
Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze) (Read 16770 times)

Started by Sean Altly, December 06, 2010, 04:48:06 pm
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Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#1  December 06, 2010, 04:48:06 pm
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Here we have the last new character for SHADEs of Manhattan 2, Det. Garret Laurel. I meant to release him the week of Thanksgiving, but I decided to wait on Kamekaze to finish his AI so you guys wouldn't have to DL twice just for the AI. Anyway, here's a brief list of features and details on the character:

-Det. Laurel is a police officer, so he uses police-related weaponry and powerful strikes. He's less combo intensive than other SHADEs characters.
-He has 5 specials, including a gun firing special that involves an ammo system
-Kamekaze created an Ammo HUD to keep up with how much Ammo you have. There are times during supers that use the gun where the Ammo might not count down, but if that happens it's intentional
-Uses the SHADEs 2 gameplay system, for anyone unfamiliar with it, it involves a loose comboing system using chains similar to MvC or Darkstalkers, including a launcher and air combos (but not as crazy and exaggerated as MvC)
-Has 4 supers and a DM, the latter of which can only be used once and only when you're under 250 life
-Includes all the system and code updates of my recent characters
-Along with the Easy Overhead my characters have been given recently, he also features the limited attack functions during his forward/backward hops that has been suggested by BenimaruCollider and approved by others. This is the first public test of this system, so I need opinions on it as to whether it should be kept. This system was added to improve SHADEs characters rushdown capabilities. It will not be like the original SHADEs release where the characters could use them for huge combos or infinites.
-Original voicework by Dan Conlin AKA ConVito from Voice Acting Club
-Has a special intro with Apollo, Moses Maddigan and Bloodtide. However, these three characters have not yet been publically updated to be compatible with them. They will be within the next few days, so don't worry if it seems strange now.
-Try defeating your opponent in the last round with more than 750 of your life left. You'll get a special win pose. In fact, try it against Thirteen and any opponent named "Ryu" in the .def.

Screens (more in the Spoiler below):

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Download here: > Character Bios > Det. Laurel

Dan Conlin aka ConVito as the voice of Det. Laurel
Zeckle for all of his help
Kamekaze for creating the AI and the code/sprites for his Ammo HUD
OrochiGill and Cybaster for beta-testing, benimarucollider for in-depth code feedback
Adam Rogers, Executive Producer
Everyone at MFG that helped with ideas for him, including flipthemaster and Galford
PotS for creating "The Greatest Hits of Feedback," where I got several code snippets and great tips for creation
Capcom for creating Eagle, who's animations I referenced for many of Laurel's
SNK for creating Seth, who I also referenced
Everyone at Mugen Fighter's Guild in general for always supporting me and my stuff
You for downloading this character!

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Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 09:12:35 pm by Sean Altly
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#2  December 06, 2010, 04:51:32 pm
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Oh boy, this makes me happy. Is it me, or does he resemble Gumshoe?

Anyway, let's see how it turned out.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#3  December 06, 2010, 04:53:55 pm
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He does, his design is influenced by Gumshoe and Special Agent Booth (from the TV show Bones). He actually has a Det. Gumshoe palette.

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Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#4  December 06, 2010, 05:43:16 pm
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Yeah, this made me jizz in my pants. :S
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#5  December 06, 2010, 06:02:17 pm
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he resembles lots of detectives{from Blade Runner, Snatchers,Ace Attorney]
I wouldnt be surprised if ppl started renaming him : )
Anyways simply great . I always wanted a detective char in mugen . You sir are epic.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#6  December 06, 2010, 06:35:24 pm
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Well, I hate to be a stick in the mud here, but there are definitely some problems with him:

 - You seem to have forgotten that the fall.recovertime value counts down during the pausetime for p2. This means that if you set the p2 pausetime at 10, and the fall.recovertime value to 10 or lower, it's as good as not setting it at all. Anyone with a low fall recovery threshold will be able to escape any air combo you try with this guy. I would recommend using a value of 22 for air light and medium attacks, which brings their total untechable time to 12, same as the air.hittime. Good to see that you tried, though.

 - The damage values for his level 2, level 3, and DM are all mixed up. Copland does even less damage than Magnum Force, making Last Action Hero his most powerful move. Magnum force should be the least damaging of those three, while Copland should be the most damaging.

 - I must update my recommendation for grab limiters. The range limiter and "no combo" limiter need to be triggers in the hitdef, not the .cmd file. In all my gaming experience, two button grabs, special grabs, and super grabs can be performed at any range, any time, so the hitdef is definitely where the limitation needs to be. Also, you got the grab hitbox right on Sabotage, but definitely NOT on this guy. It needs to extend as far down as the ground so people can't duck under it, because that's just not supposed to happen. Plenty of cooldown is a must, also.

 - Not really a problem, but did you intend to make his launcher completely untechable? Because setting the fall.recovertime to 60 instead of 50 makes it do that, unless you hit someone out of the air with it, and if you did intend it, then you should probably do the same to your other characters.

Nice job otherwise, though.
"I'll change MY direction! Yeah." - Benimaru
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#7  December 06, 2010, 06:48:05 pm
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-I didn't forget that, I just thought I remembered you saying I needed to set the fall.recovertime to be the same as the hittime. I'll fix this though.

-I'm not seeing a problem with the damage values for his Supers. L2 (Magnum Force) does 290 (303 if he hits them with the gun when he draws), L3 (Last Action Hero) does 401 and DM (Cop Land) does 406.

-I honestly thought that there was a problem with this, because my characters weren't even able to attempt throws when the oppoonent was in a hit state or stun, and I was pretty sure they should be able to try to throw them (but whiff). I forgot to adjust the hitbox on his normal grab, so I'll fix that too.

-I'm in the process of updating all of my characters to these standards, and the launcher is supposed to not be recoverable until they're right on near the ground. I'll have to adjust this time then since you said they can't recover at all from it.

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Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#8  December 06, 2010, 07:26:29 pm
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'Bout time, now it's time for me to test this sonuvah gumshoe and see if he was well worth the hype.
His gameplay already hooked me from the looks of it... his special winpose made it thousands of times better.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#9  December 06, 2010, 07:33:14 pm
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Couple things I've noticed thusfar:
- Stray red pixels around hand/gun during DM.
- DM does not KO on final hit.

I just got done trying the AI out, and it's actually a lot easier than Ruckus and Sabotage were, since Laurel relies on his gun a lot.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#10  December 06, 2010, 07:38:51 pm
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Are you talking about when he says "I need back up?" If so, the red pixel is supposed to be part of his radio.

There's also a red pixel near the end of the barrel of his gun, which is supposed to be there:

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Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#11  December 06, 2010, 07:43:12 pm
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Ah, I get what you mean.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#12  December 06, 2010, 08:01:14 pm
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Sorry, I should have confirmed what damage the L3 one really does, but on my end, Magnum Force does 447 if the gun draw hits. This is because I have my mugen.cfg file changed so that the defense multiplier it applies to player 2 when hit by a super in a combo from player 1 is essentially nullified (it's set to 1.5 by default, but I set it to 1). The thing is, MUGEN only "knows when you've done a super" when a superpause happens. Set your mugen.cfg file the same way in your fullgame, because you already have universal damage dampening, and adjust this super accordingly. Take out the hitdef that has it doing 480 damage if used in a combo, and make the gun draw deal more damage. There's also a p2defmul that doesn't do anything. You should take it out.

Copland could be just a little more damaging, though.
"I'll change MY direction! Yeah." - Benimaru
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#13  December 06, 2010, 09:33:49 pm
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Just had Zeckle upload to the site, so I took the chance to address most of the previously mentioned issues. If you downloaded him from Sendspace this morning, you may want to redownload.

Download Last Bout now!
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#14  December 06, 2010, 09:36:19 pm
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Also, Copland gives back a little power to Garret.
And I agree that it could do slightly more damage.

Great job overall. His AI is definitely easier than some other chars.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#15  December 07, 2010, 03:11:16 am
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(beats Ryu with more than 750 life)... ._. ... I see what you did there

I like that his moves are named after Cop movies

If you do 'Last Action Hero' from a certain distance, he'll knock the opponent far away enough to where they can block the rest.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#16  December 07, 2010, 05:04:57 am
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For some reason Garret's "Dark Blue" attack seems more violent than anything Thirteen could do. I mean he just beats the guy down with such force  o_O
But good character, will probably main him...and Adamas...pretty much everyone mains Adamas
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#17  December 07, 2010, 05:16:33 am
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Yes! I Totally didnt think you would release him I thought he'd be a game exclusive really happy to see this and that new beautiful bloodtide of yours
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#18  December 07, 2010, 06:08:41 am
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Det. Laurel is very fun to use! But yeah, his AI is pretty easy compared to the other characters.

And his special victory poses really add to how awesome he is.
Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#19  December 07, 2010, 08:20:28 pm
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And I've officially fixed that easy issue. Sean will be updating soon.
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Re: Release - Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs 2) by SeanAltly (w/AI by Kamekaze)
#20  December 07, 2010, 08:31:39 pm
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