
Yun (Genei Jin) (Read 2642 times)

Started by 2Dee4ever, September 17, 2014, 02:58:00 am
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Yun (Genei Jin)
New #1  September 17, 2014, 02:58:00 am
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Alright so I'm trying to implement Genei Jin .. I already know the basic custom combo code this is what I have..
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

So things that make Genei Jin different from custom combo are..
1.It doesn't end if he gets hit. It lasts until the meter runs out. So one full power bar times worth. You can control the speed of the drain right? I've seen it before long ago, but I've forgotten how to.

2.The transparency for one as seen below

3.Most importantly the super juggle points

Also trying to get this effect. How would I go about this?

P.S If I'm missing anything this move does feel free you add in
Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 03:52:38 am by ShinRei
Re: Yun (Genei Jin)
#2  September 17, 2014, 03:06:39 am
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For the first, you just don't have any triggers relating to MoveType = H or hurt states to disable the timer variable. If Var(30) is your timer variable that decrements over time, use another variable that is 1 when the mode is activated, and 0 otherwise.

Here is how my code would be modified to work like Gen'ei-Jin:
[State -2, 1]
type = VarAdd
triggerall = RoundState = 2
trigger1 = Var(30)
var(30) = -1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State -2, 1] ; Right here is the stuff you should add
type = VarSet
trigger1 = !Var(30) && ctrl
trigger2 = LoseKO
var(x) = 0

Use this variable to trigger the afterimages and the properties. The "&& ctrl" part means that it will end AFTER he returns to a neutral state. I know CvS2 does this for custom combo, and I believe Gen'ei-Jin did this in 3S, too.

For the 2nd, that's just afterimages and you can look into the documentation for that and play around with it. Then to get the desired colors, use math, though I don't quite know how to explain it.

3rd, research it yourself for the proper behavior, and use CUSTOM juggling with variables. Juggle points in MUGEN are crap.

4th, use two helpers that use the same animation. Zeori (up for DL on my site) may be a joke character, but he does something similar in his Tri-Formation special. You'll just have to modify it so that the helpers are unhittable and destroy themselves in that same state after AnimTime = 0 or when it reaches a certain period of time.
Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 03:18:47 am by Jesuszilla
Re: Yun (Genei Jin)
#3  September 17, 2014, 03:41:55 am
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You wont get the "scan lines" in the two helpers. You could make the effect pretty easy though. Use fighter factory 3. Double all of the images you need scan lines in, renaming them into another set. So take image 3000,0 double it and name it 3001,0 - 3000,74 would become 3001,74.

With the image editor
In one image delete everything and just make a stripe pattern. Make sure it's the largest image of the set. Copy that using CTRL+C.
Open  the new 3001,0 image and paste it (ctrl+v). Save it. Exit the image and go back to it. Then using the paint bucket tool, make the stripes your transparency color. Instant stripes. Paste the stripes on all of the images. and you'll have an animation a lot closer looking to what you see.
If all of the images you want to edit are in a row you can use ctrl+shift+right arrow to switch images. Left arrow will move down the images.

Or you know just use addition to a second, duplicate, animation of the pose. Shouldnt look too bad.

Looking at the images, I'm not sure I've ever seen afterimages on top of the original animation.
The juggle points, it seems like with that mode activated they're thrown out the window. You'd have to make the system for when it's not in use.
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