Thanks.Doctor Steel said, April 09, 2012, 08:24:24 pmFound another bug.Hercule got thrown by EX Snow by SeanAltly, and immediately after, his home planet contacted him.They... needed their champ. to reproduce this bug (as well as with KFM throw reported by someone else, but couldn't do it.Mugen 1.0 or Winmugen ? What were both players doing at the time ? Does it happen always, or when Satan recovers in mid-air, or something else ?Maybe the bug just got fixed as I fixed other stuff, but I want to be sure.
Cybaster said, April 10, 2012, 09:21:54 amThanks.Doctor Steel said, April 09, 2012, 08:24:24 pmFound another bug.Hercule got thrown by EX Snow by SeanAltly, and immediately after, his home planet contacted him.They... needed their champ. to reproduce this bug (as well as with KFM throw reported by someone else, but couldn't do it.Mugen 1.0 or Winmugen ? What were both players doing at the time ? Does it happen always, or when Satan recovers in mid-air, or something else ?Maybe the bug just got fixed as I fixed other stuff, but I want to be sure.Mugen 1.0, and I tried to go up and punch hi or something, and he ended up throwing me. Now that some time has gotten by, my memory of it is a bit hazy. D|
12 April 2012 - UPDATED !!!Read the nice readme to see what's new or has been fixed.Thanks to BT52694 for play-testing this.
Nice character cybaster, you always surprise me with something new and original .Anyways I got a question:Does the Goku patch that comes with Mr.Satan work with older versions of Goku or just the new one?
It works with the version of Goku that is available on the website, aka the version from last August or something like that.Beware though, if you applied an AI patch to Goku, it will probably be overwritten by this patch. This will not be a problem anymore when I add an AI directly in Goku for the next update, but for now you'll have to choose between the interaction with Satan or AI.