
POTS Ryu, Beterhans Edits 30/12/2014 updates (Read 14594 times)

Started by beterhans, August 01, 2010, 07:01:21 am
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POTS Ryu, Beterhans Edits 30/12/2014 updates
New #1  August 01, 2010, 07:01:21 am
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 =============== 12/30/2014 ==================
fix the bug some ppl told me

and a new kick from the MFG ryu.
works with my other character

AI is not that crazy hard. (controled by system level 1-8)


=================== OLD posts ===============
;D ;D ;D

I did several changes on POTS's ryu. Cos I used to find some ken to be his partner.
The final one is Warusaki3's ken.  but warusaki3 's ken is too strong for him.
you know POTS's stuff doesn't have AI jump and distance control. they jump too randomly.

so I copy Pasted and edited some codes from my AKuma Good ghost.   for this ryu.

holp you like it.

This patch only affect the AI. Ryu won't receive many new benefits after apply this patch.
this gameplay for human is almost same (except you can file danjinhadoken by press QCB + 2P and available to cancel haduken by super haduokens like in SF3.3)
this patch telsl ryu when to jump how to walk and when to shoryuken.

1st you need the latest version of POTS's Ryu
version date

Them download the patch
(You need to set Mugen 1.0's difficulty to 8 for full performance)

from here

Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 02:59:04 am by beterhans
Re: AI Patch For POTS's ryu, This won't turn him to a monster :)
#2  August 21, 2010, 08:26:53 pm
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Re: AI Patch For POTS's ryu, This won't turn him to a monster :)
#3  August 21, 2010, 08:39:07 pm
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  • Recreation
It doesn't look too much harder than POTS AI IMO.
Re: AI Patch For POTS's ryu, This won't turn him to a monster :)
#4  August 24, 2010, 10:39:05 am
  • **
check out misobon's ai patch for this ryu
By Matrimelee
Luis2345 Video thread
AI\'s : Cassandra,Fliz,Angel,Kung fu Man,Ai,Yuri,Adon