[Preview][Download][Comments]Lets see... 2 weeks away back to Indo & luckily I had time to work on him bit by bit.Well, here he is, there are many things I have to tweak yet, & I still need to add a few things.But he's quite complete to be beta released, enjoy guys. & plz leave feedback
...Been a while since I fully tested a character. Can't quite pin point as to what made me test this..sff-KFM Sprites are still there but I am guessing this is because the custom sprite work is not for throws yet so thats cool.-group 7000 could use aligning to make it not jerk around as much.-(Optional) Color in the eyes white if you want..air-Very good CLSN's overall.-I like your take on jumping clsn's. Not full coverage where it doesn't need it. Very nice.-You can CLSN standard the Run animation but not nessesary.-CLSN's on attacks could use tweaking. Some are too big and animations like standing light kick don't need so many. Covering them won't be a bad idea. Don't worry you'll hit your opponent with a covered red clsn -Don't forget to clean your .air from KFM's animations and CLSN's..cns-I like the simpleness of the code. Don't need much or anything extra to make this character function *nods*Gameplay-You can hit downed opponent 3 times with crouching hard kick (sweep). Thats not very nice. -D,DB,B+K Gives a debug. Says that there is a illegal pausetime for the Explod.-Shooting fireballs with both characters the fireball doesn't nullify it self and goes throught and changes the pallete *shrugs*-Sick supers but all cause a debug message. Bindings I belive.-More jump height? Up to you.I really like the sprites and edits and everything. Cool combos and cancels and very nice gameplay. Beta is indeed valid here and tweaking is reccommended but I truly belive a good base that you can continue working with has been established.*nods and walks away*
Thanks for the feedback Laquak, I did put -2 on some bindtimes, I guess those were most of the errors.I'll try to fix the mentioned above for the next release.@MOG, he is originally called Jimmy Lee from Rage of the Dragons.