
KOFE v0.8 New Challengers! (Read 7503 times)

Started by swipergod, May 11, 2010, 12:08:31 am
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KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#1  May 11, 2010, 12:08:31 am
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Well I have a topic about everything else pending the release of KOFE v0.8.  So I figure why not consolidate the biggest additions, the new characters, into one topic.  In case you missed it in the blog, here's who's entering the fray and what their big changes are for KOFE.

Rock Howard
Biggest change to Rock was the alteration of his SDM Raging Storm.  He's pretty much the rock you know and love.

Youtub vid:


Adel Bernstein
A lot of changes were made to Adel's basic attacks.  He lost God Press and gained 3 new specials including a counter and a new Adon style flip kick.  His SDM and HSDM are totally unique.

Youtube vid:


B. Jenet
Regained her spinning version of Many Torpedos as a SDM.  Her weak version of the Hind doesn't have a leap anymore and her projectile was reduced to 1 hit due to priority issues.  Harrier Bee only requires kick to be pressed once in order to complete the follow up.

Youtube vid:


He has lost his whirlwind attack. It's replaced with a O. Chris style fire attack.  Special kick attack now works as a counter.  He's gained a new DM a la K's Heat Drive and his Fire X technique does not have an exploding column.

Youtube vid:


He's gained a new air fire attack.  His advancing drill is now a special move.   His kick DM is only executable at close range now, but is unblockable.  He has a new SDM and his HSDM is a homage to K9999's full screen super.

Youtube vid:


Sie Kensou
Plays like the psycho powered version.  Main changes are to DMs.  He gains Bao's power explode DM.  His SDM is his new 2k2 UM HSDM and his HSDM works something like Ibuki's force grab.  If it whiffs it still creates a power blast.

Youtube vid:


New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 10:18:35 pm by swipergod
Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#2  May 13, 2010, 11:10:05 pm
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Awesome you did a hard work change and ad moves  ;)
Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#3  June 18, 2010, 10:16:28 am
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dunno if I agree with the ahrrier bee changes, since part of her startegy was that you could fool p2 into thinking you were going to finish thae harrier bee and instead land safely.
Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#4  June 19, 2010, 05:11:01 am
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Oh, this is coming out awesome. And as a Kensou fan especially, I have to say: that Kensou vid was cool beans.
Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#5  June 30, 2010, 12:28:31 am
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The harrier bee change fits more with the Deadly Rave change in terms of "easing the follow ups".  I completely understand the strategy side of things there, but it's generally all or nothing with most dive moves.  Still I can look at perhaps chopping the move into 3 as opposed to the current 2.  If I do that, I may require that a motion is performed instead of a simple button tap to remain consistent with the remaining cast.  Thanks for the feedback [E].

Glad you enjoyed the interpretation of Kensou.  He was a lot of fun to make. :)
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#6  July 04, 2010, 10:51:44 pm
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Great job once again Swipergod! :sugoi:
I especially like what you did with Adel, not to mention Nameless.

Don't know if this belongs here but once or twice when I hit Rock in the air and he blocked he flew right through the floor and disappeared for some time only to hit me from nowhere using a rising tackle.
Lands charred black, rivers boiled,
crops and wells alike despoiled.
Mountains leveled, forests felled,
Footprints of the beasts of Keld.
Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 10:55:19 pm by Hellkite


Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#7  July 11, 2010, 04:09:23 am
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You took out Krizalid's whirlwind attack? Why would you do that? It was his trademark move. I mean, if you wanted to replace it, you could have put in his first form's projectile instead.

Everything else looks good though. I especially like the changes you did to Adel. He doesn't look like a cheaply made character anymore.
Re: KOFE v0.8 New Challengers!
#8  July 12, 2010, 03:10:26 am
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Thanks for the Rock report Hellkite (should go on the glitchlist, but it's noted anyway).  Glad you're liking the revamps.  Nameless took a long time to convert over.  Mala, I cut the whirlwind for 2 reasons. 
1. Vanessa's using it as an HSDM, so giving it to Krizalid would lessen the "special" feel of that move.
2.Mainly Balance.  That move was ridiculously overpowered.  It could've been a super, but I decided to ditch it all together.  Since Kriz was based off K', I thought it'd make more sense to give him a fire projectile that still had a boss like feel.  Since Chris isn't in this game (in non-Orochi form), I'm spreading the wealth so to speak. 
Glad you're liking Adel.  I agree.  In KOF XI and '03 he just felt like an incomplete Rugal.  My goal in KOFE was to make him his own character.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs: