
Rocksteady (Read 4517 times)

Started by CpnCrossfader, July 01, 2023, 06:35:35 pm
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#1  July 01, 2023, 06:35:35 pm
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    • UK
SAY YOUR PRAYERS, TOIDLES ...Introducing Rocksteady!
Inspired by the fantastic TMNT Bebop character by Warner, I tried searching for a similar Rocksteady but couldn't find one, so I've created him in a tribute look & feel to Warner's.

He has a handful of moves, but in truth I ran out of inspiration for move ideas for him a little, so please let me know if you have any requests that I could add to the following list.

A + X = Grenade toss
QCF + B = Dropkick
QCF + C = Double Kick
QCB + A = Shockwave
QCF + Y = Shoulder Charge
QCF + Z = Haymaker
QCB + Z = Outburst
Hyper (requires 1 level) - QCF + A + B = Power Charge
Hyper (requires 1 level) - QCF + X + Y = Scatter Gun

I added a reference to the classic TMNT arcade game in that he starts to flash an orange glow the more damage he takes, flashing faster the closer he is to death.


Possible future updates:
  • I may work on a contextual Co-operative joint attack if Warner's Bebop & my Rocksteady are selected on the same team. I've implemented this on other projects and it has worked fairly well. I'm considering also looking at special collaborative intros or win celebrations if they are on the same team.
  • I'd like to add more moves, along the same theme.

Polite note- I almost didn't post this on here, as the last few times I have shared content here I have received rude feedback that I didn't appreciate. This is not to say that I'm not open to constructive criticism, as long as it's politely presented, and objective. There is a clear difference.
I don't need everyone to like my work but please could I ask that if you do hate it, just move on to the next fantastic creation on this forum instead, rather than being rude about it. I've downloaded a lot of great stuff from here myself, and I'm just trying to pay that forward by freely sharing my own work.
-Just a simple request for courtesy, thanks for reading.
Re: Rocksteady
#2  July 20, 2023, 05:42:30 am
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  • The Modern Mystical Ninja
  • Goemon's Descendant
    • Chile
    • Skype - ardilla_shc
Yooooo! I can't believe somebody took the time to do a Warner-styled Rocksteady!

Good job!
"Heroes are not applied on good people with powers, they apply on cops, firefighters, medics." ~Lucifer

Re: Rocksteady
#3  July 29, 2023, 10:45:59 am
  • **
    • UK
Thanks for the support!

I still haven't found time to add any collaborative co-op moves/interaction with Bebop yet, but hopefully soon.
Re: Rocksteady
#4  August 10, 2023, 04:07:54 pm
    • Australia
Nice char! Thanks!