature ... Seriously, if you could run in DirectX as MUGEN does, God, this would be the BEST OF THE WORLD .. .

Any recommendations at least? Of course it is not to buy a new computer

I have tested Ikemen GO in a wide range of computers, with both Linux and Windows installation without hassles so far.

3 are mine, one of them has an Athlon X2 and GT 630, this computer at least has 10 years old and Ikemen GO works there.

If you cant run this, maybe it is time to seriously upgrade your PC, going DirectX means less compatibility with other OS, maybe you don't give a damn about it, but I do. Intel Cards have support for Open GL years ago and they even take the next step to invest in Vulkan.
Going OpenGL could be the smart thing the devs can do, OpenGL can evolve without the need of a company.

What you ask is so selfish, it is like going on a race and asking the others "please slow down because I can't go that fast".

I'm not that guy on Steam Forums telling people to waste on 1000$ on a VR device to play Alyx, in this case, a 200$  computer can run Ikemen.

About those "communities" you said so, I think you are just trying to "make things looks bigger" just because you don't want to upgrade. 32-bit was cool but it is almost 2020 and it is time to move, sry.

Mmm sorry if I explain badly, my point is not to degrade IKEMEN in any way, yep, OpenGL is super great, I recognize it, but I have installed thousands of versions of OpenGL or try to make it work but nothing, when I open the Ikemen GO they look graphic Too bad ... And I haven't found a solution.

 Rather I am referring to how you are talking about now, an alternative to OpenGL such as DirectX ^^ Anyway, in the future I think I will save for a slightly better Laptop
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 27, 2019, 11:36:18 pm
I know there is a bidding.
The problem is I do not know how to do it... I do not know how to use DX9.
I need help to do it.

Also some other news.
K4thos is back, I will include the GO side of code of his updates (His lua files are not yet fully usable)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 27, 2019, 11:51:53 pm
Since when is he back? Have you been talking to him privately?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on December 28, 2019, 02:17:43 am
Since when is he back? Have you been talking to him privately?
via ikemen discord. I'm on MFG as well. For now no new developments from me, I'm currently working on updating old Lua files to work with latest engine iteration (using them as it is would be a downgrade compared to what's currently available in Gacel's and Neat Unsou's forks since they are missing localcoord and some other features and bugfixes). Once done I'd like to finish implementing Tournament mode and maybe some other minor stuff in Lua side of things.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Adnan on December 28, 2019, 06:23:42 am
It's nice to see you back k4thos.We have been waiting for you.But, i wonder why you left developing this engine.You cant spare your time due to real life or you just lost interest?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Suprizle on December 28, 2019, 06:54:07 am
Since when is he back? Have you been talking to him privately?
via ikemen discord. I'm on MFG as well. For now no new developments from me, I'm currently working on updating old Lua files to work with latest engine iteration (using them as it is would be a downgrade compared to what's currently available in Gacel's and Neat Unsou's forks since they are missing localcoord and some other features and bugfixes). Once done I'd like to finish implementing Tournament mode and maybe some other minor stuff in Lua side of things.

Great to see you back in it. I'm really looking forward to seeing how IKEMEN will develop from here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 28, 2019, 07:15:30 am
So huh... I'm kinda out of the loop about all the progress made so far so I'm going ask: How does the screenpack compatibility works exactly? Is it drag and drop like mugen or do I have to manually tweak stuff? Sorry if the question sounds confusing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 28, 2019, 08:54:40 am
Drag and drop for the most part.
There is a feature called "localcoord.origin"

The valid values are:
localcoord.origin = "Default"
localcoord.origin = "Left"
localcoord.origin = "Center"
localcoord.origin = "Right"

These have to be done because "X = 0" is different depending on the screenpack.
"Center" and "Default" are the most common (Center is sometimes seen in 1.0 4:3 screenpacks but not always) but I have seen some widescreen screenpacks that use "Left".
Elecbyte code is weird...

These go in your screenpack system.def, if it can not find it it defaults to "Default"

Via ikemen discord. I'm on MFG as well. For now no new developments from me, I'm currently working on updating old Lua files to work with latest engine iteration (using them as it is would be a downgrade compared to what's currently available in Gacel's and Neat Unsou's forks since they are missing localcoord and some other features and bugfixes). Once done I'd like to finish implementing Tournament mode and maybe some other minor stuff in Lua side of things.

Screenshot is one feature you added K4thos, and it's not dependent on lua files.

The IKEMEN discord link was posted in the Discord Links Ahoy! thread.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 28, 2019, 09:53:10 am
Another question: Can I use any screenpack or does it has some kind of limitation?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Suprizle on December 28, 2019, 06:08:14 pm
You can use any screenpack without issue. You'll likely have to tweak fonts, settings and whatnot, but it all basically reads the same.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 28, 2019, 10:01:56 pm
Thanks, thats really good to know.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on December 28, 2019, 11:14:12 pm
I tried myself and failed miresably. Would be nice to have to have a readme file explaining this stuff because its definitely not newbie friendly.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on December 28, 2019, 11:51:28 pm
I also tried before and was unsuccessful.
Everything that has been done so far is simply amazing, and I look forward to migrating from MUGEN to IKEMEN. But I will have to wait. Maybe when a stable build comes out (something like 1.0), I think someone will be willing to do some tutorial, I may be mistaken though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Suprizle on December 29, 2019, 08:36:15 pm
The initial hump for sure isn't friendly at the moment, but it's definitely getting there. It's a lot simpler to import your projects now compared to older builds.
The biggest change is the scripts (it pretty much replaces and splits up the mugen.cfg) and even then you likely won't have to engage with it. 95% of your configuring still take place in the .def files as normal. Once you can semi navigate through it, it's not that bad.

@K4thos, links are a bit scattered (even in discord) and it does require some digging. Would you be able to single out the latest build/s in the first post?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on December 30, 2019, 05:43:29 am
@K4thos, links are a bit scattered (even in discord) and it does require some digging. Would you be able to single out the latest build/s in the first post?
Which part of the opening post is confusing?
For now automated build from AppVeyor can be found at:
Inside the artifacts tab. Installation bundles will be provided in the future.

Suehiro repo (Original creator of the engine):
Gacel's fork:
Neat Unsou's fork:

Gacel and Neatunsou merge the changes of each other constantly so most of the time the 2 repos are the same.

The post links to a place where you can download ready to play build and informs that there are not really any competing forks currently (changes made in one ends up in another, so it doesn't really matter which one you use in case you're interested in manual compilation)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Suprizle on December 30, 2019, 07:19:28 am
Folks ending up with the wrong build initially was fairly common so I wanted to help clarify if possible. However, you're right. I suppose it doesn't get simpler than that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on December 30, 2019, 07:22:20 am
Folks ending up with the wrong build initially was fairly common so I wanted to help clarify if possible. However, you're right. I suppose it doesn't get simpler than that.

The latest build is mentioned on the first post, as well as a link to appveyor.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BNOC on December 30, 2019, 07:17:00 pm
So apparently it didn't work because it couldn't properly recognize my PS4 controller plugged in.
This is using the Dec 26th fork.
If i turn my fightstick to a PS3 mode it runs just fine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 31, 2019, 10:12:17 pm
That's a GLFW bug.
So not a bug with Ikemen GO but with OpenGL's GLFW.

For what I see the problem happens in glfwInit() call.
I'll report to the GLFW dev team, could you provide the full error log?

So the problem is more specifically with in the mappings.h file in the GLFW C source but I need the full error log to make sure.
Maybe I can bug fix it and make a pull request.

But I'll need you to help to test the changes because I do not have the controller.
I see from the screenshot it's not the same as a PS4 one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on December 31, 2019, 10:17:06 pm
Have you checked the bug report lately?
I haven't seen you reply there and there are a few thingamabobs there.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on December 31, 2019, 10:28:38 pm
Yes I checked it.
Also some people that posted it also posted on discord.
So I did not answer then trough the post.

I'll post there more from now on. (I fixed some bugs but did not answer them :blank:)

I haven't not read anything in page 2 trough, sorry. I'll do it ASP.

So I'm making so K4thos fork would also have automated builds like mine.
I'll post the link to it once I finish it.

Remember that these are still a WIP and screenpacks does not work as are supposed to.

PS: The link of K4thos builds and my builds are different.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Strong FS on January 01, 2020, 05:27:27 am
Remember that these are still a WIP and screenpacks does not work as are supposed to.

Ohh that is a Advance, The automatic builds are more simple to apply to the users.
Wait the Next Update.

Ah, Happy New Year to everyone here ^^
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 01, 2020, 06:43:32 am
If I may ask Gacel, will K4thos fork merge once it is updated completely? Similar to Neat Onsou's and Suehiro's forks?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on January 01, 2020, 06:58:07 am
I'm panning to incorporate some of the changes once I have time.
On the lua side it's currently incompatible but the GO side could be incorporated rigth now.
When it's fully updated I will merge it.

But recently I had no free time because I'm moving city and so I have done nothing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 01, 2020, 07:10:45 am
Sorry to clutter up the chat. How does the stage portrait feature work? Does it do it automatically for each stage?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on January 01, 2020, 07:25:44 am
It does automatically.
It uses the stage sprite 9000, 0 by default.

To use it add this to [Select Info]:
stage.portrait.spr = 9000, 0
stage.portrait.offset = 0, 0
stage.portrait.scale = 1.0, 1.0
stage.portrait.random.spr =
stage.portrait.random.offset = 0, 0
stage.portrait.random.scale = 1.0, 1.0
PS: It only works on the K4thos fork for now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 03, 2020, 07:11:16 pm
One thing that's come to mind:
An excludestage for Arcade mode only (Or other single player modes), where it won't be used by characters that the stage is not set to.

Edit: Thought I was in the main thread but w/e.
Title: Re: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 03, 2020, 08:07:08 pm
One thing that's come to mind:
An excludestage for Arcade mode only (Or other single player modes), where it won't be used by characters that the stage is not set to.
it’s already implemented (and such parameter even exists in vanilla mugen). You can assign stage as a character parameter in select.def with additional includestage = 0 param (this way it will only show up when facing the opponent that the stage is attached to in arcade modes and won't be selected randomly). Expanding this feature to cover each mode separately seems excessive to me.
Title: Re: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 03, 2020, 08:12:18 pm
Yeah I mean't includestage = 0 but that mean't you couldn't Stage Select it in vanilla Mugen.
Title: Re: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on January 03, 2020, 08:27:23 pm
So basically a way to exclude stages from random while still allowing them to be selected in versus.
Title: Re: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 03, 2020, 11:02:00 pm
Yeah I mean't includestage = 0 but that mean't you couldn't Stage Select it in vanilla Mugen.
So basically a way to exclude stages from random while still allowing them to be selected in versus.

Sounds useful. I've just implemented it locally. Quote from select.def:
; - includestage
 ;   Set the paramvalue to 0 to avoid including this stage in the stage select
 ;   list (in VS, training modes, etc). The stage is also blocked from being
 ;   randomly selected for a match.
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Setting paramvalue to -1 prevents stage from being randomly
 ;   selected for a match, while still allowing you to choose it from the stage
 ;   select list.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 06, 2020, 07:01:31 am
K4thos, for some reason app veyor isn't making a terminal file for mac (from your fork that is)? This is basically the exe for mac, I'm not sure why it isn't producing it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on January 06, 2020, 10:44:34 pm
And it's in the 2 fork mine and K4htos.
It seems something broke on macOS compilation.

That's weird the last change on the build system was 4 months ago.
So it broke without our intervention.

I'll check it.

Maybe it's the screenshot dependencies.

It's the screenshot dependencies...
K4thos we need a way to fix it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 12, 2020, 09:11:57 pm
Just a rapid suggestion:
Seperate displayname for Lifebars and such, like on the Select Screen it's "Ken Masters" but in matches on the Lifebar display it's "Ken".
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 12, 2020, 09:42:11 pm
Just a rapid suggestion:
Seperate displayname for Lifebars and such, like on the Select Screen it's "Ken Masters" but in matches on the Lifebar display it's "Ken".
sounds like a nice idea. I've implemented it locally. If lifebarName is present under [Info] section it will replace displayName (only in lifebars).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 12, 2020, 09:47:05 pm
That was quick,
I assume these changes aren't in the Pre-Built version yet, unless I add them myself right?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 12, 2020, 09:54:43 pm
That was quick
it needed just few lines of code:

I assume these changes aren't in the Pre-Built version yet, unless I add them myself right?
for some reason appveyor for my fork hasn't been updated in 3 days, so you will have to manually compile the executable to test it (or wait for other forks to incorporate these changes, once my build is stable)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on January 12, 2020, 10:29:16 pm
I wonder if it is possible to have the powerbar parameters divided by modes. Something like [Powebar], [Simul Powerbar], [Tag Powerbar] and [Turns Powerbar]. Would be great.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 12, 2020, 10:34:22 pm
I wonder if it is possible to have the powerbar parameters divided by modes. Something like [Powebar], [Simul Powerbar], [Tag Powerbar] and [Turns Powerbar]. Would be great.
It's already implemented:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on January 12, 2020, 10:40:55 pm
Oh, that's great. Thank you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on January 12, 2020, 10:59:59 pm
Kathos any news on the animated portaits? Thank you all for you hard work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 12, 2020, 11:21:27 pm
Kathos any news on the animated portaits?
@Gacel works on this feature, no idea.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on January 12, 2020, 11:45:28 pm
Kathos, I downloaded Ikemen from your fork a few days ago and it was running normally. I tried the newest update and now I'm getting this error:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 13, 2020, 12:14:31 am
Kathos, I downloaded Ikemen from your fork a few days ago and it was running normally. I tried the newest update and now I'm getting this error:
if you're referring to the latest build from my github (which you manually compiled from source code and then got the missing screenpack files) then deleting your "save/config.json" and starting the game should do the job.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on January 13, 2020, 01:17:20 am
Oh, no. Sorry for not specifying. I download from Appveyor since I'm new to Ikemen and have no clue how to compile.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on January 14, 2020, 08:20:42 pm
Kathos any news on the animated portaits?
Gacel works on this feature, no idea.

Using with moving to another City so I had no much time to work on it.

K4thos said:
I assume these changes aren't in the Pre-Built version yet, unless I add them myself right?
for some reason appveyor for my fork hasn't been updated in 3 days, so you will have to manually compile the executable to test it (or wait for other forks to incorporate these changes, once my build is stable)

I have to update the docker image to accommodate to the new MacOS dependencies. (GNUstep)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 14, 2020, 08:31:11 pm
I assume onlyme in select.def forces the Opponent into Single mode?
Is there an option to disable the versus screen like how winscreen disables winscreens?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: BurningSoul on January 14, 2020, 08:41:06 pm
Any chance to make it so we don't face the same character in team mode?
Like you play against Guile,Charlie and 3 matches later you play agains Guile,x(someone else)
also mugen's random is quite trash,if you got 100 characters you will only get like barely 20 of them appear in arcade,same with stages any fix for that
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 14, 2020, 09:04:09 pm
Any chance to make it so we don't face the same character in team mode?
Like you play against Guile,Charlie and 3 matches later you play agains Guile,x(someone else)
also mugen's random is quite trash,if you got 100 characters you will only get like barely 20 of them appear in arcade,same with stages any fix for that
if you're talking strictly about enemy teams then this should not be the case in ikemen go. We're not following mugen implementations if something doesn't make sense. If you have enough characters all battles should be unique (while still randomized of course). Let me know if this issue happened using latest scripts from my fork.

I assume onlyme in select.def forces the Opponent into Single mode?
Is there an option to disable the versus screen like how winscreen disables winscreens?
I can add it but why? Disabling winscreen for a bonus character like Duck Hunt seems logicial but I can't think about any character that doesn't have versus portrait.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 14, 2020, 09:35:04 pm
Well classics like SF2 didn't have VS screens for Bonus Stages.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 14, 2020, 11:16:29 pm
Well classics like SF2 didn't have VS screens for Bonus Stages.
fair enough, implemented.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 15, 2020, 12:11:43 am
I can't seem to change the SFX volume on the new Plus Appveyor build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 15, 2020, 01:55:48 am
I can't seem to change the SFX volume on the new Plus Appveyor build.
thanks, fixed
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 16, 2020, 04:57:52 pm
K4thos, I read that you were going to add a tournament mode once you're done updating your fork. Will it be similar to the tournament mode in Dragon ball z Budokai tenkaichi 3.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 17, 2020, 04:47:33 pm
If I may ask, does anyone know how to convert this screenpack to work in Ikemen GO Plus?
It's the IMT screenpack in the Screenpacks section.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 17, 2020, 07:27:23 pm
May I also suggest you guys add extra documentation for stages in some way like in select.def.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 17, 2020, 11:00:32 pm
K4thos, I read that you were going to add a tournament mode once you're done updating your fork. Will it be similar to the tournament mode in Dragon ball z Budokai tenkaichi 3.
yes, but more customizable

If I may ask, does anyone know how to convert this screenpack to work in Ikemen GO Plus?
It's the IMT screenpack in the Screenpacks section.
I've just tested IMT01 (8400 slots) and IMT03 (336 slots) - both works just fine. The only thing you need to do is opening screenpack system.def files that come with these screenpacks and change this line:
localcoord = 640,360
to this:
localcoord = 640,480
I have no idea what's up with that 360p localcoord setting when the game clearly opens at 480p resolution when started with included mugen executable and config file that comes with this screenpack. After this change both tested screenpacks looks fine to me:

edit: in Ikemen go you choose which screnpack is loaded NOT in 'data/mugen.cfg' but in 'save/config.json' (motif row).
Also keep in mind that my daily builds are not considered stable yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on January 18, 2020, 03:21:36 am
Some suggestions:
- Portraits and names of teammates on the versus screen (and maybe on the win screen too).
- Some kind of "px.front.spr" / "px.front.anim" in the lifebar, to be able to add something that overlaps the char portrait in the lifebar, without having to use layerno.
- This is something more for the future, but adding some kind of gallery to display some art or replay intros / endings of the characters.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 18, 2020, 06:44:19 am
Thank you for the response!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: DeathMarkXI on January 22, 2020, 09:32:51 am
Any way to change the position of a certain row?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Gacel on January 23, 2020, 03:58:39 pm
- Portraits and names of teammates on the versus screen (and maybe on the win screen too).

Already posible.
p1.spacing = 20, 0
p1.num = 4

In the [VS Screen] section of system.def
I'll also see if when I can add it to the win screen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 23, 2020, 04:35:48 pm
Any way to change the position of a certain row?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 23, 2020, 05:01:35 pm
Can the pause button be changed to another button? Macs don't have a pause button like on windows.

Also in older versions of Ikemen go plus, the computer player used to randomize their character order (in team mode)  if you lost a fight and continued, also stages used to be randomized when continuing. I noticed that this doesn't happen anymore for some reason.

For example in old versions if you faced robin and joker on a team, the first time you fight them they would have for example Robin as the first player, if you lost and Continued, then they could randomize and put Joker as the first player and robin as the second one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on January 23, 2020, 05:18:34 pm
I believe it's better like this, most fighting games when you loose you continue agaist the same character and same stage, it is like a rematch.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 23, 2020, 05:25:51 pm
Also in older versions of Ikemen go plus, the computer player used to randomize their character order (in team mode)  if you lost a fight and continued, also stages used to be randomized when continuing. I noticed that this doesn't happen anymore for some reason.

For example in old versions if you faced robin and joker on a team, the first time you fight them they would have for example Robin as the first player, if you lost and Continued, then they could randomize and put Joker as the first player and robin as the second one.
These were bugs, not features (or better say - something that worked like this because I forgot to implement proper stage and order data persistence at the time).
I can't think about any commercial game that would randomize stage after continue screen. Mugen didn't do it either. Also correct me if I'm wrong but randomizing enemy order after continuing also wasn't the case in any King of Fighter games (from where I took the feature for character order adjustments in versus screen from). This could be something adjustable in options screen but I really don't see a point.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on January 23, 2020, 05:56:34 pm
I liked the randomized enemy order, because it would cause the other team members theme to play if they were randomized into the first slot, instead of hearing the first enemy's theme again and again.

You're correct in saying that no commercial game did this.
You're right randomizing stages is a bit odd.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 23, 2020, 08:36:07 pm
Yo Gacel, do you by any chance have a lead on this?:
Ikemen GO screenbound ( engine bug reported by @JustNoPoint from HDBZ team. The problem can be reliably reproduced for example with Piccolo's lvl3 finisher.
As presented in the below video, the finisher works correctly on KFM temple stage. From my tests there is also no problem with other stages that don't allow super jump. But any larger stage will cause this bug (as showcased at 1:45s)

Repo steps:
- Download character:
- Download stage:
- Go to training and activate Piccolo's power mode with Down Down MP+MK (you’ll get a new meter). Spam HP to fill it all the way to max. Then QCBx2P for his lvl3 hyper. Then wait a bit or do the Down Down MP+MK to activate it.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: thepacifist on January 27, 2020, 11:34:06 am
Can 4 joysticks be used at the same time in simul mode like in Ikemen Plus? I thought you said yes in your reply to mugenload, but then realized you might have been talking about keyboard or combo of keyboard and joysticks vs. just  joysticks. I tried to setup 4 joysticks but in simul mode just two work and control two characters at one time. I might be doing it wrong but wanted to make sure it was possible to do before looking further into it.

If it is possible, this is how I added the 3rd and 4th joysticks. Let me know if I did something wrong. It's late and I may have missed something:

I had to take out the keyboard commands because the game wouldn't start with them. I assume there were too many players with the keyboard commands in.

When I try it as shown above, my joysticks no longer work as programmed for some reason. P1 no longer acts mapped correctly even though it was mapped fine such that two controllers worked ok when it was just the two of them. I could try to remap them, but didn't want to try that if there was a system limitation.

Any help in letting me know whether 4 joystick simul is possible, or helping me figure out what I'm doing wrong, would be appreciated!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: DeathMarkXI on January 27, 2020, 07:38:39 pm
My animation looks gray  when it is about to restart in ikemen go plus does anyone know how I can fix this?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on January 28, 2020, 04:10:10 am
I would like to make one more suggestion. I don't know if it has already been suggested, if it has, sorry.
It's about the "counter.shake" for Combo. It would be great if we could switch between MUGEN's classic shake and Ikemen's interpolation.
Something like:
teamx.shake.type = 1 ; Set to 0 to "classic shake" count on hit, set to 1 to "zoom-in" count on hit.

If the line is omitted, Ikemen executes the classic shake.

I think it would be interesting because Ikemen already has both behaviors. I noticed that if you use a MUGEN lifebar, the combo font will shake, while the standard Ikemen lifebar uses interpolation (zoom-in). In addition, if you want to add other behaviors in the future such as glow, fade, spin, blink, etc. the only thing that would need to be updated in the lifebar would be a simple value.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on January 31, 2020, 11:19:50 am
Help from experienced CNS coder (someone that can make sense out of @Shiyo Kakuge: add004 common1.cns file) is needed in order to finalize high scores and match scores system. More details here:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on January 31, 2020, 03:36:29 pm
Shiyo hasn't posted here in ages, but he's updated his Ikemen version to other's Youtube comments, just letting you know.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RaitoADV on February 01, 2020, 02:02:10 am
Has someone already suggested the idea of having "KOF-Styled" order select menus for Team modes? Where teammates are assigned to a button (A for 1, B for 2, C for 3, etc.) and depending on the order you press the buttons, the team order you get.

I'm saying this cause this would make team order choices something private, and it helps that your opponent doesn't know the order you chose. Plus it makes it kinda quicker.

Also, I heard there was an Ikemen Discord server. Is there an invite link available?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on February 04, 2020, 01:18:15 pm
Ignoring the multi-post weirdness, I'd suggest a different link.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on February 04, 2020, 02:09:18 pm
Ignoring the multi-post weirdness, I'd suggest a different link.

I wasn't aware that site was blacklisted here, but I managed to get the character to work. The multi posts were not intentional, on my side they said my post didn't get posted, because a network error page came up, I have no idea how so many repeat posts got added, thanks for the heads up though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: RagingRowen on February 06, 2020, 11:01:32 pm
@K4thos: Is this what you were after or is this one of Shiyo's general plans?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on February 07, 2020, 12:59:36 am
RagingRowen, thanks for taking your time to externalize the score and rank code. Together with Gacel we've reached a consensus (I think) that it's better to leave default score calculation to cns/zss file instead of hardcoding it in the engine, so that it could work alongside already implemented HitDef and sctrl features (mentioned here (

I think to make this CNS score code ready to be distributed by default with the engine, I think it could use some changes to make it more readable/easier for edits:
- no workarounds used whatsoever (if something could be implemented in a more intuitive way just let us know what new triggers or sctrls would be needed to do so)
- probably it should work as a global code using ikemen global statedefs (for example -20), not something running on invisible helpers
- var and fvar usage doesn't seem like a best idea when Ikemen go offers unlimited amount of named variables via Map feature
- score itself should be updated using ScoreAdd/TargetScoreAdd sctrls (so that it can be rendered via lifebar and saved after match)
- any code that refers to add004 explode lifebars should not be present

For example this:
trigger1=1||fvar(25):=((var(9)&68)=68)*5 +((var(9)&128)=128)*30 +((var(9)&256)=256)*20 +(var(41)>=30)*25 +fvar(3)+fvar(5)+fvar(6)

reads like black magic to me. "bk/jd" mentioned in the file doesn't ring a bell. My current understanding of end match rank calculation is not good enough to write native lifebar DEF paramters support for this feature.

Score stuff is a bit easier to comprehend since it's mostly a value added each tick when animpause is active (explained to me courtesy of Gacel). Still after trying to use the score code as it is, without the rest of add004, I wasn't able to make it work.

Help from experienced CNS coder is needed to adopt code posted by RagingRowen and make it work outside add004 environment. Explanation of some of the more confusing formulas would be appropriated as well.

edit: just to be clear - code adaptation proposed above are only from my point of view (a person with little CNS experience, so it's not necessarily the best/viable approach). And code changes like these could be implemented down the road, not necessarily now. The current  goal, and a thing that stops the next release with working scores and leaderboards, is making default score calculations to work outside rest of the add004 common1 code. (and receiving Shiyo's permission to use it under MIT license)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on February 08, 2020, 06:39:29 am
Gacel just released a new build with both K4thos and his code merged.

Expect some bugs but also new features.

BTW, no mac release yet(because of some troubles with dependencies), and the Linux build is missing the executable. I had to compile it myself from Github.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on February 08, 2020, 06:43:07 am
Sounds great! It's understandable about the mac release, hopefully it gets sorted out soon though :)
I will definitely try out the windows build in the meantime!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: K4thos on February 08, 2020, 10:27:58 am
Gacel just released a new build with both K4thos and his code merged.
Gacel forgot to update his screenpack repository, so until he does, you also need to manually download and overwrite files with these ones:
Without doing so some fonts won't be visible, not all modes will be selectable from main menu etc.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on February 08, 2020, 10:29:07 am
Thank you! Will do!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on February 08, 2020, 01:04:44 pm
@K4thos how do rivals work? For example I can set a character to appear as a rival in stage 1 if I enter 1={charname}, and it works as intended, however if I enter, 2 or another number, I just get an error saying char nil.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 08, 2020, 07:07:43 pm
We now have ratio system!!! Thank you all for your hard work. Amazing progress

At Gacels latest build shaders dont work from option menu(i tried the scanlines).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: orochi_kyo on February 08, 2020, 07:50:43 pm
We now have ratio system!!! Thank you all for your hard work. Amazing progress

At Gacels latest build shaders dont work from option menu(i tried the scanlines).

I heard Shaders are loaded from a folder now, so you need a shaders folder. I have not tested them, I'm going to ask where these shaders can be downloaded from.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 08, 2020, 07:54:15 pm
There is a shaders folder at Gacel's build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on February 08, 2020, 07:58:51 pm
Can confirm, the shaders from Gacel's build worked for me too.  I didn't try scan lines though, just the others.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Bejeeta on February 08, 2020, 08:24:41 pm
Strange doesnt work for me from options, i have to enable shaders from save file("PostProcessingShader" ).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 08, 2020, 09:43:42 pm
No shaders folder on my end, I've downloaded the 0.84 build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: LebKeller on February 09, 2020, 09:06:13 am
No shaders folder on my end, I've downloaded the 0.84 build.

Just download it from Gacel's github, there is a shader folder there.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: -Ash- on February 09, 2020, 10:50:41 am
Well now that's weird...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on February 10, 2020, 01:15:48 am
So I have not configured the AppVeyor bash script to include the shaders folder.
My fault.
I will fix it as fast as posible.

Also updated to include screenpack changes by MangeX to add K4thos stuff to it.
Now to fix macOS builds.

Gacel just released a new build with both K4thos and his code merged.

Expect some bugs but also new features.

BTW, no mac release yet(because of some troubles with dependencies), and the Linux build is missing the executable. I had to compile it myself from Github.
I have to add more dependencies (libglib2.0-dev) to the containers make it compile on linux
so it will be not ready until tomorrow. (Containers take a truckload of time to build)

So for now windows only.
Sorry for that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on February 10, 2020, 01:57:56 am
Still no shaders folder on my end. Can you please link me it separetely?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on February 10, 2020, 04:06:33 am
Still no shaders folder on my end. Can you please link me it separately?

Go to the Github
Press the green button, the one which says Clone or download, you will download a zip, which contains the shaders folders, copy that folder into your Ikemen Go folder.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on February 10, 2020, 04:19:38 am
Ohhh I see.. I thought it was supposed to come with the artifact build. Thanks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on February 10, 2020, 08:28:46 pm
I found an add-on my 'Wintermoun' on that one archive dubbed Ikemen GO Plus Ultimate.
Haven't tested it yet, but it should be remotely interesting.
IKEMEN GO Plus Ultimate is a mod of IKEMEN GO Plus by K4thos that adds and changes a handful of features.

IKEMEN GO Plus can be downloaded at
IKEMEN GO Plus Ultimate changes the script files and adds new settings to system.def. Both of these need to be replaced or edited for IKEMEN GO Plus Ultimate to work correctly.

Coins: Coins can be collected when winning matches. The amount earned depends on team sizes, AI difficulty, and options in system.def .
Arcade Progress: The game now keeps track of who has finished Arcade mode. This shows on the character select and at the top of the main and arcade menus.
Character Unlocking: Characters with hidden set to 3 can be unlocked through a few ways: spending coins, finishing a specific character's Arcade mode, and having a certain amount of characters finish Arcade mode.
Mode Unlocking: Boss Rush and Survival can now be locked behind Arcade mode, requiring a certain amount of completed characters for Survival and a certain % for Boss Rush.
New Mode: All Rush is just like Boss Rush, except instead of just bosses, it's all of the fighters on the select screen!
More Option: Under the Ultimate Settings menu, there is an option called Unlock All. This unlocks all of the characters in the select menu until it is disabled.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LebKeller on February 10, 2020, 08:42:14 pm
Very interesting! Some of those features would be nice to see in ikemen go plus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on February 10, 2020, 10:08:23 pm
Very interesting! Some of those features would be nice to see in ikemen go plus.

No more Ikemen Go Plus, just Ikemen Go, k4thos just said he took this decision to respect all the people who are working on the project and since all the active builds are merging all the changes into their own repositories.

Boss rush was already done by K4thos.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO Plus
Post by: Slayer. on February 11, 2020, 03:37:21 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Already posible.
p1.spacing = 20, 0
p1.num = 4

In the [VS Screen] section of system.def
I'll also see if when I can add it to the win screen.
I need to check this out. But judging by the code, it seems to work like the names in team mode. If so, it would be better to have a separate versus by mode, to be able to use different portraits, projects could benefit a lot in that way.

Another similar suggestion. I think it would be great if [WinIcon] were separated by modes, mainly because of a 3x3 or 4x4 simul/tag. It can be complicated to adapt the lifebar design to these modes, otherwise it is not possible to have a good design for them.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Oceanboy06 on February 11, 2020, 05:17:59 am
Hello, I Just Joined MFG.
Apparently, Dolmexica Infinite has an Exclusive Mode that's Called "Credits" Mode.
You can View Dolmexica Infinite Here: (
Anyways, It's a mode that Shows the Character on the Cursor's Name (Not Display Name), Author, and Date.
Would you be Able to implement That Mode? Gacel or K4thos?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on February 13, 2020, 04:38:29 am
Ikemen GO Ultimate dev just joined the Discord server and the first merge of some of his code is already done into Gacel build.

Also, there is a Linux build properly done.

2020 is looking like a good year for Ikemen GO, yay, more devs!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on February 14, 2020, 05:37:49 am
Hello, I Just Joined MFG.
Apparently, Dolmexica Infinite has an Exclusive Mode that's Called "Credits" Mode.
You can View Dolmexica Infinite Here: (
Anyways, It's a mode that Shows the Character on the Cursor's Name (Not Display Name), Author, and Date.
Would you be Able to implement That Mode? Gacel or K4thos?
Thanks for informing.
Maybe the implementation would not be the same but is a good idea.

Another similar suggestion. I think it would be great if [WinIcon] were separated by modes, mainly because of a 3x3 or 4x4 simul/tag. It can be complicated to adapt the lifebar design to these modes, otherwise it is not possible to have a good design for them.
I'll will implement it soon.

Also new update (Again!)
This time fixes how portaits handles on widescreen lifebars!

Also new folder structure.
Now scripts, icons, and shaders folders are subfolders of a new folder called "external".

Also while I was offline these days I made a new training stage: (Not included yet)
And lifebar, the lifebar will include support to all the new Ikemen features.
Like Score and 4vs4.

Still I will center on bugfixes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LebKeller on February 14, 2020, 07:51:33 am
Awesome work!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LebKeller on February 14, 2020, 08:59:54 am
Hmmm shaders seem to not work for some reason.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on February 14, 2020, 07:32:53 pm
Lifebar looks fresh matey.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Strong FS on February 17, 2020, 08:50:55 pm
Ohhhhh that look very good!
However I made a Helper for identify the P3, P4, P5 and P6 Tags, Lifebars using the ID Triggers

;P3 Lifebar
[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
TriggerAll = TeamSide = 1
TriggerAll = id > partner, id
TriggerAll = TeamMode = Simul
triggerAll = NumHelper(5800) = 0

TriggerAll = Name != "Rugal Bernstein" || Name != "Krizalid 2001" || Name != "Sachiel"
TriggerAll = Name != "Sinobu Amou" || Name != "Adelheid Bernstein" || Name != "Kyo Story"
TriggerAll = Name != "Platform 1" || Name != "ALIEN QUEEN" || Name != "Duck Hunt"
TriggerAll = Name != "Catwalk" || Name != "Training"

trigger1 = roundstate = 2
helpertype = normal ;player
name = "Lifebar Player 3"
ID = 5800
stateno = 5800
pos = 0,0
postype = left    ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

;P5 Lifebar
[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
TriggerAll = TeamSide = 2
TriggerAll = NumEnemy = 3
;TriggerAll = Enemy,TeamMode = Simul
triggerAll = NumHelper(5801) = 0
trigger1 = roundstate = 2
helpertype = normal ;player
name = "Lifebar Player 5"
ID = 5801
stateno = 5801
pos = 0,0
postype = left    ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

;P4 Lifebar
[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
TriggerAll = TeamSide = 2
TriggerAll = id > partner, id
TriggerAll = TeamMode = Simul
triggerAll = NumHelper(5810) = 0
trigger1 = roundstate = 2
helpertype = normal ;player
name = "Lifebar Player 4"
ID = 5810
stateno = 5810
pos = 0,0
postype = left    ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

;P6 Lifebar
[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
TriggerAll = TeamSide = 1
TriggerAll = NumEnemy = 3
;TriggerAll = Enemy,TeamMode = Simul
triggerAll = NumHelper(5811) = 0
trigger1 = roundstate = 2
helpertype = normal ;player
name = "Lifebar Player 6"
ID = 5811
stateno = 5811
pos = 0,0
postype = left    ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

I put this in the minus.cns in the Szz folder for work in all characters except The Minigames Chars, Bonus, Bosses and Semibosses.
I don't know if it's helpful Gacel. But I leave it there
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on February 18, 2020, 10:29:31 pm
Amazing work, really interesting, congratulations.
Any chance to play video files that replace intros / endings? This can reduce the full game size and editing time, and maybe you can add animation in stage selection...
This was on the MugenHook thread.
Just wondering if you guys could take this into consideration aswell.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RaitoADV on February 19, 2020, 01:07:40 am
Amazing work, really interesting, congratulations.
Any chance to play video files that replace intros / endings? This can reduce the full game size and editing time, and maybe you can add animation in stage selection...
This was on the MugenHook thread.
Just wondering if you guys could take this into consideration aswell.

I fully support this idea, but it should be not restricted to only intros and endings. It could be useful for extra stuff like screenpack intros and credit sequences as well!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on February 19, 2020, 02:11:11 am
And any storyboard sequence in general.
Maybe we could use libVCL for playing them. (It will remove the need to make a media player from scratch)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: IbuiKun on February 21, 2020, 05:16:07 am
This is gonna seem like a super weird request, but there was a project that I was looking to start, a crossover zaxis utilizing fighting game, and was wondering, is it possible to have 4 players controllable via netplay during a match at all? and, would it be possible that each player have their own individual camera? And uh..if not, I'd like to request the following:

- If we can't have 1v1v1v1's, or online group 2v2's, would it be possible to add?
- Also, a variable to check which character id each player controls

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Adnan on February 21, 2020, 08:10:48 am have you decided on which branch you will submit to this website?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on February 21, 2020, 11:00:01 am
- If we can't have 1v1v1v1's, or online group 2v2's, would it be possible to add?
Support for 4 players fighting simultaneously locally (in 2vs2 versus co-op mode) was implemented at some point but due to problems with gamepads I've reverted this change for now (although probably will be back in future). Not sure about netplay though. Maybe Gacel will be able to say something more about it.

- Also, a variable to check which character id each player controls
I've just implemented this trigger:
Returns ID of the player with specified number. Returns 0 if the player doesn't exist.


Expression evaluating to player number (P1 team members use odd values starting from 1, P2 team members use even values)

Return type:
trigger1 = PlayerID(GetPlayerID(2)), MoveType=A

Is this good enough or you meant something else here? btw. if you're requesting new triggers or sctrls please consider writing it using the above template. It took me more time to think about the trigger name that would fit here and writing the documentation than actually implementing it in engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: IbuiKun on February 21, 2020, 06:11:00 pm
- If we can't have 1v1v1v1's, or online group 2v2's, would it be possible to add?
Support for 4 players fighting simultaneously locally (in 2vs2 versus co-op mode) was implemented at some point but due to problems with gamepads I've reverted this change for now (although probably will be back in future). Not sure about netplay though. Maybe Gacel will be able to say something more about it.

- Also, a variable to check which character id each player controls
I've just implemented this trigger:
Returns ID of the player with specified number. Returns 0 if the player doesn't exist.


Expression evaluating to player number (P1 team members use odd values starting from 1, P2 team members use even values)

Return type:
trigger1 = PlayerID(GetPlayerID(2)), MoveType=A

Is this good enough or you meant something else here? btw. if you're requesting new triggers or sctrls please consider writing it using the above template. It took me more time to think about the trigger name that would fit here and writing the documentation than actually implementing it in engine.

Hmm..I mean't like, check if that particular player was playing through the client..the one you've made is definitely a keeper though, but it'd probably be something like this.

Returns True if character is being controlled by this client, returns 0 if otherwise. Pretty much an Addon to the first variable y'made hre.


Expression evaluating to player number (P1 team members use odd values starting from 1, P2 team members use even values)

Return type:
trigger1 = PlayerID(GetPlayerID(2)), !IsClient
to check if an character isn't being played locally.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on February 24, 2020, 04:04:45 pm
trigger1 = PlayerID(GetPlayerID(2)), !IsClient
to check if an character isn't being played locally.

That, yes or yes would cause a desync online.
What would you use it for?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on February 24, 2020, 04:12:38 pm
trigger1 = PlayerID(GetPlayerID(2)), !IsClient
to check if an character isn't being played locally.

That, yes or yes would cause a desync online.
What would you use it for?
not sure what it's for but I've implemented it anyway (the way I understood the request):

Returns 1 if the player is host in online match, 2 if the player is client, otherwise it returns 0.
from source code perspective it looks like this:
func (c *Char) networkPlayer() int32 {
if sys.netInput == nil ||[c.playerNo] > 0 {
return 0
if sys.home == 0 { //Versus style modes
if c.teamside == 0 {
return 1
} else if c.teamside == 1 {
return 2
} else if c.teamside == 0 { //Co-op, players side
if c.playerNo == 0 {
return 1 //host
return 2 //client
return 0
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on February 25, 2020, 10:51:44 pm
Just released a new version of KOF Wing Fixed using 0.89. New char, some new movements, bug fixes, and balance changes.

Hope you enjoy it.

Edit: Sorry for bad link, it is fine now,  I just discovered I uploaded the game with a custom save file that only works for my PS3 stick.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Nate on February 26, 2020, 01:13:33 am
link isnt working bro. probably because its a facebook link. try uploading it to mediafire or
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: IbuiKun on February 27, 2020, 12:25:50 am
trigger1 = PlayerID(GetPlayerID(2)), !IsClient
to check if an character isn't being played locally.

That, yes or yes would cause a desync online.
What would you use it for?

The reason i'm doing it is for players to have their own camera view and be able to freely traverse the map.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NecusX on March 06, 2020, 03:09:29 am
IKEMEN is probably the future of mugen since elecbyte is dead, but we never know if they will comeback meraciously.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on March 07, 2020, 05:17:17 am
A lot of interesting stuff has been implemented since the last time I checked. I saw that it is now possible to edit the values in options, I was about to suggest that. Awesome!

Anyway, here are some suggestions:

- Possibility to edit the text of the mode title in select screen.
- Lifebar: change the color of the animation/sprite of power, according to level and/or percentage.
- [Score] separated by modes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Mike77154 on March 09, 2020, 07:04:38 am
I have a question, how to I can add a button that do this function in any moment of the game
So we have this in the main.lua file
main.credits = config.Credits - 1 --amount of continues

How can I achieve that if I press for example: key 'g' I get that ikemen do this?
main.credits = config.Credits + 1
and ikemen adds a credit indepently of any moment of the game

And another Question, How do I reactivate the classic counter continue screen, you know the Timer and credit reducer?

thanks in advance

tengo una pregunta, como añado un boton con la siguiente funcion
por ejemplo en el archivo main.lua tenemos esto
main.credits = config.Credits - 1 --amount of continues

como le hago para que al apretar por ejemplo la tecla G en el teclado pase esto con esta funcion
main.credits = config.Credits + 1
y que al realizar esta funcion,  ikemen al presionar la tecla G te añada una vida

Y otra cosa, como reactivo la pantalla del continue anterior con contador de tiempo, ustedes saben, la que te quita tiempo y te disminuye creditos?
Gracias de antemano
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 09, 2020, 08:05:07 pm

como le hago para que al apretar por ejemplo la tecla G en el teclado pase esto con esta funcion
main.credits = config.Credits + 1
y que al realizar esta funcion,  ikemen al presionar la tecla G te añada una vida


Compa;ero usted lo que busca es llenar su salon de arcade de puros Mugen para sacarle a los carajillos la plata de las tortillas o vender recreativas con Rasperry y Orange Pi para los que ponen arcades en los supermercados.
Todavia no hay esa opcion de ponerle un boton a los credito" asi que no esperes ayuda por ese lado, si quieres esa opcion tendras que aprender GOlang y editar los archivos Go directamente. O ten paciencia, en algun momento saldra la opcion para que todos los arcades del tercer mundo tengan Hyper Dragon Ball Z y KOF WING para rato. No eres el primero que pregunta por esto.

BTW guys 0.90 has its own TAG system based on ADD004, also you need to declare the option menu parameters in system.def, if not you will not see any Options!!

Test the new versions with a clean installation before reporting a bug and then port it to your custom Ikemen Go with your chars and stages.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on March 09, 2020, 08:13:15 pm
For options menu you need to use the updated mugen files from kathos. Kathos upload them 5 days ago.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 09, 2020, 09:53:07 pm
For options menu you need to use the updated mugen files from kathos. Kathos upload them 5 days ago.

Why? Gacel build has everything you need to play. I mean whatever K4thos does in his build it is being taken to Gacel build, Gacel build works out of the box. No need of downloading something else.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Mike77154 on March 09, 2020, 10:40:00 pm
But why did you remove totally the street fighter alpha style counter continúe screen? :( :'(

How we Can reactivaté it?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Afterthought on March 13, 2020, 03:39:59 am
BTW guys 0.90 has its own TAG system based on ADD004, also you need to declare the option menu parameters in system.def, if not you will not see any Options!!

How exactly is one supposed to get the tag-in/tag-out working properly? All I get is three or four characters playing simultaneously instead of actual tagging. Is it still necessary to patch them to use add004?

EDIT: While the bickering was going on I did manage to fix it. I'd definitely like documentation on how to tweak it, if I missed said documentation and if anyone could point me towards it, I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 13, 2020, 05:43:33 am
BTW guys 0.90 has its own TAG system based on ADD004, also you need to declare the option menu parameters in system.def, if not you will not see any Options!!

How exactly is one supposed to get the tag-in/tag-out working properly? All I get is three or four characters playing simultaneously instead of actual tagging. Is it still necessary to patch them to use add004?

First, It is important to test a clean installation.
IF you are testing this with a custom screenpack or installation, be sure you have TAG enable in the system.def, because contrary to Mugen with ADD004 or UNOtag, TAG is a new mode that doesn't use SIMUL at all.

Also be sure you are using Gacel 0.90 version or superior, since TAG by default was included on that version, no need of patching or anything.

Check the file tag.zss and check the states there used to tag and be sure your chars arent using those states.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on March 13, 2020, 05:56:53 am
download updated mugen files from the repo to enable tag.You can you use add004 if you change statefef-20 to statedef - 2 and - 10 to - 1 at shiyo's common file and delete the code from tag and score files.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 13, 2020, 06:46:03 am
download updated mugen files from the repo to enable tag.You can you use add004 if you change statefef-20 to statedef - 2 and - 10 to - 1 at shiyo's common file and delete the code from tag and score files.

I don't want to sound rude, but your recommendations are always doing the double of work or taking a long way, when the shorter one is even safest.

For any newcomer, Gacel fork already includes the "Mugen" files Bejeeta is talking about(instead of going all around Github looking for files to download). Ikemen GO 0.90 includes a tag mode(which I don't like BTW, so you cant say Im a Fanboy) but if you want to use  UNOtag or ADD004 you just need to replace the  line "commontag" line in the config.json file with your favorite main tag file.

For ADD004 replace statedef -20 for statedef -2 and statedef 10 to -1.

For Unotag go to the INI file where all the states are and replace all the  "SIMUL" for "TAG" calls and then use the patcher or create a new file called Unotag.def and copy all the content of that INI file that haves all the states mentioned before and calling it in from the config.json.

Beware that UNOtag works fine for 2 tag player, 3 or more is buggy. I can confirm that because I already set a clean installation of Ikemen GO with UNOtag

This is UNOtag working without patching any character, Double Hypers, and assistant/stryker works.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on March 13, 2020, 07:40:41 am
some people have problem to download the automatic build so they have to download the mugen files, also want the add004 lifebars and add004 system so i just point out how to use the add004 system.Please stop being rude to people that want to help.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: BurningSoul on March 13, 2020, 04:00:04 pm
just managed to break it agaain
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 13, 2020, 10:07:11 pm
The problem is that the stage comes in his own folder.
You have to put the stage ssf and def files inside the stage folder (Or edit select.def so it has the correct stage location)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on March 13, 2020, 10:49:21 pm
Suggestions for stages:
- Water splash for stages, using coordinate, something like window parameter.
If possible to assign color using RGB color coding (as in fonts), it would be incredible, so muddy stages would be even more interactive.
The coordinates would be to delimit this interaction in stages that have only one puddle or part with water.

- Reflection attributed to sprites.
So it would be possible to have a stage with a reflective floor but use a carpet that would not reflect, for example..

Suggestions for lifebars:
- [AILevel], [Time attack], [Match] also separated by mode.
As much as it is extra work, I think it is something important. For example, in the current lifebar, in simul mode, scores overlap the name of p3 and p4.
- Different bg animation for timer when time is infinity.
- Animation and snd for perfect.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: junkerde on March 14, 2020, 10:14:09 pm
to be honest, I've always hated add004 tag style, prefered unotag but its too bad unotag was written as a 2 character system. Unoshe would have to heavily modify everything (mostly the way the vars work too) for it to be 3+. add004 is overrated and bloated af imo. Too much bloat.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 02:06:01 am
some people have problem to download the automatic build so they have to download the mugen files, also want the add004 lifebars and add004 system so i just point out how to use the add004 system.Please stop being rude to people that want to help.

I wasnt being rude, you decided to feel that way, Ok, it is up to you.
Automated builds are working fine, and people can even decide to download old versions if the most recent one is somehow broken for them.

I will not send to anyone to Github because it is confusing and not everyone does know what compiling is, youll be surprised how many people ask "Hey what I do now"  and they show a screenshot of the source, because they went to Github because someone else told them so...

There is a reason automated builds exists and it is a good reason.

Now the reason I do come here, is to point out something, and I think it is time that Gacel and K4thos should start thinking on a 1.0 version.
Im been thinking on doing some screenpack conversions, but I am afraid since the engine is still in development that every work I could do now will not work on a pair of days.

People keep suggesting stuff for the engine, that is OK, but I think devs should stop adding things for now and just focusing on fixing bugs(before someone decides Im being assertive or rude, this is humble suggestion), so anyone that decides to support the engine with screenpacks, chars, sprites, animations, story assets and other stuff, can work on a base that is not changing every week.

Also people can start sharing their own customized versions of Ikemen GO, I mean with "customized", builds of Ikemen Go that comes with some example chars and things like ADD004 already included and ready to use, actually Im making a build of Ikemen Go 0.9 with add004 already working and another one with UNOtag (for those who doesnt care about 3vs3, 4vs4), for most of the newcomers or people who doesn't want to waste time lurking in the files. I have share some of these builds already and people tell me they are working.

Whatever it happens after that 1.0 version it is up to devs, release candidates and beta sounds good, it is up to the "programing  enthusiasts".

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on March 15, 2020, 02:47:19 am
You have a point about the requests that people make. But while they can overwhelm the work of developers, most requests are for "basic" features that have been asked for a long time. At the end of the day, it's up to the developers whether they are worth adding or not. It is interesting the small number of active people here on this board, considering that the team working on IKEMEN is basically doing what the community has always wanted Elecbyte to do.
Now, about converting things to IKEMEN, it's still too early. Even though it is already in version "0.9", there are still many bugs and even the basic things are not working as they should. I suppose it will be a long time before we get to a stable build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 03:38:25 am
You have a point about the requests that people make. But while they can overwhelm the work of developers, most requests are for "basic" features that have been asked for a long time. At the end of the day, it's up to the developers whether they are worth adding or not. It is interesting the small number of active people here on this board, considering that the team working on IKEMEN is basically doing what the community has always wanted Elecbyte to do.
Now, about converting things to IKEMEN, it's still too early. Even though it is already in version "0.9", there are still many bugs and even the basic things are not working as they should. I suppose it will be a long time before we get to a stable build.

The first thing we have to set is what we think is basic and whatnot.
Except for the ESC/PAUSE button I think almost everything is covered. Not even commercial games has been able to have 4vs4 or else on SIMUL or TAG, because the  complications that comes with this kind of stuff.
But things like lobby for online could seem "basic" for some when it could mean rewriting all the netcode, so this is where devs should guide us about what could be accomplished soon, and what will need months, years or "it will never happen", if they are still here  by then.
We have submenus, we have zoom(even if Kathos think is broken, it had worked for me very nice), support up to 4 players, filters, ratio, scores, missions, two characters in the same slot, hidden chars, helpers and chars attached to stages, etc
Im sure anyone interested in new features have plenty to play with for now.

Meanwhile I still have(and I know many outthere just notice this) this trouble the engine cant detect properly two(or more) button pressings on keyboards or sticks. Ex movements and two level special that need two buttons pressed are hard to make, this is basic for me, still no fix yet.

Now it seems devs are trying to move things to zss. Lets be honest, this could wait before all bug fixing and for an "after 1.0" version, because both Gacel and Kathos have a life outside of this forum and the discord, this week has been hard to locate them and the only other zss "expert" in the discord server is Alceris and he answer like once in month(he also doesnt have to answer anyone if he doesnt want). For a code that is not documented (people said is poorly, I can say is not documented at all, at least in english) it is risky to move default files to zss IMHO.
Im been working on understanding the new tag.zss code and I cant just simply going asking anyone(they dont answer, they are busy, they are just drinking or having a life outside internet), and not even looking on internet because there is zero info about zss and It is obvious both devs are busy right now.

And the reason of the low activity both here and the Ikemen discord server is because most Mugen users doesnt care about Ikemen Plus and most Ikemen Plus users doesnt care about Ikemen GO. It sound awkward, you should take a look on both and the Ikemen discord to see what I am talking about.

Still a "stable release" could help to bring some new and old people to the scene, knowing that something they do for the stable version will still work in a month or a year.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on March 15, 2020, 04:04:08 am
There are certainly many new features. But if you stop to think about possibilities that have always been discussed, what is available does not even scratch the surface of what we could consider as basic. Not that I think they have to add everything at once.
The 2-button problem... Oh, man! That's really annoying. I can't play properly with my favorite characters because of that, heh. But there are still many more problems than that, music for example. I started to port a lifebar to see what bugs I can find and just in the beginning I found some. As soon as I'm done with the lifebar, I'll go check the screenpack.
Without a doubt, a stable build would help a lot to attract more people. But until then there is a lot to be done. Anyway, so far the engine has shown incredible potential and I am rooting for its development.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: TTTTTsd on March 15, 2020, 05:07:19 pm
Meanwhile I still have(and I know many outthere just notice this) this trouble the engine cant detect properly two(or more) button pressings on keyboards or sticks. Ex movements and two level special that need two buttons pressed are hard to make, this is basic for me, still no fix yet.
Two button press actually technically works properly, however it could possibly be made more lenient, although in all honesty it would require a fix in regular characters before it could be done engine wide, I think. More info here: long and short though, MUGEN's original button press check code was wrong because it checked for a hold first, then a press, introducing arbitrary input latency on press inputs and two additional frames for 2 button press inputs (if EX Flash Kicks have ever been harder in regular MUGEN for you, this is why)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 08:31:52 pm
I would like to know what Gacel or K4thos think. What are their plans? Pretty sure they won't be on this forever, want to move to new things, etc. So before this happens, this two-button thing and some important bugs should be attended. In my experience even if you know a programming code well, it is hard to take on someone else code and guess what they did, where are the variables, functions, parameters, etc

If Mugen was doing things wrong with simultaneous buttons, please don't fix what is not broken. The important thing is that it works from the front end user.  When Gacel build was by 0.70 version, the problem wasn't that serious, but it just getting worst.

I had this KOF game with an old build of Ikemen GO and BC(cancel bar activation) worked fine, but now you will fail to activate in half of the times. Tested on three sticks, two pads, and three different keyboards.

Ok, for those who just want to enjoy tag 3vs3, 4vs4, this build has add004 ready to go and working.
16:9 screenpack and some sprites/anims were imported from add004 lifebars. Btw ADD004 lifebars arent working and I dont waste time working on them. I just worked with default HD bars to work with 3vs3, 4vs4, based on  0.90 Gacel build.!Zd1zXRTR!dg96VMuMu-TSpb1Sn5zpyUCCs-FK-bkcEuPRer8qt8U

Does it work? Check it out here.
Bigger roster and random?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 15, 2020, 10:06:20 pm
From someone who has been flirting with Ikemen for years now, I can tell that the reason that I didn't dropped MUGEN for good already is because its just more pratical and pleb friendly. Setting screenpacks is easy, and the characters work as they should, while on Ikemen you need to manually adjust screenpacks(which requires some knowledge) and the two buttons thing and some bugs just kills it to me. I hope that this changes in the future because I love the features that the engine has but to me functionality will always trump everything else.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 10:13:27 pm
From someone who has been flirting with Ikemen for years now, I can tell that the reason that I didn't dropped MUGEN for good already is because its just more pratical and pleb friendly. Setting screenpacks is easy, and the characters work as they should, while on Ikemen you need to manually adjust screenpacks(which requires some knowledge) and the two buttons thing and some bugs just kills it to me. I hope that this changes in the future because I love the features that the engine has but to me functionality will always trump everything else.

Well this pretty much is happening already. I was on discord two days ago and this guy comes with some error with  Legacy screenpack not working. Downloaded from MFG, installed,  I just changed one line and it was working out of the box,

The only changes needed for this kind of screenpacks are taking advantage of the new ikemen features. Others are quite tricky.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 15, 2020, 10:23:56 pm
What line did you changed?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 10:28:54 pm
What line did you changed?

this line caused Go to crash
menu.itemname.options       = "9" do not put a number here, I just changed it to anything else but a number.

Already reported to devs.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 15, 2020, 10:37:15 pm
So you just changed that and suddenly everything works just like in MUGEN!? Fonts, menus, characters cells!? I have to see that for myself.

Also about the buttons problem, have they pronounced on that already? I feel like the bug report section doesn't get much attention.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 11:08:27 pm
So you just changed that and suddenly everything works just like in MUGEN!? Fonts, menus, characters cells!? I have to see that for myself.

Also about the buttons problem, have they pronounced on that already? I feel like the bug report section doesn't get much attention.

Actually it does get attention, Gacel and K4thos arent exactly that kind of people who answer every report, as everyone they have real-life stuff but they are paying attention here, discord, and the Github.

Here is legacy mugen screenpack working out of the box, maybe some things here or there. I didn't change a single line of code, except the one that was causing the crash.

The black line down is my shitty PC not handling properly the recording software.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 15, 2020, 11:20:43 pm
I just tried a screenpack here and...


The options menu was set as = "Options" here, so I don't think that's the same case.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 11:22:47 pm
I just tried a screenpack here and...


The options menu was set as = "Options" here, so I don't think that's the same case.

Interesting, Gacel plans to release a new build today. If so, can you share the screenpack, to see what was the trouble?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 15, 2020, 11:25:45 pm
There you go... (

Its a very simple screenpack because I wanted to play safe.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 15, 2020, 11:51:12 pm
There you go... (

Its a very simple screenpack because I wanted to play safe.

I made it work adding the "victory" parameters to system.def, I can see KOF 2001 logo then the select screen is blue similar to KOF 2002 vanilla.

;Victory screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win a match in arcade mode.
;It will not be displayed on the last match of arcade mode.
[Victory Screen]
enabled = 1
time = 300                ;Time to show screen
fadein.time = 0
fadeout.time = 15
;Winner's portrait and name
p1.offset = 100,20
p1.spr = 9000,2
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 1,1
p1.window = 0,0, 319,160 = 20,180 = 3,0,1
;Win quote text
winquote.text = "Winner!" ;Default win quote text to show
winquote.offset = 20,192
winquote.font = 2,0,1
winquote.window = 18,171, 301,228
winquote.textwrap = w     ;Word wrap
winquote.length = 280     ;Ikemen feature

;Victory screen background

[VictoryBG 1]
type  = normal
spriteno = 100,0
start = 0,0
tile  = 1,1
velocity = 0,1.5

[VictoryBG 2]
type  = normal
spriteno = 100,1
start = 20,13
tile  = 1,1
trans = sub
window = 0,19, 319,160
velocity = -2, 0

[VictoryBG 3]
type  = normal
spriteno = 100,1
start = 10,170
tile  = 1,1
trans = sub
window = 15,170, 304,229
velocity = 0, 0

But I cant find the right resolution for this screenpack(it seems 640x480), I mean it doesnt even have a localcoord parameter. LOL. I would report this later, bug with screenpack that doesnt have a victory screen definition.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 16, 2020, 01:52:49 am
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. With mugen I just put the files in and everything is working.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 16, 2020, 02:16:31 am
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. With mugen I just put the files in and everything is working.

Sorry If I sound doubtful but even Winmugen screenpacks needs some job to work on Mugen 1.0 and Mugen 1.1, also it is supposed to work that way because these screenpacks we are talking about are made for Mugen.

In your original post, you suggested that people had to adjust here and there "Ikemen you need to manually adjust screenpacks" which is not entirely true. It was not fair to post a Winmugen screenpack which even would probably need some adjustements to work in Mugen 1.0 and higher.

So when you start to make a new engine using other engine stuff, you can expect bugs, this is obvious, sadly when most people report bugs they rarely share the char, the screenpack or the stage that is giving troubles. Devs have to deal not only with bugs but some bad coding from char makers.

I think I should be wasting my time in something else, than discussing why a 15-year-old screenpack isn't working properly when it is probably that doesn't even work out of the box in the last Mugen version.

PS: Maybe I am been living in a cave, but until I remember everything made from winmugen, from stages to screenpacks needed to be converted to work on Mugen 1.0, even there is a thread here dedicated to converting "things" so this idea of just putting things there and everything works just fine, well...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 16, 2020, 03:10:55 am
Yeah, you're right, I just happen to pick to worst example to make my point, but after using the code you provided the screenpack did loaded, but with no options menu and and char select is messed up.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: TTTTTsd on March 17, 2020, 12:03:37 am
If Mugen was doing things wrong with simultaneous buttons, please don't fix what is not broken. The important thing is that it works from the front end user.  When Gacel build was by 0.70 version, the problem wasn't that serious, but it just getting worst.
It kind of was broken, though. It made button holds detect earlier than two button press, leading to very.....funky results, including variable input latency (which you can tangibly notice), inconsistencies with various cancel windows, and it also made button inputs fall 1 frame behind directional inputs, which is its own can of worms. Two button press lags about 2 frames behind directional inputs, vs. regular button press which is about a frame. This makes things like Flash Kicks extremely hard in regular MUGEN if the character's pre-jump frames are like, 3. Doubly so if they involve two button press.

IMO if the goal is to make a better engine for designing fighting games, fixing things like this is important as well. They could just as easily add a specification that allows you to check for buttons the old or the new way based on the choice of the user, but I'd almost always take the new way because it handles them logically.

What's funny is that this is just one of (many, MANY) problems with MUGEN's default command interpretation.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 17, 2020, 04:05:57 am
The things is, fixing this problem created a bigger one, I doubt that mugen creators will convert their characters to ikemen, so then we're left with a major gameplay issue. I'm backing Orochi_Kyo in this one, "don't fix what ain't broken" unless you have an actual solution that won't generate compatibility issues.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 17, 2020, 08:56:47 pm
If I would know how the command parser works I'll have fixed the compatibility for it a long time ago.
The problem is.
I have absolutely no idea on how the input parser works. :S
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on March 19, 2020, 03:27:20 am
Can't you just detect the character version (as in the mugenversion parameter) and adjust how the input parser is read, from that?

If the character is for IKEMEN since version XYZ, you have it parse commands more accurately. Otherwise, use MUGEN defaults.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: -Ash- on March 20, 2020, 04:27:28 am
If I would know how the command parser works I'll have fixed the compatibility for it a long time ago.
The problem is.
I have absolutely no idea on how the input parser works. :S

Have you tried to contact K4thos about it tho?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on March 20, 2020, 11:27:06 am
The only person other than SUEHIRO to have touched the buffer is Neat Unsou.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on March 20, 2020, 06:10:11 pm
Hm, I can't seem to build my own ikemen_go.exe since I haven't updated it in a long time. Tried to installed using "" on both of new laptops but I can't seem to get it. Keep getting this "cannot find package " here is an image.

Some help will be nice if anyone has any idea. I won't be able to reply immediately since siblings wants to play together. I will still try fix this even if I don't get an answer but it would be nice  ;)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LebKeller on March 20, 2020, 06:28:40 pm
You could use the automatic builds
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on March 20, 2020, 08:28:40 pm
Oooooh I didn't know that. Its because I bookmarked on the building on windows that I must've missed it. That is what I get from relying on old methods......  :bigcry: hahaha thanks man  ;)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LebKeller on March 20, 2020, 08:33:01 pm
You're welcome, yeah the links are on the first page now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on March 21, 2020, 12:55:36 am
So.... Game kept closing when I tried to add the characters back in.... until I realized I just have to keep opening the game because it was loading 1 character at a time thus it kept closing until a certain amount. Interesting.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Oceanboy06 on March 21, 2020, 12:57:34 am
So.... Game kept closing when I tried to add the characters back in.... until I realized I just have to keep opening the game because it was loading 1 character at a time thus it kept closing until a certain amount. Interesting.

I'm Having The Same Problem!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on March 21, 2020, 02:05:50 am
Well it isn't really that bad if you think about it, just keep trying and it will work. Although I'm having trouble configuring the controls for Player 1-7 because it gave me a warning for having "conflict between button keys detected. All keys should have unique assignment. Fix the problem before exitting the key settings." and even if I already configure the config.json already, it won't allow any controls change anyways. The reason why this is happening because I set up the controls for all players with mostly the same key settings[player 2 and 5, player 3 and 6, and player 4 and 7 with same controls settings though keyboard], that I know, but I do that because it is much simpler for me so we can change controllers around when playing parsec via "joy2key" program so that we don't keep fighting the same people all the time. Well it's not that much a problem if I think about it, since I can just make player 1 only joystick and the others keyboards, since it is just barely enough anyways.   :laugh:

Scratch that, apparently I can't seem to get even player 3 to work since player 1 controls player 3 every time on Simul.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on March 23, 2020, 07:48:27 pm
Greetings, people of MFG. I used to have an account here with my main email but have long lost it, and did not interact at all with you either. Anyway, I long wanted to try out this fancy reverse-engineering of the engine, as I like the consistency and features it seems to possess. I am used to the screenpack LEGACY (the one with normal, character-provided portraits) and I remember seeing screenpacks of similar quality for this engine -- I also remember being able to, in place of portraits, setting the characters' idle animation. Do you have any quick suggestions for quality screenpacks, and the documentation for the aforementioned alternative to traditional portraits? I am also wondering if the special, stage-bound boss introduction trick found in Mr. Ansatsuken's Akuma is still working with this (it is not vital, of course).
And lastly, is there anything remotely similar to VSelect? I am ready to be confined to editing text, but a graphical editor would be a nice addition.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on March 24, 2020, 07:59:43 pm
Greetings, people of MFG. I used to have an account here with my main email but have long lost it, and did not interact at all with you either. Anyway, I long wanted to try out this fancy reverse-engineering of the engine, as I like the consistency and features it seems to possess. I am used to the screenpack LEGACY (the one with normal, character-provided portraits) and I remember seeing screenpacks of similar quality for this engine -- I also remember being able to, in place of portraits, setting the characters' idle animation. Do you have any quick suggestions for quality screenpacks, and the documentation for the aforementioned alternative to traditional portraits? I am also wondering if the special, stage-bound boss introduction trick found in Mr. Ansatsuken's Akuma is still working with this (it is not vital, of course).
And lastly, is there anything remotely similar to VSelect? I am ready to be confined to editing text, but a graphical editor would be a nice addition.
Reverse-engineering? Ok.  I didnt know you can call a new piece of software made from the scratch in a new coding language "reverse-engineering".

In words of one of the main devs  Ikemen Go is still pretty much in alpha-beta stage for having a stable release. So with new changes coming almost every month most people doesnt care yet of making tools that will not work the next month because the changes.
In this case since select.def is subject of changes, a tool like V select would have no sense until stable release. Select.def has passed by many changes, including having multiple characters in one slot, boss.

For the documentation, download a clean copy of the last version in the appveyor, the default screenpack are full documented about the new features you can use with a few examples, check system.def, fight.def and select.def.

For the new commands and their parameters visit K4thos wiki.
Incomplete and lacks of examples for now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on March 24, 2020, 09:15:29 pm

Reverse-engineering? Ok.  I didnt know you can call a new piece of software made from the scratch in a new coding language "reverse-engineering".

Yes, as it can at least partly run the same things as the original (characters that worked in MUGEN work here too, right?) and has roughly the same objective while being coded from scratch and in this case being more polished.

In words of one of the main devs  Ikemen Go is still pretty much in alpha-beta stage for having a stable release. So with new changes coming almost every month most people doesnt care yet of making tools that will not work the next month because the changes.
In this case since select.def is subject of changes, a tool like V select would have no sense until stable release. Select.def has passed by many changes, including having multiple characters in one slot, boss.

For the documentation, download a clean copy of the last version in the appveyor, the default screenpack are full documented about the new features you can use with a few examples, check system.def, fight.def and select.def.

For the new commands and their parameters visit K4thos wiki.
Incomplete and lacks of examples for now.

I see, so no new screenpacks either as select.def would become outdated. But what about that fancy lifebar I keep seeing around? And, if I strip an old IKEMEN screenpack like that cool WarZoNe port of its select.def, would it theoretically work?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 25, 2020, 11:07:45 pm
Ikemen GO uses Mugen screen packs, it's just that has more [experimental] feature compare to the Mugen ones.
SSZ-Ikemen Plus uses his own screenpack format and can not be ported to Ikemen GO with ease.

So the best option is using Mugen screenpacks. (It support up to Mugen 1.1 screenpacks)
That said, screenpacks are the most unstable area of Ikemen GO and some could not work.

Reverse-engineering? OK.  I didn't know you can call a new piece of software made from the scratch in a new coding language "reverse-engineering".
Yes, as it can at least partly run the same things as the original (characters that worked in MUGEN work here too, right?) and has roughly the same objective while being coded from scratch and in this case being more polished.
Ikemen GO it's technically a clone engine.
More specifically a rewritten of a clone. (Mugen -> S-Size Ikemen -> Ikemen GO)

In another note, my PC laptop did broke (Literally, the case did broke and it does not charge) so I'll will be not able to update Ikemen GO until I get i fixed.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on March 25, 2020, 11:18:29 pm
has someone the latest version to me make a test.

i'd like to see the current progress these days.

that's looking better every updating.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 25, 2020, 11:20:04 pm
Has someone the latest version to me make a test.
I'd like to see the current progress these days.
That's looking better every updating.
It's in the first post.
The link is:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Amidweiz on March 26, 2020, 04:15:33 am
In another note, my PC laptop did broke (Literally, the case did broke and it does not charge) so I'll will be not able to update Ikemen GO until I get i fixed.

Your laptop might have it's plug connected with wires and the solder sheered off. My old 2012 laptop did this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on March 26, 2020, 12:38:02 pm
Ikemen GO uses Mugen screen packs, it's just that has more [experimental] feature compare to the Mugen ones.
SSZ-Ikemen Plus uses his own screenpack format and can not be ported to Ikemen GO with ease.

So the best option is using Mugen screenpacks. (It support up to Mugen 1.1 screenpacks)
That said, screenpacks are the most unstable area of Ikemen GO and some could not work.

Incredible that it works with normal MUGEN 1.1 screenpacks.
The screenpack I like to use, LEGACY, comes as a full pack with a MUGEN executable and all. What's the clean way to copy-paste Ikemen GO for use into it? The binaries-only version does not work, presumably something obvious flies past my head.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on March 26, 2020, 09:32:25 pm
While I think it is amazing to be able to have different lifebars for each mode and even for their respective variations (like Simul 3P and 4P), the same does not apply to names and portraits. While we have the freedom to vary the lifebar, we do not have the same freedom for names and portraits and this is somewhat contradictory. See the example below:

0:00 - Simul
3:38 - Simul 3P
7:19 - Simul 4P

To be able to do this showcase, I had to create an extra text document with the code variations for name/simul portraits: 2P, 3P and 4P. Then copy and paste to record the matches individually. Usually when I suggest having things properly separated it is because of this. I know this is extra work, but as compensation the end result is much better.

By the way, you can notice that at the end of the last 2 rounds (8:02 and 9:01), there is a transparency problem with Ken's fx. And I also noticed that the problem with palfx that I reported before still exists. If you quit the fight at the beginning of a level1 or level2, the screen will have the effect of the color used to perform the hyper. Tested with DivineWolf's KFM and Jmorphman's Ken.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: P-Chan on March 27, 2020, 02:25:17 am
Unfortunately I can't run Ikemen GO on my Ubuntu Bionic Beaver I don't know why.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on March 28, 2020, 04:33:56 am
so.... how do I get Player 3 and 4 to work now? Adding controls to config doesn't seem to work because I can't get Simul mode to use 2 vs 2 with 4 players to work now. Unless I have to use Tag mode but Tag is just changing characters during battle though. Unless it hasn't been implement yet since this is a new version with new codes?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 30, 2020, 08:16:37 pm
so.... how do I get Player 3 and 4 to work now? Adding controls to config doesn't seem to work because I can't get Simul mode to use 2 vs 2 with 4 players to work now. Unless I have to use Tag mode but Tag is just changing characters during battle though. Unless it hasn't been implement yet since this is a new version with new codes?

It has not been implemented yet.

Unfortunately I can't run Ikemen GO on my Ubuntu Bionic Beaver I don't know why.

What type of error did you got?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on March 30, 2020, 09:54:11 pm
so.... how do I get Player 3 and 4 to work now? Adding controls to config doesn't seem to work because I can't get Simul mode to use 2 vs 2 with 4 players to work now. Unless I have to use Tag mode but Tag is just changing characters during battle though. Unless it hasn't been implement yet since this is a new version with new codes?

It has not been implemented yet.

Ah I see, so that really explains it. Thanks! I kind of figured it was but wasn't like fully sure yet.

Edit: I love the new updates btw.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: kkdecara on March 30, 2020, 10:59:52 pm
The code snippet posted above should add a third keyboard player.
If you want send me your config.json file and what the third and fourth player keybard map you want and I'll add it

thanks, here:!jE5ViKBR!himQqwe-GgteeB8SAPtukmzZg6OIAvoIME4FafCSJew

P1- up, down, left, right, q,w,e,a,s,d, return

P2- numpad8, numpad2, numpad4,  numpad6, i,o,p,j,k,l, enter

P3- r,t,y,u, 1,2,3,4,5,6, left ctrl

P4- z,x,c,v, f,g,h,b,n,m, right ctrl

also is there a tutorial on increasing the character slot numbers? I saw one for Ikemen Plus but Ive no idea where to start in Ikemen GO so if you could point me to the correct file(s) I would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again, Im really loving this version of Mugen.

I know this is old but its all google showed up, sorry if im late to the party but i really want to know if its possible to play local coop with the 3 or 4 human players on one side and 3 or 4 ai enemies ala team arcade.
I havr tried but whenever i press ctrl+2,3,4,5,6, or 7, i can control the characters but all of them with the same buttons as player 1
I edited in ikemen go the config.json to add a 5, 6, 7 players configurations only for testing but it still gets controlled by the same p1 buttons, all 3 or 4 players on my side
Also i was looking for a way to allow more than 2 in the direct menu "local coop", as that ond promts you directly to select char screen, and not giving you option of selecting simul number, but i havent found anything in the config files. Is it hardcoded?

As promted above, was this feature even still there, or by not implemented you mean it got removed
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 31, 2020, 08:27:16 pm
I mean because of multiple input reworks it's unusable by old means.
It's still there it's just completely inaccessible except if you edit the lua files, and it's very unstable.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NerdyAlias on April 02, 2020, 12:19:57 am
I've been messing around with Ikemen for a bit and it seems very cool. Is Zoom functional in it though? because I watched the how ikemen part on zoom and went into the options.lua and I set it to true and absolutI us3ely nothing changed. I tested out stages that would zoom in 1.1b and nothing happened
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Suprizle on April 03, 2020, 04:28:33 am
I've been messing around with Ikemen for a bit and it seems very cool. Is Zoom functional in it though? because I watched the how ikemen part on zoom and went into the options.lua and I set it to true and absolutI us3ely nothing changed. I tested out stages that would zoom in 1.1b and nothing happened

I was looking for this too. It was removed from the options in the default screenpack (I believe should be implimented again at some point). You can find the zoom settings in the config.json file.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NerdyAlias on April 05, 2020, 11:30:29 pm
How would I add a normal MUGEN screenpack to Ikemen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Artemithos on April 08, 2020, 05:27:23 am
How i did it(used add004 btw), make a folder with all the screenpack files in the data folder, then went to Config.json in the save folder, opened it with notepad+ and went to "motif" and linked it to my screenpack system file.

Also i have a few Basic questions mostly about music i need to ask if anyone would be willing to help me. If this was said before i apologize im new here.

1. So how exactly do you set music to loop points in the select file and not the stage file? I tried; stages/kfm.def,music=sound/Spaceport.mp3 bgmloopstart=158950  bgmloopend= 935353 and music wont play, then i tried putting a comma to separate the music and the looppoints, and the music plays but no loop, WHich is confusing because it says in the def that the looppoints can follow, separated by spaces, but if i separate the song file from the looppoints by putting spaces the song refuses to play, only if a comma separates them.
So how exactly do i set up the loop points in the select.def?

2. Also how do i do multiple music files for one stage?

3. Could i get a possible explanation of how to use stage attached chars and maps? i tried looking around and im not seeing much.

4. This is out of curiosity mostly, but with this stage attached char would i be able to add Sound effects to stages? Like say forest ambiance on a stage without sacrificing music? if so could i have an explanation of how to do so? I'd love to implement this but have no idea if it can and how.

Thank you! and loving Ikemen so far. Really excited to see its growth in the future. You guys are doing a spendid job.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on April 09, 2020, 07:45:56 am
So about 1.
I do not know, maybe K4thos could give light on this.

Currently there is no way to do multiple music files for one stage (I think)

Ikemen GO has docs there will be a map explanation.

Short version.
To set up a map:
[State 125]
type = MapSet
trigger1 = 1
map = "Test"
value = 42

To read a map:
[State 125]
type = RoundTimeSet
trigger1 = map(Test) = 42
value = 99

Yes. a stage attached char works just like a stage sound included. So technically you can also play sounds.
I'll make a tutorial about it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Artemithos on April 09, 2020, 08:25:53 am
Id love to experiment more with maps since limited variables often bother me, and variable heavy characters barley had any left lol. Thank you! I look forward To seeing the tutorial for stage attached char as i have a lot of ideas for ambiance that i scraped years ago due to having to sacrifice music to do so. And ill use the normal stages music function till im more informed about the music situation. Appreciate the assistance! maybe K4thos can inform me more on the music?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on April 09, 2020, 12:16:25 pm
Currently there is no way to do multiple music files for one stage (I think)

Not via the stage's .def, but you can do it via select.def in the [ExtraStages] section by specifying a music parameter (or multiple) as part of the stage declaration.
stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3, music=sound/song2.mp3
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Artemithos on April 09, 2020, 04:41:45 pm
Oh thanks! Say i wanted two songs on one stage and have there own unique loop points so they loop properly what would i add to loop both of these songs?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on April 09, 2020, 06:14:27 pm
So after some test the BGM loops on select.def are made like this.
music=<song> bgmVolume bgmLoopStart bgmLoopEnd
A example:
stages/stage0.def, music=sound/song.mp3 100 213 321

bgmVolume = 100 is 100% (Deafult) volume.
255 makes so the music haves 255% of volume, in most cases 255% volume is very very loud.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Artemithos on April 09, 2020, 10:38:17 pm
Thanks man your a lifesaver. was seriously starting to frustrate me lol. Now I will wait for an attached stage tutorial. Spent literal days trying to figure out the music loop. lol
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on April 10, 2020, 04:54:11 am
Oh yeah, I forgot we have looping music settings...... but I'm sooo lazy doing on all the music...... oh well, I will just have to do it when I feel like it
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Krosx on April 12, 2020, 06:39:17 pm
I see there is an option to make the portraits move on the VS screen, but I have a problem.
With the following data, the portrait will move 200 px on the +X axis (Right) for p1.
P1.c1.slide.speed = 50, 0
P1.c1.slide.dist = 200, 0

For p2 I set the speed in negative so that it moves in -X, but the portrait never stops.
P2.c1.slide.speed = -50, 0
P2.c1.slide.dist = 200, 0

When the portrait moves to the left, it does not respect the limit distance, how would this be done?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Farengeit on April 14, 2020, 08:15:52 pm
Is it possible to add in ikemen MaxPowerMode? In mugen 1.1, it was enabled by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F3 or entering "maxpowermode" in the mugen console. Sometimes this is necessary for debugging (especially if you can run this mode from the command line - for example, "ikemen_go -p1 kfm -p2 kfm -maxpowermode").
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RaitoADV on April 15, 2020, 10:14:57 am
This is an idea kind of based on the "extra/alternate slots for characters" stuff, but would it be possible to add some sort of "palette/skin selection" feature?

Like, you pick a character and then the screenpack shows something like "Palette < 01 >" with maybe a colored square(s) next to the number and a preview animation of the palette. The colors of the squares would obviously have to be assigned by the user (unless there's a code that picks by default 2 colors from a character's palette, I dunno).

As for the "skin" part, it wouldn't necessarily be an actual skin feature (as that would be incompatible with various characters), but instead it would choose a different def file assigned to the character assigned to the slot, to give a "faux" skin feature. It could be renamed to anything like "Mode", "Style", "Skin" depending on what configuration the user does with the screenpack.

Something like what SFV does:

Also, quick button mapping settings on the character select screen would be useful idea, as people has different settings for their controls and its a hassle to exit the versus mode, go to the settings, select button settings, bla bla bla.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: krudelu on April 23, 2020, 07:54:21 am
Just tried IKEMEN GO recently. I know that previous ikemen versions allow you to take out team modes but in ikemen go, the method on how to do so seems different. Is there a way for me to take out some of the team modes for ikemen go? I want to take out simul mode at least
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on April 23, 2020, 09:59:55 am
I  dont know why, but some State -2 stuff, such as WinKO and etc are completely ignored in Ikemen Go. Stuff like this:

[State -2, HyperComboFinish]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = roundstate >= 2
trigger1 = WinKo && !var(32)
trigger1 = stateno != 3201
value = 9000,0
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 9020, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = roundstate >= 2
trigger1 = WinKo && !var(32)
trigger1 = fvar(9)=12
value = 9000,4
ignorehitpause = 1

[State -2, HyperComboFinish]
type = Pause
triggerall = roundstate >= 2
trigger1 = WinKo && !var(32)
trigger1 = stateno != 3201
time = 17
ignorehitpause = 1

[State -2,KO]
type = Varadd
trigger1 = roundstate = 3
ignorehitpause = 1
var(32) = 1

I dont know why but any help would be appreciated. I'm pretty sure this all worked normally in Mugen 1.0
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on April 26, 2020, 03:52:24 pm
I don't have 1.1 chars, so I just downloaded one for testing and man ... Does the lifebar portrait share the color palette? Naisu!! :gouki:
It would be great if this were possible on the versus and win screen, but if it is complicated to implement, at least on the win screen. For fullgames this would be a great addition.
Keep rocking.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: STANLEY69 on April 27, 2020, 10:05:59 pm
Wait. How do I add004 lifebars to Ikemen GO?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on April 28, 2020, 11:06:53 am
Wait. How do I add004 lifebars to Ikemen GO?
Yeah, I tried to add them but only the char names showed up. The lifebars just weren't drawn.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Krosx on April 29, 2020, 05:19:19 am
Just tried IKEMEN GO recently. I know that previous ikemen versions allow you to take out team modes but in ikemen go, the method on how to do so seems different. Is there a way for me to take out some of the team modes for ikemen go? I want to take out simul mode at least

To disable those modes in the selection screen menu, just go to "System.def" and in the "[Select Info]" section leave blank the part corresponding to the name of the mode you want to disable, something like this:

Teammenu.itemname.single = "SINGLE"
Teammenu.itemname.simul =
Teammenu.itemname.tag = "TAG"
Teammenu.itemname.turns = "TURNS"
Teammenu.itemname.ratio = "RATIO"

Simul is disable.
Leaving it blank should be enough for it not to appear in the menu, thats how i do it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on April 30, 2020, 05:49:24 am
Wait. How do I add004 lifebars to Ikemen GO?
Yeah, I tried to add them but only the char names showed up. The lifebars just weren't drawn.

You guys need to replace common1.cns.zss with the one provided by add004.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on May 02, 2020, 02:53:29 pm
Wait. How do I add004 lifebars to Ikemen GO?
Yeah, I tried to add them but only the char names showed up. The lifebars just weren't drawn.

You guys need to replace common1.cns.zss with the one provided by add004.

I did but it still doesn't work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Keku on May 02, 2020, 04:44:19 pm
Kinda new to Ikemen GO so I have two questions:
Just super curious about this because that would mean we could finally make pretty wild lifebars. I'm already amazed at the score and stage display properties!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SLZero on May 03, 2020, 01:30:57 am
Really hyped for the 3D stage feature that would be coming to this soon, so I can recreate the MvC2 experience.

Hopefully full blender support will be added too, allowing for animated 3D stages with ease.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on May 03, 2020, 01:37:09 am
- Start button cannot skip the intro.
- Lifebar mid animation still plays when the game is paused.
- If you pause the screen during a combo, the combo text will slide out ignoring the pause.
- Due to the previous explanation... F3 and F5 do not reset the score.
- The stage music continues to play until the victory screen, and increases the volume for a brief moment until it is cut on the selection screen.
- P1 and P2 can select the same color palette with Electro's characters (, tested with Ken and Zangief.
- With P1, there is a problem with the alignment of the combo text when you do a 2-digit combo (x axis):


Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on May 03, 2020, 01:46:39 am
You guys need to replace common1.cns.zss with the one provided by add004.
I did but it still doesn't work.

Do your characters have an stcommon that's not common1.cns?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 03, 2020, 04:03:45 am
Really hyped for the 3D stage feature that would be coming to this soon, so I can recreate the MvC2 experience.
I don't know anything about anyone planning to add such feature

- Lifebar mid animation still plays when the game is paused.
- If you pause the screen during a combo, the combo text will slide out ignoring the pause.
0.93.1 doesn't have some of the fixes mentioned in my previous post ( so don't bother testing them just yet.

- With P1, there is a problem with the alignment of the combo text when you do a 2-digit combo (x axis):
from the screenshot this looks like a result of "1" having less width than "2". If you want me to test it upload the lifebar (but first please check if the same thing doesn't happen in mugen)

edit: we're at wrong topic btw.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on May 03, 2020, 04:45:01 am
Wrong topic indeed, sorry. :omg:

from the screenshot this looks like a result of "1" having less width than "2". If you want me to test it upload the lifebar (but first please check if the same thing doesn't happen in mugen)
I had already tested with MUGEN, it doesn't happen.

Spoiler: Combo code (click to see content)
Font (

Anyway, I would like to leave one more suggestion:
When playing in Versus player mode, choose the team mode only the first time you enter the select screen. To change the team type, press esc, to exit the screen press esc one more time.

By the way, it's pretty cool how the lifebar behaves in tag mode. The exchange of lifebar between the characters is fully functional. I haven't completely tested them yet (names), but from what you said, I'll wait for the next build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Nate on May 03, 2020, 05:03:07 am
i want to ask a question. How come when i have a lot of characters in the most recent version it just constantly crashes and crashes most of the time and only loads every once in a while with the only modifications being the select.def?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RaitoADV on May 03, 2020, 10:20:50 am
"Really hyped for the 3D stage feature that would be coming to this soon, so I can recreate the MvC2 experience."

I don't know anything about anyone planning to add such feature

...Could it be possible though?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RaitoADV on May 03, 2020, 10:23:25 am
Also, can ideas be posted on this thread? Or is there a thread exclusively for ideas?

I've posted some before but I don't know if this was the most "adecuate" place to put them.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on May 03, 2020, 10:47:23 am
You guys need to replace common1.cns.zss with the one provided by add004.
I did but it still doesn't work.

Do your characters have an stcommon that's not common1.cns?

I have only used the KFM that comes with the Ikemen GO installation. I'll check if it does today.

EDIT : Nope. The default KFM uses Common1.cns as stcommon. The problem might lie elsewhere

EDIT 2 : I got it working. However, I can't figure out how exactly to make other characters work. I've seen of a patcher exe but it is not in my download of add004.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 03, 2020, 11:40:12 pm
Okay love this MatchRestart sctrl which allows you to load an alternate def file. Is there a way to do the same without reloading the match? Was thinking this could be the answer to transformations. 
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on May 03, 2020, 11:43:46 pm
I've seen of a patcher exe but it is not in my download of add004.
That was only for the vanilla Mugen versions.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 04, 2020, 04:52:37 am
Was thinking this could be the answer to transformations.
This is the answer to transformations:

...Could it be possible though?
everything is possible in open source engine. But that message sounded like someone actually started working on such feature, which is not the case (or at least I'm not aware about it)

Kinda new to Ikemen GO so I have two questions:
  • Is there a way to reorder the priority of appearance of combo counters? (ie. having .counter before .text)
  • Is it possible to customize how the counter works deeper than just the .shake property? If I wanted to do like Guilty Gear X/XX and make it so it starts from a y-only stretch at low transparency to normal scale and fully opaque?
Just super curious about this because that would mean we could finally make pretty wild lifebars. I'm already amazed at the score and stage display properties!
all changes to lifebars are documented on wiki:
The only thing lifebar related that I'm still interested in adding is support for more messages during fight and synchronizing them with combo messages and with each other (so that they are moved when there is more than 1 message on the screen). So no, there won't Guilty Gear style stuff (unless someone else will implement it)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 04, 2020, 06:27:29 am
Was thinking this could be the answer to transformations.
This is the answer to transformations:
with each other (so that they are moved when there is more than 1 message on the screen). So no, there won't Guilty Gear style stuff (unless someone else will implement it)

I get invalid state controller when I try to use it
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on May 04, 2020, 07:59:28 am
I've seen of a patcher exe but it is not in my download of add004.
That was only for the vanilla Mugen versions.

So uh, how do I make chars work with add004 in Ikemen GO? I tried adding .zss at the end of their stcommon and while the add004 features were there, the character became very buggy, I assume I'm doing this quite wrong. If it helps, I'm trying to make work a XIII-styled Iori from one of those weird massive "Memorial" compilations, which is apparently made by the same Zeldagis who as far I recall created the original, non-compilation KOF Memorial.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 04, 2020, 10:41:45 am
I get invalid state controller when I try to use it
It has been added today (, it's not yet available in current appveyor build.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 04, 2020, 02:57:16 pm
I get invalid state controller when I try to use it
It has been added today (, it's not yet available in current appveyor build.

Cool didn't know you could implement things that fast. I'll wait until the new build then. Only thing I ask for is it possible to do the same but for animation? I say this because if you have a transformation that is a different size then the hit boxes will be off
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 04, 2020, 04:47:33 pm
I get invalid state controller when I try to use it
It has been added today (, it's not yet available in current appveyor build.

Cool didn't know you could implement things that fast. I'll wait until the new build then. Only thing I ask for is it possible to do the same but for animation? I say this because if you have a transformation that is a different size then the hit boxes will be off
I don't see a point. Animations local to character are not a problem when it comes to implementing character transformations (there are like 1000 characters in mugen that have them). The only engine limitation that I'm aware of is when character is forced into custom state that applies p2 custom animation into p1 (throws etc.) - in such case in mugen your character looses the transformed look (or attachable accessories like in Vega claw case) because he is forced to use one of his standard sprites ( That's what this sctrl is for - to remap sprites as needed so that the character always looks correctly, even in custom state. All the remaining coding is not meant to be changed compared to mugen transforming characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 04, 2020, 04:53:48 pm
I get invalid state controller when I try to use it
It has been added today (, it's not yet available in current appveyor build.

Cool didn't know you could implement things that fast. I'll wait until the new build then. Only thing I ask for is it possible to do the same but for animation? I say this because if you have a transformation that is a different size then the hit boxes will be off
I don't see a point. Animations local to character are not a problem when it comes to implementing character transformations (there are like 1000 characters in mugen that have them). The only engine limitation that I'm aware of is when character is forced into custom state that applies p2 custom animation into p1 (throws etc.) - in such case in mugen your character looses the transformed look (or attachable accessories like in Vega claw case) because he is forced to use one of his standard sprites ( That's what this sctrl is for - to remap sprites as needed so that the character always looks correctly, even in custom state. All the remaining coding is not meant to be changed compared to mugen transforming characters.

Would just be easier than just going through each state coding ifelses especially in the 5000s but I get it. Looking forward to the Remap Sprite release. 


Last thing lol I see there is a counter count trigger but is there a way to get a counter trigger if there isn't already one. I didn't see one in the documentation.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 04, 2020, 05:21:30 pm
Last thing lol I see there is a counter count trigger but is there a way to get a counter trigger if there isn't already one. I didn't see one in the documentation.

you mean the same thing but just returning boolean 1 in a single frame when the counter occurs? Sounds useless to be honest when you have access to unlimited amount of named variables that can be used for this purpose. Example from data/score.zss file (btw. ZSS format ( is the same thing as CNS, just uses more sane syntax and is easier to work with)

	if CounterCount > Map(_iksys_counterCount) {
#do something
MapSet{map: "_iksys_counterCount"; value: CounterCount}

edit: on the other hand removing CounterCount trigger and replacing it with Counter may be a good idea (the total count is meant to be used by end match rank system similar to add004, that I'm planning to implement, but is not really that useful as a general trigger).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 04, 2020, 05:26:08 pm
Last thing lol I see there is a counter count trigger but is there a way to get a counter trigger if there isn't already one. I didn't see one in the documentation.

you mean the same thing but just returning boolean 1 in a single frame when the counter occurs? Sounds useless to be honest when you have access to unlimited amount of named variables that can be used for this purpose. Example from data/score.zss file (btw. ZSS format ( is the same thing as CNS, just uses more sane syntax and is easier to work with)

	if CounterCount > Map(_iksys_counterCount) {
ScoreAdd{value: (CounterCount - Map(_iksys_counterCount)) * 100}
MapSet{map: "_iksys_counterCount"; value: CounterCount}

edit: on the other hand removing CounterCount trigger and replacing it with Counter may be a good idea (the total count is meant to be used by end match rank system similar to add004, that I'm planning to implement, but is not really that useful as a general trigger).

This is the code I have to use to make a "Reversal" helper come out. (Like 1st attack or danger). Feel like it would be easier to just have a trigger that says Counter or MoveCountered. Not to account I have to place each helper # that acts as a projectile or move extension to the triggers.

[State 900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
triggerall = numenemy
trigger1 = enemy, movetype = A
var(18) = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
triggerall = numenemy
trigger1 = enemy, movetype = I || var(19) >= 1
trigger2 = var(19) > 10 && enemy, movetype = H
var(18) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
triggerall = var(18) = 1
trigger1 = root,movehit
trigger2 = projhit = 1
trigger3 = numhelper(7010)
trigger3 = helper(7010),movehit = 1
trigger4 = numhelper(7510)
trigger4 = helper(7510),movehit = 1
var(19) = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 900, VarAdd]
type = VarAdd
trigger1 = var(19) >= 1
var(19) = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 900, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = var(19) >= 22 && movehit
trigger2 = p2movetype != H
trigger3 = root,movetype = H
trigger4 = var(19) >= 22 && projhit = 1
trigger5 = var(18) = 1
trigger5 = numhelper(7010)
trigger5 = helper(7010),movehit = 1
trigger6 = numhelper(7510)
trigger6 = helper(7510),movehit = 1
var(19) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 900, AssertSpecial]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = var(19) > 0
flag = nojugglecheck

[State 900, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
triggerall = numenemy
triggerall = enemy, movetype = H
triggerall = var(18) = 1
triggerall = !numhelper(9582)
trigger1 = root,movehit
trigger2 = projhit = 1
trigger3 = numhelper(7010)
trigger3 = helper(7010),movehit = 1
trigger4 = numhelper(7510)
trigger4 = helper(7510),movehit = 1
value = 255,255,255
time = 1
under = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0

[State 900, Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = !numhelper(9582)
triggerall = numenemy
triggerall = enemynear,movetype = H
triggerall = var(18) = 1
trigger1 = root,movehit
trigger2 = projhit = 1
trigger3 = numhelper(7010)
trigger3 = helper(7010),movehit = 1
trigger4 = numhelper(7510)
trigger4 = helper(7510),movehit = 1
name = "Reversal"
ID = 9582
stateno = 9582
pos = ifelse(Facing > enemy,facing,20,300),-120
postype = Left
facing = 1
size.xscale = .7
size.yscale = .7
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 04, 2020, 05:43:27 pm
This is the code I have to use to make a "Reversal" helper come out. (Like 1st attack or danger). Feel like it would be easier to just have a trigger that says Counter or MoveCountered. Not to account I have to place each helper # that acts as a projectile or move extension to the triggers.
makes sense, I will replace CounterCount trigger with MoveCountered.

Notice that many new triggers and sctrls are related to the common score.zss, tag.zss and rules.zss code. And in some cases they are leftovers from earlier iterations of those files, like all those combo and damage trigger variants. Depending on their usefulness some of new triggers may be axed down the road. Suggestions about thier names and how they should work are welcome.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Ky_Kiske on May 05, 2020, 12:26:36 am
Sorry for my English. In the new version there is no continue screen?

some way to put the old continue scren?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NerdyAlias on May 08, 2020, 03:05:29 pm
Does anyone have the link to the IKEMEN Discord?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on May 08, 2020, 06:33:11 pm
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on May 09, 2020, 06:05:00 pm
Some new suggestions here.

- Multi layer animations for lifebars
Already suggested by Gazira, but since you guys ask for ideas on how to use it here it is. Let's take "KO" as an example. We currently have something like this:

; KO
KO.time    = 0              ;Time to show KO component
KO.offset  = 320,240         ;Component for KO display
KO.anim    = 100           
KO.snd     = 2,0             ;Sound to play for KO announcement
KO.sndtime = 0

You can use only one layer. If you want to use 2 layers or more, you have to put all the sprites together, taking more work and making the sff heavier. It is not the best way but it works. Multiple layers would make this more functional because certain animations only use fade and movement on the x and/or y axis. So it would be great to have something like this:

; KO
KO.time    = 0              ;Time to show KO component
KO.offset  = 320,240         ;Component for KO display
KO.bg0.anim    = 100           
KO.bg1.anim    = 101           
KO.bg2.anim    = 102           
KO.snd     = 2,0             ;Sound to play for KO announcement
KO.sndtime = 0

Each "bg" having its respective properties: scale, layer, offset. I believe that a maximum of 5 layers is more than enough.
In MUGEN, the maximum bg for [Lifebar] and its variations are only 3: bg0, bg1 and bg2. Except for [Time], you can only use a "bg.spr" or "bg.anim". It would be great if you could also use up to 5 as a way of standardization.
And taking advantage of the moment, I would like to recall an earlier suggestion where [Time] could use different animations/sprites if the
time was defined as infinite. Example:

pos = 322,12
bg0.anim = 200
bg1.anim = 201

bg0.inf.anim = 300
bg1.inf.anim = 301

; Time count display
counter.offset = 0,52
counter.font = 2,0, 0
counter.scale = 2,2
; Ticks for each count
framespercount = 60

- Sounds for win/win2/3/4 and draw
MUGEN has always been lacking, some lifebars use a workaround combining the sounds of KO and Winner in the same sound.

- Vertical lifebar
Using some kind of px.range.y. In MUGEN it is not normally possible to create vertical lifebars/powerbars. It would be great to be able to create them like standard lifebars.

- Animation with random properties for screenpacks
The concept is simple. It would work similarly to "Begin Action", but would use blocks. With "start" and "end" to define each block. That way, every time you access the Menu or Options for example, the engine would choose randomly a block to start playing the animation. Once the animation started playing, it would read the next block in a similar way to Begin Action reading the next line.

[TitleBG 1]
type = randomanim
randomizerno = 1
mask = 1
start = 0,0

[Randomizer 1]
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS96D160
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS128D128
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS160D96
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,0, 0,0, 50
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS128D128
50,0, 0,0, 3,,AS96D160
-1,0, 0,0, 30
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS96D160
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS128D128
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS160D96
50,1, 0,0, 1,,AS192D64
50,1, 0,0, 50
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS128D128
50,1, 0,0, 3,,AS96D160
-1,0, 0,0, 30
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS96D160
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS128D128
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS160D96
50,2, 0,0, 1,,AS192D64
50,2, 0,0, 50
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS192D64
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS128D128
50,2, 0,0, 3,,AS96D160
-1,0, 0,0, 30
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 10, 2020, 08:24:23 am
Also to make this fully controller controllable (lol) you should incorporate some type of "back" functionality into one of the buttons for menus.  Having to press ESC is a drag if you're using a controller. I should be able to press b or whatever button to go back on the menu. Lastly like the Match Restart sctrl you should have a Exit sctrl. That way if someone makes a custom pause menu they can exit the game without pressing ESC. This will make the game feel more authentic rather than a MUGEN game (even though it is). At the end of the day if someone puts a real effort to a full game release they might want to market to people outside of the MUGEN community and having the game feel as authentic as possible would be a good look not only for their game but your engine as well.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Dylan Dog on May 10, 2020, 05:31:31 pm
Also to make this fully controller controllable (lol) you should incorporate some type of "back" functionality into one of the buttons for menus.  Having to press ESC is a drag if you're using a controller. I should be able to press b or whatever button to go back on the menu. Lastly like the Match Restart sctrl you should have a Exit sctrl. That way if someone makes a custom pause menu they can exit the game without pressing ESC. This will make the game feel more authentic rather than a MUGEN game (even though it is). At the end of the day if someone puts a real effort to a full game release they might want to market to people outside of the MUGEN community and having the game feel as authentic as possible would be a good look not only for their game but your engine as well.

Fully agree. My left arm hurts.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on May 10, 2020, 10:16:21 pm
We are planing to do this.
A configurable pause button will be act as a ESC while inside a sub menu.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 10, 2020, 10:19:06 pm
We are planing to do this.
A configurable pause button will be act as a ESC while inside a sub menu.

Cool glad creative minds are at work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on May 11, 2020, 12:08:25 am
many things that i've break my head in mugen are very easier in ikemen, i was searching for score system, but it's a hardwork implement it in all chars for a fullgame.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on May 11, 2020, 03:48:57 am
Might leave empty handed, but I'm attempting to port the SHADEs 3 lifebar's and only the P2 lifebar pops up, and 1 attempt at fixing it give the same issue but for P1.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on May 11, 2020, 10:39:13 am
^ RagingRowen, did you make sure to change the motif?


Ikemen by default is loading the older Winmugen motifs.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on May 11, 2020, 01:11:13 pm
I don't think that's the issue.

I simply replaced the fight and system with the SHADEs ones that were already in the main data folder, remembering to fix the Localcoord in the process.

Edit: I believe it's fixed, I just had to do more fiddling with the p1/p2 lines.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Ace-Million on May 12, 2020, 07:16:26 pm
Has anyone nailed down a way to do native/ 4 players on this version of ikemen yet? Me and friend were trying it out but no avail at the moment.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on May 13, 2020, 02:33:52 pm
I'm just gonna ask this:

teammenu.itemname.single = Single ;Ikemen feature
teammenu.itemname.tag = ;Tag       ;Ikemen feature
teammenu.itemname.simul = ;Simul   ;Ikemen feature
teammenu.itemname.turns = ;Turns   ;Ikemen feature
teammenu.itemname.ratio = ;Ratio   ;Ikemen feature

Is there a way to skip straight to one mode after leaving names blank like Arcade and the Co-Op modes?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on May 14, 2020, 09:28:17 pm
I would like to know about that too.

New suggestions/ Features request

- Possibility of also being able to use the name (text) of teammates in simul modes (as in KOF). Technically, this is already possible using a workaround, making the portrait themselves being the text. But it would be great to be able to use that directly. Something like

p1.teammate.pos = 30,30
p1.teammate.spacing = 20,0 = 70,0
p1.teammate.ko.spr = 71,0 = 1,0 = 1,1 = 0,0 = 0

p2.teammate.pos = 316,12
p2.teammate.spacing = 20,0 = 70,0
p2.teammate.ko.spr = 71,0 = 1,0 = 1,1 = 0,0 = 0

If px.teammate.ko.anim = -1, then ko'ed teammate's name disappears

- Perfect animation/text for lifebars

Text form
; Perfect
PFT.time    = 0              ;Time to show "Perfect" component
PFT.offset = 160, 70
PFT.font   = 1,5
PFT.text   = Perfect
PFT.displaytime = 60
PFT.snd    = 3,0

Anim form
; Perfect
PFT.time    = 0              ;Time to show "Perfect" component
PFT.offset = 160, 70
PFT.anim   = 300
PFT.displaytime = 60
PFT.snd    = 3,0

- A trigger for night/dark stages, making chars "darker".
Something like "intensity" works for shadows, but in this case, for characters.

 ;0 (lightest) to 256 (darkest). Defaults to 128 if omitted.
intensity = 46

 ;This is the shadow color given in r,g,b. Valid values for each
 ;range from 0 (lightest) to 255 (darkest).
 ;Defaults to 0,0,0 if omitted.
 ;intensity and color's effects add up to give the final shadow
color = 0,0,0

- Ignoring submenu in Options.
For example, let's say a project is designed without simul mode and set to 2 chars for Tag mode. If you leave the line empty for a certain submenu, it is ignored, as is the case with game modes in the menu. Example:

menu.itemname.menugameplay.menuteam = ""

That way the menu would be inaccessible.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on May 16, 2020, 06:43:10 pm
Since the .94 update two things has happened.

1. The stTag in the Def does not load

2. Outside of KFM you cannot choose the same character (same DEF file) in Tag or the game won't load. I've tested this by duplicating one character and changing the DEF filename and iit loaded.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Sir Ghostler on May 18, 2020, 03:47:08 pm
Could IKEMEN GO's debug mode be updated to be more in line with MUGEN's? The latter displays a lot more information about the characters and prints out errors that wouldn't cause the engine to close, whereas the former doesn't.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on May 18, 2020, 05:12:20 pm
Could IKEMEN GO's debug mode be updated to be more in line with MUGEN's? The latter displays a lot more information about the characters and prints out errors that wouldn't cause the engine to close, whereas the former doesn't.
you sure about that? ;)

1. The stTag in the Def does not load
it works as intended. Please read the updated wiki article:

Outside of KFM you cannot choose the same character (same DEF file) in Tag or the game won't load. I've tested this by duplicating one character and changing the DEF filename and iit loaded.
If you're reporting issue please always make sure that it can be reliably reproduced in game and provide detailed steps how to do it. I've spent quite some time trying to reproduce it based on your vague description and didn't menage to do it. Also please use proper topic for reporting bugs:

Is there a way to skip straight to one mode after leaving names blank like Arcade and the Co-Op modes?
no, unless you add such feature in lua files yourself, since it's not implemented currently outside main menu.

Has anyone nailed down a way to do native/ 4 players on this version of ikemen yet? Me and friend were trying it out but no avail at the moment.
4 players are not supported

Sorry for my English. In the new version there is no continue screen?

some way to put the old continue scren?
yes, all screenpack parameters used for that SFA2 continue screen with counter are still fully usable. You need to add them to screenpack yourself though. Keep in mind that they are not docummented yet (you can find thier names in motif.lua, if you really want to use them now).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Sir Ghostler on May 18, 2020, 05:21:05 pm
you sure about that? ;)


Nevermind what I said, lol.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on May 22, 2020, 01:01:15 am
Hi, could you guys please explain what are "Draw Order" and "Red life" and an simple example of how to use them?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: b.s.e.24 on May 22, 2020, 04:50:11 pm
Hi, it's been a while since I've done much with mugen and its exciting to see the progress that been happening with this engine. I noticed that a Story Mode is in the works and I was curious on the progress of that function. I am still kind of figuring out the ins and outs of the engine so far and I would love to help make this function a reality.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on May 28, 2020, 09:25:24 pm
Would you consider to add teamates option at the background during ratio and turns modes like the king of fighters. Perhaps animations for lose, win and idle stance during match with scale and position options at the stage.def with those options you can add your teamates to whatever stage you want during match.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on May 31, 2020, 07:19:18 pm
Info about red life is included in the Ikemen GO docs:

Would you consider to add teamates option at the background during ratio and turns modes like the king of fighters. Perhaps animations for lose, win and idle stance during match with scale and position options at the stage.def with those options you can add your teamates to whatever stage you want during match.

The default tag is made to be barebones as posible to serve as a base.
But it's editable, we could add stage constants to help with this but we can not include it in default one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on May 31, 2020, 08:22:21 pm
This is an option for ratio and turns mode you could add it at the stage.def. Check the video from kof 98:

You are doing amazing work with the engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Sir FanFaron on June 06, 2020, 02:40:25 am
My Ikemen Go with code modification to look like kof 2002/2002 UM

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Nate on June 06, 2020, 04:02:20 am
My Ikemen Go with code modification to look like kof 2002/2002 UM


thats really cool!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RaitoADV on June 12, 2020, 08:19:49 am
My Ikemen Go with code modification to look like kof 2002/2002 UM


How did you code the Order Select? I'm curious to know because this might be useful for my KOF project.

If you can tell me I'd be thankful!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: STG9 on June 14, 2020, 06:39:30 am
Hello everyone! I am very glad that MUGEN|IKEMEN project is evolving. I`ve checked some posts on forum and it is mainly about graphics and logic of engine. I thinking about making an original game using IKEMEN but the problem is that online features is bad implemented. I just want 2 things from IKEMEN - gamepad/arcade stick support and good online features like ggpo implementation. I dont care actually about all other features because they are implemented good in original MUGEN 1.0. So there is a question - will be normal online play implemented anytime soon like ggpo? The problem is that there is no other 2d fighting game engine and using Unity or UnrealEngine is a pain to make a fighting game with. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NerdyAlias on June 15, 2020, 01:39:18 am
I tried to use the AX2 screenpack with my IKEMEN, and when I try to run it, it just does not open, can someone help me?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on June 16, 2020, 03:04:22 pm
I tried to use the AX2 screenpack with my IKEMEN, and when I try to run it, it just does not open, can someone help me?
The solution is simple, you have to import the screenpack:
- Copy and paste sytem.sff and system.snd into IKEMEN screenpack.
- Open the IKEMEN and old screenpack's system.def.
- Copy and paste the information from the old system.def into the new one (IKEMEN's). After all, IKEMEN has new required info, and that's it.
If you have no idea how to edit screenpacks, you'll need to learn the basics to do this though.

Guardbar and Stunbar test

If you know how to code lifebars, then you automatically know how to use all the new features as they follow the MUGEN language standard.
It is now possible to have lifebars with almost the same functions as ADD004 ones, with the exception of multiple layers for announcer animations, first attack and counter.
There is still some problem with rendering the announcer animations, most evident in the broken white outlines of roundx.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bluekuma on June 17, 2020, 06:46:52 pm
Ikemen Go will not open no matter what I do, I even ran it on compatibility mode and it still wont launch whatsoever. no error message or nothing!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on June 17, 2020, 07:02:05 pm
I tried to use the AX2 screenpack with my IKEMEN, and when I try to run it, it just does not open, can someone help me?
The solution is simple, you have to import the screenpack:

That is not necessary to open a mugen screenpack, mugen screenpacks should work without doing that, it will only not show Ikemen Go features or options in the Options menu.
What you describe is if someone wants to use Ikemen Go Features in a Mugen screenpack, which is pretty much recommendable since the intention of moving from Mugen to Ikemen GO is using all the features.
Now if OP is talking of Ikemen vanilla, yes, you have to port the screenpack.

The best option is to check Ikemen Go log file. Also, test a clean install to confirm if the PC can run Ikemen Go.

Ikemen Go will not open no matter what I do, I even ran it on compatibility mode, and it still won't launch whatsoever. no error message or nothing!!

Make this kind of report as if you were reporting bugs for a commercial game. Put your system hardware,(CPU,GPU,RAM) then your OS.(for example windows 7 SP1).

Ikemen Go needs a GPU that supports OPENGL 2.0,  default windows drivers for GPUs are not updated and you should install the official driver from the vendor website.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bluekuma on June 17, 2020, 07:32:48 pm
updated my drivers and it still didnt work. I look up my GPU and it supports that version of OPENGL. Should I download the GO program and see if that helps?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on June 17, 2020, 07:54:03 pm
Have you tried running it from CMD aswell?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bluekuma on June 18, 2020, 06:17:55 am
I got the fix for IKEMEN GO but when I installed ADD004 for it, do I still have to patch the characters for the game? Does anyone know how to fix the Vsync for the game?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on June 18, 2020, 03:35:22 pm
You don't need the patch as long as your characters don't have their own stcommon/common1.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on June 20, 2020, 10:17:47 pm
VSync settings is inside the config.json inside the save folder.
To disable it set it to 0 to enable it set it to 1.

You don't need the patch as long as your characters don't have their own stcommon/common1.
And even when they use their own common1 you only have to modify 2 lines of code inside the charater def file.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Adnan on June 21, 2020, 02:45:38 pm
Do you guys have a plan about porting this project to android?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on June 21, 2020, 03:46:43 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
That is not necessary to open a mugen screenpack, mugen screenpacks should work without doing that, it will only not show Ikemen Go features or options in the Options menu.
What you describe is if someone wants to use Ikemen Go Features in a Mugen screenpack, which is pretty much recommendable since the intention of moving from Mugen to Ikemen GO is using all the features.
Now if OP is talking of Ikemen vanilla, yes, you have to port the screenpack.

The best option is to check Ikemen Go log file. Also, test a clean install to confirm if the PC can run Ikemen Go.
Really? In previous versions, screenpacks and lifebars would crash IKEMEN if I tried to use them directly without any messages. So I just gave up after a few tries.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PeXXeR on June 21, 2020, 05:17:22 pm
Just curious does the Legacy SP by NoZ run on Ikemen GO ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on June 21, 2020, 06:59:18 pm

Gacel port it for an older version, i think it will work on newer versions too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on June 26, 2020, 08:54:41 am
That "port" was just a file copy-paste.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: junkerde on June 30, 2020, 08:50:12 pm
VSync settings is inside the config.json inside the save folder.
To disable it set it to 0 to enable it set it to 1.

You don't need the patch as long as your characters don't have their own stcommon/common1.
And even when they use their own common1 you only have to modify 2 lines of code inside the charater def file.

 EDIT: Solved! THANKS gacel, I found your post about it, yes just replace the stcommon = to common1.cns, get the error if your character already has its own stcommon. Disregard.

old post:
all i get is this error

未定義の関数: fnc_varaddoo
stack traceback:
   [G]: in function 'game'
   .\external\script\start.lua:1458: in function 'f_selectSimple'
   external/script/main.lua:1970: in function <external/script/main.lua:1949>
   external/script/main.lua:2487: in function 'loop'
   external/script/main.lua:2966: in main chunk
   [G]: ?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on July 03, 2020, 12:13:42 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
That is not necessary to open a mugen screenpack, mugen screenpacks should work without doing that, it will only not show Ikemen Go features or options in the Options menu.
What you describe is if someone wants to use Ikemen Go Features in a Mugen screenpack, which is pretty much recommendable since the intention of moving from Mugen to Ikemen GO is using all the features.
Now if OP is talking of Ikemen vanilla, yes, you have to port the screenpack.

The best option is to check Ikemen Go log file. Also, test a clean install to confirm if the PC can run Ikemen Go.
Really? In previous versions, screenpacks and lifebars would crash IKEMEN if I tried to use them directly without any messages. So I just gave up after a few tries.

In most cases adding [Victory Screen] parameters makes many old screenpacks work for me, obviously without Ikemen Go features. So in this case if you know of a screenpack that doesn't run even after victory screen is added report it, it could be a bug or an undocumented Mugen featured not ported to Ikemen Go. I already reported the lack of these parameters makes Ikemen Go to crash to desktop.
Just curious does the Legacy SP by NoZ run on Ikemen GO ?

It runs, but since Legacy uses images for the menus, adapting it to the new features could be troublesome.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on July 04, 2020, 12:19:13 am
I was actually trying to use an 1.0 screenpack with victory screen. Whatever the reason IKEMEN crashed, the same with lifebars. But this was in older versions, something like 0.91/0.92.  If the engine is more forgiving or whatever the bug was, it was fixed, great because after that I only started using the old things after adding the new parameters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: junkerde on July 04, 2020, 07:53:55 am
can k4thos or gacel explain LoadFile???

[State Test]
type = LoadFile
trigger1 = time = 10
savedata = var
path = "kfm.gob"

nvm just saw savefile, i get it now
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on July 04, 2020, 09:29:17 am
As far as the extra modes will there ever be a side scroller beat em up mode like TEKKEN FORCE.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on July 04, 2020, 04:13:55 pm
As far as the extra modes will there ever be a side scroller beat em up mode like TEKKEN FORCE.

Super dope! So will there be a way to add platforms to stages or spawn platforms via a fighter’s scrtls?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: junkerde on July 06, 2020, 01:50:59 am
if you are in a 3 person tag team, and you are the first player using the RedirectID = GetPlayerID(Teamside), it directly redirects to you as the first player as well...when they are in other slots it works fine though....not sure whats up
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on July 06, 2020, 09:58:57 am
if you are in a 3 person tag team, and you are the first player using the RedirectID = GetPlayerID(Teamside), it directly redirects to you as the first player as well...when they are in other slots it works fine though....not sure whats up
I don't understand why you consider it wrong behaviour. Based on your description it matches what RedirectID, GetPlayerID and Teamside does.

As far as the extra modes will there ever be a side scroller beat em up mode like TEKKEN FORCE.
I'm not aware about anyone interested in implementing it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on July 06, 2020, 11:49:16 pm
As far as the extra modes will there ever be a side scroller beat em up mode like TEKKEN FORCE.

I always recommend (and somehow Im getting some hate in the Discord for that)  to check the Wiki, because if you check it youll see some tools that could be useful for making more advanced stuff. For now, nohardcodedkeys is not in the wiki or the main build but will be added soon(I hope so) this blocks the ability of the AI or the player to access hardcoded commands like jump, crouch, walk or back, so you can redirect these commands to your custom state and make them walk upward or downward and here you go, you already have the basis of a 2.5D beat them up.
But making a whole mode for this looks silly since OPENBOR is already there and it suits all the needs of this genre. But still possible in ikemen Go once more people start to learn how to use the new tools.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: X3nostar on July 07, 2020, 02:14:32 pm

Just have a quick development question.
I would like to utilize the entire screen (or with own margins) for the options screen, setting [menu_pos = {0, 33}, --Ikemen feature] in the motif.lua doesn't make the menu go all the way left. So I guess there is an additional offset in place but I can't seem to find it. Any of the developers have any pointer they could give me in regards to this? Any help is much appreciated.


Edit: After some more fiddeling I found out it has to do with the screen resolution, set to 640 x 480 then the options menu is all the way left however setting it to 1280x720 there is an offset in place (or maybe scaling???) So any help is stil much appreciated.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on July 07, 2020, 03:02:01 pm

Just have a quick development question.
I would like to utilize the entire screen (or with own margins) for the options screen, setting [menu_pos = {0, 33}, --Ikemen feature] in the motif.lua doesn't make the menu go all the way left. So I guess there is an additional offset in place but I can't seem to find it. Any of the developers have any pointer they could give me in regards to this? Any help is much appreciated.


Edit: After some more fiddeling I found out it has to do with the screen resolution, set to 640 x 480 then the options menu is all the way left however setting it to 1280x720 there is an offset in place (or maybe scaling???) So any help is stil much appreciated.

first of all you're not supposed to edit motif.lua directly. It contains DEF file parser and default values that are meant to be overwritten by screenpack DEF file. Lua scripts are often changed between versions without notice which means local adjustments are not forward compatible. Of course if it's a full game project and you're planning to rewrite scripts to your needs without worrying about future changes than do whatever you wish, otherwise stick to DEF file to save yourself frustration.

As for the question - what you're seeing is a default option menu that is rendered using 320x240 localcoord, scaled up to your screenpack localcoord resolution. In order to take full advantage of your actual localcoord (in this case 1280x720) you need to paste menu.item.font parameter to your screenpack DEF file under [Option Info] (and many other parameters since after doing so default positioning implemented for different localcoord in mind won't be correct).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: X3nostar on July 07, 2020, 06:30:53 pm
Hello K4Thos

First of all thanks for the prompt response!

first of all you're not supposed to edit motif.lua directly. It contains DEF file parser and default values that are meant to be overwritten by screenpack DEF file. Lua scripts are often changed between versions without notice which means local adjustments are not forward compatible. Of course if it's a full game project and you're planning to rewrite scripts to your needs without worrying about future changes than do whatever you wish, otherwise stick to DEF file to save yourself frustration.

Yeah I know I am breaking a lot of convention with what I am doing at the moment but seeing as I am just experimenting it's alright for now.
I do however feel that IKemen GO has surpassed certain stages where certain conventions should be considerd deprecated. Althou for my situation that is not the case.

As for the question - what you're seeing is a default option menu that is rendered using 320x240 localcoord, scaled up to your screenpack localcoord resolution. In order to take full advantage of your actual localcoord (in this case 1280x720) you need to paste menu.item.font parameter to your screenpack DEF file under [Option Info] (and many other parameters since after doing so default positioning implemented for different localcoord in mind won't be correct).

Ah so it was scaling! Ok I will try certain things to see if I can get my project to work.
To give some insight:


Trying to get 4 player option screen to work hence the scaling thing.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: junkerde on July 10, 2020, 09:19:31 pm
Anything ever come of this "unlock characters" feature this guy made for ikemen go? Seems its broken in the latest builds?


Coins: Coins can be earned when winning matches. The amount earned is determined by a few values in system.def, the current AI difficulty, and the size of both teams.

Character Unlocking: When characters are set to hidden 3, a handful of extra values can be added to slots that can make them unlockable in a few ways:

    Spending Coins

    Beating Arcade Mode with a certain character

    Beating Arcade Mode with a certain amount of characters

    Toggling the Unlock All option in the options menu (temporary unlock)

Arcade Mode Progress Tracker: The game now keeps track of what characters, and what % of characters, have completed Arcade Mode. The % completed shows on both the main menu and the Arcade character select screen.

New Mode: All Rush Mode is just like Boss Rush, but instead of being only bosses, it's every character on the character list
Mode Locking: Boss Rush and All Rush, as well as Survival mode, can all be locked behind Arcade Mode progress.

Mod Support (sorta?): To make it easier to update Ultimate without having to add in other code afterwards, Ultimate can run code from other Lua files at certain points. These files can do things like add new text to the menus, change character names in the select screens, add new options to the options menu, and more. It even comes with an example mod! They can also easily be reloaded through the options menu.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 11, 2020, 04:46:23 am
I was merging some of the Wintermourn changes.
And my PC fried... like 20 days ago, just noticed I did not inform it here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: BurningSoul on July 11, 2020, 03:12:21 pm
I got this error trying to run Devon's CVS2 Black screenpack
here's the link to it

( also when I press esc during a match I get these errors
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 11, 2020, 07:36:29 pm
That error is not generated by the main engine.
It comes from openGL GLfont.

It seems that the problem come with a font, more specifically a TTF.
Maybe something is wrong with the font encoding but I'm not sure.

Sorry for not giving a more helpfull description of the error, I can not test anything without PC.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on July 12, 2020, 07:50:44 pm
Seeing the Appveyor build is outdated by 2 months, how safe would it be to use updated files from the Githubs?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on July 12, 2020, 08:57:00 pm
I always update from Githubs without problems.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on July 12, 2020, 08:58:20 pm
I mean't as in updating the Appveyor version with the Github updates.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: jenngra505 on July 17, 2020, 12:57:00 am
When using RemapPal on helpers, the palette will be remapped to the root character instead of the helper. I made a testing edit of my Numbuh 3 to show this off.!AqN1Ini5-I2Ig-gnn264Q1IJjF4wFw?e=Q0hPbO
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on July 18, 2020, 02:52:54 am
Im not getting the RemapSprite to work.....I even tried my trigger=1 just to see if it works, am I doing something wrong? I tried putting it in a seperate cns as well:

[State Test]
type = RemapSprite
trigger1 = 1
preset = "Super"

[RemapPreset Super]
5000,0 = 15000,0
5000,10 = 15000,10
5000,20 = 15000,20
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on July 18, 2020, 10:36:18 am
Im not getting the RemapSprite to work.....I even tried my trigger=1 just to see if it works, am I doing something wrong? I tried putting it in a seperate cns as well
Works for me. [RemapPreset Super] in your example is meant to be separate CNS section (group) not state declaration. So you're not supposed to use it under [Statedef X] declaration, but alongside rest of groups like [Quotes], [Movement] etc. It also has to be in file that in char DEF is referenced as cns (Constants), not st (States).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on July 18, 2020, 09:32:21 pm
Im not getting the RemapSprite to work.....I even tried my trigger=1 just to see if it works, am I doing something wrong? I tried putting it in a seperate cns as well
Works for me. [RemapPreset Super] in your example is meant to be separate CNS section (group) not state declaration. So you're not supposed to use it under [Statedef X] declaration, but alongside rest of groups like [Quotes], [Movement] etc. It also has to be in file that in char DEF is referenced as cns (Constants), not st (States).

Thanks for the clarification! I got it to work! This is an awesome feature, I previously had 800 lines of changeanims and changestates for a character that transforms in case he gets in a custom state, but this fixes it simply.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on July 19, 2020, 02:57:11 am
I found another bug. Your character treats partner projectiles as enemy projectiles and will go into blocking state if back button is held (tag mode and simul/co-op)

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on July 19, 2020, 10:19:21 pm
airforce111, thanks, fixed. In future please use this topic to report bugs:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on July 20, 2020, 09:44:07 pm
Seeing the Appveyor build is outdated by 2 months, how safe would it be to use updated files from the Githubs?

Well, my answer came kinda late since the new version is out, but I don't think to update from the Github is a good idea. Pretty much of the code is WIP and if you run into a bug, how can you report a bug on a feature that is not "officially" out.

I only compile from Github when devs ask for testing features in the discord channel.  Appveyor releases are safer. When devs feel the code is ready for use it got pushed into the appveyor, which we maybe can consider as the main branch.

Now if you are talking about taking files from the github and using it with the appveyor "official" release, not a good idea, I dont think you cant even launch the engine without crashing to desktop.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SLZero on July 23, 2020, 04:03:11 am
I sadly cannot be in their Discord for personal reasons.
So if I wanted to test their build, there likely isn't much I can do about it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Krosx on July 27, 2020, 07:14:50 am
Is anyone working on the Story Mode feature, are there plans for it?

If you could do something similar to how the MUGEN STORY MODE application worked for the Ikemen it would be great.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 28, 2020, 06:10:21 am
K4thos is working on a expanded arcade mode that allows branching routes (Based on win coditions), custom battles (Like having a 2vs1 boss single round battle), char unlock and display storyboards between battles (Cutscenes)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on July 28, 2020, 01:39:07 pm
K4thos is working on a expanded arcade mode that allows branching routes (Based on win coditions), custom battles (Like having a 2vs1 boss single round battle), char unlock and display storyboards between battles (Cutscenes)

Delicious! I've been imagining and hoping for these additions for a good while now. The Storyboards thing especially.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xcheatdeath on July 28, 2020, 02:34:55 pm
(Like having a 2vs1 boss single round battle)
can't you already do that with the onlyme and rounds codes in the select?

everything else sounds super exciting
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Tommy_Ber on July 28, 2020, 08:52:25 pm
K4thos is working on a expanded arcade mode that allows branching routes (Based on win coditions), custom battles (Like having a 2vs1 boss single round battle), char unlock and display storyboards between battles (Cutscenes)

Damn nice! I was working with previous builds that were able to run the GO Ultimate add-on, so this means that I could finally update my game  :muttrox:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on July 29, 2020, 06:20:16 pm
Hello. I am having a new error message when I launch IKEMEN GO.

I run a GNU + Linux OS. Specifically: It's Trisquel 9.0 Test Release. It's based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

The version of IKEMEN GO from about two months back ran just fine. So, I think it's something you all have done sense May.

Did something change with the new version? I was hoping to try out the new Game-Pad Back Button. But, is there an update to the dependencies like Open GL or something that my OS doesn't meet sense May? I just don't understand why it used to launch just fine in May but crashes now. So, something changed.

Trying to look into it myself; it looks like my best guess is that something was changed with OpenGL shaders that doesn't like Intel Integrated Graphics. (At least the one I use or the driver I use for it?)

This is the error I now get and the engine just crashes when I hit OK.

failed to compile #version 150 core

//vertex position
in vec2 vert;

//pass through to fragTexCoord
in vec2 vertTexCoord;

//window res
uniform vec2 resolution;

//pass to frag
out vec2 fragTexCoord;

void main() {
   // convert the rectangle from pixels to 0.0 to 1.0
   vec2 zeroToOne = vert / resolution;

   // convert from 0->1 to 0->2
   vec2 zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;

   // convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
   vec2 clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;

   fragTexCoord = vertTexCoord;

   gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);
}\00: 0:1(10): error: GLSL 1.50 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.00 ES, 3.00 ES, and 3.10 ES
goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:*LState).PCall.func1(0xdddce8, 0xc0000b8630, 0xc0006fd8d8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x633
panic(0xcb1a40, 0xc000aac670)
   /usr/lib/go-1.13/src/runtime/panic.go:679 +0x1b2, 0x23, 0xc000000024, 0x140, 0xf0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/!k4thos/glfont@v0.0.0-20200628105132-91535547d8eb/font.go:48 +0x330
main.loadFntTtf(0xc0004b0080, 0xc0008d2160, 0x12, 0xc0008bc202, 0x1e, 0xffffffff)
   /code/src/font.go:345 +0xcb
main.loadDefInfo(0xc0004b0080, 0xc0008d2160, 0x12, 0xc0006fcf30, 0xc0ffffffff)
   /code/src/font.go:320 +0x3fb
main.loadFntV2(0xc0008d2160, 0x12, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0xc46360, 0x599d01)
   /code/src/font.go:278 +0x301
main.loadFnt(0xc000773140, 0xd, 0xc0ffffffff, 0xd, 0x10, 0xc45f60)
   /code/src/font.go:49 +0xa7
main.systemScriptInit.func46(0xc0000b8630, 0x16ddbe0)
   /code/src/script.go:743 +0x87, 0x0, 0xc0002aa300)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x40, 0xc07c140403, 0xc0001e50a0, 0x0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x3ae, 0xc0001e50a0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0xf0*LState).callR(0xc0000b8630, 0x1, 0x1, 0x15)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x248*LState).Call(...)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/, 0xc0002bcec8)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x567, 0x0, 0xc00027e4c0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x40, 0xc07c480402, 0xc0001e5000, 0x0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x3ae, 0xc0001e5000)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0xf0*LState).callR(0xc0000b8630, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x248*LState).Call(...)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/*LState).PCall(0xc0000b8630, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0xe998e0, 0xc000e22c80)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0x136*LState).DoFile(0xc0000b8630, 0xc000114800, 0x18, 0x0, 0x0)
   /code/go/pkg/mod/ +0xb8
   /code/src/main.go:487 +0x1b12

stack traceback:
   [G]: in function 'fontNew'
   external/script/main.lua:326: in function 'create'
   ./external/script/menu.lua:366: in function <./external/script/menu.lua:0>
   [G]: in function 'require'
   external/script/main.lua:1827: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: X3nostar on July 30, 2020, 08:37:41 am

Think you need to submit this report in

But it seems your having issues with the new pausemenu feature that has been added. (Been meaning to ask K4thos to rename it to pausemenu.lua)
Could be that your custom screenpack (if your using it) has fonts defined which are not working properly with that feature.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 30, 2020, 08:19:35 pm
(Like having a 2vs1 boss single round battle)
can't you already do that with the onlyme and rounds codes in the select?
everything else sounds super exciting
I mean in a solo mode run having team up with a partner. So you can switch between single, simul turns and tag between matches.

GLSL 1.50 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30
What the...
How you can have GLSL 1.5 and not have 1.1?
That should not happen.

Do the same happens with already compiled binaries?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on July 30, 2020, 08:51:27 pm

I mean in a solo mode run having team up with a partner. So you can switch between single, simul turns and tag between matches.

edit: solved below
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on July 30, 2020, 11:37:53 pm

GLSL 1.50 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30

What the...
How you can have GLSL 1.5 and not have 1.1?
That should not happen.

Do the same happens with already compiled binaries?

Yes it does. That's exactly where I am getting it from. I can't compile from source so I have to download the per-compiled binaries. (Me not being able to compile from source is a topic for a whole other day. I think the GO Version of my system is just far too outdated. Something about not being able to handle 'mods' or something. I'm not adding mods; so, who knows.)

I download "bin\release\" I perform "extract here." I run the binary file. Engine crashes. Part of the error message shows up in a pop up window and when I hit "ok" it crashes. The rest of the error message I retrieved from the Ikemen Log.

I think X3nostar is correct; because this did not happen back in May before the Pause Menu was added. The version of Ikemen Go I archived on DVD back from May opens and runs perfectly. I was really looking forward to the Pause Menu and asking for it because I use a Fight Stick and the encoder registers with the Computer as a "Game Pad" and I had to keep using the keyboard's escape key to go back in the menus and it was a massive pain.

But, ever sense the Pause Menu update was made the entire engine crashes on my computer.

I don't know how to fix this. What other information can I provide to help solve this problem?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 31, 2020, 12:32:56 am
Found the problem. I'm gonna fix it soon.
Thanks for reporting it.

Go-lang logs look bloated, but man they are helpfull.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on July 31, 2020, 12:48:12 am
Also for Arcade Mode, I know I suggested this back then in some way, but we should be able to put chars into teams akin to KOF so members of a team will be present in the same match.
Like for example:
Kyo, team=Japan
Benimaru, team=Japan
Daimon, team=Japan
Terry, team=FatalFury
Andy, team=FatalFury
Joe, team=FatalFury
This should mean Kyo, Beni and Daimon will be on the same team when one of them is chosen for a match in a Team mode. Same for the other 3.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on July 31, 2020, 02:47:56 am
If anyone is interested, refering to my question above I figured it out. For if you still want to force a character single mode in versus mode when selecting in teams. This is just for my own thing really, since I want players to be able to select boss characters, but hte boss characters would be too cheap in team modes, so itll force single mode on anyone with single flag in select.def. Trying to mess with "unlocking characters" at the moment but I know k4thos is creating something so my efforts may just be wasted lol, anyway:

In start.lua, ctrl+f  "SIMPLE LOOP (VS MODE, TEAM VERSUS, TRAINING, WATCH, BONUS GAMES, TIME CHALLENGE, SCORE CHALLENGE)" and then look for "--fight initialization" and paste this below it

if p1NumChars > 1 then
for i = 1, #start.t_p1Selected do
local single = false
if start.f_rivalsMatch('char_ref') and start.f_rivalsMatch('single', 1) then --team conversion assigned as rivals param
enemy_ref = main.t_selChars[start.t_p2Selected[1].ref + 1].rivals[matchNo].char_ref
single = true
elseif main.t_selChars[start.t_p1Selected[i].ref + 1].single == 1 then --team conversion assigned as character param
enemy_ref = start.t_p1Selected[i].ref
single = true
if single then
teamMode = start.p1TeamMode
numChars = p1NumChars
start.p1TeamMode = 0
p1NumChars = 1
setTeamMode(1, start.p1TeamMode, p1NumChars)
start.t_p1Selected = {}
start.t_p1Selected[1] = {ref = enemy_ref, pal = start.f_selectPal(enemy_ref)}
restoreTeam = true
if p2NumChars > 1 then
for i = 1, #start.t_p2Selected do
local single = false
if start.f_rivalsMatch('char_ref') and start.f_rivalsMatch('single', 1) then --team conversion assigned as rivals param
enemy_ref = main.t_selChars[start.t_p1Selected[1].ref + 1].rivals[matchNo].char_ref
single = true
elseif main.t_selChars[start.t_p2Selected[i].ref + 1].single == 1 then --team conversion assigned as character param
enemy_ref = start.t_p2Selected[i].ref
single = true
if single then
teamMode = start.p2TeamMode
numChars = p2NumChars
start.p2TeamMode = 0
p2NumChars = 1
setTeamMode(2, start.p2TeamMode, p2NumChars)
start.t_p2Selected = {}
start.t_p2Selected[1] = {ref = enemy_ref, pal = start.f_selectPal(enemy_ref)}
restoreTeam = true

one more step, in main.lua ctrl + f "--VS MODE / TEAM VERSUS", then paste this below "main.victoryScreen"

main.t_charparam.single = true
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on July 31, 2020, 08:40:12 am
Found the problem. I'm gonna fix it soon.
Thanks for reporting it.

Go-lang logs look bloated, but man they are helpfull.

Thank you for responding so quickly. You're welcome. I love to test new features and am happy to help report issues when they arise.

I will be on the look out for the fix. I will close my bug report if all turns out well.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: X3nostar on July 31, 2020, 12:12:32 pm
Been working on a local 4 player mode in Ikemen go. So far everything has been working out OK except for the 4 player comp stomp (4player coop mode). (Screenpack is a basic one I edited to work with this feature)

Main menu

Sub menu (Ikemen feature)

2v2 versus (Player 1 & 3 are team 1 and Player 2 & 4 are team 2)
Needed to add cursors for player 3 and 4 since most screenpacks only supply for 1 and 2

Ofcourse seeing that this is mainly focussed on local, the options screen also needed modification so player 3 and 4 can edit their buttons.
So the options screen is modified to accomodate that:

Input Options screen

Player 3 & 4 settings:

At first this feature was made with the comment K4thos made earlier to not modify the base lua files. so I tried extending the lua files (to keep the base lua files in tact) and overriding functions needed to get player 3 and 4 and also assigning them to the right teams. But coming from a Java background myself felt that the lua files needed some tune up themselves, making it more object orientated and having less global variables (to get a clearer view on where variables are being modified from). So if interested the extending version is available that keeps the base lua files in tact (a small modification is needed in main.lua to require an extend.lua file)

Workaround for online play:
So far this feature doesn't work with Ikemen's online functionality. But a workaround would be to use parsec (not sure if I am breaking TOS) your basicly streaming your PC to your friends and they can all play on Ikemen with their controller and such. Only problemen is finding which player is who :D.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Mike77154 on July 31, 2020, 08:46:41 pm

Quiero plantearles lo siguiente, por lo visto para mi ha sido dificil manipular los codigos en C+ de las librerias de sonido MIDI y adaptarlos a Golang, hablando de la parte sonora, por consiguiente ni he podido instalar FluidSynth, ni el Ym2151 ni libOPNmidi, lo que me lleva al siguiente planteamiento, la idea en su principio constaba de añadirle fluidsynth a IKEMEN GO PLUS, dicho de otro modo, las capacidades SOUNDFONT a IKEMEN, pero.... ultimamente experimentando con VSTs he notado una mejoria en el performance en mi Workflow en tiempo real, por lo tanto he notado que incluir soporte VST a Ikemen Go Plus seria un punch absoluto, y por lo que estoy analizando es diez veces mas factible añadir este soporte a Ikemen Go Plus, que añadir directamente los codigos de las librerias ya mencionadas


I want to tell you something, on the way to me was a very hard task to handle the C code of the MIDI Sound Headers   and adapt it to the Golang Protocol, Making on the way a total mess with FluidSynth, Ym2151 mame code and LibOPNmidi, so this makes me to another quest that is easier to develop, the first Idea was to add Midi capabilities with Fluidsynth support to add Soundfont playing on game engine, but, I at least have one hope, On these days I was experimenting with VST steinberg technologu, and I already notice a better performance on audio on real time, so that is the reason that I preffer to add VST MIDI playing support, that could be brutal helpful for Ikemen Go plus, and is ten more time more easier add this support to ikemen that add the other synth codes

Entonces, para ser mas especifico, mi idea es añadirle un VST host nativo al propio Ikemen Plus, aviso, este video fue un experimento hecho con winmugen para dar una ejemplificacion del pragmatismo de mi busqueda

So, to be more specifical, My idea is convert totally the MIDI native playing ikemen to a native VST host midi music player, so I warn you, the next video was an experiment already maded with winmugen just to show the idea on mind
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on August 01, 2020, 06:01:10 am
Been working on a local 4 player mode in Ikemen go. So far everything has been working out OK except for the 4 player comp stomp (4player coop mode). (Screenpack is a basic one I edited to work with this feature)

Main menu

Sub menu (Ikemen feature)

2v2 versus (Player 1 & 3 are team 1 and Player 2 & 4 are team 2)
Needed to add cursors for player 3 and 4 since most screenpacks only supply for 1 and 2

Ofcourse seeing that this is mainly focussed on local, the options screen also needed modification so player 3 and 4 can edit their buttons.
So the options screen is modified to accomodate that:

Input Options screen

Player 3 & 4 settings:

At first this feature was made with the comment K4thos made earlier to not modify the base lua files. so I tried extending the lua files (to keep the base lua files in tact) and overriding functions needed to get player 3 and 4 and also assigning them to the right teams. But coming from a Java background myself felt that the lua files needed some tune up themselves, making it more object orientated and having less global variables (to get a clearer view on where variables are being modified from). So if interested the extending version is available that keeps the base lua files in tact (a small modification is needed in main.lua to require an extend.lua file)

Workaround for online play:
So far this feature doesn't work with Ikemen's online functionality. But a workaround would be to use parsec (not sure if I am breaking TOS) your basicly streaming your PC to your friends and they can all play on Ikemen with their controller and such. Only problemen is finding which player is who :D.

Local 4 Player is a great idea. I was hoping someone would make that happen. Is this something that will be integrated into Ikemen Go in the Future, or a personal project? I would like to see Local 4 Player added to the main repo when you get everything working.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: X3nostar on August 01, 2020, 07:11:22 am
Local 4 Player is a great idea. I was hoping someone would make that happen. Is this something that will be integrated into Ikemen Go in the Future, or a personal project? I would like to see Local 4 Player added to the main repo when you get everything working.


It is just a personal project of mine and when thinking about it would be hard to get it implemented as default, as IKEMEN go is made with proper backward compatibility and most screenpacks would not have the additions required to make this work (example: cursor animations or portrait coordinations for player 3 and 4)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: XANDERAC on August 07, 2020, 06:46:30 pm
fixed my previous issues after some tampering
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on August 13, 2020, 05:08:35 am
Created an incredibly simple unlock system modifying luas that reads how many arcade clears you've made from stats.config. 2 versions, random select placeholder and empty boxes. Characters who arent unlocked yet will not appear in random select pool (main lua). Just added "hidden" flags based on hierarchy, nothing special (hidden = 4->14). I'm sure there will be a more complex system coming. I don't think main luas are supposed to be edited lol, but maybe that's what the mods folder is for.

no unlocks, random pool are just the characters that are available

3 clears of arcade mode with some unlocks, new unlocks added to random pool

2nd version with blanks as locked characters
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: XANDERAC on August 15, 2020, 03:57:19 am
Hey there I was reading through the wiki about the included tag mode, but I can't find if there's a way to add assists, I wasn't sure if this was part of the tag system or if it's still best to just stick to Add004 for the time being, any help would be greatly appreciated!

That unlock system looks pretty interesting, I might see if I can implement something similar into my personal build at some point
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LordryuTJ on August 17, 2020, 09:44:27 pm
Guys I need help getting IKEMEN GO to work.

For some reason when I open it, the window pops up but it's just a black screen for like 15 seconds and then it closes by itself.

I tried whitelisting the folder in Avast Antivirus (since there was a pop-up from it when I first opened IKEMEN) but it did nothing.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on August 17, 2020, 09:50:25 pm
Does anything pop-up in Ikemen.txt?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LordryuTJ on August 17, 2020, 09:59:01 pm
Does anything pop-up in Ikemen.txt?

Some of the errors regard "GL2" which implies something to do with OpenGL.

My computer is a bit old, so I don't think OpenGL stuff works all that well on it. Is there a way to turn off those capabilities on this version of IKEMEN like there was in other versions? (Because I dunno if there's a "config.ssz" file in this version)

UPDATE: These are the starting lines of my Ikemen.log:

failed to compile #version 150 core

//vertex position
in vec2 vert;

//pass through to fragTexCoord
in vec2 vertTexCoord;

//window res
uniform vec2 resolution;

//pass to frag
out vec2 fragTexCoord;

void main() {
   // convert the rectangle from pixels to 0.0 to 1.0
   vec2 zeroToOne = vert / resolution;

   // convert from 0->1 to 0->2
   vec2 zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;

   // convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
   vec2 clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;

   fragTexCoord = vertTexCoord;

   gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);
} : Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:1: '' :  Version number not supported by GL2
ERROR: 0:1: '' : syntax error #version
ERROR:  compilation errors.  No code generated.

The PC I have is a hand-me-down I got from my dad a few years ago, and it's for the most part based in Vista. Am I f**ked if I want the most updated version of IKEMEN GO?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Tommy_Ber on August 18, 2020, 05:09:19 pm
Got a question to the devs, 1.0 will be a milestone or it will be a normal update?

I mean 1.0.0 is like "the" update when most games are out of beta and start being distributed. And now that we are at 0.95.9, I dont know if a possible renaissance is coming worthy of shouting out of the window "1.0 is here!" or if those gamechanging features are still in development.

Another question, how do the version numbers work? There is a rule for certain versions like 0.XX is an important update while 0.XX.Y its a minor one? Anyways the development looks firm and steady, so nice work everyone!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 18, 2020, 05:53:36 pm
It will be a milestone.
We will reach it when there  is no more MUGEN related compatibility problems.
Specially screenpacks we lack a lot there.

In the 0.XX.Y, 0.XX is an important update while 0.XX.Y its a minor one that usually 1 or 2 bugfixes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on August 18, 2020, 06:35:22 pm
And now that we are at 0.95.9, I dont know if a possible renaissance is coming worthy of shouting out of the window "1.0 is here!"
keep in mind that once version v0.99 is available it doesn't mean the next one will be v1.0. It doesn't work like that.

We're currently following convention similar to Semantic Versioning: (with leading 0 meaning that the engine does not have 100% mugen 1.1 compatibility yet)

Current versioning convention wasn't always the case considering most of these 95 appveyor builds, until recently, were prepared automatically any time new github commit was made.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on August 18, 2020, 07:18:54 pm
Created an incredibly simple unlock system modifying luas that reads how many arcade clears you've made from stats.config.
next version will support characters, stages and modes unlocking without need to edit scripts. Consider joining discord if you want to be up to date with engine developments.

airforce111 said:
I don't think main luas are supposed to be edited lol, but maybe that's what the mods folder is for.
External modules loading is also planned for next major release. As for editing lua files directly - the only reason why it's not worth it now, is due to amount of changes to lua scripts made on each release. For example in order to support more than 2 players locally, without workarounds, I had to axe and refactor large portion of start.lua code. Porting changes made for earlier iteration of scripts would be a lot of work, so it's recommended only for fullgame makers that don't mind extra work (or don't care about future compatibility with new releases). Of course once the engine stabilize feature wise local changes will be more manageable (especially if implemented via external modules, so that they don't become overwritten just by downloading the new version)

Been working on a local 4 player mode in Ikemen go.
This feature will be available in the next major release (your post inspired me to work on it actually)

Also for Arcade Mode, I know I suggested this back then in some way, but we should be able to put chars into teams akin to KOF so members of a team will be present in the same match.
this is way to specific to be something available by default with the engine via select.def parameters, imo. But the upcoming story mode/arcade paths feature will make it (and similar ideas) possible without much effort (you will have to write code for it yourself though)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: BigFiji on August 20, 2020, 01:25:17 am
Two Questions:

1) Will Screen pack porting from Mugen > IKEMEN ever be a thing?
2) Will a story mode like feature (Like the one detailed here :
 ever be implemented into base IKEMEN?

Forgive me if these have been answered previously, im just coming back into IKEMEN after a hiatus.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 20, 2020, 01:56:02 am
1) Yes, we try to all screenpack work out of the box, but the compatibility is not perfect on the current version.
2) Yes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on August 20, 2020, 06:12:48 am
Does anything pop-up in Ikemen.txt?

Some of the errors regard "GL2" which implies something to do with OpenGL.

My computer is a bit old, so I don't think OpenGL stuff works all that well on it. Is there a way to turn off those capabilities on this version of IKEMEN like there was in other versions? (Because I dunno if there's a "config.ssz" file in this version)

UPDATE: These are the starting lines of my Ikemen.log:

failed to compile #version 150 core

//vertex position
in vec2 vert;

//pass through to fragTexCoord
in vec2 vertTexCoord;

//window res
uniform vec2 resolution;

//pass to frag
out vec2 fragTexCoord;

void main() {
   // convert the rectangle from pixels to 0.0 to 1.0
   vec2 zeroToOne = vert / resolution;

   // convert from 0->1 to 0->2
   vec2 zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;

   // convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
   vec2 clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;

   fragTexCoord = vertTexCoord;

   gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);
} : Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:1: '' :  Version number not supported by GL2
ERROR: 0:1: '' : syntax error #version
ERROR:  compilation errors.  No code generated.

The PC I have is a hand-me-down I got from my dad a few years ago, and it's for the most part based in Vista. Am I f**ked if I want the most updated version of IKEMEN GO?

You have the same bug I do. It's because the new pause menu doesn't work with Intel Graphics very well. I am running on Parabola GNU + Linux and I get the same error. I was also running Trisquel GNU + Linux and got the exact same error also. I did try it in windows 10 (though I try to avoid windows because it's non-free, proprietary software and currently have windows purged from all of my computers ) and the problem expressed itself differently. It would open in windows 10, but not reliably. I would have to try to launch it about 10 times in a row to get it to not crash.

I have filed a bug report and Gacel says he is going to fix it soon.

Here is the bug report.

I will close it as soon as I test and see that the bug is fixed. So, you can keep watch on it there. I check for the fix at least once daily.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Neat Unsou on August 20, 2020, 04:34:09 pm
Is there something wrong with the shader code?

   gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);
Perhaps vec4 is a float so numbers need to have a decimal point.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on August 21, 2020, 01:32:15 am
I can't run the newest version log gives me this error:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 24, 2020, 08:16:21 pm
Bejeeta that was a test build.
That code should not have been compiled.
Download the newest version again.


So EVILED about the problem you are having with the GPU.
The problem is that the max version of GLSL that it supports is 1.3
And Ikemen GO needs 1.5.

I'll look into switching to GLSL 1.3 without introducing bugs.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on August 25, 2020, 10:49:39 am
Bejeeta that was a test build.
That code should not have been compiled.
Download the newest version again.


So EVILED about the problem you are having with the GPU.
The problem is that the max version of GLSL that it supports is 1.3
And Ikemen GO needs 1.5.

I'll look into switching to GLSL 1.3 without introducing bugs.

Thank you. It just seemed odd that the older version worked fine. When / why did the requirement increase?

V0.94 from sometime in March launches perfectly. My main reason for wanting to update is to get the new pause menu. That way I can go back with my Fight Sticks and Game Pads without having to hit escape on the keyboard.

I feel bad to keep commenting on the issue. At this point I feel like I'm nagging and I know that this is volunteer work. It was just disheartening to finally see a much anticipated quality of life update come out and then the engine crashes for me. It's like being very close to what I've wanted for months now and yet still so far away. I really do check about once daily for updates on the situation. I like playing the engine and I'm still stuck without a pause menu.

It breaks the general rhythm of the experience to be playing comfortable in my seat only to have to hoist myself upwards and lurch forward to my table and hit Esc every time I want to go to a different mode. I'm also still pricing and looking for an arcade cabinet frame to put all my pieces in to make my arcade cabinet. But, it would also be difficult doing this when I would have to open the cabinet door and hit the Esc key every time I wanted to go back in the menu.

So, I've kind of just held off on both the arcade cabinet project (trying to find a good price for one is also an issue) as well as playing around with the engine in general until this is resolved. It seems like such a minor thing, but I do have my computer hooked up to my TV as more of a "game console" experience than a "desk experience" so it does become problematic. I suppose if I was sitting at a desk or not wanting to make an arcade cabinet then this wouldn't be an issue. But, currently, it's become prohibitive on both accounts; rendering the engine difficult to work with in both use cases.

I guess I wouldn't have imagined a pause menu, of all things, to increase the GLSL needed to run the engine. But, I know little of programming so maybe I'm just naive on that front. Was there other major changes to the engine sense March that necessitated the increase of version?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on August 25, 2020, 03:48:26 pm
Oh is the latest Add004 still perfectly compatible with the latest version?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on August 25, 2020, 05:13:26 pm
Yes i have test it and works with the latest version.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on August 25, 2020, 06:12:51 pm
It doesn't (I think).
This pops up in Training mode:
.\external\script\start.lua:1402: chars/Ryu/NormalRyu.def:
未定義の関数: fnc_varaddoo
stack traceback:
[G]: in function 'game'
.\external\script\start.lua:1402: in function 'f_selectSimple'
external/script/main.lua:2230: in function <external/script/main.lua:2208>
external/script/main.lua:2723: in function 'loop'
external/script/main.lua:2634: in function 'f_checkSubmenu'
external/script/main.lua:2705: in function 'loop'
external/script/main.lua:3352: in main chunk
[G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on August 25, 2020, 06:24:59 pm
I am playing right now with newest version from autobuild, have you delete the common1 from data folder? you need to delete this in order to work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on August 25, 2020, 06:35:10 pm
Oh I see my friend, thanks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on August 25, 2020, 07:50:55 pm
It breaks the general rhythm of the experience to be playing comfortable in my seat only to have to hoist myself upwards and lurch forward to my table and hit Esc every time I want to go to a different mode. I'm also still pricing and looking for an arcade cabinet frame to put all my pieces in to make my arcade cabinet. But, it would also be difficult doing this when I would have to open the cabinet door and hit the Esc key every time I wanted to go back in the menu.

If you can't find out how to remap the keyboard escape key to a joystick button using simple external tools, i think you're gonna have a lot of trouble building and setting up an arcade cab (which I have done). Programs like JoyToKey/QJoyPad exist for these reasons, I suggest you really read throughly before building a cab head on. These are one of the first programs you should know about.

Also, I think its time for you to really upgrade, or alteast buy cheap used parts (as long as theyre not hard drives) and have it dedicated to an arcade cab. Bought an old i5 2500k, motherboard,ram, and 750ti gpu for only $200 all together for my dedicated arcade cab. TBH I think its time you upgrade, I mean these parts I'm listing are still pretty old anyway but cheap and support basic opengl and glsl versions used in ikemen go. At some points the devs need to move forwards.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on August 27, 2020, 06:09:26 am
It breaks the general rhythm of the experience to be playing comfortable in my seat only to have to hoist myself upwards and lurch forward to my table and hit Esc every time I want to go to a different mode. I'm also still pricing and looking for an arcade cabinet frame to put all my pieces in to make my arcade cabinet. But, it would also be difficult doing this when I would have to open the cabinet door and hit the Esc key every time I wanted to go back in the menu.

If you can't find out how to remap the keyboard escape key to a joystick button using simple external tools, i think you're gonna have a lot of trouble building and setting up an arcade cab (which I have done). Programs like JoyToKey/QJoyPad exist for these reasons, I suggest you really read throughly before building a cab head on. These are one of the first programs you should know about.

Also, I think its time for you to really upgrade, or alteast buy cheap used parts (as long as theyre not hard drives) and have it dedicated to an arcade cab. Bought an old i5 2500k, motherboard,ram, and 750ti gpu for only $200 all together for my dedicated arcade cab. TBH I think its time you upgrade, I mean these parts I'm listing are still pretty old anyway but cheap and support basic opengl and glsl versions used in ikemen go. At some points the devs need to move forwards.

First off, I have already built a fight stick. I have also already tested the fight stick out on the mini computer, with IKEMEN Go, and the TV for it. This is going to be a home-made "arcade" not really an official one. So, something cheap like a $400 - $500 MDF Wood box (similar to an Arcade 1-Up) to slap my mini computer, fight sticks, and monitor into.

I shouldn't have to use joystick to keyboard mapping with an engine that has a native pause menu and back button. That would be pretty bad, for the sake of the engine, if I have to map around the engine because of the engine's own dysfunction. I have used similar programs in the past as a work around. But, the point is, a well programmed engine shouldn't need a work around. If a work around is needed, then the engine has failed.

The reason for the graphics chip is because I prefer to run completely Free Software, as defined by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) Operating Systems. This means no non-free, proprietary graphics drivers. This means everything AMD and NVidia makes are completely useless to me because they refuse to liberate the code of their drivers and thus I am stuck with Intel Integrated Graphics because they are the only company that does. I would most likely loose hardware acceleration entirely with a graphic card from either of the other two companies. I actually did have an old graphic card that could run star wars battlefront 2 before I decided to purge windows and took that card and put it in recycling because I don't need it anymore.

So, it's not a cost issue so much as it is a Software Freedom issue. Which is important to me because I'm the one who actually asked Super Suehiro about what license he wanted to release the engine under and suggested some Free Software ones because I have been looking for a Free Software replacement for mugen for more than a decade. So, I was the one that actually pushed the issue. Otherwise, the code was previously just floating out there without a license. Which, code like that is technically 'source available' proprietary software at that point; according to US Copyright Law. All copy-writable works are presumed propitiatory under modern US copyright law unless the author specifically places them under a Free Software License, completely regardless as to whether the source is 'available' to see or not; it makes no difference at all. The law used to be different on this. Things without copyright used to instantly fall into public domain. But, it doesn't work that way anymore.

So, it's disappointing to have championed the licensing issue for the engine only then to have the engine no longer function as intended in a Free Software environment. Especially considering it did just a few months ago back in March.

I hear that Intel might be coming out with a discrete graphic card in a year or so. So, maybe that will be more powerful? But, unless or until that happens, I am stuck with integrated graphics.

Space Station 14 runs just fine. Hedgewars runs just fine. Minetest runs just fine, and that's a 3D Voxel Engine. So, I'm not sure why this has to be an issue. IKEMEN GO is another 2D engine that uses some light hardware acceleration. I don't see why it would ever require the newest versions of dependencies to process what are essentially very, very, basic things. That just seems like updating dependencies 'just because' without having any real reason for doing so; making a lot of lower level hardware systems incompatible for absolutely no real reason in any way, shape, or form at all once so ever.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Neat Unsou on August 27, 2020, 11:43:42 am
This is a bit weird because the Intel 4600 he's using should support Open GL 4.2 and it supports GLSL 4.2.
Check Open GL with glxinfo.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 28, 2020, 01:40:15 am
The GLSL requirement did not increase.
It has always been version 1.5.
I fell like something is wrong with your drivers.

Still, I made so you can select the GLSL version 1.3 adding this:
"FontShaderVer": "130 core",
To the config file.

AMD drivers are also open source. (On Linux) The only closed ones are NVIDIA.
I understand using a Open Source OS and drivers because of the advantage it brings.

But not all things need to be free software.
You can play games that are closed source or (non-free) sometimes.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on August 28, 2020, 07:59:19 am
OK this is a potentially game breaking idea or a major game changing idea. Has anyone played a coop tag arcade mode and went up against a team of 4 Ai characters well wouldn't it be nice that player 1 has characters 1 and 3 and player 2 has 2 and 4  and they could tag out between those characters I feel it'd add a more of strategic approach to certain modes especially if Boss Rush comes back.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: XANDERAC on August 29, 2020, 01:01:42 am
I've been curious to ask but I wasn't sure if there was a simple way to set up specific matches for each character's arcade mode, I know that you can make it so it pools characters of a certain order so it can only pick from something like order=1,2, etc. Or the specific rival match where you can do something like 1={kfm[, 2={suavedude}. I just wanted to make it so that in arcade mode it only allows certain characters for specific encounters in groups, so someone like Ryu can only fight Ken/Kyo/Wolverine on a specific round. I don't necessarily want to make teams as someone mentioned on the previous page, I just wanted it so it narrows down each fight to only like 2-3 people possible per stage and then randomly select 1 of those few I add.

I was trying to see if adding multiple rivals with the same number ex. 1={ Ken},1={ Kyo},1={ KFM} but that just prioritizes whoever is further to the right with the value it seems.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on August 29, 2020, 01:15:02 am
I've been curious to ask but I wasn't sure if there was a simple way to set up specific matches for each character's arcade mode, I know that you can make it so it pools characters of a certain order so it can only pick from something like order=1,2, etc. Or the specific rival match where you can do something like 1={kfm[, 2={suavedude}. I just wanted to make it so that in arcade mode it only allows certain characters for specific encounters in groups, so someone like Ryu can only fight Ken/Kyo/Wolverine on a specific round. I don't necessarily want to make teams as someone mentioned on the previous page, I just wanted it so it narrows down each fight to only like 2-3 people possible per stage and then randomly select 1 of those few I add.

I was trying to see if adding multiple rivals with the same number ex. 1={ Ken},1={ Kyo},1={ KFM} but that just prioritizes whoever is further to the right with the value it seems.

rivals param will be removed in the next major version. This system will be used instead:
It allows to implement stuff you've requested (and what RagingRowen requested here (, and pretty much whatever you can think of).

OK this is a potentially game breaking idea or a major game changing idea. Has anyone played a coop tag arcade mode and went up against a team of 4 Ai characters well wouldn't it be nice that player 1 has characters 1 and 3 and player 2 has 2 and 4  and they could tag out between those characters I feel it'd add a more of strategic approach to certain modes especially if Boss Rush comes back.
not sure if I understand. If you mean 2 human players using tag or simul mode against cpu than that's already implemented (team coop). Mode in which 2 players use tag against each other also already exists (team versus). If you mean more than 2 human players fighting each other in tag or simul than that will be available in next major release (versus coop mode)

edit: also Boss Rush doesn't have to come back, it never went anywhere. See select.def boss character param description.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: President Devon on August 29, 2020, 02:25:31 am
Hi. I would like to be able to specify where the cursor goes after selecting a character in any of the team modes, would this be easy to implement?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 29, 2020, 04:55:09 am
Hi. I would like to be able to specify where the cursor goes after selecting a character in any of the team modes, would this be easy to implement?

So that it gives different char options for different team positions?
In other words limit what chars can be selected at one pos?
Currently is not posible.

But it could be useful for assist only chars.
Like Dengeki Bunko.
Or Card Saga Wars.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: President Devon on August 29, 2020, 06:46:11 am
You could probably do that yes. But I just wanna do something like this:
After you select Jotaro
Your cursor goes back to 0,0 for the next selection.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: XANDERAC on August 29, 2020, 07:39:27 am
rivals param will be removed in the next major version. This system will be used instead:
It allows to implement stuff you've requested (and what RagingRowen requested here (, and pretty much whatever you can think of).

Ah alright thank you for clarifying!

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on August 29, 2020, 06:27:19 pm
The GLSL requirement did not increase.
It has always been version 1.5.
I fell like something is wrong with your drivers.

Still, I made so you can select the GLSL version 1.3 adding this:
"FontShaderVer": "130 core",
To the config file.

Thank you for helping.

Sorry that I got pissy in my last post. This has just been very frustrating for me. I like this engine and I want to keep using it.

Ok. So, I think you are right about the driver. This is really weird.

I tried IKEMEN GO on my Laptop which is a newer Intel Chip and it works just fine now. But, it is still giving the error message on my Desktop even when I switch to the GLSL 1.3 like you told me to. It's odd that the old version from May 18Th 2020 works on my Desktop and the new version doesn't. The engine broke on my Desktop on July 13Th of 2020; right around when the Pause Menu was implemented.

I will close the bug report as this does seem centered around my Desktop's chip and or driver and changes made between May 18Th 2020 and July 13Th 2020.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 07, 2020, 10:11:10 am
I've been curious to ask but I wasn't sure if there was a simple way to set up specific matches for each character's arcade mode, I know that you can make it so it pools characters of a certain order so it can only pick from something like order=1,2, etc. Or the specific rival match where you can do something like 1={kfm[, 2={suavedude}. I just wanted to make it so that in arcade mode it only allows certain characters for specific encounters in groups, so someone like Ryu can only fight Ken/Kyo/Wolverine on a specific round. I don't necessarily want to make teams as someone mentioned on the previous page, I just wanted it so it narrows down each fight to only like 2-3 people possible per stage and then randomly select 1 of those few I add.

I was trying to see if adding multiple rivals with the same number ex. 1={ Ken},1={ Kyo},1={ KFM} but that just prioritizes whoever is further to the right with the value it seems.

rivals param will be removed in the next major version. This system will be used instead:
It allows to implement stuff you've requested (and what RagingRowen requested here (, and pretty much whatever you can think of).

OK this is a potentially game breaking idea or a major game changing idea. Has anyone played a coop tag arcade mode and went up against a team of 4 Ai characters well wouldn't it be nice that player 1 has characters 1 and 3 and player 2 has 2 and 4  and they could tag out between those characters I feel it'd add a more of strategic approach to certain modes especially if Boss Rush comes back.
not sure if I understand. If you mean 2 human players using tag or simul mode against cpu than that's already implemented (team coop). Mode in which 2 players use tag against each other also already exists (team versus). If you mean more than 2 human players fighting each other in tag or simul than that will be available in next major release (versus coop mode)

edit: also Boss Rush doesn't have to come back, it never went anywhere. See select.def boss character param description.

Ok I meant  Human Player 1 and human player 1 second option, human player 2 and human player 2 second option versus 4 cpu characters.
({1,1}, {2,2} vs. {Cpu,Cpu}, {Cpu,Cpu}) also can I get a select example of how to implement a boss character in my ikemen there is no boss rush mode will it appear when I set a character to boss or will I have to code it back in.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Krosx on September 07, 2020, 09:30:51 pm
Can portraits be swapped in tag mode?

I mean, I know that the portraits are relocated when the tag is produced, but assuming that the portrait of the character that is battling is 9000.5 and that of the inactive character is 9000.4, can these exchange number when the tag is produced?

The idea would be that when changing, the portrait of the incoming character becomes the main portrait, going from 9000.4 (Inactive Potrait) to 9000.5 (Main Portrait) instead of just repositioning itself.
Is that possible?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 09, 2020, 05:04:47 am
are you looking at the possibility of a waiting state as far as the picture and an active state when the character is active?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on September 09, 2020, 07:37:03 am
are you looking at the possibility of a waiting state as far as the picture and an active state when the character is active?
Fauxcry, once again I don't understand what you're suggesting. And the clarification for the first request made it even more confusing to me.

Can portraits be swapped in tag mode?
no. They are automatically swapped in tag (only if the tag code uses TagIn/TagOut sctrls), but there is no way to assign different sprite numbers for active and standby characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: O Ilusionista on September 09, 2020, 02:57:14 pm
Hello guys. Recently I've read more about IKEMEN and I liked it.
I took a read at your wip post and I have a doubt about this:

custom Arcade Paths (for e.g. with rival matches, Simul battles mixed alongside Single, hidden bosses, branching paths etc.)
Story Mode Arcs (selectable from main menu as part of Story Mode, e.g. cinematic stories where author decides exactly who the player fights as in each match, against who, with multiple storyboards displayed along the way)

Is there any plan to support custom number of rounds per fight?
For example, I want to include a bonus game between normal fights of 2 rounds, but I want to make that bonus game a 1 round only (think about SF2 car bonus).

Is that possible?
It would be good if there could be a header command in the character .def which tells the engine how many rounds the character needs to lose to be a match over.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on September 09, 2020, 03:28:30 pm
Is that possible?
yes. Read the "rounds" parameter description in select.def
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SLZero on September 10, 2020, 12:30:14 am
There is a folder named mods in the external folder.
What is it for?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on September 10, 2020, 06:56:13 pm
You could probably do that yes. But I just wanna do something like this:
After you select Jotaro
Your cursor goes back to 0,0 for the next selection.
while this is not possible without editing lua files (and I honestly don't see what's the point in this, are there even commercial games that works like this?) the next major build will have a new toggle in options titled "Team duplicates", which if disabled, prevents selecting the same character more than once to the same team and automatically moves cursor to the next available position (already selected slots are jump over by cursor)

There is a folder named mods in the external folder.
What is it for?
It's a default directory for upcoming feature that will allow to load external Lua modules (scripts). Not used for anything yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 11, 2020, 02:50:11 am
Ok first post: Say you want to play co-op arcade or co-op survival with the tag feature except you can actually pick 4 characters between the two people playing. Player 1 has Ryu and Chun Li. Player 2 has Goku and Terry Bogard. Player 1 can Tag between Ryu and Chun Li via tag and Player 2 can do the same with Goku and Terry Bogard. The CPU Characters will have the same tag ability.

---[side note: if anybody remembers street fighter alpha 3 dramatic battle with this feature there will definitely be alot of those where your skill with the character will make a difference so is raises the strategic fun in matching up the right characters and the randomness of the cpu characters team cohesion. I don't know if its a rumor or not and haven't went through this thread in it's entirety to find out but if there is going to be an option in the coming future with a 4 player as in 4 xbox remotes one ikemen this tag feature would be a nice addition to whats already there.]

Second post: I was asking if K4thos was asking if when you swap between characters if there is a different sprite used for the their portrait by the lifebar.
Example: When they are active the sprite is a grimace or an excited expression and when they are on standby they have an annoyed or worried look.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on September 11, 2020, 03:09:06 am
Ok first post: Say you want to play co-op arcade or co-op survival with the tag feature except you can actually pick 4 characters between the two people playing. Player 1 has Ryu and Chun Li. Player 2 has Goku and Terry Bogard. Player 1 can !Tag! between Ryu and Chun Li via tag and Player 2 can do the same with Goku and Terry Bogard. The CPU Characters will have the same tag ability.
I don't think it's a good idea. 2 tag teams controllable by different players, within a single team? Seems weird. Is there a game that works like this?

---[side note: if anybody remembers street fighter alpha 3 dramatic battle with this feature there will definitely be alot of those where your skill with the character will make a difference so is raises the strategic fun in matching up the right characters and the randomness of the cpu characters team cohesion. I don't know if its a rumor or not and haven't went through this thread in it's entirety to find out but if there is going to be an option in the coming future with a 4 player as in 4 xbox remotes one ikemen this tag feature would be a nice addition to whats already there.]
SFA3 dramatic battle is pretty much normal mugen simul mode. Arcade co-op mode already works like that for 2 human players. And next version will allow to have more than 2 human players in a simul/tag coop team (each controllable by separate local player, not the way you've suggested)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 12, 2020, 05:32:16 am
When you asked what game works like this. I think EXACTLY if anything it would be a good mod for IKEMEN or a new mission mode called Gauntlet mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LuizFilipeRN on September 15, 2020, 06:28:51 pm
interesting, so is this more than 2 human players stuff going to also be a thing on the network mode? i mean like well the lag might be horrible but y'know it could be still something
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on September 15, 2020, 09:51:38 pm
interesting, so is this more than 2 human players stuff going to also be a thing on the network mode?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LuizFilipeRN on September 16, 2020, 12:12:12 am
that's unfortunate

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on September 16, 2020, 08:44:14 pm
Currently the netcode is not made to support more than 2 players.
The netcode sends inputs.
And the input code is going to underwent heavy rework because the current implementation does not work as well as it could.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 17, 2020, 09:03:35 pm
But for local play granted you have the available attendants or for 2 people versus 4 Cpu combatants this could be a groundbreaking thing that sets ikemen apart in many ways from every game that has been created thus far. Sure it would be an ambitious project that may seem too broad to most but I would see it as an opportunity to make another class of fighting games think about how things have been rehashed for the past however many years surely there are bells and whistles and the graphics bump buy few bring something new and original. Even if the net code can't support this if in the future it can it wouldn't be that long of a wait because the pre-existing code would already be available for this mode.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Krosx on September 19, 2020, 05:43:12 am
Hey guys, I have some questions:

1. In the Select Screen, we know that when selecting the option of more than one player, the names of these are displayed below the portrait (by default), but when choosing one and then the other, they are relocated in their place according to the option established in the SPACING, what I ask is, can the SPACING option be omitted and that the name of the character be always displayed with the same text? The idea would be to avoid that if we choose a battle of 4 characters, that 4 separate names do not appear on the screen.

2. Is there a tutorial on how to create the CONTINUE screen, I have tried it but it doesn't work well for me?

3. Characters compressed in ZIP can be used in the future?

4. I know it is possible to use multiple portraits in SELECET and VERSUS, but is it possible that they use a different SPRITE, I mean, something like p1.c2.face.spr and specify that it use a different one than the main one?

5. IKEMEN does not recognize the accented letters of the TRUETYPE Fonts (Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, etc)?

I hope I explained well...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dakidbanks on September 26, 2020, 09:39:48 am
Isn't that eve, winmugen?

You seem to be using the same old version if...
Well dee2ever,go is now have a mp3 support
If he compiled the newest exe, you are still using the old one with the same problems. You've been able to use 1.0 screen packs since vanilla Ikemen, same goes for plus.

I assume, you mean port as in drag/drop. It's not hard especially with
if you refuse to do any work then nope. Local Cord isn't supported so any SP with one will crash in GO.

The exe is custom fork (Of ikemen go not plus) of mine. (The main difrence with the other is fntv2 support and bugfixes)
And the reason because some screenpack crashes is not localcoord (You could open the new mugen 1.1 pack but it will not display properly as show on the post above) it's the lack of support of mugen quirky way of handling them.

Ikemen go support chracters up to 1.1
The screenpack/lifebar support is were it lacks.

Sadly for now i'm not working on implementing support for these screenpacks without edit.
First I have to implement local coord support and fix the mp3 loading.
I know this is an old post but I’m replying because I’m trying to get into Ikemen and this is the only thing stopping me.... the lack of screen pack options. I want to use Legacy but it hasn’t been ported. Id use the WarZone screenpack conversion but it only has 120 slots unless someone can show me to extend it to like 4-500
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on September 27, 2020, 12:04:11 am
Gacel said:
Sadly for now i'm not working on implementing support for these screenpacks without edit.
First I have to implement localcoord support and fix the mp3 loading.
I have finished localcoord support and fix the mp3 loading time ago.
I'm also working on implementing support for these screenpacks without edit.
So if you find some screenpack that does not work inform me.

To make Legacy work on IKEMEN GO follow these steps.

Step 1
Download Ikemen GO from here:
And extract it on a new folder.

Then open the engine once so it creates a save file.

Step 2
Open the config.json file inside the save folder and edit the values so you will have these:
	"GameWidth": 1280,
"GameHeight": 720,

Step 3
Download MUGEN Legacy and extract it over the Ikemen GO folder replacing the files.

Step 4 (Optional, recommended for low end machines)
Open system.def and remove this line:
logo.storyboard = INTRO.def ;Logo storyboard definition (optional)
It does remove the intro but it reduces RAM usage a lot.

Step 5
And now just open Ikemen GO and you will have Mugen Legacy working.

If you have problems with the setup just let me know and I'll do my best to help.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on October 03, 2020, 08:43:13 pm
So any news on the next update?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on October 04, 2020, 08:52:56 pm
So any news on the next update?

ikemen discord in dev section
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Mugen3Anthony on October 14, 2020, 02:02:46 pm
where is ikemen discord?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Amidweiz on October 14, 2020, 05:36:33 pm
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Mugen3Anthony on October 14, 2020, 05:59:43 pm

Thank you, my mugen friend. (brofist)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AlesRos on November 11, 2020, 12:00:50 am
Hey guys
I have 2 questions

1. What happened with animated portraits (group 0, char idle) ? Has this option been removed?

2. Will tournament mode be implemented?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on November 11, 2020, 04:54:59 am
you should join ikemen discord link above, then go to dev section
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on November 11, 2020, 07:00:37 pm
Animated portraits are ready for the next release.
We just need to get the next release ready and without any regression.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on November 12, 2020, 05:31:22 pm
Animated portraits are ready for the next release.
We just need to get the next release ready and without any regression.

This is very good! Can we add offset, blend, scale and angle on them? It's possible with select, versus and winner portraits? And the final question, can we add various portraits in the same screen with different times? Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on November 22, 2020, 01:56:50 am
So I just got the haptic Dualsense for my PC because Fv@& sony and their cash cow schemes ( I really like sony though it just breaks my heart how bad they're out for our wallets this go around the remote doesn't even come with a cord to connect "Sold Separately!") Besides this long drawn out start to the IKEMEN question will haptic feedback be optional in the coming futrure?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on November 22, 2020, 05:29:38 pm

This is very good! Can we add offset, blend, scale and angle on them?
animation is declared via air file, so whatever is possible in air format should work:

It's possible with select, versus and winner portraits?

And the final question, can we add various portraits in the same screen with different times? Thank you very much!
I'm not sure what you meant here but the answer most likely is whatever air format allows you to do.

will haptic feedback be optional in the coming futrure?
I'm not familiar with this technology (I assume it's not the same thing as rumble) but controller features depends on what's implemented in glfw ( For example we won't add ForceFeedback  ( until glfw guys finish implementing it ( there. Once they support ps5 pad features we can think about it (although I wouldn't hold my breath considering how long it takes them to implement basic rumble support)

2. Will tournament mode be implemented?
yes, no idea when tho
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on November 23, 2020, 02:07:13 pm
Thanks for the response, this is perfect! I wanna start to code my screenpack with ikemen go in the next update.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dakidbanks on November 24, 2020, 06:29:51 am
We need a section that has links to compatible screen packs.

I’m trying to make the move from 1.1 to Ikemen Go but I’m having trouble finding all options for what screenpacks exist for it... still don’t quite understand everything. Or can I use my regular Mugen screen packs? I’m trying to use Noz Warzone or Legacy. I saw a Warzone conversion but I saw it’s for an older Ikemen or will it work for Go too?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: krudelu on November 24, 2020, 06:34:44 am
Just reposting this from discord as a suggestion in terms of which feature that could be added for IKEMEN GO

For suggested features, I think there should be the option of either making power meter have to fill up entirely to gain a level (like in kof. What I meant by this is you need to get 1000 of the power to fill up the bar to gain a level) or it only allows getting a level of meter when reaching specific fraction of the bar (like if the character has a maximum power of 3000, to get 1000 the bar has to fill up to 1/3 of of it). With this, we won't need to make an exclusive power meter code for each character if what we want to see in the power meter is the former.

It'll be a nice feature to add if it's possible
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 03, 2020, 06:24:33 am
We need a section that has links to compatible screen packs.

I’m trying to make the move from 1.1 to Ikemen Go but I’m having trouble finding all options for what screenpacks exist for it... still don’t quite understand everything. Or can I use my regular Mugen screen packs? I’m trying to use Noz Warzone or Legacy. I saw a Warzone conversion but I saw it’s for an older Ikemen or will it work for Go too?

You can use your old Mugen screenpacks, a lot has been worked for retro compatibility, still don't expect 100/100.
The only thing is you'll need to add the new features to the system.def and the fight.def.
In this parent thread, I see some screenpacks compatible with Ikemen Go.

Btw It is kinda sad to see this thread lacking updates.
Discord server is hot right now with the test of many new features, including dialogues, story paths, LUA modules, but everything is in beta right now. So if you want to test the new features, visit this link and download the latest test build.

I recommend you to keep your custom "Mugen" in the latest stable release and use this build just if you want to test and help devs in reporting bugs.

I don't like Discord, a closed environment where everything get lost, forums are way better IMO.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 03, 2020, 06:51:30 am
These are the new sctrls and triggers introduced in  0.96 test build.
To create dialogues, comes with SNK vs Capcom Chaos default setting.
Arcade paths are a new LUA module that allows you to create custom story mode.
Attract is for those who want to convert their Ikemen Go game or build to an arcade game with coins and everything, third world arcade owners are very happy, now they can have their KOF/MARVEL/DRAGONBALL games with fullscreen movements to take money from kids. XD
Yeah, score screen, show the best scores in Arcade mode.

A trigger that detects if the players are in the middle of a dialogue.

Introduced in 0.95 but just in the case you missed it.
Shows command list in the pause menu.

Lifebar action
Now you can sincronize sprites,anims, and sounds with lifebar data, like time, power, life, etc.

2vs2 or 4vs CPU.
Ikemen GO now supports up to 4 players, you can configure controls or sticks on the options menu or the Pause menu.
Or a keyboard, 4 players in a keyboard!!!

More info here
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on December 05, 2020, 09:30:56 pm
I have a feature idea if it's not already something that exists. A lot of my stages do not come with background music. Is there / it would be cool if there was a way to add a list of music that will play from the sound folder if the stage I'm playing doesn't have background music. Sort of a 'generic no background music music list.'

So, if there is background music assigned, play that music. If not, play random audio track from list of generic no background music track. Maybe add that list to select.def under stages.

Thank you.

Also, been playing around with the tests releases. That link should be on the main page somewhere; I can't find it and didn't even know that existed until you posted it orochi_kyo. Also, I too think forum should be used instead of Discord.

The new test releases are amazing! They are far better than what is in stable and I've been waiting months for an update and had no idea there was a testing page.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 06, 2020, 05:14:39 pm

Also, been playing around with the tests releases. That link should be on the main page somewhere; I can't find it and didn't even know that existed until you posted it orochi_kyo. Also, I too think forum should be used instead of Discord.

It is because there were so many new features that hasn't been tested. I guess they didn't want to give the impression that it was a stable release, it was quite bugged but they ironed most of the things by the time I posted the link here. I guess once a stable release is done the main page will get updated.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Reginukem on December 08, 2020, 04:15:52 am
Just now had time to test It. Can anyone Tell me if is possible implement the loser portrait at Winner screen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on December 08, 2020, 06:42:38 am
So Ikemen GO 0.96 "Hey it contains animated portraits." edition is online. (Well, it will be online on 20 minutes..)

Here is a changelog:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

As with any release it can contain regresions, if you guys find any please inform us and we will get them fixed.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dura7ll3ur on December 08, 2020, 08:48:05 am
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 08, 2020, 10:09:48 pm
Thank you for this new release, I'm going to try with the animated portraits!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on December 09, 2020, 09:20:52 am
With Ikemen 0.96.0 I'm trying to put the rows scrolling back in and it's not happening was that select.lua mod the key because I've tried adding that back in and I'm getting an error message.
here is my log read out.
external/script/main.lua:3942: .\external\mods\select.lua line:1(column:1) near 'ï':   Invalid token

stack traceback:
   [G]: in function (anonymous)
   [G]: in function 'require'
   external/script/main.lua:3942: in main chunk
   [G]: ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on December 09, 2020, 10:38:08 am
Rows scrolling was removed from newer versions.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on December 09, 2020, 10:40:36 am
will it be coming back? that and double select were great features that I started building a screen pack for. Does anyone have a video made for how to string together a story to unlock a character. I am having problems finding out where to up the Lua code.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on December 11, 2020, 02:16:13 am
I have a question how do we implement ground water splashing on stages in regular ikemen without the add00 common?
well another question since no one has yet to post will there be a musiclose since there is a musicvictory would love to add some music to losing a bonus game or add a theme to losing a boss/rival battle?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 11, 2020, 11:27:14 am
Finally I have the good way to animate image portraits, it's using character .air file but, it's possible to use 2 different portraits at same time? I need to include an animation for the portrait and another for the name because I think I only can use fonts for the names and it's impossible animate it. Thank you!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: RagingRowen on December 12, 2020, 12:39:07 am
Thanks for the beloved effort, but two things...

1. fightfx needs a note saying it won't scale until y'all make it work.
2. Notes in the stage .defs with new features like the Characters and Data got.

I like the new HUD stuff aswell, but I think there should be a default lifebar dedicated to their look.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Reginukem on December 12, 2020, 02:44:20 am
I wonder if the partners waiting their turn in stage like the old KOFs can be done.

I dreamed with this select screen for so many years... The people behind Ikemen Go are really Santas. Thank you so much!


Almost forgot, it seems that individual resizes in cns don't show in select screen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 12, 2020, 01:36:05 pm
I start to convert the screenpack and I can work the animated portraits on versus and winner screen. This is really amazing!!!
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 14, 2020, 08:16:33 pm
And finally I convert my Blazblue screenpack to Ikemen Go. I really like the engine, works perfect with all the animations and lots of .png images. I use the animated portraits for select screen and works good too. The tittle screen it's much better than in mugen because the submenus. Now I start to work with the continuebg and it seems that works good. I really want to finish it to start playing, what a thrill!

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 15, 2020, 06:54:31 pm
I wanna play with a lifebar made with Add004 but it's not showed... I remember that I see a video tutorial in this site to can made it. Somebody knows where is this video? If not, can someone help me to made it work? I see that there are a common1.cns.zss in the data folder that it's th same like the common1.cns that you edit for create the lifebars but if I delete the ikemen file then you can see the lifebars but too much big. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 15, 2020, 07:05:59 pm
And finally I convert my Blazblue screenpack to Ikemen Go. I really like the engine, works perfect with all the animations and lots of .png images. I use the animated portraits for select screen and works good too. The tittle screen it's much better than in mugen because the submenus. Now I start to work with the continuebg and it seems that works good. I really want to finish it to start playing, what a thrill!

Pretty cool!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: HUNGRY WOLF on December 15, 2020, 08:08:44 pm
And finally I convert my Blazblue screenpack to Ikemen Go. I really like the engine, works perfect with all the animations and lots of .png images. I use the animated portraits for select screen and works good too. The tittle screen it's much better than in mugen because the submenus. Now I start to work with the continuebg and it seems that works good. I really want to finish it to start playing, what a thrill!


Am I seeing this right are you able to scroll the menu from Left to Right now? or is it still up & down like Mugen?
I've missed a lot sorry, but seeing the above images makes me exited to get back into it.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xcheatdeath on December 15, 2020, 10:04:49 pm
you can use left & right, correct
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 15, 2020, 11:22:51 pm
You can use in all four directions. I'm very surprised with all the new things that Ikemen Go have. If you have knowledge of code ( not my case ) there are lots of things to do. I'm working with new animations ( I really like it ) and I'm working now with the Continue screen, but there are lots of new bg.def too. The only thing that I'm waiting it's bg.def for lifebars.  I think it's time to say goodbye to mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Slayer. on December 16, 2020, 12:46:03 am
I wanna play with a lifebar made with Add004 but it's not showed... I remember that I see a video tutorial in this site to can made it. Somebody knows where is this video? If not, can someone help me to made it work? I see that there are a common1.cns.zss in the data folder that it's th same like the common1.cns that you edit for create the lifebars but if I delete the ikemen file then you can see the lifebars but too much big. Thank you very much.
As a friendly advice, it would be better if you stopped using ADD004, most of its features are already possible by default in IKEMEN GO, and you wouldn't have to worry about compatibility, which can be a problem since Shiyo hasn't updated his add-on for a while and IKEGO is constantly being worked on.
Anyway, I'm not sure if there is a tutorial video about add004 for IKEMEN, so I suppose you have to try to follow the steps from Shiyo's read-me.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 16, 2020, 10:04:52 am
I wanna play with a lifebar made with Add004 but it's not showed... I remember that I see a video tutorial in this site to can made it. Somebody knows where is this video? If not, can someone help me to made it work? I see that there are a common1.cns.zss in the data folder that it's th same like the common1.cns that you edit for create the lifebars but if I delete the ikemen file then you can see the lifebars but too much big. Thank you very much.
As a friendly advice, it would be better if you stopped using ADD004, most of its features are already possible by default in IKEMEN GO, and you wouldn't have to worry about compatibility, which can be a problem since Shiyo hasn't updated his add-on for a while and IKEGO is constantly being worked on.
Anyway, I'm not sure if there is a tutorial video about add004 for IKEMEN, so I suppose you have to try to follow the steps from Shiyo's read-me.

Believe that is the thing that I wanna do and I see that lots of things that have Add004 are implemented in this new beta release in the actual state of Ikemen Go I can't create multi-layer animations for rounds, fight, ko, etc. For this reason I need to install my Add004 lifebar. I know the steps but for some reason the common1.cns it's not showed, for this reason I asked. I wanna start to test chars and more things, for this reason can someone help me? I have tried for hours to be able to do it but since this the forum no? Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: BurningSoul on December 16, 2020, 11:02:26 am
the new add004 uses zss language,and old common1.cns versions do not work properly on ikemen so you might have to learn how zss language works if you wanna edit the lifebar.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on December 16, 2020, 05:35:01 pm
the new add004 uses zss language,and old common1.cns versions do not work properly on ikemen so you might have to learn how zss language works if you wanna edit the lifebar.

Thank you very much for the info. I think I wait since Ikemen Go have the bg.def added.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Noside on December 16, 2020, 06:34:40 pm
I wonder if the partners waiting their turn in stage like the old KOFs can be done.

I dreamed with this select screen for so many years... The people behind Ikemen Go are really Santas. Thank you so much!


Almost forgot, it seems that individual resizes in cns don't show in select screen.
Woah! is this an actual fullgame? looks sick!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on December 22, 2020, 06:42:52 am
So here we go again.

Would It be a capable with ikemen's scope of coding to have the option to have a party system of a sorts. If you were to do survival would it be possible to have character after beating them to have a scene like a continue screen but with you or them asking to join your cause and if you are doing a tag or turns survival they'd join you. the next fight they'd have half health and they'd work from there. this is granted you were doing solo survival and not co-op.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Reginukem on December 23, 2020, 08:28:19 pm
Reginukem said, 11 days ago

    I wonder if the partners waiting their turn in stage like the old KOFs can be done.

    I dreamed with this select screen for so many years... The people behind Ikemen Go are really Santas. Thank you so much!

    Almost forgot, it seems that individual resizes in cns don't show in select screen.

Woah! is this an actual fullgame? looks sick!

Just my personal KOF Mugen Noside. Polishing for years and still not done, but closer now!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: krudelu on December 25, 2020, 04:34:25 am
Not sure if it'll be fine to post a bug report here as well since the bug report thread seem to be inactive for a very long time so I might as well post here as well just in case.

In IKEMEN v0.96, turns recovery works offline but it doesn't work online. here's a vid of it:

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on December 26, 2020, 05:41:08 am

Believe that is the thing that I wanna do and I see that lots of things that have Add004 are implemented in this new beta release in the actual state of Ikemen Go I can't create multi-layer animations for rounds, fight, ko, etc. For this reason I need to install my Add004 lifebar. I know the steps but for some reason the common1.cns it's not showed, for this reason I asked. I wanna start to test chars and more things, for this reason can someone help me? I have tried for hours to be able to do it but since this the forum no? Thank you very much!

Use attachedchar, you can attach a char to your stages and use it for lifebars. Much better than messing with Add004 and its common1.cns.zss

I have done attachedchar lifebars before but I dropped it cause I'm not interested in tag anymore.

So here we go again.

Would It be a capable with ikemen's scope of coding to have the option to have a party system of a sorts. If you were to do survival would it be possible to have character after beating them to have a scene like a continue screen but with you or them asking to join your cause and if you are doing a tag or turns survival they'd join you. the next fight they'd have half health and they'd work from there. this is granted you were doing solo survival and not co-op.

Check the wiki and go to arcadepaths, you can launch custom fight scenarios with new launchfight function.

Since what you want is too custom do not expect this to be easily done on CNS, you need LUA.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on December 27, 2020, 06:44:55 pm
Hey quick question, has anyone here (besides me) tried to get IKEMEN GO running on a Raspberry Pi 4?  (Or any Raspberry Pi at all for that matter?)

I've been trying to get the game to compile and run on one for quite a while to no avail (you can read my escapades over on the RetroPie forums: (, and I've already mentioned it once in the Discord for IKEMEN GO, but wanted to re-ask here since I imagine this thread is where most people go for updates/info on IKEMEN GO-related stuff.  I know it's a rather niche-within-a-niche thing, but I'm curious (and mildly desperate) to see if anyone else has had any success.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AlesRos on January 01, 2021, 10:22:02 pm
1. What happened with animated portraits (group 0, char idle) ? Has this option been removed?


So Ikemen GO 0.96 "Hey it contains animated portraits." edition is online.


cursor.startcell option is not working
I'm not sure about P1, but P2 always start at 0,0

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orochi_kyo on January 02, 2021, 07:02:27 pm
Hey quick question, has anyone here (besides me) tried to get IKEMEN GO running on a Raspberry Pi 4?  (Or any Raspberry Pi at all for that matter?)

I've been trying to get the game to compile and run on one for quite a while to no avail (you can read my escapades over on the RetroPie forums: (, and I've already mentioned it once in the Discord for IKEMEN GO, but wanted to re-ask here since I imagine this thread is where most people go for updates/info on IKEMEN GO-related stuff.  I know it's a rather niche-within-a-niche thing, but I'm curious (and mildly desperate) to see if anyone else has had any success.

I guess it runs if you install Ubuntu. The engine is still not popular, so maybe you are the first one trying this. 
Better chances for someone who knows retropie, retroarch or lakka.

So far Android port is on hold because issues with the sound driver.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orion on January 03, 2021, 03:40:07 pm
Hello everyone,

I would like to leave my suggestions for Ikemen on Discord, but it's been a while and I can't send messages. As apparently people connected with the construction of Ikemen GO appear here, so I will leave my impressions.

First of all congratulations to everyone involved for creating a versatile and full-featured engine that far exceeds mugen 1.1. The possibility of improving infinitely over time, due to the open source issue, fascinates me. I can only say my congratulations.
However, I have some suggestions.
1 - The zoom is not yet identical to mugen 1.1. Realize that in longer stages with more elements than in Ikemen, some elements are not displayed. While this can be remedied by tinkering with boundlow in the stage's def file, it might be interesting if possible to revisit this issue.
2 - The super jump in some stages also differ in both engines. In Ikemen he is a minor for some reason.
3 - I realized that in characters with the remapal system (changing palettes in the middle of battle) in TAG mode, only the first player can change palettes. Could everyone be left with that option ?!
4 - In terms of sounds, Ikemen still can't play stage music in tracks in the extension as: (Lame) 22050Hz, 48 kbps, mono. Although this is quite optional, it would be nice to have more addons, as tracks in this extension normally weigh half the songs saved in relation to tracks with (Lame) 44100Hz, 96 kbps, stereo. Normally stage music outside that range is muted at Ikemen.

5 - do you think about emulating the system for Android ?! It would be interesting.

Well I think I wrote too much. They are just suggestions. Thanks to all involved for the excellent work and happy new year to all.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on January 05, 2021, 09:18:34 pm
So far Android port is on hold because issues with the sound driver.

Huh, didn't know that!  That probably explains all the errors I was getting with the "openal" repository when trying to compile Windblade's fork a few weeks ago on the Pi 4.  I guess I'll just shelve that project until the Android port improves?

While I'm here, I should also re-post something I shared in the IKEMEN Discord a few weeks back:  I wrote a little website generator utility thingy that can take a .cmd file and generate an IKEMEN movelist.dat from it.  It's pretty buggy at the moment and doesn't quite work with a good portion of existing characters yet, but I thought some of you might find it useful/neat:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on January 08, 2021, 06:42:21 pm
For Ubuntu you need to use

The reason is because some debian based distros (like Ubuntu) does use a non-compatible libary header for some reason.
This is only for compilation, the binaries work and compile the same no matter with what you build it.

The previous versions did only compile on Ubuntu.
Things like Ach, Manajaro and Fedora based distros had problems with it so to fix it I had to make changes to make it work in both cases.

In short, you just need to run a diferent build file for Ubuntu.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Adnan on January 09, 2021, 09:03:32 am
Wait,there are still issues with android about audio? I shared a game source code which uses openAL and has a android port.Here's the link .
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on January 10, 2021, 01:35:16 am
For Ubuntu you need to use

This did fix the openal issues during compiling, but it also just lead to a different error whenever attempting to start:
I'm assuming that this is what the Android audio issues are referring to?  (there's a mention of an "hajimehoshi/oto" repository for sound within the log, and checking that repo there's an regarding the Pi specifically: )
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: diablo2388 on January 12, 2021, 08:05:34 am
is there a  way to KeepAspect, StageFit like mugen 1.1?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: MALYSZ on January 12, 2021, 02:30:39 pm
How to download 0.96.1 if here i only found links to 0.96.0
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SLZero on January 12, 2021, 03:56:04 pm
0.96.1 is not available yet, they are still working on it. However you can build it from source and see what they have added currently.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: MALYSZ on January 12, 2021, 04:18:28 pm
0.96.1 is not available yet, they are still working on it. However you can build it from source and see what they have added currently.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AlesRos on January 12, 2021, 10:23:27 pm
It is a pity that they removed the double select screen option...
is there any specific reason? I really liked :(
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: airforce111 on January 13, 2021, 02:50:10 am
i literally dont think there was a reason lmao, because they ended up saying they will bring it back after that happened. im not sure when though since k4thos is taking a break now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Scribblymugen on January 18, 2021, 07:08:32 pm
Thanks To K4thos For The New IKEMEN Go!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Sh1nRa358 on February 06, 2021, 03:13:05 pm
Anyone know where to find a tutorial on converting 1.1 or winm screenpacks to ikemen go?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on February 14, 2021, 11:39:05 pm
Nice, Ikemen has gotten so much advanced now! Although I do want a different lifebar instead of the default one because the one I have probably needs to change it's settings to show Players 5-8 lifebars and I don't know how to do it. Oh well I'm already happy seeing Players 5-8 lifebars. Its been so long since I last touched it though so I hope my current game hasn't crashed lol.

Edit: Yay it still works!! although... my Blazblue Crosstag style Kirby made by OHMSBY doesn't work at all using Tag mode.... but yay! I will just have to do something about it. lol
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on February 25, 2021, 04:39:18 pm
Hello greetings, could someone tell me how I can change the scale the size of the image of the stage portrait
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: !E on February 25, 2021, 04:46:03 pm
Hello greetings, could someone tell me how I can change the scale the size of the image of the stage portrait

open system.def

look for:

;Stage portraits
;stage.portrait.anim =                      ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.spr = 9000,1                ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.offset = -120, -142         ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.scale = 1,1                 ;Ikemen feature
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on February 25, 2021, 05:58:19 pm
open system.def

look for:

;Stage portraits
;stage.portrait.anim =                      ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.spr = 9000,1                ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.offset = -120, -142         ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.scale = 1,1                 ;Ikemen feature

It is still bad, it is not possible to look at the entire stage, only a small painting comes out

( (

it's wrong ?

;Stage select
stage.pos = 160,237 = 3,0,0
stage.active2.font = 3,2  ;Second font color for blinking
stage.done.font = 3,0

;Stage portraits
;stage.portrait.anim =                      ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.spr = 9000,1                ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.offset = -120, -142         ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.scale = 1,1                 ;Ikemen feature
;stage.portrait.offset = -60,-66            ;Ikemen feature
;stage.portrait.scale = 0.5, 0.5            ;Ikemen feature = 110               ;Ikemen feature
; =                    ;Ikemen feature = -75, -71        ;Ikemen feature = 1.0, 1.0         ;Ikemen feature
;stage.portrait.random.anim =               ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.spr = 111, 0         ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.offset = -45, -65    ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.scale = 1.0, 1.0     ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.window = 115, 172, 205, 223 ;Ikemen feature
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: !E on February 25, 2021, 08:09:09 pm

It is still bad, it is not possible to look at the entire stage, only a small painting comes out

( (

this line of code : stage.portrait.scale = 1,1 << is resizing the existing image.

if you want to see the entire stage, you need to make your own image and save it into the stage .sff file, make sure its in group 9000 and index 1

example image below.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on February 25, 2021, 08:39:55 pm

It is still bad, it is not possible to look at the entire stage, only a small painting comes out

( (

this line of code : stage.portrait.scale = 1,1 << is resizing the existing image.

if you want to see the entire stage, you need to make your own image and save it into the stage .sff file, make sure its in group 9000 and index 1

example image below.


Nothing happens, the stage still comes out the same size

which command is wrong?

;Stage select
stage.pos = 600,579 = 3,0,0
stage.active2.font = 3,2  ;Second font color for blinking
stage.done.font = 3,0

;Stage portraits
;stage.portrait.anim =                      ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.spr = 9000,7                ;Ikemen feature
stage.scale = 0.55,0.55 = -75, -71        ;Ikemen feature
tage.portrait.scale = 1,1
; = 1.0, 1.0         ;Ikemen feature = 4,0,0
stage.active2.font = 4,0,0
stage.done.font = 4,0,0
stage.portrait.offset =  -351,-224 195,0; anim = 110               ;Ikemen feature = -510, -220        ;Ikemen feature
tage.portrait.scale = 1,1
; = 1.0, 1.0         ;Ikemen feature

stage.portrait.random.spr = 3502,0         ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.offset = -160, -223    ;Ikemen feature
tage.portrait.scale = 1,1
;stage.portrait.random.scale = 1.0, 1.0     ;Ikemen feature

I don't know if it is because my screenpack is localcoord = 1280,720
( (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xcheatdeath on February 25, 2021, 10:41:35 pm
it's because you messed up on the code yo

it says "tage.portrait.scale = 1,1" in every instance there
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on February 27, 2021, 05:22:02 am
then how is it?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on February 27, 2021, 05:30:10 am
then how is it?

You'll want to change it to this:
stage.portrait.scale = 1,1
Instead of this:
tage.portrait.scale = 1,1
Note the "s" at the beginning.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on February 27, 2021, 04:06:24 pm

How strange if I put the letter S to the stage, it doesn't know but if I leave it tage if you look at the stage
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Nolemociy on March 02, 2021, 08:19:57 pm
Hi everyone. Could anybody explain how to make proper character zooming with current version of Ikemen Go? With MUGEN I am using Zoom sctrl + some vars but here it leads to some problems with camera position. Hit boxes of character and his helpers (normal helpers) shifted randomly from original position and camera follows them instead of character while zoom sctrl active. I understand that probably Zoom sctrl still not fully supported but maybe someone have any solution regarding this topic.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on March 04, 2021, 12:43:53 am
Could someone tell me how to fix this error?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Smoker5 on March 04, 2021, 06:10:42 pm
Does anyone know how I can repair this error that the life bar is not seen I know that it is the char that gives this problem but I do not know what command to move to the char
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: avoryx on March 06, 2021, 06:48:00 am
I just started like a week ago, and I'm using 0.96.
I get a stutter frame pretty regularly.
I'm on a pretty beefy pc, so I'm not sure what's causing this.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: FrozenDelight on March 07, 2021, 06:23:57 pm
Hi, I'm new to Ikemen Go. I got it by downloading '' from AppVeyor but it is not working. Does anyone have any suggestions please? I'm using Windows 10 and Ikemen Go doesn't run at all, not even an error message, nothing happens when I run it. I tried Windows 8 compatibility mode but still didn't work. Thank you for your time.

EDIT - It's ok I fixed it. Some laptops use two graphics cards which are sort of active at the same time. Mine defaults to Intel HD Graphics 3000 for most software but I changed my Nvidia settings to run Ikemen Go so now it works.

Different topic - Are characters made for Ikemen Go just made the same ways they are for Mugen? Or are there differences? I can't find any documentation.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on March 11, 2021, 05:31:54 am
I have the fix for the OpenGL GLSL Shader bug.

I have the fix! At least a workaround.

So, the problem is that Ikemen Go is a "context-unaware application." Which, from my understanding, means that it's not programmed to actually check which version of OpenGL you're running.

As a result, either the program (or maybe the OS?) defaults to running a version below what the Ikemen Go engine actually needs.

This means that even though you have a graphic card that can run the program, the program doesn't check to see if that's true and just assumes you don't and then reports a false error message instead because it's trying to run the program as OpenGL 3.0 for "maximum compatibility." Which is ironic, because that breaks the program.

So, here is what you actually need to do. You need to open the program through a Terminal and add this string in front of the program to force the program to realize that your card can actually run it.

So, first, navigate your Terminal to the folder your Ikemen Go binary is stored in.

cd /home/username/Downloads/Ikemen_Go_Linux

Or, you know, wherever you have your program stored.

Then, run the fallowing command in Terminal.


For mac people, you'll have to edit this line to tell it to open the mac binary.

This will force the engine to open with OpenGL 4.3 instead of 3.0 and the engine will open without crashing and run perfectly fine. At least, that's what fixed it for me.

I was able to just use 4.3 like in the example to get it working. You might have to poke around with versions until you find something your card supports and Ikemen Go can run on.

I don't know programming, but what needs to be done now on the programming side of things is to tell the engine to actually check which version of OpenGL you have so that it can run. I don't know if there is a way to have it probe the OS and get that information or what. But, something about Ikemen Go doesn't bother to check, apparently.

This is where I sourced the solution from.


I have found a solution to this problem that works for me. Maybe it will work for you too.


If the problem is solved, store this
for the user in ~/.bashrc or system wide in /etc/profile
If saving changes is not sufficient, use rootcopy.
Check if being set with printenv"

I found it from here.

So, here is what I did. I did not do user, instead I did system.

I did sudo nano /etc/profile

Then, at the very bottom, I added the line "export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.3"

I did 4.3 instead of 4.5 because 4.3 is what was working for me in Konsole.

I then restarted my computer.

IKEMEN GO now launches when double clicked within its folder without having to open it from Terminal with "MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.3" in front of it every time because the whole system is now told to open programs in 4.3 as default instead of 3.0. Minetest also runs under 4.3 instead of 3.0 now. This is how I know it's for the whole system. IKEMEN GO now launches, where before it didn't. Minetest did launch, and still does. But, once in Minetest, the top of the window shows what version of Open GL it's running and now it says 4.3 instead of 3.0.

I don't know if this will work for mac computers. I don't know if this is caused by IKEMEN GO or the Operating System or the Driver.

I will say that this is an important issue to fix as it lets people run the program on GNYU + Linux Operating Systems and older hardware that is completely capable of running it.

My best guess, at this point, is that for whatever reason the modern OS or graphic driver doesn't really understand by default what these older Intel Chips are capable of graphically and so chooses to run under 3.0 for "maximum compatibility" even thought the chip is actually capable of far more.

So, again, the solution for me was simple. Simply add that line to /etc/profile at the bottom and reboot and the entire system now forces programs to open in Open GL 4.3 instead of the 3.0 default.

I don't know if anything can be done IKEMEN GO side to probe the system and correct this. But, considering it's an OS default that is getting in the way I don't have high hopes that there is anything that can be done. If I remember correctly, I think the Konsole itself would report 3.0 as the version by default because of the badly chosen default. So, even if IKEMEN GO did or does probe the OS, the OS is lying to it and telling it 3.0 when higher versions work just fine. So, maybe the only solution to this is to manually set a system level override like I did. Or, a user level one like I didn't try yet.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: amilcar on March 30, 2021, 04:37:02 am
How can I put screenpacks or lifebars on the ikemen go? or as it is recent there are not some?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on March 30, 2021, 07:53:27 am
How can I put screenpacks or lifebars on the ikemen go? or as it is recent there are not some?

you're better off going into the IKEMEN GO discord for help, but to change the screenpack and lifebar is pretty much the same as mugen, except IKEGO does not have mugen.cfg

to change the screenpack motif, you go to the "save" folder and edit "config.json"
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: amilcar on March 30, 2021, 10:26:58 pm
Thanks Extravagant

It worked for me, I could change the screenpack, but with the add004, the life bars are not seen, only the screenpack, will you have the link of the discord community that you told me about?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: level.3 on April 10, 2021, 07:51:44 am
Can I possible to change the language setting?
I want to use “覇王丸” for display names.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on April 11, 2021, 07:45:53 pm
Is there a way for the character to instead of jumping at the intro from out of screen into battle from like northwest of the corner, into left side like other characters? For example Blazblue Crosstag style Kirby made by OHMSBY, when he comes in using Tag, he comes from like way above out of screen and gets stuck up there instead of coming down. I'm thinking its because since his intro, he comes down from the air but I'm not really sure though. Just want to see if I can fix it or if there are any alternative ways to stop doing that haha. I'm thinking its from the character itself since every other characters doesn't do that for me but I have no idea which way to fix it.

It's fine if you can't fix it but just wanted to put it here if anyone can find a solution to this or not. If only I was good at editing stuff of Mugen characters but I have never made my own character or edit whatsoever.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xcheatdeath on April 11, 2021, 08:40:41 pm
it's because the character uses state 5600 which is what ikemen uses for tag. you'd have to edit their current 5600 to use something else
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Stick Hero on April 12, 2021, 06:49:25 pm
hi could you help me put screenpack in config.json i don't know how to change it i'm new

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on April 13, 2021, 01:46:28 am
it's because the character uses state 5600 which is what ikemen uses for tag. you'd have to edit their current 5600 to use something else

Hmm, I see. All right I will look into it later, like at the weekend or Friday. Thanks for the advice!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on April 14, 2021, 07:03:55 am
hi could you help me put screenpack in config.json i don't know how to change it i'm new

Open up config.json in a text editor and look for a line that says this:

"Motif": "data/system.def",

You'll want to change the path to point to the system.def of your screenpack.  As an example, if you have your screenpack stored in a folder called "my-cool-screenpack" inside the data folder, you'd change it to this:

"Motif": "data/my-cool-screenpack/system.def",

Depending on the screenpack you're trying to install, you might have to add an extra path, but as long as it can find the .def file at the given location you should be fine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Yuias on April 16, 2021, 11:25:59 pm
After changing 5600 state to a different number, it finally stopped flying out of screen. Thank you Tay!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Stick Hero on April 21, 2021, 07:40:21 am
and one last question how do i add 8 turns to my ikemen go?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on May 10, 2021, 05:26:06 pm
and one last question how do i add 8 turns to my ikemen go?

In the options menu you can configure the max amount of turns.

Can I possible to change the language setting?
I want to use “覇王丸” for display names.

You can.
But you need a TTF font that support Japanese characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on May 30, 2021, 03:46:17 am
Is tournament mode still in the cards?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on May 30, 2021, 06:04:52 am
Sometimes I just replacing the files to make my games run in Ikemen, but it always showed a black screen with error, and so i gave up to try.
i really don't know because i think Ikemen so hard to use.

Have ikemen problems with HD PNG or some kinda files?

are there some tutorials teaching how to make your games to be converted to ikemen in video?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on May 30, 2021, 09:46:02 am
Sometimes I just replacing the files to make my games run in Ikemen, but it always showed a black screen with error, and so i gave up to try.
i really don't know because i think Ikemen so hard to use.

Have ikemen problems with HD PNG or some kinda files?

are there some tutorials teaching how to make your games to be converted to ikemen in video?

It's very easy going from MUGEN to IKEMEN GO, I can help you directly. Do you have a discord? If you have discord, you can find me in discord and I can help you directly on how to do it. It's very simple.

and IKEMEN GO is so much better than MUGEN.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on May 30, 2021, 07:14:36 pm
I'm having an issue with some characters not performing well with tag is there a way that when someone chooses the tag option for that person that these characters cannot be optional?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 04, 2021, 11:49:17 am

I wanna remove the part stage: of the name of the stage.  Where should i go and what should i do? Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on June 04, 2021, 03:51:38 pm
There's a pretty nasty bug in IKEMEN v0.96.  If any character uses a Projectile state control that has a negative (upward) starting Y velocity, the projectile never appears.  Y velocities of 0 and positive (downward) velocities work just fine.  I've tested this pretty consistently across multiple characters of mine.

Could someone confirm if this is just me or if this is a legit bug?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on June 04, 2021, 11:48:25 pm
I wanna remove the part stage: of the name of the stage.  Where should i go and what should i do? Thank you very much!

You'll want to change these two lines in your system.def (or add them, if they're not present; they go in the [Select Info] definitions below params like

stage.text = "Stage %i: %s"
stage.random.text = "Stage: Random"

%i and %s represent a stage's number and name respectively.  I'm assuming you're just wanting the stage name by itself, so it would be changed to:

stage.text = "%s"
stage.random.text = "Random Stage"
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dragoon316 on June 05, 2021, 03:26:38 am
There's a pretty nasty bug in IKEMEN v0.96.  If any character uses a Projectile state control that has a negative (upward) starting Y velocity, the projectile never appears.  Y velocities of 0 and positive (downward) velocities work just fine.  I've tested this pretty consistently across multiple characters of mine.

Could someone confirm if this is just me or if this is a legit bug?

Try this:

projstagebound = 200
projedgebound = 200
projheightbound = -960, 8

Change the values if needed.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 05, 2021, 10:44:34 am
I wanna remove the part stage: of the name of the stage.  Where should i go and what should i do? Thank you very much!

You'll want to change these two lines in your system.def (or add them, if they're not present; they go in the [Select Info] definitions below params like

stage.text = "Stage %i: %s"
stage.random.text = "Stage: Random"

%i and %s represent a stage's number and name respectively.  I'm assuming you're just wanting the stage name by itself, so it would be changed to:

stage.text = "%s"
stage.random.text = "Random Stage"

Thank you very much for your help. I can solve the Random problem:

But now, in the name of the stage only appears the number of the stage, but not the name. I see in the .def of the stage and the name it's in the displayname part. This is the code that you give instead my system.def What I need to change for see the name of the stage? Thank you very much.

;Stage select
stage.pos = 639,397 = 6,0,0
stage.active2.font = 6,0,0  ;Second font color for blinking
stage.done.font = 6,0,0
stage.text = "%s"
stage.random.text = "Random"

;Stage portraits
;stage.portrait.anim =                      ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.spr = 9000,1                ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.offset = -288,-221         ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.scale = 1.0, 1.0          ;Ikemen feature
; = 910               ;Ikemen feature
; =                    ;Ikemen feature
; = -75, -71      ;Ikemen feature
; = 1.0, 1.0         ;Ikemen feature
;stage.portrait.random.anim =               ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.spr = 111,0          ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.offset = -159,-80  ;Ikemen feature
stage.portrait.random.scale = 1.0, 1.0     ;Ikemen feature
;stage.portrait.window = 521, 565, 761, 665 ;Ikemen feature
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on June 05, 2021, 11:21:05 am

stage.text = "%s"
stage.random.text = "Random"

Huh, that's really strange; the %s wildcard displays the stage name only on my end:
;Stage select
stage.pos = 7,237 = 3,3,1
stage.active2.font = 3,3,1
stage.done.font = 3,10,1

stage.text = "%s"
stage.random.text = "Stage: Random"


Maybe try using %i instead, and see if that affects anything?  Or perhaps it's the version of IKEMEN GO you're using (and maybe the wildcards were swapped around at some point)?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 05, 2021, 11:41:04 am
Oh! I see, this is the final result that I want. I'm using the 0.96 version, maybe it's an engine problem. I'm waiting to try in the next version. Thank you very much for your help.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on June 06, 2021, 03:00:31 am
There's a pretty nasty bug in IKEMEN v0.96.  If any character uses a Projectile state control that has a negative (upward) starting Y velocity, the projectile never appears.  Y velocities of 0 and positive (downward) velocities work just fine.  I've tested this pretty consistently across multiple characters of mine.

Could someone confirm if this is just me or if this is a legit bug?

OK, I'll check for it.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on June 06, 2021, 09:48:32 am
One simple thing because I can add the 2 layers in the same image but in the stage portraits there are 2 lines for add images, in first position it's and in second position the stage.portrait.spr with the images of the stages. My problem is that I need to put first the stage image and in second position the portraitbg. It's possible to do? If I do with the ikemen order the image it's wrong. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Zatoichi Flash! on June 11, 2021, 10:51:20 pm
Do you think you guys can change the AppVeyor link to the Github link under 'Installing'?

So that people can be pointed to the latest build if they come across this page
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: THE_LOST_HOPE on June 25, 2021, 08:56:57 am
( (

Well I was off for some time but this new version has more files, does anyone know what the other files are for, the file they tell me to use is "" and the others?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on June 25, 2021, 05:03:55 pm
The CoreOnly ZIP just contains the IKEMEN GO executables/scripts all on it's own, the non-CoreOnly ZIP has the default motif/content as well.  The latter two are just source code archives, and you shouldn't really need those unless you plan on compiling IKEMEN GO yourself.

Both ZIPs contain both a 32-bit and 64-bit version of IKEMEN GO anyways, so if you're upgrading an existing IKEMEN installation you'll want the CoreOnly ZIP.  Otherwise, get the non-CoreOnly ZIP.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on June 25, 2021, 11:09:35 pm
Ikemen has really evolved too much,

I think the only thing is missing for this engine is some files to explain how to config folders like chars,stages,sounds and screenpack as mugen.

Maybe some people think the engine a little bit hard to config because of being a new tool.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Flowrellik on June 26, 2021, 12:38:02 am
That could be true in a way. tbh I was hoping we could see the whole "Stagefit and systemfit" thing work out for ikemen as it did for mugen1.0 and 1.1, also a means of easy importing lifebars into ikemen go too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on June 27, 2021, 09:23:42 pm
I not found that at Issues... 0.97? Or what that version was?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: THE_LOST_HOPE on June 29, 2021, 07:49:09 am
Thanks for clarifying the doubt SuperFromND

EgyLynx The link of version 0.97 is in the first post.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orion on July 06, 2021, 10:39:22 pm
I would like to thank the Ikemen developers for another quality leap in version 0.97. Firstly, by unifying all the files in a single folder, giving the possibility to emulate linux and MacOS, without the need to download them in separate places. This will facilitate the spread of the engine among players who will not need to worry about downloading a game through Ikemen and worry about which system the game runs. With everything unified, things improve significantly.

I also congratulate the greater support in mp3 as in previous versions, many mono sounds at lower scales such as 22050Hz were not heard. Now, game developers can make sounds more compact, making the final product lighter.

Thanks and I know it must have cost hours analyzing, reviewing and adding code.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: akamaru on July 10, 2021, 04:22:53 pm
Nice to meet you.
I have a new suggestion.

I want the ability to change the lifebar range.x during a match.
I'm creating a Kirby Fighters 2 style lifebar, but I can't create multiple lifebar structures.

If I can change the range.x of the lifebar, I think I can create a multiple structure of the lifebar.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xx1182 on July 11, 2021, 03:44:21 pm
Hi, guys, i'm trying to play on a Chromebook. So far i managed to build it, but it gives me errors in which in not proficient enough to fix(i did try to change the version in ""FontShaderVer":" but nothing), here is also the GitHub Issue with the code.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Feddi09 on July 15, 2021, 09:26:53 pm
Anyway to disable the default menu? I want to use the "m" button to create my own pause menu.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on July 19, 2021, 12:33:25 am
I've run into another compatibility issue between MUGEN and Ikemen GO.  Since MUGEN doesn't have native support for stage finishers, I created a workaround using internal character code working in tandem with the stage (in this case: The Pit II by TayBear).  The relevant code in the stage.cfg file is as follows:
name     = "The Pit 2"
author = "Taybear"
mugenversion = 1.0

startx = 0
starty = 0
boundleft = -585
boundright = 585
boundhigh = -150
boundlow =  480
verticalfollow = 1
tension = 80
floortension = 90

p1startx = -80
p1starty = 0
p1startz = 0
p1facing = 1

p2startx = 80
p2starty = 0
p2startz = 0
p2facing = -1

leftbound  = -1000
rightbound =  1000
topbound  =  0
botbound   =  720

topz     = 0       
botz     = 50     
topscale = 1       
botscale = 1   

screenleft = 35
screenright = 35

zoffset        = 212
autoturn       = 1
resetBG        = 1

Note the boundlow of 480.  What's supposed to occur in the stage finisher is a character is uppercut, then they fly up and down past the bottom of the screen where the camera should proceed to scroll downwards a short distance before stopping.  Internal character code handles the rest of the finisher.

The issue I'm running into is the difference in how the stage appears:
Mugen 1.1(

When I perform the finisher despite the camera positioning in IKEMEN, it acts the same as it does in MUGEN.  I'm obviously going to have to change some configuration to fix the camera's Y positioning, but I'm not sure what it is.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on July 19, 2021, 01:02:32 pm
For now, it's maybe worth pointing that Taybear and I released a version of The Pit 2 that uses AttachedChar and integrates the fatality without any code char-wise.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Two-Tone Dearly on July 19, 2021, 02:09:33 pm
decided to bite the bullet and downloaded IKEMEN 0.97 . Just a question could I still use my screenpack for mugen? (using the Ready to Fight screenpack by Omega Psycho)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on July 19, 2021, 02:12:59 pm
It should work fine.

Remember that instead of a MUGEN.CFG you will have a CONFIG.JSON where you should refer to the motif you want to use.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dakidbanks on July 19, 2021, 02:59:23 pm
Some stages don’t appear right for some reason. It’s like the camera is positioning is totally off in Ikemen. How do I fix that
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on July 19, 2021, 03:10:22 pm
For now, it's maybe worth pointing that Taybear and I released a version of The Pit 2 that uses AttachedChar and integrates the fatality without any code char-wise.

Yes, I'm already aware of this.  I've utilized all of Taybear's legacy Mortal Kombat stages for my stage finishers.  I want my game to be compatible with both MUGEN and IKEMEN.  I would prefer not to have to go through the process of having to develop IKEMEN stage finishers for every stage which would also involve needing to rip the code out of every character in my game (I currently have 65 characters).
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 19, 2021, 06:38:45 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Ok, taken note of the bug. We will look into it.

We had been looking how Mugen does take into account stage fit and we are still searching how is exactly done.
So we had been messing with boundLow, I hope we did not break the stage with that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on July 19, 2021, 09:19:52 pm
Wanted to say I'm loving this progress of Ikemen GO will say pretty soon Mugen on the GO will be possible with the Steam Deck.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 19, 2021, 09:32:04 pm
Wanted to say I'm loving this progress of Ikemen GO will say pretty soon Mugen on the GO will be possible with the Steam Deck.

Yup, Steam Deck uses Arch Linux and Ikemen GO already is compatible with it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Two-Tone Dearly on July 20, 2021, 07:47:42 am
thought I'd test out the MK1 Pit stage with the stage fatality done by Lasombra. It seemed to trigger when I used POTS's Ryu but when I used MK1 Sub-Zero by RabbitGentleman and Pneophen the fatality wouldn't trigger. Dunno if it's a conflict or not.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on July 20, 2021, 08:48:45 pm
Certain characters will not truly knock out the enemy because they want to trigger their own "Finish Him" states.

The stage fatals I made require the enemy to actually be KOd.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Two-Tone Dearly on July 21, 2021, 12:27:08 am
ah dang, guessing that means I won't be able to use these with any MK characters and any characters with finishers.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dakidbanks on July 21, 2021, 04:55:01 am
I would appreciate if someone could give me the link of an ikemen with about 600  o 800 characters(only the screempack,no chars). (Please do not say the (The_Best_Ikemen_GO_fWin_x64). I have it and it has color and definition problems.

That's the screen pack I'm using (the 256 slot one)

I'm having issues with a few stages not sure if its Ikemen or the screen pack

Some stages, the camera is higher than the characters and you have to jump to see them

On another 1 (Capoeira Beach by LESSARD), the sprites are all messed up. If anyone can help me out, that'd be great
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: oscar123 on July 21, 2021, 07:41:25 am
I would appreciate if someone could give me the link of an ikemen with about 600  o 800 characters(only the screempack,no chars). (Please do not say the (The_Best_Ikemen_GO_fWin_x64). I have it and it has color and definition problems.

That's the screen pack I'm using (the 256 slot one)

I'm having issues with a few stages not sure if its Ikemen or the screen pack

Some stages, the camera is higher than the characters and you have to jump to see them

On another 1 (Capoeira Beach by LESSARD), the sprites are all messed up. If anyone can help me out, that'd be great

Your problem happens to everyone, that happens to me too, but only in this screempack (The_Best_Ikemen_GO_fWin_x64))(the color is worse and definition in characters and stages. I recommend you use another pole to fix that problem
put 2 mugen at the same time (one normal or ikemen, and the other the best ikemen) with the same character and stage and you will see the difference
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on July 21, 2021, 09:09:51 am
I started to study and learn how to use the features available in ikemen, I need a 3 against 3 in the tag team and score mode, ikemen is very attractive to stay behind and not use it.

thanks man for you amazing work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on July 22, 2021, 06:08:40 am
does ikemen go runs in 1280x720 in fullscreen without black borders?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: fraven23 on July 22, 2021, 11:36:31 am
Hello, i would like to ask a question. How can i make ikemen go to go straight to arcade simul mode when i press start on the menu. and how can i disable player 3 ai in it? where can i edit it?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on July 22, 2021, 04:37:22 pm
Thanks for clarifying the doubt SuperFromND
EgyLynx The link of version 0.97 is in the first post.
? What? I talking at   "Stagefit and systemfit" at Issues, not vrsion...
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on July 23, 2021, 04:04:01 am
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Ok, taken note of the bug. We will look into it.

We had been looking how Mugen does take into account stage fit and we are still searching how is exactly done.
So we had been messing with boundLow, I hope we did not break the stage with that.

I think this may be the case. I have a few stages that are broken. One I'm almost positive used to work in older Ikemen versions. But, the others are new so I don't know.

Would if help if I sent screen shots / stage names?

It's not every stage. I think I have about 2 or 3 that are busted. The problem, for me, is it keeps wanting to center the camera too high up for the stage.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on July 23, 2021, 04:13:43 am
Wanted to say I'm loving this progress of Ikemen GO will say pretty soon Mugen on the GO will be possible with the Steam Deck.

I thought about this myself. But, I have two concerns with it. One is a personal concern, the other is a practical one.

My personal concern is that I use Parabola. I like to use a fully Free Software OS. It's arch based, but AMD is weird sometimes. I heard their 'open source' driver is better now; but that it might require non-free firmware code to load it. Which, in effect, destroys the ability to run in a completely Free Software environment and rather much defeats the purpose. I have a modern AMD desktop and while the graphics will load, they run like crap compared to a Intel Integrated from like 8 years ago. I can only assume that firmware is to blame. But, I don't want to surrender and load the non-free firmware. Looking to sell that paperweight soon. This is why I would like more devices to use Intel. Intel has better Free Software support, usually.

My other concern is the steam deck controls don't really look that good for a fighting game. They bunched the directional pad and the actions buttons off to horrific ends of the controller to make room for their two track pads. I know they did this to try to allow for as much mouse simulation as possible to support as many PC games on the go as possible; but it's going to make playing games like 2D fighting games and 2D platformers a real pain in the butt.

I'd really almost have to have one in my hand to try to live-boot into a Free OS to see if it works well and to see if the controls work for 2D games without me having to contort my hands into horrible positions before I'd risk spending any of my money on it. I just don't trust the AMD chip and the controls well enough to part with about $400.00 to give it a test run. Can I return it and get my money back if it doesn't fit my needs?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on July 23, 2021, 08:23:17 am
does ikemen go runs in 1280x720 in fullscreen without black borders?

yeah it does, but you have to make a screenpack that supports that resolution. also, you should get the Discord App, and join the IKEMEN discord for easier access to update and any help you may need to explore the unique features
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on July 23, 2021, 09:23:12 am
does ikemen go runs in 1280x720 in fullscreen without black borders?

yeah it does, but you have to make a screenpack that supports that resolution. also, you should get the Discord App, and join the IKEMEN discord for easier access to update and any help you may need to explore the unique features

I am really loving all the features and how it's easier to make, everything very well explained with the lines similar to mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on July 23, 2021, 09:59:12 pm

yeah it does, but you have to make a screenpack that supports that resolution. also, you should get the Discord App, and join the IKEMEN discord for easier access to update and any help you may need to explore the unique features

I am really loving all the features and how it's easier to make, everything very well explained with the lines similar to mugen.


Did you look at the new features? If you download a fresh copy of IKEMEN GO, open up the system.def, there's a ton of new features that say "IKEMEN FEATURE" that mugen does not have. It's very important you do that. You gotta look at the fight.def and system.def to import some new features, and also some new sprites. Look into the fight.sff and system.sff, there's new sprites like the "ratio mode numbers" that does not exist in mugen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 24, 2021, 07:50:55 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I think this may be the case. I have a few stages that are broken. One I'm almost positive used to work in older Ikemen versions. But, the others are new so I don't know.

Would if help if I sent screen shots / stage names?

It's not every stage. I think I have about 2 or 3 that are busted. The problem, for me, is it keeps wanting to center the camera too high up for the stage.
A list of stages would be very useful to test the bugfix.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Did you look at the new features? If you download a fresh copy of IKEMEN GO, open up the system.def, there's a ton of new features that say "IKEMEN FEATURE" that mugen does not have. It's very important you do that. You gotta look at the fight.def and system.def to import some new features, and also some new sprites. Look into the fight.sff and system.sff, there's new sprites like the "ratio mode numbers" that does not exist in mugen.
You can also look at "system.base.def".
Here you can see all system.def parameters, including the new features.

For the new lifebar/char/stage features there is the GitHub wiki:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on July 25, 2021, 07:41:28 am
How could i setup to put a stance animation 0 and a big portrait 9000,1 at the same time?

i only need the code.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ZeroXH on July 27, 2021, 05:18:22 am
How does stage transitions in this engine work? do I have to do something in the def file or the select file because I'm a little confused?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EVILED on July 27, 2021, 06:14:03 am
A list of stages would be very useful to test the bugfix.


Cathedral of Witches

Both stages used to start fine, but on the latest stable build both now start with the camera up to high. All my other stages work fine. So, not sure why it's just these two. Anyway, hope this helps in solving the issue.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: oscar123 on July 27, 2021, 07:36:58 am
Well, the only thing that I see was fast to do for interactive stages (and it's just an idea), it would only be to add the option of a 3 player to the mugen, and in this one would put a bonus stage (for example the car of the streed fighter ), it is destroyed when you fight. After those sprites are changed for others of mountains or houses and we already have interactive stages, this bonus would be loaded with the stage when inscribing the name. I think it would be the fastest thing. The only thing they should do would be to add it to the ikemen or mugen that option of 3 players. I do not know what difficulty it would have, but hopefully someone can do
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on July 27, 2021, 03:20:09 pm
A list of stages would be very useful to test the bugfix.
I've just opened a GitHub entry with a busted stage by MMR.

How does stage transitions in this engine work? do I have to do something in the def file or the select file because I'm a little confused?

How could i setup to put a stance animation 0 and a big portrait 9000,1 at the same time?

i only need the code.
AFAIK this was in Two4Teeze's branch, not yet fully implemented into the main.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on July 27, 2021, 09:32:40 pm
-I saw stage transition and for a second I thought that there would be a knock someone to another stage like DBFZ.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on July 27, 2021, 09:48:14 pm
In order to fight, how to set the boss to appear solo when you're playing with 2 or 3 chars, i don't want the boss appearing repeated 3 times.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on July 27, 2021, 11:15:21 pm
-I saw stage transition and for a second I thought that there would be a knock someone to another stage like DBFZ.
Give it some time, we're not far from being able to do that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: TheLastNPC on July 29, 2021, 07:37:16 pm
does ikemen go runs in 1280x720 in fullscreen without black borders?

yeah it does, but you have to make a screenpack that supports that resolution. also, you should get the Discord App, and join the IKEMEN discord for easier access to update and any help you may need to explore the unique features

Does anyone have a link to the IKEMEN discord?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on July 30, 2021, 12:39:13 am
Does anyone have a link to the IKEMEN discord?

Here's a 7-day link I made just now! (
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 30, 2021, 10:39:42 pm
Permanent link:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Oscar that is already in Ikemen GO.
It's called AttachedChar.

In order to fight, how to set the boss to appear solo when you're playing with 2 or 3 chars, i don't want the boss appearing repeated 3 times.

You could use "single=1" to make it appear a 1 character even if all the others enemy are simul/tag/turns.
And use "rounds=1" to make the battle against him 1 round.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NDSilva on August 07, 2021, 11:20:43 am
Hi! Sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask... but is it possible to add the feature of preventing a character to be selected more than once - both by the player's team, and the enemy?

Then, with slots that have more than one character attached to them, you could make it so by moving the cursor on someone who was already selected, it would instead go to the next char that is avaiable on that slot;

I'm mainly suggesting this because - by implementing this, along with the animated portraits and multiple chars in the same slot feature... we could easily simulate the effect of showing a character's alternate colors right in the select screen!

We could accurately make the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 portraits, for example:

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xcheatdeath on August 07, 2021, 01:58:39 pm
you can prevent players from picking the same slot yea, its team duplicates or something like that. check the game options menu i can’t remember the exact wording off the top of my head
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on August 15, 2021, 02:12:29 am
I'm running into another difference between the two engines.  I have the game resolution set to 1920x1080 for both engines.  Note the differences in the same resolution between the two versions:


In MUGEN, the localcoord for everything is 320x240 but it's scaled up to the game resolution (the sides of the screen appear with black bars.  I'm fine with this).  In IKEMEN, everything is scaled both horizontally and vertically (there are no black bars on the sides).  I prefer the way MUGEN does it because in IKEMEN the gameplay appears off due to scaling.  Also of note, I'm using the same motif for both engines with little/no changes in any configurations.  I want to have the full game behave exactly the same in both engines.

How can I properly configure IKEMEN to reproduce how MUGEN renders the game graphically?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: xcheatdeath on August 15, 2021, 07:19:46 pm
set the resolution to a 4:3 format, i use 1280x960 and it should look normal
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 22, 2021, 03:27:04 am
I'm running into another difference between the two engines.  I have the game resolution set to 1920x1080 for both engines.  Note the differences in the same resolution between the two versions:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

In MUGEN, the localcoord for everything is 320x240 but it's scaled up to the game resolution (the sides of the screen appear with black bars.  I'm fine with this).  In IKEMEN, everything is scaled both horizontally and vertically (there are no black bars on the sides).  I prefer the way MUGEN does it because in IKEMEN the gameplay appears off due to scaling.  Also of note, I'm using the same motif for both engines with little/no changes in any configurations.  I want to have the full game behave exactly the same in both engines.

How can I properly configure IKEMEN to reproduce how MUGEN renders the game graphically?

Wait... these 2 images do not have the same resolution.
The Mugen one is 1920x1440 and the Ikemen Go one is 1920x1080.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on August 24, 2021, 08:46:54 am
Can you attach a sound to a stage element I know I'd have to add the file into the common.snd but can I attach it to something in the stage like a train on the mk subway stage or a helicopter floating in the are on a stage so far I've been altering extending and altering songs but that is making my ikemen really big and I want to keep the size to a minimum.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on August 24, 2021, 02:23:49 pm
Yes, you can. AttachedChar can use a SND file to play sounds.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on August 24, 2021, 03:34:37 pm
I'm running into another difference between the two engines.  I have the game resolution set to 1920x1080 for both engines.  Note the differences in the same resolution between the two versions:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

In MUGEN, the localcoord for everything is 320x240 but it's scaled up to the game resolution (the sides of the screen appear with black bars.  I'm fine with this).  In IKEMEN, everything is scaled both horizontally and vertically (there are no black bars on the sides).  I prefer the way MUGEN does it because in IKEMEN the gameplay appears off due to scaling.  Also of note, I'm using the same motif for both engines with little/no changes in any configurations.  I want to have the full game behave exactly the same in both engines.

How can I properly configure IKEMEN to reproduce how MUGEN renders the game graphically?

Wait... these 2 images do not have the same resolution.
The Mugen one is 1920x1440 and the Ikemen Go one is 1920x1080.

I did what Taybear suggested and got the resolution I wanted.  Sorry I didn't clarify.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: STANLEY69 on August 29, 2021, 06:47:35 am
Dumb question. But how do I turn on Tag?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: tunglashor on August 29, 2021, 01:37:59 pm
I have the same issue as Bane84: in Mugen the stage is always shown at its correct aspect ratio, with black bars if this differs from the GameWidth:GameHeight ratio; in IkemenGo the stage is always shown at the GameWidth:GameHeight ratio:


The top two images show a 4:3 stage with Mugen/IkemenGo in 16:9; the bottom two show a 16:9 stage with the game in 4:3.  I'd like an option for IkemenGo to replicate the Mugen behaviour:

set the resolution to a 4:3 format, i use 1280x960 and it should look normal
If you do this you can't use a 16:9 screenpack - the sides of the select screen get cut off.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 10, 2021, 04:00:54 pm
suggestions the could be an option for the music to still be playing in the background for the musicvictory if we just use a quick sound that would be a good option to have and boss rush mode having it's own rounds to win in the options.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on September 11, 2021, 12:15:49 am
suggestions the could be an option for the music to still be playing in the background for the musicvictory if we just use a quick sound that would be a good option to have and boss rush mode having it's own rounds to win in the options.

OK, it should be easy to implement.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

We still have not finished implementing Mugen's 1.1 stagefit.
So that's why it happens

I promise that I'll center on implement letterboxing soon.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 11, 2021, 05:21:45 am
Actually in the rounds to win would there be a way to set it in the select.def lets say we want to make an unlockable character that is randomly encountered through a playthrough and we want there to be a one round only on this specific character versus the usual two rounds.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on September 11, 2021, 05:26:18 am
Actually in the rounds to win would there be a way to set it in the select.def lets say we want to make an unlockable character that is randomly encountered through a playthrough and we want there to be a one round only on this specific character versus the usual two rounds.

You would need to program it using custom arcade feature.
It needs lua.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fauxcry on September 11, 2021, 07:45:16 am
Roger that!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: volltaage on September 15, 2021, 06:24:15 am
Hi, first time posting on here, been working on a game using the Ikemen GO engine and was wondering if there was a feature implemented that allowed for multiple select screen portraits? or a way for me to implement it? was trying to find a way for the small select screen portrait to change when being hovered over and selected but so far havent found anything about it or figured it out. Thanks
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NDSilva on September 20, 2021, 12:03:04 am
Hi! I got a question:

I've been told that Ikemen allows for actual platform coding. So in search for more info, I've only managed to find this section of the State controllers page (, in the GitHub wiki:

Projectile parameters











Specifies the angle to rotate the Projectile animation.

So, does it mean those parameters can be actually functional inside the engine's current build? If so, could you give a bit more info on what's required to proper implement it?

I'm making a full game that has it's core mechanics centered around stage interactivity. Having a more adjustable platform system would be the decisive point for me to fully move my project from Mugen to Ikemen. :)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on September 20, 2021, 05:48:04 am
So, does it mean those parameters can be actually functional inside the engine's current build? If so, could you give a bit more info on what's required to proper implement it?
Platforms aren't in the current stable build of IKEMEN GO (v0.97), but they should be available when 0.98 is released (which is probably why there's no documentation about it yet).  I don't have an exact date on when that'll be released though.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NDSilva on September 21, 2021, 01:39:03 am
Ah, understood. This is good to know! I look forward to the next updates. :)

Hopefully it won't be too much of a nuisance, to implement a few parameters within the platform coding, that allow players to trigger different states based on the ledge distance or position;

(visual example)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NekoAzul 2K24 on September 23, 2021, 06:41:57 am
Wait! Where's The Test Release on IKEMEN GO?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: tunglashor on September 23, 2021, 05:10:10 pm
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

We still have not finished implementing Mugen's 1.1 stagefit.
So that's why it happens

I promise that I'll center on implement letterboxing soon.
Ah that's great, thanks for replying. And by the way, this is the only issue I've found when switching from Mugen, I've been amazed by how well Ikemen Go handles Mugen content (I can only imagine how painful it must have been, especially emulating the way Mugen handles buggy code). Not to mention all the new features which I've only just started to look at. Kudos and thanks for all your hard work.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on September 29, 2021, 03:56:31 am
Any idea on how to resolve the problem where when the user opens the Windows version of Ikemen GO, there's no video (black screen) but audio?  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with their graphics card (Intel vs nVidia).  I did some research to see if a solution has already been found (like a configuration change), but I was unsuccessful.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on September 29, 2021, 09:10:25 am
Save file>config

disable MSAA(change true>false)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on September 29, 2021, 05:08:09 pm
Alternatively, their GPU doesn't support OpenGL 2.x. If the user has switchable graphics, they'll need to ensure IKEMEN is running on the dedicated GPU via their GPU settings; because IKEMEN is not a recognised application, this is not done automatically.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bane84 on October 10, 2021, 04:57:48 pm
Thanks for the troubleshooting ideas.  I'll give those a try.

I've run into another bizarre graphical issue.  The Metro City Gym stage appears different between Mugen and Ikemen GO.  For some reason, this stage's graphics were implemented by inserting the background elements as tiles piece by piece in a grid like fashion where each tile is in a specific part of the background, then the stage DEF file inserts them all at the same origin point.  There's over 1000 tiles in all.  Not sure why it was implemented this way.

I'll let the differences speak for themselves:

Any ideas on how I could fix this in Ikemen?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dakidbanks on October 11, 2021, 05:38:14 am
is there a code or something I can add to the stages that I'm having a problem playing on?

For instance, there's a few stages where the camera is set to the highest point of a stage with super jump and I can't see p1 or p2. It only happens on a few stages in Ikemen. These same stages don't have that issue in regular Mugen. An example is the stage found here:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SuperFromND on October 11, 2021, 06:50:30 am
For some reason, this stage's graphics were implemented by inserting the background elements as tiles piece by piece in a grid like fashion where each tile is in a specific part of the background, then the stage DEF file inserts them all at the same origin point.  There's over 1000 tiles in all.  Not sure why it was implemented this way.

I could be wrong, but I think it was implemented this way so that each tile could have its own color palette, thus allowing the stage to have a ton of colors due to the 256-color limitation of palettes.  This was likely prior to the SFFv2 formats in MUGEN 1.0 and later which allowed for proper PNGs to be used.

Any ideas on how I could fix this in Ikemen?

No clue unfortunately, though from the way it looks I'd be willing to wager this is some sort of floating-point precision issue given the way the stage is set up.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on October 11, 2021, 09:10:41 am

Any ideas on how I could fix this in Ikemen?

as far as I know (you have not uploaded stage so I can't test it) it's already fixed in upcoming 0.98
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on October 12, 2021, 06:46:36 am
it is possible make move assist with tag or simul mode changing and controlling the 2 or 3 characters?

unoshe tag works but you can't control both characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: BurningSoul on October 13, 2021, 12:41:23 am
TeamMode= Tag would do,Uno probably has it somewhere in -2 or -3 as  TeamMode= Simul trigger just replace those and it should work
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on October 22, 2021, 03:04:41 pm
fixed in upcoming 0.98

upcoming 0.98 ? hmm...that say at Ikemen_GO_v0.97.0   , are there newier version(s)? v0.97.1 or something??
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: demovv on October 27, 2021, 05:19:08 pm
Does anyone know how to make a fadein and fadeout transition between selecting characters and selecting stages? I'm trying make one but I don't know how. I guess the code need to be somewhere in start.lua.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on November 05, 2021, 02:06:43 am
fixed in upcoming 0.98

upcoming 0.98 ? hmm...that say at Ikemen_GO_v0.97.0   , are there newier version(s)? v0.97.1 or something??

0.98 Released!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on November 06, 2021, 08:43:01 pm
0.98.1 (!) = Just some bugs there and here+ 1 add?... Link(to list/ ) : look first post (?).
What the the speed ;) .
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on November 07, 2021, 07:03:10 pm
Please, I have a problem with the scale of portraits in the 0.98 version. To add portraits in the system I use animations in select, versus and winner screens ( p1.face.anim ), I try with spr and works well. The problem it's with characters that have different value of 1 in the size part of the .cns archive:
xscale = 1           ;Horizontal scaling factor.
yscale = 1           ;Vertical scaling factor.

In this case, the scale of the character in the .cns file it's 0.3


I try to put 1 in the scale and modify the size with localcoord but the char moves strange. Any ay to solve it?

My last question it's because I see that there are 2 different system files, the one that it's in the data folder or in the mugen1 folder and another that it's in the data folder too but it's named system.base, wich it' s better? I think the secon have more posibilities. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on November 07, 2021, 08:43:11 pm

I try to put 1 in the scale and modify the size with localcoord but the char moves strange. Any ay to solve it?
My last question it's because I see that there are 2 different system files, the one that it's in the data folder or in the mugen1 folder and another that it's in the data folder too but it's named system.base, wich it' s better? I think the secon have more posibilities. Thanks in advance.
Locacoord(s) need own Luad?, Today version is 0.98.1...
Any way? Not know but other is easy...
System_base is JUST "Mirror" original System.def, Ikemen go uses system.def still.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on November 08, 2021, 09:37:59 am
Please, I have a problem with the scale of portraits in the 0.98 version. To add portraits in the system I use animations in select, versus and winner screens ( p1.face.anim ), I try with spr and works well. The problem it's with characters that have different value of 1 in the size part of the .cns archive:
xscale = 1           ;Horizontal scaling factor.
yscale = 1           ;Vertical scaling factor.

In this case, the scale of the character in the .cns file it's 0.3

I try to put 1 in the scale and modify the size with localcoord but the char moves strange. Any ay to solve it?

My last question it's because I see that there are 2 different system files, the one that it's in the data folder or in the mugen1 folder and another that it's in the data folder too but it's named system.base, wich it' s better? I think the secon have more posibilities. Thanks in advance.

One thing I want to make clear is that when you import MUGEN screenpacks.... you should not replace/overwrite any files. You should be using the BlazBlue's original system.def. Make a copy of your Blazblue screenpack folder, and put it as a separate folder in your /data/ folder. Name is "blazblue_SP" or something.

After you do that, go into config.json which is in your IKEMEN GO/save/ folder. You might need to open config.json in Notepad+++ if you are getting display issues.

Change the motif in config.json and have it load data/blazblue_SP/system.def or something like that. Save and close.

Run the game. Your game might crash due to file location errors. Fix those file location errors. Remember what I said earlier about creating a separate folder for your BB screenpack? You have to edit your BB SP's system.def and make sure the [Files] section is loading the correct directory. Like data/Blazblue_SP/system.sff...system.snd.... etc... etc

There is absolutely NO REASON to recode a screenpack for IKEMEN GO. If you do things properly, it should load screenpacks natively. The only editing you do, is adding the IKEMEN GO features, which is very easy.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on November 08, 2021, 11:59:53 am
Thank you for the response but I do all the steps like in the 0.96 version and then work well. I need to copy/paste all old files because there are lot's of new stuff in the ikemen system file. I think this is made it because some sprites are bigger than other like hd characters and with this way you can see all the standing animations in the same height but if you use an image for the animation then take the .cns size too. The only thing that I can do it's put a scale value in the code animation in all the chars that have differnt values of 1 in their .cns.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on November 09, 2021, 12:50:47 pm
Please, I have a problem with the scale of portraits in the 0.98 version. To add portraits in the system I use animations in select, versus and winner screens ( p1.face.anim ), I try with spr and works well. The problem it's with characters that have different value of 1 in the size part of the .cns archive:
xscale = 1           ;Horizontal scaling factor.
yscale = 1           ;Vertical scaling factor.

In this case, the scale of the character in the .cns file it's 0.3


I try to put 1 in the scale and modify the size with localcoord but the char moves strange. Any ay to solve it?

The way it behaves is intentional. By popular demand, preloaded animated portraits now use cns [Size] xscale and yscale values automatically, so stuff like this should no longer happen:
with this change:
It only affects animations, no sprite portraits.

As for how to deal with it:
1. use normal sprite portrait
2. set custom scale via this parameter:
(affects all portraits, so your small portrait would change size too)
3. scale your animated portrait in outside program and import it to sff file
4. since this is animation, you can use 8th and 9th AIR parameters for x-scale and y-scale respectively:

My last question it's because I see that there are 2 different system files, the one that it's in the data folder or in the mugen1 folder and another that it's in the data folder too but it's named system.base, wich it' s better? I think the secon have more posibilities. Thanks in advance.
system.base.def does what it says in first few lines of that file (reference of default values and list of all available parameters). It can't be used as is. Other system.def files belong to different Elecbyte screenpacks distributed with engine (same case as in mugen).


EgyLynx, sorry for not responding but I have trouble understanding your questions. Consider writing in your native language and translating it to English with this site:

edit: added 4th solution
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on November 09, 2021, 05:07:56 pm

EgyLynx, sorry for not responding but I have trouble understanding your questions. Consider writing in your native language and translating it to English with this site:
Sorry, but youre almost answer it anyway...
Although: Why Stages at just 1414 if get more? And it not take these "include", just these extra ones...??
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on November 09, 2021, 11:11:59 pm
Thank you very much for the response. I try with your recomendations.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on November 10, 2021, 02:53:13 am

Using Ikemen go with some stages in the resolution 1280,720 , some stages have black tears or black holes, empty spaces at the stage.

would there be how to create the resolution 1280x720 in a way where this resolution works as mugen 1.1?

using packs in 1280x720 it looks crooked or missing parts to fill.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: KillRilla on November 15, 2021, 01:05:53 am
Hello, could anyone share with me the code lines that allows one to have Big Portraits
p1.face.spr = 9000,1
p1.face.anim = 0
Both work together.
Like for example the normal Big Port 9000, 1 is in its usual place on screen, but also have the sprite animation anim = 0 showing "infront" of it.
Definitely possible, I've seen it on YT if anyone wants me to link.
Its driving me nuts trying to figure this out. any help is appreciated

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on November 15, 2021, 06:16:32 am
0.98.1 version:

    p1.face2.anim = -1
    p1.face2.spr =
    p1.face2.offset = 0, 0
    p1.face2.facing = 1
    p1.face2.scale = 1.0, 1.0
    p1.face2.window =

    p2.face2.anim = -1
    p2.face2.spr =
    p2.face2.offset = 0, 0
    p2.face2.facing = -1
    p2.face2.scale = 1.0, 1.0
    p2.face2.window =

refer to data/system.base.def
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: GaziraAgain on November 17, 2021, 10:01:42 am
Using PortraitScale in the .def of chars and all portraits looks fine now! Thank you very much.


I try the 0.98 version and the only thing that don't work propertly are the title fonts. In the past versions looks well but now except the Exit font looks all together. In the submenus it's the same. I try to change the code in the system but not changes. I don't know if it's a engine problem or it's my fault in some point.


I can't see to use 2 or more portrait anims in select, versus and winner screens. I hope this function it's enabled in future versions. Thank you very much for all your work, I continue testing, see you.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on November 17, 2021, 03:42:51 pm
Anyway: right one is 0.98.1 not 0.98
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PeXXeR on November 17, 2021, 03:59:10 pm
Man this sync issue really annoys the hell out of me.

Does anyone here use the free sync/G sync crap ?  maybe this is causing it.
Ill fiddle around with it some more and do a fresh install of the GPU drivers.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on November 17, 2021, 08:44:55 pm
Man this sync issue really annoys the hell out of me.

Does anyone here use the free sync/G sync crap ?  maybe this is causing it.
Ill fiddle around with it some more and do a fresh install of the GPU drivers.

VSync? Possibly try turning it off for now.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Trackiest head on November 17, 2021, 11:06:31 pm
Just a question.
Does IKEMEN v0.98 have StageFit or something like that to fit lowres stages in 16:9?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Reginukem on November 18, 2021, 12:48:20 am
0.98.1 version:

    p1.face2.anim = -1
    p1.face2.spr =
    p1.face2.offset = 0, 0
    p1.face2.facing = 1
    p1.face2.scale = 1.0, 1.0
    p1.face2.window =

    p2.face2.anim = -1
    p2.face2.spr =
    p2.face2.offset = 0, 0
    p2.face2.facing = -1
    p2.face2.scale = 1.0, 1.0
    p2.face2.window =
refer to data/system.base.def

It seems that works for some chars and not for others. Probably some .sff issues that needs further analisys.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: gerardoperez on November 19, 2021, 04:30:00 pm
Hello, could anyone share with me the code lines that allows one to have Big Portraits
p1.face.spr = 9000,1
p1.face.anim = 0
Both work together.
Like for example the normal Big Port 9000, 1 is in its usual place on screen, but also have the sprite animation anim = 0 showing "infront" of it.
Definitely possible, I've seen it on YT if anyone wants me to link.
Its driving me nuts trying to figure this out. any help is appreciated


Can be done?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Bejeeta on November 19, 2021, 04:57:52 pm
p1.face.anim =0
p1.face2.spr = 9000, 1

face is always infront of face2
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on November 19, 2021, 05:45:24 pm
Hmm p1.face2.spr = can be also 0.0
 (although it get more palete errors... )
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Reginukem on November 19, 2021, 10:38:59 pm
I did figure what was wrong and now works for me.


p1.face.num = 1  ;only one char appears

;----------------regular portrait

p1.face2.spr = 9000,1       ;default big portrait
p1.face2.offset = 0, 0      ;position variable by screenpacks
p1.face2.facing = 1         ;portraits face right 
p1.face2.scale = 1.0, 1.0   ;portrait size
;p1.face2.window =

;---------------animated stance

p1.face.offset = 55, 210       ;Position to put stance anim
p1.face.scale = 1.0,1.0        ;anim size
p1.face.facing = 1             ;anim face right       

p1.face.anim = 19000           ;default 1
p1.face.done.anim = 19001      ;set what anim do you want = 100,1          ;confirm sound

Thanks Bejeeta for give us some direction.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AlesRos on November 21, 2021, 11:29:05 pm
I really appreciate your work. Ikemen is already far superior to mugen.

The only thing that bothers me is the lack of screenpacks made for Ikemen..... We seriously need more screenpacks for Ikemen (for YESTERDAY)

I know, I know "but you can use any Mugen screenpack in Ikemen!!"

Yep.... no
Ikemen comes with items that mugen doesn't have. It's not that simple.

This one here looks amazing, but it looks like it will never be released. :/

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dakidbanks on November 22, 2021, 01:12:40 am
I use The Best Ikemen Go screenpack. So with that screenpack do I just replace the ikemen files with the newly released updated Ikemen and it’ll work fine?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AlesRos on November 22, 2021, 11:36:07 pm
I use The Best Ikemen Go screenpack. So with that screenpack do I just replace the ikemen files with the newly released updated Ikemen and it’ll work fine?

I don't think so. I tried here and it didn't work :(

Well... guess i'll stick with original screenpack
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: dura7ll3ur on November 23, 2021, 12:25:12 am
I really appreciate your work. Ikemen is already far superior to mugen.

The only thing that bothers me is the lack of screenpacks made for Ikemen..... We seriously need more screenpacks for Ikemen (for YESTERDAY)

I know, I know "but you can use any Mugen screenpack in Ikemen!!"

Yep.... no
Ikemen comes with items that mugen doesn't have. It's not that simple.

This one here looks amazing, but it looks like it will never be released. :/


Will release it before the end of the year. Just have to adapt it to 0.98.1+.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AlesRos on November 23, 2021, 02:38:05 am
Will release it before the end of the year. Just have to adapt it to 0.98.1+.



suggestion: What do you think of this song for the selection screen?

It fits a lot with the temple background  ;D
(I'll put it later anyway haha)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on November 25, 2021, 01:09:26 pm
Just a question.
Does IKEMEN v0.98 have StageFit or something like that to fit lowres stages in 16:9?

Not yet.

Using PortraitScale in the .def of chars and all portraits looks fine now! Thank you very much.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I try the 0.98 version and the only thing that don't work propertly are the title fonts. In the past versions looks well but now except the Exit font looks all together. In the submenus it's the same. I try to change the code in the system but not changes. I don't know if it's a engine problem or it's my fault in some point.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I can't see to use 2 or more portrait anims in select, versus and winner screens. I hope this function it's enabled in future versions. Thank you very much for all your work, I continue testing, see you.

Understood, I'll check.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on November 25, 2021, 02:28:42 pm
Just a question.
Does IKEMEN v0.98 have StageFit or something like that to fit lowres stages in 16:9?

Not yet.

Using PortraitScale in the .def of chars and all portraits looks fine now! Thank you very much.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I try the 0.98 version and the only thing that don't work propertly are the title fonts. In the past versions looks well but now except the Exit font looks all together. In the submenus it's the same. I try to change the code in the system but not changes. I don't know if it's a engine problem or it's my fault in some point.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I can't see to use 2 or more portrait anims in select, versus and winner screens. I hope this function it's enabled in future versions. Thank you very much for all your work, I continue testing, see you.

Understood, I'll check.

Now it is 0.98.1?  Is these it also?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 01, 2021, 06:55:13 am
The last updatings are awesome...

How can change the option font? Is it possible?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 02, 2021, 04:49:08 am

 is it possible put the lifebar for the players 1,2,3 at the same position in tag mode and when you change the character the lifebar shifts every energy for every char?

I'm asking it with the intention to economize space on screen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on December 02, 2021, 08:15:34 am
The last updatings are awesome...

How can change the option font? Is it possible?
yes, refer to screenpack distributed with engine and system.base.def listing all parameters. Option screen supports the same parameter names as main menu and pause menu (so in this case font parameters prefixed with "menu.item.")

keep in mind that by default option screen uses 240p localcoord. If you want to edit it using your screenpack localcoord, you need to add following parameter under [Option Info]:
menu.uselocalcoord = 1
for an expample refer to mugen1 screenpack that has option screen coded using 720p localcoord

 is it possible put the lifebar for the players 1,2,3 at the same position in tag mode and when you change the character the lifebar shifts every energy for every char?
yes, if you use tag system that takes advantage of tagin sctrl "leader" parameter (such as default tag distributed with engine or custom ones based on it). Simply copy [Lifebar] content into [Tag Lifebar] (only p1 and p2 parameters assigned)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 02, 2021, 08:16:09 pm
Thank you so much K4thos...

It's really impressive how this engine has evolved and everything we can do, the game looks like a commercial title.

Everything I used to kill myself to do in mugen and make it cooler, this wonder does automatically with its hands down.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Eiton on December 09, 2021, 02:26:07 am
Is the repo accepting PR on adding features in sctrls?
I cloned the repo and added palfx parameters in Explod (like the parameters in hitdef).
I had a look on the PR list. Seems that nobody is doing this kind of enhancement?
I was forced to write the following code to change the color of the explod in Mugen 1.1 but I don't want to do this in IKEMEN
[Statedef 200]
[State 0]
type = Helper
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4
stateno = 6000
ownpal = 1
[Statedef 6000]
[State 0, PalFX]
type = PalFX
trigger1 = !time
time = -1
mul = r,g,b

[State 0]
type = Explod
trigger1 = !time
anim = 6000
ID = 6000
pos = 0,0
ownpal = 0

[State 0, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = time > 0 && !numExplod
removeexplods = 1

Also a bug report.
The above code works fine in mugen 1.1 but not in IKEMEN.  The color of the explod is not changed when time = 0. I need to change it to the following in order to get it work. I guess it is a problem on the execution sequence?
[Statedef 200]
[State 0]
type = Helper
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4,=-1
stateno = 6000
pos = 0,0
ownpal = 1
[Statedef 6000]
[State 0, PalFX]
type = PalFX
trigger1 = !time
time = -1
mul = r,g,b

[State 47]
type = Explod
trigger1 = time = 1
anim = 6000
ID = 6000
pos = 0,0
ownpal = 0

[State 0, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = time > 0 && !numExplod
removeexplods = 1
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 12, 2021, 08:17:54 pm
I have some simple question?

1- How could i do the portraits appears on select, versus or winner screen in a sliding movement?
It causes an emotion impact and surprise.

2- How to do for who on the winner screen the character speaks a voice or phrase to celebrate the victory?

3- how to do on lifebar shows the match number or stage? Example: stage 3 or battle 3 or match 3.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 14, 2021, 06:56:58 pm
I did put the animation in the fight.def correctly.

I would like to know if this feature was removed, because it's not working to me.

I wanna replace the hit name by animations, is there any line incorrect here?

team1.text.anim = 810
;team1.text.font = 6,0,1
;team1.text.offset = 50,240   ;Offset of text
team1.text.scale = 1,1
team1.text.layerno = 2
team1.displaytime = 100    ;Time to show text
team1.showspeed = 8       ;Ikemen feature: text showing up speed (1 = instant)
team1.hidespeed = 4       ;Ikemen feature: text hiding speed (the larger value, the faster speed)

[Begin Action 810] ; hit animation

Surely i'm wrong with some code.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on December 19, 2021, 12:20:41 am
I did put the animation in the fight.def correctly.

I would like to know if this feature was removed, because it's not working to me.

I wanna replace the hit name by animations, is there any line incorrect here?

team1.text.anim = 810
;team1.text.font = 6,0,1
;team1.text.offset = 50,240   ;Offset of text
team1.text.scale = 1,1
team1.text.layerno = 2
team1.displaytime = 100    ;Time to show text
team1.showspeed = 8       ;Ikemen feature: text showing up speed (1 = instant)
team1.hidespeed = 4       ;Ikemen feature: text hiding speed (the larger value, the faster speed)

[Begin Action 810] ; hit animation

Surely i'm wrong with some code.
You did comment out "offset". That's the problem
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on December 20, 2021, 12:01:26 am
@Gacel, it's not offset, see below.

I would like to know if this feature was removed, because it's not working to me.

If animation can be assigned to team1.text element in mugen than it's a missing feature. From what I see in source code ikemen never allowed it to begin with (only text rendered with font).

edit: just tested, it works in mugen, we should implement it for ikemen in this case.

Is the repo accepting PR on adding features in sctrls?

Also a bug report.
The above code works fine in mugen 1.1 but not in IKEMEN.  The color of the explod is not changed when time = 0. I need to change it to the following in order to get it work. I guess it is a problem on the execution sequence?
fixed, thanks

I have some simple question?

1- How could i do the portraits appears on select, versus or winner screen in a sliding movement?
It causes an emotion impact and surprise.

2- How to do for who on the winner screen the character speaks a voice or phrase to celebrate the victory?

3- how to do on lifebar shows the match number or stage? Example: stage 3 or battle 3 or match 3.

1. refer to system.base.def which lists all available screenpack parameters (search for .slide.speed and .slide.dist). I don't remember how they work, so you will have to experiment yourself. Alternatively you could animate them using character's AIR file and assigning anim instead of spr as portrait.

2. there is no such feature. All lifebar features that didn't exist in mugen are docummented on wiki:

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 20, 2021, 10:28:54 pm
In the KOF definitive match mugen game, when you win on the winner screen, the fighter speaks a voice with a celebrating the victory.

I'm researching how this is possible in Mugen, since it is much more limited than I.K.E.M.E.N.

Wouldn't it be possible to add an snd.line for this feature?


p1.voice.snd = 800,0 ( You must add this sound number in every char and I.K.E.M.E.N will read it in a standardized way)

Your characters need to have this sound added in their SND.FILE to work.


;Winner's portrait , name and sounds
p1.offset = 400,-40
p1.spr = 9000,2
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 1,1
p1.window = 0,0, 1279,500 = 40,570 = 3,3,1
p1.voice.snd = 800,0 ( You must add this sound number in every char and I.K.E.M.E.N will read it in a standardized way)

Your characters need to have this sound added in their SND.FILE to work.

;Win quote text
winquote.text = "Winner!" ;Default win quote text to show
winquote.offset = 40,615
winquote.spacing = 0, 0   ;Ikemen feature
winquote.font = 5,0,1
winquote.window = 38,521, 1241,708
winquote.textwrap = w     ;Word wrap
winquote.delay = 2        ;Ikemen feature
winquote.time = 0         ;Ikemen feature

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on December 21, 2021, 01:13:35 am
In the KOF definitive match mugen game, when you win on the winner screen, the fighter speaks a voice with a celebrating the victory.

I'm researching how this is possible in Mugen, since it is much more limited than I.K.E.M.E.N.

Wouldn't it be possible to add an snd.line for this feature?


p1.voice.snd = 800,0 ( You must add this sound number in every char and I.K.E.M.E.N will read it in a standardized way)

Your characters need to have this sound added in their SND.FILE to work.

that would be redundant. There are already following parameters implemented for [Victory Screen], [Win Screen], [Survival Results Screen], other modes result screens, as well [Continue Screen] variant (with slightly different names)
	p1.state = 
p2.state =
p1.teammate.state =
p2.teammate.state =
allowing you to choose state that character is forced into during those post game screens. Which is the same thing you suggest but more flexible and powerful (since you not only can trigger some sound but control what character does on screen from within cns/zss code)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 21, 2021, 08:05:53 pm
1- How to do for put more time in the selection screen before the stage select, when I choose the P1, the P2 doesn't get to have time enough to do his pose when chosen and it skips to stage select abruptly.

2 - In the member member order select looks like the timer is not being respected, probably I don't put the code in the right section.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 21, 2021, 08:27:52 pm
Is possible to organize a scheme to appears names when you make hits in lifebar in a standardized code for all characters automatically?


2-3 = good
4-6 = great
7-9 = fantastic
10-15 = amazing
16-100 = awesome

And using sprites,fonts or animations for these names, it would be marvelous, I hope you get to make it.

And sounds for each name, obviously added in the fight.snd.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 22, 2021, 06:14:13 am

I'm not a coder, it's just a thought about how i could imagine these codes, do you think it's impossible?
it's because i would like to find a way to automatize this kinda feature.

Maybe the code could have the name as COMBOPHRASE OR HITPHRASE....any other.


team1.combophrase.font = 8,0,0
team1.combophrase.text = "Amazing"
team1.combophrase.spr = 200,0  ; if you prefer a sprite for that.
team1.combophrase.anim = 199  ; if you prefer an animation for that.
team1.combophrase.offset = 600,320
team1.combophrase.upto = 1-5   ; defines the numbers upto to combo phrase (Good, Great, Fantastic, Awesome, Marvelous...etc)

Example : 1 upto 5 the word Amazing will display, and 6 upto 9 the word fantastic will display it.

team1.combophrase.snd = 5,0  ;( sound speaking Amazing )
team1.combophrase.layerno = 2
team1.combophrase.scale = 1,1


team1.combophrase.font = 8,0,0
team1.combophrase.text = "Fantastic!"
team1.combophrase.spr = 200,1  ; if you prefer a sprite for that.
team1.combophrase.anim = 299  ; if you prefer an animation for that.
team1.combophrase.offset = 600,320

team1.combophrase.snd = 5,1 ; ( sound speaking Fantastic )
team1.combophrase.layerno = 2
team1.combophrase.scale = 1,1
team1.combophrase.upto = 6-9   ; defines the numbers upto to combo phrase (Good, Great, Fantastic, Awesome, Marvelous...etc)

team1.combophrase.displaytime = 90 


if this is what i'm searching, how could i do that?

; Ikemen feature
team1.pos = 30,277        ;Coords to show
team1.spacing = 0,9       ;Spacing
team1.start.x = -240      ;Starting x-coords = 2 = 75,0 = 400 = 1.0,1.0 =
team1.front.layerno = 2
team1.front.offset = 75,0
team1.front.scale = 1.0,1.0
team1.text.layerno = 2
team1.text.font = 1,0,1
team1.text.offset = 9,0   ;Offset of text
team1.text.scale = 1,1
team1.displaytime = 60    ;Time to show message
team1.showspeed = 2       ;Message showing up speed (1 = instant)
team1.hidespeed = 8       ;Message hiding speed (the larger value, the faster speed)

team2.pos = 1250,277       ;Coords to show
team2.spacing = 0,9       ;Spacing
team2.start.x = 1520      ;Starting x-coords = 2 = -75,0 = 400 = 1.0,1.0 =
team2.front.layerno = 2
team2.front.offset = -75,0
team2.front.scale = 1.0,1.0
team2.text.layerno = 2
team2.text.font = 1,0,-1
team2.text.offset = 9,0   ;Offset of text
team2.text.scale = 1,1
team2.displaytime = 60    ;Time to show message
team2.showspeed = 2       ;Message showing up speed (1 = instant)
team2.hidespeed = 8       ;Message hiding speed (the larger value, the faster speed)

[Begin Action 400]
400,0, 0,0, -1, ,AS80D128
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 22, 2021, 05:29:10 pm
In tag mode when the team members die, their bodies stay on the floor during the rest of battle, how to remove their bodies to remain only the alive characters?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: K4thos on December 25, 2021, 11:46:04 am
1- How to do for put more time in the selection screen before the stage select, when I choose the P1, the P2 doesn't get to have time enough to do his pose when chosen and it skips to stage select abruptly.
there is no time between character and displaying stage selection at all. It's not its own screen to have dedicated fade or transition times associated with it.

2 - In the member member order select looks like the timer is not being respected, probably I don't put the code in the right section.
refer to data/mugen1/system.def, which has working example of it.
timer.count and timer.framespercount controls displayed time when players have chance to select order and it does work. Total time for displaying versus screen won't be longer than time parameter tho, so you need to edit that one too.

Is possible to organize a scheme to appears names when you make hits in lifebar in a standardized code for all characters automatically?


2-3 = good
4-6 = great
7-9 = fantastic
10-15 = amazing
16-100 = awesome

And using sprites,fonts or animations for these names, it would be marvelous, I hope you get to make it.

And sounds for each name, obviously added in the fight.snd.

That's what LifebarAction sctrl is for:


I'm not a coder, it's just a thought about how i could imagine these codes, do you think it's impossible?
it's because i would like to find a way to automatize this kinda feature.

Maybe the code could have the name as COMBOPHRASE OR HITPHRASE....any other.

again would be redundant since your idea doesn't bring anything new to the table that is not already covered by LifebarAction sctrl (which by default uses dedicated action.zss file, where you can code whatever you wish)

if this is what i'm searching, how could i do that?

In tag mode when the team members die, their bodies stay on the floor during the rest of battle, how to remove their bodies to remain only the alive characters?
by editing file responsible for tag, using standard cns/zss code (depending what tag system you're using)

reply to your question by @Kamekaze:
In the tag zss. Add this to the -4
If !alive && stateno=5150{
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 26, 2021, 09:40:34 am
Thank you so much K4thos...

My questions are solved with your explanation, Ikemen is very rich, so there are many things to explore and learn.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on December 30, 2021, 09:17:28 am
Is it possible to add sounds to actions of lifebar?

Example : When the name Good! appears on screen the narrator says Good!

I didn't find instructions to add these sounds yet... can you help me please?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: smiskfisk on December 31, 2021, 06:11:36 am
Is it possible to add sounds to actions of lifebar?

Example : When the name Good! appears on screen the narrator says Good!

I didn't find instructions to add these sounds yet... can you help me please?

You can add the optional sound parameter (snd: group_no, sound_no) to any LifebarAction in the .zss and the corresponding sound in the lifebar snd file will be played, as described in the link below:

It works fine for me at least. However I would like to be able to activate the actions based on damage dealt (or damage as a fraction of the opponents max life) rather than the combo count, any ideas on how to go about that? I just got into Ikemen the other day and I am feeling happy about finally moving all my old mugen stuff to a new and improved flexible engine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on January 07, 2022, 12:35:13 am
Is it possible to add sounds to actions of lifebar?

Example : When the name Good! appears on screen the narrator says Good!

I didn't find instructions to add these sounds yet... can you help me please?

You can add the optional sound parameter (snd: group_no, sound_no) to any LifebarAction in the .zss and the corresponding sound in the lifebar snd file will be played, as described in the link below:

It works fine for me at least. However I would like to be able to activate the actions based on damage dealt (or damage as a fraction of the opponents max life) rather than the combo count, any ideas on how to go about that? I just got into Ikemen the other day and I am feeling happy about finally moving all my old mugen stuff to a new and improved flexible engine.

You can edit action.zss that's what displays the lifebar action.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on January 07, 2022, 01:01:38 pm
1- How to do for put more time in the selection screen before the stage select, when I choose the P1, the P2 doesn't get to have time enough to do his pose when chosen and it skips to stage select abruptly.
1. Is not skip at all, it was years at like this p1 is ready, stage select is active, that not SKIP p2 to seect own person. Ad if p2 select first at that person, p1 can still choose own...
Why you even think it skip it?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: smiskfisk on January 10, 2022, 01:08:10 am
You can edit action.zss that's what displays the lifebar action.

Thanks! Yeah, I understand the basic concept of editing files. I guess I was just trying to fish for some more specific details regarding global variables/functions to access things like combo damage instead of combo count. I eventually found what I was looking for in the github wiki. :)

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: MALYSZ on February 06, 2022, 07:17:30 pm
Someone know when we got "this" for low res stages?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

(Instead this):
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: extravagant on February 10, 2022, 07:20:58 am
Someone know when we got "this" for low res stages?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

(Instead this):
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Can you provide more information? What resolution are you using for mugen and ikemen go? I've never gotten this issue before.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Ryon on February 15, 2022, 06:12:37 am
Its actually not a issue but rather a feature Mugen has.
Where it will make the appropriate screensize to match the stage in the event the stage was made for 4:3.

@Gacel: Hi!

Im having a issue with TargetBind codes not working. only the first Targetbind will work the others will be ignored.
Am I doing something wrong? is there a new way to do it? Its for a command air grab.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on February 19, 2022, 05:19:33 am
Its actually not a issue but rather a feature Mugen has.
Where it will make the appropriate screensize to match the stage in the event the stage was made for 4:3.

@Gacel: Hi!

Im having a issue with TargetBind codes not working. only the first Targetbind will work the others will be ignored.
Am I doing something wrong? is there a new way to do it? Its for a command air grab.

It should work the same.
Sounds like a Bug on the engine side.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ATONAA on March 06, 2022, 06:24:49 am
P1.face.spr = 9000,3
P1.face.offset = 5,343      ;Position to put big portrait
P1.face.scale = 0.3125,0.3125
P1.face.facing = 1
P1.face.done.spr = 9000,3
P1.face.spacing = 0, -50

P1.member1.face.slide.speed = 8,0
P1.member1.face.slide.dist = 70,0

P1.face2.spr = 9000,1
P1.face2.offset = -14,4      ;Position to put big portrait
P1.face2.scale = 0.3125,0.3125
P1.face2.facing = 1
P1.face2.padding = 1

How to make P1.face2 use   slide.speed and slide.dist ? thanks
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 06, 2022, 02:16:52 pm
How to make P1.face2 use   slide.speed and slide.dist ? thanks

Currently there is not way to do it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ATONAA on March 07, 2022, 03:10:37 pm
P1.face.spr = 9000,3
P1.face.offset = 5,343      ;Position to put big portrait
P1.face.scale = 0.3125,0.3125
P1.face.facing = 1
P1.face.done.spr = 9000,3
P1.face.spacing = 0, -50

P1.member1.face.slide.speed = 8,0
P1.member1.face.slide.dist = 70,0

P1.face2.spr = 9000,1
P1.face2.offset = -14,4      ;Position to put big portrait
P1.face2.scale = 0.3125,0.3125
P1.face2.facing = 1
P1.face2.padding = 1

Where can the code be modified to make "P1.face2" in front of "P1.face",  Note: do not modify 9000,1 or 9000,3     Super thanks!!!!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ATONAA on March 07, 2022, 03:22:19 pm
P1.face.spr = 9000,3
P1.face.offset = 5,343      ;Position to put big portrait
P1.face.scale = 0.3125,0.3125
P1.face.facing = 1
P1.face.done.spr = 9000,3
P1.face.spacing = 0, -50

P1.member1.face.slide.speed = 8,0
P1.member1.face.slide.dist = 70,0

P1.face2.spr = 9000,1
P1.face2.offset = -14,4      ;Position to put big portrait
P1.face2.scale = 0.3125,0.3125
P1.face2.facing = 1
P1.face2.padding = 1

Where can the code be modified to make "P1.face2" in front of "P1.face",  Note: do not modify 9000,1 or 9000,3     Super

Because I just want "P1.face2" to use   [ slide.speed and slide.dist ] ,thanks!!!!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Abyssdestruction999 on March 11, 2022, 01:52:03 pm
Hey man I got a problem with something, I have a character called "SFV Alpha Ken"
I added him in the same slot as my main Ken when I try him it says this:
I want to use him that badly but it keeps on saying that he has no shadow.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: The Blind Furry on March 12, 2022, 02:14:13 pm
Hey, been trying to get Ikemen working on Mac and I'm now on the verge of throwing the Mac out the window cos I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't get it working at all. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on March 14, 2022, 05:30:45 am
Hey man I got a problem with something, I have a character called "SFV Alpha Ken"
I added him in the same slot as my main Ken when I try him it says this:
I want to use him that badly but it keeps on saying that he has no shadow.

There is a error in the CNS file at line 5130.
It would be posible for you to post the file?

Hey, been trying to get Ikemen working on Mac and I'm now on the verge of throwing the Mac out the window cos I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't get it working at all. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

What part of the setup you are stuck at?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: gyrdhe on March 17, 2022, 12:40:31 am
This versión support 4k?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: WF4123 on March 17, 2022, 01:46:19 pm
This versión support 4k?

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on March 17, 2022, 04:24:52 pm
This versión support 4k?
Yes. I'm using it in 4K.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: WF4123 on March 17, 2022, 04:41:47 pm
This versión support 4k?
Yes. I'm using it in 4K.

I knew it. Nevermind.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO char voice for the victory screen...
Post by: Inactive user on March 25, 2022, 04:16:24 pm
In the Mugen game kof definitive match when you win, the character shouts a voice celebrating in the victory screen.

If it was possible in Mugen, how can we do it in ikemen go?

Any knows the code line?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SkysKyosuke on March 29, 2022, 12:07:14 am
Hi, uh. I'm really new to this stuff, but I found the dialogue states pretty cool. I tried messing around with it but never really got it to work. Could someone walk me through how it works and how I can add it to characters?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Lasombra Demon on March 29, 2022, 06:03:57 am
The Wiki is pretty complete about Dialogues.

Just be sure to invoke them in intro/outro character states, and you should be fine.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: SkysKyosuke on March 29, 2022, 05:56:48 pm
The Wiki is pretty complete about Dialogues.

Just be sure to invoke them in intro/outro character states, and you should be fine.

Thank you! Everything works now
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ATONAA on March 30, 2022, 04:15:57 am
How to add  [Rank Info]  for 0.98.2 ?  THANKS!!!!!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Datiel12 on April 06, 2022, 05:28:02 am
I was looking at the dialogue on the wiki and seeing how state machines work, I also got an example off the internet. I still can't seem to figure out how it works or if its possible to call dialogue if the character is in arcade mode and against an opponent. Is that even possible? If it is how would I go about doing so
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on April 06, 2022, 07:41:06 am
in the Action.zss

is possible add more action names for combos after:

lifebarAction{spr: const(MsgCombo25), 0} # gdlk combo

If you have more names for 30,40 or 50 combos as : super,ultimate,awesome

i have just found only 6 ways of combo.

how to add more lines?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: WF4123 on April 10, 2022, 08:38:18 pm
I was looking at the dialogue on the wiki and seeing how state machines work, I also got an example off the internet. I still can't seem to figure out how it works or if its possible to call dialogue if the character is in arcade mode and against an opponent. Is that even possible? If it is how would I go about doing so

Just you know how you find it out.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Ganbare-Lucifer on May 15, 2022, 11:44:59 pm
...Will the engine feature SDL_Mixer X? It can support more than .mp3 files! Such as SNES .spc, Genesis .vgm, etc.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on May 20, 2022, 09:19:55 pm
How to add  [Rank Info]  for 0.98.2 ?  THANKS!!!!!

It was made a external module:

in the Action.zss
is possible add more action names for combos after:
lifebarAction{spr: const(MsgCombo25), 0} # gdlk combo
If you have more names for 30,40 or 50 combos as : super,ultimate,awesome
i have just found only 6 ways of combo.
how to add more lines?

Lifebar action is SCTRL much like any other one.

You can add:
if condition_here {
lifebarAction{spr: = sprite_here}
With "condition_here" begin a trigger and "sprite_here" begin any sprite... like "9000, 0" or something else.
(The sprites are loaded from the lifebar SFF file)

...Will the engine feature SDL_Mixer X? It can support more than .mp3 files! Such as SNES .spc, Genesis .vgm, etc.
No plans for it for now.
Title: Voice for celebrating the victory on winner screen - Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on May 27, 2022, 08:26:25 am

Is it possible put the Rank score result in lifebar like that?


Vital : 1558
time : 24110
score total : 130586

with sound of score result being counted as in street fighter 2 for example.



I would like you to add an option on the victory screen so that when the fighter appears on it, he has a voice for a commemoration phrase. this would be epic

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: orion on June 05, 2022, 04:16:30 pm
Good morning everyone.

I followed all the steps and could not correctly install the rank external module. I've known mugen for 10 years and Ikemen for around 5 years. It can be assumed that I placed the sff, snd and zss files in the corresponding locations (in addition to adding the rank code of system.def). However, I got no result. It would be interesting, if possible, to elaborate a written or video tutorial showing the step by step.

Another suggestion is to make rank an enabled and disabled option in options like dizzy. I think it would be much better than an external module.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Abyssdestruction999 on June 08, 2022, 07:48:36 am
Hey man I got a problem with something, I have a character called "SFV Alpha Ken"
I added him in the same slot as my main Ken when I try him it says this:
I want to use him that badly but it keeps on saying that he has no shadow.

There is a error in the CNS file at line 5130.
It would be posible for you to post the file?

Hey, been trying to get Ikemen working on Mac and I'm now on the verge of throwing the Mac out the window cos I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't get it working at all. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

What part of the setup you are stuck at?

Hey man I'm sorry that I didn't sorry respond since I didn't know you answered (I don't mostly go to MUGEN Guild very often because of Busy things.)
I've also deleted the character from my roster which I moved on to a new one.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: cidiego on June 24, 2022, 11:57:09 pm
Hi. What are the chances or seeing IKEMEN on Android?
Thanks for all your work!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Fob1aZ on July 03, 2022, 06:26:14 pm
I read on previous messages that developer was adding Android dipendencies, an update about it surely could be great!
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Keku on July 06, 2022, 10:15:20 pm
So... I tried Ikemen GO on Linux, as in the native Linux executable, and all audio is pitched down. Any reason as to why that might be?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on July 06, 2022, 10:39:51 pm
So... I tried Ikemen GO on Linux, as in the native Linux executable, and all audio is pitched down. Any reason as to why that might be?

Oh? Also it? Idk... I try self get my midis wich work mugen and Ikemen go there just at silence, then these strange named ones.. a nd?? Strange...
Is that BUG?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on July 18, 2022, 03:01:28 am
So... I tried Ikemen GO on Linux, as in the native Linux executable, and all audio is pitched down. Any reason as to why that might be?

Oh? Also it? Idk... I try self get my midis wich work mugen and Ikemen go there just at silence, then these strange named ones.. a nd?? Strange...
Is that BUG?

Currently there is no MIDI support.

So... I tried Ikemen GO on Linux, as in the native Linux executable, and all audio is pitched down. Any reason as to why that might be?

Well... that's weird.

Can you give more info about your OS? (Linux distribution and version)
Also if posible a video showcasing the bug. (Optional)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: vlad_alucard on July 18, 2022, 05:49:58 am
I have debuted in Ikemen today and I must say that I fell in love with all its possibilities and features. In fact I would move my entire project to it if it wasn't that it doesn't support Midi. Yes I know it's retro to use Midi for Mugen at this time but it gives it the retro look I love so much and allows me to ensure that OSTs from different origins can sound like they all belong to the same game. If it's not too much to ask, I'd love it if you could make it compatible in a future release.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Keku on July 18, 2022, 11:37:36 am
Well... that's weird.

Can you give more info about your OS? (Linux distribution and version)
Also if posible a video showcasing the bug. (Optional)
Uh sure, I can't really get a video right now (Linux isn't my main OS) but it happened on both Ubuntu and Pop OS. I'm on Nobara Project right now (essentially just Fedora) so idk if that's still the case. I'll see if I can capture a video soon and either edit this post with the link or send you a PM.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on August 20, 2022, 03:58:59 am
Hello Gacel!

I really wish there was a section explaining how to add cutscenes for IKEMEN, for example when i''ve won the third character a cutscene will appear and before the boss another cutscene must appear.

And I would like to know how I can change
a score result to numbers instead of color bars to show on lifebar after the round have been finished as below please:


LIFE: 1500
TIME: 1845
SCORE: 245802
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on August 21, 2022, 07:04:21 am
Oh. Sorry for not seeing this before. I have been stick these days and had not much enthusiasm to do anything.
Usually for asking help I recommend you to use Discord.
(You can use it in the web browser version, the link is the the first post of the topic)

So for that you could use the custom arcade route feature.

If you have any questions about lua I will gladly ask.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on August 29, 2022, 03:00:58 am

Is it true that IKEMEN engine damages the PC RAM (Random Access Memory)?

Why did people say that?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on August 29, 2022, 02:40:07 pm
It doesn't damage RAM, but it does have a memory leak that the devs are trying to fix.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Shadic12 on August 30, 2022, 06:29:08 pm
So I tried Ikemen GO for the first time on Linux Mint and tried to convert my current Legacy screenpack by Noz everything works fine except one or two things. When I go to watch mode I noticed that when I try to select Single, Smil, or turns the selection doesn't blink/flicker when I select the selected mode when compared to Mugen 1.1b. Second would be that after a character wins there Win screen doesn't show up it just automatically returns to the character select screen. Finally I use an Xbox One controller and it doesn't work when I try to map it in game on Linux but if I use the windows version of Ikemen go through the Wine application the Xbox Controller works analog and everything with it.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Gacel on September 14, 2022, 02:56:40 am
Is it true that IKEMEN engine damages the PC RAM (Random Access Memory)?
Why did people say that?

The people said the engine has a memory leak on SSFv2.
A memory leak means that resource are not freed as planned so the engine uses more ram than expected when loading a SSFv2 char.
This does not affect other part of the OS. And when the engine is closed the OS frees all memory used by the program.

So I tried Ikemen GO for the first time on Linux Mint and tried to convert my current Legacy screenpack by Noz everything works fine except one or two things. When I go to watch mode I noticed that when I try to select Single, Smil, or turns the selection doesn't blink/flicker when I select the selected mode when compared to Mugen 1.1b. Second would be that after a character wins there Win screen doesn't show up it just automatically returns to the character select screen. Finally I use an Xbox One controller and it doesn't work when I try to map it in game on Linux but if I use the windows version of Ikemen go through the Wine application the Xbox Controller works analog and everything with it.
I see.
Did you do any modifications to the screenpack?
And if so it would be posible to upload it? (You can send it via PM if you want to keep it private)
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Shadic12 on September 14, 2022, 03:00:25 am
@Gacel just wanted to confirm if you received my DM the other day.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on September 29, 2022, 11:16:01 pm
It would be wonderful if IKEMEN GO already had these functions or some of them that are more plausible, I'm a very hardworking creator and I research a lot even though I still don't know how to use LUA, and I always write down the functions that don't exist to suggest them.

1 - Color palette select and alt mode select on select screen
2 - TAG Mode with move assist and hyper assist linked with chain combo
3 - Stage select separated to select screen if you wish like that.
4 - character voice on versus screen and winner screen
5 - score result on winner screen
6 - score result on lifebar like that : Score: 00/ time: 00 / life:00/ vital 00 not only color bars.

With that the engine becomes perfect for me because it will only depend on the author's creativity.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on September 30, 2022, 05:42:54 am
Thanks Gacel, i've learned how to put cutscenes, it has been a dream.

now i need to learn how to change the score result on lifebar

from color bars to that:

Score: 12080
life : 5200
time: 450
combo: 8

Add the option to put a voice for the characters on winner screen please and a sound provoking on versus screen too.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Inactive user on October 07, 2022, 09:41:58 am
Gacel, Do you know to say if in the futur we'll have a tag system with move assist and hyper move assist?

I would really like to have this possibility and not just switch between the characters.

Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ShinZankuro on October 09, 2022, 09:01:49 am
It's somewat a very small suggestion but since Fadein and Fadeout.Anims are possible in screenpacks, I suggest to enable this function in lifebars as well to work in-game.

This would lead to build even better screenpacks with custom transition animations, specially the ones inspired on CVS Pro, CVS2, MvC2 and even original based ones[Rising even more the quality of accurate screenpacks from source games].

Also, to enable a way to make these fadeouts and fadeins to be possible to enable depending of the round

Like, from first round the animation won't appear from the start but at the end of round 1(Going from the possibility that the end of the Versus Screen doesn't end with a animation of a "door closing"), and then proceeds to appear from start of the round 2 and  further "fadein1.anim = -1 / fadeout1.anim = your begin animation there / fadein2.anim = begin animation / fadeout2.anim = begin animation"

Also, another small idea, some way to built or create custom extra modes like a "Illustration/Art Gallery Modes" like Street Fighter Zero 2 Dash that you load some illustrations from other artists to be viewed with a soundtrack
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Shadic12 on October 15, 2022, 07:00:34 am
Will you guys be adding system and stage fit in the future?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Azul Crescent on November 08, 2022, 11:13:57 pm
Will you guys be adding system and stage fit in the future?

Also curious about this, as I have experienced some stage issues due to this not being a feature.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on December 25, 2022, 11:57:31 am
At just get my stage max at up to 1415, it take some first stages at just these extra only, even i put some stage include at battlers?
HOW i really get fix that? Or should i check stage to stage which that begin or WHAT ?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: revenant25 on February 14, 2023, 12:42:52 pm
Can Someone tell me how to use Ikemen Dialogue function? please.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: WF4123 on February 14, 2023, 03:34:28 pm
Can Someone tell me how to use Ikemen Dialogue function? please.

If you wanted to use this, here.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Sh1nRa358 on February 18, 2023, 05:23:35 pm
I would like to request sprite masking:
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Mike77154 on April 11, 2023, 07:32:39 am

just for celebrate that ikemen now can play midis properly, even better than original mugen and you can add your own soundfont, something not present in mugen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ArcBeast on May 15, 2023, 02:16:41 pm
Really like how IKEMEN work better than MUGEN.
But, I'm still waiting for stagefit add on it for the next updates.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Shadic12 on May 15, 2023, 07:28:48 pm
Really like how IKEMEN work better than MUGEN.
But, I'm still waiting for stagefit add on it for the next updates.

That is what I and a few others are waiting for to do a full transition from MUGEN to Ikemen.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: DeathScythe on May 15, 2023, 08:50:09 pm
I'm waiting for a better pc because my potato can't run it. :/
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PotS on May 15, 2023, 10:03:20 pm
It's interesting that people would request stagefit, because the first thing I did when I got Mugen 1.1 was disable that.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Shadic12 on May 15, 2023, 10:29:21 pm
It's interesting that people would request stagefit, because the first thing I did when I got Mugen 1.1 was disable that.

Well the thing with stagefit is that it would be a pain to modify the characters and stage to fit them. Stagefit usually fixes the issue without having to scale characters.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Theboombringer1 on July 28, 2023, 12:47:29 pm
suggestions the could be an option for the music to still be playing in the background for the musicvictory if we just use a quick sound that would be a good option to have and boss rush mode having it's own rounds to win in the options.

OK, it should be easy to implement.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

We still have not finished implementing Mugen's 1.1 stagefit.
So that's why it happens

I promise that I'll center on implement letterboxing soon.

Hello, has this been implemented yet, and if not, any timeframe on when it might be? I'm having this exact same problem with my stages rn in IKEMEN GO v0.99.0-rc.1
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Theboombringer1 on July 28, 2023, 12:50:00 pm
It's interesting that people would request stagefit, because the first thing I did when I got Mugen 1.1 was disable that.

I want to keep the original aspect ratio of the stages, since I discovered through lots of trial and error that there isn't really a way to modify 4:3 stages into widescreen 16:9 stages without somehow compromising on the original look and quality of the stage. And even in the best case scenario, tweaking each 4:3 stage takes a lot of time
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: UltraFamicom64 on August 09, 2023, 03:34:13 am
I tried to add the beatmania 9th Style motif, but the text doesn't appear.
This is because the fnt files, and I want compatibility with the older MUGEN screen packs.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: bruteX on August 18, 2023, 11:01:16 am
Are any Ports planed? Like Siwtch, wii or Xbox?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on August 18, 2023, 02:54:34 pm
Just pc still. I not know at future. I not Yoda.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: AgentEd on August 24, 2023, 01:53:48 pm
I'm kinda new in Ikemen and I wonder if there's any way to
- Fadeout a bg music
- Add time count for a roundstate in a lua file, let's say after this amount of time in roundstate 4, bg victory music starts
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: NDSilva on November 07, 2023, 10:53:26 pm
Hello! :)

For background sprites that use the xscale type parallax, could there be a option to render their Y-axis in a way that keep the pixels within a square shape, and don't get stretched diagonally when displayed at a higher resolution?


It could be sorta like in this visual example; where the 1st instance of every pixel row simply carries over the same X-axis value until the next row is rendered - so if the floor sprite is being displayed at 3x it's original height, only once in every 3 rows of pixels the calculation for the parallax code would be updated.

While it's a small concept, I think a feature like this would improve drastically the look of low-res stages that use the xscale parallax.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: mugenload on November 10, 2023, 02:58:03 am
is open GL an option for the latest release ver 0.99 cant seem to find it anywhere.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: PlasmoidThunder on November 10, 2023, 12:48:17 pm
It uses OpenGL by default.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: YugaCurry on December 05, 2023, 06:01:24 pm
Really like how IKEMEN work better than MUGEN.
But, I'm still waiting for stagefit add on it for the next updates.

Yea, this. Was gonna switch all my assets over to Ikemen for good but the lack of stagefit/systemfit is a deal breaker so holding off until then.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Nocturnis on December 05, 2023, 09:35:34 pm
Yea, this. Was gonna switch all my assets over to Ikemen for good but the lack of stagefit/systemfit is a deal breaker so holding off until then.

I was in the same boat until I saw some of the features that are going to be added soon (super armor feature for instance.) I'm not turning back now :P

Give it some more thought.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: k6666orochi on December 17, 2023, 09:32:06 pm
I need help with a code I'm editing a screenpack I made a while ago but I don't remember the code to customize the location of each smallportrait in the selectscreen
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: EgyLynx on December 17, 2023, 10:07:00 pm
I need help with a code I'm editing a screenpack I made a while ago but I don't remember the code to customize the location of each smallportrait in the selectscreen

At system.def ;
Character select definition
[Select Info] and there down and maybe that you ask?
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: k6666orochi on December 17, 2023, 10:33:56 pm
I need help with a code I'm editing a screenpack I made a while ago but I don't remember the code to customize the location of each smallportrait in the selectscreen

At system.def ;
Character select definition
[Select Info] and there down and maybe that you ask?
Thanks but a friend already helped me now I'll be able to finish editing my Screenpack
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ninjahedgehog on January 16, 2024, 04:55:33 pm
I've been trying to get help converting the "mugen fighting grid codename: Laiz" screenpack to Ikemen Go to make use of the basic Ikemen features and been trying to get someone to help me fix an issue where the menus, character select, vs etc. screens are cropped out the bottom (when put in widescreen).
Only now am I seeing all this talk about system and stage fit.
so my question now is, would this feature fix my problem? should I wait for it? if not what's the current fix.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: Foobs on January 17, 2024, 02:09:46 am
No. Stagefit would not "fix" using a screenpack with a mismatched aspect ratio. You'd have to edit it manually.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ninjahedgehog on January 17, 2024, 05:02:38 am
Ok. fair enough. So what file can I edit to do that at? changing the resolution in the options does nothing. I'm hoping I don't have to do something incredibly tedious like load the system.def in fighter factory and resize all the assets. Especially since I'm sure that would ruin all the sprites
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: ninjahedgehog on January 17, 2024, 05:34:22 am
Ok, I found it. It was the local Coord in system.def. Thanks for responding all the same
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: terrence on May 08, 2024, 02:52:27 pm
     I using Ikemen a few hours, but when i try to make this engine Fullscreen (alt+enter or in options), Ikemen go back to the bottom of the windows toolbar (like minimized), is running, but is imposible to play when i try to make full screen. Alt+Tab to later click ikemen don't doing anything. ¿Anybody now what im doing wrong?. Thanks.
Title: Re: Ikemen GO
Post by: LordryuTJ on May 13, 2024, 06:53:51 pm
I dunno if it was asked already, but is it currently possible in at least the nightly build of IKEMEN GO to have multiple songs assigned to sections of the menu (ie: main menu, character select, versus screen) the same way you can with characters or stages?