
A Few Hi-Res Stages that i must Have...Can't Find :( (Read 1558 times)

Started by Curse_Mark Ryu, October 18, 2008, 01:10:52 am
A Few Hi-Res Stages that i must Have...Can't Find :(
#1  October 18, 2008, 01:10:52 am
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Ok i saw these two stages on youtube and i cant find them well as any pics, but i can describe them pretty well....

1.  Before the stage comes up there is an animation of a Red Dragon's Eye.  Then a big Golden  (animated i believe) Dragon in the background. 

2.  This stage was all red i think and had black volcanic ash floating in the air. I remember torches spouting fire on the platform where u battle.

3.  This stage was not animated but definitely Hi Res....The background had a golden, furueistic city in the background...kinda resembled zanarkand....

I know these may be vague, but im out of options. If anyone can help Thanks very much...If not i'll keep looking :)

Re: A Few Hi-Res Stages that i must Have...Can't Find :(
#2  October 18, 2008, 04:14:16 pm
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  • My common sense is tingling!
Re: A Few Hi-Res Stages that i must Have...Can't Find :(
#3  October 18, 2008, 09:46:35 pm
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Definitely appreciate it man.
Re: A Few Hi-Res Stages that i must Have...Can't Find :(
#4  October 18, 2008, 10:24:20 pm
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Heres a pic of the stage that is SIMILAR to the one im trying to find....

The on im looking for is an All Red version of this....