
FeLo & Co (Read 828506 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, April 04, 2010, 03:30:29 pm
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Re: FeLo & Co
#621  August 13, 2024, 03:46:19 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Yes, actually when looking at olf Kof sprites of Ash, I feel like there are something missing...
And too small head. (just like al Kof characters)
Actually your Ash look good vith CVS characters...

Good news to see more of Shiki.
This is my main interest in your projects... I think.

To me Mature as a side project is a good thing.
Week end if you still have energy at this moment. ;)
Re: FeLo & Co
#622  August 13, 2024, 11:01:38 pm
  • **
  • Sr. Símio Enfermo
    • Brazil
Shiki is looking gorgeous man.
You're amazing!
Re: FeLo & Co
#623  August 31, 2024, 01:37:59 pm
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Thanks, guys!! Well, rough days. Not so good news at hospital, I feel weak AF but still rockin'! And also I have my elbow injured, which slows down a bit my spriting and other activities -_-

Now, just to show. Finished 3 bunches of GH for Shiki. Here's a small comparison of original by SNK, my previous version and as she looks now.

Also, I think I'll add Yuga to Shiki (just for a winpose or else as Dictator in Juni&Junli&Killer Bee), not 100% sure. What I'm sure is as he has few sprites(there's another Yuga in mugen, props to that awesome work!), I may take the choice of making him in a future. I haven't sprited a final boss yet!!(unless you count my old old old Ivan Ooze). So, just in case Yuga sees the light of day, I think his/her stance should be smooth. That's why I'm separating in parts. First step is showing chest area, but hair, sleeves and bottom of his kimono should be moving with wind.

(Aso, THANKS TO eFeX, who allowed me to use his KOF XIII sprite of Yuga as base)
Just a crazy idea, of course, don't take this so seriously. In the end, Dimitrescu is first <3 .

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#624  August 31, 2024, 01:48:59 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Absolutely delicious rendering on Shiki...
I still beel like you sometimes go a bit far on the muscle definition on legs (small pixels) or straight lines on "cleavage" area.
Sometimes the simple is the bst way. But I fight all the days against my nature for perfectionnism adding more and more details.

The result is just absolutely satisfiying. But I'm sometime affraid it takes you twice the time to rework on details.
Don't take me wrong, I like the version with extra details. it's absolutely perfect.

I also like the rework of hair/head.

About Yuga, I'm still not so familliar with this Sam Sho character.
However I really like the result, and yes eFex did well.

Take care of you, your health.
Don't rush anythink.

Re: FeLo & Co
#625  December 01, 2024, 07:46:42 pm
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Yes yes, I'm aware I'm slow as Hell. Lots of things to do in RL, so...

Well, 14 to finish her gethits. I still have to fix those legs, just wanted to show something.

Have a nice day!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#626  January 01, 2025, 08:58:45 pm
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Happy 2025!

Just finished Shiki's gethits. I'm following the standar animations for CvS instead of SvC(that's why some of those coming from that game are missing here). I'm trying to do my best here, hence the delay and being super super late.

And yes, you're right, her design is slighty different. She lost Yuga's tattoo in her back, while having the double  Obi from SamSho64 and 19, the extra colours in her glove/sleeve. Different boots(as Burst Shiki, but without having that drawing inside). Also, even I'd love to, I didn't put the Japanese leafs in her "skirt" area of the dress. But is too difficult :/, unfortunately.

I'll be updating this topic with this and Mature as soon as I can.

I hope you're having an amazing entry to the New Year!

I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 09:07:38 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: FeLo & Co
#627  January 01, 2025, 11:33:37 pm
  • **
  • Sr. Símio Enfermo
    • Brazil
You're never late.
Impressive work, as always!
Happy New Year!
Re: FeLo & Co
#628  January 02, 2025, 09:56:37 am
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
I'm impressed!
You always do the best!

I really hope she will be converted in a great character!
Karma would do a great job! or JM is available.