Alright so I'm trying to implement Genei Jin .. I already know the basic custom combo code this is what I have.. Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
;====================< CUSTOM COMBO >==================== ;--- GROUND --- [Statedef 900] type = S physics = S movetype = A anim = 900 velset = 0, 0 ctrl = 0 sprpriority = 2 poweradd = -1000 [State 900, Corner Push] type = varset trigger1 = time = 4 fvar(5) = 0 [State 900, Unguardable] type = varset trigger1 = time = 4 && numenemy trigger1 = (enemynear, stateno != [120, 155]) var(17) = 30 [State 900, NHB] type = nothitby trigger1 = !time value = SCA time = 38 [State 900, Stop] type = posfreeze trigger1 = 1 value = 1 [State 900, Var] type = varset trigger1 = time >= 4 var(20) = 180 [State 900, Snd] type = playsnd trigger1 = time = 4 value = 181,0 channel = 0 [State 900, SuperPause FX] type = helper trigger1 = time = 4 ;helpertype = normal stateno = 8400 ID = 8400 name = "Custom Combo Startup" postype = p1 pos = 5,-65 supermovetime = 255 size.xscale = 1 size.yscale = 1 ownpal = 1 [State 900, Super Pause] type = superpause trigger1 = time = 4 time = 30 movetime = 30 anim = -1 sound = s900,0 p2defmul = 1 darken = 0 [State 900, AfterImage] type = afterimage trigger1 = !animtime time = 2 timegap = 1 framegap = 4 length = 13 palbright = 0, 0, 0 palcontrast = 64, 128, 192 palpostbright = 0, 0, 0 paladd = 0, 0, 0 palmul = 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 trans = add1 [State 900, End] type = changestate trigger1 = !animtime value = 0 ctrl = 1
So things that make Genei Jin different from custom combo are.. 1.It doesn't end if he gets hit. It lasts until the meter runs out. So one full power bar times worth. You can control the speed of the drain right? I've seen it before long ago, but I've forgotten how to. 2.The transparency for one as seen below 3.Most importantly the super juggle pointsVIDEO Also trying to get this effect. How would I go about this? P.S If I'm missing anything this move does feel free you add in