
Mima (Read 48468 times)

Started by Ricepigeon, June 16, 2017, 05:56:16 pm
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New #1  June 16, 2017, 05:56:16 pm
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Sprites: Barai / harudi
Code: RicePigeon
Origin: Highly Responsive to Prayers

Life: 1000
Wiki Page:

Command Normals
Flight mode: /

Green Spread: // (Air Ok)
Sweep Away: // (Air Ok)
Stellar Missile: // (Air Ok)
Meteor Strike: // (Air Ok, Counter)

Ritual Sign "Orreries Sun": // (Air Ok, Level 1)
Star Sign "Escape Velocity": // (Air Ok, Level 1)
"Twilight Spark": / (Air Ok, Level 3 Last Word)
"Flare Star": / (Air Ok, Level 3 Last Word)

A character that was planned to be included a while back, and managed to be included as a beta version in the earlier versions of the game but was later scrapped. Mima will mainly be an offensive zoning character whose main gimmick is her flight mode; allowing her to remain airborne for a limited time, enough to dodge certain attacks or to extend her combos.
Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 10:30:55 pm by Ricepigeon
Re: Mima
#2  July 03, 2017, 07:11:44 pm
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I know progress on Mima has been rather quiet, so allow me to make up for that. So far Normals and Specials are complete, thus starting with her most notable spellcard: Ritual Sign "Orreries Sun". Well, if you wanted to get real technical it's actually Marisa's spellcard, but Mima was the first to use them back when the spellcard rules didn't exist and everything was unnamed, plus we all know Marisa likes copying other people's shit and making them flashy, so whatever...

But anyway, Orreries basically replaces Mima's Green Spread for as long as they're active; fires off aimed gattling shots, while fires off forward-moving lasers much like Marisa's Narrow Spark. will launch the orbs forward, but ends the effect's duration. Oh and for the record, her Power Bar is locked while the spellcard is active, but Mima can still use her other Spellcards if she has enough Power to spare. I wonder how annoying it would be with flight mode to just camp in the upper corners and spam her rapid fire aimed shots? I've got something completely different planned now.
Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 05:41:18 pm by Ricepigeon
Re: Mima
#3  July 06, 2017, 04:45:45 am
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So rather than basing Orreries Sun off of its incarnation in Soku like I originally intended, it instead now behaves like a melee attack as long as it's active up to six hits. Alternatively, performing the spellcard again while its already active will instead fire it like a projectile.

Star Sign "Escape Velocity". If Mima is not already in Flight Mode when performing the spellcard, she will enter Flight Mode at the very end if the first hit is successful. It also has a bit of startup invincibility, so it can be used as a reversal if timed properly.
Re: Mima
#4  July 13, 2017, 04:34:40 am
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So for those of you who remember the really old Mima I made over 6 years ago, you might remember Twilight Spark. Basically we went from this:

To this:

Had to have Twilight Spark somewhere in there now... Don't worry, it's not unblockable, fullscreen, or a projectile anymore.

You might also remember Flare Star, which did variable damage based on how much meter P2 had when used. It still has variable damage, except now the damage is dependent on how long the attack is delayed for instead of P2's meter. If you delay it for the maximum amount of time, it becomes possible for Mima to recover before the attack ends, even if the opponent blocks. Might be good for wakeup games. Oh, and it still retains its tracking property from the old Mima as well.
Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 04:38:14 am by Ricepigeon
Re: Mima
#5  July 16, 2017, 03:14:27 am
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Guess what time it is
Re: Mima
#6  July 16, 2017, 04:51:31 am
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Here's my palette for her. I based it off of Drawcia, from Kirby Canvas Curse. (Or Kirby Power Paintbrush for those in the PAL region.)
Re: Mima
#7  July 16, 2017, 05:13:35 am
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Here's my first Palatte for Mima

Giratina (Pokemon)

Mismagius (Pokemon)

Blinky (Pac-Man)

Pinky (Pac-Man)

Inky (Pac-Man)

Clyde (Pac-Man)

Vulnerable Ghost (Pac-Man)
Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 01:04:59 am by elementhedge
Re: Mima
#8  July 16, 2017, 06:42:32 am
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Welp, it was inevitable coming from me, but...

Dank Mima: MLG edition.


Great King of Evil: Ganondorf.
Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 11:08:22 pm by DoomBowser
Re: Mima
#9  July 17, 2017, 12:17:57 am
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My mind isn't coming up with anything this time. I would've done Tojiko, but that'd make for a really boring palette.


Story of Eastern Wonderland Mima (second form)

And the playable cast of Mima's last game...

PC-98 Reimu:

PC-98 Marisa:

PC-98 Yuuka:

And one from Gudine, Dahlia Hawthorne:

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Mima
#10  July 17, 2017, 02:02:29 am
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    • Skype - Shimmering Brony
So, I made my own palette, its Nightmare Moon, from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

Nep-Nep-Nep! Nep-Nep-Nep-Nep-Nep-Neeeeep!

Support me on PayPal!
Re: Mima
#11  July 17, 2017, 07:56:16 am
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Pardon me for posting this palette again. But, I decided to refine it after some feedback I got for the previous version. Use this one instead of the previous one I posted.


So I decided to make another palette for her.... This one isn't really meant to be based off of anything. Although while I was working on it, it did remind me slightly of Celsius from the Tales of games.... But yeah, this was just meant to be a Frost Spirit palette.

Edit 2:

Okay, I decided to go with the "Frost Spirit", I should make a "Flame Spirit". I took inspiration from a candle flame. Hence why there's some blue in the palette as well.
Re: Mima
#12  July 18, 2017, 03:39:13 am
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Time for a little game of guess the Touhou...

1. A surviving character.
2. A PC-98 character.
3. A meme character.
4. A spirit character.
5. An evil character.
Re: Mima
#13  July 18, 2017, 03:49:47 am
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#1 Alice
#2 Shinki
#3 Cirno
#4 Yuyuko
#5 Yukari

Gotta try harder mang
Re: Mima
#14  July 18, 2017, 04:00:20 am
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  • Suika cute
Re: Mima
#15  July 18, 2017, 04:40:39 am
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  • Just living life one post at a time
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Re: Mima
#16  July 18, 2017, 05:44:12 am
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  • Total Annihilation
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#1 Alice
#2 Shinki
#3 Cirno
#4 Yuyuko
#5 Yukari

Gotta try harder mang

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: Mima
#17  July 18, 2017, 01:43:15 pm
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    • Netherlands

Take a guess
Re: Mima
#18  July 18, 2017, 08:55:20 pm
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#1 Alice
#2 Shinki
#3 Cirno
#4 Yuyuko
#5 Yukari

Gotta try harder mang

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

To be fair the Shinki one I had to jumpstart my memory on and did look up a bit but kinda remembered when I was looking through other PC-90 characters, go figure.
Re: Mima
#19  July 28, 2017, 11:49:34 pm
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    • Skype - altherprimus
Thought I'd throw a couple of reference palettes in that I spent way too long thinking of clever names for:

Spirit of Endless Despair (Terumi)

Legendary Phantasmal Sage (Nine)

Overwhelming Power of Death (Izanami)
Xan (on Skype) said:
Because fuck logic it's mugen

The reason I don't post more is because 1: I rarely have anything to say, and 2: I stink at saying it XP