
Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2 (Read 15826 times)

Started by SakirSoft, April 01, 2010, 05:53:53 pm
Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#1  April 01, 2010, 05:53:53 pm
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Its time again to fallow the path of ShugenDo.
This means i will be in Japan for 3 weeks.

So i am in the land of the beat em ups. I was there 6 months a ago and its an amazing land.
I will be in Tokyo and want to gain some new energy for the ShugenDo project.

The new engine is coming along. Lotes and i are working on the whole concept.
I am proud to have such a talented guy on board. I am also proud to have still support form the community.
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#2  April 01, 2010, 06:09:54 pm
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Whoa, I totally misread the titile and thought it said "follow the path of Shoshingo."

But yeah, its great to hear from you again. Last time I heard, you were making a build of Shugendo for the PSP.
Re: Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#3  April 01, 2010, 07:13:49 pm
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yea that what i heard too, wonder if it ever going to be release???
Wonder what its like on the other side?? xD

Re: Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#4  April 06, 2010, 04:26:35 am
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yea that what i heard too, wonder if it ever going to be release???

In the end it will be released. The PSP has tight memory limits and i want to fit ShugenDo in those limits.
My goal is to be able to load two chars like evilryu or evilken in the psp and play them at full speed.

To archive that i need to utilize the power of the PSP. Use its native formats for graphic and sound.
Making a crappy port is not hard to release. But its not worth to release a crappy port. I know its quite some time.
But thanx for your still support in this.
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#5  April 07, 2010, 02:16:25 am
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thank you for replying back and also have you try using a character call shiki aka Nanaya-Satsujinki for the psp port you are making cuz he a very fast character if some pro can play him well.

I CAN'T WAITING ANYLONGER BUT i will cuz i want you SakirSoft to make it as stable as possible i will keep on supporting you xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonder what its like on the other side?? xD

Re: Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#6  April 30, 2010, 04:24:50 pm
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Hope you had a good time in Japan, Sakir.

...and hopefully your good time there will help inspire new ideas and ways of developing Shugendo into the monster engine we all want it to be.

However, I have a quick question about your plans for the PSP port.

Do you plan on supporting not only the PSP Slim, but also the original PSP 1000 FAT model as well? ...Please say yes. I ask this because the Original 1000 model is even more limited memory-wise...not only that, but its the only PSP I happen to own.  :-\

Thanks for your time...and be glad to know that I still support this awesome project.  :sugoi:
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA
Re: Fallowing the path of ShugenDo part 2
#7  May 01, 2010, 01:16:29 am
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lol ur not the only one who has psp fat i have one too but u do bring up a good point wonder if its for psp slim only or all brand of psp?
Wonder what its like on the other side?? xD