
[UPDATED 8/28/13] Uchiha Hideout (Read 150221 times)

Started by Алексей, October 25, 2011, 07:54:53 am
Re: [UPDATED 8/28/13] Uchiha Hideout
#21  August 31, 2013, 05:49:16 pm
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  • [The Destroyer]
  • College Life is Killing Me
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    • Skype - wattawright
It's a good idea. But 1.1 is far too unstable to rely on in my opinion. That, and the fact that many people won't be able to run stuff on 60 FPS+ makes it not so reliable. 1.0 is good and stable engine which most people use right now, so going with that is the best option IMO.

Colorloss is an asshole though >:C
Re: [UPDATED 8/28/13] Uchiha Hideout
#22  August 31, 2013, 05:51:08 pm
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    • Cuba
Well, I'll let you two battle that out elsewhere because currently, I want nothing to do with 1.1. I've got enough invested in 1.0 that a switch would just be like starting over. No thanks. XD

Lol! "Friendly arguing" Btw, i'd like to help you out with your stages, by testing them, editing some sprites (before release it them)... whatever you need man. And sorry for spamming your thread. XD!
„ø¤º°"°º¤ø„¨"°º¤ø„¸ ♫♪∑☪ Eternal Legend ☪∑♪♫ ¸„ø¤º°"¨„ø¤º°"°º¤ø„
Re: [UPDATED 8/28/13] Uchiha Hideout
#23  August 31, 2013, 05:57:34 pm
  • *****
  • [The Destroyer]
  • College Life is Killing Me
    • USA
    • Skype - wattawright
I'm already doing that to an extent :llama:

the more the merrier I guess though lol, especially since I've been damn busy with school right now. It's up to Alexei I guess though :)
Re: [UPDATED 8/28/13] Uchiha Hideout
#24  August 31, 2013, 06:02:56 pm
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    • Ukraine
Lol! "Friendly arguing" Btw, i'd like to help you out with your stages, by testing them, editing some sprites (before release it them)... whatever you need man. And sorry for spamming your thread. XD!
Yep. I just didn't want it to derail the thread. It's more attention than it got the first go 'round, so that's something. XD. Hmm, well testing is always helpful, but most things I usually just handle myself. To be honest, I really don't like relying on other people. Not because of trust or anything, just because there's usually difference in opinions on things. Depends on the person though. Well, if you wanted to show me anything, like you did with the 1.1 stage, that's fine. Thing is, usually when I think of something I need, I hunt for a way to get it myself before asking, so I'll probably end up forgetting. :\

-[Все слова это только слова.]-