
gaming news that don't deserve their own thread (Read 3297183 times)

Started by Titiln, October 30, 2011, 05:13:58 pm
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8041  October 20, 2016, 12:30:17 am
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here's a reminder that you'll never get a mgs3 remake that looks like this
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8042  October 20, 2016, 12:48:03 am
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Well, that was mean.  Thanks a lot, Titiln.

Has anyone ever played that pachinko machine?  Is it even maybe a little awesome?
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8043  October 20, 2016, 12:51:35 am
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if you didn't like watching a static image imagine playing the actual pachinko and looking at the remade cutscenes. it's the real feeling of phantom pain
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8044  October 20, 2016, 05:06:02 pm
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Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8045  October 20, 2016, 05:08:40 pm
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fucking bout time rock-star games
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8046  October 28, 2016, 11:47:18 am
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So Skyrim Special Edition came out and not only does it look exactly the same and adds no new content what so ever,its somehow even buggier

Steam reviews are already shitting on it
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8047  October 28, 2016, 12:29:28 pm
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There are negative and positive reviews on steam

Both are from guys that had the normal version and got the remaster for free

The positive they say is

-better graphics
-much shorter loading times
-looking forward to new mods that use the new engine/graphical improvements
-happy that it was free for them

The negatives say

-still as buggy as always
-only small graphical upgrades if you played the game on high settings before
- annoyed that it is not a big remaster, that it has only small improvements and no new content

Currently it has around 2500 positive reviews, 1500 negative reviews

Without doing the math right that means that around 3/5 people liked it
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8048  October 28, 2016, 03:36:08 pm
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Its still pretty horrible tbh
And now,for some hilarity

Hello games tweeted out "NMS was a mistake" before making all their tweets private(Or protected,I dont use twitter,I don't get the terminology)
While you can't see their tweets anymore,their official websites twitter feed has the message on the side
Sean Miyazaki on suicide watch
Some dude provided a cached version
Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 03:41:23 pm by Erroratu
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8049  October 28, 2016, 03:42:14 pm
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Ah, BlazBlue..
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8050  October 28, 2016, 04:42:22 pm
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No Man's Sky creator Sean Murray has confirmed that he was behind the now-deleted Hello Games tweet.

After calling the game a mistake on Twitter, Murray contacted Polygon to say that he was behind the tweet and that the studio hasn't been coping well.

"The tweet is from me, but somebody from the team took it down,” he said. “We have not been coping well."
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8051  October 28, 2016, 05:05:35 pm
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Punished Sean Murray

A man crushed under the weight of his words
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8052  October 28, 2016, 05:25:19 pm
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Sean Murray is probably in Mexico under a different identity.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8053  October 28, 2016, 09:53:30 pm
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8054  October 29, 2016, 02:10:28 am
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To be fair the main selling point of the Skyrim remaster on PC is not the better graphics but the game being a 64 bit one, allowing for MUCH more modding freedom.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8055  October 29, 2016, 05:41:07 am
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To be fair the main selling point of the Skyrim remaster on PC is not the better graphics but the game being a 64 bit one, allowing for MUCH more modding freedom.

This all the way. I can't even remember the last time I played Skyrim without mods.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8056  October 29, 2016, 05:38:24 pm
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Its still pretty horrible tbh
And now,for some hilarity

Hello games tweeted out "NMS was a mistake" before making all their tweets private(Or protected,I dont use twitter,I don't get the terminology)
While you can't see their tweets anymore,their official websites twitter feed has the message on the side
Sean Miyazaki on suicide watch
Some dude provided a cached version

The full details of this ridiculous saga.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8057  October 29, 2016, 06:13:44 pm
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Why the hell would someone "hack" them to send an email trying to paint them as sympathetic?
     No Man’s Sky was a mistake.

    I have contacted you because the silence from Hello Games has been unwarranted and unprofessional. The community has asked me to speak up, and I have a confession to make. The game was simply unfinished upon arrival. Our hand was forced by not only Sony, but the community as well. The constant harassment and absolute gross misconduct on the community’s part has made it hard to fulfill our artistic vision, while the pressure from Sony to release the game as soon as possible forced us to cut key features. I want to apologize for what we did not deliver on, as the game does not meet up to what our artistic vision was.

    However, we do wish that the community was more understanding of our situation. Many people have asked for refunds despite our promise to continually improve and update No Man’s Sky. We are just a small studio that has poured our blood, sweat, and tears into this project. The complete lack of respect when it comes to the work we have done absolutely saddens not only myself, but the team as well. We want to improve the game to the point we dreamed of it being and beyond.

    I hope everyone affected understands,

    Sean Murray
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8058  October 29, 2016, 06:36:24 pm
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  • This is going to be very entertaining.
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"It's the fans fault for expecting the game that we promised them."

Fuck off with that bullshit.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8059  October 29, 2016, 07:11:23 pm
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it's not known if that apology is legit or from whoever hacked the account
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#8060  October 31, 2016, 01:30:27 pm
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Brutal Doom 64 is now available