
Ibuki SUN and Storm Remasted (Read 20960 times)

Started by beterhans, August 23, 2010, 07:34:01 pm
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Ibuki SUN and Storm Remasted
New #1  August 23, 2010, 07:34:01 pm
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This stage was made by Framekyo originally for WinMugen

the idea at the beginning was just convert it For Mugen 1.0 RCx
because I love his work.

but I changed my mind. I decided to improve the Lens effects. Cos the original effect is static.
I want it be dynamic. :)

So I spent my half day to learn photoshop and try to calculate the value of delta
now here it is


Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 02:41:33 pm by beterhans
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#2  August 23, 2010, 08:29:20 pm
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  • IG @tanooki_ninja
    • Puerto Rico
I gotta say, you did a great job on the Lens sprites and the way they work in-game.

The new Sunset background also works nicely, but.....its very lossy.  :'(

Can you upload or send me the original image? I would like to jigsaw it on my own for the sake of quality.

Except for the color loss on that one image, this is a very nice at how you called him "FrameKyo"...I'm sure it was a typo, but funny nonetheless.
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA
Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 08:32:27 pm by MaxBeta
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#3  August 24, 2010, 08:26:35 am
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Thanks for the comment

Just Fixed the lossy sky by replaced the BG with a triple layered BG.... FPS Killer.............

please redownload again

I test on my PC
DELL E6400 Dual core 2.4G
DX5 full screen 1280x720
kfm got 34~35 FPS
Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 08:29:42 am by beterhans
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#4  August 24, 2010, 05:16:27 pm
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  • IG @tanooki_ninja
    • Puerto Rico
Okay...better, but when you RGB the whole background it will always make FPS suffer. Again, try jigsaw.

Beterhans, I don't mean to intrude, but can you please send me both of the background image files you used from the first and second pictures? I want to see what I can do with them for my own mugen personal purposes.

Thank you.
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#5  August 24, 2010, 07:42:14 pm
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It's easy to find such sky or sunset picture by using google image search

I use "sunset" or "sky"
filter = large

then you can find something you like :) try it
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#6  August 25, 2010, 06:49:22 pm
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  • IG @tanooki_ninja
    • Puerto Rico
Google, huh? Never heard of it.  :P

I requested the image you used for a specific reason. A Google search might have taken me hours to come across that same exact image.  >:(
Seriously, it was faster for me to channel merge the three RGB images in photoshop so I could get the multicolor source file that you used.  ;)

Anyways, this is the final outcome after putting the stage through the Cybaster Jigsaw Oven.

As you can see here, I managed to get the stage running at 42.3~46.6 FPS, and I happen to have a lesser setup than yours.

Jigsaw prevails over RGB, always my friend.
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#7  August 26, 2010, 04:43:02 am
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 :ninja: :ninja:
What do you mean "Jigsaw prevails" ???
does it mean the method to cut the whole image into several pieces then put them back in mugen for more color?

here is my project files pack
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#8  August 26, 2010, 06:09:45 am
  • *****
  • IG @tanooki_ninja
    • Puerto Rico
Jigsaw method will pretty much give you the same image quality as RGB.

The problem with RGB backgrounds is eventual loss of FPS due to the mugen engine working its butt off by processing transparency on each of the 3 individual background images.

Yes, Jigsaw can cause some loading, but it makes up for the FPS since jigsaw doesn't really need to be transparent most times.

Also, RGB makes this god awful white effect when most characters do super moves...its just hideous and show cutouts from other sprites, etc.

I have sent you the version I worked on so you can compare framerate and differences.

Cheers, bro.
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA
Re: Ibuki SUN Remasted
#9  August 29, 2010, 07:14:59 am
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Jigsaw method will pretty much give you the same image quality as RGB.
Just looked into the Jigsaw method. actually it should be lossless if you cut sprites in pieces by 16x16 square. 16x16=256. so No color loss :) great method. but if I have to do  it by hand I prefer RGB :)