
Obama is trying to remove fox news channel (Read 16491 times)

Started by Saohc, October 30, 2009, 10:27:19 pm
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Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#161  November 20, 2009, 03:34:27 am
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In politics there is the right (also known as conservative) and the left (liberal) You can choose to be center right, or center left. That means you have a more left/right leaning view, but also agree with, or take on the policies of the other side. There is no real precise center though. You can't do it. You are one or the other.

Probably the major difference between being on the left/right and being more in the center, is that if you're properly on one side or the other you are much more vocal in your views.

JNP: Saying everyone should get along in a political situation more or less means no matter which side is in charge, you're just going to lie down and take whatever they dole out. Not the right way to go or you wind up having bad shit that makes your life worse come up.

I agree with people sticking to their views, but they should be THEIR views, not shit spouted by people who are probably more after ratings than actual facts.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#162  November 20, 2009, 03:52:43 am
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I did say he was better than Bush XD

What I'm getting at is that none of these people are as good or as bad as the other side wants them to be.
I get tired of seeing everyone go back and forth over the same arguments. They are both right and wrong. The Fox supporters don't ever say all the "bad" things FOX does. They just point at the "bad" things Obama does and vice versa. I'm not an expert on news in general, let alone FOX News. I can't comment about their good and bad because I don't see all of it. I just know I don't like the way FOX pushes rage.

Same with Obama, I don't know what he's actually accomplished because I don't watch tv or look for it. I'm actually a supporter of him =p I like the things he has SAID he'll do. But that doesn't mean I trust him. I don't go around vilifying him either though. (unless you count the vague post I made beforehand).

I see all these people that DO keep up with it and all I see is fingers pointing at the other person. I guess it makes them more emotionally vested in it but as an "outsider" looking in I would like to read more balanced arguments. Instead of the endless Fox is bad because "xxxxxx" and counter argument.... well Obama is bad because "xxxxxx"... yeah but Fox...

I have no idea which statements are the real deal or not. I get links to SOURCES, everyone has sources for whatever they want to argue it seems. I would prefer to see just one person that keeps up with all this stuff say "Yes, Obama really did (whatever horrible thing they think he did) here. And yes, Fox does lie at times in their news. And fabricate things. Instead of countering with more crap flinging just agree that neither group is perfect.
In this thread I'm kinda behind the Fox supporters, or "conservatives" I guess. Mostly just because they don't seem to attack as much. However they have admitted less faults as well so I don't know =p

I guess in the end I should get news from some news site like MSNBC or something. But I have a bit of the aluminum hat paranoia and always suspect any news stories that have politics involved. After Bush I won't be able to trust the government or the media for some time =p

Cyanide explained it better and simpler for me as usual  ;P
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#163  November 20, 2009, 04:02:02 am
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For real info on Obama, I check I've found it to be quite objective and descriptive.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#164  November 20, 2009, 04:04:47 am
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I did say he was better than Bush XD

What I'm getting at is that none of these people are as good or as bad as the other side wants them to be.
I get tired of seeing everyone go back and forth over the same arguments. They are both right and wrong. The Fox supporters don't ever say all the "bad" things FOX does. They just point at the "bad" things Obama does and vice versa. I'm not an expert on news in general, let alone FOX News. I can't comment about their good and bad because I don't see all of it. I just know I don't like the way FOX pushes rage.

Same with Obama, I don't know what he's actually accomplished because I don't watch tv or look for it. I'm actually a supporter of him =p I like the things he has SAID he'll do. But that doesn't mean I trust him. I don't go around vilifying him either though. (unless you count the vague post I made beforehand).

I see all these people that DO keep up with it and all I see is fingers pointing at the other person. I guess it makes them more emotionally vested in it but as an "outsider" looking in I would like to read more balanced arguments. Instead of the endless Fox is bad because "xxxxxx" and counter argument.... well Obama is bad because "xxxxxx"... yeah but Fox...

I have no idea which statements are the real deal or not. I get links to SOURCES, everyone has sources for whatever they want to argue it seems. I would prefer to see just one person that keeps up with all this stuff say "Yes, Obama really did (whatever horrible thing they think he did) here. And yes, Fox does lie at times in their news. And fabricate things. Instead of countering with more crap flinging just agree that neither group is perfect.
In this thread I'm kinda behind the Fox supporters, or "conservatives" I guess. Mostly just because they don't seem to attack as much. However they have admitted less faults as well so I don't know =p

I guess in the end I should get news from some news site like MSNBC or something. But I have a bit of the aluminum hat paranoia and always suspect any news stories that have politics involved. After Bush I won't be able to trust the government or the media for some time =p

Cyanide explained it better and simpler for me as usual  ;P

Brother, if you're worried about Fox's integrity, all I can say is this: MSNBC is not the route you want to go either, LOL.  I would probably suggest something like BBC News.  You aren't really going to find objective reporting within the U.S.
Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 04:08:01 am by Atomic
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#165  November 20, 2009, 04:57:28 am
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I just popped off with the 1st other news network I could think of off the top of my head =p BBC sounds like a better deal for sure.

Also keep in mind I live in a red state where a lot of people are birthers and think Obama is some kind of super terrorist anti christ. So I can't talk about politics much IRL without wanting to bash heads in =p


Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#166  November 20, 2009, 05:26:23 am
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To kind of back up JNP; while claiming we should drop our parties and hug is silly, I do wish that people would try to be less absolute in their view of the opposition.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#167  November 20, 2009, 07:27:44 am
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Swing voters > I STAND BY MY PARTY voters.

Swing voters have no affiliation and tend to vote for whoever actually has the best policies. They can be easily swayed by massive popular opinion though. They also get tired of stuff and tend to swap sides if some tactic is overused.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#168  November 20, 2009, 07:54:42 am
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Which was my point.

I'm not absolute. In the last 10 years I've been labeled by absolutes as a liberal. They separated so far from the middle that most us are considered far left.

I never said Reagan was a liberal. I said the guy who invented conservitism Barry Goldwater, said that Reagan was no conservative and that his stance on big government, telling you what to do with you body IE abortion, was the proof of this.

These labels are not left or right like Cy said. That's the problem, it's the big tent effect. I want to have a big tent of voters so I clam that one side is left and another is right.

Left and right are bullshit. Pretty soon you got people saying words like socialism conservatism, or fascism without even knowing what they mean. They just know them as right and left. Right and left do not exists.

Here is what I'm talking about.

Bush said he was a conservative. Wrong! He was a bible thumping Fascist. Fascism being defined as corporations running the government.

We have never had a conservative president.

Obama is a socialist, but they are combining that with Communism which is a completely different set of ideals.  

They also try to contrast socialism with capitalism saying you can't have both, even though we have been socialist country since the very first tax during Adam's presidency. In fact there is not a western country besides fucking Mexico that isn't a socialist country. Capitalism without socialism equals fucking Mexico. So if you're a fucking nut that want to live in a place without socialism then move to fucking mexico. Although they are not really capitalist as much as the are fascist.

Conservatism is just the believe in limited government. Not no government. No government is libertarianism. That is the Ron Paul crowd. These idiots want to go back to hunting a gathering and call it free trade. Ok that's going to far, they just want to turn us into Saudi Arabia minus the king.

What is your point Shamrock? That you can be a socialist conservative, but you can't be a communist conservative and you can't be a conservative libertarian. Why? because they are opposite ideals. Just like you can't be a capitalist communist. Or a Fascist socialist.  

Yet on the left you got Communism and Socialism, and on the right you got Conservative and libertarians.

These things don't go together yet they are on the left and the right?

People are so dumb they don't know what they believe, they just know that the little man in the idiot box is mad at the president, and I'm not happy with my life and want something to be mad about, so I'm going to follow the little man in the idiot box, and he is going to tell me to hate Obama because he's a socialist like I am, only I don't know that I am a socialist and always have been, and the little man on the tv told me I'm a conservative that thinks I shouldn't pay any taxes, so I'm going to a tea bagging protest organized by a fascist corporation filled with like minded morons that think they are conservatives when really they are libertarians.

That is how you have old ladies on Medicare (A government run socialist program that gives health care to seniors paid for by taxes from your pay checks) screaming at a teabagging protest,  that they don't want the socialist president and the government to mess with their Medicare (A government run socialist program that gives health care to seniors paid for by taxes from your pay checks)

There is no right and left. The terms right and left are just to simplify things for the thousands of angry mental midgets out there on both sides of right and left.

Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 07:58:02 am by Shamrock, the Hard Mod
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#169  November 20, 2009, 08:21:07 am
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Buh? Right and left are a standpoint. Right is by nature the one that wants to cut taxes (vocally) and has the more conservative (please note that's the dictionary definition of staying out of things and being unobtrusive or whatever) policies. The left tends to let things slide, has more political correctness and tends to do more stuff that pisses off people who support the right.

The sides EXIST. Politics has a fence. You are on one side or the other. People standing on it, often fall and straddle it. This is uncomfortable for them. You are free to stand as close to the fence as you like though. It's not electric, you can even hold on to keep your balance. It's even got a gate in so you can cross to the other side with no problems. The gate doesn't close so you have no barrier to swapping as much as you want. Cows also shit in both fields. You'll get some on your shoes no matter which side you're on.

Have i pushed that metaphor far enough? It's quite effective for describing politics.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.


Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#170  November 20, 2009, 08:27:44 am
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You failed to make an allusion to sheep at any point...
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#171  November 20, 2009, 08:58:59 am
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I need you to make one thing clear.

What do you call it when you wake up in the morning and find that the fence moved down the road?

Because that is what happened in the last 10 years. The fence moved the people didn't.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#172  November 20, 2009, 09:54:46 am
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The farmer decided to increase his stock units and combined the first field with another one, the fence got moved to keep the size of field consistent.

You know this is an excellent metaphor. Let us continue with it  ;P

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#173  November 20, 2009, 12:25:15 pm
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Buh? Right and left are a standpoint. Right is by nature the one that wants to cut taxes (vocally) and has the more conservative (please note that's the dictionary definition of staying out of things and being unobtrusive or whatever) policies. The left tends to let things slide, has more political correctness and tends to do more stuff that pisses off people who support the right.
Actually, AFAIK, left and right come from where the french parliamentaries sat. The right side were the conservatives, and the left the disappeared Jacobines.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#174  November 20, 2009, 01:13:23 pm
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And he was saying that now, what we call "right wing" does this, and what we call "left wing" does that. His entire point with the fence is that as long as you have a preference, a favored attitude, that preference definitely falls within the description of one of the two, it can't be non-aligned, because there's nothing else.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#175  November 20, 2009, 07:41:14 pm
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You know this is an excellent metaphor. Let us continue with it  ;P

It is much more effective then my long rants and gets out about the same amount point of view.

It will have to stop when someone starts saying stuff like, "It's as useless as tits on bullhog." I'm drawing the line right there.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#176  November 21, 2009, 10:36:14 am
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Well, I'm just gonna drop my opinion on Obama trying to get rid of FOX, since I don't feel like wading through 9 pages of debate. I don't think it's right to can an entire channel just because it's opinion doesn't fall in line with the government's. An opinion is still an opinion, no matter how ugly it is, and canning a network over that would be a huge sign of butthurt on Obama's part. If he's smart, he'll forget that he ever thought about it.

I gotta be honest, I personally dislike FOX's way of broadcasting. I personally don't like being force fed moral religious values and being made to feel guilty for not swallowing. I've still got a bad taste in my mouth over what they did to that gaming expert over mass effect(if I remember rightly, even Jack Thompson didn't see what the big deal was).

On the other hand, If NBC's views are supposed to be polar opposite to FOX, then I'm guessing that they're the type to spam all those Global Warming shock stories to stories to make you feel guilty over not living like a hippie.(here's an interesting thought: what do you think would've happened if Al Gore became president instead of bush?)

But....... I suppose my opinion is mute, considering that my opinion is that of an outsiders. Hell, I'm not sure if you guys are blessed or cursed to have your media outlets siding with your opposing governments. In Australia. Our media outlets show a united front against our government. No matter what they do, it's either wrong or not good enough in their eyes.

The people's Republic of Australia
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#177  November 21, 2009, 01:01:26 pm
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I don't think it's right to can an entire channel just because it's opinion doesn't fall in line with the government's.
:omg: :gonk:
The government refuses access to the White House to a "media" channel (when they have no obligation to let them in) and bam they're "trying to close it".
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#178  November 21, 2009, 02:57:54 pm
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Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#179  November 21, 2009, 04:32:50 pm
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I don't think it's right to can an entire channel just because it's opinion doesn't fall in line with the government's.
:omg: :gonk:
The government refuses access to the White House to a "media" channel (when they have no obligation to let them in) and bam they're "trying to close it".

That. At no point have I seen any evidence of Obama or his administration trying to 'can' FOX.
Which may explain why I'm confused.

Unless the people posting that information were watching FOX at the time, which would explain some.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#180  November 21, 2009, 07:54:48 pm
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if you want real news watch BBC, NPR or pbs etc...
Fox news and msnbc only report that shit for ratings end of story.

ima make a news station that playz nothing but clips of obama in his swim suit. now that entertainment  ;)

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